Whey shakes. Dangerous protein shakes: what shouldn't be included? Protein shakes at home: rules for taking

09.04.2019 Soups

Protein cocktail Is a carefully selected set useful components, among which the main role is played by the extract from natural water-soluble proteins obtained from whey, egg white or soybeans.

The product has low calorie content : entering the body, the protein is easily absorbed without increasing the body fat. Protein Shakes Clinically Proven speed up metabolism, which means they help to quickly drive away unwanted deposits. Together with physical activity, the drink contributes to the formation of relief due to the active participation of protein in muscle contraction.

Protein shake for weight loss and muscle gain

What are the benefits of protein shakes? Let's take a look at the two main functions of the product: gaining muscle mass and losing weight.

  1. Gaining muscle mass. Protein shakes are recommended before and after exercise. A pre-workout glass helps the body to stock up on the full amount of protein needed to build muscle and reduce body fat. A serving of protein drink after is great way recuperate and get enough nutrients and an energy boost for the whole day.
  2. Weight loss. Protein shake with balanced nutrition it is recommended to replace no more than 2 full meals. It is also an excellent substitute for high-calorie and fat-rich foods: the feeling of satiety from the drink remains for a long time due to the long-term assimilation of proteins by the body, so you will not want to eat more long time... A sufficient amount of protein in the diet is the key to sustainable weight management results.

Protein shake in 2 minutes: quick and easy

You can make such a drink yourself or purchase finished product... The Herbalife Formula 1 protein shake will help you get complete protein without increasing calories.

This product contains:

  • 17 grams of protein per serving, including valuable soy protein.
  • A complex of 23 essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Antioxidant vitamins A, D, C, E - up to 50% of the recommended daily amount in each serving.
  • Fiber to optimize the digestion process and detoxify the body.

Protein cocktail "Formula 1" is low-calorie product, which forms the basis of the Herbalife weight loss program.

The drink is easy and quick to prepare and is presented in 8 flavors: cappuccino, melon, vanilla, chocolate chip cookies, strawberries, passionfruit, pina colada and crème brulee. As a balanced and light supper it is recommended to consume Herbalife Evening Cocktail.

Just a couple of minutes to cook, and in your glass, delicious and healthy breakfast, a full snack, hearty lunch or healthy dinner... You can add fruits, vegetables, berries, muesli or oatmeal to your cocktail to taste.

Homemade protein shake recipe

We have prepared a recipe for a delicious, light and fresh cocktail with the addition of "Formula 1" from Herbalife. We hope you enjoy it!

Cocktail with cucumber, celery and dill

Chop the ingredients, add water, juice and dry mix for the Formula 1 cocktail and mix in a blender for 1-2 minutes.

112 kcal accounts for:

  • proteins - 11 g,
  • carbohydrates - 14 g
  • fat - 1 g,
  • fiber - 5.5 g

* When using Formula 1 Protein Shake, follow the directions for use as indicated on the label.

Protein Shakes Benefits

For busy people at work, protein shakes can help quickly and permanently satisfy the feeling of hunger, have a tasty snack without disrupting the function of the gastrointestinal tract and without leaving the workplace, because a cocktail can be prepared in advance, the product is perfectly stored at room temperature in a thermos for 3 hours. Protein intake will be beneficial not only for weight loss, because it is known that proteins from amino acids are also responsible for functions digestive system, delivery of nutrients and trace elements to body tissues, strengthening immunity and restoring hormonal levels.

Herbalife health consultants will help you to make adjustments to your diet free of charge and to select Herbalife products to suit your individual needs and goals. To contact a consultant, fill out the form.

13 August 2016, 11:00 2016-08-13

I am glad to welcome everyone, ladies and gentlemen! How to make protein shakes at home?

For some reason, recently, we have begun to pay little attention to nutritional issues, whether this summer has an effect - after all, after all, the heat on the street and I really don't want to eat, or Mars has gone behind the Snickers Venus and it's an unfavorable time for writing "nutritious" articles. In general, today we will correct these errors.

After reading the note, you will know 18 simple recipes drinks that will help diversify your mass diet. Please take your seats at the tables and wait for the waiter!

