The first day in the gym ... Fears, fears of what to take with you and how to behave on the first day.

Don't flirt or be smart. Flirting in a bar turns out involuntarily, because you are in a closed room with almost only men. Do you allow yourself a frivolous treatment of the waiter in a restaurant, will you ask him to surprise you? Don't allow yourself this in the bar either. Also, do not make your comments about the recipe, method of preparation and serving drinks. Don't follow every move of the bartender. You can watch, but don't do it.

Don't paint your lips with red lipstick. Don't attract too much attention. They come to drink, communicate, but not make acquaintances. You can have a nice chat with someone or enter into a serious discussion, but you should not expect that they will take your number. In bar culture, there is an unspoken rule - completeness: if you come together, you will leave together.

Be yourself. The atmosphere in the bar is more conducive to being yourself than anywhere else.

The most terrible visitors to the theater are women with ikebans on their heads, who, with their hairdo, prevent others from contemplating art. Even if not intentionally, your behavior can cause inconvenience to other diners who wish to exercise their legal right to relax at the bar.

Do not use chairs under bags or clothes. Almost everyone is standing in the bar. And you and your friend, take four chairs, put your phones on the bar, laugh loudly, order tea and Gin niz, drinks that take a lot of time to prepare. Bartenders are friendly by nature, otherwise they would not be able to work with people, but besides the staff, the bar is full of people, you can simply create inconveniences for them.

Your uncertainty in the choice of drinks, the time spent on and as a result, the choice of drink, preparation, which requires additional time, affects when other guests of the bar receive their orders.

While at the bar, turn your gaze from the bartenders, to other visitors, especially women, you will certainly have something to cut your ears or catch your eye. Their behavior may seem stupid to you, but there is a great chance that you will notice behind them those flaws that you yourself commit. It is better to withdraw money from the card in advance. Remember that coffee is best drunk in a coffee shop, or at least not on a Friday night. Do not drink more than two glasses, maximum three. Never click your fingers or wave money, it looks terrible. To be calculated - just smile. And “thank you,” “please,” “hello,” and “goodbye” can do even more than a tip.

Since today is Friday and we are too lazy to give you advice ourselves, we turn to the show How To Do Everything in the World of the online TV channel OffTheWall.Tv, in which a very convincing (and a little crazy) host gives advice on how to behave in a bar a real man. We will subscribe to each advice.

Don't ask for complex cocktails that take the waiter five minutes each (and that's not counting the time it takes to place the cherry at the right angle!). On the evening of the weekend, you will create a line with your extravagant order. And all for the sake of later looking stupid with a currant "Margarita" in hand. This is not a man's business - complex cocktails.

Don't order water for your cocktail. Afraid of dehydration? Fear not, dehydration is not scary. Here bears - yes, it's scary.

Again, paying with a card takes longer. Plus, you're depriving the bartender of the tip, for which he left the surgical department of the medical school and stood behind the bar.

A glass of wine disfigures a real man's hand, just like "Margarita" (not a woman, but a cocktail; a woman is written without quotation marks). There is one exception: an Italian-style dinner party.

Demanding a beer list in non-beer bars is snobbish. Drink the beer that everyone around you drinks. Don't be afraid to be like everyone else! Be afraid to be special.

For example, you came to a bar not alone, as usual, but with two good friends (or bad acquaintances, it doesn't matter). Do not sit in one line at the counter! So one of you will surely not hear something and in general will be left out of the conversation. Let two sit, and one stands in front of him, thus forming a figure convenient for communication - a triangle.

Nothing can interest a man on TV if there is no game there. Especially in our time, when TV channels have conspired and decided to broadcast hallucinogenic delirium instead of news.

Tip # 8. Do not show the bartender and others photos of your children

Do you really think anyone is interested in the fruits of your unsafe sex? Have mercy on those around you.

You are already at that age to keep track of your phone's charge level. (But if you, reader, are 15 years old, then we take our words back: you are not yet at that age.)

