How to make strawberry milkshake. Preparing a milkshake with fresh aromatic strawberries in a blender

13.08.2019 Desserts and cakes

Strawberries can be prepared in many ways. Indeed, in such a refreshing and healthy drink, it is allowed to add not only ripe berries, but also various fruits and even nuts.

at home using a blender

Drink "Strawberry Paradise"

Required Ingredients:

  • creamy ice cream - two hundred grams;
  • ripe fresh strawberries (in the absence of one, frozen ones can also be used) - three hundred grams;
  • milk (preferably low-fat) - one and a half faceted glasses;
  • granulated sugar - two large spoons.

Before making such a drink, you should thoroughly wash the berries, put them in a blender with sharp knife attachments, add two large spoons of sugar to them, and then beat thoroughly. After that, one and a half faceted glasses and slightly melted creamy ice cream are required to be poured into the bowl. Mix all ingredients well for a few minutes. Next, the resulting milk drink should be poured into glasses decorated with pieces of berries.

Cocktail "Strawberry mix"

Required Ingredients:

  • creamy ice cream - one hundred and fifty grams;
  • ripe fresh strawberries (in the absence of one, you can also use frozen ones) - fifty grams;
  • wild strawberries - fifty grams;
  • strawberries - fifty grams;
  • raspberries - fifty grams;
  • milk 2% - two full faceted glasses;
  • powdered sugar - three large spoons.

Strawberry milkshake: preparation process

Strawberries, homemade and need to be cleaned of stalks, washed well in cool water, add ripe raspberries to them and put everything in a blender bowl. Then you need to add powdered sugar to the berries and beat everything thoroughly until you get a lush and fragrant mousse. Next, creamy ice cream and two percent milk should be added to it. Mix all the products and pour into glasses, the edges of which are desirable to decorate with pieces of berries.

Drink "Fruit and berry platter"

Required Ingredients:

  • creamy ice cream - three hundred grams;
  • ripe fresh strawberries (in the absence of one, you can also use frozen ones) - one hundred grams;
  • banana - one small piece;
  • kiwi - one soft piece;
  • nectarine - one ripe piece;
  • milk 2% - one full faceted glass;
  • liquid honey - one dessert spoon.

Strawberry milkshake: preparation process

Ripe strawberries should be washed in cool water, remove the stalks from it and put in a blender container. After that, you need to rinse the banana, kiwi and nectarine, and then peel them, cut into small pieces and also send them to the bowl along with one liquid honey. Beat the ingredients with sharp knives until you get a thick mousse. Then pour two percent milk and melted ice cream into the resulting fruit and berry gruel. After that, beat the products again at high speed, and then pour the resulting cocktail into glasses and serve to the table along with pieces of fruit.

Finally, the long-awaited strawberries have ripened. Sweet, fragrant and insanely tasty berry. Strawberries are just an extraordinary delicacy that nature has given us and pampers them every year at the beginning of summer, and a cocktail of strawberries and milk is perhaps the best refreshing drink in the summer heat. That's great, let's talk today about how to make a strawberry smoothie in a blender with milk.

You can cook just a huge number of dishes from this wonderful berry, for example, or. Or you can just overeat while it’s fresh or make your favorite strawberry milkshake from childhood (recipe for mom or grandmother).

Advantages of strawberries

This miracle berry is just a storehouse for the health of you and your children due to the rich content of micro and macro elements, the almost complete composition of vitamins and antioxidants.

  1. It contains a huge amount of iron, which is important for those who suffer from anemia. Iron is also beneficial for children and pregnant women.
  2. It is especially worth noting the benefits of this berry for patients with diabetes. Regular consumption of it helps to balance blood sugar levels.
  3. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial actions.
  4. Cleanses the kidneys and liver.
  5. Effective in the treatment of female diseases. Especially in the treatment of uterine bleeding.
  6. It lowers cholesterol levels and helps with high blood pressure, as well as in the treatment of gout.
  7. It removes salts of heavy metals, toxins and poisons, normalizes bowel function, and also has a slight diuretic effect.
  8. Of course, let's not forget about cosmetology, various masks for the face and body skin.
  9. Strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  10. It is a powerful aphrozodiac, and simply improves mood.
  11. It is simply indispensable for those who watch their figure and weight, in 100 grams of fresh berries there are only 35 kcl.

