Fortune telling on the coffee grounds Sanya. Divination on the coffee grounds: meaning and interpretation

28.10.2019 Dishes from Yaitz

We will give an accurate and complete feature of the most common symbols when reading a coffee ground.


  • Straight long line - Your life will be useless and careless.
  • Kosy Line - disease.
  • Oblique lines - The planned affairs will end sadly.
  • Many broken lines - Problems with material condition.
  • Many straight lines - Health and longevity.
  • Straight line bends - Adventure and illness.
  • Very curve line - Bold the enemy, who is better not to come across.
  • Wavelord line - Long unpredictable journey.
  • Many curves lines, line crossed by others - Heart injuries.
  • On the bottom of the bowl one line - To a great journey.


  • 0 - You were born under a happy star.
  • 1 - Someone loves you.
  • 2 - You are waiting for trouble.
  • 3 - Good outcome.
  • 4 - Do not hope for good outcome of events.
  • 5 - Gossip.
  • 6 - Unexpected problems.
  • 7 - Happiness in the house.
  • 8 - A quarrel with a close man.
  • 9 - Unforeseen useful acquaintance in the future.
  • 10 - Long and happy life.
  • 101 - Happy life in health and power.


  • BUT - Victory is expected.
  • B. - Power in your hands.
  • IN - Mountain.
  • G. - Put candles of sv. Georgia (to George addressed requests for protection from the evil, about giving good luck on the hunt, about the crop and the rating of livestock, about healing from the ailments, about Chadorody).
  • D. - financial difficulties.
  • E. - Your conscience is clean.
  • J. - Possible conspiracy against you.
  • Z. - Entertainment and pleasure in life.
  • AND - rampant actions with bad consequences.
  • TO - Buy a cross, coming test.
  • L. - We are lucky in love, gain happiness.
  • M. - Cash wealth.
  • N. - alarming state.
  • ABOUT - Travel is expected.
  • P - insincerity.
  • R - Prepare the liver to the feast.
  • FROM - Disputes.
  • T. - Dating.
  • W. - Quarrels are coming.
  • F. - You are unable to influence the future, hope for a favorable outcome.
  • H. - Svadbja in the near future.
  • C. - career growth.
  • C. - Loss of a loved one.
  • Sh - Mix.
  • B - Flirt.
  • Kommersant - Guests.
  • E. - Loss of things.
  • YU - Unsuccessful illness.
  • I - Life will work out.


Figures of people and human-like creatures

  • Angel, generally winged man-like figure - You are too passive, too hoping on others. You need to take the initiative yourself. For those who do not suffer in the lack of initiative, warning to test themselves: aren't you too susceptible to the most primitive nationalism?
  • Eye - Be very careful. Creation for your back, which can seriously damage.
  • Head in profile - You are protected.
  • Women's head - Love.
  • Male head - problems with your loved one.
  • Head of man - There is a good friend who takes care of you.
  • Head looking up - Someone wants to help you.
  • Two faces in a circle - Marriage.
  • Two faces with flower in the middle - Close marriage and happiness.
  • Two persons who divided by line - To the divorce.
  • Two people are addressed to each other - Love is mutual.
  • Girl - To huge love.
  • Girl (woman): Pay attention to the accompanying figures if they are favorable, then this is a good symbol, meaning female support, if negative - the value of a female image with a negative: rival, gossip.
  • Clown - The symbol of coffee grounds broadcasts that sadness and joy: different sides of the same medal.
  • Face - Symbol of friendship, love, proximity and trust. You can and want to help close, so they treat you with love.
  • Bride - In the fortune telling serious changes.
  • Guy - To separation.
  • Mermaid - Do not seduce with ephemeral goals, they will not bring the desired.
  • Knight - Noble and courteous man.
  • Human - You will give gifts or take guests.
  • Heck - You argue with fate.

Figures of animals and other living beings

  • Butterfly - For a woman - warning: stop abuse of your authority over men, do not play them, you will be rewarded for everything else in this life. For a man - the Council does not mess with the "fatal women."
  • Bull - You are waiting for dangers.
  • Camel - To financial success.
  • Voron - Mountain.
  • Dove - You have a good person.
  • Goose - Important swelling man.
  • Dolphin - Friend, help in any affairs.
  • Dinosaur - Help you will have someone in the plan of education and in general spiritual development.
  • The Dragon - Wise enemy, strong rival. If you are guessing the situation, then for its success, first of all, you will have to overcome yourself.
  • Unicorn - Symbol of incredible and unexpected incidents.
  • Hedgehog (hedgehog) - interpreted as necessary protection and caution.
  • Giraffe - Forensicity will help in the tightened business.
  • bug - They are talking about you (bad or well depends on neighboring signs).
  • Hare - You are in vain fear of failure. If the hare is located next to the wolf, then you threaten the real danger.
  • Snake - You have a detractor, tricky and clever.
  • Kangaroo - Someone needs your care.
  • Whale - The need for a strong patron, reliable partner, in general, an indication of (temporary) weakness of your positions.
  • Goat - and that's it. This unworthy person plots against you.
  • Horse - The appearance of applications in your life. If you are guessing on the coffee grounds for an event, it will have to work a lot, but the result will be ambiguous.
  • Cat (kitten) - appearance is deceptive. In your surrounding lightening is slightly lurking.
  • Cat - treachery, betrayal from those from whom it would seem to be expected. It is unlikely to avoid this, it is better to take measures to reduce possible consequences.
  • Crab - Someone interference in your personal affairs, friends or relatives trying to impose your opinion to you. You need to believe more in yourself, defend the decisions made and not to succumb to someone else's influence. The fortune telling advises to actively fight for his idea - it is worth it.
  • Crocodile - Danger and trouble.
  • Rabbit - symbol of defenselessness.
  • Rat - Sliply attacker.
  • Hen - Thoughtful woman, good, but not distinguished by a special mind.
  • Swan - A favorable symbol promising a strong family, a faithful soulam.
  • a lion - It prophesoes a strong defender of the heated power.
  • A fox - A cunning man "herself on his mind."
  • Elk - Strong opponent.
  • Frog - You are surrounded by gossip and vile rumors.
  • Bear - strong and decent opponent; Interpretation in combination with a ring, wreath and other wedding symbols in the coffee grounds means the groom.
  • Jellyfish "You have something to hide, says this figure." But the one who knows many secrets, many and risks. Maybe it is better to quit secrets and live quietly - at least for a while?
  • Mouse - bad woman, beware of her trouble.
  • Insects - troubles, care, but short-term. Bee or ant - painstaking work, cockroach or dragonfly - small troubles, etc. What to do, such is life.
  • Rhinoceros - essential misadventures, treacherous partner.
  • A monkey - false friend, pretense, ambiguous situation.
  • Deer - To betraying your beloved (beloved).
  • Eagle - Exit from the established difficulties with honor.
  • Octopus - The presence of a permanent energy "vampire" in your environment. Most often it turns out any older lady, relative, neighbor or colleague.
  • Peacock - Summary, beauty. They envy you.
  • Panther - Woman enemy. Symbol of formidable danger.
  • Pegasus: The Council of Divination on the Coffee Mature - Rely on your own flair, and you will achieve even more than expected.
  • Cock - Loud news.
  • Penguin - Official man.
  • Parrot - Do not believe what will be said in secret.
  • Bird (bird, chick) - Hear an unusual news.
  • Bee: work, perseverance and high goals. Stay true to yourself in any situation - and you will achieve not only the goal, but also much more - success will exceed your most bold expectations.
  • Cancer - We'll have to go back and do everything again.
  • A fish - By adding in the family (not necessarily birth, it may be the arrival of relatives and the like).
  • Pig - ungratefulness and rudeness.
  • Scorpio - Covarian enemy.
  • Elephant "You have a huge force (warlord, banker, a scientist) - Be prudent and use it for the benefit of people, otherwise she will hurt you."
  • Dog: a friend's help. Interpretation of the dog grouped on you - Quarrel with a friend.
  • Owl - Symbol of wisdom.
  • Ostrich - Your problems are filled.
  • Tiger - Scary inland, beware!
  • Seal - Your misinterfit to good will not lead.
  • Snail - It is time to become more sociable and open.
  • Duck - Good luck in love.
  • Chick - Little joy, gift.
  • Gull - Sad news.
  • Worm (Little Snake) - warns from frivolry, suggests to think about the current situation and over your relations with other people.
  • Turtle - Symbol of wisdom and eternity. Everything that can happen is already inscribed on the shell of the Great Space Turtle, and therefore - where to rush? Do not think about what could not be, Parmenid spoke, - what could not be, he will not. Think only about possible.
  • Lizard - Minor troubles, attacks are detractors.

