Red velvet from mary white. Now let's prepare the mirror glaze

02.09.2019 Bakery

Have you noticed that sweet pastries: be they cakes, pastries, or accompany us in the brightest and most joyful events? Birthday, wedding, New Year - they always come not alone, but with something tasty to boot! The Red Velvet cake, the recipe for which I propose today, is a real treat in itself. It is so original, beautiful, bright - that as soon as it appears on the table, even an ordinary day will be painted with bright colors. Do you want a holiday? Make Red Velvet!

We add cream cheese cream to the chocolate-vanilla flavor of the biscuit. Moderately sweet, it perfectly sets off the taste of velvet cakes.

Red Biscuit Recipe:

  • Wheat flour - 330 g
  • Granulated sugar - 300 g
  • Butter - 150 g
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Buttermilk / milk (you can make an analogue of buttermilk from milk yourself, during the preparation I will explain how.
  • Red Gel Dye - 2 tsp
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp.
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1/4 tsp
  • Vanilla sugar (1 heaped tablespoon) or vanilla extract (1 tsp) optional

Ingredients for cream cheese:

  • Curd cheese - 340 g
  • Butter - 115 g
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g
  • Vanilla extract - 2 tsp

For a "naked" cake, one serving of cream is enough, but if you want to coat the sides, or make additional decorations on the top of the cake, you will need 2 or even 3 servings (for this, increase the number of ingredients proportionally).

How to cook:

Dry ingredients, except sugar and salt, namely (flour - 330 g, baking powder - 1 tsp, soda - 1 tsp, cocoa powder - 1 tbsp), sift through a sieve several times.

Use the finest quality cocoa powder you can find. Dry mixes such as "Nesquik" are excluded, I do not advise using them in baking, and give children too. One tablespoon of quality cocoa will be enough in this recipe to add chocolate flavor to the biscuits without killing the color.

By the way, if you do not dare to add dye to the dough, you can increase the amount of cocoa to 3 tbsp. spoons and get a delicious chocolate cake with a velvet structure.

I usually sift the dry mixture 2-3 times, throw out all the lumps that remain at the bottom of the strainer.

Then I mix the flour mixture with a whisk or mixer at a low speed. The more carefully we distribute the baking soda and baking powder in the dough, the more evenly the biscuit will rise.

Combine butter at room temperature (150 g) with sugar (300 g) and salt (1/4 teaspoon), beat at a high mixer speed.

Salt works wonderfully in sweets, revealing their taste even more, therefore it is often added to sweet dough.

The consistency of the resulting mass will be lumpy, like wet sand.

At this stage, you can add 1 tsp. vanilla extract (or replace it with vanilla sugar).

Now we drive in 3 eggs (one at a time), after each egg, stir the mixture diligently.

After adding the eggs, pour in 150 ml. vegetable oil into the dough and stir.

Use unscented vegetable oil, you can use refined sunflower oil or corn oil.

If you don't have buttermilk on hand, you can make an analog yourself. For this in 270 ml. hot milk add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice and leave for half an hour. Stir. You will get a liquid with large flakes of sour milk - what we need for the recipe. The acid in buttermilk (kefir) helps to bring out the color of the biscuit.

You can use fatty kefir instead of buttermilk.

Pour 2 tsp into the warm buttermilk. red dye. The liquid will turn bright red, which is what we need to get a bright biscuit. Stir the buttermilk (kefir) until smooth to dissolve the color well.

Now start adding portions of red buttermilk and dry ingredients to the main dough (one at a time). Add some buttermilk (about 1/3), stir, add 1/3 of the flour mixture, stir again with a mixer, then again buttermilk (1/3), and so on, until all the ingredients are completely added.

The dough for the Red Velvet cake should turn out to be bright red (not pink), only in this case the finished biscuit will have a bright, rich color.

For staining, it is recommended to use high-quality concentrated dyes. One of the most common are AmeriColor gel dyes (look at the photo how they look). Shades of Super Red and RED RED in a 50/50 ratio (a teaspoon each) are perfect for this cake! The cake layers will acquire a beautiful rich color. This time I used only one Super Red AmeriColor, the shade turned out to be not so beautiful, but also bright.