Benefit and harm

Is this combination useful, strawberries with milk in a blender? Perhaps someone asked himself such a question. Both contain many useful substances that are perfectly combined with each other. Such a tandem is ideal not only for gourmets, but also for those who are losing weight. Like with, the calorie content of such a cocktail is only 41 KCl.

Do not forget to wash the berries thoroughly before use. Its structure is porous and they may contain larvae or earth.


There are very few contraindications.

  1. Do not eat berries on an empty stomach, the oxalic acid they contain can provoke an exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
  2. Allergy sufferers should eat strawberries with caution.
  3. People with sensitive teeth should also be careful.
  4. If you are giving a berry to a child for the first time, then also be careful, strawberries can cause diathesis and irritation.

How to do

There is nothing complicated in preparing such a delicacy. That is why I present to you a recipe for a milkshake with strawberries in a blender called "It doesn't get any easier." In childhood, we kneaded the berries with a fork and poured them with milk. Today, there are many kitchen gadgets with which you can quickly make a milkshake with strawberries, in a blender or use any grinder.

To prepare a strawberry smoothie (there is no easier recipe), the berries must be carefully sorted out. Spoiled with dented sides, eaten by snails or with mold, the berries will not work, only whole and ripe ones are needed.

Milkshakes are one of the most modern and delicious ways to freshen up.

Vanilla, tropical, with and without ice, alcoholic….

Cocktails cheer us up, charge us with positive energy and give us a burst of energy.

There are countless milkshake recipes. Especially loved by children and adults milkshake with strawberries. Strawberries, perhaps, are the berries that ripen faster than all the others in our personal plots. Therefore, you can enjoy milkshakes with strawberries already in mid-June, provided the weather is good for the berries to ripen.

In addition to the incomparable taste, milkshake with strawberries also has many useful properties. It is a source of vitamins and minerals, besides, strawberries have a diuretic, diaphoretic property, and have a good and beneficial effect on the entire digestive system. Even a child knows about the benefits of milk. If you want to combine business with pleasure, and besides, amazingly tasty, try the most proven and easy strawberry milkshake recipes.

Basic principles for making strawberry milkshake

To prepare a milkshake, use fresh strawberries if possible, as thawed ones lose some of their beneficial properties, and its taste is slightly different.

Be sure to rinse and dry the strawberries before cooking, then remove the ponytails and stalks.

If you follow the figure, then use 2.5% milk for a cocktail. But a cocktail with the addition of milk of a higher fat content is tastier and richer.

For a strawberry milkshake, it is best to use granulated sugar, not powdered sugar. Although some housewives prefer to indicate powdered sugar in their recipes.

When preparing a milkshake, a blender must be at hand. Neither a mixer nor a whisk will work.

Make sure that you have all the necessary products in advance. For example, ice cream in the freezer.

A strawberry milkshake will taste even better if you add a banana, apple, currant, cherry or other berries to it. Such mixes will give the cocktail a peculiar taste and color.

Make as many cocktails as you can drink at one time. Since milk is a perishable product, a milkshake with strawberries is not a drink that is prepared for the future. If you are preparing it for several people, then use the products in proportion to the planned number of servings.

Milkshake with strawberry and banana: mix of summer and tropics

This cocktail recipe is quite simple and quick. It can be prepared in haste for breakfast for kids, and it will be useful to treat yourself. It differs from others only in the presence of berry syrup, and even then, it can be replaced with sugar.


a glass of milk

ice cream "glass"

small bowl of strawberries

berry syrup or sugar


The first thing to do is peel the banana. Cut it into small half rings and put it in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Wash strawberries, dry, cut in halves.

Put a slightly frozen banana and strawberries into a blender.

Add a glass of ice cream there, a serving of regular ice cream will do.

Pour milk over everything and add syrup.

Grind all this mass with a blender, pour the cocktail into glasses and garnish each with a mint leaf.