Going to the bar is a common thing. It is unlikely that they are preparing for it long and carefully, if this is not, say, a romantic date. Who's dating at the bar though? It is, rather, a gathering with friends or "come in, have a glass of whiskey" in splendid isolation.

But, in fact, we now want to talk not about who is better to drink with in a bar and how to dress for this occasion. Although, the topic is a couple of millimeters close to this.

So let's talk about how to behave in a bar!

No, we are not going to lecture now about not fighting and ignoring the restroom when the need arises to visit it. It's just that nobody has canceled etiquette yet, even in a bar, even if you are going to get drunk today to the point of "swine".

We urge you to remain gentlemen! Even if you have a salad on your face. And the ladies. Just no matter what!

Well, let's move on to the rules of conduct in the bar.

And finally, forget about your phone for a while, especially if you are with friends - spend time in reality!

Other articles from the rubric "Alcohol etiquette"

    Calvados is a Norman drink often referred to as apple cider vodka. But it should not be classified as vodka, this drink is closer to cognac and brandy. We do not drink Calvados so often, so the question of how to do it correctly is quite reasonable. As it usually happens, there are no strict rules, but to become a real connoisseur of this drink, you should know something about the culture of consumption of Calvados.

    We have written more than once about how and with what to consume various alcoholic beverages. But there is a whole list of rules to follow, even if you are not a big drinker.

    Now, in fact, not a single celebration (and not only celebration) is complete without a toast, at least without a short one: "For us!" True, many shirk this case: "I, you know, am not particularly eloquent." Do you know where the tradition of making a toast came from?

Many of us visit bars and clubs, but not everyone knows how to behave there! Especially for you, the editors have prepared interesting and varied material together with the bartender of one of the small well-known establishments. Rules, advice, recommendations, opinion of professionals - we read and take note of how you can behave in a bar and how you can not!

Lyrical introduction:
not so long ago, the editorial board, represented by one lonely and sad editor, got out to celebrate the successful end of the working week in a bar. Sitting at the counter, it was still impossible to abandon work: a new topic was brewing for a new article, because it is simply impossible to look at the behavior of some visitors.

When the main stream of people dried up, it was decided to cheer up the bartender and make him a tempting offer, which, as usual, he could not refuse.

The bartender agreed to chat and answer a few questions about how you can and how you can not behave in a bar if you want to get a pleasant experience from the gatherings. But he wished to preserve anonymity. Well, we respect his wishes!

And now, comrades, the result of our efforts, which consists in practical advice on how it is not worth and is worth behaving in a bar and a club.

Highlights: How to behave in a club or bar?

- Describe how people should generally approach you and place an order?

Since you have already decided to drink today, or, as I call it, to taste the product, then welcome to the bar, behind the counter. First thing try to find the bartender, who at this moment can a) drive like a madman in attempts to fulfill all orders in order and without, b) be sad in the corner of the counter waiting for visitors. Catch his eye and it's done.

If you already know in advance what drink / cocktail you want - say hello and voice your order... If you have not yet decided on the choice - ask for the menu. But I want to point out right away: we really love to make signature cocktails and cocktails that are not on our menu. Therefore, if you want to become one of the best guests today, ask the bartender to do something personally for you.

By the way, if you see that there are a lot of people today, please wait at least 15, 20, 30 seconds until the bartender completes other orders.

- Okay, what if you take some general rules of conduct?

There are several of them. You should not draw attention to yourself as some visitors like to do: whistling, hooting, slapping your palms on the counter. Firstly, you distract, and secondly, you show yourself from a bad side. And when I come to you after that, I will no longer be as friendly and polite as I was supposed at the beginning.

The second sad category of guests is gurus who like to teach us, bartenders, bar business. If you come to an establishment, you do not need to explain to us how your cocktail is created correctly, in what container to make it and in what proportions. Even if you yourself are a bartender, barista, waiter, administrator of another establishment, you do not need to start a conversation with “But in our bar…”. Be adequate.

- And what should a person do if the bartender does not pay attention to him?