So, the dough is ready. Now we are preparing the baking dish. I will bake the red biscuit in three equally sized tins (diameter 18 cm), I will have three cakes about 4-5 cm high, each of which can be cut into two more layers. The end result is a tall, layered cake.

If you are baking a sponge cake in a large mold, for example, 26 cm in diameter, pour the entire dough into the mold at once. Cut the finished cake into several layers. It is believed that the less dough is baked in one go, the juicier the cake is inside. That is, if you choose between two options: bake one cake in a large diameter mold and then cut or bake all three separately, I would recommend the latter option.

The bottom and sides of the mold are lined with baking paper, which I trust. I pour the dough into molds and bake three biscuits at the same time in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes at 180 C.

The oven must be preheated to 180 C. This is very important! The biscuit dough should start baking immediately before settling.

We check the readiness of the biscuit with a wooden stick: inserted into the middle of the biscuit, it should not come out with wet lumps of dough. Next, let the biscuit stand for 10-15 minutes in the form, after that we take it out and completely cool it on the wire rack. The baked cakes are incredibly tender and juicy.

There is another neat trick on how to make the cake even more nourished and moist. To do this, you need to wrap each completely cooled biscuit with cling film as tightly as possible and let it brew in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. The moisture in the crust will not be able to leave the crumb due to the film, but will be evenly distributed over its entire surface, saturating the biscuit.

I try to bake a sponge cake the day before the cake is assembled. I wrap it in plastic, leave it in the refrigerator overnight, and collect the cake the next morning.

The Red Velvet cake was invented by American confectioners as a variant of a wedding cake. Red is the color of passion, but the trick of this delicacy is not only in color, but in a small amount of cocoa, which is added to the biscuit and masked with scarlet dye.

You need to cut the biscuits completely cooled, so they will crumble less and be able to cut smoother.

Cream cheese for the cake "Red Velvet"

Creamy cheese cream goes well with the color and taste of the cakes. I use it to both sandwich the cake and flatten it.

For the preparation of the cream, we will use Hochland curd cream (you can replace it with Philadelphia, Violette and other similar cheeses). Make sure that the packaging is not labeled "processed cheese", there should be an inscription "creamy".

It is very simple to prepare the cream; no special skills are required. First whisk the butter (115 g) with the powdered sugar (100 g) at high speed, then add the cream cheese and whisk again.

The butter should be at room temperature, softened and beaten well.

Cream cheese, on the other hand, should be very cold, fresh from the refrigerator.

We mix all the ingredients into a homogeneous cream. We put it in a pastry bag (it is more convenient to use it to apply even layers between the cakes.)

On the You Tube channel there is a step-by-step video recipe for cheese cream, where I talk about all the little things and nuances of cooking, I invite you to watch:

Squeeze a small amount of cream into the bottom of the dessert tray so that the bottom cake sticks well, making it easier for us to assemble the cake.

Squeeze the cream out of the pastry bag around the entire surface of the cake.

When the first biscuit is completely covered, put the next cake on top and coat it again with cream.

I got 6 cakes, I left one thin crust for making desserts in cups and decorating the cake.

Sometimes I do not cut the biscuits, the cakes are thicker, as, for example, in the photo below.

Regardless of the size of the layers, the biscuit is juicy, does not need impregnation, so you can adjust the thickness of the cakes as you want.

Be sure to make this cake! It is delicious, delicate, and has a chocolate aftertaste.

The assembled cake should sit in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours for better soaking.

Bon Appetit!

I'm very interested to see what kind of cakes you got. Attach a photo to your comment. If you have any questions I am happy to answer, feel free to ask!

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Good afternoon friends!

Today is my birthday. So I thought, how to treat myself to my beloved, and decided to bake a red velvet cake. I know one original recipe that produces an amazingly tender creamy cheese cream and a very tasty cake.

Outside the window is the first day of summer, +10 degrees and a hurricane wind, brr ... cold! I will not go anywhere, I will cook dessert at home, slowly. And in the evening the whole family will gather at the table, congratulate the birthday girl and appreciate the decoration of the table - a beautiful and delicious cake with fruits.