Figures of objects and everything else

  • Drum - Rumors, gossip about your account, especially with regard to personal cases, so be careful.
  • Hippo: This animal promises affection and love. But too dedicated and waiting for a fantastic manifestation of feelings is not worth - still hippos are not in vain are thick-skinned animals.
  • Squirrel - To achieve the conceived, you will have to work seriously.
  • Fan - Difficulties in the service, friction in the team, it is possible to reorganize or liquidate the enterprise.
  • The paddle: the thing you chose is very important and necessary, even if you are in doubt it. Therefore, continue - the results will kill you in the correctness of the choice.
  • Grapes - A symbol of love and friendship, good luck and wealth.
  • Wolf - Beware of ill-wishers. If the cradled wolf of the muzzle is emerging at fortunes, then its interpretation - the fight against the taught will be serious.
  • Mountain: obstacles to the goal. You see the human figure on the hill - overcoming all difficulties and achieving dizzying vertices.
  • Rake, scallop, harrow and other gear items - The need to guide order in your affairs, possibly the establishment of a day mode, lifestyle revision.
  • Mushroom - "Drag of mind", the danger of addictive to any doping, in general the disease or just illusion.
  • Tree: broadcasting about the state of health, see what it is - Brilliant and patient or magnificent and branched?
  • House - The symbol has a complex interpretation. A strong, good home means well-being, reliability, especially in matters, you can begin new things. Poorly drawn walls are possible at home. If the house has a roof curve - there will be problems with neighbors. The house is the place where you are well where you are at home ... The next figures come to your family. Ahead - good luck, success, family happiness.
  • Road - journey. The interpretation of its success and results depends on the value of adjacent characters.
  • Christmas tree (spruce) - You are used in other people's interests.
  • Lock - Something hide from you.
  • Germ (embryo) - "Tash" your plans you will be long enough.
  • Star - Sign of well-being and welfare. All undertakings will have a great success now.
  • Mirror - Coffee mushroom predicts the ability to change the unfavorable situation for the better.
  • Kalach (figure that resembles the lying letter "B") - Unforeseen delay or movement along the false path.
  • The key to the castle - You will finally reveal the secret, which has long been thrown.
  • Bell - Lime, most likely from afar. POW, symmetrical bell - good news, curve or shcher - bad. Several bells are anxiety, danger is possible.
  • Ring - harmony, good luck; A broken ring - failure, disappointment, breaking relationship.
  • Comet - Unexpected guests from afar, possibly from abroad.
  • Ship (sailboat, sail, boat) - execution of desire, long journey.
  • Basket: The end of some period of life. Another work is completed, the plot has been exhausted. But calm down, and even more so despairing it is not worth it - a new period begins, even more interesting than before.
  • Crown - To glory and wealth.
  • Cross - Unhealthy, heavy burden.
  • Wings - You will visit inspiration, an incredible idea.
  • Tree leaf "Many people envy you, intrigues are not excluded. So be careful.
  • Shovel - Work in the sweat of the face is most likely to help out others, and not for their own benefit.
  • Moon (Crescent) - despondency and longing, completion of a case that will not bring joy.
  • Coffee Mask - Secrets and secrets.
  • Hammer: Yes, of course, you have enough strength, and do not take will, but still, before acting, think - Is it worth crushing the mountain when you can get around it?
  • Bridge - The best way out of your situation is a compromise. Invisible on its own, you end up win less. Build a bridge! If the bridges turned out two or more, it indicates anxiety and insecurity. The bridge of the curve, broken or destroyed can mean the disease.
  • Anvil - Stable, durable position achieved by conscientious labor. The only thing that can threaten him is a game. Do not play gambling, especially with few familiar people.
  • Leg - road; About the outcome is judged by the shore she or barefoot. Foot without shoes does not promise special pleasures. Interpretation of the leg in the boot - financial achievements at the end of the road.
  • Nose - Sign of aggravated intuition, the sixth sense will not let down.
  • Vegetables (carrot, cabbage, repka, etc.) - troubles because of someone's envy or jealousy - perhaps because of your own. Just in case, die your temperament.
  • the fire - Recall the saying "Too good, not good too." Be moderate in your desires and actions.
  • Glasses - It seems that you make a mistake, but do not decide to admit yourself in this. The glasses mean "the tendency to negate the signals about the deviation from the right path", as Antonio Meneghetti writes (Meneghetti A. Families. L., 1991). You need to look wider on things!
  • Stump - The symbol speaks of reliability, the solidity of the case you intended, the right choice of partner.
  • Pistol, machine gun, cannon, etc.: Danger, threat, although rather psychological than physical - You want to use for your own purposes.
  • Dress - New acquisitions, pleasant purchases.
  • Cookware (jug, cup, spoon, etc.) - Near the handle - the world, the order in the house, far from the handle or on the bottom - a family quarrel.
  • Rocket, projectile, torpedo - To achieve your own, you will need a significant effort, jerk, "attack." Act a bolder!
  • Sink - Problems in relations with the opposite sex. However, temporary problems, and they did not arise about your fault, so do not be discouraged, but wait a while. Everything will be saved by itself.
  • Horn - abundance, profit; Work in any fund or for the Foundation. As a rule, this symbol indicates the stability of the situation.
  • Rose: Interpretation - Delicate delicate feelings.
  • Hand: unexpected help or opposite - Request for help (pay attention to the values \u200b\u200bof neighboring characters).
  • Plane - The fortune telling warns - you dream a lot, make it already implemented your plans.
  • Boot - achievements, protection against pain. Indicates to the side of the handle - the resignation; Torn - defeat.
  • Candle - You will have hope.
  • Heart: Love symbol. Broken heart in coffee grounds - Unrequited feelings.
  • Track - The event that happened will become significant in your destiny.
  • Snowman - Cruel person.
  • The sun - Divination promises happiness.
  • Arrow - Unexpected catch.
  • Ax - the danger of conflict due to someone else, perhaps yours; may mean the threat of a physical attack. So be careful!
  • Triangle - Top to the edge of the cup - success, completion of the started business, vertex to the bottom - success is postponed. Do not worry all your time.
  • Smoke pipe - Well-being, long life. Hold you selected course - and everything will be fine with you.
  • Shoes - To dance, holiday and fun.
  • The shapes are geometric from coffee grounds: a circle - victory, oval - a non-incomplete success, a square - obstacles, a rectangle - a delay and obstacles, a triangle - an unexpected benefit, a trapezium - a lot of obstacle when achieving scheduled.
  • Flag - Military Cases - marriage with military, challenge to the military registration and enlistment office, a trip to the game of hostilities; For military - participation in hostilities, translation to another place, another rank. On the bottom may mean wound.
  • Fruits (banana, pear, apple) - Profit, winnings, fee, income increase.
  • Flowers - You noticed you, tsp for you.
  • Teapot - Interpretation says - Wait for the guests.
  • Clock - You have little time left for the desired.
  • Skull - The symbol of the strugnure of being, the completion of the old and started a new one.
  • Quadrangle (Square) - Peace, security, stability. Your situation does not require changes - leave everything as it is.
  • Hat, hat - Success ("Case in the Hat"). However, if the cap "with holes" or is located on the bottom - the success is dubiable.
  • Ball, ball or kernel - The situation is stable for you, things are in order, the main thing is to keep it up! Do not stop halfway, continue to go to the goal, and success is provided to you.
  • Pants: Ways, Crossroads. "To go right - you will lose your horse ..." Choose, like that knife from a fairy tale, the most dangerous way - and the fate helps boldly - the bolder helps.
  • Apple - Symbol of life, wisdom, health. The more like a figure on the present apple, the better its meaning. An apple is a curve, shcher, shapeless may mean that the temptation awaits you, which is better not to succumb.
  • Egg - an ancient symbol of hidden, unmanifested. May mean fears, concerns of something, a period of an exacerbated reaction to the surrounding. But can symbolize and simply start something new, renewal of the person or the birth of a child.
  • Anchor - Something keeps you from approaching the target target.

The fortune telling on the coffee grounds is an ancient rite who used magicians and the magicians of all countries. His homeland is the Middle East, where they can cook the invigorating burning drink. The Dark Substance, which remained at the bottom of the Bowl, was not poured, and thoughtfully considered the resulting patterns.

