We dry cherries correctly - the preparatory stage, drying methods. Drying cherries in an electric dryer

28.08.2019 Meat dishes

In the summer, you want to save as many fruits as possible, because they pass so quickly, especially cherries - it seems that the berries have just appeared, and the cherry is already giving way to its relative cherry. Dried cherries at home are an unusually tasty and valuable product in every respect. But, most importantly, not difficult to prepare.

There is nothing special about the drying technology. Sorting of fresh fruit, preparation, boiling with sugar, slow drying in an oven or electric dryer, packaging in storage containers. Dried cherries are prepared in a similar way. But, there are some points due to which there is a difference in the characteristics and applications of the finished product:

  1. Cherries can be dried with the pit. For drying, this option is not suitable - the bones are necessarily removed from the fruits.
  2. Drying implies the complete absence of moisture in the finished product. After drying, the cherry remains soft, plastic.
  3. You don't need sugar to make dried cherries. When drying, this ingredient is used without fail.
  4. If the fruits are dried in the open air, hot sunlight is welcome. Dried cherries are allowed only in the shade.

The result is a product that is eaten just like a sweet treat, used to prepare all kinds of desserts, confectionery, sweet pastries, hot and cold drinks, sauces, meat dishes, rice, vegetables. Decoctions, teas and infusions are prepared from dried berries for medicinal purposes. Cherry, dried with a stone, does not differ in such a variability of application. Dried fruits, for the most part, are used only in compotes.

Before processing, the fruits must be sorted out, throwing out green, rotten, spoiled, wormy specimens. At the same time, the raw materials are cleaned of debris - leaves, color residues, cuttings, insects.

Wash thoroughly. You can do this under running water, pouring the berries in small portions into a colander, or in a wide basin. The second method is more convenient, as it allows you to remove small debris adhering to the cherries. So that not the slightest trace of dirt remains, the water in the basin must be changed 2-3 times.

The washed sorted fruits are thrown back on a sieve, allowing water to drain. Pour in one layer on clean kitchen towels so that the moisture is completely removed from the skin of the berries.

The longest, laborious and painstaking process at the stage of preparing fruits for drying is the extraction of seeds. You can get the bones the old fashioned way, squeezing with your fingers. But it is better to use improvised means - a special machine, a wooden skewer, a straw for cocktails. After that, the raw material is considered ready for further processing.

Dried cherries in the sun, video

Basic Recipe

Before starting work, prepared pitted cherries must be weighed. This is important, since the proportions of sugar are calculated based on the weight of pure raw materials. On average, 350-450 g of sugar are taken per 1 kg of fruit. If the berries are very acidic, you can add 100-150 grams, no more.

The basic recipe for making dried cherries looks like this:

  • raw materials are sprinkled with sugar. Shake the container slightly for even distribution.
  • leave at room temperature to extract the juice;
  • after 12-15 hours, the juice is poured into a saucepan with a thick bottom, put on fire;
  • the fruits are carefully laid out in the boiled juice, waiting for the moment of re-boiling, reduce the fire to a slow one;
  • boil cherries in juice for 10 minutes;
  • the pan is removed from the stove, cooled;
  • pour into a colander or sieve, strain the juice.

Important! The less liquid remains in the fruit after cooking, the less time it takes to dry or shrink.

The remaining juice is brought to a boil again, poured hot into sterilized jars, rolled up. If desired, you can also use it to prepare delicious cherry marmalade, winter compotes, sauces.

Cherries are slowly dried (dried) in an oven, electric dryer or in the air.

Making dried cherries at home is quite simple. Once you try this, you will never buy it from the store again. Regardless of how you consume it (in granola bars, as an ingredient in cream cheese or ice cream), it has a sweet taste and at the same time it lasts much longer than a fresh berry. In addition, you can avoid the use of sulfates used in industrial fruit drying.

How it's done?

