Spanish national dish paella. Paella - the culinary symbol of sunny Valencia

23.04.2019 Snacks

To answer the question of what paella is, you need to look into the depths of the centuries, rummage in the past and stir up certain historical events.

Valencian culinary legend

In the 8th century, the Arabs came to the small Mediterranean fishing village of El Palmarrion. As soon as the Iberian Peninsula submitted to their power, direct indications appeared as to who was the boss in the house: the lands around the mentioned settlement were sown with rice - swampy and rich in water due to certain geographical features (the village is separated from the sea by a small strip of sand), they gave great harvest. Over time, the plantations of this cereal have grown to the scale of almost all of Valencia, Catalonia, Andalusia - today the volume of rice grown is more than enough for the whole of Spain, and it also remains for export (300 tons are sold to neighbors every year).

But this is today. And in the 13th century, when Christians finally managed to expel Muslims from the territory of present-day Valencia, a cruel war was declared on everything that did not fit into the standards of Spanish culture - including rice: the cultivation of cereals was banned. But then an unexpected failure happened: for several centuries people got used to rice, and it turned out to be impossible to give up an accessible and convenient culture.

It was cooked often, a lot and everywhere. Those who were richer added fish and meat to the rice, those who did not have the finances to buy good fish and large shrimp got mussels, snails, small fish and vegetables. This is how the famous paella was born - a dish that is served with equal regularity in expensive restaurants, and for dinner in poor fishing villages. A dish that can be cooked pretentiously and luxuriously and modestly and everyday. A dish that everyone likes because it can be adapted to suit every taste.

However, helpful Spaniards have come up with something interesting for lovers of beautiful legends. They say that paella was born during the Arab conquest - after the sumptuous dinners of the Moorish kings, there was a sea of ​​leftovers. Half-starved and just beggars, the Spaniards collected everything that was left, folding it at random and anywhere. That is how paella appeared - a dish in which everything that is possible is combined: seafood with fish, and meat, and vegetables, and cereals.

However, if you don't like this version, there is another one. According to her, in one of the fishing villages, an unlucky lover was waiting for a beautiful girl to visit. I waited, waited - and decided to cook something for the table. Not having any special cooking skills, he simply mixed what he found in the pantry - and so paella appeared, "para ella", that is, "for her."

Well, if you are completely finicky, and none of the told tales impressed you, you can listen to the third one. They say that a long time ago in one of the Valencian towns a certain important person was expected to visit. Poor residents took what they had to the central square - someone brought a ham, someone shared fish, someone found a chicken, tomatoes, beans. All the collected "wealth" was thrown into one huge frying pan, mixed with rice, seasoned with saffron and stewed. It turned out unexpectedly tasty!

What is paella: the most important thing

However, legends are legends, and the truth is most likely rather primitive and uncomplicated: when you don't really have extra finances, you cook from what you have. Here are the peasants of Valencia and cooked, throwing on hastily in one pan what they found in the bins. Over time, even when the need receded, familiar dish left - now it is served in Michelin-starred restaurants, guests are treated to it, prepared for the family.

As in any folk recipe, it is almost impossible to derive a single formula for preparing paella. Ask the owner of a roadside cafe where passing drivers like to have a snack: she will tell you that real paella is impossible without mussels. And the wife of the owner of the hotel where you are staying will argue that the main thing in paella is the combination of fish and chicken. Her neighbor will cook this dish with the obligatory green beans, and her neighbor's friend will buy fresh rabbit meat for paella at the market. And this is only within one city!

As often happens, after the ban imposed on rice cultivation, paella became even more popular - we can say that by the beginning of the 19th century, the dish became a famous business card of the region and remains it to this day.

So what is paella other than being a symbol of Spain? Let's figure it out. The very name of the dish (Paella) means "frying pan" - it is cooked only in this dish, without alternatives. The basis of the dish is, of course, rice. The pan should be wide and flat: the wider, the better, the rice layer should not be higher than 2 cm. Depending on the region and the culinary preferences of a particular hostess, meat, poultry, fish, vegetables are added to paella.