In this article

Where to start a fortune telling: First look at the cup

The fortune telling on the ground begins with a simple action: first weld coffee from ground grains, then:

  • send a part of the resulting drink;
  • the remaining - distribute the walls of the bowl;
  • women rotate a vessel with her left hand, counterclockwise;
  • men do the opposite;
  • making three circles, tilt the bowl from ourselves;
  • count up to seven, while the thick flows through the walls.

On the one hand, there is nothing complicated in the fortune. On the other - the symbols are foggy and shaped. Open the world of secret knowledge is not given to every person. Coffee thickness will not open skeptics to decipher mystical signs, you need imagination and fantasy.

First look into the cup is the most important. Carefully look into symbols, visually assess the quality.

  1. If the pattern on the walls of the cup is light, transparent and openwork is a good sign.
  2. Tight, contains bunches and unclearly outlined - problems are waiting for you. The amount and character is determined by the form of spots. Location - this is the time of appearance in life.
  3. Each large and tight cluster denotes certain problems. The first glance in the cup will show how much they will be on the life path of gadget.

Enjoy fragrant coffee and meditate

See the picture of fate at the bottom of the cup is not easy. The process of divination on the coffee grounds is meditation. Mages say that at this moment the mind and logic to freedom should be released. It is necessary to act and feel, guided by internal vision and intuition. Take the symbols, relying not to life experience, but on the subconscious. It is the best adviser in this form.

The video contains the instructions for fortifying on the coffee grounds:

In the popular Brazilian TV series "Clone", the main heroine asks to girlfriend to pay her on the coffee grounds. Zorad predicts the faint strange things that simultaneously frighten the girl and instill hope. Women keep a cup with residues of coffee to watch how the fate of the heroine is changing and an important moment in life is approaching.

What you need to know the beginning of the vigorous: features of the ritual

Clear rules and dogmas, which should be adhere to, guessing on the coffee grounds, no. Over time, each sorceress produces its own ritual of privacy. But there are general recommendations.

  1. For fortune telling, take a bright bowl and monophonic, without patterns and patterns, saucer.
  2. Coffee natural two species - large and fine grinding. It is necessary that the resulting drawing was relief.
  3. Water for one portion of the drink.
  4. Turku. It prepares coffee for progress.

Cooking a drink or a questioning (Mag), or an assistant. Coffee is overflowing into a cup, allow you to cool, loudly and clearly formulate the question for which they want to get the answer.

Delicious, fragrant drink should be drinked, and leave the thick on the bottom.

Godii say that for the progress of the three or five clearly defined symbols. Then the result will be reliable, and the divination is effective.

All you need for fortune telling on the coffee grounds

Bringing the coffee grounds better in solitude. Try so that you do not distract anything from the process. Do not guess in a cafe or in a big and noisy company. It is impossible to reduce the ritual for the game or joke - the answer to the question will be incorrect, information is distorted, the meaning of working with a magical drink will lose.

How to interpret the drawings in the cup

The main thing is to see the entire pattern. To be pulled out from a variety of details, geometric shapes and characters - the main and work with it. The second stage is to understand what this figure is yours. She will talk about the future, will reveal the prospects and will warn about future problems:

  • stains and symbols in the middle of the walls of the cups are events related to date;
  • if the drawing is located on the bottom and on the bottom wall of the vessel - this is not a very good sign;
  • the pattern that stretches to the handle will tell about the inner world, aspirations and desires of the gadget;
  • the image, located counterclockwise, is that it will forever leave the life of the questioning;
  • the thick, twisted clockwise, is the near future.

Familiar Symbols: The most common patterns

The easiest way to work with simple and understandable symbols - numeric designations, objects, vegetable or animal patterns.

It happens that the coffee sediment is bizarrely walked into the letters of the alphabet. The task of the priest is to see the sign, at the level of associations and intuition, understand how he will affect fate.

Ask a question it should be clearly and clear. Blurry and foggy formulations are misleading magical instruments and gadel. The answer will turn out to be so vague as the question.

The video is devoted to the meaning of the basic symbols when you fortunate on the coffee grounds:

Letter notation

The letters of the alphabet, which manifested in the coffee grounds, carry different semantic loads.

  1. "A" means that in a short time, the gigging will win an important victory. Depending on the issue, this is a promotion, resolution of a controversial court case, a salary increase.
  2. "B" indicates that the questioning will receive an unlimited power, which has long dreamed of.
  3. "B" is a bad sign. Perhaps you are waiting for sad news, troubles and sorrow.
  4. "G" indicates health problems. Go to church and put a candle for health. If you were interested in fateful relatives or friends - it is worth praying for their well-being and health.
  5. "D" predicts problems with money, salary delay, downgrade and other financial troubles.
  6. "E" advises to calm down and relax. The problems that will have to face, no fault will occur.
  7. "F" recommends to be attentive and careful in family relationships. Conflicts between spouses are possible.
  8. "Z" personifies the concerns that are associated with life and homemade troubles.
  9. "And" advises to keep secrets in themselves and not to share even with best friends.
  10. "K" warns from incorrect steps and advises to think about the soul. Get a new native cross - it will save from the influence of dark forces.
  11. "L" says that a close person will appear soon. You are waiting for love, mutual understanding, pleasant long relationship.
  12. "M" predicts a dream crash, financial instability, debts. Former lifestyle will be broken. You will not be able to influence the situation, give up.
  13. "H" signals the sophisticated and alarms.
  14. "O" warns that the questioning will remain alone. Not in its fault.
  15. "P" warns the extinguishing that he has to survive a betrayal, insincerity from friends.
  16. "P" indicates that in the future you await the problems with alcohol. Refrain from drinking alcohol. High probability of dependence.
  17. "C" is a good sign denoting a gift or surprise.
  18. "T" says you are waiting for a difficult choice.
  19. "U" foreshadows new acquaintances and good luck.
  20. "F" says that there are unexpected guests on the horizon that the problems take on you.
  21. "X" indicates an ambulance wedding, durable and long-term relationships.
  22. "C" recommends to postpone with new endeavors and projects.
  23. "H" predicts that soon your loved ones will be in a serious situation.
  24. "W" foreshadows bad news from which it is easy to fall into despondency, longing and depressive state.
  25. "I" warns about the need to return old debts. Depending on the question, we are not talking about money.
  26. "Yu" is the bad state of Spirit, Apathia.
  27. "I" - a good omen: you are guaranteed a good mood, a cheerful company.

Digital designations

The numbers surround a person everywhere. Everyone has their favorite or unhappy numbers. The following interpretations were adopted in the coffee grounds.

  • Zero is an absolutely happy number. If it fell, do not doubt - you are born to be lucky and strong. Difficulties - temporary phenomenon.
  • The unit predicts a quick acquaintance with a pleasant person, new relationship.
  • Two - Pay attention to health.
  • Three - financial well-being. Winning in the lottery, raising salary, inheritance.
  • Four - do not despair and do not lower your hands. The dark strip is about to end.
  • Five - fear gossip.
  • Six - an ambulance wedding, but unforeseen difficulties may arise.
  • Seven symbolizes love, warmth of homemade, comfort and prosperity.
  • Eight warns that quarrels and disagreements with close people are possible.
  • Nine - wait for new acquaintances and meetings.
  • A dozen is good luck and happy life.

Considering symbols at the bottom of the vessel, relax the look. Look for signs not external, but internal vision. Care until you achieve a strong result when the key motive will flash in the intricate patterns.

If the thick formed the symbol of the heart

The symbolism of most types of fortunes is similar. So, the arrows or peaks usually mean the blows of fate or problems, and hearts are love relationships and new acquaintances.

Depending on the wording of the question, age and sex in the questioning, the heart at the bottom of the coffee cup can mean a few points.

  • lightly, nothing binding flirting;
  • the beginning of new romantic ties;
  • recognition in feelings and proposal to enter into a legitimate marriage;
  • new relationships outside the family (lover or mistress).

These predictions are true only if the heart obtained from the coffee grounds is clearly outlined and looks well.

If it is divided into two halves, foggy, vague and unclear, it can mean problems in personal life, resentment, treason and disappointment.

Pay attention to the heart position in relation to the bottom and walls of the bowl. If it is inscribed directly, you can not worry. Inverted - you are awaiting trouble. In some cases, the modified position of the sign symbolizes empty dreams, dreams and fantasies that do not have real bases.

In this video, clairvoyant tells in detail about the meaning of the symbol of the heart when you fortunate on the coffee grounds:

If the thick formed the contour of the tree

Vegetable motifs and patterns are a separate topic in despusting on the coffee grounds. In general, the tree sign with a clearly painted crown and roots is a good omen. It all depends on what was the question and that the questioning invests into the symbol, its association, aspirations and aspirations.