Applying the recipe for making dried cherries will not require much of your time. And, judging by the reviews, the most time-consuming part is the processing and preparation of the berry. And although this process is not difficult, it can still take some time if you do it manually. The work goes much faster when you use a special pitting tool. Therefore, if you want to dry the berry in large quantities, you'd better buy it in advance. Of course, you can make dried cherries with a stone, but it will not be very convenient to eat it.

What does this process look like?

Rinse the cherries with clean water and let them dry in cheesecloth or on a dry rag. When the berries are dry, remove the stems and remove the seeds. Without a special device, the easiest way to do this is to cut them in half and pull out the bones with your hands.

The recipe for dried cherries is very simple. Place the berry in a single layer in a food dehydrator or on a baking sheet. If you are using an oven, place the baking sheet with the cherries at 40 degrees and keep it for 6 hours. If you are using a food dehydrator, use the same settings and the same amount of time (or slightly less).

Dried cherries are ready when the berries look like big raisins. They will be tart and sweet in taste. This is the perfect snack with no added sugar. You can use it as an ingredient in homemade muesli and granola.

If there is no dehydrator

You can make dried cherries at home and in the sun. To do this, you need to prepare the berries as above, and leave them on trays in a sunny place for 2 to 4 days. You should place the cherry higher off the ground to protect it from moisture. Don't forget to cover it with gauze so as not to attract birds.

Once the berries are completely dry, place them in an oven preheated to 70 degrees for about 30 minutes (to kill any insects caught in the drying process).

Once the cherries are dried, let the berries cool at room temperature for about an hour before packing. Then store the product in airtight containers or sealed bags.

After packaging, observe the jars or containers for the first week. If you notice any signs of moisture forming inside, it means that the berries are not completely dried and they won't keep well (probably mold). Remove the cherries and dry in the oven some more.

These berries can be eaten just like that, but they look and feel good in baked goods and as a topping for ice cream, yogurt, etc. Most recipes that call for raisins are said to work well with dried cherries, so you might want to try making one. replacement.

What is useful cherry?

Dried cherries, like other dried fruits, contain significant amounts of antioxidants, including anthocyanin. This is the substance that gives the berries their deep red color. These antioxidants work in a way that can prevent the development of free radicals (atoms in our bodies that can set off a negative chain reaction) and, consequently, damage to our cells.

Cherry is anti-inflammatory and pain reliever

When the body contains too many free radicals, the immune system is actively involved in the fight against harmful reactions. Therefore, the high level of antioxidants found in cherries can support the body by reducing inflammation, pain, and feelings of weakness.

Cherries are sleeping pills

Studies show that cherries are also a dietary source of melatonin, a natural hormone used by the body to achieve deep and restful sleep. Various environmental factors and diseases can reduce its levels and interrupt healthy sleep. Therefore, the consumption of cherries, according to experts, can provide insomniacs with a restful night's rest.

Cherries can lower cholesterol levels

Cherries contain high levels of pectin, a dietary fiber often found in fruits. Research suggests that pectin may lower bad cholesterol levels.

On the other hand, cherries contain high levels of a compound called beta-glucosidase, which is thought to reduce the chance of degenerative diseases.

Cherry anthocyanidins have been shown to inhibit the activity of xanthine oxidase, an enzyme that plays an important role in the production of uric acid, which helps treat gout. In addition, the antioxidant activity of anthocyanidins in cherries has been shown to be stronger than that of vitamin E in the same amounts, and is very beneficial in relieving muscle pain after intense exercise.

It has been suggested that daily intake of anthocyanins may also play a role in preventing hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, most likely due to their anti-inflammatory properties. The antioxidants in cherries have the potential to lower blood sugar levels by boosting the body's natural production of insulin.

Vitamin composition of the berry

Dried cherries contain vitamins C, A, and E, which boost the immune system and help the body fight disease.

A quarter cup of dried fruit contains 8 milligrams of vitamin C - 11 and 9% of the recommended daily intake for women and men, respectively. This compound stimulates the production of collagen, which strengthens the cells of the body and protects you from free radicals. Getting enough vitamin C in your diet also promotes new cell growth and helps wounds heal after injuries.

