How best to bake potatoes. Creative experiments with your favorite vegetable

19.08.2019 Vegetable dishes

Oven baked potatoes, familiar to many from childhood. Delicious, beautiful, ruddy baked potatoes pleases the eye and we all really like the taste. In addition cook potatoes in the oven very simple. There are many ways and recipes for cooking, and all of them certainly deserve respect, because each housewife cooks in her own way.

Today we want to offer you three recipes for baking potatoesthat are popular in our family. It does not take much time to cook and the composition of the products is quite simple. Two recipes will be very simple and inexpensive, so to speak in a hurry, but the third recipe is worthy of a festive table and it will take a little more time and money to prepare it, but believe me, it is worth it.


Oven baked potatoes with garlic

Oven baked potatoes with garlic

This recipe is probably the simplest and practically inexpensive. Every housewife always has products for cooking potatoes according to this recipe. If unexpected guests come to you, then you will very quickly set the table for them and treat them to delicious potatoes.

To prepare baked garlic potatoes you will need:

  • Medium potatoes;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Garlic to taste;
  • Salt to taste.

Step 1. We need potatoes exactly as many halves fit on a baking sheet. It will need to be rinsed and cleaned well. If you have young potatoes, then just thoroughly wash off the dirt from it, you do not need to peel it from the skin.

Peeling potatoes

Step 2. Place the potatoes in a suitable sized pot and place on the stove. We need to boil the potatoes until they are half cooked, that is, after boiling, boil them for no more than 10 minutes.

Place in a pot of cooking water

Step 3. As soon as the water in the pot with potatoes boils, add salt. The potatoes should be slightly salty.

Cook the peeled potatoes until half cooked

Step 4. After 10 minutes of cooking, remove the pan from the stove and drain the water. Cool the undercooked potatoes, then cut each tuber in half. Place it directly on a baking sheet or just leave it aside.

Cut the undercooked potato in half Pass the chives through a press

Step 6. Now take a bowl and mix chopped garlic with vegetable oil and salt in it. Remember potatoes were cooked in salted water, so don't overdo it with salt.

Mix the crushed garlic with vegetable oil and salt

Step 7. Continue ... Put the potato halves on a baking sheet, which must be covered with parchment paper or foil. You don't have to do this, but then the potatoes may stick to the bottom of the baking sheet.

Put the halved potatoes on a baking sheet

Step 8. Using a brush, spread the garlic mixture generously and evenly over each and every potato.

Using a brush, grease the potatoes liberally with garlic oil

Step 9. While you are busy with potatoes, do not forget to turn on the oven at 180 ° C. And after the oven heats up, send the potatoes to bake.

Each potato should be coated

Step 10. I do not specify the baking time. The readiness of the potato can be determined by its color, as soon as it becomes rosy, immediately take it out and serve.

We bake potatoes in the oven until golden brown

Ready baked potatoes with garlic are served with any meat or fish. You can take it as a snack and eat it cold, because it was cooked in vegetable oil, so there will be no frozen fat on it when cold.

Garlic baked potatoes are ready

Enjoy your meal!

Oven baked potatoes with pieces of bacon

Oven baked potatoes with pieces of bacon

And here is another very simple recipe for delicious potatoes, which we will bake in the oven with fresh bacon. It is even easier to prepare it than the previous one. The main thing is that you have a small piece of bacon in your freezer, but it would be better to have bacon with a meat layer.

This recipe was prepared by my mother when I was a child, and then I learned very quickly myself, so that you too can teach your children how to cook delicious baked potatoes on their own.

To prepare baked potatoes with lard, you will need:

  • Several small potatoes;
  • A small piece of bacon or bacon with a layer;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Ground black pepper to taste.

Cooking sequence:

Step 1. Wash the potatoes well. If the potatoes are young, then you do not need to peel them, if not, then peel them. Cut the peeled potatoes into two parts and make cuts on them.

