How to make your own protein shake. Protein shake: how to take, delicious homemade recipes

28.09.2019 Fish dishes

To achieve high results in bodybuilding, it is very important to pay attention not only to the level and amount of training, but also to the nutrition system. Experienced bodybuilders know that in order to increase muscle mass and achieve excellent results, it is very important to consume enough protein-protein foods. In order to make up for this deficiency, many athletes use special powders that are sold freely in sports nutrition departments. But if there is no money to buy (and for some other reason), any bodybuilder will be able to prepare a protein shake at home.

And is it difficult?!

“How to make a protein shake at home and is it difficult to do it yourself?” - such questions are increasingly being asked by novice athletes. It turns out that to prepare such a drink or a gainer (this is a protein-carbohydrate mixture for increasing body weight), you will need:

  • special foodstuffs;
  • blender or mixer;
  • and some free time.

It is not difficult to prepare such a miracle drink at home and every person who does not even know how to cook can make it.

Protein Gainer or Shake?

How to make protein shakes at home and prepare a gainer?
To do this, you need to know exactly what you want to achieve. To gain muscle mass, it is recommended to prepare gainers - these are, in fact, the same drinks, but with the addition of carbohydrate foods.

The best cocktail recipes

Eggs, milk, honey and nuts

  • Ingredients: three chicken eggs (homemade and fresh), a glass of milk (it is not recommended to choose low-fat varieties), a tablespoon of honey and three tablespoons of walnuts.
  • Cooking method. Whisk all ingredients until smooth. This drink is recommended to be taken after physical training.

Oatmeal, eggs, honey, yogurt, milk and hazelnuts

  • Ingredients: 5 tablespoons of oatmeal, two hundred milligrams of natural drinking yogurt, two hundred grams of milk, three fresh domestic eggs, one tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of hazelnuts.
  • Cooking method. Mix milk with oatmeal and leave to "infuse" for half an hour, then add yogurt and all other products. Using a blender, beat all the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Protein shake from ... Schwarzenegger

The secret of the beautiful figure of Arnold Schwarzenegger lies not only in his daily physical activity, but also in his favorite drink. And we will tell you how to make a protein shake at home from the famous Schwarzenegger.

  • Ingredients: two cups of milk, half a cup of low-fat milk powder, chicken egg (homemade), half a serving of ice cream.
  • Cooking method. Mix all ingredients with a blender. Optionally, you can add berries, berry syrup, as well as some vegetable fats.

However, before starting to take such mixtures, it is recommended to discuss this with your doctor, as there are contraindications.

Greetings dear readers! What do you think, what homemade cocktails can you gain muscle mass or reduce subcutaneous fat? This is where protein is best. But in order to achieve the effect, they need to be prepared correctly. Let's figure out how to make a protein shake at home. What components are needed for this. And also what must be included in such a mixture.

I want to note right away that drinking such drinks just like that does not make much sense. But in tandem with sports and a protein diet, they are very out of place.

Usually for weight gain drink at least 3 cocktails on the day of training. Proteins and carbohydrates stimulate the production of growth hormone and insulin in the body. The latter performs a transport function. Thanks to him, glucose and amino acids enter the cells and muscle tissues. Due to this, muscle mass does not collapse, but rather grows.

Growth hormone is responsible for protein synthesis by the body. But it is he who is the main building material for muscles. Simultaneously with protein synthesis and muscle growth, fat burning occurs.

For muscle building Experts advise consuming a protein supplement immediately after a workout. Ideally, the mixture should contain not only protein, but also fast carbohydrates. How exactly does such a cocktail affect the muscles? Everything is very simple, for active muscle growth, a certain hormonal background is necessary. This is where the protein-carb mixture helps in the post-workout window.

For weight loss you can replace one of the meals with such a mixture (except for lunch). If you have a workout today, then you can drink another cocktail immediately after it. It is better to use fat-free products with a minimum of carbohydrates for making a drink.

As you can see, the scheme of the cocktail is quite simple. Yes, if you are actively involved in sports, read about when is the best time to drink protein. This will help you make your classes even more effective.

