What are the pictures on the coffee crema called? How to paint on coffee at home

20.08.2019 Snacks

Trying to keep warm in cold and rainy autumn, we will never refuse a cup of hot invigorating coffee. Many of us need coffee all the time to be in time and stay energetic. And how pleasant it is when, running into a coffee shop for this invigorating drink, you see a cute foam drawing on it! The mood rises, the coffee becomes even tastier, and it seems that they are much more pleasant to warm up. Therefore, we decided to tell you a little about drawings on coffee and teach you how to draw on coffee at home!

Capuchin monks from Italy were the first to notice that unusual patterns sometimes appear on coffee. – this is how the idea of ​​drawing on coffee came about. Now this skill is called latte art, and the coffee artist is called barista.

Some coffee bartenders use stencils for drawing, but creating a pattern without auxiliary materials is considered a true art, when you simply calculate the movements with which you pour milk froth into an espresso or Americano.

Nowadays, the art of drawing on coffee is developing rapidly, and baristas are learning more and more complex and unusual latte art techniques: foam portraits, volumetric images, the use of cinnamon, syrups and much more.

But there are a few classic coffee designs that started latte art. They are much simpler, so you can try them at home.


To draw on coffee, you need frothed milk with a fat content of 3.4% heated to 62-65 degrees and high-quality brewed espresso, otherwise you will not be able to draw the pattern. Hold the jar of froth five centimeters from the coffee glass, tilt the glass slightly and pour in the froth in a circular motion. At the very end, bring the glass with the froth closer to the coffee and cross out the resulting circle.


Pour the milk into the espresso in a thin stream. Hold a frothed glass high above the coffee. Then begin to lower the vessel with milk below, making light movements to the right and to the left. With the last movement, "cross out" the drawing.


Pour the crema into the coffee. When the glass is half full, make some hearts and cross them with a milky strip.

Now you know a little more about the art of coffee painting and you can even try painting at home. Make this fall a little cozier by decorating your drink with patterns!


Latte art technique is as follows: specially prepared in a special way is poured into coffee drink and, mixing with it in a cup, creates on the surface coffee various patterns. In catering establishments, the barista is responsible for creating latte art - who has passed in this area.

So, to create drawings on coffee you will definitely need coffee a car. First, prepare the milk froth. Take whole pasteurized milk with a fat content of 3-3.5%. Pour milk into a stainless steel pitcher specially designed for latte art. The milk level should be slightly below the base of the pitcher's spout. Bring the pitcher to the steam wand located on the coffee... Immerse the steam tap in the middle of the pitcher, while the holes in its tip should be at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from the surface of the milk.

Open the steam cock. The milk will begin to expand and foam. Hold the pitcher straight and lift the tip of the steam faucet, maintaining a distance of 1-1.5 cm as the foam increases. Control the whipping process by sound: a uniform hiss should be heard. This stage takes 5-15 seconds.

Next, you need to steam the milk. Rotate the pitcher so that the steam cock is close to the wall. Submerge the tip of the faucet 1-1.5 cm from the bottom of the pitcher. Tilt the jug towards you, controlling the vortex movement that has arisen in it. The steaming phase lasts 5-15 seconds, during this time the milk temperature reaches 65-75 ° C.

Close the steam valve and remove the pitcher from under it. Before the milk gets into coffee a drink, it should be shaken in a circular motion of the hand.

V coffee machine, brew a thick espresso. Pour over coffee into the prepared cup. Sprinkle the resulting foam with cinnamon, grated chocolate or cocoa for a more distinct pattern. Pour milk in small portions. The pitcher's nose will serve you "" when creating the future drawing.

There are three basic shapes in latte art: a flower, and an apple. To create a flower, mentally divide the cup into 4 equal parts: top, bottom, right and left halves. Start pouring milk into the top base of the cup. When the cup is half full, carefully move the milk flow to the left. While gently rocking the pitcher, rotate it to the right half of the cup. Pour the remaining milk in a zigzag fashion, ending at the bottom. When the cup is almost full, lift the pitcher and cross out the last milk. At the same time, sharply move the nose of the pitcher from the bottom up. A thin stream of milk at the final stage, as it were, collects the entire pattern in the center of the cup.