Cut the potato into two halves

Step 2. Now we take the bacon and cut it into small slices. If there is no fresh bacon in the house, then you can take salted one. It will turn out very tasty too. The skin of the bacon must be cut off, otherwise it will be very hard after baking.

Cut bacon into slices

Step 3. So the potatoes and lard have been prepared, now we continue. Sprinkle salt and pepper on each half of the potato, and then put 1 or 2 pieces of bacon. (If your lard is salty, then do not put a lot of salt and pepper, your lard already contains spices).

Putting bacon on potatoes

Step 4. (While preparing the potatoes for sending to the oven, do not forget to turn them on at 180 ° C). After all the potatoes have pieces of bacon, cover a baking sheet with parchment paper or foil and lay the halves of the potatoes tightly to each other.

We send potatoes with bacon to the oven

Step 5. Bake potatoes with bacon in the oven for 30 minutes. The lard should be melted, and the potatoes should be baked. You can check the readiness of the potato by piercing it with a wooden skewer, if the skewer entered freely, then the potato is ready.

Baked potatoes with lard are ready

Before serving, sprinkle baked potatoes with lard with fresh herbs, green onions and dill are ideal.

Enjoy your meal.

Oven baked potatoes with butter and cheese

Oven baked potatoes with butter and cheese

But this recipe for baked potatoes can be called festive. After baking, the potatoes look very beautiful and appetizing, and the taste is simply great, your guests will be delighted with them. In addition, such potatoes are not often found on the festive table, more and more mashed potatoes are prepared at festivals, so you will be original.

To make baked potatoes with butter and cheese, you will need:

  • Potatoes (medium size) - 10-14 pieces;
  • Butter (softened) - 80-100 grams;
  • Hard cheese - 50-70 grams;
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • Mayonnaise - 1-2 tablespoons.

Cooking sequence:

Step 1. It is desirable that the potatoes are the same in shape and size. In this recipe, the potatoes must be peeled.

Peel the potatoes

Step 2. Place potatoes in a saucepan and fill with water.

Place the potatoes in a saucepan and fill with water

Step 3. After boiling, salt the water and cook for no more than 10 minutes. The potatoes must be undercooked.

After boiling, salt the water and cook until half cooked

Step 4. Then remove from the stove, carefully drain the water and wait for the potatoes to cool slightly.

Drain the water from the potatoes and cool

Step 5. Cut the potatoes in half, in two.

Cut the potatoes into two halves

Step 6. Now we begin to prepare the sauce in which the potatoes will be baked. Remove the butter from the freezer in advance and defrost it at room temperature. The oil should be soft.

Thaw the butter at room temperature

Step 7. Grate the hard cheese on a coarse grater, just a coarse one, so it looks more impressive after baking.

Grate cheese on a coarse grater

Step 8. Pass the peeled chives through a press.

Squeeze the garlic through a press

Step 9. In a bowl, first mix the softened butter and chopped garlic, mix thoroughly.

Mix the oil with garlic

Step 10. Add grated cheese and mayonnaise to the resulting mass, mix again. There is no need to salt the sauce, it is enough that the potatoes were boiled in salted water.

Add cheese and mayonnaise

Step 11. After preparing the sauce, turn on the oven. While you are preparing the potatoes, it will heat up to the required temperature - 180 ° C.

Now we take out a baking sheet, place parchment paper or foil on it and begin to spread the potatoes. Lay it out tightly to each other. Then spread the sauce evenly on each potato, spreading it over the surface of the potato cut.

Cover the potatoes with creamy sauce

Step 12. Now we send a baking sheet with potatoes to the preheated oven, bake it for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C. The readiness of the potatoes can be checked with a wooden skewer.

We send potatoes to bake in the oven

It turns out such a beautiful baked potato. Serve it to the table on a beautiful dish or in portions.

Baked potatoes with cheese are ready

Good appetite!

On our site you can find another recipe for baked potatoes. Read the article.