Protein shakes at home. Laying the foundations

As you know, I am not a supporter of plagiarism and I do not like it when a lot of the same type of information on a topic begins to proliferate on the Internet. Therefore, in this article, I decided to collect the most unusual recipes for making natural protein shakes at home and submit them to your strict, but fair court. In addition to the drinks themselves, you will learn information about their “ nutritional composition”, Calorie content, etc. leave with a full baggage of knowledge on this topic and you can become a real “cocktail-man” or “wumen”.

All further narration on the topic of protein shakes at home will be divided into subchapters

What do we know about protein shakes?

This is a special type of drink based on protein components... It is designed to “nourish” muscles for better recovery and subsequent growth after heavy resistance training. During such training, micro-breaks of fibers occur, they need a building element (preferably in liquid form) to “patch” these microcracks. Protein shakes are most often made and sold in specialized fitness centers, adding various “chemical” components of a powder type. However, in terms of usefulness and taste, no “chemosis” can be compared with natural products and cocktails based on them.

I am not a particular supporter of various powders and I think that for a beginner (experience 1-1,5 of the year) do not fill your head with various jars, lids and cones. This is a waste of time to study which is better, and it costs quite a lot of money. Therefore, here we will consider only "straight" people and their recipes.

What is the difference between liquid protein (cocktail) and “solid”? Of course, in the speed of assimilation. If after a workout, your personal chef does not sit in your dressing room and does not rattle jars of ordinary protein food (chicken breast, fish, meat), this means that you yourself need to prepare all this. Those. come home, take a shower, warm it up, spread it out and only then send it into your mouth. All of this takes an incredibly long time, and you may simply not have time to close yours in time. And then, no matter how hard you knock, no one will open it for you on purpose.


In America, most gyms there are specially equipped eating areas where the athlete can sit down and prepare his ration after training. And all this is a stone's throw from iron.

In addition, since tell us to eat every 3 hours, and you just can't afford to bring a couple of cases with food to work. This is where they come to our aid - money from parents liquid version proteins in the form of drinks. You can already take them with you, and they take up much less volume - just one shaker (special functional "shaker").

The main task of any athlete is to maintain a consistently high level of protein content (). This is a necessary and sufficient condition. To protein shakes (the recipes of which we will give below) learned for everything 100% , it is necessary to comply with a number of the following prescriptions:

  • the temperature of the drink should be around 37 degrees. It is with her that the stomach works in an accelerated mode, i.e. as efficiently as possible;
  • portion size should not exceed 250-300 gr. The larger one simply may not be assimilated by the body;
  • digestibility of ingredients. There is no need to throw everything that is protein in the refrigerator into a cocktail, making a burgundy out of it. You may need to replace milk if it causes indigestion in your stomach. there are problems with the absorption of milk sugar.

Any drink consists of a base, i.e. bases, in protein drinks the base is protein. In general, the components of a protein shake at home are selected so that the proteins are large quantity (20-25 gr), a little carbohydrates and vitamins (order 5-10 gr)... The amount of liquid is approximately enough to obtain the desired consistency of sour cream.

So, let's go over the main components:

  • liquid base - water, milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, varenets, yogurt, juice. Volume order 200-250 ml;
  • proteins - powdered milk, chicken eggs (boiled) / quail (including raw), cottage cheese (0-3% fat content)- total up to 100-150 gr;
  • carbohydrates - honey, Brown sugar, jam, jam / jam - total 15 gr;
  • fats (optional) - linseed / olive oil - 1 Art. l;
  • vitamins - banana, fruits, berries (including frozen).


When forming cocktails, it must be borne in mind that 1 tsp = 5-8 gr, 1 Art. l. = 16-18 gr. This will help you measure the required components more accurately.

So, we have laid a certain theoretical basis, now we turn to practice, i.e. to the recipes themselves.

Protein shakes at home: recipes and rules for taking

I would like to say right away that on the Internet (from site to site) the same homemade recipes wander, they are quite simple and, most importantly, effective. I suggest you, along with some of the "domestic" ones, treat yourself to overseas exclusives.

Actually, the recipes are in front of you ...

Cocktail number 1. "Classics of the genre"

Composition: volume - 650 ml (split into 2 times), proteins - 45 gr. All products are carefully "mixed" and periodically changed proportions, playing with taste.

Cocktail number 2. "T-72"

Composition: volume - 280 ml, protein - 25 gr. Everything is simple and reliable, like in a tank T-72 :).

