How to make chocolate pancake syrup. Cocoa Powder Chocolate Sauce

26.11.2019 Buffet table

Chocolate sauce is a favorite of many. This thick, aromatic sauce goes well with ice cream, various casseroles and many other desserts. It doesn't take a lot of effort to prepare, although there is much more to it than just chocolate.

For chocolate sauce, you first need to prepare the chocolate. It is best to use dark chocolate with a cocoa content of more than 50%. The dark chocolate sauce will be more flavorful and tasty. Many people dislike dark chocolate because it tastes bitter to them. In this case, you can cook from milk or any other chocolate.

If you melt a chocolate bar, then after a while this mass will still solidify. Therefore, to get the consistency of the sauce, you need to add some more ingredients. Also, the melting process itself is very important. If you just put the chocolate in a saucepan and cook it, it can burn. Thus, it is best to do this in a water bath.

Chocolate-based sauce is also prepared for spicy, meat and vegetable dishes. This is quite unusual, although very tasty. Guests will definitely like the meat with chocolate sauce, especially if real gourmets come to you.

Cream sauce

Take for cooking:

  • dark chocolate - 150 g
  • water - 250 ml
  • cream 35% - 130 ml
  • granulated sugar - 80 g

First you need to chop the dark chocolate with a knife, put it in a saucepan, pour sugar on it. Add purified water, heavy cream and mix thoroughly. Bring these ingredients to a boil. While heating, stir constantly with a wooden spoon. The cooking process will take no more than 15 minutes, after which the sauce will thicken. Serve the dish hot.

Vanilla sauce


  • dark chocolate - 180 g
  • water - 120 ml
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • oil - 35 g
  • medium fat cream - 6 tablespoons
  • vanilla essence - 0.5 tsp

You need to prepare a suitable saucepan and pour purified water into it. Add sugar to this water and cook. It is necessary to heat until the sugar is completely separated.

Break the chocolate into pieces, and chop the butter with a knife. Place the two ingredients in a saucepan of sweet water and stir. The butter should completely melt. Then add cream and vanilla essence to the sauce. This chocolate sauce is served warm.

Dark Chocolate Powder Sauce


  • dark chocolate - 175 g
  • water - 170 ml
  • sugar - 120 g
  • oil - 55 g
  • vanilla essence - 1 tsp
  • powdered sugar

Break the chocolate into pieces. Chop the butter into small pieces with a knife. Put these ingredients in a saucepan, add water, powdered sugar and vanilla essence. Put everything on the stove and, stirring occasionally, bring to a boil. When all the components of the sauce are completely mixed, you can serve it on the table.

Cornmeal Milk Sauce


Corn flour should be mixed with the following ingredients: granulated sugar, milk and cocoa powder. Transfer this mixture to a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. When the mixture boils, heat to low and simmer for 2 minutes. Remove the pan from heat, add butter, dissolve completely, stir and add vanilla essence.

Milk chocolate sauce

Ingredients needed:

  • milk chocolate - 100 g
  • purified water - 100 ml
  • sugar - 50 g
  • oil - 35 g
  • vanillin - a pinch

Break the chocolate into small pieces, and cut the butter with a knife. Put the pan on fire, add purified water, sugar and vanillin. While cooking, the sauce should be stirred periodically with a spoon. When all the ingredients are dissolved, the sauce is ready and you can put it hot on the table.

Hot chili sauce

Prepare the components:

  • chili pepper - 250 g
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 7 cloves
  • olive oil - 100 ml
  • cloves - 1 pc.
  • pimenta - 2 seeds
  • dried marjoram - 1 tablespoon
  • clean water - 200 ml
  • dark chocolate - 50 g
  • table salt - 1 tablespoon
  • cane sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • apple cider vinegar - 100 ml
  • peppercorns - 0.5 tsp

This chocolate sauce is designed specifically for meat. Peel the chili, remove the seeds, chop and fry in a hot pan with chopped onions and garlic. Add all the spices and herbs to the pan. Also pour in water, salt and pepper, cover and simmer over low heat until the onions are golden brown. After that, put everything in the chocolate mixture and melt it.

Place all components of the sauce in a blender bowl and grind until smooth. The prepared sauce can be stored for a long time in a sealed jar in the refrigerator. It can be served with chops, chops or sausages. It is also very tasty to serve barbecue with such an unusual sauce.

We can confidently say that each of us loves to enjoy something sweet from time to time. Whether it's ice cream, cake, or sweet pancakes, chocolate gravy is often indispensable. It is she who will add the feeling of a full-fledged dessert to the dish and now, you will learn how to make it in just 10 minutes.