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Russian potatoes are the queen of vegetables, the second bread. Almost no feast is complete without it. Potatoes are one of the most nutritious foods, despite the fact that they contain almost no fat. There is a great variety of dishes with potatoes, but now we propose to draw your attention to baked potatoes. Oven baked potatoes are a great side dish, perfect with vegetables, meat or fish. Baked potatoes can be cooked with a variety of seasonings, cheese, herbs, butter, sour cream, etc. Perfectly cooked baked potatoes have a crispy crust and tender, airy flesh.

Nutritionists recommend adding baked potatoes to your diet because they are high in fiber, which can help keep you feeling full over time. Fiber also helps to improve digestion, so regular consumption of baked potatoes has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Baked potatoes are rich in nutrients and powerful antioxidants - compounds that fight free radicals. Overall, this cheap and readily available vegetable is an excellent source of various vitamins, including vitamins C and B6, which boost immune function. Baking potatoes does not in any way reduce the content of nutrients in it. In addition to stimulating immune function, baked potatoes have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieve fatigue and muscle cramps, and also help fight high blood pressure and indigestion. Plus, oven baked potatoes can help control fluid through their high sodium and potassium content. The best way to preserve these nutrients is to bake the skinned potatoes. In contrast, slicing potatoes before boiling reduces potassium by 75%.

It is worth noting that caution should be exercised when choosing the potatoes you intend to bake. For example, green potatoes contain alkaloids such as arsenic and are therefore considered poisonous. For baking, it is recommended to use potato varieties with a low water content and a high starch content. Try to use the same size root vegetables. And, of course, do not forget to prick the surface of the potatoes with a knife or fork before cooking - this procedure allows the steam formed inside the vegetable to escape. If this is not done, the steam pressure can cause the potatoes to explode. Baking potatoes in the oven takes more time than, for example, boiling or roasting - however, while the potatoes are cooking in the oven, your hands are completely free, and no dish from this vegetable can compete with the amount of nutrients with baked potatoes.

When we talk about baked potatoes, we immediately imagine how they are wrapped in shiny aluminum foil. It is believed that baking potatoes in foil helps to cook them faster, as aluminum conducts heat well and then retains it. The foil helps keep the cooked food hot longer when it comes out of the oven. Foil wrapped potatoes can stay hot for a longer period of time. Foil wrapping the potatoes also results in a softer skin rather than crispness. Foil-wrapped baked potatoes are also convenient for reheating later. Serve baked potatoes with traditional toppings like butter, sour cream, green onions, or grated cheese. Enjoy baked potatoes on their own, or use them as a side dish.

Baked potatoes in foil

4 medium potatoes
vegetable oil,
salt and pepper to taste.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Rub the potatoes with vegetable oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper and prick the surface with the tines of a fork.
Wrap potatoes in foil and place on a baking sheet. Bake for 45 to 60 minutes until tender and crispy.

Baked potatoes in foil

4 medium potatoes
40 g butter
4 teaspoons of garlic powder
2 teaspoons of salt.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Place 4 cut-out aluminum foil squares on a baking sheet. Rinse the potatoes thoroughly. Cut each potato in half lengthwise and place on a foil square. Brush 1/2 tablespoon of oil on the cut side of each potato half, then sprinkle with garlic powder and salt. Join potato halves together and wrap tightly in foil.
Bake the potatoes in the oven for 40 minutes or until tender.

The following recipe has a crispy golden skin and tender flesh. Rubbing the potatoes with oil protects the skin from excessive dryness and adds flavor that makes the dish tastier.

4 medium potatoes
4 teaspoons of vegetable oil
40 g butter
150 g grated cheese
2 teaspoons of salt
black pepper to taste.

