How to make sugar mastic for decorating Easter cakes. Easter decorations for cakes and eggs

10.04.2019 Bakery products

Easter is traditionally the largest and most popular Orthodox holiday. By the end of Lent, a few days before Easter celebrations, people begin to cook cakes and colored eggs... And if everything is clear with the recipe for the dough for the most delicious and religiously important treat, then certain problems may arise with its decoration. How to decorate easter cake effectively, and what goodies can be useful for this?

Decorating with glaze

Protein icing is traditionally used to decorate Easter cakes, as well as a variety of sprinkles and sugar dragees. To prepare the protein glaze, it is necessary to separate egg whites from the yolks and beat them in a mixer (you will need about 2-3 eggs). After the mass thickens, you need to add half a glass of sugar to it and continue beating the components until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Separation of whites from yolks

Beautiful Easter cakes are obtained if you cover the entire baking cap with this mass. As soon as this has happened, it is necessary to display on the surface of the glaze, until it has frozen, a variety of drawings using sprinkles, cream, figures from marmalade. What are the most common sprinkling patterns:

A person should not be afraid of experiments, because the brighter he decorates the cake, the better. After applying the glaze and pattern, do not touch the baked goods, as the top coating must dry completely. This usually happens in 10-15 minutes.

Nowadays, decorating by mixing sugar and protein is used everywhere for several reasons:

After decorating all the cakes, you can proceed to their consecration and eating, since it is fresh bakery turns out to be the most delicious.

Making Easter cakes with chocolate

Easter cake decoration usually turns into a real one creative experimentbecause you can use a wide variety of components for this task. Often people replace sugar glaze, to which everyone has long been accustomed, with an equally tasty component - chocolate.

To make the design look even more interesting, you can decorate the hat with the following goodies:

  • decoratively laid out fruits (for example, the letters "ХВ" can be folded from them);
  • colored sugar dusting, with which you can create the most original drawings related to the holiday;
  • grated white chocolate can also be used to contrastly decorate the cake;
  • coconut flakes you can also use it to create a picture, because in contrast it will look very interesting.

A beautiful Easter cake doesn't have to be traditional with white icing. Using chocolate, a person will get a much brighter and more unusual pattern.

For those who love experimentation, the double use of chocolate and icing for decorating will do. You can cover one side of the cake with dark melted chocolate, and the other with white icing, and the result is a very original and striking design. On the dark side, you can paint the image of a cross with coconut flakes, and on the white side, create the face of an angel using sprinkles.

This type of decoration is original, interesting and fully fits into the concept of the celebration. In addition, the cakes covered with chocolate are incredibly tasty! It turns out no less sweet and aromatic chocolate fudgemade from cocoa powder.

Chocolate icing for cocoa cake - video

Decorating with powdered sugar and coconut

You can find a variety of ideas for decorating cakes on the Internet. Inspired by this variety, many housewives refuse to use standard glaze made from proteins and sugar. Now you can fully show your imagination, while not applying special efforts when decorating.

If not
time for long decoration and glaze preparation, you can safely use icing sugar. With its help, you can abundantly cover the Easter cake cap, complementing the design with a few drops of jam, applied on both sides in the form of a cross.

To make the cake decorated icing sugar, did not seem boring and uninteresting, it can be decorated with a special lace stand, as well as with usually a ribbon of a contrasting color. These inedible details will not make the cake tastier, but they can significantly transform it, adding originality to the most popular Easter dessert.

Beautiful Easter cakes can be prepared using coconut flakes in a variety of ways. For example, it can be used to create interesting patterns on chocolate glaze.

With coconut flakes, you can create and original glaze... To do this, just add this component to proteins and sugar during the preparation of the glaze.

As a result, the glaze itself will acquire a more original, unforgettable taste, and even new form... It will seem more voluminous, and therefore more attractive. You can decorate such a cake with a variety of details, ranging from colored sugar topping and ending with marmalade.

Multicolored coconut flakes look especially impressive. If there is one in the hostess's arsenal, then with its help you can create a fancy design.

To do this, cover the top of the cake so that protein glaze covered the top with a thick layer. It is it that must be abundantly strewn with colored coconut flakes (now you can find both green and red). The resulting design easter treats will not seem overly flashy, but at the same time it will be extremely original and memorable.