Simple Chocolate Sauce


  • Purified water - 125 ml
  • Cocoa powder - 35 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Vanillin - on the tip of a knife

How to make cocoa gravy at home: a step-by-step recipe

This is the quickest and easiest way to make chocolate gravy. In addition, it does not contain perishable products, which will allow it to be stored in the refrigerator for more than one day.

  1. Prepare a saucepan or saucepan. Add water and cocoa powder there. Then stir well and put on medium heat.
  2. Clarification "just in case"

    Try to use heavy-bottomed pans. This will greatly facilitate the task, because it is precisely this that prevents the gravy from burning.

  3. Stir constantly. As soon as the mixture turns into a homogeneous mass and the cocoa dissolves, start gradually adding sugar and vanillin. Vanillin can be substituted for vanilla sugar, but you need a little more.
  4. Continue stirring the mixture until it boils. Then cook for a few minutes, but no more than five. Be sure to stir the gravy you are going to do. This step is repeated over and over again to help you avoid sticking.

    Once the desired amount of time has passed, let the chocolate sauce cool.

  5. Advice from Sauchier

    If you want to enrich the taste of the gravy with amazing colors and amazing aroma, it will be enough to add 1 tbsp. l. favorite liqueur or brandy.

  6. Find a suitable container and transfer to the completely cooled gravy. Alternatively, a glass bottle will work.

Now you always have at hand a great chocolate sauce that will please all sweet tooths. With its help, it is easy to decorate a cake or casserole, you can pour ice cream or any other dessert.

It is eaten by itself, grated and added to desserts, some use a bit of chocolate. But the most delicious and versatile way to spice up another dish with your favorite treat is chocolate sauce. It is more than chocolate heated over a fire. Such a dish should be based on milk fat - or so that the product is silky and does not solidify into a solid substance every time it cools.

To make chocolate sauce, you need good chocolate. It is real chocolate made from, bitter and slightly tart, that will become an excellent basis for any topping. For those who do not eat dark chocolate, you can make an exception and prepare a dish from milk and even white chocolate, there are a lot of recipes, but still the meaning of the dish will be lost. After melting the bitter bar in a water bath in a saucepan, pour it into liquid chocolate and pour it (sometimes vanilla). After stirring the ingredients, you need to add butter and wait until it melts and merges with the bulk of the product. Everything is kneaded and spices and alcohol are added to the ready-made chocolate sauce. Some like chocolate with pepper, some like chocolate, some like the berry flavor. The chefs have a recipe for every taste.

Cocoa chocolate sauce is a classic of French cuisine. It has always been brewed here, it seems. Any desserts with such gravy will become much tastier and more refined. It is prepared simply, you do not need a lot of products, you always have the necessary ingredients at hand. Cupcakes, cakes, pies, profiteroles are glazed with chocolate sauce based on cocoa. Chocolate ice cream with chocolate sauce is also a classic dessert. Topping is very easy to prepare, you just need to mix dry cocoa with sugar, pour and boil the mixture. Add butter to boiling water and stir until the butter melts and dissolves in the milk mixture. This is the easiest and fastest recipe for cocoa-based chocolate sauce. All the ingredients of a delicious dish are usually found in every kitchen. You can always add some spices or fruits to the chocolate to your taste.

What do they eat with

Chocolate sauce can be used in absolutely all desserts. It is eaten with cakes, ice cream, pancakes, and even meat! The Belgian recipe for pork ribs with chocolate-beer sauce has gained popularity among gourmets. The combination is rather strange, but it turns out delicious and unusual. At the same time, you can feel both chocolate and the taste of the meat. To make a similar sauce and marinate meat in it, you need to take melted chocolate, beer, spices to taste, vegetable oil and cream with water. We mix everything and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. And then meat is put into this mixture and marinated there, too, for about 2-3 hours.

But the previous recipe is a gourmet menu, in a more classic version, chocolate toppings are often eaten with pancakes. For pancakes, the classic preparation of liquid chocolate is used - a hard black bar crumbles into a mixture of water and cream and simmer for 20 minutes after boiling. Served hot, not thickened. Practically, this is a recipe for ganache - a creamy chocolate sauce from French cuisine. It is not poured over desserts like topping, it is used as a layer on cakes or, if the consistency of ganache is very thick, it is the basis for homemade truffle sweets.

Chocolate sauce is also eaten with many fruits. Fruit fondue has been in gastronomic fashion for many years. Pieces of ripe dense fruits and berries are pricked into forks and dipped in boiling chocolate. This is an incredibly tasty delicacy, moreover, it is also healthy. If the topping is made of dark chocolate, and fondues are used as the basis, then such desserts have very few calories. Banana-chocolate fondue in this regard is much higher in calories.