To create a heart, visually draw a circle on the surface of the cup, it will not be possible to go beyond its borders. Point the pitcher's nose to the center of the cup. Fill an imaginary circle with milk by gently swinging the pitcher from side to side. After filling the cup to the brim, lift the pitcher and in a thin stream cross out the circle in diameter.

To make the drawing in shape, pour a portion of the milk froth near the far side of the cup. This will be a sprig of the future apple. Then place the pitcher's nose in the center of the cup and form a circle as in the example. Fill the cup carefully with milk foam.

You can turn a cup of coffee into a work of art. There are various techniques for applying a pattern to the surface of coffee. To produce such a masterpiece, you need to know the intricacies of drawing on coffee, which we will reveal in this article.

How to paint on coffee - basic techniques

You can paint on milk foam using different techniques, namely:

  • Pitching. This drawing technique involves the use of a pitcher, it is a jug with a sharp nose, with the help of which air foam is simultaneously poured and applied.
  • Etching. This technique requires a thin, sharp stick; a toothpick is ideal. It needs to be dipped through the milk froth so that the tip of the toothpick touches the coffee. Then, the barista applies the pattern by combining frothed froth and black coffee.
  • Mixed. When pitching and etching is used when creating a drawing on coffee.
  • Stencil. This technique of drawing a picture on coffee is considered the easiest and most accessible to a novice barista. To do this, you need to purchase a stencil or cut it out of paper, attach it to a cup of coffee and sprinkle chocolate, cinnamon or cocoa on top of the milk froth.
  • 3D. Various three-dimensional figures of thick foam are created on the surface of the coffee.
  • Engraving. For this technique, you need to purchase a syrup with which an inscription or drawing is applied to the surface of the foam.

How to draw a heart on coffee

To draw a heart on coffee you need:

  • froth the cooled pasteurized milk using the steam pipe of the coffee maker or beat the warmed pasteurized milk in a French press;
  • make an espresso;
  • sprinkle brewed coffee with cocoa or cinnamon, this will become a contrasting background of the picture;
  • using a pitcher, start pouring frothed milk into the center of the mug at a distance of 5 cm from the surface of the coffee;
  • when the white circle reaches the desired heart size, you need to bring the sharp nose of the pitcher 2 cm from the surface of the coffee and drag it sharply downward. This is necessary in order for the sharp tip of the heart to form, as well as the depression.

The coffee decorated with a heart is ready! You can also create a heart on the surface of the coffee using other techniques, they look beautiful and effective.

How to draw a chocolate flower on coffee

To create a chocolate flower for coffee, you need:

  • froth the pasteurized chilled milk using the steam pipe of the coffee maker, at the rate of 3 parts milk to 1 part coffee;
  • make coffee;
  • prepare a tall glass, set aside a spoonful of milk froth and pour milk into it;
  • in the center of the glass, into the milk, we begin to pour coffee, after this manipulation, two mugs appear in the glass;
  • in the center of the glass, lay out a deferred spoonful of foam;
  • with melted chocolate we make a contour of a small and large circle;
  • using a toothpick, we make a movement from the center to the edge, then from the edge to the center, where we did not draw.

The coffee decorated with a chocolate flower is ready! Using this scheme, you can create various flowers, for this you need to change the direction of the tooth stick on the foam.

How to paint on coffee using a stencil

The easiest way to apply a pattern to coffee is stencil. To create coffee with a pattern on the surface, using a stencil, you must:

  • whip milk in one of the following ways;
  • make coffee;
  • combine coffee with milk;
  • purchase or make with your own hand a stencil with a pattern you like, an inscription;
  • Place the stencil over the cup and grind it with cocoa, cinnamon, grated chocolate or ground nuts.