Preheat oven to 150 degrees. Rinse the potatoes thoroughly and chop the peel several times with a knife or fork. Rub the potatoes with oil and then salt.
Place the potatoes in the oven and bake for 90 minutes until golden brown. 5 minutes before being ready, remove the potatoes from the oven, make a small indentation on the top with a knife or fork, add a piece of butter, sprinkle with grated cheese, black pepper and return to the oven.

Oven baked potatoes are always a simple and inexpensive side dish. The versatility of this vegetable allows you to cook a variety of dishes from it. One way to cook potatoes in the oven is to bake them whole.

4 medium potatoes
vegetable oil,

Preheat oven to 175 degrees. Wash the potatoes thoroughly with a stiff brush under cold running water and dry. Use a fork to make 8 to 12 deep holes all over the tubers. Grease potatoes with vegetable oil and sprinkle with salt. Place on a baking sheet, place on the lower rack and bake for about 1 hour 15 minutes, until the skin is crispy.

A very simple but tasty and satisfying dish can be prepared with potatoes and mushrooms. The original performance allows you to use this recipe in the holiday menu, and housewives who like to surprise loved ones and guests should definitely take note of this dish.

6 medium potatoes
10 fresh mushrooms,
10 g dill
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
3-6 cloves of garlic,
salt and pepper to taste.

Peel the potatoes and make deep cuts with a knife across the length of the root vegetables, not reaching the end.
Wash the mushrooms and chop finely. Chop the dill finely. Stir in mushrooms, dill, pepper, salt and vegetable oil.
Carefully fill the incisions in the potatoes with the mushroom filling. Place the potatoes in a baking dish so that they fit snugly together. Place the garlic cloves between the potatoes. If you like fried garlic, add more garlic.
Cover the form with foil and bake the potatoes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
5-7 minutes before cooking, you can remove the foil, increase the temperature and continue to bake the potatoes until golden brown.

Greens and garlic, poultry, mushrooms and vegetables are good fillers for low-calorie potatoes. It is with vegetables that our next recipe will be. The carbohydrates in potatoes will energize the body, and the fiber in vegetables will help improve the absorption of these carbohydrates.

Stuffed potatoes in the oven

4 medium potatoes
500 g vegetables (for example, carrots, broccoli, onions),
180 g sour cream,
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
150 g cheese
greens to taste
vegetable oil,
salt and black pepper.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Rinse the potatoes thoroughly. Rub the potatoes with vegetable oil and season with salt and pepper. Chop the potato skins with a fork and then place on a baking sheet. Bake until tender for about an hour, depending on the size of the potatoes.
Toss the finely chopped vegetables with oil, salt and pepper and place in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with baking paper or foil. Bake for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Remove potatoes and vegetables from the oven. Let the potatoes cool for about 20 minutes. Using a towel, press into the center of each potato so that a depression forms at the top. Do this carefully so as not to damage the skin.
Put the vegetable filling in a bowl, add sour cream, garlic powder, herbs, half of the cheese and stir. Season to taste with salt and pepper and fill the potato halves with the filling. Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top.
Bake in oven for 15-20 minutes, until cheese is melted.

As long as you have some potatoes in your inventory, you will always know that you have at least several options for lunch and dinner. Served with butter, vegetables, meat or on its own, baked potatoes in the oven are always a tasty and satisfying dish, the various variations of which make it new and desirable every time. You can find even more potato dishes on our website.

We mainly eat potatoes either fried or mashed - it is very tasty. Today we offer you to diversify your table and cook even more delicious potatoes. Despite the seeming complexity, our dishes are very easy to perform. Take your pick!

Peasant-style potatoes

Young potatoes are best suited for this dish, because it is advisable to cook them with their skins. Old tubers can also be used, but they must be thoroughly washed with a brush.