Original elements of Easter decoration

Decorating a cake is the very thing in which you can fully show your imagination. If a person wants to do the main thing holiday dish truly original, then he should forget about the traditional glaze and multi-colored sprinkles.

What unusual decoration elements can be used to decorate Easter cakes:

An interesting decoration option that will appeal to all lovers beautiful Easter cakes, is their decoration with flowers. The cake hat itself can be covered with either melted chocolate or protein icing, after which it is necessary to plant purchased flowers made of waffles or chocolate on it. Some housewives go further, using natural flowers for decoration, for example, chamomile, but nothing good comes of this, if only because these decorations fade very quickly.

The hostess can make her Easter cakes unique by supplementing them with the most diverse decorative elements. Sometimes culinary masters go further and create decorations for cakes not with fruits and chocolate, but using cream injector and ordinary protein cream... In this way, you can create absolutely any drawings.

Those who know how to use such a device can display images of an angel on the coulisse or even redraw an icon with a cream. This work is laborious, but the result is simply amazing.

Showing imagination when decorating, you can not only make each cake unique in appearance, but also give it a unique taste.

Decorating Easter cakes with inedible elements

You can decorate the cake in an original way not only with the help of chocolate and fruits, but also using inedible elements... So, for example, various miniature images of angels or churches can be useful, which can be planted on the top of the cake. In this case holiday food will look extremely attractive, emphasizing the greatness of the celebration.

A variety of decorative figurines are now on sale, including those with a cross or small yellow chickens. All of this can end up on the couch, making it even more attractive.

Options for decorating Easter cake using inedible elements almost always involve the use of a variety of decorative paper ribbons. They wrap around the bottom festive treatscomplementing the original design. If it seems that this decor is not enough, you can use a variety of ribbons and bows, which should be tied around the cake.

The most important thing here is not to overdo it, using different ways decoration, otherwise the cake will not look original, but ridiculous. It is also important not to lose the religious value of this pastry behind decorative elements.

It is great if, after the decoration, a person takes the cake to the church along with the decorated eggs. There they will be consecrated, making food not only tasty, but also sacred.

Easter is truly an amazing holiday, and it is celebrated by the entire Christian world. After a long Lent, people can delight themselves with pastries and a variety of other dishes. When cooking Easter cake, it is important to show originality, because then the holiday begins to play with completely different, new colors.

Easter cake - how big cake for birthday! This is the main and long-awaited dessert. And it's not just his sweet dough, but also festive decoration... Traditional white glaze symbolizes purification and the beginning of a new life. All other decoration options - colored or chocolate fondant, inscriptions, sprinkles - appeared much later and also have a right to exist due to their aesthetic and taste... So let's get to know all kinds of recipes and decorate Easter cakes for the holiday.

Delicious, simple and quick decor option

Let's start our acquaintance with culinary delights from the most simple recipes... They will be useful to those who are taking their first steps in the confectionery business, as well as to all hostesses who love to cook treats in a hurry.

Option number 1 - icing sugar. What could be easier than decorating the cake with ready-made powder or sugar crushed in a coffee grinder? Here, the traditional white color is observed, and the delicacy will turn out - you just lick your fingers!

Option number 2 - whites, whipped with sugar. You will need a blender, mixer or whisk. Sugar - half a glass for each protein (usually a couple of pieces are enough). If you baked the cakes on your own, then the yolks went into the dough, and the remaining proteins will be very useful for the glaze. Whipped thick foam put on the tops of the cakes and let dry in the oven. Turned out economical recipe our grandmothers.

Simple method number 3 - ready easter icing... It can be purchased on the days before the holidays in any grocery supermarket. Small packet contains powdered sugar with additives (starch and citric acid). The starch in the composition is necessary for a faster thickening of the mass, a few minutes will be enough.

The recipe is usually written on the package: beat the powder with proteins in the specified proportions and then grease the tops of the cakes with a spoon or pastry brush.

Secrets of making icing

In preparation of ideal consistency and taste properties glaze has its own secrets. Let us remember them once and for all, so that we can be proud of our pastry masterpieces:

How to make protein glaze - video

We use decorative dusting

Ready-made confectionery sprinkles are a real miracle for decorating Easter cakes. One nuance is important: when to sprinkle it on baked goods. You need to capture the moment when the glaze has slightly frozen, but not completely dry. If you add the dressing too early to the liquid protein mass, then these multi-colored particles will simply melt. If it's too late, the sugar decorative elements won't stick to the surface of the cake. Otherwise, there are no restrictions.