Vitamin A, in turn, also supports the growth of new cells, and also plays a big role in wound healing and immunity. It also helps improve eyesight and nourishes the skin. A quarter cup of dried cherries contains 1132 international units of vitamin A. This is 38% of the recommended daily intake for men and 49% for women.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates

Dried cherries are not a high-protein snack. A third cup of dried fruit contains only 1 gram of protein. Carbohydrates make up the majority of the calories in dried cherries. A third of a glass contains 34 grams of total carbohydrates, including 2 grams of dietary fiber. This dried fruit contains almost no fat.

Dried cherries: calories and properties, contraindications

During drying, the fibers of the described berry and its chemical composition do not change significantly, since this cooking process involves only the removal of liquid. However, the calorie content of dried cherries becomes much higher than that of fresh cherries: 286 kcal per hundred grams versus 52 kcal.

This is also related to the final weight of the cooked product. In addition, dried fruits are usually slower to induce satiety and thus may provoke excessive consumption of them. For example, you can successfully snack on a glass of fresh berries, but in dried form, the same amount of cherries will be four times less. Having consumed a quarter cup of dried fruit, you will not get saturation, and supplement your snack with something else.

Cherry berries are generally considered safe, but this applies to those who do not have any allergic manifestations or contraindications. Therefore, it is recommended to be careful when using it in large quantities, since a cumulative allergic reaction is possible.

In addition, this culture contains many acids, which means that its use is undesirable for those who suffer from chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines.

How are dried cherries used?

As noted above, unsweetened dried cherries can be not only an independent snack or an addition to cereals and salads. So, tincture on dried cherries received a lot of good reviews. This remedy can be made by pouring dry berries with vodka and settling for a long time. It is usually taken in medicinal doses to relieve headaches and relieve tension in muscles and joints.

Cherry powder also adds a fresh flavor to smoothies, pies, or any sweet dish. Tea made from it helps to maximize the antioxidant properties of cherries. As a rule, berry powder is mixed with aromatic herbs in order to make the tea especially tasty.

First of all, it should be said that during drying, if everything is done correctly, cherries practically do not lose their beneficial properties. This berry is very rich in vitamins and minerals. They have bactericidal properties, due to which, in folk medicine, dried cherries often used to stop inflammatory processes, as well as for viral diseases.

Dried cherries are also rich in a substance that significantly reduces blood clotting. Because of this property Dried cherry dishes are recommended to be used as a prophylactic against atherosclerosis.

Also if a person has anemia, cherry will be very, very useful. This berry has a lot of iron, in terms of the amount of this substance it can be compared with apples.

For women in the position of cherries are also useful due to the high content of iron, which is so often lacking in the blood of pregnant women. It is useful to drink compotes from dried cherries for epilepsy.

Cherry favorably affects the condition of nails, hair and skin.

Much can be said about the benefits of cherries, some consider it almost a panacea. This berry is used in folk methods of treatment, in cosmetology, in cooking.

So, cherry basically only benefits. Let's talk about exactly what processes in the body are improved thanks to this berry.

  1. Weight loss. Dried cherries are an invariable component of many diets. Various decoctions from this berry not only do not cause harm to the body, as with a normal diet, but also strengthen the immune system.
  2. Normalization of sleep. Due to the fact that cherry berries contain melatonin, compotes from them help to improve sleep. To a lesser extent, pies and other dishes with cherries contribute to this, since you should not eat up before going to bed.
  3. Memory improvement. Teach yourself to drink a glass of cherry compote every morning, this will greatly improve your concentration and memory.
  4. Slowing down the aging process. Scientists have not come to an unambiguous point of view, but after some research, many biologists have concluded that both dried and fresh cherries promote skin cell renewal.

In addition to a large amount of minerals cherry has a great taste. If there are children in your family, they will surely like this delicacy.