Milkshake with strawberries with a touch of honey

Honey and vanilla will give the cocktail an exquisite taste, their amount in one serving is insignificant, but it is sharply felt in the total mass of the drink. All ingredients have useful properties, and therefore we can safely attribute this type of cocktail to a nutritious product.


a glass of milk

5 medium strawberries

spoonful of vanilla flavored yogurt

half a spoon of honey


Rinse and dry the strawberries, remove the green tails. Put in a blender.

Add a peeled and sliced ​​banana.

Pour milk and vanilla flavored yogurt into a blender.

Add honey last, no more than a teaspoon.

Mix everything well. Pour into glasses.

Raspberry-strawberry mix: milkshake with juicy berries

This recipe will be especially appreciated by those who love everything berry. Thanks to the addition of raspberries, the milkshake with strawberries acquires a more delicate color and a juicier taste. But do not overdo it with berries!


a glass of milk

small cup of strawberries

a small cup of raspberries

a couple of tablespoons of sugar


Rinse the strawberries, dry them on paper towels, remove the ponytails.

Raspberries also get rid of the stalks.

Pour the finished berries into a blender. Pour in milk and add sugar.

Mix everything well, pour into glasses and add a leaf of lemon balm.

Milkshake with strawberries and chocolate: a refreshing passion

The combination of strawberries and chocolate is associated by most people with sexuality and passion, and therefore you can confidently prepare this type of cocktail for your soulmate. No doubt she will appreciate it!


a glass of milk

small cup of fresh strawberries

ice cream cup

half a bar of dark chocolate


Grate dark chocolate on a medium-sized grater.

Take a glass of ice cream from the waffle, put it in a blender.

Wash and dry strawberries.

Put strawberries and medium-sized grated chocolate to the ice cream in a blender.

Pour in milk and beat well. Pour the cocktail into glasses, garnish with ripe strawberry halves and a little cocoa powder.

Milkshake with strawberries: vanilla kingdom and berry abundance

Vanilla is added to many drinks and baked goods. It gives a touch of cloying to a milkshake, but this does not make it less tasty, on the contrary, it acquires a sweetish aroma and an unforgettable taste.


a glass of milk

small cup of small strawberries

2 scoops vanilla ice cream

1 sachet of vanillin


Rinse and dry the strawberries, cut into halves.

Remove ice cream from waffle cups. Put in a blender, pour a bag of vanilla to it.

Add chopped strawberries and milk.

Mix thoroughly and pour into glasses.

The easiest and fastest strawberry milkshake recipe

For this recipe, we need a minimum of products, a minimum of time and effort. Probably the most difficult thing will be to break away from the cocktail.


one and a half glasses of milk, preferably fatter

small cup of strawberries

2 spoons of sugar

2 scoops of ice cream


Rinse and dry the strawberries, remove the tails and "marriage". Cut in half and put in a blender.

Pull the ice cream out of the waffle, add to the strawberries.

Whisk a little with a blender. Add sugar to the resulting mixture, pour everything with milk. Mix well and pour into glasses.

Grind waffle cups until crumbly. It can decorate a milkshake.

Milkshake with strawberries and cherry juice

This cocktail will appeal to its simplicity and accessibility. Cherry juice is best taken concentrated, so the taste of the cocktail will become more saturated.


small cup medium strawberries

half glass of milk

half a glass of cherry juice

a glass of ice cream


Rinse and dry the strawberries, remove the green ponytails and stalks.

Pour melted ice cream and cherry juice into a blender, mix.

Add milk and strawberries, mix well.

Pour into glasses and garnish with a mint leaf.

Cocoa strawberries: a new generation milkshake

A cocktail with strawberries and cocoa will be especially appreciated by your children, it can be served for breakfast, or it can be offered to children at bedtime. The benefits are undeniable, the taste is excellent, the children are happy and full.


a glass of milk

half a glass of cocoa

small cup of strawberries

a glass of ice cream

2 spoons of sugar


Wash and dry strawberries. Put it in a blender.

Add milk and sugar to it, mix well.

Pour cocoa into the mass gently, mix first with a spoon. Add ice cream and beat everything with a blender. Pour into glasses and insert multi-colored straws.