The Red Velvet cake received its name and worldwide recognition after the publication of the cookbook by American pastry chef James Byrd in 1972. The original cake is popular in expensive restaurants in Canada and the United States.

How to make a cake at home

At first glance, it may seem that preparing such an inimitable dessert is very difficult, but if you follow all the steps according to the recipe, step by step, then everything will work out. So let's get started!


for biscuit

  • wheat flour - 500 grams
  • butter - 100 grams
  • condensed milk - 1 can
  • milk - 500 ml
  • food coloring - a few drops
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • soda - 2 tsp
  • citric acid -1 tsp

for cream

  • butter - 100 grams
  • cream cheese - 400 grams
  • icing sugar - 200 grams

for decoration

  • fresh or canned berries

Step by step cooking:

We start by making a biscuit.

Put butter in a bowl. The oil should be warmed to room temperature. Pay attention to the temperature of the oil, if it is cold, it will not whisk, but will simply stick to the mixer blades.

Begin to beat the butter with a mixer, add it and gradually add condensed milk. Beat until a white, fluffy mass is obtained.

Then add milk to this mass and beat again. We now have a white liquid foundation.

Since we are preparing a red velvet cake, our cakes should also be red. When I baked this cake for the first time, I used a natural dye - beetroot juice. Grated fresh beets, squeezed and squeezed the juice, acidified it with lemon juice. For evaporation, sent to the microwave for 5 minutes. The juice thickened and I added it to the liquid base. But I must tell you that the color turned out unsaturated, not what I wanted to get. Maybe I did something wrong, but it is difficult to achieve the desired shade with beetroot juice.

Therefore, this time, I decided to use food coloring - high-quality helium paint used in the food industry. It greatly facilitates work and shortens the cooking time. Just a few drops are enough and the cream acquires the desired, rich, bright red color. What you need!

Before use, flour must be sifted through a sieve, 2-3 times can be. This will improve its baking properties, since the flour will be saturated with oxygen in the air, and will also prevent accidental ingestion of various crumbs.

Pour the sifted wheat flour into the second bowl, add cocoa, soda and citric acid. Mix well dry.

Combine all mixed dry ingredients with a liquid red base. Mix with a whisk until smooth, until the consistency of thin sour cream. You do not need to mix for a long time, otherwise the dough will become dense and when baked it will turn out tough.

The dough is conditionally divided into three forms, that is how many layers we will have in my cake. She lined the detachable forms with baking paper, smeared with a small amount of vegetable oil and poured the dough. To smooth the dough, lightly shake the mold, the thickness should be the same, about 1.5-2 cm. I sent it to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Depending on the oven, the temperature and baking time may vary.

The most important thing is not to overexpose the cakes, then they turn from red to brown. Readiness is checked with a toothpick in several places. After cooking, cool the cakes to room temperature without removing them from the mold.

And then, having freed the cakes from the split form and paper, we additionally cool them in the refrigerator. In the meantime, we are preparing a delicate creamy cheese cream for the cake.

You can make sour cream, but today I want to make a good cream cheese with butter. The butter for the cream should be at room temperature, and the cheese, on the other hand, should be chilled.

Any quality cream cheese can be used. I found Philadelphia cheese in the fridge and I'm making it out of it. The cream should be enough to spread the layers, and the whole cake on top and on the sides, so I take two packs.

The butter should be soft, at room temperature, give it splendor and add cheese to it in portions, kneading well.

Instead of sugar, we will use powdered sugar, gradually stirring it in and whipping it into a cream. You can also add flavors (vanilla, cinnamon, poppy, ginger, cardamom, etc.) if desired. We'll add some vanilla for flavor.

We have got a wonderful fluffy, tender and homogeneous mass. We send it to the refrigerator for 1 hour.

On a flat stand, we begin to assemble our beautiful red cake. We coat each cake with a layer of cream.

Coat the cake with cream on top and on all sides. Refrigerate for 3 hours. During this time, it will be well saturated. Now we start decorating, imagination will help us here ... and the presence of fresh and canned fruits.

Here is such a beauty! A well-soaked and mouth-watering dessert made with love. Bon Appetit!