If you are progressing on the bottom of the cup of a tree, pay attention to the details surrounding it:

  1. A large, beautiful tree with a chic crown is the choice. The asking will be offered different options, but only him to decide how to do.
  2. Flowering or fruitful wood - you will soon find a lot of money.
  3. Broken - symbol of chartered hopes.
  4. The roots are more than Crohn, - asking insecure in itself, a timid person with many complexes.

Pay attention to the location of the sign. If the tree drawn at the bottom of the vessel, then for happiness it is necessary to compete. There will be obstacles on the way.

If the tree is located on the walls of the bowl, think about the family. This is a sign that when choosing a path to consult with the nearest environment and do not make a decision alone.

Dragon Coffee Tight

An intricate patterns sometimes resemble the contours of the mythical creature, popular in European and Chinese culture, dragon. On the one hand, it is a good sign that says that the problems will soon be allowed. On the other, the dragon is the image of multivalued. It all depends on who is guessing and what question is asked.

If the questioning person is business, then the appearance of the symbol is promoting profit and good dividends. But if the Dragon appeared in a crisis situation, then it is necessary to alert: it is possible that the proposal with which partners came out are doubtful.

When giving is a lonely woman, the symbol foreshadows an ambulance with a loving man. If the girl is married, it may arise problems with the second half due to treason or flirting.

The mythical creature should be considered with other signs - it will indicate that it is necessary to pay attention to.

Dolphins Coffee Tight

Dolphin is a positive sign. He says that time change is not far off. Symbol of good luck, control over itself and the situation, achievements and progress.

Depending on other patterns, the dolphin from the coffee grounds can designate support for a strong and influential person.

Another symbol value is a quick journey.

When mythological creatures are manifested in the coffee grounds - this is a sign that life leads the highest strength. Rely on their will, and fate will be favorable.

Other signs and their decoding

Each Mague has its own glossary of images and symbols, which is compiled for years. More practice is the main council, which gives novice fortunekam.

Signs that manifest themselves in the coffee grounds are set. To interpret them should be guided by experience and intuition.

From this video, you will learn how to determine how to determine the coffee grounds, is there a evil eye or damage on a person:

What do body parts mean

  1. The head symbolizes the questioning. Cardinal changes will soon occur in life.
  2. Eyes. The asking should see what has not paid attention before. Perhaps fate will give a second chance.
  3. Hand or hands. Unpleasant events.
  4. Leg or legs. You will find a journey.
  5. Lips are a symbol of joyful news.
  6. Men's or female silhouettes are an unexpected meeting, novel or even marriage. It all depends on what question was put in front of the coffee grounds.

Animal world

  • to see a cow or bull in the bottom of the cup - get a reward for positive traits: kindness, honesty, decency;
  • the buffalo symbolizes obstacles and dangers - be careful and careful;
  • deer - your friends will share secrets and plans;
  • elephant means good news, good luck or win;
  • bear is a symbol of danger, but do not be afraid, she will pass the side;
  • the camel is a good sign denoting that you will soon be lucky in life;
  • lion is a symbol of power;
  • tiger advises to be discreeting to be restrained, emotions will spoil the work begun and will lead to problems;
  • the appearance of a unicorn - to amazing and mystical incidents;
  • pegasus is a symbol of inspiration, listen to intuition, it will tell me how to act;
  • the dog is a good sign, his appearance says that you have faithful friends who will support in a difficult moment;
  • wolf, on the contrary, a symbol of hostility and distrust;
  • fox - the personification of tricks, look at people, you may be deceived;
  • cat - failures in personal life;
  • kitten - a symbol of treacherous betrayal;
  • protein suggests that the goals of the goals have to be achieved alone, relying only on its own strength and opportunities;
  • hare - complexes that interfere with the implementation of plans;
  • eagle personifies victory in all endeavors;
  • owl - Show wisdom and patience;
  • swan is a symbol of love and loyalty;
  • rooster or chicken - a sign of family well-being and strong relationship between spouses;
  • goose is a meeting with an unpleasant, pompous and not in moderation by a proud person;
  • fly - this is to money;
  • snake, on the one hand, symbolizes betrayal and cunning, on the other, it is the standard of wisdom;
  • caterpillar - you go to the goal too slowly, but will reach it;
  • the appearance of the beetle in the coffee grounds - to the gossip;
  • toad - the implementation of the dream;
  • hedgehog is a symbol of a secret threat, it is necessary to urgently take protective measures;
  • butterfly personifies frivolity and empty dreams;
  • snail advises a gadget to talk less about himself to unfamiliar people;
  • bird - to Wests.

Interpretation of symbols in the form of representatives of the fauna is simple. It is enough to recall what qualities a particular animal possesses, and according to the association to apply them to the situation about which the coffee thickness is asked.

Vegetable world and nature

  • low trees and bushes - harbingers of serious disappointments;
  • clover is a symbol of a successful completion of the case;
  • flowers - someone really misses the questioning;
  • mountains are obstacles to the goal;
  • waterfall is an irresistible force that is difficult to resist;
  • the appearance of mushrooms in the coffee grounds, on the one hand, this is a profit, on the other - a reminder of the need to return debts;
  • road - travel;
  • the moon is melancholy, sadness, loneliness and sadness;
  • the star is a good sign, you are on the right track, and luck accompanies in endeavors;
  • the month denotes that the situation will be out of control;
  • the sun is a symbol of happiness;
  • the languages \u200b\u200bof the flame speak the gadget that he should be calmer;
  • volcano - Be careful: you are waiting for unexpected changes in fate;
  • comet is a symbol of new relationships, which may not be injured.

Biblical symbols

  1. Angel denotes the patronage over. Someone is trying to pump you, but the sky will not allow it.
  2. The cross has a dual interpretation. On the one hand, it is a symbol of marriage, on the other, is a heavy nosha, which will fall into a fraction of the questioning.
  3. Church dome - consolation in the mountain. Hope for a prosperous resolution of the situation.


  1. The symbol of the sign of the zodiac - a man born under this star will appear in his life.
  2. Circle - problems with which it is difficult to cope.
  3. Ring - a marriage symbol if the question concerns marriage.
  4. The crown is an unexpected inheritance.

Objects Gardened

  1. Dress or other outerwear is to good luck.
  2. Boots, other shoes - travel.
  3. Hat, cap, other hats - your efforts will be rewarded by merit.

Geometric Figures from Coffee Grounds

Coffee mushroom takes any forms. Geometric shapes are easiest to see in the plexus of patterns. They are understandable for the interpretation.

  1. Square is a symbol of stability, happiness and well-being.
  2. The triangle is a figure denoting unity and divine start. Harmonious combination of mind, intuition and the strength of the Spirit. Good luck will accompany the gadget.
  3. Oval (circle) symbolizes a happy married couple.
  4. Straight line - the vital path of the questioning will be easy.
  5. Parallel straight - long life.
  6. Zigzagi - a sign of winding, thorny, but interesting fate.
  7. Waves - a symbol of rest and pacification.

Each point is important

Foreign on the coffee grounds is a fascinating process. It is not enough to learn the meaning of the signs and check with the crib. A picture that is evaporated at the bottom of the bowl is diverse: each detail and point is important in it.

  • so, the sign and the following dot from the ground repeatedly strengthens its quality and value;
  • two and three points - the development and end of the situation;
  • many, many small dots - to money profit.

The above values \u200b\u200bof the symbols in different editions and esoteric schools can be complemented and vary. Each fortune tank brings something to the process of decrypting the patterns, based on personal mystical experience. Chief Council - look at the bottom of the cup, guided by no mind, and in heart, intuition; Trust inner vote, develop the ability to clasp and progress.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubayev The necessary words and your faith is the key to success in perfect ritual. I will provide information to you, but its implementation directly depends on you. But you should not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

The fortune telling on the coffee grounds is one of the most ancient predictions of fate. Strust at home with the help of coffee is even novice. For proper divination, you need to weld the aromatic drink, pour it into a cup of porcelain and drink slowly, setting up your thoughts to positive. Sugar should not add, as it can distort the results of divination. Then it is necessary to mentally ask the question of the future and to turn the cup with the residues of the coffee grounds. The outlines for figures formed at the bottom and walls of the dishes will give a prompt about the upcoming events.