The calorie content of dried cherries is 292 kcal per 100 g of product, so do not be afraid to get better from eating such yummy.


Many benefits of cherries are listed here, however, this red berry, as in fresh, and in dried form can be harmful. What is the danger of your favorite cherry?

Cherry is contraindicated:

  • people with diabetes;
  • children up to 1.5 - 2 years;
  • in diseases of the digestive system.

Cherries are high in glucose, so if you have high blood sugar, it is better to refrain from eating cherries.

Do not overeat dried cherries, this can provoke quite severe heartburn.

What varieties are suitable?

When choosing cherries for drying first of all, pay attention to ripe berries of rich color. The pulp of such fruits should be dense, and the stone should be small. Cherry varieties that are well suited for drying are Shubinka, Lyubskaya, Vladimirovskaya.

Before proceeding directly to the drying process, you need to decide on the following aspect - do you need a bone? If you are going to use cherry for the preparation of compotes, it is quite possible to leave the bone.

If the berries will be used as a filling for pies, the bones should be removed. In shops with different kitchen utensils now you can find special devices with which it is much easier to remove the bones.

In addition, with the help of such a device, you will do it more accurately, it is very important not to damage the berries much so that they do not leak juice, but give off excess moisture during drying.

To make the bones easier to remove, slightly dry the cherries at a temperature of 30-35 degrees. Drying cherries in an electric dryer (in a dryer), more on that later.

Cooking berries

Before the drying process, cherries should be sorted out and free from the stalks, wash well. In order for the berries to dry faster, they are blanched in a boiling solution of alkali for 2-3 minutes before drying.

After these manipulations, the cherry can begin to dry. How to dry cherries in the oven Learn how to dry cherries in an electric dryer below.


Under the sun

Now is the time to deal with how to dry cherries. It is very important to do this in such a way that all the useful properties listed above are preserved in it.

Drying cherries under the sun - why not? It is best to dry the berries in the fresh air. where a warm breeze blows them. Many people use baking sheets or trays for this purpose, but it is better to take a large piece of dense, clean cloth.

Berries need to be dried for 4-5 days. During the day they should be under the sun, and at night bring the berries into the house so they don't get wet again. As soon as we start to warm the sun in the morning, the cherries again need to be taken out. Take a piece of fabric that you can wear comfortably, or get someone to help you.

It is by drying in the fresh air that the cherry preserves a maximum of vitamins and is best dried. But this drying technique is only suitable for pitted cherries.

If you remove the pits, the cherries will exude a lot of juice, which is very attractive to insects, which will be impossible to get rid of.

Therefore, you need to dry the cherry in the sun in complete undamaged condition. How to dry cherries at home, how to dry cherries in the oven further.


For, to dry cherries at home, you need an oven, of course, at room temperature, the cherry will not dry out. Before you start drying the berries in the oven, you must remove all damaged cherries.

To dry cherries at home, you need to put the berries on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or foil. Drying takes place in several stages, which differ in temperature conditions.

There are always many questions about readiness. Determining that a cherry is dried when done outdoors is fairly easy, as in this case, there is no fear of overdrying the berries.

If, however, we dry in an oven, we need to focus on the fact that when you press the berry with your finger, juice does not stand out from it. Also, well-dried cherries have a dark brown skin tone. The taste of well-dried berries is sweet and sour.

The general process of drying cherries at home will take approximately 8-9 hours., it all depends on the size of the berries and the degree of their ripeness. If you need to dry pitted cherries, the process will last twice or even three times longer.

Do not forget that you cannot close the oven with cherries; it must be ajar throughout the entire cooking process.

In the oven

In order to dry cherries in a real oven, you first need to adjust the temperature. To do this, sprinkle a few drops of water on the floor of the oven., it should boil. The process of drying berries in a real oven is quite simple, most often cherries are dried in this way in summer cottages or in country houses.

After the sieves are placed, the oven does not need to be closed too tightly, there must be air access, because the moisture will need to evaporate. This is a very important nuance. which should definitely be taken into account. The chimney must also be ajar.