You can choose sprinkles of any color and shape in the store and decorate baked goods as you like.

Can be combined to decorate Easter cakes different types decor, create unique combinations colors and shapes. For even more variety, sprinkles can be replaced with no less beautiful, tasty and aromatic ingredients, namely:

  • coconut flakes;
  • shavings of black, milk and white chocolate;
  • candied fruits.

Instead of protein glaze, you can take homemade chocolate or melted bar. Then use this option for decorating the cake: pour shavings onto the dark chocolate coating white, and vice versa, on white glaze - dark chocolate.

For home lovers milk chocolate there is a proven delicious recipe... You will need the following components:

  • 100 g of milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder.


  1. We heat milk on the stove.
  2. Put cocoa milk and sugar in a saucepan.
  3. Separately, in a water bath, heat the butter and pour it into the milk mixture.
  4. Bring the mass to a boil, then cook for 2-3 minutes over low heat.
  5. Immediately apply the prepared chocolate to the baked goods, as it hardens quickly enough.

Sweet letters and inscriptions

There are several interesting ways to make a sweet congratulatory inscription on a kulich.

Original decor ideas

In addition to the popular options considered, there are many more ways to decorate Easter cake in an original way. Roughly speaking, everything sweet, small and beautiful can be poured onto the glaze. For instance:

Easter cakes turn out very beautiful if defrosted berries are glued to the glaze. A couple of cherries in the center of a round sweet bread are cute, bright and appetizing!

The pinnacle of confectionery is a beautiful Easter cake with figurines made of sugar mastic or marzipan. They are bought or molded on their own, like from plasticine. So connect the kids to create sweet bunny figures, different colors, chickens, pigeons, willow branches, miniature Easter eggs, angels and everything else.

For children, you can make mini-cakes and use the following methods of decoration: draw funny smiling faces, bright stars and wonderful hearts with any confectionery means.

But glue a marshmallow or meringue to the largest Easter cake. Excellent as a cooking glue fit raw protein.

The ideas for decorating cakes do not end there! Options:

Finishing touches before serving

Now you know almost everything about how to decorate an Easter cake. There are still a few culinary and decorating subtleties.

  • For beautiful presentation ready-made Easter cake it is tied with one ribbon or several multi-colored, openwork, with embroidery. Be sure to tie a fluffy bow, like on a present. And on the ribbon you can attach a stalk with spring flower, alive or artificial. Place wheat ears and painted eggs side by side.
  • Special culinary paper for wrapping Easter cakes is also on sale (with painting in floral and other motives).
  • Easter baking looks no less presentable on round white knitted napkins. A towel with an embroidered national ornament is also a good background for easter dishes... If you like your familiar plates, choose neutral white or one that matches the color of the baked goods.

And the most important thing: Easter cakes should be decorated only in great mood and with great love for the cooking process and for those people for whom the gifts are baked. Only then will real works come out as a result confectionery art, pleasant in appearance and taste. Let's connect our spiritual strength and rich imagination to make Easter one of best holidays a year!

Glaze for Easter cake without eggs - video

Very little is left until the most long-awaited and beloved holiday of the Resurrection of Christ! Have you already baked Easter cakes? If not, then I recommend that you look into one of the following recipes:

And when you decide on the recipe, you can think about decorating Easter cakes with your own hands! I selected several options that I liked. And now I want to present them to your attention! 😉

The glaze does not have to be white. See how delicious it looks yellow! And on top - an Easter gingerbread!

And then glazed gingerbread. And how delicate the pink paper, matched to the jewelry, looks!

And one more gingerbread option - birds, eggs, bunnies - ideal forms for easter baking and decorations. And here there are also mezzanines. I also liked the design with burlap and ribbon.

Speaking of meringues! In my opinion, this is great easter decor Easter cakes! Many Easter cakes are baked with yolks alone. Proteins remain. Of course, we put them on the glaze. But how much is needed for glaze? But if you bake small bezeshek and set them on the glaze (when it is applied, until it has dried), then the proteins will be attached, and the cakes will acquire the new kind and taste! 😉

However, you can use any cream, depicting flowers! Remember from the 90s "Korzinochka" cakes? Just about, this decor reminds them exactly, doesn't it?