I hope, dear friends, that you have found useful information for yourself. I would like to know your opinion on the recipe, write in the comments. If you like it, click "Class" and share links to the article with your friends on social networks.

Cake "Red Velvet" (or Red Velvet) is an exquisite dessert consisting of bright and very catchy cakes against a background of contrasting snow-white cream. This wonderful pastry comes from the United States, but how, where exactly and under what circumstances the recipe originated is currently unknown. One thing is for sure - this dessert has gained enormous popularity and has become a favorite delicacy for the sweet tooth almost all over the world! This is facilitated not only by the original appearance of the cake, but also by the incomparable taste of moist, porous cakes in combination with delicate butter cream!

Today we offer you to make this iconic dessert with your own hands! And if you don’t have time to cook a whole cake, we recommend trying it - they have a similar taste, but at the same time they cook very simply and very quickly!

Ingredients for a mold with a diameter of 20-22 cm:

For the test:

  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • cocoa powder - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour - 450 g;
  • vegetable oil (refined) - 400 ml;
  • kefir - 370 g;
  • fine salt - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • baking powder - 2.5 tsp (no slide);
  • baking soda - 1.3 tsp (no slide);
  • gel food coloring (red) - 2-3 tsp.

For the cream:

  • cream (33-35%) - 300 g;
  • cream cheese (curd) - 400 g;
  • icing sugar - 150 g (or to taste).

Cake "Red Velvet" recipe with photos step by step at home

How to make a sponge cake for the Red Velvet cake

  1. Combine all eggs at once (without dividing into whites and yolks) with sugar and beat with a mixer for about 5 minutes (until a light thickened mass is obtained).
  2. Pour baking soda (quicklime) into kefir, stir thoroughly.
  3. Add a gel dye to the fermented milk product, mix, achieving a uniform color of the liquid in a bright red color. If the shade is pale, the dye dosage can be increased slightly.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into the colored kefir. For the "Red Velvet" cake, the oil must be of high quality and refined (odorless and tasteless) so that the finished dessert does not have an unpleasant aftertaste.
  5. Separately mix and sift flour, cocoa powder and baking powder through a fine sieve, add fine salt.
  6. Pour dry ingredients into the egg mass, then pour in a colored mixture of butter and kefir. Beat with a mixer until a uniform bright red composition is obtained without flour lumps.
  7. Divide the resulting biscuit dough in half and distribute it into two detachable molds with a diameter of 20-22 cm. For convenience, the bottom of the molds is covered with parchment (the sides can not be greased).
  8. We bake a sponge cake for the Red Velvet cake for about 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees. We check the readiness traditionally by dipping a wooden skewer / toothpick into the dough. If the stick remains dry, remove the mold from the oven.
  9. Having completely cooled, we cut the biscuit blank lengthwise into two parts. We do the same with the second biscuit (as a result, we get 4 red cakes).

    How to make red velvet cake cream

  10. Whisk the heavily chilled cream with a mixer until firm.
  11. In a separate container, mix the sweet powder with cream cheese. Whisk lightly.
  12. Add whipped cream to the cream cheese in parts, gently stirring the mass with a spoon. On this, the snow-white cream for the Red Velvet cake is ready!

    How to form a cake "Red Velvet" - a recipe with a photo step by step

  13. Place one cake on a plate. In the case of "Red Velvet", the biscuit turns out to be so soft, crumbly and moist that there is no need to impregnate it with anything else, so we immediately apply a portion of the cream to the base of the cake.
  14. Spread the cream layer evenly, and then lay out the next cake. Thus, alternating the red biscuit with snow-white cream, we collect the whole cake. The convex tops of the cakes can be cut with a knife to make the finished dessert even and neat.
  15. On the very last cake layer, apply the remains of the cream, and then level the surface and sides of the cake with a large knife blade or a culinary spatula.
  16. We make baked goods in any way. You can prepare an additional portion of the cream and decorate the dessert with a culinary bag with a curly nozzle, or use any pastry sprinkles, fresh berries, mint leaves. Before serving, be sure to let the cake infuse on the refrigerator shelf for 3-4 hours.

The Red Velvet cake is ready! Enjoy your tea!