Cocktail number 3. "Fruit mix"

Composition: 8 gr. protein, 33 gr. carbohydrates 2 gr. fiber, 2 gr. fat, 171 calorie.

Cocktail number 4. "Silage"

Cocktail number 5. "Nutritious"

Cocktail number 6. "Solyanka"

Cocktail number 7. "A spoonful of sour cream"

Cocktail number 8. "Gretsky"

Cocktail number 9. "Umka"

Cocktail number 10. "Tupinambre"

In addition to simple homemade cocktails, you can take advantage of the "star" recipes from the "celestials" of bodybuilding and not only.

Cocktail number 11. "Schwartz and nigga"

Cocktail number 12. "The little girl of Zangas"

Cocktail number 13. "Joy of women"

Cocktail number 14. "Reeves"

Cocktail number 15. "Vadik"

Cocktail number 16. "From overseas"

Cocktail number 17. "Water"

Cocktail number 18. "Champion"


The ingredients of any cocktail must be put into a blender and chopped.

Actually, this is all about the recipes for making protein shakes at home. Now a few words about when to use all this delicious food.

Protein shakes at home: rules for taking

Of course, “liquid” food has its own schedule of intake.

So, the most successful time for taking cocktails is for 40 minutes before and after 30 minutes after training, i.e. during the opening of the protein-carbohydrate window. Remember - do not try to skip the post-workout “zhor”, it is at this time that proteins have the greatest anabolic effect. Morning is also an important period. After awakening, the glycogen depot in the liver is depleted, and the body is in a borderline stage. Those. either protein and carbohydrates will not be supplied and the muscles will begin to burn, or a dense “protein” breakfast will follow, and the body will restore its reserves, plus it will continue building processes. In the morning, in addition to the fact that the body needs to replenish glycogen stores, the concentration of catabolic hormones in the blood also increases, which lead to "erosion" of muscles.

Protein intake at night is also important as it prepares your muscles for sleep. Therefore, in order to prevent the burning of the muscles that are so hard to gain, use a long-lasting protein - casein (in particular, cottage cheese)... It is he who will serve as a night energizer for your muscles.

And the last thing, so to speak, for sweet.

The main problem with frequent use protein shakes in that they "become boring" and no longer deliver the original taste pleasure. So, so that your drinks always delight you with new ones, unusual tastes, remember the following ways to "dilute" them:

  • adding fruits / berries

You can use almost any fruit that is on hand in the given time of the year. In summer, be sure to use berries - a natural source and storehouse of vitamins, raspberries, currants, strawberries are perfect.

  • adding more water / milk

If you find that you no longer like the drink, make it more liquid, i.e. add more water / milk. You can also add not a large number of natural sweeteners.

  • smoothies

You can easily turn your protein shake into a fresh smoothie. Add ice cubes fresh fruit and mix everything in a blender.

  • adding chocolate powder

You can add some chocolates, cocoa, or cinnamon to add flavor to your drink.

  • adding yogurt

If you like thicker and sweeter, then yogurt is what you need. He will give the cocktail unique taste and depth.

Following this simple tips, You will start to build big, relief muscles - not only right, but also delicious!


Well, our next nutritional article has come to an end. Today we learned how to make protein shakes at home. As you can see, nothing complicated, the main thing is to have at hand the right ingredients and delicious recipes, and you are provided with this for years to come.

That's all for this, we finish reading the last lines and boldly blow into the kitchen to create new tastes!

PS. If you have your own “signature” cocktail recipes, then don’t “need it” and show them to the world in the comment format below :)

A protein shake is known to many as an important part of sports nutrition, primarily intended for gaining muscle mass. However, such a drink can also be used by those who seek to lose weight, because depending on the composition and method of using the cocktail, its effect on the body can be different.

Protein shake - benefits and harms

The protein shake contains not only proteins (proteins), but also a small amount of carbohydrates (if you add more, you get a gainer, a drink for fast weight gain and post-workout recovery), as well as vitamins and minerals.

The benefits of such a cocktail are obvious: it provides the body with the necessary "building material" that allows you to build muscle. At the same time, the calorie content of the drink is quite low (about 100-250 kcal per serving), and it reduces appetite by three to four hours.

