Ceramic Turk. Clay Turk for coffee

03.08.2019 Restaurant notes

The modern lifestyle of many people is hard to imagine without a morning wake up from the aroma of coffee. An ancient and most proper way to prepare this invigorating drink is brewing in a Turk. Clay Turk is considered popular, natural and affordable. There are also other types of cezves made of ceramics, copper.

Pros and Cons of Clay Turks

The material of the Turks, in which coffee is brewed, plays an important role. To get high-quality aromatic coffee, you should pay attention to all types of cezves that are on the market. The quality of the material affects the speed of preparation of coffee, its saturation, aroma and taste characteristics.

Many coffee drink aficionados believe that clay turk is better than ceramic or copper. Especially if it is made from Yixing clay. This Chinese clay (from the city of Yixing), thanks to its structure, saturates coffee with oxygen, which gives it a divine aroma and taste. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to find and purchase a Turk from this oriental material, but even simple clay has its advantages and has a beneficial effect on the quality of coffee.


In ancient times, clay-headed Turks were used by poor commoners who could not afford copper utensils (it was available only to aristocrats). Modern coffee lovers find a number of advantages of cezves made of clay, which explains their relevance.

The advantages of using clay cezve include:

  • The porous structure of clay enriches coffee with oxygen, enhances its aroma;
  • Environmental friendliness of the material, which makes it safe for the body;
  • Low thermal conductivity, which helps to keep the temperature of the drink. After coffee is brewed in such dishes, it will acquire an indescribable deep taste;
  • Even heating helps to gradually reveal all the qualities of a coffee drink and taste characteristics;
  • Accessibility and a wide range allow coffee lovers to purchase dishes for its preparation of different types and volumes. Even a handmade Turk cannot be scared away by numbers on the price tag. If yixing clay is used, then the price of the dishes will be much higher than from ordinary clay.


Features of clay turks can scare coffee lovers from using this type of cezve. Disadvantages:

  • Preserving the aroma of coffee. Due to the porous structure, the walls of the Turks are saturated with the properties of the first coffee brewed in it. Coffee beans of a new variety will not reveal the taste potential due to the taste of the previous brewing. Therefore, it is advisable to brew one sort of coffee in a Turk.
  • Constant control over the cooking process. Due to the clay cooling down slowly, coffee continues to rise even when the Turk is removed from the fire. You need to learn how to control the process of brewing an invigorating drink.
  • Sensitivity to temperature changes. Do not sharply cool pottery after heating, as it may crack. When preparing a coffee drink, it is better to put a cold Turk on a small fire, so that it is evenly heated, and there is no sharp temperature drop.
  • Fragility. It is easy enough to break this type of dishes, especially if tiles are laid on the floor.

Which Turk is better, clay or ceramic?

  Ceramic Turks differ from clay glazed surface

Along with clay Turks, ceramic ones are also popular. They are also made of fired clay, but have a finish glazed coating. The surface is glossy or matte.

The main feature that distinguishes pottery from ceramic is that ceramics do not absorb odors. This material does not interact with the external environment, does not oxidize, and therefore it is easy to get rid of traces of a previously prepared drink. Pottery is easy to clean, just rinse it with water.

Therefore, if a person does not consume one type of coffee, and often brews different types of coffee beans, then he should give preference to a turk made of ceramics. It retains all the positive properties of clay, in addition, it eliminates traces of previous brewing.

Which Turk is better, clay or copper?

In ancient times, a copper cezve was considered a sign of affluence, only high-ranking officials used it. Now only true coffee connoisseurs give preference to this type of Turks. Copper has its differences from clay, as well as some features. To decide which type of material is more suitable for a coffee lover, you need to familiarize yourself with its properties.

Copper differs from clay in that it heats and cools quickly enough. This does not allow coffee to languish, thereby saturating it with taste and aroma, as in clay Turks. Nevertheless, it is possible to reveal all the taste characteristics in copper utensils even with the help of hot sand, due to its good thermal conductivity.

Important! Like clay, copper has the ability to absorb the aromas of coffee, so lovers of an invigorating drink should also pay attention to this.

How to choose a clay turk

Today the market provides a large selection of cezves of different types and sizes. Clay Turks are widely represented both by artisans and factory production. Anyone who prefers factory utensils can be sure of the strength of the material and its quality. After all, they are all tested for fire resistance, have a guarantee of use.