In the general variety of recipes, two factors remain unchanged: a frying pan, necessarily large and with a flat bottom, and rice. Everything else is sheer creativity, although, of course, it is placed within a certain framework.

What kind of rice should I take for paella?

Given the origin of the dish, it is reasonable to assume that the best rice varieties for making paella would be Spanish. We are talking about round grains: a bomb is considered ideal, as an alternative you can take arborio or carnaroli - with them paella will also turn out soft and juicy.

The usual rice varieties of jasmine or basmatti, alas, almost does not absorb moisture, for this reason you cannot cook porridge with it, that is, you cannot cook paella.
Long grain rice is generally not suitable for paella.

Paella - a classic recipe with chicken and seafood

Did you know that real paella is a purely lunchtime dish? Traditionally, it is not prepared for dinner, but only served during the day. If a restaurant serves paella after hours, chances are it will be a low-quality establishment or just a heated meal.

Well, and Spanish paella. If any recipe can be called more or less classic, then perhaps this is it. The dish is rich, bright in taste, very rich and widespread. Wider than any other paella variation.

150 g of rice;
2-3 cm chili peppers;
3-4 tomatoes;
2-3 cloves of garlic;
1 onion;
3 tbsp. l. olive oil;
200 g chorizo ​​sausage;
1 chicken breast;
300 g white sea ​​fish;
200 g shrimp;
300 g squid;
400 g fresh mussels in shells;
300 ml of broth;
200 ml of dry white wine;
turmeric, salt, paprika to taste.

Heat the olive oil well in a wide, flat skillet. Throw in the finely chopped garlic, after a couple of seconds add the onion into cubes. Fry until transparent, add peeled and sliced ​​tomatoes, and then thin chili rings.

Diced chicken fillet put in a frying pan, cook for 5-6 minutes, stirring, then add chorizo ​​circles, fish pieces, squid rings, unpeeled shrimps and mussels. Stew for 5-8 minutes, then add rice, add salt, turmeric and paprika, mix, pour in wine and broth. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook until the liquid is completely boiled away.

Serve with lemons and fresh herbs.

Seafood paella

Did you know that real seafood paella is prepared with unpeeled shells, mussels and other animals? Remember: initially it was just a simple meal ordinary people, no one was particularly perverted, preparing and cleaning small shrimp for a family of 10-15 people. Fast and affordable - this is the motto of real paella, so seafood came to the table almost in its natural form.

If you, like the vast majority of ordinary people, do not have the opportunity to collect fresh mussels for dinner, go to the supermarket for a seafood cocktail - of course, this is not the kind of paella that you can be proud of and brag about, but cook it for dinner and enjoy the food. is quite real.

300-350 g frozen seafood cocktail;
250-300 g fillet of white sea fish (hake, pollock and the like);
2-3 st. l. olive oil;
1 sweet pepper;
3-4 ripe tomatoes;
1 large onion;
2 cups rice
50 ml of dry white wine;
2 glasses of broth;
2 cloves of garlic;
saffron, salt, paprika, parsley to taste.

In a thick-bottomed frying pan, heat the oil, lightly fry the garlic and onion, chopped into small cubes, and lay out the frozen Seafood Cocktail... As soon as the seafood is thawed and juiced, add the chopped fish, let it simmer a little. We spread the peeled and cut into slices tomatoes and peppers - in strips. After a minute, add rice, add wine, mix, salt, add spices, and then pour in broth. Cook over low heat until the liquid evaporates completely, serve with herbs and vegetables.

Paella with chicken and chicken hearts

Mysterious day Thursday has long been known in our country as a fish day, in Sweden, for example, a day pea soup and pancakes, and in Spain it's paella day. Traditionally, in wealthy families it was a day off for servants, so the nobility dined outside the house. The chefs, of course, tried to attract customers, so they put all their talents into preparing everyone's favorite paella. You don't have to wait until Thursday to cook rice with chicken and chicken hearts- such a paella can not help but please!