With all the advantages of protein shakes, they can also harm the body, for example, if a person has a protein intolerance or allergy to any of the components. That's why before you start using this drink, you should definitely consult with a nutritionist.

When taking a protein shake, you need to remember about a sense of proportion: on average, the human body is not able to assimilate more than 30 g of protein daily. Protein overdose will “hit” the liver and kidneys, not benefit.

Types of protein shakes

Such drinks can be roughly divided into two main groups: for gaining muscle mass, as well as for weight loss.

Protein shakes for both weight loss and weight gain can be prepared independently, from "improvised means" and available products, or purchase a "blank" in a sports nutrition store. Many manufacturers offer protein shakes as powders that can be diluted with milk or water.

Pros and cons of homemade protein shakes

Benefits of homemade cocktails:

Among the disadvantages of a homemade protein shake, it is worth noting the impossibility of accurately determining the amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates - their content may vary depending on starting products; if you add to the cocktail raw eggs- high risk various diseases, first of all - salmonellosis.

In addition, preparing such drinks takes a little longer than just diluting the powder, and it is inconvenient to do this at work or at school.
Benefits of dry protein shakes (sports food):

  • fast cooking;
  • dosage accuracy;
  • if we are talking about the products of proven brands, then it is also a guarantee of the result.

The disadvantages include, first of all, the high cost of such additives.

In addition to protein shakes, sports nutrition is actively used and protein bars- both ready-made and made at home. You can learn how to properly prepare and use them from the article on such bars. —What are Protein Bars—

When to drink a protein shake

This question is one of the most important and urgent. Various trainers and fitness nutritionists offer their own patterns for the use of these drinks. Please note that the way you take cocktails depends on the effect you want to achieve.

How to make a protein shake - rules of preparation

If you decide to pamper yourself with such a drink, preparing it from powder, remember: you should use a lukewarm liquid! In boiling water, the protein curls up, and the drink loses its value.

As for the volume of juice, water or milk used to dilute the cocktail, usually 150-250 ml of liquid is sufficient, but if you want to add more, this is a matter of taste. The main thing, do not overdo it with powder.

Those who prepare natural protein shakes at home should adhere to the same rules: do not heat the ingredients to a boil, limit yourself to a portion of 175-250 g of the drink.

If you take a protein shake in the morning, the calorie content of the drink may be higher: feel free to add a couple of tablespoons of honey or sugar to it. But after lunch, you should limit yourself to drinks without additives, the calorie content of which does not exceed 200 kcal in each portion.

Slimming it is better to use milk of minimum fat content, kefir or water.

How to make a protein powder shake

The preparation scheme for such a drink is quite simple: required amount powder is poured into a shaker or glass, filled with water, mixed - and the cocktail is ready.

The main problem of cooking such a protein shake, as evidenced by reviews, is to calculate the amount of protein. For those actively exercising seeking to increase mass, it is worth using the formula: 1.5-2.5 g of protein for each kilogram of weight. If your goal is to lose weight, an average of 1 g of protein per kilogram of body weight is sufficient.

For other ingredients, try adding fruits, wheat germ, dry seaweed - they are all compatible with protein powder... Water, milk and even juice are allowed as a liquid. The main rule is not to store the drink for more than two hours!

Homemade Protein Shake Recipes

Most often, a protein shake is prepared in a blender: this way you can mix everything qualitatively necessary ingredients until smooth.
The cocktail must include:

The cooking scheme is simple: just mix all the ingredients in a blender. First, pour in the base and add protein, then the rest of the components, at the end - fruits or vegetables.

DIY protein shake - video

To make such a cocktail for own kitchen from the products that can almost always be found in the refrigerator, you do not need to take cooking courses.

The video below explains how to make a protein shake at home, which supplements will make it not only rich in protein, but also allow you to cleanse the intestines, and which will give the drink a great taste.

Making and drinking a protein shake is a snap, you can do it at home or take ready drink to work, study, training.

Have you tried drinking protein shakes - homemade or powdered? What results have you been able to achieve? Share your feedback, plans and impressions in the comments!