Handmade Turks also find their customers. Many people prefer the old method of making cezve because they invest in the soul, the positive energy of the artisan. Therefore, the drink will have a more noble taste and aroma. Hand-made Turks are also distinguished by individual decorative processing from the outside. You can choose them as a gift, or in your own collection.

To choose the right Cezve, you must pay attention to the fact that:

  • The shape of the dishes should be in the form of a cone (with a narrow neck and a wide bottom);
  • The walls of the Turks must be thick enough (otherwise it can crack quickly due to the temperature difference);
  • Inside there should be no damage, cracks, roughness;
  • The handle should be at an angle long enough and not heat up.

How to brew coffee in clay turk

To prepare a delicious and fragrant invigorating drink in a clay Turk, you must:

  • Pour the right amount of ground coffee beans into a dry clean cezve (the amount of coffee depends on the desired strength of the drink);
  • Add water to the narrowest part of the neck;
  • Put on fire;
  • Wait for the boiling point (but do not boil!) And let it brew for a couple of minutes.

It is worth noting that bringing coffee to a boil three times (as when using copper cezv) is not worth it. It is enough to leave a freshly brewed invigorating drink for 3-5 minutes in a Turk to reveal all its taste characteristics.

Is it possible to brew coffee in a clay turk on a gas stove

Due to the fact that clay is quite vulnerable to temperature extremes, many are wondering whether it is possible to put clay turk on gas. If you put a special fire divider on the stove, it will be evenly distributed over the entire bottom surface, there will be no risk of damage to the dishes.

Features of operation and care

  There are some nuances regarding the care of a turk from clay

If you have an idea about the physical properties of clay, then you can guess how to use such dishes.

It is necessary to rinse the acquired clay from clay before the first use, it is better to boil water in it. You can also immerse it in a container of water and leave it there for an hour. Then rinse and wipe dry.

You can’t use detergents to wash cezve from clay, as their remnants get into the drink and can ruin the whole impression of coffee enjoyment.

If you had to change the type of coffee, then before brewing it is better to rinse the Turk in hot water several times. This will help get rid of the trace and smell of the previous type of drink. Modern clay cezves have a special protective coating from the inside. It is enough to rinse such dishes with water.

On a note! Many true connoisseurs claim that getting rid of the taste and aroma of a previous coffee variety in an earthenware Turk can only be done by brewing several times a new type of coffee.

The process of making coffee in a clay turk on gas is better to start with a small fire that does not go beyond the bottom. It will be good when the stove is initially cold. After turning off the fire, the boiling will stop, but the coffee will continue to be enriched in taste and aroma.

You should be careful not to subject the cezve to mechanical impact. Even a small blow can turn into a trip to the store for new dishes.

Coffee lovers know that its most delicious option is being prepared in turk.

The aroma and taste of the drink largely depends on its quality.

Another name for the Turks is cezva, but this Turkish word has not taken root in Russia. But there are different opinions on this matter - read about the differences between cezves and Turks.

Turk can be made from:

  • copper;
  • brass;
  • aluminum;
  • ceramics;
  • of stainless steel;
  • clay;
  • silver;
  • cupronickel;
  • quartz.

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic coffee cezve

Most of the sold Turks are made of ceramic. The main advantage of such dishes is thick walls..

The drink is more aromatic and rich due to the long-term preservation of heat.

In a ceramic Turk you can brew coffee of any grade and type.

The only drawback of this option is the fragility of ceramics. Turk will break even from a small fall.

The cost of a product made of quality ceramics starts from 1000 rubles.

Differences and similarities with clay turk

Ceramics and clay are the same material   with different processing. Clay Turk has no topcoat - “glaze”, which makes ceramic dishes smooth and shiny.

The porous surface of the clay absorbs odor and color. The taste of new coffee made from clay turk may contain shades of the previous drink. You can make another type of coffee in it, but its taste will be distorted.

Caring for clay dishes is more difficult than ceramic. Inaccurate washing will quickly spoil the appearance of the product.

Which Turk is better: ceramic or copper?

Both copper and ceramic Turks have their fans. They differ in several indicators:

  • thermal conductivity   (copper is higher than ceramics);
  • heat capacity (ceramic is higher than copper);
  • cooling rate   (copper is higher than ceramics).

The main disadvantage of copper turks   - toxicity in violation of the tin layer. If scratches appear inside the product, its use becomes hazardous to health.