  • Cut medium potatoes lengthwise into 4 or 6 pieces.
  • Place the slices in a single layer in a baking dish.
  • Drizzle over the potatoes with unscented olive oil or plain oil. Stir the slices with your hands. For 1 kg of vegetables, take 0.5 cups of oil.
  • Sprinkle the potatoes drenched in oil generously with any dry spices. You can buy them ready-made in the store - they are called “For potatoes in a village style”. You can make them yourself: mix salt (1 tbsp), ground pepper (1 tsp), dry herbs (2 tbsp).
  • Bake potatoes in a preheated oven. First, do it under foil (20 minutes), and then without it - for another 5-7 minutes.

Accordion potato

Cut long shaped potatoes into wedges, but do not cut the tubers all the way through. Salt and pepper the resulting accordions. Insert a very thin slice of fresh unsalted bacon between each adjacent potato wedges. Bake the accordion potatoes in the oven for 35 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking, you can sprinkle the dish with grated hard cheese.

Potatoes with egg

For this dish, pre-boil the potatoes in their skins. When it cools down, cut off the sidewall. Remove the potato crumb from the middle (use it in other dishes). Salt the resulting potato mold and beat in either one small chicken egg, or a couple of small quail eggs. Place the potatoes in the oven and wait for the eggs to set. Sprinkle with fresh herbs before serving.

Potatoes with cheese

Slice the potatoes in half lengthways. Season it with a little salt and pepper. Bake in the oven until half cooked. Place a slice of high-fat hard cheese on each half. Put the potatoes in the oven again and keep them until the cheese is melted.

Potatoes with garlic sauce

Chop potatoes of the same size in several places with a toothpick and brush with vegetable oil. Wrap each tuber in foil and bake in the oven for about 50 minutes. Unroll the hot potatoes and cut each into two halves. Pour melted butter sauce mixed with chopped garlic, salt and herbs on the baked potatoes.

Potatoes with meat and vegetables

This dish is also called potato pizza:

  • Bake whole large potato tubers until half cooked in the oven, or boil them in their skins.
  • Remove the pulp from each potato.
  • Put any stewed vegetables, boiled or fried meat, mushrooms inside the resulting boats. Be sure to pepper and salt the filling.
  • Place a small piece of butter on top of the filling.
  • Bake the potatoes until the butter melts and the top is crispy.

Serve this dish with a spoonful of soft Ricotta cheese, which should be placed on the filling when the potatoes are still very hot.

Potato kebab

Boil potatoes in salted water until half cooked. Cut it into slices. Skewer the potatoes, alternating with slices of smoked bacon or slices of "salami" sausage. Bake the dish in the oven until the potatoes are cooked through. Serve potato skewers with fresh or pickled vegetables.

Potatoes in milk

Potatoes baked in milk are very tender and tasty:

  • Peel the potatoes (1 kg) and cut into thin slices. Place it in a baking dish.
  • Pour the whole milk over the potatoes. There should be enough of it so that the liquid covers the top layer of the potato.
  • Place a few slices of butter on top.
  • Bake the dish in the oven for 1-1.5 hours until the potatoes are completely softened and a brown crust appears on its surface.
  • Season the potatoes with salt before serving.

You do not need to salt the potatoes before baking - in salted milk they will become very hard.

Greek potatoes

This dish will appeal to lovers of Mediterranean cuisine:

  • Cut small potatoes into halves or quarters.
  • Season potatoes with salt and olive oil.
  • Bake in the oven until cooked through.
  • Before serving, while the potatoes are still hot, sprinkle with fresh lemon juice (2 tablespoons) and sprinkle with zest from half a lemon. These spices are enough for 1 kg of tubers.

American style potatoes

Everyone's favorite dish, served in almost all fast food restaurants, is very easy to prepare yourself:

  • Prick medium-sized potatoes with a fork and bake in the oven, after wrapping each tuber in foil.
  • Cut off the side of the potato and remove the baked pulp from the inside.
  • Mash the pulp with a fork and mix with chopped bacon, grated hard cheese, softened butter and dill. Take all the ingredients to taste.
  • Season the filling with salt and pepper and put back into the potatoes.
  • Put the potatoes in the oven again and bake until the filling is golden brown.
  • Place a spoonful of thick sour cream on each potato before serving.