It is incredibly delicate and refined, with a silky smooth texture. It evokes images of cheesecake, soufflé and granny's country sour cream. At the same time, the cream is thick and retains its shape well - with its help you can level the cakes and create fancy decorations.

It seems that making such a delicacy is difficult? Not at all. Try making Red Velvet Butter Cream from the mixture "Vanilla frosting S. Pudov"... Just whisk the mixture with 200-250 grams of butter. After 3-4 minutes, an appetizing, persistent cake cream is ready. Easy, right? And the fantasy is not limited. Any butter cream jewelry keeps its shape well and retains its original appearance.

If you decide to observe the canons and bake an original cake, you will have to spend a little more time on the cream. For the classic Red Velvet recipe, the so-called “cream cheese” is used - a cream based on cream cheese. Not everyone knows him, since he came to us from Western cooking recently. Abroad, cheese cream for cake is made from mascarpone, ricotta or "Philadelphia". Well, Russian wizards use more affordable creamy curd cheese. In any case, Vanilla Frosting will come in handy. With her, the right cake cream is obtained from almost any cheese!

Cream recipe for "Red Velvet" based on Philadelphia cheese

Since Red Velvet is American, let's start with the classic American Philadelphia cream recipe. For its production, pasteurized milk is taken, which is fermented and then heated.

Whisk 170 g softened butter with 100 g mixture "Frosting vanilla" about 10 minutes. Add a tablespoon of milk and 180 g of classic Philadelphia cream cheese. Mix everything thoroughly with a wooden spatula. You can cover the cake.

Creamy curd cheese cake cream

Philadelphia is made by only one company and is not easy to find on the market. Therefore, more affordable analogues are also suitable - creamy curd cheeses from the nearest supermarket (Hochland, Almette, Kaymak, etc.). But choose consciously. A good natural product should include milk or cream, bacteria-based starter culture and salt. If preservatives are indicated, it is best to leave such a product in the store. And no hazy "cheese products" - just the word "cheese".

You can reduce the amount of butter by increasing the amount of cheese. Mix 1 pack "Frosting vanilla" and 115 g of softened butter. Whisk (5-7 minutes) and add about 340 g of cold curd cheese.

Cream cheese cream

Traditional cheesecake cream can be made lighter by replacing the butter with whipped cream.

Whisk 300 g of cold cream 33% until firm. Mix 100 g of the mixture separately "Frosting vanilla" and 400-500 g of cream cheese, whisk a little. Next, you should gradually add cream to the resulting cheese mass and stir gently so that the mass does not fall off.

Low-calorie cream for cake "Red Velvet"

A variant of the low-fat cheese is ricotta. Suitable for dietetic food, as it is based on skimmed cow's or goat's milk. Although the whole is not excluded. Use this delicate sweetish cheese in the cream recipe, so that the conscience is calm about the calories eaten.

The salt that is present in curd cheese sets off the taste of the cream and makes it less cloying. In the case of cottage cheese or ricotta, a little sea salt can be added for the same purpose.

For a light, low-calorie cream, use low-fat cheese (ricotta) or soft cottage cheese 0% as a basis. It is enough to beat the milk product with sweetener (without butter and cream) and remove the cream in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Add the substitute to taste and shape.

This delicious, delicate and original red velvet cake will surely please even novice hostesses. This spectacular dessert can be easily prepared at home, served at the festive table and delight family and friends with culinary skills. We offer a selection of descriptions, as well as reveal several secrets of making a delicious cream for dessert and methods of decoration.

Red Velvet cake - classic recipe

The initial recipe consists of the following list of ingredients used:

  • flour - 330 gr;
  • sugar - 300 gr;
  • oil drain. - 150 gr;
  • post oil - 150 gr;
  • eggs - 3 units;
  • buttermilk (kefir / milk + 1 table. l. lemon juice) - 270 gr;
  • food color gel red color - 2 tsp. l .;
  • cocoa powder (granular is better, it is more chocolate) - 1 table. l .;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp. l .;
  • soda - 1 tsp. l .;
  • salt - ¼ tea. l .;
  • vanilla extract - a few drops approximately.