Ceramic Turks are deprived of this drawback, but have another - increased fragility at high cost.

Copper Turk is considered a more classic option. Many people prefer ceramic products because the drink in them “languishes” longer after turning off the stove and becomes more aromatic.

How to use

There are many ways to make coffee in a Turk. The liquid in such a dish heats up very quickly.

It is impossible to leave coffee on the stove unattended, because it will quickly “run away” and lose some of the aroma.

One of the most popular cooking recipes:

  • grind coffee beans “into dust” (for example, Brazil monosorta);
  • prepare cold water from a bottle or filter;
  • put the Turk on the stove and start heating it on a small fire;
  • pour coffee beans and other desired ingredients (spices, sugar) into a heated turk;
  • pour water;
  • stir coffee with a teaspoon with a long handle;
  • as soon as the foam begins to darken and bubbles appear - remove the drink from the heat.

You can remove the Turk from the fire several times when foam appears   and bring it back as soon as the bubbles settle. Regular stirring allows you to better reveal the taste of the drink.

Connoisseurs of coffee "in Turkish" believe that it is impossible to put a Turk on fire. They put it in a pan with sand, due to which heating occurs gradually.

On the gas stove

Any Turk, including clay, can be used on a conventional gas stove.

Do not be afraid that the dishes will burst. In the manufacturing process, the Turk is processed at a higher temperature than the gas burner gives.

It is important that the Turk stands on the burner level. If the diameter of the bottom of the cookware is less than or equal to the size of the burner, then it will definitely fall when heated.

A metal divider will solve this problem for any gas stove.

When using it, the flame height should be minimal. The quality of the drink and the appearance of the Turks will be preserved.

On electric

If the heating surfaces are even in shape and of sufficient size, then you can put a Turk on an electric stove without additional devices.

A problem will arise if a heating coil is used in the stove and the turk is made of ceramic. Uneven heating will not only make coffee worse, but can also lead to cracks in the dishes.

For such plates, a divider is required. Put the Turk on a heating surface before turning on the stove.

You can also check out the electric coffee turk in the following.

On induction

Induction cooker makes reconsider many dishes. In order not to look for a special Turk, you can purchase a ferromagnetic disk adapter.

This product will make the process of making coffee the same as on any other stove.

Another way to brew coffee on an induction cooker is to use the Turkish recipe. To do this, you need a pan with sand. Turk does not come in contact with the stove, so any model can be used.

Information about special Turks for induction cookers you will find.

On glass ceramic

A stove with a glass-ceramic surface does not complicate the process of brewing coffee. It is enough to put the Turk on the stove before turning it on and make sure that the drink does not “run away”.

How to care for ceramics made of ceramics

To ceramic cezve served for a long time and had a good appearance, you need to follow a few rules:

  • first put the Turk on the stove, and then turn on the fire (for uniform heating);
  • make sure that the burner of the plate matches the diameter of the bottom of the turk;
  • do not use aggressive detergents;
  • try not to tear off the surface with a sponge when washing or other utensils during storage;
  • keep Turk in a stable position, because ceramics break easily when dropped.

How to choose

When choosing a Turk, you should follow your own preferences. Beginners in self-brewing coffee often prefer models made of copper or ceramic.

As the first turk do not choose expensive options with many decorative elements. Runaway coffee and care mistakes can quickly ruin a product.

Top brands

When choosing a Turk, you should pay attention to the brands:

  • Ceraflame (huge selection, excellent quality, but high cost);
  • "Village";
  • Vitesse;
  • Calve;
  • Stella
  • Metrot;
  • Tescoma.

The best Turk may be not only an expensive model, but also a product of folk artists. Turks often buy at resorts or folk art exhibitions.

Wondering? We will tell you! An overview of popular models and reviews about them are presented in this article.

You can find out how to use the coffee machine correctly from the publication.

Real coffee lovers make a noble drink only in Turk. Modern sophisticated devices cause experts only a sympathetic smile. Only hand-brewed coffee reveals its true taste and aroma. So, if you want to drink a real noble drink, and not its ersatz, be sure to get a Turk. Traditional, one might say, recognized authorities, are copper products. Ceramic Turk is a fresh alternative that has already won the recognition of connoisseurs and ordinary lovers to treat themselves to a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Let us take a closer look at the new coffee technology.