French fries

In the original, this dish is called "Gratin":

  • Peel 1 kg of potatoes and cut into thin slices.
  • Lay the circles in layers in a round shape, having previously salted and pepper them.
  • Mix 2 cups heavy cream and 100 g sour cream. Season the sauce with salt, pepper and add ground nutmeg (1/4 tsp). Add a couple of minced garlic cloves if desired.
  • Pour the sauce over the potatoes. Sprinkle grated cheese (100 g) on \u200b\u200btop of the dish.
  • Bake gratin at 200 degrees. Cooking time - 1 hour.

Potatoes in pots

A traditional Russian dish can be prepared with either mushrooms or meat. Fry potato slices, carrot slices, and onion half rings in a pan with butter until golden brown. Season the vegetables with salt and pepper. Also fry mushrooms or pieces of pork or chicken. Salt them at the end too. Place vegetables, mushrooms and meat in layers in pots. Fill the dish with any broth (meat, vegetable, mushroom) and put a clove of garlic and one bay leaf in each serving. Bake the potatoes in the pots, first under the lid (15 minutes) and then without (10 minutes)

Potatoes with mushrooms

Boil 1 kg of potatoes and cut them into wedges or slices. Fry 0.5 kg of mushrooms and 3 large onions in vegetable oil. Place potatoes, mushrooms, and onions into a baking dish. Pour the vegetables with sour cream (1.5 cups), mayonnaise (0.5 cups), salt and pepper sauce to taste. Bake the dish in the oven until the top crust is beautiful golden brown.

Potato roll with mushrooms

Make delicious mashed potatoes, but no milk added. Put salt, pepper, dry herbs and a beaten raw egg in the puree. Take 1 egg for 1 kg of potatoes. Place it when the puree has cooled down a little. Spread the puree in a thin layer on a gauze pad. Put any mushrooms fried with onions and flavored with spices on the puree. Use a napkin to roll the roll up and very carefully transfer it to the oiled sheet. Grease the roll with thick sour cream on top. Bake the dish in the oven until it is beautifully browned.

It would seem: ordinary potatoes. But how many delicious and original dishes can be prepared from it. Cook according to our recipes and come up with your own - branded.

Potatoes can rightfully be called the most popular vegetable in our country. Almost no first course is complete without it, and there is no need to talk about a variety of side dishes and salads from this amazingly tasty vegetable. The tubers can be fried, boiled, steamed and grilled. But nutritionists strongly recommend simply baking this vegetable in the oven.

Baking any vegetables allows you to get at the end of the cooking process a dish containing a minimum amount of fat or no fat at all, with an appetizing golden brown crust. All juices and nutrients are stored inside.

The cooking process does not require a lot of time, knowledge and effort.

Oven baked potatoes: calorie content, composition, benefits

Baked potatoes are low-calorie dishes. Its calorie content is only 82 per 100 g of product. But don't forget that potatoes are high in carbohydrates.

No wonder it is called the second bread. The baked vegetable contains:

  • carbohydrates;
  • cellulose;
  • starch;
  • proteins;
  • proteins;
  • pectin;
  • oxalic, malic, citric acids;
  • minerals: potassium, phosphorus;
  • vitamin C;
  • b vitamins - B1, B6, B12.

The main benefits of potatoes:

  • has diuretic properties;
  • relieves spasms;
  • eliminates edema;
  • neutralizes the acidity of the body;
  • has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and liver;
  • participates in metabolic processes and digestion processes.

How to bake potatoes in the oven correctly so that it turns out not only tasty, but also healthy?

Oven baked potatoes: the best recipes

In foil

Take a few tubers, rinse under running water, then dry with a paper towel. Make several cuts with a knife on each and insert a piece of butter into it.