Many pastry chefs like to use the fruity chocolate flavor in desserts, so they prepare a chocolate cherry sauce. This topping made from chocolate and fresh or frozen berries has a refreshing sour base and will appeal to those who don't like sugary-sweet flavors. Usually, fresh cherry syrup is added to the cherry syrup before the introduction of chocolate, so as not to use artificial acidifiers. Although she herself quite well emphasizes the taste of chocolate and does not allow it to manifest itself with sugar alone. The bitter-sour taste of this gravy will be an excellent addition to curd dishes, pancakes, cakes and muffins. You can pour vanilla ice cream on it. Very unusual, in the fusion style, there is a taste of chocolate and cherry sauce in a duet with ginger ice cream.

You can buy ready-made chocolate sauce at the store. Today, the assortment of many brands includes toppings, chocolate-based creams, chocolate gravies. They are eaten both cold and heated, used in the preparation of cakes and as independent desserts.

Asturian Chocolate Sauce

Another use for liquid chocolate was invented by the Spaniards. In the province of Asturias, delicious sea fish in a gravy has long been cooked, which resembles a cross between chocolate mousse and. The fish is stewed in a chocolate mass and served with it.

The recipe for making a small one in chocolate gravy is not at all complicated:

  1. You can use the carcass of both fresh and frozen perch, the taste will not change from this. It is cut into several convenient portions, salted and sprinkled with spices, and then marinated in this mixture for 15 minutes.
  2. Finely chopped in melted butter until golden brown. Then sprinkle this roast with 1 tablespoon of flour, mix and continue to fry until smooth.
  3. White chocolate (1 bar) must be chopped as much as possible, you can grate it. Then add to the onion-flour mixture and stir until smooth.
  4. Pour crushed cloves to taste into the resulting sauce, pour in 100 grams of boiling water and 100 grams of dry white wine. Mix everything and simmer over the fire for 15 minutes.
  5. Put the fish in the boiling mass, simmer for another 15 minutes. After the pieces of fish you need to turn over and add the chopped ones to the mixture, simmer everything together until the fish is ready.

The fish is served to the table along with white, which, like the fish, is poured with chocolate sauce on top. The taste of such food is very exquisite, it will appeal to most connoisseurs of fish, since chocolate does not spoil its taste at all, but, on the contrary, very gently and delicately emphasizes it.

The famous chocolate sauce

In cooking, there are newbie recipes, recipes that emerge on the crest of fashion for a particular product, and recipes for classic cuisine. They become classics when almost no one needs to be told how a dish is prepared - you pronounce the name, and it becomes clear to everyone that it is incredibly tasty. Jamie Oliver's famous chocolate sauce has long been the most replicated in recipe sections on the Internet. More precisely, the author prepares not only a cream based on chocolate, but also the cake itself, it turns out incredibly tasty. Jamie Oliver's chocolate cake sauce features almond flakes and berry notes in the composition.

Another well-known variation is the vegan natural chocolate sauce. It is made from almond or coconut milk and. The composition is completely natural, the sauce turns out to be very tasty, it can be eaten even by those groups of people who do not want ordinary chocolate for health reasons. In this recipe, dates with the selected milk are whipped in a blender until smooth, then this mass is boiled and cocoa is added to it. No sugar, no recipe. On the basis of such chocolate cream, you can make pudding, jelly and many other desserts that are healthy and are allowed for use on many diets.

Chocolate sauce is one of the most versatile dressings for sweet dessert dishes, and even for meat and fish dishes. this product is very high, but the taste sensations after it are indescribable. Sometimes you can indulge in such desserts in order to arrange a holiday for the taste buds, and to give the body a charge of endorphins.

Sometimes it takes very little to pamper loved ones and prepare a wonderful breakfast or afternoon tea. Let's apply imagination, culinary skills, add proven recipes and get a chocolate pancake sauce that will delight both children and adults. With it, even the most ordinary pancakes will turn into a real delicacy, no worse than a cake from an expensive pastry shop - it's worth trying!

But before we start making the sauce, let's make delicious pancakes first!

Let's make them according to a basic simple recipe.

Thin pancakes for chocolate sauce

The ingredients are indicated per 800-900 ml of dough.

  • Pour 500 ml of milk into a deep bowl, break 2 eggs there, put a pinch of salt and 2 tsp. sugar, beat.
  • Then add flour - 6-8 tbsp. with a slide. Beat the dough again, and if it turns out to be thick, dilute it with warm boiled water to a liquid "pancake" consistency.

We fry such pancakes in a non-stick pan on both sides, without using oil, so as not to make them too greasy, because we will add chocolate sauce to them.

Put the finished pancakes in a stack.