It depends in which case. If you see that the bartender has a steam, just wait. This is literally a minute, and in extreme cases a second bartender will come up to you - usually there are several of them on shifts. And if there are no people and the bartender really doesn't pay attention, then you can politely call out. As a last resort, you can say hello loudly - with this you kind of hint to the unlucky bartender that it is time for him to get to work.

But in general, such a situation can arise only if there is an intern or a bartender on the shift without much experience. Because we see everything and hear everything. And we remember, yes. (laughs)

- Well, what if one order has already been made and you want to repeat it? Honestly, sometimes I even feel embarrassed to distract a person from other orders and call him. I have to sit over an empty glass and wait until they notice me. How can you draw attention to yourself in such a situation?

First, an experienced bartender always controls the amount of drinks in the glasses of his customers. And even if it seems to you that you are not noticed when your glass is empty, in fact, you are already noticed (laughs) If you see that the bartender is looking at you, just point to your glass and do ... I don't know how to describe it , just make a circular motion with your finger. This is how we understand that the visitor asks to repeat the last order. In this case, the glass should be near your hands.

Well, if you want another cocktail or drink, move the glass away from you. Then you will be approached immediately to take a new order.

- How to talk to the bartender? After all, this is a classic - heart-to-heart conversations with people of your profession.

Yeah, we have long been called soul healers, working class aristocrats and all that (shrugs). I can say from my own experience so as not to judge everyone, but nevertheless, when I came to my profession, it all seemed very strange to me. On the other side of the counter it was a pleasure to just watch the bartender work and it never even occurred to him to distract him with conversations. But now, when faced with people who want to pour out their souls to me, I understand them and try to listen.

And while you are talking, adhering to the norms of etiquette, I will be happy to talk.

- What's the catch?

Unfortunately, visitors often descend further down the steps of evolution with every glass they drink. And in the end, I hear only unintelligible mooing from under the counter, and I am no longer able to listen to it. I can only twitch my eye nervously.

- Okay, now let's go through the most pleasant and unpleasant moments in work. What annoys you the most?

Personally, I am annoyed by the moments when a person whom I can hardly remember comes up to the counter and begins to name some memorable seconds of our communication in some godforsaken gatherings. He, using our alleged acquaintance, is trying to ask to pour either more whiskey, then less juice, or even a glass for free. Not realizing that at the same time I myself will have to pay for his cocktail. These moments are really upset and annoying.

I have nothing against friends and acquaintances sitting at the counter, but my friends understand that if I am the one behind the counter, this does not mean that they will get half of the bar for free.

- And besides the financial aspect?

Well, as mentioned above, the familiar attitude, rudeness, of course, is annoying. I just urge you: if you go into a bar and see your acquaintance / distant friend / friend / further down the list behind the counter, then behave more decently than the most decent visitors to whom this bartender is not familiar. You will show yourself from the best side, and you will please the bartender, and you will not compromise him in front of other staff.

- Let's move on to the positive. What makes you happy about your work? Except salary and tips, of course.

The most positive moment in my work is a pleasant and adequate guest. For example, the regulars always delight. It makes me happy when guests appreciate the signature cocktails that you make just for them. This is especially gratifying. Well, the topic of tips cannot be avoided either: when you make complex multi-component cocktails for a person all evening, it is nice to receive gratitude after that: both verbally and in the form of a tip.

But in general, the salary and tips are not as pleasing as the opportunity to create and delight guests with delicious drinks.

- Are there any excellent clients in general who have left a pleasant trace in your soul?

First, we basically have no concept of a "client". Guests come to us. And we, as hospitable hosts, accept them. That is why we would like to suggest visitors to behave as if they were a guest, and not according to the principle “I pay - serve me”.

In general, the devil only knows. Difficult to answer.

- Can you highlight any features that unite them?

They communicate in a friendly manner, as with an old acquaintance, and apart from meetings at the bar, nothing connects us. If they see that I'm in a steamy - they will wait. Paradoxical, but true: the calmer you behave, the faster I will approach you and fulfill your order.

