How to make coffee with milk froth. Top Secrets of How to Make Foamy Coffee How to Make Foamy Coffee

08.03.2020 Healthy eating

Coffee is considered to be the best morning drink. Connoisseurs will say that the most delicious coffee is made from ground beans, brewed in a Turk with delicious and amazingly aromatic foam. To get such a drink, you need.

In order to cook delicious with foam you will need:

  • Ground coffee is best done if the coffee beans are ground before brewing.
  • Turk
  • Pure filtered or bottled water
  • One pinch of cinnamon and cardamom each

You can, if you wish, take the same sugar, white or brown, but true connoisseurs of boiled coffee will say that the entire aroma of the drink is revealed only if it is not sweetened.

The proportions of coffee and water can vary, but the best combination is 1 teaspoon of ground coffee per regular coffee cup. If you take more coffee, it will become stronger and a more astringent taste will be acquired.

So, in order to make coffee in a turk with froth, coffee, spices and sugar (if used) are poured into the cezve and all this is poured with clean cool water. Then the Turk is put on medium heat and the drink is boiled under the formed "lid" of dense foam until the level of coffee begins to actively rise. When this process just begins, the Turk is removed from the fire. After the foam has dropped to its original level, the cezva is returned to the fire and the foam is again awaited for the foam to rise. This action is repeated several times - the more, the stronger and tastier the foam will be. Stir coffee, break the "lid" is impossible - in this case, the drink will just boil and will not work out as it should.

After the coffee is ready it is poured into cups. The coffee brewed in this way in a turk with froth will be aromatic and possessing its own unique taste, which is difficult to achieve from instant types of coffee.

A few important points for making delicious coffee in a frothy Turk

  1. You need to take finely ground coffee, or, if you intend to grind the beans yourself, take the time to make the coffee fine. Large particles will not give their aroma and taste properly and will significantly spoil the entire consistency of the drink.
  2. Instead of ground spices, you can use whole cinnamon sticks and cardamom boxes. However, in this case, you need to make sure that the pieces of spice do not destroy the "lid" on the coffee.
  3. You should not brew coffee in a frothy Turk with ordinary tap water - it has an unpleasant smell and taste that can greatly spoil the drink.
  4. It is not worth repeating the coffee boiling procedure more than 5 times - otherwise the drink will acquire a bitter, “overcooked” taste and the foam will become too dense.

Black coffee is the best morning drink. According to statistics, 60% of the world's inhabitants start the morning with it, which is not a bad indication. Scientists are still debating the benefits of and. But one way or another, a high-quality coffee drink will saturate your body with useful microelements and restore the lost vitality. Just remember about the sense of proportion!

Before cooking, prepare the following ingredients:

  • a couple of teaspoons of ground coffee;
  • a glass of filtered water;
  • cinnamon and cardamom;
  • sugar to taste;
  • Turk.

Please note: you should grind the grains just before brewing the drink. So, you can keep them fresh, and saturate the drink with coffee oils.

Ideal if you have a copper turk. It is a Turk from this material that will help to prepare "correct" coffee. We put the coffee tool on a low heat and heat it up for about 3 minutes.

We remove the Turk from the heat, pour out the prepared coffee. We put on fire. We introduce a glass of water and brew a drink. As soon as the bubbles begin to rise up, remove the dishes from the heat. Then we put it on the fire again so that the bubbles rise, and only then we remove it from the heat.

Pour the coffee liquid into the prepared bowl, mix gently and pour in the required amount of spices, resting on your own taste preferences.

If you want to surprise your household members not only with the exquisite aroma of the drink, but also with a beautiful presentation - instead of ground cinnamon and cardamom, you can take whole sticks. Coffee lovers advise against adding sugar. They say it only interferes with the taste of coffee beans. But this is a matter of taste. By the way, sugar can be replaced with dark chocolate. It will be even more useful!

Well, very tasty instant coffee with froth

Not everyone has the opportunity to prepare ground coffee. The rhythm of the life of a modern person dictates its own rules. Instant coffee is the perfect option for making a drink when time is running out. How to make instant frothy coffee? You do not know? It's time to get acquainted with the nuances of brewing your favorite drink.