Ceramic coffee Turk: features and benefits

First of all, we will define the terms. In the assortment of shops you can find clay and ceramic Turks. As we know, ceramics are the same clay. In this case, why do products from the same material have different names?

  1. Clay Turk made of burnt, but not glazed clay.
  2. Clay Turk perfectly absorbs odors and tiny oily particles that coffee is so rich in. Then, with subsequent use, they are mixed with the aroma of a fresh drink. This has its own charm, which is very appreciated by connoisseurs. The older such a Turk, the more valuable it is, the richer the aroma of the drink that is being prepared in it.

  1. Unlike porous clay cezve, a ceramic product necessarily has a dense finish. It may be glossy, but more often you will find a matte finish. It is this texture that is now in fashion.
  2. The coating gives the ceramic Turk a very valuable and convenient property for us, ordinary consumers. Due to the high degree of inertness, ceramics practically do not interact with the environment. This means that the material does not oxidize, does not absorb odors, does not stain.

If you want to enjoy a clean taste, without any impurities, or you are a lover of experiments with various varieties and mixtures of grains, then the ceramic Turk will help you prepare a drink with unclouded taste characteristics. Ceramic cezve does not preserve the aromas of previous brews, so even complex or aromatic varieties of coffee can be cooked in it.

Ceramics made of ceramics ensures the high quality of the finished drink. Thick walls and a wide bottom help the heat evenly distribute over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe vessel, gently revealing the aroma and taste of the prepared coffee.

When working with ceramic ceramics, you need to remember one feature: the thermal conductivity of ceramics is much lower than copper. Therefore, the ceramic Turk heats up much more slowly. It cools down too slowly. When you remove it from the fire, for several seconds its heating remains so strong that the coffee continues to rise. Therefore, when brewing coffee in a ceramic Turk, it is very important not to allow the foam to rise to the edge. If you bring the process to the point where the top becomes light caramel, then you risk escaping coffee.

IMPORTANT. Coffee in a ceramic Turk must be removed from the fire before the foam cap rises to the edge, since the ceramic retains heat for a long time, and heats the liquid for a few seconds after the contact with the stove ceases.

Ceramic Turks are handmade, and industrial production. In the latter case, the product will have a guarantee. A ceramic artisan Turk may not be as reliable. But such cezves have inescapable charm, and supporters of the wave theory will certainly feel the good and positive energy, which distinguishes all handmade things.

Which Turk is better ceramic or copper

As often happens, a novelty in the preparation of real coffee is constantly compared with the most respected old-timer - copper cezve. Holivars on the topic of which Turk is better, cooler, more effective do not stop. In fact, each option has its own characteristics, which are due to the physical properties of the material of manufacture.

Copper Turk

  • Copper heats faster and cools faster, due to a higher coefficient of thermal conductivity. This property, by the way, allows you to make coffee in hot sand. Heating in the Turk ceases immediately after it is removed from the heat source.
  • Copper Turk absorbs the aroma of coffee that was prepared in it. Connoisseurs really appreciate copper Turks precisely for this quality, which allows to make each subsequent portion even brighter and more expressive. Not only that, true connoisseurs do not wash, but only rinse the copper vessels for coffee, trying to preserve the coffee aromas that have been absorbed into the flesh of the cezve.
  • The ability of a copper turk to absorb odors necessitates a thorough washing of the cezve to remove the aroma and taste of previous experiments.
  • Copper Turks are cheaper than ceramic, about 40-50%, and for some models the difference can reach up to 100%.

  • The taste of coffee in a ceramic Turk is clear, without impurities and additions. Ceramic Turks do not adsorb odors. Their absolutely smooth walls do not store aromas and tastes.
  • Cezives made of ceramics are easy to clean, so caring for them does not cause any problems.
  • Due to the fact that ceramics do not react with air, water and other environments, it is completely safe for health. Here you can use the fashionable term "environmentally friendly." Biological inertness will not allow malicious microbes or bacteria to twist a cozy nest on a perfectly flat surface. These enemies of the human race simply will not have any breeding ground for harmful activity.
  • Ceramic cezve is much more inert in reactions - it boils more slowly, cools more slowly. If removed from the fire a little later than necessary, the drink will continue to boil our roof directly, and may well escape.
  • Despite the mass of advantages, ceramics has a small but distressing minus. It beats easily, especially on modern kitchen floors made of ceramic tiles. The irony of fate, one might say.