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    Divination lessons

    Divination lessons on coffee grounds, step-by-step instructions:

  1. 1. Take 2 tablespoons of coarse coffee and one fine grinding to get the most accurate prediction.
  2. 2. Raw drinks in the Turk and pour into a cup, wait a few minutes to make a coffee sediment at the bottom of the dishes.
  3. 3. Drink hot coffee, leaving a little liquid at the bottom of the porcelain cup.
  4. 4. To mentally formulate the question of interest, it should be clear.
  5. 5. Take a cup into the left hand for the handle of the dishes, a gadget woman should take 3 circular movements clockwise. It is necessary to make them so that the coffee precipitate touch the edge of the cup.
  6. 6. A sharp movement of the hand to overturn the contents of the cup on the saucer and count to seven at a slow pace.
  7. 7. Turn over the cup back and peel into the resulting stains on the walls of the dishes.

    To obtain proper decoding of divination, you need to carefully look at the location of the spots. They can go from top to bottom (1, 2), to be at the bottom (3), on the handle (4), go to the right left or vice versa (5, 6). Description of the designations that are shown in Figure:

    • 1 - the event will occur in the near future or the present moment;
    • 2 - prediction concerns a distant future;
    • 3 - this area is considered unhappy, so predictions will be negative;
    • 4 - interpretation concerns a gadget person, an event occurs at the moment;
    • 5 - an event that will soon remain in the past;
    • 6 - event will occur soon.

    It is necessary to connect fantasy and associative thinking to be able to see the outlines of the characters and figures formed as a result of fortune telling on the coffee grounds.

    The larger the resulting image, the more weighing its value in the human life.

    Interpretation of characters and figures

    Interpretation of figures and symbols:

  1. 1. Car. Clear outlines - a long-awaited journey, blurred drawing - in vain expectations, vain hopes.
  2. 2. Angel with wings. An unexpected event, help from a person who is a stranger, spiritual equilibrium.
  3. 3. Diamond. Mutual love.
  4. 4. Harp. Love sign and big passion.
  5. 5. Arch. Great joy, pleasant event.
  6. 6. Bank. Friendly support, success in the case.
  7. 7. Drum. Popularity, great success, giftedness.
  8. 8. Baran. Loss of credibility of the bosses, complexity in business relations.
  9. 9. Bublik. Vain fuss, useless occupation.
  10. 10. Bottle. Sharp deterioration of health, hidden illness.
  11. 11. Bike. Man chose the right way in life.
  12. 12. Wreath. The work started is crowned with success.
  13. 13. Rope. Difficult life period, problems in family and professional activity.
  14. 14. Cherry. Short-term joy, positive emotions, vivid impressions.
  15. 15. Algae. Man is confused and cannot find a way out of a difficult situation.
  16. 16. Question mark. Insecurity in its future, indecision, doubts, low self-esteem, complex of inferiority.
  17. 17. Volcano. Passion is glowed if you do not discharge the situation on time, the grand scandal is provided.
  18. 18. Nail. Threats, blackmail, with a person will cost unfairly.
  19. 19. Garland. Good news, a solemn event.
  20. 20. Human head. Memories, nostalgia, obsessing the thought of a person from the past, self-criticality and imperidity. If the human head looks up - the patronage of an influential person, down - the threat, the danger of health and life.
  21. 21. Eyes. Changes in all spheres of vital activity.
  22. 22. Mountains. A person has big ambitions.
  23. 23. Rake. It is necessary to reconsider its goals and properly arrange priorities in life without repeating past errors.
  24. 24. Mushroom. A set of body weight, man grows and develops.
  25. 25. Coffin. Tragic event, deep sadness.
  26. 26. Pear. Cozy house, pleasant atmosphere, comfort and harmony.
  27. 27. Lips. Passionate kisses, love.
  28. 28. Fence. Bans and restrictions in action.
  29. 29. Lady handbag. Unexpected lottery win.
  30. 30. Door. Success in begun.
  31. 31. Girl. Pure love.
  32. 32. Tree. Fame, fame, general recognition and respect.
  33. 33. House. A clear image is family well-being, success and prosperity, blurred contours - trouble with households.
  34. 34. Road. There is a long-round trip, complete adventures and fun.
  35. 35. Arc. The emergence of an enemy, dangerous ill-wisher.
  36. 36. Star. Five-pointed - conceived will turn, but a person will not receive from this moral satisfaction, six-pointed - successfulness, seven-point - spiritual suffering, a sad event, an eight-pointed occurrence.
  37. 37. Umbrella. Life adversities, short-term failure. Do not make important decisions in the near future.
  38. 38. Christmas tree. Someone uses a person for their own mercenary purposes.
  39. 39. Drops. Huge wealth, crazy money.
  40. 40. Cabbage. A man is extremely jealous and suspicious, it is difficult for him to trust the surrounding.
  41. 41. Cards. Big change is coming.
  42. 42. Brush. Uninvited guest.
  43. 43. Key. Brilliant opportunities and prospects are opened before man.
  44. 44. Book. New knowledge and skills. If the book is closed - learning will be difficult, openly means self-improvement.
  45. 45. Wheel. Fascinating adventure.
  46. 46. \u200b\u200bRing. A whole - an ambulance wedding, torn - a break of relationships with a beloved, alienation. See two rings - all the conceived will become a reality.
  47. 47. Bell. Good news. Two bells - huge joy is expected.
  48. 48. Comet. The arrival of a long-range relative, the emergence of conflict situations with neighbors.
  49. 49. Ship. Cardinal changes in a positive character.
  50. 50. Crown. Getting a huge inheritance, valuable knowledge from the elderly relative, the magic gift.
  51. 51. Cross. Marriage. If the cross inside is black - there are bad news, if white - family life will be happy and calm.
  52. 52. Bed. If it is refilled - clear life goals, self-discipline, if the bed is not removed - a person does not know what he wants, has no goal in life.
  53. 53. Circle. Life changes. If the circle is closed - good relationship with loved ones, mutual understanding between in love. Torn - a new fascinating acquaintance is foreseen, a pleasant meeting.
  54. 54. Forest. A person will soon make a fatal mistake.
  55. 55. Lemon. Black envy, hypocrisy, anger.
  56. 56. Leaves. Whole - good immunity, torn - big health problems, frequent diseases.
  57. 57. Boat. The person is in the search, he does not know what his true purpose is, and lives in the illusory world.
  58. 58. Shovel. Heavy work will soon be appreciated.
  59. 59. Lighthouse. The person has internal magnetism and is able to arrange anyone.
  60. 60. Bridge. A person will be able to avoid an unpleasant conversation.
  61. 61. Meat. An incurable disease that can proceed asymptomatic.
  62. 62. Spoon. Abundance, family idyll.
  63. 63. Mill. It is impossible to go on people from a close environment, you need to make responsible decisions on your own.
  64. 64. Knife. Deep disappointment in a beloved or a person from a close environment, betrayal, marital treason, a lie, hypocrisy, a rupture of related ties.
  65. 65. Scissors. You should immediately make a choice, otherwise you will have to pay for a long time for your slowness.
  66. 66. note. A person loves entertainment and limitless fun, carelessly belongs to life.
  67. 67. Fire. The long-awaited meeting, a romantic date with a loved one. You need to keep yourself in your hands and control your words, because quick tempering can cause a serious conflict.
  68. 68. Necklace. Minor losses, small family troubles.
  69. 69. Window. Fraud, theft. If the cross is drawn on the window - a prevention of a possible fire.
  70. 70. Island. Lonely existence, lack of support for loved ones, hope only for your own strength.
  71. 71. Octopus. Do not trust a strangers, there is a great risk of reputation.
  72. 72. Points. A big danger due to the inattention of a person who does not notice the obvious things.
  73. 73. Lake. The person is surrounded by liars, hypocrites and traitors.
  74. 74. Web. Victory sign and great achievements in business.
  75. 75. Glove. Renewal relationships with a person from the past.
  76. 76. Feather. It is necessary to distinguish between the mind and ingenuity, to show a mixture.
  77. 77. Loop. Large troubles, sudden death.
  78. 78. Pistol. A man threatens a big danger.
  79. 79. Dress. The conceived will necessarily come true in the near future.
  80. 80. Train. Business trip, business trip to another country or city.
  81. 81. Crescent. Vain expectations, broken dreams.
  82. 82. Stain. Tragedy, accident.
  83. 83. Shell. Big creative potential, hidden talents.
  84. 84. Child. Family troubles, childbirth. If the baby is located at the top of the cup - an unexpected pregnancy, a quick conception. The child appeared at the bottom of the cup symbolizes past events that are associated with children.
  85. 85. River. Mirror reflection of feelings.
  86. 86. Rose. Wedding ceremony, wedding.
  87. 87. Rhombus. Love connection.
  88. 88. Hand. The back side is a big misfortune, palm - success, respect.
  89. 89. Mermaid. We'll have to experience temptation.
  90. 90. Ryumka. Inner harmony, life balance.
  91. 91. Salute. Creation, creativity, unscrewed talent.
  92. 92. Boot. Far journey or short-term business trip.
  93. 93. Heart. The ideal form is a family idyll, a distorted heart - deterioration of the state of health, the decline of forces, diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  94. 94. Cigar. A favorable life period for making large real estate transactions and purchase.
  95. 95. Candle. Insight, dedication, zeal.
  96. 96. Skeleton. We'll have to experience the material need, health problems.
  97. 97. Skovorod. Large family quarrel, breaking friendly connections.
  98. 98. Sun. A person has leadership qualities, he knows how to convince.
  99. 99. Chair. Promotion by career stairs.
  100. 100. Arrow. The symbol is a response to a given question. If the arrow is directed up - a positive answer, down - negative, aside - uncertainty.
  101. 101. Steps. Increased wages, overall recognition and respect for colleagues and leadership.
  102. 102. Chest. Letter from a long-time comrade.
  103. 103. Plate. Excessive emotionality and sharp statements can cause a grand scandal with close people.
  104. 104. Ax. Brave deed, courage, courage.
  105. 105. Cake. The cherished dream will soon turn.
  106. 106. Points or strokes. Good luck, luck. Many points - big money.
  107. 107. Triangle. If the figure is closed - an unexpected luck, if torn - a person is in complete safety and he has nothing to fear.
  108. 108. Iron. Heavy painstaking work that will not be appreciated.
  109. 109. Node. Unfortunate anxiety, strong experiences, concerned suspicions.
  110. 110. Flag. Comes to attack, show aggression and impassable.
  111. 111. Flower. Large love, fulfillment of a secret desire.
  112. 112. Kettle. If the nose is directed up - family well-being, down - the troubles are expected, small household turmoil.
  113. 113. Cup. Minor losses, loss.
  114. 114. Suitcase. Travel to distant countries, a trip abroad.
  115. 115. Quadrangle. Great success among representatives of the opposite sex.
  116. 116. Damn. Actions in advance of fate, meaningless struggle.
  117. 117. Hat. Glory and honor.
  118. 118. Yula. Useless pastime, empty spending forces and vital energy.
  119. 119. Apple. Creativity, great success in art.
  120. 120. Egg. If it is a whole - a large purchase, broken - large material losses, up to full bankruptcy.
  121. 121. Anchor. Man is rich and successful in doing business.