To prepare with froth at home, prepare the following ingredients:

  • ceramic or glass cup;
  • metal spoon;
  • a couple of teaspoons of instant coffee;
  • granulated sugar to taste;
  • 150 ml boiling water.

Please note: the modern composition of coffee drinks leaves a lot to be desired. Increasingly, coffee substitutes are found instead of natural coffee extract. Read the composition carefully, avoiding flavor enhancers and flavoring agents.

Pour instant coffee and sugar into the cup. Add a couple of tablespoons of boiling water to the dry mass. Stir the mixture vigorously until a homogeneous consistency is formed. When the mass has become completely homogeneous, we begin to pour water along the edges of the dishes. Instant coffee with froth is ready!

Small tips for big coffee lovers:

  1. Granulated sugar can be replaced with powdered sugar. It grinds up much faster and gives a more stable foam.
  2. If you decide to take powder, then remember to increase the dose. Instead of two teaspoons, you should put 3.
  3. Grind coffee with sugar and water very vigorously. If you do this in slow motion, the foam may not form.
  4. Give preference not granular, but powdered coffee. But the main criterion for you is, of course, quality.

We stock up on sweets, chocolate or your favorite confection and start drinking!

How do I make coffee with milk froth?

If you woke up in the morning and you have a desire to replace your usual black coffee with something gentle, then it's time to add milk to the drink. And if you want to prepare a coffee drink with milk froth, then you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • half a glass of brewed natural coffee (see recipe above);
  • half a glass of full-fat whole milk;
  • sugar, cane is better, to taste.

We brew natural coffee and add the required amount of sugar there. Put milk in a saucepan and heat it without boiling. We remove the milk from the heat, and begin to intensively beat it with a blender, until a persistent foam is formed.

Pour the milk froth into the coffee drink. You can garnish with grated chocolate if you wish. It will go well with liqueur, rum and cognac.

Please note: milk can be replaced with heavy cream. You can also whip the cream with a blender. Do not forget to add some sugar and vanilla to the mass.

As you can see, making coffee with froth does not require specific knowledge from the coffee lover. It is enough to follow the prescribed rules to enjoy the incredibly delicate taste of your favorite aromatic drink. “I got up for a cup of coffee, and then did not notice how the day went by. And so every morning ... ". Enjoy every day!

Real coffee is not just one of the most popular drinks. The ritual of its use is a whole philosophy, and any true connoisseur of the drink knows that the most delicious coffee is brewed in a Turk, with an amazing froth. How to make coffee with aromatic foam at home in a Turk?

Preparing everything you need for frothy coffee

Grind coffee beans just before preparation.

To make coffee with froth in a Turk at home, you will need the following:

  • Turk;
  • Ground coffee (the drink will be much tastier if you grind the beans at home just before the brewing process);
  • Water (clean drinking). Spring water or well water is best, but bottled water can also be used.

Some people add cane or regular sugar to the drink, but true connoisseurs believe that with the addition of sugar, coffee does not fully reveal its aroma and taste. Fans of spicy taste will love the drink with cinnamon, cloves and other spices.

What coffee to buy

Coffee beans contain essential oils, which, together with oxygen bubbles, form a foam on the surface. If you use a high-quality ground product, the foam will be more aromatic and thicker. Experts advise grinding the grains before brewing the drink. There are two varieties of beans: Arabica and Robusta. Arabica is considered an elite species, which is distinguished by its exquisite taste and unique aroma. Robusta makes the drink very strong.

To make coffee brewed in a Turk on the stove with a thick foam, you should brew finely.

Which Turk to choose

Choosing the right Turks is very important. It is believed that the best material for making Turks is copper. Copper turk keeps warm inside itself for a long time. If a foreign smell can appear in a clay Turk, then this cannot happen in a copper product.

As for the shape, the Turk should have a narrowed neck. This is explained by the fact that all aromatic substances do not evaporate from the surface. Another argument in favor of a narrow neck is that the foam cap will not have time to escape, even if the Turk is mistakenly put on the largest fire.