How to prepare a cocktail correctly

The basis of any protein drink should be protein, plus it's good to add fiber there. And for weight gain and quick recovery after training, carbohydrates are needed. If you want to lose weight, you can skip the last component.

Here are the main variations of products that contain the substances we need:

  • Squirrels- milk, low-fat cottage cheese, natural yogurt without additives. Protein is also found in nuts, seeds, eggs. You can use protein sports supplements.
  • Carbohydrates- we are interested in those that are quickly absorbed. Such polysaccharides are found in sweet fruits and berries, honey, ice cream, juice, baby purees.
  • Cellulose- there is a lot of it in cereals. You can use pre-steamed or flour. Oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, soy, etc. are best suited. Do not forget about oatmeal and bran, as well as vegetables.

Now for some general cooking tips. The simplest protein shake is from eggs. I advise you to wash them, as you can pick up salmonellosis. After all, it enters the egg from the shell. Each egg contains approximately 5 g of protein. You only need 4 eggs to make a 20g serving of protein.

If you use kefir or milk as the basis of a cocktail, take not completely fat-free. 2.5% is enough. The fact is that skimmed milk or kefir contain few nutrients. Our goal is to start the mechanism of active muscle growth and fat burning. And skimmed dairy products contain only water. Such products can only be used for weight loss.

I once tried to get cottage cheese from 1% kefir. From two liters of the product, I received about 200 g of a gray, sour, tasteless mass. This is why I never use fat-free kefir or milk for the base of a protein shake.

Tip: Try adding one tablespoon of lecithin to your protein mix. It will help to absorb all the nutrients, and also provide the body with phospholipids.

Each drink will give your body energy and recover after a tough workout. So go ahead to the kitchen and teach your blender new tricks 🙂 By the way, for cocktails, a stationary blender is best, like this:

The most effective cocktail recipes

With the help of these drinks, you can tune your body to a natural set of muscle mass. And the first cocktail I'll show you is easy to make at home. You will need 400 ml of milk, a couple of eggs and one teaspoon of honey. All ingredients should be mixed in a blender. The mixture contains yolk and full fat milk, so it is not suitable for relief. It is also not suitable for those who are going to lose weight.

Schwarzenegger Protein Supplement

This recipe can be found in Arnold's Education of a bodybuilder. which he wrote in 1993. By today's standards, it may seem to many that the cocktail is useless. I don’t presume to judge, if you look at Arnie, the result of taking the supplement is undeniable. Which means it's worth a try. This mixture contains up to 43 g of protein and 45 g of fat.

Take ½ cup of powdered milk and mix with ½ liter of whole milk. Add one raw egg and 125 g of natural ice cream to the mixture. The cocktail will turn out liquid with a taste of eggs and milk powder.

POWER MONKEY Protein Blend

This protein supplement was developed by experts specifically for muscle growth. The beauty of this protein shake is that it stays smooth throughout the day and doesn't separate from the liquid.

The mixture contains 140 g of protein, 120 g of carbohydrates and 70 g of fat. You will get a large volume that you need to drink during the day. It is best to store the mixture in the refrigerator. So the recipe:

  • 3 handfuls of almonds;
  • a large bunch of spinach (or kale)
  • 1 mango or ripe pear;
  • yogurt without fillers and sugar;
  • 400 ml of almond milk;
  • 1.5 bananas;

Mix all ingredients in a blender. Drink in portions throughout the day. It will nourish, support and delight you with its unusual taste.

A brutal dose of protein

This recipe is suitable for those who are intensively working on muscle mass. There is a huge amount of protein here. Although I advised using full fat milk, here it is low fat.

For a cocktail, mix 400 ml of skimmed milk with 400 g of homemade soft cheese. Add 2 tbsp to the mixture. natural fat-free yogurt and 64 g whey protein powder. For taste - one ripe banana and 200 gr. raspberries. Berries can be used frozen. The supplement is sweet and nutritious. Watch an interesting video about her.