IMPORTANT. Ceramic turk is more fragile than copper, so it must be protected from shock loads. In addition, a hot turku cannot be rinsed with cold water; a large temperature difference can be critical to the integrity of the cezve.

  • Having decided to try the ceramic Turk in action, you should prepare for its price leadership. It will cost at least one and a half times more expensive than a copper vessel of a similar volume.

As regards aesthetics, it is well known that tastes are not debated, but both materials provide rich opportunities for decoration. Copper cezves are decorated with coinage and blackening, while ceramic cezves are painted in various, sometimes very unexpected, colors. Recently, there has been a tendency to paint ceramic Turks with various patterns. Floral and national ornaments are popular.

How to use a ceramic turk on a gas stove?

For some reason, the greatest doubt is the possibility of using a ceramic cezve over an open fire, in particular, on a gas stove. So we will try to cover this issue in more detail.

  • You can put a Turk on a gas stove. Ceramic cookware is designed for use on the most common cookers. It is not necessary to be afraid that the product will burst or crack. After all, ceramic Turks undergo special firing in furnaces, where the temperature is much higher than that which a gas burner can give.
  • The persistence of such a cezva does not mean that you can use it anyhow. Ceramic Turk should stand steadily over the fire, level. That is, the diameter of the burner should be less than the diameter of the bottom of the turk.

  • If there is no such burner on your stove, then use the simple method - purchase a metal divider. It will not only help to install the Turk correctly, but also evenly distribute the heating along the bottom of the dishes.

IMPORTANT. Coffee should be brewed on a reduced fire, even using a divider. A small flame height will help to warm the dishes evenly, without creating a temperature difference in the material structure

  • The divider will be useful for preserving the appearance of the Turks, as it limits the height of the fire, and does not allow it to scorch or soot the sides of the cezve. This is especially true for dishes with embossed patterns or stucco, usually convex elements are most affected by flames.

Features of the operation of the ceramic Turk

What other secrets of use do ceramic cezves have?

Ceramic Turk on different plates

  1. You can use a Turk on an induction cooker only with the help of a special adapter, which is a thick steel disk. It is placed on the induction burner, a Turk is placed on top, and the adapter provides a pulse transmission for heating the dishes. You can buy it in household appliances stores, where induction cookers themselves are also sold.
  2. The glass-ceramic surface of the plate does not require any special tricks. A Turk is simply placed on it, after which the heating is turned on.
  3. An electric stove, the burners of which are flat areas in the form of metal disks, also does not require any additional devices for ceramic cezve. Just put the turk on the stove and then turn it on. If the burner is made in the form of a spiral, then be sure to use a divider. This form does not provide the desired uniformity of heating, and this can be dangerous for ceramic dishes.

IMPORTANT. Using a Turk on an electric and glass-ceramic stove, you must first install a cezve, and only then turn on the heat. In this way, the Turk will warm up gradually.

Ceramic Turk Care

  • Caring for ceramics is simple and does not take much time. Wash with warm water, a mild detergent, and then dry. Do not use abrasives and harsh mechanical devices, as well as products containing oxalic and other active acids.
  • As for washing in a dishwasher, in principle, it is possible, this care method will not harm the ceramics, but it is better to familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's recommendations on this subject, as the technology for making cezve can be different.
  • There is one categorical “impossible” in the operation of a ceramic Turk. Never rinse a hot turk with cold water. We have repeatedly emphasized that sudden temperature changes can be fatal to ceramics. For the same reason, removing the Turk from the fire, place it only on a dry stand or table.

How to choose a ceramic turk

A few practical tips will make the first purchase of a brand new cezve easier.

Ceramic Turks quickly turned from exotic into ordinary dishes, so finding them on sale is pretty easy. A wide assortment is available in specialized stores of coffee supplies, and in ordinary household supermarkets, in online stores and in small artisan workshops.

The Turk, purchased in a store, is manufactured industrially, has a warranty period, and this is its undoubted advantage. When buying a cezve in a store, it is more likely that all technological conditions of production are met. Most often you can find dishes made in Russia, Turkey, Brazil.

IMPORTANT. The optimal shape for the Turks is cone-shaped, while the wider the bottom and the neck, the better the taste of coffee can be achieved.