Copper Turks are considered the highest quality

How to brew coffee in a turk with froth - rules and features

There are many subtleties of how to properly brew frothy coffee in a Turk:

  1. The finer the beans are ground, the more aromatic the drink will be. Professionals say that the most delicious foam head comes from grains that are practically ground to dust.
  2. Turku should be placed on the smallest fire. If the drink is brewed on an electric stove, you should be especially careful so that it does not spill out of the turk. Hotplates of electric stoves slowly heat up and cool down just as slowly. Some turn off the stove and leave the Turk on the burner, not thinking that the heating of the drink will continue for some time.
  3. Before pouring the ingredients into the Turk, it should be warmed up. You can put the Turk on the stove and hold it for a minute, or you can simply rinse it with boiling water.
  4. For those who want to learn how to brew a real oriental drink, specialized stores offer sets with sand, a small burner, and a heat-resistant tray.
  5. If spices are used in the recipe, preference should be given to ground types.

Factors Affecting Foam Formation

You can get foam in a Turk due to the following factors:

  1. Air bubbles;
  2. Aromatic oils found in coffee beans;
  3. The finest grinding of grains.

The grinding of grains is not only done in order to get a powder. During the process, the coffee is enriched with oxygen, due to which a frothy cap forms on the surface of the drink. Oxygen molecules fill the empty space between coffee grains. Getting into the container, during the heating process, oxygen rushes upward and gets stuck between the grains on the surface. If the grind is coarse, the grains will settle at the bottom and will not be able to retain oxygen. This is the reason why coffee does not foam in a Turk.

Recipes for making coffee in a turk with froth

How to brew delicious coffee with froth at home (classic recipe):

  1. Heat a copper pot on the stove for one minute.
  2. Mix together one teaspoon of ground powder and cane sugar.
  3. Let the mixture sit on the stove for 30 seconds, then pour in the water up to the narrowest point in the neck.
  4. As soon as the foam cap begins to increase in size, the Turk should be removed from the stove. Place the turkey back on the burner after the foam begins to settle a little. This should be repeated several times.

Important! Care must be taken that the foam cap does not completely settle.

  1. Then let the drink stand for a few minutes, then carefully pour it over the pre-warmed cups.

How to make coffee in a Turk with froth and marshmallow

Required Ingredients:

  • 160 ml of drinking water;
  • Several teaspoons of ground coffee;
  • 5 pieces of marshmallows;
  • A spoonful of cane sugar.


  1. Mix ground coffee and sugar, pour into a heated Turk, add water.
  2. After the formation of a foam cap, remove from the heat, wait until it begins to settle. Put it back on the stove. Repeat this 3 times.
  3. At the end, wait a few minutes, then pour the drink into a cup using a fine strainer.
  4. Top with marshmallows cut into small pieces. A sweet foam forms immediately on the surface. You can mix the drink with marshmallows, in this case you can get a unique, very interesting taste.

On a note! If you don't want the drink to be too sweet, you can skip the sugar. Coffee with sugar-free marshmallows will be sweet, but not sugary.

The classic recipe with the addition of cinnamon

For cooking you will need:

  • 2 tsp ground coffee;
  • 100 ml of drinking water;
  • Cane or regular sugar, to taste
  • A pinch of ground cinnamon.

We cook the drink like this:

  1. Pour cold water into a slightly warmed Turk.
  2. Add coffee powder and a pinch of ground cinnamon.
  3. Put Turku on a small fire, wait for the foam cap to appear.
  4. Remove from heat. When the foam begins to settle, return the container to the stove. Repeat the process two times.
  5. Then wait a few minutes for the drink to infuse. Gently, using a bar spoon, transfer the foam to a preheated cup, and then gently pour the hot beverage over the sides.

On a note! If you want to get as much foam as possible, remove a small part each time you put the Turk on the stove. It is not necessary to completely remove the foam, as it prevents the aromatic substances from evaporating from the surface of the drink.

Oriental coffee with froth

To prepare a drink in Turkish, you need sand. If you are a true gourmet, get special Turkish coffee sets. But you can try to brew the drink in an oriental way, without using sand.