Line - symbol of life. If it is interrupted - a large material loss, severe disease, an irresistible test. Long and straight line - carefree and happy life. Wave-shaped - a long road that will be difficult and full of dangers. Zigzag - love adventure. Curve - a dangerous ill-wisher should be watched. If the line crosses the bottom of the dishes - useful pastime, is in the middle - a fun journey with close friends, pleasant emotions.

Many oblique lines on the walls of the cup - the planned plans are not destined to come true, life priorities are improperly defined. A large number of broken lines indicates a difficult financial situation. Many straight lines - canceled health, long years of happy life.

Values \u200b\u200bof animals, birds and insects

Deciphering divination:

  1. 1. A shark - a person is very vulnerable, the enemies do not sleep.
  2. 2. Butterfly - the intervention of an extraneous person in the personal life of a person who exists. If this insect appeared in the upper part of the dishes - to a fun pastime, in the bottom - to a love adventure, short-term novel.
  3. 3. Squirrel - in vain spending time. A person cannot complete a single work started, he acts chaotic and Naobum. You should rationalize your actions and arrange priorities in life.
  4. 4. Bull - warning about the danger from the unfair.
  5. 5. Camel - obstacle to the intended purpose, life obstacle. If a person shifts hardworking and perseverance, he is waiting for wealth soon.
  6. 6. Wolf - heroic act, overcoming heavy tests, deadly ailment.
  7. 7. Raven is a big misfortune, a sad event, a family tragedy.
  8. 8. Gaduka is universal recognition, honor and respect.
  9. 9. The pigeon is to be honest and kind, immaterial soul.
  10. 10. Gus - gone will soon receive an invitation to a significant event.
  11. 11. Giraffe - a period of life stagnation, in vain expectations, unfulfilled dreams.
  12. 12. Hare - inner fear, fears, constant anxiety, indecision, cowardice.
  13. 13. Zebra - with difficulty finding a common language with others, to be fed and shy.
  14. 14. Zhuravl - a sign of excellent health and longevity.
  15. 15. Kangaroo - a man is too impaired and frivolous, he lives in the world of illusions.
  16. 16. KIT - minor profits, getting praise from bosses and money remuneration.
  17. 17. Goat is a need for a full-fledged vacation. Man is too passionate for work. It is necessary to take a little break and restore physical strength and mental balance.
  18. 18. Cat - to hold a pitiful existence, need money, be unhappy. A man who wondering considers something to be a friend can hardly damage his reputation, spreading false rumors and dirty gossip.
  19. 19. Cat - a man knows a terrible secret, it is difficult for him to be silent. It is necessary to keep the secret of all so that serious trouble does not arise.
  20. 20. Cow - there is a lot of happiness, a pleasant meeting with a long-time friend or school friend.
  21. 21. Crocodile - this animal symbolizes the danger, it can come from a person from a close environment or a competitor in the business sphere.
  22. 22. Swallow - foresaw the journey in the near future, which will bring positive emotions and unforgettable impressions.
  23. 23. Lion - internal power, nobility and decency.
  24. 24. Swan - beautiful, luxurious life, peace, calm and harmony.
  25. 25. Bat - durable friendly connections, long life, good health.
  26. 26. Fox - a person is highly intelligent and has a wide range of and good invented, he is waiting for success in all endeavors.
  27. 27. The horse is a new acquaintance with an interesting person, a long road.
  28. 28. Frog - big luck, good news, clean and bright love.
  29. 29. The Bear is hard fate, constant disagreements and conflicts with people from the nearest environment. The person is in depressive state, he is dismissed by his life and does not know how to change it for the better.
  30. 30. Medusa is a prevention of threatening danger, the negative impact of a foreign person.
  31. 31. Ant - troublesome event, anxiety.
  32. 32. Mouse - you have to suffer defeat, collapse in business.
  33. 33. Fly - problems associated with obtaining inheritance.
  34. 34. Monkey - dubious event, scam, hypocrisy of friends, betrayal, deception, unjustified risk.
  35. 35. Sheep is the achievement of intended goals, self-realization in professional activities.
  36. 36. Deer is life wisdom, common sense.
  37. 37. Eagle - Fate opens new horizons before man, great prospects for the future.
  38. 38. OSA - one should not attach great importance to the opinions of others, it is necessary to be guided by its intuition in making a responsible decision.
  39. 39. Fish - a noisy party, a solemn event, an invitation to the dinner dinner.
  40. 40. Cancer is the leadership of severe ailment, depressive state, moral devastation.
  41. 41. Pig - the innermost desire will be fulfilled in the near future. Success will be replaced by spiritual disorder and severe illness.
  42. 42. The dog is a man is surrounded by loyal and devoted comrades who will never leave in trouble.
  43. 43. Elephant - a severe life period will soon be replaced by well-being and financial prosperity.
  44. 44. Owl - to emergency death or incurable disease.
  45. 45. Tiger - you need to show character and getting angry to achieve success in the case.
  46. 46. \u200b\u200bParrot is empty conversations, gossip.
  47. 47. Snail - if the symbol is at the bottom of the dishes - great opportunities, in the middle - slow, but faithful movement to the goal, in the upper - unexpected guests, a family holiday.
  48. 48. Duck - For a girl, such a drawing is promoting a romantic journey with a beloved soon.
  49. 49. Turtle - confidence in its rightness, purposefulness, perseverance.
  50. 50. Lizard - an unexpected turn, unforeseen circumstances that will find a person by surprise.

We already told you to guess on the coffee grounds. If you read about the process of cooking, and about history, then you can make two outputs here. First, the fortune telling on the coffee grounds was not an invarious Russian fortune, let's say for some holidays. Russian peasants just did not even have coffee, except for some drink from the roots of chicory, but this is not at all that. So, the second, despite the fact that this type of fortune telling is quite young for Russia, and came to us from Europe, it also requires a certain situation. It should be a peaceful, but not detached. We told about the ways of divination. And now, when you have already learned about the very fortune-money on the coffee grounds, you can also turn to the value of the results of divination, that is, to thus, the symbols, forms, erosions and residues of coffee, which you can observe after the coffee mugs drunk. As a matter of fact, our article will be devoted to this.