The stencil-decorated coffee is ready!

It takes practice to be successful. Try basic coffee painting techniques and choose the one that works best for you. Try, experiment, please yourself and your loved ones!

It is not known who and when came up with the idea of ​​drawing simple drawings on coffee, but today the process is becoming a separate art form called "Late Art". Coffee lovers are ready to pay more than one hundred dollars for one cup with a masterpiece painting on the foam of coffee from a professional barista.

In each coffee shop, the client is offered to create a cute image on the foam of the drink for reasonable money. This is a well-thought-out marketing ploy; you want to come back to such an establishment again and again. After drinking coffee, there is a pleasant sensation of taste, aroma and beauty depicted on its surface.

Video tutorial "How to draw on coffee"

Technology for creating a pattern on coffee foam

Coffee lovers wonder how to draw on coffee so that the drawing stays on the surface for so long. To decorate the surface of your drink, you need to properly prepare espresso and milk froth.

To create a composition, achieve bubbles from the milk. Milk is cooled to a temperature not exceeding 4 degrees. Coffee makers with an installed steamer through which steam enters the milk and whips the froth. During this process, the milk is heated to 70 degrees. If you whip the milk in a different way, you will not be able to achieve a dense foam. On heavy foam, the pattern will settle to the bottom within five minutes, and the professional foam keeps its shape for up to 12 minutes. Do not pour milk into coffee immediately after whipping, let it stand for half a minute in the milk jug. The foam is then added to the coffee beverage.

Secrets of the professionals

Baristas participate in world championships to showcase their skills in dozens of countries. At the top of the drink, the most complex compositions grow: castles, landscapes, flowers, etc. Each specialist keeps his secrets in secret, and under no circumstances does he share them. Some of the nuances have become known to coffee lovers:

  1. Cocoa powder leaves a clear, bright pattern, does not mix with the drink and colors the foam in a pleasant color.
  2. With smooth movements of milk on top of the coffee, the necessary base is formed so that the last drop does not pull the pattern in an unnecessary direction.
  3. The drawing emphasizes the taste of coffee, you need to choose the right spices and syrups for each type of beans.
  4. Drawings are created only for espresso, latte, cappuccino. Now you know what kind of coffee they paint on.

Drawings on coffee at home

If you wish, you can learn how to decorate your favorite drink with drawings at home, for this you will need to make a lot of effort and effort. It takes many years for professionals to get their hands on it. If you do not intend to create masterpieces in a cup in your kitchen, go the easy way.

There are two known ways to apply simple drawings to coffee:

  1. Stencil. This technique is available to everyone, since the performer does not need special skills and abilities. A lid with a stencil is placed on top of the filled cup of coffee. Sprinkle ground cinnamon over the top of the lid, which will spill through the holes onto the crema. A neat drawing or an unpretentious pattern will instantly appear in the cup. In the stencil method of decorating a coffee drink, depending on personal preference, powdered sugar, vanilla, ground pepper, etc. are used. Stencils are sold in stores, but they are cut yourself from cardboard or other dense material.
  2. Engraving. The method involves the use of a special syrup. The assortment of syrups is extremely extensive, they are selected for every taste and color: raspberry, apricot, milk chocolate, etc. The essence of creating an image is an unusually delicate work. The syrup is poured into the foam in a thin stream, creating the desired pattern. This method is much more complicated than the previous one, since the creator will be required to be careful and precise. Not everyone succeeds in creating a drawing the first time, but over time everything comes out.

Coffee with a pattern on the foam will delight guests, friends, relatives with its originality and will leave a pleasant impression of visiting your home. More details about the Late-art technology are described in the video.

It is no secret that coffee is one of the most popular drinks, and it attracts people not only with its invigorating taste, but also with its exquisite appearance. The art of latte art, or drawing on the surface of coffee, is not at all as difficult as it seems at first glance, because in order to create a stylish contrasting design on coffee foam, special stencils for coffee have long been invented.