Recipe on how to brew frothy coffee in a turk on the stove

What you need for one cup:

  • Ground coffee - 2 tsp;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Drinking water - 100 ml;
  • A pinch of salt.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Pour coffee powder into a heated Turk, warm slightly.
  2. Add granulated sugar, pour in cold water, add a pinch of salt.
  3. Remove from the stove when foam begins to form, and then return it back. Repeat the process 2-3 times.
  4. After the last time, let the drink stand. You do not need to knock on the table too much so that the grains settle faster. But this should be done very carefully, otherwise a beautiful light nut-colored hat will settle.
  5. Heat the cups, carefully pour the drink. The denser and thicker the foam, the better the drink is considered in the East.

A cup of delicious aromatic drink with foam can calm you, charge you with positive, give vigor and confidence. Coffee preparation does not tolerate fuss and rush. Having learned how to brew the drink correctly, you can truly appreciate the taste of aromatic coffee with a pleasant froth.

If you are a true coffee gourmet, then most likely you know that instant coffee is not as tasty as the one brewed in a Turk. The brew is more aromatic, its taste is richer and more pleasant. This invigorates and gives strength. And a cup of coffee personally helps me wake up in the morning.

There are several ways to brew frothy coffee in a turkey. It should be said that for this drink there must be a Turk on the farm - a container in which coffee is brewed.

In Turkey, coffee is made using sand. But for a city dweller, this method is not entirely convenient. Therefore, I will show you how to brew coffee in a turk with foam using gas and a stove. Just want to say about the subtleties.

First, only use freshly ground coffee. It is also important to grind the coffee beans as small as possible. It is believed that it is coffee dust that can turn this drink into divine nectar.

Secondly, coffee is brewed in a Turk on the smallest fire. Do not disregard the Turk. It is enough to overexpose the coffee on the stove a little more, and its refined taste is irretrievably spoiled.

Finally, thirdly, before you put the ground coffee in the turkey, it should be slightly warmed up. I will tell you about these subtleties in detail in the recipe.

Cooking steps:


Natural coffee 2 tsp, water 100 ml, sugar to taste.

For many coffee lovers, coffee has become an essential attribute of a successful day. Coffee houses are very popular now. One of the secrets of this popularity is that they know how to prepare not only aromatic coffee, but also decorate it with a fluffy foam hat. Is it possible to prepare such a magical drink on your own, at home? Is it necessary to buy an expensive coffee machine for this?

Now many recipes for making coffee have been invented. Beverages with sugar, honey, milk, cream, spices, egg yolk, cognac and even orange juice have become popular. But in order to get a thick and stable foam, you need to brew Turkish coffee. This is a classic recipe that has been used to make coffee since the 16th century. It is believed that his homeland is Turkey. Although in Turkey, heated sand with the addition of a small amount of pebbles is used for its preparation, such a drink can well be brewed at home, on an ordinary gas stove. But remember that coffee should never be boiled. You just need to bring it to a boil several times. Every time after you almost bring the coffee to a boil, you need to let it settle a little. This is done so that the coffee grounds settle to the bottom and release the maximum of their aromatic and other components.

How to make frothy coffee at home

Let's see how to make frothy coffee. Most people believe that a truly fluffy foam on coffee can only be obtained with the help of a coffee machine. This is not at all the case. The main thing is to know some of the secrets and peculiarities of making coffee. By the way, not every type of coffee can produce a fluffy and stable froth. You need to take those varieties that contain the largest amount of essential oils. They have a large impact on stability and foam formation. This is the first secret. But let's look at this interesting question in order.

How to make frothy coffee? There are many myths about coffee making. One of them - at home it will not be possible to make coffee, on which really fluffy foam would remain. In fact, anything is possible. And for this you do not need to buy an expensive coffee machine or possess any secret skills. The main thing is your desire, your knowledge of certain conditions for making coffee and your willingness to follow them. We will reveal all the secrets and tell you about the simplest, but at the same time effective ways to create foam. In addition, we will show you how to make delicious coffee.

The first secret. Choosing the right type of coffee

What do you think determines the quality of the foam? How to make coffee with a fluffy foam cap? It turns out that this is not least influenced by the type of coffee itself. You need to take varieties rich in essential oils. That is, the more aromatic the coffee, the more fluffy the crema you can create. This means that coffee crema is obtained if you use the highest quality product. By the way, this is a good way to check how high-quality coffee you bought. It just needs to be ground and cooked in Turkish. If you get a really fluffy and stable froth, then you have been sold fresh coffee of really high quality. The famous Arabica variety is best suited for Turkish coffee with froth. Its grains contain the maximum amount of aromatic essential oils and caffeine. Choose Grade I beans that are properly roasted. It is possible that such grains will cost a little more. But you can make a really tasty and healthy drink from them.