The meaning of the symbols, forms on a coffee mug for divination and their effect on chronology

Before it is necessary to say that the resulting symbols on the mug, depending on the location of the location, have their own chronology of implementation.

1. Nearest future or present
2. Remote Future
3. Unfortunate omen
4. He who asks
5. This is what will leave life
6. What will soon be part of your life

The meaning of the symbols - people and parts of the body when you fortunate on the coffee grounds

Eyes - ahead in your life change.
Head is a familiar young man who has a favorable effect on you
Head in profile - you are well protected
Women's Head - Love
Head of Men - Parting with Favorite
Head, thickened up - you have a patron
Head lowered down - ahead of the danger
Lips - if the image is located on the bottom you are waiting for a pleasant news; If the image is to be at the top edge - support friends
Circle, and in the center two heads - the wedding is nearer
Two heads looking at each other - mutual love.
Line and two heads separated by it - treason is expected ahead, or a large quarrel, or even divorce
Several goals - you will help friends
Elderly Woman - Durable Family Life
Hand - crash illusions, chagrin
Man with animals - one of your friends is ready to take care of you
Insects, Animals, Birds
Butterfly - Letter on the Love Theme
Bull - ahead of the danger
Bull on a hill - Financial position Improve
Bull in lowland - you do not complain about health
Camel - Ahead of prosperity and wealth
Raven - You are waiting for a family grief
Pigeon - you have a friend with a clean soul
Hare - manifestation of cowardice
Snake - a man who wants you evil
Cow - you are waiting for happiness and luck
Cat - you lose all the money
Chicken - Waiting for help
Swan - you expect a monetary surprise
Lion - kindness, power
Fox - lie, deception
Frog - await good times
Bear - ahead of trouble
Ant - vanity
Fly - you are waiting inheritance
Deer - never lying and always give advice
Eagle - you are waiting for the struggle in which you win
Spider - surprise
Rooster - someone will please you; At the bottom of the cups - the goats are built against you
Fish - Waiting for a good news, a pleasant journey
Elephant - influence, strength, wealth
Dog - loyalty and devotion
Owl - very strong chagrin
Tiger - never knows
Lizard - ahead of the surprise

The meaning of the symbols - the flora when you fortunate on the coffee grounds

Oak - Victory
Iva - sadness, depression, tears
Clover - Soon troubles and problems will be solved
Bush - the work started will be wrapped by collapse
Forest - You have committed a big mistake
Lily - devotion, constancy in love; quarrel (if at the bottom of the cup)
Rose - engagement, and then wedding hassle
Violet - wedding with a wealthy person
Chrysanthemum - love at sunset life
Car - ahead visit other places
Diamond - Mutual Happiness
Angel is unexpected joy, good news,
Fork - prosperity, wealth, luxury
Coffin gear, misfortune
Cross Coffin - Loss of Close Man
Coffin next to the bed is an incurable disease
Door - you are waiting for success
House - Success, well-being
Dagger - malice, enmity
The key is awaited success in all matters
Wheel - an unexpected event awaits you
Ring - Favorable Union, Wedding
Hammer - the matter will end safely
Knife - big expenses
Scissors - Good luck, well-being
Shoes - surprise
Weapons - you are waiting for a scandal
Folder - the case to end safely
Loop - major troubles or death
Glove - the return of the former affection
Horseshoe - a joyful event
Dishes - ahead await the uncharted
Candle - dreams
Chair - you will become a wealthy person
Flag - Ahead of you are waiting for trouble
Hat - Joy, West
Anchor - pleasant surprises - if the drawing is clear; Problems with loved ones - if the drawing is blurred

The meaning of the symbols - geometrical shapes when you fortunate on the coffee grounds

Arc - you have an opponent who wants you evil
Star - some kind of trouble
Square - life without problems
Andreevsky Cross - a very pleasant event
Cross - unpleasant news
Circle - a vicious circle means that you are a sociable person; The circle torn, talks about a new acquaintance.
Line is an adventure if Zigzag; resentment, problems in personal life, if the line intersects with other lines; Happy and carefree life, if straight and long line; disease, losses, indecision, uncertainty if an intermittent line
Oblique lines - warn about something unpleasant for you
Loan lines - money problems
Oval - very nice trouble
Points or Strokes - Carefree Life
Triangle - Good luck, if a closed triangle; will protect you if an unclosed triangle
Dashs - big changes are coming
Quadrangle - you are lucky in love

The meaning of the symbols - the numbers when you fortunate on the coffee grounds

1 - you love or you are in love (digit of love);
2 - Unpleasant troubles, problems (minor problems)
3 - Financial success on your side (favorable situation for earnings or investment)
4 - You are lucky (unexpected luck)
5 - empty hassle (possibly manifestation of anything related fuss)
6 - Fortune on your side (decide on the choice, it will be successful)
7 - Happiness with your loved one (your union with a loved one will delight you two)
8 - trouble (problems associated with spreads and mental experiences)
9 - a new friend (here we are talking primarily about a new acquaintance, will this person become a friend to you with a friend already a second question)
10-100 - Good luck, success. (lucky in the little things)
101 and more - long life.

It is important here to note that the figures can be considered both Arab and Roman. In addition, the associative must be represented as a digit tied with your fortune-money, to which it can affect and how to manifest.

For each person, symbols, often their personal. This happens after long expectations of divination. Psychology and your imagination plays the main role. Symbols read to the end, consider them in general, and not separately, do not try to succumb to the desired, find an independent truth. But nevertheless, the personal in the end during the fortune study, plays a major role.

The fortune telling on the coffee grounds is the most common and favorite type of fortune telling. Rarely, who will keep not tipping over a cup of a cup after drinking coffee.

In the three previous articles:

it was detailed about one of the most popular species of divination.

Today, fans of fortune telling on the coffee grounds are invited to study the meaning of the symbols seen in the coffee grounds. For the convenience of readers, the interpretation of the characters is given in alphabetical order. And what symbol you will see at the bottom of your cup, you will tell you the imagination.


  1. Arch is a deterioration in health, threatening career or execution of plans. An accident is possible.

  2. Harp is family harmony, for idle and unmarried - a successful outcome of love affairs.


  1. Butterfly - frivolous, but innocent adventures. If the sign is surrounded by points - you risk embrace your life.
  1. Drum - you are waiting for a scandal and quarrels. Around you spread gossip.
  1. Boot - protection against pain. Going from the handle - an unexpected relocation, dismissal. Torn - you are threatened with failure and shame.
  1. Bottle - take care of your health.

7. Everyone is possible litigation. Balanced scales - will enthusiastic justice. Unbalanced - injustice will defeat.

  1. Windmill is a success that will be achieved as a result of great hard work, and not talent.
  1. Question mark - doubts.

10. Volcano - Passion can overlook you and harm.


11. Nail - you are threatened by an attacker, in relation to you you can do unfairly.

12. Garland - Success and honors.

13. Eye - Be careful and careful, especially in matters.

14. Mountains - high aspirations, success in achieving the goal.

15. Rake - you should try to put in order and regulate the lifestyle and methods of work.

16. Mushroom - growth, gradation in weight. Near the handle acquisition of the cottage, the country area.

17. Grief - loss, possibly theft. Danger coming from the enemy.

18. Pear - comfort and prosperity.


19. Lady handbag - cash profit. At the bottom of the cup - an unexpected loss.

20. Wood - plans will be completed.

21.Deploy - reliability, especially in matters, you can begin new things. If the sign is next to the handle and unclear - family discord or illness can destroy the family.

22. Spruce - Success in the field of art, the higher the spruce - the better.


23. Toad - Beware of Loss and Lytsov.

24. Acorn is a great symbol foreshadowing. Depending on the location of the sign in a cup: at the top - financial success, in the middle - good health, closer to the bottom - improving financial situation and health.


25. Fence - you will be not free in your actions and choosing plans.

26. The castle is strong, often overwhelmingly surrounding.

27. Locking well - an obstacle to success.

28. Hare - shyness.

29. Star - -5-final - success that does not bring joy, 8- final - an accident, 6-finite - good luck, 7- final - sadness.

30. Umbrella - you will need asylum. If the umbrella is disclosed - you will get it. Closed - you will be denied.

31. Snake - hatred and intrigue.


32. Cabbage - Jealousy can bring you complications in life.

33. Square - restrictions, sometimes imprisonment, chalk closure.

34. Dagger - torture, impulsiveness or conspiracy of enemies.

35. Whale - exaltation and success in affairs.

36. Key - you need to correctly evaluate the situation, then new opportunities will open before you. Double sign If about the bottom of the cup is the danger of robbery.