Also, flowers for decorating Easter cakes can be made from mastic. Or buy ready-made ones. And if you don't like mastic (like me), then you can look at waffle flowers - they are also edible, although their taste is usually inferior to the type.

If you love and know how to draw, then no problem at all! Look what a beauty! It can even be made with just melted chocolate.

And here and in general, whole artistic creations!

Well, in the theme of domes, there is also such a decoration for Easter cakes - photo:

And here is another Easter cake, on which the protein glaze not just lies on top, but plays the role of paint - the whole cake is painted with it! Openwork!

By the way, on the subject of drawing - willow branches will look very solemn! I really liked this design. In my opinion, perfect combination flowers and nothing more ...

Another option, brighter due to colored sugar dusting:

You can remember such a favorite in childhood dragee "Skittles" or "m & m" s ". Decorate them in a chaotic manner or orderly. In one year I applied them to Easter cakes.

And if we have already started talking about colored dragees, then there is no way to get around Easter in the form of dyes. If they are difficult to find in supermarkets, alternatively you can try chocolate covered peanuts, chocolate covered raisins, etc.

Dragee eggs can be laid out in different ways. For example, for chocolate chips:

Or cream:

You can lay such a dragee on a frosting with traditional Easter sprinkles:

How to decorate Easter cakes - a photo of incredible beauty, it seems to me! Here is the "drapery" of the whole Easter cake - stylization under the nest. And a cut out ear of Easter cake with stacked dragee testicles. The bird completes the look!

You can also use "Merci" chocolates or small thin chocolate bars, a suitable size candy, or waffles / wafer rolls. Place them around the cake and fix it with tape.

And the marshmallow ?! This kind of beauty can be done by pre-covering the cake with a cream, which in this case will act as glue.

You can make a real assortment on a cake hat - marshmallows / beeshki, candied fruits / gummies, nuts, etc.

I really liked this design - strict and festive! Again marshmallows, nuts and ... chopped chocolate bars. These cuts look very appetizing, IMHO!

Nuts go well with other decor - chocolate icing, Easter gingerbread, sugar figure decorations.

And look at how original Easter cakes decor looks pistachio cream and the nuts themselves! I really like the idea of \u200b\u200bsmearing the sides of the cake and this decor on top!

Can be added to the decor and inedible items. Although, personally, in this photo I really liked not the bird, but the beautifully applied one.

And one more idea about the assorted theme. Look closely! All kinds of nuts and dried fruits are not here!

Or you can make the decoration more formal, but festive - for example, using candied citrus and almond flakes.

The idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating Easter cakes with protein glaze and berries. You can use fresh (nowadays you can get them in April) or frozen. But in the latter case, be careful. If the berries are thawed, juice may leak. Therefore, it is better to lay out just before serving and more for decoration. However, you can replace them with jujube that mimics berries. Sprinkle a little powdered sugar on top - a la snow))

And also, in my opinion, we completely forgot about the decor of Easter cakes from the dough itself! After all, you can decorate not only pies and loaves this way.

You can bake the dough decorations separately, and then put them on hot icing or heated jam.

Another great idea is to cover the sides of the cake with white icing or cream, and the top with chocolate drips. And beautifully lay out on top of many beloved Oreo cookies.

Well, in the end, even regular cream you can decorate Easter cakes in a very original and festive way! It is enough to have a pastry syringe with attachments. Look how beautiful it is! Also lace gives a special "zest":

I hope that my selection of DIY Easter cake decorating ideas with a photo was useful to you! Keep it yourself and experiment! 😉

Which ideas did you like the most?

One of the most traditional ways decorating Easter cakes, this is decoration with dough. To decorate the cake, you can use the main dough from which the cake is made, or you can use unleavened doughmade especially for decoration.

To decorate with the main dough, it is necessary to postpone a little when forming cakes finished dough, add a little more flour to it so that the decorations can be formed easier. When easter cake will do, before sending it to the oven, carefully put the dough decorations on top, attach them with a wooden stick and grease with milk or an egg mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of water and 1 tbsp. spoon vegetable oil... In the oven, decorations made from such dough will also slightly increase in size and you need to cover the top in time so that the decorations do not burn. After baking, the wooden sticks must be removed from the cake.