  • Ceramic cezve must have a wide bottom and a much narrower neck. The narrower the bell of the Turks, the more aromatic the coffee will turn out. Through the neck, light aromatic fractions evaporate, therefore a narrow hole, which is also reliably clogged with a dense foam, ensures maximum preservation of the taste and aromatic properties of the drink.
  • The upper funnel of the cezve, resembling a funnel, prevents the foam from rising too quickly to the edge, which is why a coffee machine of this shape is especially convenient for those who take the first steps in making natural coffee.
  • The size of the ceramic turk should be chosen according to the amount of coffee that you usually brew. Take a cezve with a "margin" is not worth it. The smaller the Turk, the tastier the drink in it.

  • The handle of ceramic dishes must be made of non-conductive material. Wood or clay is best. Iron handles heat up too quickly, and given the fact that a Turk needs to be quickly removed from the fire, there may not be enough time to search for a tack.
  • As for aesthetics, there can be no advice, everyone chooses dishes according to his taste. Black ceramics look very stylish, a colored Turk in one color decorates the kitchen in a modern style, and a patterned or painted product looks great in a kitchen in an oriental design or in a country interior.

Ceramic Turk can safely be considered the heiress of the very first dishes in which people made coffee. Time and technology have made adjustments, but cezve from burnt and glazed clay is still in demand in modern kitchens. How to brew coffee in a ceramic Turk correctly, are there any special subtleties for making a decent drink in cezve from ceramics?

How to brew coffee in a ceramic Turk on a stove

Cezvez from ceramics allows you to get a rich and aromatic drink. Its thick walls are heated evenly, so the extraction of coffee is of high quality, ground powder gives the whole taste and aroma to the infusion. Therefore, ceramic Turks successfully compete with copper. Recipes can be given different. We offer our own algorithm that will help prepare a strong and invigorating drink.

Cooking order

  1. Make a ceramic cezve. If it is new, wash it thoroughly with warm water and wipe it dry.
  2. Put the finest ground coffee in the Turk, at the rate of 10-12 grams per 100 ml of water. These are approximately 2 full teaspoons with a small slide. This proportion will give a strong drink, if you want to make it less saturated, use less powder.
  3. Do you drink coffee with sugar? Then put it along with coffee. About 1 teaspoon.
  4. Pour cold water into the turk. It will take 2/3 of the required volume. To accurately measure the required portion of liquid, pour it first into the cup from which you plan to drink coffee, and then pour most of the water into the Turk.
  5. Set the Turk on a slow fire. If possible, use a flame divider, it will help to uniformly and slowly heat the drink.
  6. As soon as the foam begins to rise, remove the ceramic Turk from the fire.
  7. Put the rising foam in a cup.
  8. Pour the remaining water from the cup into the turk and stir the coffee with a spoon with a long handle.
  9. Then set the Turk on fire again and let the foam rise again.
  10. Stir again and set on fire. After waiting for the coffee to rise again, remove from heat, let it brew for a couple of minutes, mix again.
  11. Carefully pour the drink into the cup where the foam was previously laid out.

Your coffee is ready, you can enjoy it.

Rules for using ceramic turk

The dishes have their own rules and restrictions that must be considered before starting to make coffee.

  • Ceramic cezves are suitable for making coffee on a gas, electric stove. They make coffee in the sand and even in the microwave.

Ceramics cannot be used for induction cookers. About Turks for induction cookers we wrote in this article.

  • Glazed ceramics really does not like a sharp temperature drop. Before washing Turku after use, allow it to cool well.

Never place a strongly chilled cezve on a hot burner.

  • Clean dishes with warm water and non-abrasive detergents.
  • Ceramic Turk is not afraid of fire and heat, since special refractory ceramics are used for dishes, however, it remains fragile and does not tolerate shock loads.
  • You can warm an empty Turk over a fire, just like caramelize sugar in it, provided that the internal coating of the cezve is not made of glass ceramics.

How to make coffee in a ceramic Turk in the sand?

For those who want to taste real coffee according to a traditional oriental recipe, we give a complete algorithm for making coffee in the sand in a ceramic Turk.