Milkshake with strawberries and currant jam

Currant jam has an amazing taste and color, which, in combination with strawberries and dairy products, will give you just a taste firework.


a glass of milk

half a glass of currant jam

ice cream waffle cup

small cup of strawberries


Put the washed and dried strawberries and ice cream on the bottom of the blender, mix.

Gradually pour in the jam mixed with milk.

Mix thoroughly and pour into glasses.

Strawberry our way: milkshake with orange, banana and kiwi

Tropical fruits combined with strawberries give the milkshake a bright taste and delicious aroma. The cocktail turns out to be a little expensive, since it is necessary to purchase fruits in addition to the main ingredients, but it's worth it.


1 orange

small cup of strawberries

a glass of milk

a glass of ice cream

2 spoons of sugar


Peel the orange, divide it into slices, put in a blender.

Add peeled kiwifruit to it, chop.

Rinse and dry the strawberries, put in a blender to the mass of orange and kiwi.

Add a glass of ice cream.

Pour in milk and sprinkle with sugar.

Mix thoroughly until foamy.

Pour into glasses and decorate according to your imagination.

Tricks and secrets of making strawberry milkshake

  • Strawberries are best dried on paper towels, then excess moisture will be absorbed into the paper, and the latter, in turn, will not stick to the berry.
  • Maintain the temperature of the milk. Do not use hot or cold. The milk should be slightly warm.
  • For a milkshake, it is best to use a regular ice cream in a waffle cup. Cheap and tastes perfect.
  • When adding syrups, juices, additives, make sure that they are natural, otherwise the cocktail will not turn out airy.
  • Grind the berries first, and then add the rest of the ingredients to them.
  • The composition of a milkshake should include no more than five ingredients, otherwise a hodgepodge of products will kill the whole taste.
  • If you are a fan of a cold cocktail, you can add ice to the glass, but you need to spread it to the very bottom.
  • Ice cream is added to the blender after the syrup and milk are poured into it.
  • If you are using sweet syrup, you do not need to add sugar to the smoothie.
  • Juices, alcohol must be poured in a thin stream into a whipped cocktail.
  • Before serving, the finished cocktail is best garnished with either a mint leaf or grated chocolate.

It will not be easy to imagine modern cuisine without healthy and tasty desserts and drinks, because they have long occupied their own niche.

This is not surprising - now you will hardly surprise anyone with juicy smoothies made from fruits or even vegetables, and a milkshake with strawberries is generally very popular, both among children and adults. A delicious chilled dessert drink from childhood is the best treat for dessert, so I hasten to offer the most successful options for it.

Benefits of strawberry milkshake

Photos of such cocktails on the Internet or in the restaurant menu always arouse the appetite - who would refuse a sweet with a creamy taste, seasoned with fresh ripe berries? Strawberry milkshake is adored all over the world, and according to statistics, this is the most popular dessert cocktail.

Only a milkshake with a banana can compete with him.

The calorie content of such a drink is low, even if it is prepared with ice cream. So your figure certainly will not suffer from one glass of a delicious cocktail. But if you carefully monitor your diet and strive to consume a minimum of calories, then just use skim milk for cooking and do not put ice cream in the blender bowl.

Ripe strawberries contain a lot of vitamin C - a substance that is rightfully considered a modulator of our immunity. Also in red fruits there are B vitamins that support the beauty of the skin and hair.

Fiber, which is rich in strawberries, is especially useful for those who want to throw off a couple of extra pounds. If you make yourself a delicious shake with low-fat milk and ripe berries, you will be able to quench your hunger, and enjoy the pleasant taste of the cocktail, and take care of your digestion at the same time.

How to make delicious strawberry milkshake at home

Most often, a classic milk shake is made from three ingredients - cow's milk, strawberries and creamy ice cream or ice cream. However, this does not mean that this option is the only correct one.

If you like original drinks, then you can add raspberries and even raspberry jam to the blender bowl, because strawberries go wonderfully with this component.

Milk shakes are often whipped with strawberries mixed with a banana, and grated chocolate in a glass, whipped cream and cinnamon can also be added. In a word, the scope for the culinary's imagination is not limited to anything here - the recipe is a matter of taste.