Add salt and any spices to taste - cumin, fresh herbs, special potato seasoning. Wrap each tuber separately in two layers of foil, wrap and send to the oven for half an hour. The temperature there should be 200 degrees.

Herb Potatoes

Cut the raw potatoes with the peel into circles about 1 centimeter thick, blot with a kitchen napkin to remove the juice released during this.

Pour a few tablespoons of any vegetable oil into a bowl, dip the circles of the vegetable there, stir so that each is covered with a layer of oil. Add salt to taste, cumin and other seasonings. Mix again.

In a lightly oiled baking sheet, place the chopped tubers in one layer. Turn on the oven, the temperature should be 100 degrees, and put the potatoes on for ten minutes. Then add fire for a nice crispy crust. Be careful not to let the food burn or become too dry.

Jacket baked potatoes with cheese


  • raw potatoes - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • sour cream - half a glass;
  • hard cheese - about 100 g;
  • nutmeg, black pepper, salt - to taste;
  • finely chopped fresh herbs - cilantro, parsley, dill, basil, etc.

Cooking method:

  • boil tubers in their uniform until half cooked;
  • cut into thin circles, having previously judged and dried;
  • chop the garlic and distribute over the bottom of the baking sheet;
  • put mugs of potatoes on top;
  • sprinkle with salt, pepper and nutmeg on top;
  • finely grate cheese and mix with sour cream;
  • pour potatoes on top with this mixture;
  • put in the oven and cook at a temperature of 100 degrees until a fragrant appetizing crust forms;
  • sprinkle the finished dish with fresh herbs on top.

Oven potatoes with cabbage and bacon

Every hostess has situations when guests will be on the doorstep in a few minutes. In such a situation, the recipe is perfect, since it does not take much time, and there are always products in the refrigerator.

So, you will need:

  • potatoes;
  • hard cheese;
  • vegetable oil;
  • bacon;
  • cabbage of any kind;
  • cream, sour cream or milk;
  • salt, spices, herbs, any.

We take products depending on the number of guests and, if necessary, replace them with similar ones that are in the house. In general, we fantasize.

Wash the potatoes and boil them in their skins. Then drain the boiling water and cool.

While the vegetable is boiling, we prepare the ingredients: three cheese on a fine grater, chop the onion and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil, finely chop the greens, wash the cabbage, dry it and, if necessary, chop it. If you have broccoli, then it is baked whole. We cut bacon too. It can be replaced with any meat product.

When the potatoes have cooled, cut them into circles about a centimeter in diameter, put in a greased baking sheet. Then put the cabbage, bacon, fried onions in turn. Sprinkle each layer with salt and spices to taste. Fill with cream - and into the oven heated to 220 degrees for fifteen minutes. Sprinkle with cheese 5 minutes before readiness, herbs - when the dish is ready.

If you are a vegetarian

In this case, filled potatoes baked in the oven will become your favorite dish. Fast, tasty, cheap. To do this, simply boil the vegetable in its uniform until tender, drain the water, cool and cut it in half across.

With a teaspoon, remove the pulp from the middle and mix it with squash or blue caviar. Although, this is a matter of your preference. You can fill the middle of the potato with anything. Sprinkle on top with black pepper, spices or dry herbs. Poison in the oven for 15 minutes.

This dish is very good to serve with fresh vegetables and fresh herbs.

Surprise your guests

This recipe requires patience and a little more time. But it turns out to be more original.

Wash, dry, wrap in foil and bake potatoes. The baking time is about forty minutes, the temperature is 100 degrees. Then remove from the oven, let cool, gently unfold the foil.

Peel each vegetable carefully. To do this, make a crosswise cut with a knife, remove the pulp with a spoon, leave the peel on the foil.

Remember the pulp, adding salt, butter, spices to taste and half of the cheese grated on a fine grater beforehand. Mix and fill the rind. Shape the potatoes, sprinkle with cheese on top and put in the oven again for a few minutes.