The second secret. Grind the beans right before preparing the drink

Are you wondering how to make coffee as aromatic, tasty and frothy as possible? To brew really delicious coffee, it is best to grind the beans for it right before preparing the drink itself. If you are not ready to do this every time before preparing coffee, then try to grind the coffee in small portions. It will be enough for you literally for a couple of days. But at the same time, essential oils will not have time to evaporate from it. But it is they who give coffee its unique taste and unforgettable amazing aroma. And for foam it is very important that the maximum concentration of these oils remains in the powder. In fact, it only takes an extra minute to grind the beans. At the same time, the quality of the resulting drink will noticeably increase. But buying pre-ground coffee is a bad idea. Most of the aromatic oils have already evaporated from it, despite the special tight vacuum packaging.

If, for some reason, you still buy exactly ground coffee (for example, you do not have a coffee grinder), then it must be stored correctly. Remember that the main enemy of coffee is air. When in contact with it, this product quickly oxidizes and loses its quality. Therefore, you need to store ground coffee in a sealed package without access to air. Close the lid tightly and store in a dark place with low humidity. A cupboard in the kitchen or even a refrigerator works best. But you can store coffee in the refrigerator if you use it 1-2 times. Every time you take it out of the cold, the coffee will be exposed to a change in temperature and humidity. And this is not very useful for him.

Grind your coffee without residue. To brew one 100 ml cup, you need to grind a teaspoon of grains. Grind the beans in three passes, 30 seconds each. Allow the grinder to cool slightly between them. This will prevent the grinder motor from overheating.

The third secret. We select a quality Turk

There is nothing strange about the fact that good coffee can only be brewed in a good quality Turk. What should it be? We often do not attach importance to exactly the dishes in which we brew coffee. At the same time, we lay out a round sum for the highest quality coffee, look for effective recipes and try to make delicious coffee. Believe me, even a professional with many years of experience cannot brew good coffee in an aluminum Turk. In fact, it is very important that the Turk is thick-walled and has the correct shape with a narrowed neck. Believe me, it is not without reason that the Turk has acquired just such a shape over the centuries. Thanks to the thick walls, the drink warms up evenly in it. At the same time, coffee powder interacts as much as possible with boiling water and the maximum amount of aromatic and mineral substances gets into the drink from it. The best option is a copper turk. It, of course, will cost you more, but you can enjoy a really tasty and aromatic drink with fluffy foam.

If you decide to buy a new Turk, be sure to pay attention not only to what material it is made of, but also to the form itself. In a classic Turk, the diameter of the neck will be much smaller than the diameter of the bottom. The secret is that the narrower the neck of the Turks, the less nutrients will evaporate from the coffee during its preparation. As a result, you get aromatic coffee with a rich taste and thick foam.

It would seem that what could be easier than choosing a Turk? What's so hard about that? She has a simple design, and you can find a Turk in any supermarket. But in fact, we practically do not sell really high-quality Turks made of good material, in which all proportions would be maintained. Previously, it was even possible to find devices made of aluminum. These cheap Turks don't stand up to scrutiny. Even if they are in the right proportions, the material itself is absolutely not suitable for brewing coffee. Scientists have shown that aluminum oxidizes quickly and reacts with food. The oxidation reaction is especially active when the metal comes into contact with various acids that are contained in the products. Do you think coffee contains acids? Actually there is. Therefore, aluminum is the least suitable for brewing coffee. Metal ions penetrate into the drink very quickly and spoil its taste. In addition, the metal enters the body along with the drink, which is not at all safe for it. Such coffee is especially harmful for the liver, pancreas, intestines. Over time, metal ions will build up in your body, and you may even taste a metallic taste in your mouth. In general, remember that you should not buy an aluminum Turk. If you already have it, it is better to replace it with a better one. Better if it is copper.