Cocktails for weight loss and relief

Protein blends for weight loss are less caloric than for weight gain. Be sure to calculate the daily caloric content of the diet, include the calorie content of cocktails in it. For weight loss, a mixture of kefir with cinnamon and honey is well suited. This addition can be made without a mixer. It is enough to pour all the ingredients into a container, close it with a lid and shake well.

Kefir with berries and low-fat cottage cheese is also well suited for relief. You can add oats or bran to these ingredients.

A simple slimming cocktail

This blend has 0g of fat, 25g of protein and only 10g of carbs. Take 150 g of fat-free cottage cheese and mix with 200 ml of low-fat kefir. For flavor, add half a jar of fruit baby food. You can do without it by adding fresh fruit. Also, the mixture can be supplemented with bran, they will help the body to better absorb protein and give greater saturation.

Feijoa Protein Supplement

This mixture helps to lose weight if it replaces one meal. The cocktail has a pleasant unusual taste. It is also suitable for those who work on relief.

Whip a glass of ryazhenka with a few feijoas and half a banana in a blender. If you need more protein, fermented baked milk can be replaced with 1% cottage cheese.

A mixture with curdled milk for relief

To prepare this protein mixture, you will need:

  • 200 gr. fat-free curdled milk;
  • ½ banana;
  • protein of one egg;
  • ½ tangerine;
  • 100 g fat-free cottage cheese.

The tangerine needs to be peeled and chopped in a blender along with a banana. Add cottage cheese and other ingredients to them.

For the normal functioning of organs and systems, the body needs protein. A high-molecular compound is responsible for transport, enzymatic, contractile functions, and participate in chemical and biological processes. It consists of "building blocks" - 22 monomeric units known as alpha-amino acids, involved in the formation of skeletal muscles, metabolic processes.

During exercise, athletes need them to increase volume, release energy, and prevent catabolism. To this end, they buy concentrates with an artificially synthesized substance and prepare protein shakes for muscle building according to adapted recipes.

What's under the lid

As part of a protein shake, in addition to the amino acid complex contains: vitamins A and C - 0.3 mg / 100 g each and a number of trace elements. Among others:

  • 3 mg / 100 g of magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • silver;
  • sulfur, potassium;
  • sodium.

Drinks are usually offered in fitness centers with flavored fillers. However, a home-made protein drink has a natural taste and also contains the necessary norm of nutrients. Per 500 ml serving:

  • proteins - about 40 g;
  • carbohydrates 80g;
  • fat - 30 g.

The energy value820-840 kcal/100.

How to make a protein shake with your own hands from dry concentrates

For the base, take dairy products (yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese), berries or fruits. They provide the supply of amino acids and trace elements. Honey, syrup and other sweeteners transport carbohydrates. Ingredients for the compositions of protein shakes are selected at will or ready-made recipes are used.

Important observe the percentage of components and beat the mass well.

Some operate a mixer or blender, others grind the mass with a spoon.

Recipe #1

To make a protein drink necessary:

  • 2 servings of sports nutrition;
  • for taste - a handful of berries and a spoonful of honey;
  • 20 ml of linseed oil;
  • half a liter of milk.

If the body does not absorb it, the cocktail recipe is adjusted by adding kefir or yogurt instead. Some people also add Grovo protein. After pasteurization, it does not contain pathogenic microorganisms that are dangerous to health.

Recipe #2 by George Zangas

  • 10 g of brewer's yeast;
  • Grovo protein - 70 g
  • 1 standard rate of whey product;
  • 3 ice cubes;
  • a handful of berries or slices of fruit.

The components are whipped until homogeneous.

Recipe number 3. Homemade Muscle Growth Drink with Hercules

  • 500 g muesli;
  • 2 l. yogurt;
  • 160 g soy isolate.

The mass is thoroughly mixed, placed in a container, a fermented milk component is added. Then poured into 4 glasses and sent to the refrigerator. Drink morning, afternoon, before and after training.

muscle protein shake recipes for men

Recipe #4

  • To make the protein yourself, a portion of the sports nutrition is stirred in half a liter of milk;
  • add puree of 2 bananas and beat.