Over time, the chimney must be gradually closed. In such conditions, drying cherries will last 10-12 hours.. How to store dried cherries at home, read the next section.

Storage rules

It is best to store dried cherries in small paper bags.

If you know you are quick to use dried berries you can put them in a jar.

You can store dried cherries for no more than a year., but it is very unlikely that you will not eat or cook something delicious from it during this time.


You will have no difficulty drying cherries if you follow our advice. Dried cherries will delight for a long time your family with the pleasant taste and smell of summer.

Useful video!

Cherry is one of the very first berries. She sings quite suddenly and just as quickly ends on a tree. And sometimes we don’t even have time to get the vitamins that this delicious fruit hides simply because we don’t have time to eat everything that grows on the tree before the berries begin to rot or they are exterminated by starlings and sparrows.
For a long time I grieved about this, because I love cherries. At first I tried to freeze it for the winter, but when defrosted, it completely loses its taste, it does not look so tempting. Closing compotes from one cherry is also not very sensible, and the rest of the fruits have not yet ripened by this time. You can at least make jam from white cherries, but for red cherries, I found a great way to store them - drying. Today I will tell you in detail how to dry cherries in an electric dryer. Drying berries goes just fine!

Read how to do it.
Cherry blank is very useful for mothers of small children. I have been giving “sweets” from dried cherries to my baby since 9 months, and we didn’t talk about any chocolates and lollipops until two years old, because we easily got off with such a delicacy.
And although an electric dryer greatly simplifies the process of making dried cherries, there are some subtleties that you need to know.
So let's get started. To prepare dryers that fit in a half-liter jar, you will need a bowl of ripe cherries.

This is such a big expense, but it's worth it! Naturally, you need to wash the cherries and get rid of the tails and leaves.
Now you need to decide how you want to dry the cherries in an electric dryer - with or without pits. If the second option, then the sweet cherry must first be blanched for some time, depending on the number and size of the berries. I will tell you how to make seedless cherries. In this form, it is much more convenient to give them to a child, and it is more pleasant to eat them yourself.
For convenient cutting of cherries, you need to use a regular knife. We cut the cherry along the stone with it and divide it into two halves, taking out the stone. You can, of course, use a special device for getting rid of cherries from stones, but then the cherry will be deformed, in addition, it will dry much longer than the halves.

Thus, we clean all the berries. This, of course, takes some time, but then you do not have to gnaw the dried pulp from the stone. Ready halves need to be left a little (10 minutes) in order for the juice to stack.

Now about electric dryers. They are completely different. There are five pallets in mine, so if possible, I spread berries on all five dishes, but as rarely as possible. If you have three pallets, lay out more often, but make sure that the berries do not overlap each other, are not layers. Otherwise, it will turn out that the middle will already dry out, and the edges will be juicy and you will either have to dry out the middle or underdry the sides, which is fraught with unsuccessful storage of the drying stock.

This time I laid out the cherries in an electric dryer into four pallets.

And again about this technique. Mine has a temperature indicator and an on/off button. If this is the case for you, then feel free to set the indicator to 50-60 degrees and turn on the machine. It happens that there are only two temperature conditions, then for the first 10 hours you set it to “high”, and then change it to “low”.

Time can be spent different - from 8 to 30 hours. In my case, I set the electric dryer for 10 hours, then turned it off for the night, and the next day it worked for another 8 hours, and it seemed to me that the cherries were ready. If you dry a whole cherry, then it will take more time.
This is how ready-made dried cherries look like. After turning off the device, they must be left in this position for 30-40 minutes.

Here is the yield of the product obtained from a bowl of cherries. Seems not enough? You can't eat a lot of them, so it's enough. Moreover, such bowls can be made in any number allowed by your garden.

Enjoy great taste and vitamin supply in winter! By the way, it is convenient to store drying in jars in a dark place.
Now you know how you can safely dry cherries at home, and not only them.
Author Yulianna Velner
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