If you are in Turkey, spare some money and buy a Turk there. In the homeland of Turkish coffee, it will not be difficult to find a really high-quality, safe and comfortable Turkish coffee. It may cost you a little more than domestic counterparts, but it will last much longer, and you can brew really delicious coffee in it. The drink in them will be prepared as efficiently and quickly as possible, in the correct temperature regime. In addition, such Turks are beautifully decorated, and you can decorate your kitchen with an interesting exotic attribute.

The fourth secret. The water should be soft and cold

It turns out that soft water is best for making coffee. The harder it is, the more it will affect the taste and quality of the drink. This is very easy to explain. In hard water, the maximum concentration of salts is observed. They are the ones that negatively affect the taste and quality of the drink. Some coffee lovers even make coffee using distilled water. But we do not recommend doing this. In distilled water, practically nothing useful remains. We can say that this water is sterile. Better stop your choice on bottled water. If you only use it for making coffee, the water will last for a long time. You can also use filtered water.

It is also very important to use cold water initially. This means that it is better to pour coffee not with boiling water or warm water, but with cold water. It has the highest concentration of oxygen, which will help to enhance the aroma of the drink during coffee extraction. If you are using pre-heated water, the beneficial substances and essential oils from coffee simply will not have time to fully develop. But with cold water, they will interact longer. This will give you a richer and more aromatic drink.

The fifth secret. Put sugar not in a cup, but in a Turk

Another secret to help you figure out how to make frothy coffee at home. When brewing Turkish or oriental coffee, it is customary to put sugar directly into a Turk, and not into a cup. This allows it to dissolve as much as possible. Then you will not need to stir the coffee to dissolve the sugar. If you put sugar in a cup, you will need to stir it. This, firstly, can disrupt the foam, and secondly, it will raise the thick from the bottom, which will be unpleasant to settle in the mouth. If you are brewing coffee for several cups at once, consider the amount and add more sugar to the drink. Remember that it is not recommended to add sugar to coffee afterwards.

Lush Foam Coffee Recipe

So, we have listed those secrets that relate to the preparatory stage in making coffee. Now we proceed to the main stage. Here's a recipe for a classic frothy coffee. It will require:
Coffee (preferably freshly ground) - 2 teaspoons
Water (soft) - 200 ml

Please note that all preparation steps must be strictly followed:

  1. We take the correct Turk with a narrow neck and fairly thick walls. Better if it is copper. Pour soft cold water into it.
  2. Pour the grains that you just ground into a Turk and mix gently. For this, it is best to use not a metal spoon, but a wooden one. Why? The fact is that the metal can leave a smack after itself, as the metal ions get into the liquid. In addition, coffee contains active acids that can interact with metal. But wood is the most organic and neutral material. It will not react with coffee.
  3. We put the Turk on fire. We emphasize right away that it must be very slow. Make the smallest flame your stove can make. Of course, make sure that it does not go out. At the same time, it will take more time to prepare the drink, but you will get an excellent result. When brewing coffee, do not rush.
  4. You will soon notice that tiny bubbles appear on the surface of the coffee and combine to form a froth. If the coffee is of high quality, and you follow the secrets of the technology of its preparation, this foam will be quite dense. Your task now is to catch the moment when it starts to grow. As soon as the foam begins to slowly rise along the narrow neck of the turk, immediately remove it from the heat.
  5. Now you need to give the coffee time to brew. This stage is necessary in order to allow the thicker to settle a little. Do not rush to put the Turk on fire again! Remember, your job is to make good coffee, not make the coffee as quickly as possible. Only when the drink is infused a little and the thickness sinks to the bottom (3-4 minutes), you need to re-put it on the fire (small). In the classic recipe, coffee should be brought to a boil in this way 2-3 times. This will allow you to extract everything in the coffee powder and brew a thick, strong brew with rich aroma and lush foam. The foam will work its way through the thick layer and create a nice beanie.
  6. We take a teaspoon and carefully remove the foam that you created so carefully. Put the froth in a preheated small coffee cup. This is a must-have element for decorating a cup when brewing Turkish coffee. In order for the rest of the thick to settle to the bottom in the Turk, just drop 1-2 drops of cold water into it. This will not spoil the drink, but will only help the heavy particles of coffee powder settle. Only then pour the drink itself into the cup. In order not to disturb the fragile froth, pour the coffee in a very thin stream strictly along the wall of the cup. Make sure that the maximum thickness remains in the Turk. With the classic recipe, the use of a strainer is not provided. If you've added cardamom or cloves to your coffee, make sure they don't end up in the cup either. Your favorite aromatic drink is ready! This recipe may take you a little longer than usual, but you will immediately feel the difference.