Recipe number 5

  • 220 ml of orange juice is combined with 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and 1 cocoa, half a banana.
  • A sweetener is added to improve the taste.

Recipe #6

  • To prepare protein at home, 250 grams of curd mass is combined with 2 cups of fermented milk product;
  • add 2 bananas;
  • a spoonful of thick jam or 50 ml of syrup.

Recipe number 7

Alternative option protein shake for gaining muscle mass:

  • half a liter of fresh milk and 65 g of dry;
  • 5 tablespoons of egg powder; 70 g of cheese mass;
  • berries or a banana are added for taste.

Protein drinks for weight gain with peanut butter

Recipe number 8


  • 1 banana;
  • a glass of chopped spinach leaves;
  • 150 g of almond milk;
  • dry concentrate - measured portion;
  • 2 tablespoons of chia seeds and peanut butter.

Recipe number 9. Homemade Strawberry Protein

  • half a glass of yogurt and milk;
  • 5 g of any whey concentrate;
  • 2 liters of peanut mixture;
  • a glass of fresh or frozen strawberries.

Products are laid in any order and whipped into foam.

Recipes for Energy Recovery

Recipe number 10. Peach variant

  • 150 vanilla isolates;
  • 4 glasses of fruit juice;
  • 100 g canned peaches, cut into pieces

Recipe number 11. Smoothie fruity

  • 200 ml diluted isolate;
  • 5 strawberries;
  • 15 blueberries;
  • half a liter of yogurt;
  • a couple of ice cubes.

Protein shakes with natural products

Recipe #12

Protein shake immediately after workout restore glycogen stores:

  • half a liter of 1% kefir;
  • 180 g of cheese mass;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 200 ice cream;
  • 100 ml concentrated cocoa drink.

Recipe #13

  • A spoonful of sprouted wheat is combined with flax oil;
  • 230 cottage cheese and beat;
  • a thick mass is bred with fermented baked milk.

Recipe #14

To prepare natural protein you will need:

  • melange Grovo - 50 ml;
  • a couple of tablespoons of powdered milk;
  • banana;
  • a spoonful of gelatin granules;

Recipe #15

It is important for athletes to maintain protein intake. You can make a natural drink at home according to the recipe, taking:

  • 50 g grated walnut;
  • 40 ml syrup;
  • 200 ml curdled milk.

Recipe number 16. Drink from Steve Reeves

  • 3 village eggs;
  • 20 g of powdered milk;
  • banana;
  • 12 g gelatin, maple syrup or honey.

Read also how to drink protein for muscle growth for men,.
What are amino acids and what are they for?
The main differences and difference in reception for different people.
Do I need to take creatine for muscle growth, find out.
Features of the use of protein.
The correct selection of sports nutrition for bodybuilding beginners is described.

Chocolate Vanilla Protein Shake Recipes

Recipe #17

  • 25 g whey isolate with cocoa flavor;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 120 g ground almonds;
  • half a protein bar.

To properly make protein for muscle growth, liquid ingredients are first whipped, sprinkled with almonds and crumbs on top.

Protein smoothie for lean muscles with cocoa

Recipe #18


  • a standard spoonful of protein concentrate with an admixture of chocolate;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • 50 g "Nestvik";
  • about 160 g of cottage cheese.

Cooking method: the liquid is heated, combined with other products, whipped at high speed.

Recipe #19

As an option: take a measuring spoon of protein powder and casein with vanilla flavor and dilute with juice or lemonade without asparkam, mix. Taken after exercise.

Recipe number 20: How to make a Mocha protein drink at home

  • a cup of black coffee;
  • 2 l. honey;
  • chocolate flavored powder.

Sweetness is optional.

What is a protein shake good for?

In the life of every fan of an active lifestyle, nutrition and training are in the first place. These are the two main components to achieve the desired result. First of all, regularity is important for training, as well as workload and work on yourself. Nutrition requires a more careful approach. Particular attention is paid to the amount of protein in the diet. Proteins act as the main building material for muscle tissue. Sports nutrition has long been sold in specialized pharmacies and fitness clubs. But why buy a ready-made protein when you can make your own protein shake at home?