Random fact:

More than 70% of food for humans is supplied by only 12 species of plants and 5 species of animals. —

Article added by user Masha

Protein cocktail

Protein or protein shake is considered an unacceptable attribute of sports nutrition, because such a drink helps to build muscle mass. If you are involved in any kind of sport, for example, powerlifting or bodybuilding, then in your diet must be present a protein shake that contributes to the growth of the athlete's muscle mass and rapid muscle growth. In order to steadily increase muscle mass, a person who plays sports needs up to 6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. An athlete who works out almost every day needs to consume about half a kilogram of protein. For comparison, half a kilogram of protein is contained in 70 eggs or two kilograms chicken fillet... In order to eat this amount of food, it is not difficult, but people who play sports need to maintain a protein diet. Sometimes you get bored with the not varied and meager food that is consumed every day, so a protein shake comes to the rescue, which can replace it.

Calorie protein shake (226.23 kcal)

The energy value of this drink is in the ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Carbohydrates: 10.53 g (~ 42 kcal) Proteins: 50.5 g (~ 202 kcal) Fats: 2.8 g (~ 25 kcal)

Types of protein shakes

Depending on the sport and on the specific goals that the athlete pursues, it can be considered different types protein shakes. This difference is based on the types of proteins that are prevalent in the drink.

  • Casen protein This protein is slowly absorbed, so it is advisable to take it at night. It contains essential amino acids. This protein in milk is about 80%.
  • Milk protein This protein is made from milk. It contains 80% of casein molecules, has average speed assimilation.
  • Soy protein Due to the fact that soy protein contains plant proteins in its composition, it is suitable for vegetarians and people with intolerance to milk proteins.
  • Egg protein Egg protein is used quite rarely in sports nutrition, due to its high cost, but this protein has a high biological activity.

Protein shake composition

A protein shake contains a large amount of protein. In 250 ml. a protein shake contains about 40 grams of protein. Protein shakes are bought in specialized stores healthy eating, or it is prepared from special dry mixtures. The protein shake does not contain any exotic or special ingredients, therefore this drink you can cook it yourself at home. But professional athletes are a bit skeptical about homemade cocktails. Because a protein shake in powder meets all protein product dosages and norms.

Protein Shake Benefits

There is one benefit of this drink, which is not able to keep you waiting, if you drink it often and follow the rules of a balanced and healthy diet and do not throw up regular exercise. Protein shakes are different in taste, in most cases the cocktail contains milk, egg or vegetable protein, as well as useful micro and fiber and vitamins. But you do not need to abuse the drink too much, because everything should be in moderation.

The harm of a protein shake

Despite all useful composition of this wonderful drink, a protein shake can also harm the human body. It can harm your digestion. Such a consequence can be if you do not follow the dosage of the cocktail. Inexperienced, novice athletes who do not want to put in special physical efforts, often do not follow the dosage rules and consume this drink excessively. In order for a protein shake not to harm your body, you must follow the dosages indicated by the manufacturer of this drink.

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Now many have begun to take care of themselves, lead a healthy lifestyle, and go in for sports. Everyone decides for himself what kind of sport suits him, what intensity of training to choose, whether to increase the load. After all, everyone has different tasks. Someone wants to improve their health, someone wants to lose weight, someone wants a beautiful body.

Many professional athletes spend almost all their free time in gyms, swimming pools, etc. Their main goal is to bring their body and various physical skills to perfection.

To achieve your goals in sports or healthy way life you need to know a few rules, in particular, to study the topic well proper nutrition, find out the list useful products, observe the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, etc.

With all the efforts, sometimes a person simply does not consume enough food to keep the body in shape with heavy loads on the body. That is why it was developed sports nutrition which helps athletes to accelerate the process of muscle growth and strengthening, as well as simply keep the body in shape.

Typically, sports nutrition includes protein shakes, protein bars, whey, etc. The most popular product is protein. It helps athletes maintain an adequate amount of protein in the body and serves to strengthen muscles.

Such a cocktail is usually based on a water-soluble protein, which is extracted from egg whites, or from whey, as well as from various plant products high in protein, such as soy.

And also a protein drink contains multivitamins, various minerals. They help to replenish the salt balance in the body.


Whey... This type of protein is based on whey. This product is natural and therefore perfectly absorbed by the human body. It is best to choose whey shakes when you are active in sports, as they help you quickly recover from stress. Can be consumed every 4-5 hours.