Now you know how to bake potatoes in the oven correctly so that they turn out tasty, healthy and require a minimum of cooking time. There are actually a great variety of recipes. You can invent your own dishes based on already known recipes. You need a little imagination and patience.


  • 4 large potatoes;
  • salt to taste;
  • 30 g butter.


Rinse the potatoes and pierce with a fork several times on all sides. Brush with olive oil, salt, season with spices.

Place the potatoes on a wire rack in an oven preheated to 180 ° C and bake for 60–75 minutes. Check the readiness with a fork: the potatoes should be soft.

Make a longitudinal cut on each potato, sprinkle with salt, pepper and add a lump of butter.


  • 900 g potatoes;
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • ½ bunch fresh rosemary.


Rinse the potatoes well and cut in half or into quarters if the tubers are too large. Place the potatoes on a baking sheet, sprinkle with oil, sprinkle with chopped garlic, salt, pepper and chopped rosemary. Save a few sprigs of rosemary for serving.

Heat olive oil over medium heat. Fry chopped onion and garlic on it. Then put the minced meat in a skillet and cook for a few minutes. Add flour and stir. Add vegetables, broth, water, thyme, oregano, pepper and salt. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring occasionally, for about 2 minutes, until the filling thickens.

Place the skins on a baking sheet and fill with the meat mixture. Put the cooled puree in a pastry bag with an asterisk attachment and cover the filling with it. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 15-20 minutes, until the puree is browned around the edges.


  • 3 large potatoes;
  • 5 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon dried garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of Italian herbs
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 50 g grated parmesan;
  • a few sprigs of parsley.


Rinse the potatoes well and cut into long thin wedges. Place them on a baking sheet, sprinkle with oil, sprinkle with seasonings and stir. Spread the potatoes skin side down and sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese.

Bake in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 25-27 minutes, until the potatoes are crispy and golden. Sprinkle the baked potatoes with chopped parsley and serve with Caesar sauce or whatever you like.


  • 4 potatoes;
  • 2 ¹⁄₂ tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 2 heads of broccoli;
  • 100 ml skim milk;
  • ½ teaspoon cornstarch
  • 100 g of grated hard cheese.


Rinse the potatoes and pour a tablespoon of olive oil over the tubers. Pierce the potatoes with a fork on all sides and rub with salt. Place the tubers on a wire rack and bake at 220 ° C for 45-50 minutes.

10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, put broccoli inflorescences on a baking sheet, pour with a tablespoon of oil, lightly sprinkle with salt and place in the oven.

In a small saucepan, combine milk and starch. Bring to a boil over medium heat, then add remaining butter and cheese. Cook, stirring constantly, until the sauce is thick and smooth.

Place cooked on a serving platter, cut off the top, top with broccoli and pour over with cheese sauce.


  • 3 large potatoes;
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 3 large eggs;
  • 50 g grated cheddar;
  • 3 slices of bacon;
  • 2 green onion feathers.


Rinse the potatoes well with a stiff brush. Pierce the tubers with a fork on all sides, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Put on for 8 minutes.

Put the slightly cooled potatoes on a baking sheet lined with parchment, cut off the top and remove the core with a spoon. Place a slice of butter, egg, cheese and chopped toasted bacon in the resulting hole. Sprinkle with chopped onions.

Fill the other potatoes in the same way. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20-25 minutes, until the egg white turns white.


  • 6 large potatoes;
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • salt to taste;
  • 85 g butter;
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 6 feathers of green onions;
  • 230 g of grated hard cheese;
  • 600 g canned beans.


Wash potatoes, brush with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Place on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 1 hour.

Cut the slightly cooled potatoes in half lengthwise. Use a spoon to scoop out almost all of the pulp. Combine it with butter, mustard, salt, chopped onions, ⅔ cheese, and beans. Fill the potato skins with the mixture, sprinkle with the remaining cheese and bake for another 30-40 minutes.