Benefits of DIY protein shakes

By purchasing finished products, you fully trust the information on the label and the manufacturer. But expert conclusions about the quality of finished products can only be made by an experienced athlete. If you have only recently become addicted to sports and do not know where and how to get sports nutrition, try to start making a protein shake at home. In this case, you will know exactly what products your protein food is made from and how fresh it is.

Products needed for cooking

As the main component for the preparation of a protein shake, low-fat dairy products are selected, milk is best. You can use kefir or varenets for this purpose. We supplement the cocktail with low-fat cottage cheese and eggs. It is better not to use yolks; in this case, egg white is of particular value. A small amount of carbohydrates in the form of a fruit supplement will replenish the energy expended during training. Instead of fruits, you can add vegetables (greens, cucumbers) to the prepared protein shake at home, only for the base, in this case, take kefir or yogurt.

Cooking steps

Making a protein shake is easy. First you need to prepare a container in which you will mix the ingredients, and a mixer or blender. Chicken eggs must first be boiled and cooled. Wash and dry vegetables or fruits.

Protein Shake Recipes

A protein shake at home is an affordable way to enrich your body with the lion's dose of protein. There are several cooking options available to you.

Recipe #1

Mix milk (250 ml), one banana, natural yogurt (2 tablespoons), 20 g honey, a little oatmeal, beat with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Recipe #2

Proteins of two chicken eggs, milk (250 ml), 5 grams of sugar. Mix the ingredients and prepare a cocktail by whipping.

Recipe #3

Take equal amounts of low-fat cottage cheese and milk, add a banana, a boiled chicken egg, a couple of tablespoons of honey to this. Prepare a cocktail from this composition.

Recipe #4

Low-fat kefir (300 ml), two egg whites, 20 grams of honey, a large apple or orange. We mix everything and prepare a protein drink.

Recipe number 5

Kefir (300 - 400 ml), one cucumber, herbs, chicken egg and 100g of cottage cheese mix into a homogeneous mass.


Having familiarized yourself with all the stages of preparation and recipes, you can start cooking. A protein shake at home is prepared in advance, before training. Drinking such protein mixtures is recommended after exercise. If you wish, you can prepare a cocktail right before drinking, unless, of course, after training you have the strength to do so.

Homemade protein shakes can serve as an alternative to expensive sports nutrition. This diet option is not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty!

A protein shake is needed so that the body receives the necessary portion of protein during sports and weight gain. In sports nutrition stores, there are many nutritional supplements of this type, but their high cost is repulsive at first glance at the price tag. Homemade cocktails can be an alternative to store-bought ones.

What foods are used to make homemade protein shakes for mass gain?

People who play sports may have difficulty gaining weight. Most often this is due to malnutrition, which is not able to provide the body with a sufficient amount of trace elements. Modern living conditions dictate many conditions and therefore you need to take the opportunity to prepare a protein shake at home.

The correct weight gain will be only when the calories come in portions and gradually. A protein shake is a great snack that can satisfy your hunger for 3-4 hours. The ingredients that make up the cocktail are the most accessible and familiar to humans, but they have the ability to favorably affect the digestive system. So, you can easily use milk, sour cream, yogurt, eggs, fruits and juices.

What products are homemade protein shakes for weight loss made from?

Protein shakes for weight loss are effectively used in dietetics. This is because the protein composition of the drink prevents fat deposits and contributes to the construction of muscle mass. But do not worry that after drinking such a cocktail you will immediately grow in volume. In order for muscles to grow, they need active physical activity. The simple use of protein shakes helps to smoothly get rid of excess weight, namely:

  • block the feeling of hunger
  • maintain muscle mass
  • improve metabolism

For the preparation of homemade cocktails, they use: fruits, seeds, honey, milk, kefir, berries, butter.