As you can see, we deliberately do not add a lot of sugar to the dough, based on the sauce, so as not to make the dessert sugary.

So, now, when a stack of fragrant pancakes still rises in front of us, let's get down to preparing chocolate sauce for them!

Whichever recipe we choose below, we remember that the taste of the sauce will directly depend on the chocolate. The product must be of high quality, of the brand that we trust. You should not save and make a dessert based on a tile, it will not dissolve, but will only ruin the dish.

Depending on what kind of chocolate we put - milk or bitter, the taste of the sauce will change - we choose the one that we like best.

Instead of a sauce, you can create a chocolate-nut gravy. This will make the delicacy even more unusual and appetizing, but remember that when serving, crushed nuts will settle to the bottom, so it is better to scoop up the sauce with a spoon to grab them.

But it is still better to refuse additives in chocolate, such as cookie crumbs or raisins, they can feel rough in a delicate sauce.

First, let's make a classic chocolate sauce, and then let's start experimenting.

Classic chocolate sauce, simple recipe

In this recipe, we use a minimum of ingredients, so even a child can cope with the preparation.

  1. Break and put in a water bath to melt 100 g of chocolate, and as soon as the pieces become soft, pour in 50 ml of cream.
  2. Mix, add 50 g of sugar, if we use milk chocolate, and if bitter, then add 100 g, add vanillin.
  3. In a water bath, stirring, hold the chocolate, waiting for the grains to completely dissolve. Then pour in 100 ml of water. Bring the consistency to homogeneity again.
  4. Remove the chocolate sauce from the water bath and serve.

You need to use the chocolate sauce right away, as it will thicken during the cooling process. It is a pleasure to finish up such an amazing treat with a spoon, but to use it as a sauce, you will need to reheat it.

As you can see, everything is very simple and making homemade chocolate sauce takes about 15 minutes.

To give a delicacy a pleasant milky-creamy touch or simply replace the cream, which is not always at hand, we will cook it with condensed milk.

Homemade chocolate sauce with condensed milk

Since it will contain condensed milk, it is better to cook the sauce with dark chocolate.


  • Bitter chocolate - 50 g
  • Condensed milk - 150 g
  • Butter - 1 tablespoon
  • Milk - 80 ml
  • Cocoa powder - 1½ tbsp

How to make chocolate sauce at home

  1. In a water bath, melt the chocolate broken into slices and immediately add butter. We mix everything.
  2. Pour in cocoa and stir again so that the lumps are completely dispersed. It is easier to do this in a hot thick mixture than after adding liquid components, so we do not put off cocoa until the end of cooking.
  3. Now pour in condensed milk, stir again, then milk and stir again. Since we work with a thick sauce, which should not be whipped with a mixer, stirring and making the consistency homogeneous is necessary after adding each new ingredient.
  4. Remove the sauce from the water bath and pour over the pancakes. Bon Appetit!

Prepared according to this recipe, it does not spread, you can make any inscription or draw something on pancakes, but, at the same time, it does not harden when it gets cold, which makes it possible to use the gravy in a cold form.

Lean Chocolate Banana Sauce

But what about those who do not eat animal products or are fasting?

You should not deny yourself a treat, because it can be prepared without milk and butter.

Making Low Calorie Chocolate Sauce

  • Pour 150 ml of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Then add 40 g of cocoa powder without additives and fillers, mix with a whisk.
  • Pour in 50 g of sugar and pour in 40 g of odorless vegetable oil.

    It is best to use regular sunflower seeds, so we certainly won't feel any unnecessary aftertaste.

  • Bring the mass to a boil over low heat, keep it for just a couple of seconds and remove - you need to cool the sauce to room temperature.
  • While it cools down, prepare another component: chop 1 ripe banana. You can grind it in a blender, or you can just grate it on a fine grater, it is important that there are no lumps left.
  • Now combine the warm sweet sauce and the banana puree. Beat with a whisk or mixer until smooth and serve with pancakes.

You can experiment with the amount of sugar and bananas in this sauce for a long time - these are only basic approximate proportions, because someone, perhaps, likes the concentrated taste more, then cocoa should be added, and for those who like it softer, it is better to leave it that way, but put in a couple more slices of fruit.

It is good to use brown instead of white sugar, it will give a caramel flavor and flavor.

Now you know a few recipes for making chocolate pancake sauce. As you can see, it is very simple and does not require any special skills. Try to pamper your family or surprise your guests with such unusual at-home topping for everyone's favorite pancakes!

Two video recipes for pancake dough from the chef of our website

Povarenka has many more proven pancake recipes that you can find in the video or on our website. Any of the recipes will go well with the chocolate sauce.