Coffee stencils are used by both professional baristas and ordinary people who, having mastered this simple skill, can delight their loved ones not only with a delicious, but also a very beautiful coffee masterpiece even every day. All that is needed for such a truly unique morning surprise is a set of coffee stencils and a free-flowing product that contrasts with the main tone of coffee (it can be cinnamon, cocoa or powdered sugar).

Did you know? The art of drawing on coffee has gained such an all-encompassing popularity that since 2004, special championships have even been held among those who possess this skill.

Our helpful tips for decorating coffee with pastry stencils will help you quickly master this simple but effective technique.

Typically, coffee stencils are used to decorate a cappuccino, mocha or latte cup. In addition, with the help of stencils, you can decorate all kinds of sweets, pastries, desserts, mousses and cocktails. Usually, snow-white foam is decorated with drawings, on which cocoa or ground cinnamon look unusually impressive.

How to decorate coffee with a stencil

Here's a step-by-step guide. You will need:

  • Cup of coffee
  • Milk
  • Stencil for decorating coffee
  • Small strainer (for example, for brewing tea)
  • Cocoa powder

Stages of work:

  1. Make coffee and pour some milk into it
  2. Pour cocoa powder into a strainer - this will make the pattern more even.
  3. Cover the cup with the stencil and sift the cocoa powder onto the stencil. Remove the stencil and serve the coffee immediately.

The process of decorating finished coffee using stencils is demonstrated in detail in the following video:

The stencil should be slightly larger than the cup in diameter. Disposable stencils for pastry are made simply: just print one of the pictures offered on the Internet and then cut out the light areas with scissors.

It is important that the stencil has a tail, by which it can be gently pulled and removed from the cup. To make a reusable stencil, instead of paper, take cardboard and, after cutting, glue it with tape, or better immediately take plastic, for example, a yogurt lid.

It is not easy to handle thick cardboard, and even more so plastic, with scissors and tape. Therefore, it is often much easier to buy stencils for coffee than to make it yourself. In online stores today there is a wide variety of stencils for drawing on coffee, including in sets. Their subject matter can be very diverse, and the drawings are specially thought out so as to be easy to read and remain on the foam for a long time. You will find beautiful stencils in our catalog.

The main rule of aesthetic decoration is that in no case should the stencil touch the coffee or its foam. If you carefully prepared coffee, observing all proportions, then the stencil for decorating coffee can simply be put on the cup.

However, in the case when the foam of the coffee is too voluminous, the stencil will have to be held in place with one hand, while sifting cocoa or cinnamon with the other. In general, the closer the stencil is to the foam, the clearer and more comprehensible the pattern will be.

Perhaps the hardest part about using a coffee stencil is learning how to gently hold the drawing over the foam without touching it. If at first it seems to you that there is a danger of smearing the foam, while decorating the coffee, place the cup at eye level or try working together.

In general, drawings on the surface of coffee are short-lived, which is why such coffee should be served immediately after decoration. However, there are some ways to extend the life of the jewelry, and the main thing here is the density of the foam. It is believed that the most durable patterns are obtained on cappuccino, which has added cream - the thicker, the better (you can even spray from a spray can).

Instead of cream, you can add ice cream to the coffee cup and let it melt slightly. As you gently pour the coffee into this cup, you will notice that the ice cream rises and forms a froth, quite suitable for drawing through a stencil. If you have a blender with a whisk attachment, thick froth is easily made from high-fat milk in just a minute in turbo mode. Having laid this foam on the surface of the coffee, it will not be difficult for you to draw any pattern on it.

Tip 5. For those who want to create their own stencil drawing

If you want to create your own coffee drawing, remember that not every plot will look the same on coffee foam. When designing a drawing, avoid small details, since when applying a free-flowing mass through a stencil, they can merge with each other.

It is better if your drawing is somewhat schematic, but easily understandable for the one whom you decided to treat. Also remember that a cup of coffee has a round diameter, which means that the pattern should be evenly inscribed in the circle: you should avoid elongated and inharmonious plots.