The method of preparing a neck from milk and strawberries may also vary. Most often, such a cocktail is ground and crushed with a blender, since this is most convenient. However, you can prepare a drink with a mixer - just pre-crush the strawberries in the puree with a fork.

If you are preparing a cocktail of strawberry jam or topping, then you can beat the shake with an ordinary whisk by hand.

Strawberry smoothie with ice cream and milk, a favorite recipe

This is perhaps the most common version of the dessert, which is served even in cafes and restaurants.


  • Fresh ripe strawberries - a handful of berries (3 tablespoons);
  • Cow's milk - 200 ml;
  • Ice cream ice cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • Whipped cream - for serving.

How to make your own strawberry milkshake in a blender

To make your strawberry milkshake a success, it is better to let the ice cream soften first and defrost it a little. If this is not done, the ice cream in the glass will be taken with small pieces of ice and the cocktail will be less tasty.

Therefore, the first thing he cuts off is a piece of ice cream and put it on a plate so that it melts.

  • In the meantime, we wash a handful of ripe , remove the green “caps” from the fruits and remove with a knife all rotten or too soft places so that the drink does not have an unpleasant aftertaste.
  • We shift our strawberries together with softened ice cream into the blender bowl and grind with a blender at medium speed to make a homogeneous puree. This is important because the consistency of the cocktail comes out with this recipe more airy than if you whipped all the ingredients at once.
  • After that, we already pour milk into the bowl and beat the mass well until the cocktail becomes lush and acquires a uniform, uniform color. It is considered correct if the shade of such a neck resembles pink cotton candy - then the taste will be soft and pleasant, but if the color of the drink is dark or bright, then you went too far with strawberries.
  • Decorate the whipped milkshake with whipped cream on top, making the drink an appetizing hat. You can do this from ready-made purchased cream from a can, and by preparing homemade whipped cream with your own hands - this is up to you.

We serve such a delicious dessert immediately, dropping a large tube into a transparent glass.

Milkshake recipe with frozen strawberries and chocolate in a blender


  • Frozen strawberries - 50-60 g;
  • Cow's milk - 250 ml;
  • Milk chocolate without filler - 0.5 tiles;
  • Ice cream ice cream - 70-90 g.

How to make a drink at home from milk and frozen strawberries

  • First, melt half of the milk chocolate bar in a water bath, breaking the ingredient into pieces first.
  • Rinse frozen berries in cold water to remove excess ice or possible debris from them.
  • We soften the ice cream a little by removing it from the refrigerator chamber so that there are no ice in the glass.
  • Now we grind the frozen strawberries with a blender along with ice cream, and it is important to ensure that ice lumps do not appear, so it is best to beat the ingredients for at least a minute.
  • Pour cow's milk into melted chocolate and mix the mass well with each other, after which we send it to a blender cup.
  • Whip all the ingredients together well until you get a smooth consistency.

You can offer such a drink by decorating the barrel of a glass with a whole strawberry berry, cut in half.

Milkshake with strawberry jam, a quick recipe


  • Strawberry jam - 60-70 g;
  • Cow's milk - 200 ml;
  • Ice cream ice cream - 60 g.

How to whip up a delicious aromatic cocktail with strawberry jam or topping

  • First, grind and grind strawberry topping or jam along with ice cream. To do this, let the last component melt slightly, after which we beat the ice cream with topping until smooth.
  • After that, pour chilled milk into the blender bowl and whisk the cocktail well until smooth and even in color.
  • You can also use a mixer - it is even preferable in this recipe, since you do not need to grind the fruit. Place the ingredients in a convenient suitable container and beat until foamy on the surface.

You can also add raspberry jam - it will come out even tastier and more aromatic. And if you like thicker cocktails, then increase the amount of ice cream in the recipe.

The secrets of a delicious and successful milkshake with strawberries like in a restaurant

  • It is impossible to beat excessively frozen foods - in milk they will be taken in crispy lumps. Therefore, let the ice cream soften before sending it to the cocktail.
  • The correct consistency of a milkshake with fruit is one that resembles liquid sour cream. Not everyone likes too thick a drink due to the abundance of ice cream.
  • Usually a milkshake with strawberries is complemented with whipped cream - this gives it more taste and a more expensive, restaurant-like look.