  1. In a small cezve - up to 120 ml - put 1 scoop of ground coffee. Ceramic turk will heat up more slowly than copper, so it is better to take dishes of a minimum size.
  2. Pour cold water over the waist of the Turks.
  3. Level the heated sand on a special electric fryer, and put the Turk in the sand. This should be done in a circular motion, with pressure. As a result, most of the tank will be immersed in the sand almost along the neck. If you didn’t succeed in burying the Turk right away, glue it with sand using a regular spoon.
  4. Wait 40-50 seconds, letting the coffee warm up.
  5. Then the Turk must be taken by the handle and moved in a circle, burying in the sand. Leave for 5-7 seconds and again change the position of the Turks. Make sure that the surface of the drink does not worry and the coffee does not spill.
  6. After 5-6 laps, leave the Turku with coffee in the sand until foam is formed.
  7. Remove the container from the sand, allow to cool slightly. You can mix the drink with a metal spoon with a long handle.
  8. Again, put the Turk in the sand until the foam is raised again.
  9. After this, coffee can be poured into cups and served.

To make coffee in the sand, use a cezve of simple, concise design, without applications and voluminous decorations. All these decorative elements slow down the heating and violate its uniformity.

For those who are willing to spend a few minutes of their life preparing a good drink, we have put together some tips that will make coffee in a ceramic Turk even tastier.

  1. If you drink coffee with sugar, use brown cane. Mix it thoroughly with ground coffee, and only then fill it with water. Your coffee will give a strong and high foam, and will open the aroma in a new way.
  2. Before putting on fire, warm the Turk under a stream of hot water or putting it in the microwave for a few seconds. Ground coffee, placed in a heated cezve, acquires a rich and rich aroma.
  3. The spoon with which you intend to mix the coffee can be pre-cooled in the refrigerator.
  4. If you are preparing a drink with spices, then put the solid ones immediately with ground coffee, and leave them crushed into powder until the drink is ready. They are added at the time of removal of coffee from the stove.
  5. For quicker settling of the grounds, add a few drops of cold water to the finished coffee.

Ceramic Turk allows you to make coffee, as saturated as possible with taste and aroma. This is due to the sufficient extraction of the ground powder in a thick-walled container. A ceramics Turk has written a decent page in the coffee book of our civilization, therefore we should use the properties of this ware and old recipes to treat ourselves to a delicious drink.

A relative disadvantage of ceramic Turks is considered increased fragility. Of course, it is easier to break than a vessel made of copper. However, with careful handling, a clay turk will last you even longer than a copper one, which can become toxic and dangerous to health if the inner tin layer is damaged.
  Remember: the validity of copper utensils is limited by the period of integrity of its coating. In this sense, the ceramic Turk is considered much more natural and environmentally friendly. In addition, it almost completely duplicates the very first vessels that our distant ancestors used to make coffee. True, they buried a cezve in the sand, and we use a gas, electric or induction stove.

Modern Turks are made from durable refractory ceramics. Therefore, they can be heated over a fire even empty.

  Step-by-step recommendations for those who do not know how to make coffee in a ceramic Turk:

  • Take freshly fried grains of your favorite variety and grind them as much as possible - that is, literally "dust"
  • Pour coffee into a Turk. Recommended proportions for strong espresso: 12 grams per 100 ml of water. These are approximately two teaspoons with a slide. For less drink strength - that is, for the preparation of Americano   - halve the amount of coffee
  • Pour water into a turk and put on a stove. When using a gas stove, monitor the intensity of the fire: the flame should be small, otherwise the drink will run away - and you will not be able to appreciate its refined taste
  • Carefully monitor the movement of the resulting foam: as soon as it begins to rise to the upper edge of the Turk, remove coffee from the heat. Your task is to do this right away to prevent active boiling. Otherwise, a bubbling drink will lose its bright taste and enchanting aroma.
  • Wait until the foam settles - and again put the Turk on fire. Experts say: coffee, which is heated several times, has brighter flavoring properties. Therefore, do not be too lazy to stand at the stove for an extra minute

Now you know whether it is possible to brew coffee in a ceramic Turk, and how to do it. It remains to learn exquisite filing   drink:

  • It is better to drink from warm dishes - the aroma is revealed brighter in it. Therefore, professional barista is advised to pre-pour cups with boiling water
  • In order for your drink to retain the full amount of foam, it is recommended that you first remove it with a spoon and put it on a saucer. Then pour coffee into cups. And top with a golden foam
  • To sweeten the taste, serve refined, but - be sure to in a separate bowl. Putting sugar in a cup by yourself is considered bad form

  Important recommendations that you should pay attention to, even if you know how to brew coffee in a ceramic Turk:

  • If you are using a vessel for the first time, rinse it first, rinse with boiling water and wipe dry. Only then can ground grains be poured inside
  • Are you going to buy a ceramic cezve? Keep in mind that it will heat up long enough. Therefore, it is better to take a small model - otherwise the heating process will be delayed. And this is not very convenient. Especially if you are used to drinking hot espresso in the morning when you are going to work
  • To achieve uniform heating of the drink on the gas stove, install a flame divider

A common mistake of beginners who do not know how to make coffee in a ceramic Turk is to pour water. When pouring water, it is necessary so that part of the vessel remains free. That is, not reaching the edge of the Turks. Focus on the narrowest part of the neck: you no longer need to pour above this mark. Do not forget that, when boiling, the drink begins to rise up. To do this, he will need free space in the vessel. Otherwise, he will run away.

A few words about the correct form of ceramic Turks. Ideally, the cezve should have the shape of a cone - that is, a wide bottom and a narrow upper part. Such a vessel is characterized by greater stability.
  In addition, due to the narrow neck, the brewed coffee has a smaller area of \u200b\u200bcontact with air. Therefore, aromatic compounds do not evaporate during cooking.

  A recipe reminiscent of ancient Eastern traditions - or how to make coffee in a ceramic Turk on sand. True, not in the desert, but using an electric fryer:

  • The ingredients will remain the same as in the previous recipe, but the proportions will be different: just one teaspoon of ground coffee per 100 ml of water
  • Flatten the sand and immerse the Turk in it almost up to the neck. Professional barista bury the vessel in a circular motion, holding on to the handle. However, beginners can nip it with sand using a regular spoon
  • Now you need to wait about one minute, so that the future drink warms up properly
  • Then again grasp the handle of the vessel and bury it in the sand in circular motions - of course, carefully so that the sand does not get into the coffee itself. Leave to stand in the sand for a few seconds and turn slowly again.
  • Thus, at least five approaches must be completed. When creams form on the surface of the coffee, remove the vessel from the sand
  • After a few seconds, you can repeat the heating so that a cap of foam forms again

That's all - now you can taste a truly tasty drink with an attractive aroma. We think that you will get real pleasure from the coffee ceremony - and you can at least temporarily escape from the everyday hustle and bustle.

Related video:

Important notes:
  Important note number 1: it is desirable that the Turks have a wooden handle - so you do not burn (This recipe assumes that you will hold onto the handle almost all the time - and the tree does not “gain” heat well, therefore it will not warm up and will not cause you discomfort).
  Important Note 2: Glazed ceramics do not tolerate extreme temperature changes very well. Therefore, before washing the vessel in cold water, allow it to cool. For the same reason, a highly chilled vessel is not recommended to be placed on a burning burner. (in this case, the bottom may crack).

  Now you know how to use a ceramic Turk for coffee - and, quite possibly, you want to buy such a cezve. Listen to our recommendations:

  • It is better to get a vessel of small size and conical shape
  • The finish must be applied evenly. In this case, it does not matter at all whether it will be glossy or matte
  • Check that the handle is long enough and comfortable to grip.
  • The presence of decorative elements does not matter - as well as the prestige of the manufacturer. For example, a ceramic Turk from the Ceraflame brand will have a relatively high price. At the same time, it will not differ in quality from a more democratic product. True coffee lovers know that you can successfully use even a makeshift clay Turk purchased at an exhibition of folk crafts. As the saying goes,   "If there is no difference, why pay more?"

Of course, ceramic dishes require specific, but not at all complicated, care. Wash it with warm water, use non-abrasive cleaners. If there is a need for a sponge, choose a sponge with a soft texture. Cleaning movements should not be too sharp so as not to scratch the vessel.
  Keep the vessel in a stable position due to the relative fragility of the material (if he falls from a great height, then he will probably either crack, or even break).

We hope that our tips on how to make coffee in a ceramic Turk are useful to you. Experiment with different ingredients, don't be afraid to use new recipes and invite your friends for a tasting. We wish you a pleasant coffee in a warm company and good mood every day!
  And we advise you to discover new varieties of coffee. Including exclusive ones - rare for our country. The best coffee from all over the world is presented in the Roastnmill assortment.
  We carry out individual roasting and take into account the taste preferences of each customer.
  Get acquainted with the assortment and fill out an application. We will deliver the product directly to your home or office!

In conclusion, we want to bring to your attention another video on the topic.

We wish you a pleasant viewing and the most delicious coffee!