Recipes for making the best protein shakes at home

Stock up on patience, inspiration, the desire to acquire the figure of your dreams and the necessary utensils for storing a cocktail. Try making some delicious and incredibly healthy drinks at home:

banana protein shake at home recipe

Such a drink is able to provoke rapid weight gain during active physical exertion.

  1. Milk - 0.5 liters
  2. Fresh bananas - 300 grams (1-1.5 pcs.)
  3. Any nuts 30-50 grams
  4. Honey - 3 tablespoons
  5. Cottage cheese - 200 grams

All ingredients are placed in a blender bowl and whipped vigorously for 2 minutes. After that, it is poured into bowls and drunk during the day in two doses, between lunch and dinner.

Natural protein shake with cottage cheese at home

Cottage cheese smoothies are the easiest to prepare and the most nutritious for the body. For cooking you will need:

  1. Cottage cheese 300 grams
  2. Milk - 250 grams (one full glass)
  3. 100 grams of berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, currants)

All components are thoroughly whipped in a blender for two minutes and poured into a storage bowl. A cocktail is considered ready when the curd and milk have acquired a homogeneous mass. If desired, two or three teaspoons of cocoa can be added to such a drink.

Milk protein shake recipe

Making a milkshake is easy. You need to have:

  1. Sour cream - 200 grams
  2. Olive oil 2 tablespoons
  3. Egg yolk - 1 pc.
  4. Orange juice - 150 grams
  5. Lemon juice (about half a lemon)
  6. Fruits or berries optional

All ingredients, except lemon juice, are placed in a blender and whipped vigorously. Lemon juice is added to the finished mass. The cocktail is consumed an hour before training or as a snack. This drink contributes to a qualitative set of muscle mass.

Homemade Protein Shake with Ice Cream for Mass Gain Recipe

Sweet lovers can try an unusual cocktail with the addition of ice cream. It is known that Arnold Schwarzenegger himself was engaged in the architecture of his body and often used this drink.

  1. Milk - 300 ml
  2. Powdered milk - 3 tsp
  3. 100 grams of ice cream
  4. 1 egg

All ingredients are whipped in a blender or mixer. This drink is recommended to be consumed an hour before training.

When to drink protein shakes? Protein shakes at night for weight loss

  • A protein shake for weight loss is often consumed in the morning instead of breakfast. Some drink it neat, some drink it with a slice of bread, vegetables or fruit.
  • So we provide the body with the necessary amount of protein in the morning and replenish its lost amount during the night. This prevents the loss of muscle mass, which often occurs with diets.
  • By speeding up the metabolism, protein shakes make the body work harder and spend more calories on it. It must be remembered that protein-rich shakes are useful to us only if we consume enough water per day. With a lack of water, the body can experience stress
  • Drinking protein shakes at night promotes slow but physiological weight loss. Taking a cocktail instead of dinner or before bed can block hunger and save you the occasional snack.

Homemade Protein Shake Recipes: Tips

When preparing a cocktail at home, you need to follow some of the nuances that will allow you to achieve the greatest result in losing weight or gaining muscle mass. So, morning cocktails can be sweetened with glucose or honey, and in the evening they should consist of a minimum amount of carbohydrates.

Another secret is the temperature of the drink. The cocktail should not be cold! Warm temperatures, around 37 degrees, can speed up your metabolism and your stomach. The volume of the consumed drink before training should be at least 300 ml. Adjust the calorie content of the cocktail correctly, depending on the added ingredients.

Homemade protein shakes are the safest cure for being overweight or thin. Regularly consume protein drinks and diversify the diet with milk shakes:

  • Raspberry shake for weight loss

You will need:

  1. Kefir 0.5% fat - 200 ml
  2. Milk 1% - 100 ml
  3. Raspberries - 150 grams

Blend the ingredients in a blender and drink between meals.

  • Shake with kiwi and honey
  1. 200 ml milk 1%
  2. 200 ml kefir 0.5%
  3. 1 piece finely chopped kiwi
  4. honey - one tbsp

Have a cocktail in the morning