37. Book - If the book is revealed - litigation awaits you in court, if closed - difficult searches.

38.Koz - you threaten the enemies.

39. The bell - you are awaited by the news (bad or good - depends on neighboring signs) at the top of the cup - nomination in the service, at the bottom - sad news. Two bells are big joy.

40. Column - success. Or danger because of your arrogance.

41. Ring - independence, completion of cases, consistency. At the top of the cups - the wedding, in the middle - the offer, at the bottom of the Lump of the engagement (if the cross does not take place next to the cross), two rings are the implementation of all plans.

42.ometget - Guest from afar.

43. The ship - good luck or news will not make a long time to wait.

44. Basket is a very good sign. Pay attention to its location: Near the handle - wait for a child, at the top of the cups - getting a sum of money. If there are flowers in the basket - you are waiting for happiness, success in society, receptions and festivities. If the sign is surrounded by dots - your condition will increase significantly, perhaps due to the inheritance.

45. The Crown is a great success. If the sign is clearly limited - getting an inheritance.

46. \u200b\u200bKotelok - Service for the benefit of society.

47. Cat - for your back spreads gossip your false friend.

48. Cross - suffering, sacrifices, grief. Two crosses are severe illness or serious disaster.

49.Close - if the bed is removed - you are smart, if in disorder - you do not discipline your mind, it takes you a lot of concern.

50. Crocodile - A betrayal awaits you.

51. Rabbit is fearlessness.

52. Wing - news (signs located nearby determine its content).

53. Rat - betrayal and loss. You have unreliable friends and powerful enemies.

54. Jug - willingness to come to the rescue, the ability to influence the partner. Near the handle - canceled health.


55. A bowel - ease of decision making. An unexpected journey with a happy ending.

56.Beed - good, calm life.

57.lev - influential friends who will help in your affairs.

58. Bat - Beware of conspiracies and false friends.

59. Summer - nomination, possibly by long resistant work.

60. Raine - Progress. Especially if the lines are clear and straight.

61. List - news, if the leaves in the beams are happiness and good luck.

62. Boat - In a difficult time for you, you will find asylum.

63. The shovel is a difficult job that will end with success.

64. The horse is a gouring horse - a good news from the lover, horsepower - beloved.

65. Moon - Full Moon - Love, Love Adventures, in the first quarter - new plans, ideas, and in the last quarter - a decline in all matters. If the sign is unclear - despondency. The sign is surrounded by dots - marriage or marriage due to money.

66. Frog - Avoid importance, it can bring you trouble.


67. Mask - Be careful to surround you deceive.

69. Bear - your unreasonable solutions make you existence and can put you into a dangerous position. If the bear turned away from the handle, a long journey.

70. Baby - You have a few small troubles in front or add in the family.

71. The hammer is the ability to overcome difficulties, a tendency to cruelty.

72. Bridge - Good luck may turn away from you when everything will be left until success.

73.Murane - Be persistent and success will come to you.

74. Fly - troubles and concerns associated with affairs. The more flies - the more trouble.

75.Muh - in life you are waiting for good luck.


76. Insect - small troubles that end well

77.Nassos - noble nature.

78. Knife is a rupture of relationships, termination of friendship. Near the handle - divorce, crossed knives - large pattern

79. Scissors - quarrel, separation. Next to the handle - a family quarrel.

80.Noy - you threaten the disease. If the sign is located at the handle - a disease of a loved one.


81. Monkey - for you the danger of the lets, they plotting something unfortunate against you.

82.Robel - doubts, unresolved problems. If the clouds are very dense - failure.

83. Fire - Avoid hasty reactions, especially anger.

84. Necklace - you are supported and admired by you. If a necklace with a break is a breaking with a beloved, unsuccessful love.

85. Circle is a good outcome of the case.


86. Peacock - with a painted tail - a state surrounded by dots - a luxurious life, near the ring "Ring" - Wedding.

87. Package - a surprise awaits you (signs located nearby will tell you what).

88. Palma is a success, respect, honors.

89. Fern - Your Beloved (Aya) is incorrect (for) to you.

90. Parachute - getting rid of danger.

91. Spider is a persistent nature, not deprived of tricks and cunning.

92. Feather - impermanence and lack of concentration.

93. Saw - someone outsider threatens calm your family.

94. Pistol - Danger threatens you.

95. Letter - news, if the sign of fuzzles is bad news.

96. The fruit is a happy sign, especially if the fruit is seasonal.

97. Parrot - you are waiting for a scandal and pursue gossip.

98. Presbymber - you are threatened with betrayal. Beware of false friends

99. Profile - short friendship or acquaintance.

100.Thitsa is especially good if birds are two or more. Flying birds - good news, birds standing - a successful journey.

101. Bee - success, both in society and material. Good news. Near the handle - a meeting with friends, swarm bees - possible success while performing in front of the audience.

102. Pentagon - intellectual equilibrium.


103.The time - it's time to make a decision (whether your business will be completed successfully or not, you will tell neighboring signs)

104. The gun - near the handle - the threat of family well-being, near the bottom of the cup - slander will undermine the confidence in you, for the military sign means resignation.

105. Mermaid - Be careful, you are tempted.

106. Fish is one of the best signs. Good luck in everything.

107. Ryumka - the integrity of nature.


108. The plane is an unexpected journey with a risk element or achieving new heights. If the aircraft seems broken - health or career threatens danger.

109. Candle - the benefit, zealing to knowledge or diligence in school.

110. Pig - success in life, accompanied by spiritual discharging and illness.

111. Network - Avoid traps.

112. Skeleton is poverty, poor health.

113. Violin - individualism, egoism.

114. Elephant - wisdom, power, not fast, but durable success.

115. Dog - Rely on friends. Depending on the location of the sign in a cup and dog behavior: a running dog is a good news and a happy meeting, a humble dog - you may be silent on a friend, a dog at the bottom of the cup - a friend in trouble.

116. Owl is a bad sign that means that heavy tests will fall on your share. At the bottom of the cup - illness and financial collapse.

117. The sun is a big joy, success, power.

118. Table - reception, holiday, meeting. If the sign is surrounded by dots - business meeting.

119. Stretch - wait for bad news.

120. Chair - improved position if the chair is surrounded by points - improving the financial position.

121. Bag - waiting for you a trap. If the bag is fastened - you will get into it.


122. The ax - you are the difficulty, especially if the ax without an ax.

123.To - a single point enhances the importance of the nearest sign. A group of points - money.

124. Triangle - Angle Up - Success. Down - Plans will change.


125. Flag - you are threatened with danger, especially if the flag is black.


126. The hill is an obstacle to success, especially if over the cloud hill.


127. Flower - Your desire will be fulfilled.


128. The kettle - near the handle - home well-being, about the bottom or on the bottom of the cup - a family quarrel.

129. Watches - Avoid doubts and delays. Or - recovery. At the bottom of the cup - death.

130. Man - near the handle - guests, with outstretched hand - give gifts.

131. Human figure - you need to carefully consider the figure and give your own interpretation, who is and what is his intention.

132. Suitcase - travel, acceptance of important decisions.

133. Turtle - excessive sensitivity to criticism.

134. The monster is horror, fear.


135. Hat - new opportunities and possible success. At the bottom of the cup - rival, rival, if the hat is bent or with a hole - a failure awaits you.

136. The Jester - Avoid Frivalities, they will not bring anything good. Time to be serious.

137. Brush - minor trouble will disappear


138. Egg - prosperity, success, wealth.

139. Anchor - you are waiting for success. Depending on the location of the sign in the cup: at the top - success in affairs, in the middle - a trip that thrive will bring you (especially if the symbol surrounds the points), closer to the bottom - success in society. If the symbol is blurred - wait for trouble.

140. Hawk - you are threatened with a sudden danger.

The letter "I" ends with the alphabet and our list of characters for fortune telling on the coffee grounds.

If you are interested in this process, then study, train in this exciting lesson. And you will succeed. You will certainly become the center of any company in which coffee drinks.

Well, if you do not want to master this magical skill, then here you can on the coffee grounds.

Enjoy your fortune telling. On this I say goodbye to you.

It is interesting to know if you were guessing on a coffee grounds? What are your impressions of such a pastime? Should I believe the conclusions of such fortune telling?

Waiting for your comments!

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