To prevent dough decorations from going in the oven and keeping their shape, you can make a simple dough using flour, water and salt. The dough should be soft so that you can easily make flowers, leaves, birds from it. Flowers and leaves made from such dough do not lose their shape, but they are not as tasty as decorations made from the main dough. Sugar is not added to such a dough so that the decorations do not burn. Decorations are laid out on the oiled top of the cake.

Decorating Easter cakes with protein cream

To decorate homemade cakes, you can simply use protein whipped with sugar (for 1 protein, 50 grams of sugar and beat as for meringue). Decorate hot cakes with meringues on top and send to the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 90-100 ° C.

You can make a complete protein wet meringue cream. For this 2 squirrels, a pinch citric acid and 60 gr. the sugar is whipped into a cream on steam bath... The cooled Easter cakes can be decorated immediately and left for several hours to dry the cream. You can sprinkle the cream on top with store-bought colored sprinkles.

You can decorate the cake with protein cream, and on top decorate with nuts and dried fruits. Easter cake, wrapped in a beautiful napkin or paper with a beautiful ribbon, looks original.

Decorating Easter cakes with sugar icing

Highly good glazethat hardens well and does not crumble is icing on gelatin. Dilute 1 teaspoon of gelatin in a tablespoon of hot (about 70 ° C) water. 2 tbsp. Mix tablespoons of water with 100 grams of sugar and, stirring, bring to a boil, boil for several minutes so that the sugar dissolves. Then remove from heat and mix with diluted gelatin, let cool slightly (5 minutes). Beat with a mixer in a strong snow-white foam. Then we immediately apply it to the cake and immediately decorate it with sprinkles or other decorations, because the glaze quickly hardens.

Can be done plain glazeby mixing 120 gr. powdered sugar and 3 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon (maybe orange) juice. Powder with juice must be thoroughly mixed until homogeneous with a silicone spatula. It is necessary to apply the glaze on slightly warm cakes. When solidified, the glaze turns white.

You can also decorate Easter cakes with flowers and mastic patterns, but for this you need to learn how to work with it in advance.

Modern culinary technology and inexhaustible human fantasy allows him to improve the art of decorating Easter cakes all his life.

i told you how to cook Easter cakes, gave recipes with photos. Now I will tell you about the decoration. How to decorate Easter cakes with your own hands. Perhaps you will like some of my ideas, or something of your own will come to mind on their basis. It is clear that here I use mastic almost everywhere, albeit in small quantities (flowers and easter eggs from it), but Easter eggs can be made from candy, such as sea pebbles. In general, I will post a mastic recipe on purpose. So that you can make it at home (if you do not buy ready-made in confectionery stores).

Easter cakes recipes with photos: decoration

Perhaps the simplest and most classic version decorating Easter cakes: pour icing on top and sprinkle with pastry sprinkles.

For the glaze we need:

1 protein

250 gr icing sugar,

you can also add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice (optional)

Beat the protein with powdered sugar and lemon juice or just mix well. It is not necessary to beat for a long time, just to stir, otherwise the glaze will be fragile.

Decorating Easter cakes: the easiest recipe

  1. We take the cake.

2. Pour it with a few spoons of glaze so that it drips

How unusual to decorate Easter cakes with your own hands

And now I'll show you how to make such an Easter cake decorated with ribbon roses. I somehow fell in love with these roses. They are made elementary, but the effect is great.

We'll need glaze, mastic of the right colors and pink dye again. The glaze could also be left white, it is still very beautiful, but I decided to show you how to paint.

  1. We make ribbon roses. Roll out a piece of mastic not thinly.

2. We turn such a snail out of it.

3. Then pinch off the excess from below, thereby making a narrower lower part of the rose.

4. Cut out as small leaves of green mastic as possible (it is possible without them). We draw veins, like those of leaves. If there are no molds for the leaves, then you can just use a knife.

5. Put some of the glaze in a separate mug, drip a drop of pink gel dye.

6. Stir.

7. Cover the cake with glaze.

8. We spread roses and leaves.

9. Put some white glaze in pastry bag or a bag with a cut off corner and make an inscription.

10. The cake is ready!

Decorating Easter cakes: a step-by-step photo of how to make an Easter nest

And now I will show you how to make such a decoration for an Easter cake.

  1. Prepare the glaze as above and paint it any color (as above). I chose light yellow.
  2. Make easter eggs from mastic.

3. Cut thin strips from the dark chocolate bar and lay out a nest from them.