Step-by-step process for preparing the dough and baking the cake:

  1. If you could not find buttermilk, do the following: add lemon juice to the dairy product and leave it for a while.
  2. Mix dry ingredients in a deep and wide bowl.
  3. Beat the softened butter with sugar and salt with a mixer until fluffy. Next, we introduce all the eggs and vanilla in turn, work it again with a mixer.
  4. Add the dye to the buttermilk or its substitute and stir the mixture. Pour in an odorless lean oil to the dough.
  5. Pour flour with other dry ingredients in 3 approaches, alternating with the tinted mass, beat well after each time until smooth.
  6. We bake the cakes in a form covered with parchment paper in the oven at 180 degrees, about 30 - 40 minutes.
  7. It is better to cook the sponge cake the day before to keep them in the refrigerator overnight. But if there is no time, then 2-3 hours are enough. This will make the cakes even juicier.

On a note. To help the butter whisk easily, let it sit at room temperature for an hour before use.

How to cook in a multicooker?

The cake can be prepared using a multicooker oven. It will help you bake tender and soft biscuits.

A multicooker cake is made from the following products:

  • flour - 340 gr;
  • eggs - 3 units;
  • sugar - 300 gr;
  • oil drain. - 200 gr;
  • post oil - 120 gr;
  • kefir - 200 gr;
  • cocoa - 2 tablespoons. l .;
  • soda and vanillin - 1 tsp. l .;
  • dye - 1 table. l .;
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp. l.

First of all, we sift the flour with a sieve together with cocoa to remove lumps from the mixture, and mix them with the rest of the dry ingredients. Pour the dye into the kefir and stir thoroughly with a fork / whisk.

Beat the sweet egg mass with a whisk. Without stopping work, gradually introduce soft butter and pour in vegetable oil. Pour in dry products and dye diluted in kefir, introducing the mixture in small portions.

Pour the resulting dough into a multicooker container, set the "Baking" program for 1 hour 25 minutes. If the biscuit is not baked during this time, add another 10-15 minutes. Leave the biscuit on the heating for another third of an hour.

Divide the baked goods into several equal cakes, sandwich them with cream, decorate as you wish.

Red Velvet - The Original Recipe

The original recipe will surely find its fans among lovers of homemade baking.

The dough is prepared from the following products:

  • flour - 310 gr;
  • cocoa - 2 tablespoons. l .;
  • soda - 1 tsp. l .;
  • salt;
  • oil drain. - 113 gr;
  • sugar - 300 gr;
  • eggs - 2 units;
  • post oil - 220 g.;
  • vinegar - 1 tsp. l .;
  • vanilla extract - 2 tsp;
  • buttermilk - 240 gr;
  • dye - 35 - 50 g.

For the cream you will need:

  • icing sugar - 156 gr;
  • cream cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • vanilla extract - 5 g;
  • cream (fat) - 300 gr.

For the dough, mix dry products, combining until an even, uniform color. We work through the softened butter and sugar with a mixer until the mass is strongly lightened and increase in size, then we introduce eggs one by one. Pour in oil and vinegar, whisking continuously, add vanilla extract and buttermilk.

Then combine the dry mixture with the oil base. Add a dye of such a concentration to get a rich red hue.

Lightly coat the baking dish with butter and sprinkle with flour. We send it to the oven to bake for half an hour at 180 degrees. Cool the cake for 10 minutes and remove it from the mold.

For the cream, combine the powder with soft cream cheese, add vanilla extract and work until a homogeneous, smooth structure is obtained. For this, it is recommended to use a mixer or a dip whisk. Whip the chilled cream and gently transfer to the creamy mixture, stir.

Cut the cake lengthwise into two equal parts. You can even out the top cake by cutting off the top with a thin layer. In the future, the pruning can be crushed into crumbs and used as a sprinkling. We coat the cakes with ready-made cream, without leaving the sides unattended. We decorate the top, side parts with crumbs and serve.

How to make at home with beet juice?

Beet juice acts as a natural dye for the dessert.

We suggest trying the following option:

  • flour - 350 gr;
  • sugar - 350 gr;
  • oil drain. - 270 gr;
  • cocoa - 30 gr;
  • kefir - 150 gr;
  • beet juice - 60 gr;
  • vinegar - 7 g;
  • baking powder - 8 gr.