This is a classic recipe that has been used to brew coffee all over the world since the middle of the sixteenth century. Of course, in order for you to get a good result, it will take a little more effort and time than you are used to spending on the process of brewing coffee. But the result will delight you. You will be able to enjoy a coffee that will be no worse than the expensive drink offered by the professionals in the coffee shop.

How to get frothy with instant coffee

For many, instant coffee has become a good alternative to instant coffee. Let's make a reservation right away that real connoisseurs of this ancient drink are skeptical about instant coffee. And they have a reason for it. The fact is that instant coffee is obtained by sublimation. However, it lends itself to high temperatures. In fact, it is brewed and then evaporated under vacuum. Unfortunately, a lot of nutrients and aromatic oils are lost in this process. Such coffee becomes insipid and non-aromatic, therefore appropriate aromas and flavorings are added to it in production. Of course, it is easier to prepare a drink from it, but it is significantly inferior to coffee brewed from beans.

Is it possible to get crema on instant coffee? Of course yes. Moreover, it will take much less time than preparing instant coffee. This is a good alternative if you are on the road or do not have a coffee machine at work. To get froth on instant coffee, you need:

  1. Mix coffee and sugar (according to your taste).
  2. Then add a few drops of water (about half a teaspoon) to the mixture.
  3. Now take a teaspoon and beat the mixture vigorously with it. You should get the most homogeneous mass, saturated with oxygen. This will take you about 10 minutes. In this case, the mixture will lighten as it beats. You want it to be a pleasant, light brown color. This means that the mixture of coffee and sugar is well oxygenated.
  4. In a well-beaten mixture, add well-heated water, but not boiling water. If you pour boiling water, then you simply will not be able to immediately drink the resulting drink. It is possible that while it stands a little and cools down, some of the foam will subside. Water should be poured in a special way - make sure that it flows solidly along the side of the cup. Then you get the most lush and stable foam. That's the whole process. Now you can enjoy a delicious drink with a fairly thick and stable foam.

As you can see, this option is simpler than the previous one, but you will get a drink not the same as from freshly ground beans. By the way, if you are afraid of gaining weight, then coffee is the drink for you. Scientists have determined that 100 grams of coffee without sugar and other additives contains only 2-3 kcal. But, in order not to harm your body, you can drink no more than 2-3 cups per day. However, you should not brew the coffee too strong. Give preference to a drink of medium strength. It is better to drink it not on an empty stomach, but after a meal. And in order to better taste the taste and aroma of the magic drink, drink it with cold water. This will help your receptors experience in a new way the full spectrum of the rich taste of this ancient drink.

Some more interesting things about foam

  • It turns out that the color of the foam will directly depend on what kind of coffee we brew. Most often it turns out to be light cream.
  • Have you ever wondered what the foam on the coffee consists of? It turns out to be a mixture of coffee, water and air.
  • Foam performs not only a decorative function. It prevents the coffee from evaporating quickly.
  • To get a really good and stable foam, the water should not boil. The fact is that oxygen quickly evaporates from boiled water. This means that there is simply nothing to build the foam from, since oxygen is the most important component in its structure. In addition, boiled water significantly loses its taste. It is practically useless as it contains a minimum of oxygen. It's no exaggeration to say that she's just dead.
  • If you bring the coffee to a boil (and this is absolutely impossible to do), then all the aromatic components will evaporate from it. They, of course, begin to evaporate even when heated, but boiling is simply destructive for them. At one hundred degrees, the foam will disappear completely, and you will get a tasteless and aromatic drink without a protective foam cap.

So let's summarize. It is very easy to create crema for coffee at home. The main thing is to take into account all the secrets. Take quality coffee, grind it just before brewing, use soft water and brew the coffee without boiling. You will definitely succeed, and you can enjoy a drink with a thick foam head.