Casein... This type of protein, on the other hand, is absorbed very slowly. This is due to the amino acids in the cocktail. It is usually consumed immediately after an evening workout. This is done so that the body has time to absorb the cocktail during the night. This cocktail has the highest protein content - up to 80 percent of the total mass.

Soy... This protein is great for those with lactose intolerance or vegetarians. This type of protein is absolutely harmless to human body, and in their properties are no worse than an animal.

Egg... It is natural protein product... Its protein concentration is almost as high as in casein protein.

To increase muscle mass.

This is mainly what weightlifters and bodybuilders strive for. It is very important for them to have a beautiful, pumped-up body with well-defined muscles. To increase muscle mass, protein is taken several hours before each workout or immediately after sleep. But a lot also depends on the type of protein, since some components are absorbed over different periods of time.


Taking protein to increase muscle mass and to lose weight are two different things. In order to get rid of extra pounds, you will need to clearly balance your food intake. You will need to eat 5 times a day in small portions, and sometimes meals can be replaced with protein shakes. Kilograms will go away, since protein contains a very small amount of calories.

But some people simply do not have the opportunity to buy protein in specialty stores, so they can be made at home. They are made from milk, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, sometimes berries, fruits, and protein powder are added.

Much also depends on the timing of these drinks. So, if you want to increase muscle, it is better to take a cocktail shortly before training or in the morning, then the results will be visible very soon.

Contraindications for sports nutrition

Due to too much protein in the protein it is not recommended to use this product

Before you start taking protein, it is better to consult with your doctor, and if there are any problems or concerns, go through a complete medical examination. Only after the examination will the doctor be able to tell about the state of health and contraindications.

Protein, with its reasonable dosage and consumption, can replace part of the food, and at the same time it will perfectly saturate the body with the necessary elements and energy. But remember, protein will never completely replace the diet, it can only serve as a useful supplement, nothing more.

Making a protein shake at home

Sometimes people who play sports may have problems gaining muscle mass. Most often it is the result of improper diet or diets that cannot give the body the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

Weight gain will begin only when calories are supplied in small quantities and are quickly absorbed by the body. Protein drinks can be used instead of snacks, as it perfectly satisfies hunger for several hours and gives the body energy. All of the ingredients for the cocktail are very affordable and commonly used. So, yoghurts are often used, low-fat cottage cheese or sour cream, milk, eggs, juices, etc.

Such cocktails are very well known in dietetics. Due to the fact that the cocktail contains a lot of protein, it prevents the deposition of fat in tissues, and also helps to build muscle mass... But there is no need to wait for a miracle. If you drink a couple of glasses with protein, then you will not immediately become slim or, on the contrary, very pumped up. For muscle growth you need physical exercise ... And if you just drink protein, then you can lose a few pounds, improve metabolism, reduce hunger and tone your muscles.

For making homemade cocktails, they use: fruits, seeds, honey, milk, kefir, berries, oil. There are several recipes from conventional ingredients... So you can make this "energy" drink at home.


This cocktail can promote rapid weight gain during exercise


Whisk all ingredients in a blender for a few minutes. After that, we divide the resulting drink in portions and drink before training. Can be consumed chilled.


This cocktail is one of the most nutritious for the body.


  • 300 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 250 grams of milk;
  • 100 grams of any berries.

Mix all the ingredients in a blender for a few minutes and put them in the refrigerator. The cocktail can be drunk when the milk and cottage cheese become a homogeneous mass. Cocoa powder can be added for flavor.


The easiest cocktail recipe:

All ingredients, with the exception of lemon juice, are whipped in a blender. After stirring, lemon juice is poured. We distribute the drink into portions and consume it before training.

Ice cream cocktail

A delicious cocktail that even Arnold Schwarzenegger prepared for himself.


  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 3 teaspoons of powdered milk;
  • 100 grams of ice cream;
  • 1 egg.

Whisk everything in a blender and drink it chilled before training.

Time to take protein shakes

You can drink it instead of breakfast in the morning. It is possible in pure form... Can be used with any toast.

You can take it instead of dinner, so you will slowly lose weight. Eating it at night keeps you satiated and prevents nighttime snacks or over-eating breakfast. Since such drinks contain a small amount of calories, then drinking it instead of dinner will be more satisfying and less calorie than regular dinner... Thus, the body will begin to slowly but surely burn subcutaneous fat, thereby reducing body weight and total body fat weight.

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