- It turns out something like "the best client is a dead client"

The dead client doesn't drink anymore, so no, it doesn't work that way.

- Okay, let's not get personal. Let's go back to the sad. For what a guest can be "paid" from the institution?

"Benefits" from the institution security, if any. For scuffle, assault, direct insults and threats, rudeness, deliberate smashing of dishes. For example, there was a moment when my partner was grabbed by the lapel of his shirt and began to pull him over the counter. Here his security took out immediately after this incident. In general, such situations rarely happen, fortunately, most people are still adequate.

- Some kind of "mimimi" for our readers?

Come to the bars, drink delicious cocktails, smile at us, and most importantly - don't fall in love with the bartenders, because we are already in love with our art! (laughs)

On this joyful note, our merry gatherings ended. Summarizing the fruitful conversation, I would like to note the main thing:

  • Be polite;
  • smile;
  • give the bartender room for imagination by ordering a signature drink;
  • leave tea and come back again!

We can say that now you know how to behave in a club and a bar. Use this valuable knowledge wisely and do not forget to read other articles on My Tips!

The material was prepared with the invaluable informational support of bartenders of the RK Chocolate, Belaya Tserkov, Ukraine, namely: Andrey Zhitnyuk, his partner Sasha Timofeev, lovely bartenders Yaroslav Fedorishin and Anna Rainer.

Photographer RK "Chocolate":

And restaurants. They will help you not only win over the bartender, but also give you the opportunity to receive bonuses, discounts, priority service, etc.

Be nice

We, bartenders, often see guests who come up to the bar with a very important look, behave like peacocks, demonstrating their importance, coolness and anything but friendliness. Believe me, you will make a much greater impression if you smile and greet the bartender, thereby setting a pleasant tone for communication.

Respect his time

If you don’t know what to drink, and even after carefully studying the bar list, you couldn’t make up your mind, feel free to ask the bartender what he could offer you in that case ... It would be nice to clarify your wishes (strong, light, sour , sweet, fruity, etc.). If the bartender is "real" :), then he will most likely be able to guess what you really like, because he knows the taste of any ingredient and knows how to correctly combine them.

In the event that a lot of guests gathered at the bar, you squeezed through this whole crowd and even managed to attract the attention of the bartender, try to place an order quickly and clearly (100 jacks, ice, cola, all separately, orange juice, still water ). This rule mainly works in clubs where the flow of guests is very dense and the bartender works in the "Shiva" mode :) and if you adhere to it, you will make life easier not only for the bartender, but also for yourself and other guests at the bar, thereby saving time and nerves of all of the above.

The bartender owes nothing to anyone

Almost all bartenders are familiar with the situation in which the guest behaves extremely disgusting. "Hey, give me a glass of whiskey"; "What the fuck did you do me? (Great rum or whiskey in a glass) Give me a red label"; "Will I wait for you for a long time, bl *?" The fact that you have money in your pocket does not allow you to communicate like that with the bartender, because he is the face of the establishment! and you came to him for a drink, and not to demonstrate your ignorance. In respectable establishments, bartenders are trusted to filter guests without ceremony. Such guys are simply taken out of the institution, since the image is very important! This kind of communication should not be allowed, since it simply interferes with both work and rest for the rest of the guests.

You go to the bar - remove the cash!

It is clear that it is more convenient for you, BUT you just think about it ... The order is made and then you take out the card to pay - work with the terminal, then back to you to confirm the pin code - request to space ... confirmation ... request to the bank ... confirmation - printing a check in two copies ... give it to the cashier for signature, then back to you ... your signature ... back to the cashier ... Are you kidding me? The bartender already tramples about 20 km per work shift, and here you are with your water for 150 rubles and a bank card. In the end, what happens: you are waiting, the guests are waiting, the bartender is running, time is running out, the tips are running out. Now imagine that at the same time 5 people decide to pay in this way. No cash? - Sit down at the table and open an account.