Step-by-step cooking:

  1. Beat sugar with butter at room temperature. We mix dry products by sifting them through a sieve.
  2. We grate one beet and squeeze the juice. We mix kefir, vinegar and beet juice.
  3. We mix all the mixtures, starting and ending with the dry mixture, the mass should be homogeneous.
  4. Line 2 baking dishes (18 -20 cm) with parchment paper. We bake in the oven at 175 degrees. 40-45 minutes.

Recipe from Gordon Ramsay

  • flour - 450 gr;
  • baking powder - 20 gr;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • powder dye (red) - 30 g;
  • cocoa - 50 gr;
  • olive oil (constant) - 100 gr;
  • sugar - 300 gr;
  • eggs - 3 units;
  • vanillin - 10 gr;
  • fat-free cream - 250 gr;
  • cream cheese - 250 gr;
  • oil drain. -150 gr;
  • vanillin - 5 g;
  • icing sugar - 200 g.

We mix dry foods in a bowl.

Combine soft butter in a deep bowl with sugar using a mixer. Then pour in half of the dry mass and work with whisks again. Next, pour the eggs with kefir into the resulting blank and beat again. After that, add the remaining dry part and bring the dough to homogeneity.

We bake in a covered form at a temperature of 180 C until the cake is ready, which can be checked with a toothpick or skewer.

For the cream, beat soft cheese and warm butter at minimum speed, then add vanillin along with powdered sugar, while gradually increasing the speed of revolutions. The readiness of the consistency of the cream is determined as follows: the structure should be dense, but at the same time filled with air, light.

On a note. The cake can be garnished with seasonal berries or fruits, lightly covered with melted chocolate (white or black). You can also use sweets as decoration - pills, marmalade, dried fruits.

Red Velvet Cake by Andy Chef

Andy Chef's mousse cake has some popularity, like other types of desserts from this culinary specialist.

In advance, you need to prepare products in such quantities:

  • flour - 340 gr;
  • sugar -300 gr;
  • cocoa - 1 table. l .;
  • salt - ¼ tea. l .;
  • baking powder - 2 tsp. l .;
  • soda - 1 tsp. l .;
  • eggs - 3 units;
  • post oil - 300 gr;
  • buttermilk (kefir) - 280 gr;
  • dye - 2 teaspoon l.

In a container, combine the dry ingredients with a spoon. Next, we introduce eggs, vegetable oil to them. Finally, add buttermilk or kefir along with dye. Stir everything well and leave aside for ten minutes for the baking soda and fermented milk product to interact.

Cover the mold (16-20 cm) with a thin layer of oil, spread oiled parchment on the bottom. Pour the dough into a mold and send it to bake at 170 degrees. within a third of an hour. Periodically, you need to check the readiness of the baking with a skewer.

On a note. While decorating the cake, you can add pieces of canned fruits or berries to the cream. This trick will make the dessert more juicy, refreshing, lighter and tastier.

How to decorate a cake?

After preparing the base and cream, the question arises - how to decorate the red velvet cake? A ready-made dessert with a smooth, chilled surface can be arranged as desired.

Traditionally, the surface of the cake is sprinkled with red biscuit crumbs, but can be complemented with beautiful accents in the center or along the edging using cream and a pastry bag with various attachments.

In another case, you can sprinkle with crumbs not the entire surface, but only the sides or edging, add various patterns using a pastry bag and colored creams or melted chocolate.

If there is a strawberry in the arsenal, then it will perfectly complement the design.

Another option for decorating the cake is to sprinkle the white base with red crumbs on top, and plant the flowers around with a pastry bag.

Several options for cake cream

  1. The traditional cream for red velvet cake is creamy. Its recipe is simple, it consists of three ingredients: cream cheese, cream and powdered sugar. Everything is whipped and the cake is decorated.
  2. You can offer another option, from this the cake will be no less tasty. If you don't have cream on hand, you can substitute butter for it.
  3. Or version: butter and Frosting vanilla mixture S. Pudov. This mixture is the basis for any cream, keeps its shape well, so it can be safely used to decorate a dessert.