400 g chicken fillet;
300 g of chicken hearts;
700 ml of broth (chicken or vegetable);
250 g of rice;
3 tbsp. l. olive oil;
4 tomatoes;
1 onion;
1 bell pepper;
100 g olives;
50 g tomato sauce;
salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Pour oil into a preheated pan, fry the onion chopped into cubes. Lay out the diced chicken fillet and the diced hearts. Fry lightly and add the sweet peppers and tomato slices, which have been peeled beforehand, chopped into strips. After 5-7 minutes, add olives, add any tomato sauce, mix, spread the rice, salt, add spices to taste. Pour in the broth, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook until the liquid evaporates.

Spanish paella with chicken and rabbit

Do you know what a Soccarat is? Chefs whose skill reaches special heights can prepare paella so that at the very bottom of the pan, a crispy brown crust of fried rice forms. It is a special pleasure to take a special spoon (yes, there is a separate spoon for the Soccarat!) And scrape off the delicacy ... Maybe you won't be able to immediately cook paella with rabbit and chicken so that a slightly burnt crust forms in the pan, but the dish is still will be the most beautiful!

1 kg chicken meat(with bones);
1 kg rabbit (with bones);
4 tomatoes;
3-4 tbsp. l. olive oil;
2 onions;
500 g of rice;
200 g asparagus beans;
100 g of young green peas;
2.5-3 liters of water;
saffron, salt, pepper to taste.

Heat the oil in a wide frying pan, lightly fry the onion, spread the chopped portioned chunks chicken and rabbit, brown on all sides. Add peeled tomatoes, cut into 4-6 pieces. Salt, fill with water and simmer until the meat is cooked - about 30-40 minutes. Remove the lid, add saffron, pepper, rice, stir, add water if necessary (it should cover the rice with a layer of about 1.5 cm). Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until the liquid evaporates.

Paella with bacon

Did you know that paella is never served with forks in the most authentic restaurants in Catalonia? Moreover, not ordinary stainless steel spoons will be brought to a frying pan with hot, steaming rice - it is believed that the metal spoils the taste of products, oxidizing them. The appliances will be wooden! Try making bacon paella and setting the table wooden dishes- you will surely like it!

500 g bacon;
5-6 large tomatoes;
1 sweet pepper;
1 large onion;
2 stalks of celery;
200 g asparagus beans;
1-2 cm of chili peppers;
2.5 cups chicken broth;
1 cup rice
salt to taste.

In a skillet with a thick bottom, fry the bacon cut into thin strips or squares. As soon as it becomes golden and crispy, add the diced onion. After a minute, add the rest of the vegetables - cut into small slices of celery, asparagus beans in cubes of 2-3 cm, thin slices of chili peppers, strips of sweet pepper, peeled and sliced ​​tomatoes. Fry until vegetables are soft, add rice, salt, add broth. Reduce heat and cook until all liquid has evaporated. Everything can be served. In the company of herbs and salad from fresh vegetables- delicious!

Vegetarian paella

We have already agreed that the "right" paella is prepared with unrefined seafood however, there is another version of paella - parellada. The dish got its name from the name of a well-known Spanish gourmet - Julie Parellada, who hated getting his hands dirty, but loved to eat deliciously, from his serving, a "cleaned" recipe appeared. However, there is another way not to get your hands dirty - to cook vegetarian vegetable paella without mussels, shrimp and bony fish.

150 g of rice;
450 ml vegetable broth;
3 tbsp. l. olive oil;
3 cloves of garlic;
4-5 large tomatoes;
1 small vegetable marrow;
1 carrot;
1 onion;
100 g green beans;
50 g canned or young green peas;
50 g canned sweet corn;
salt, turmeric, saffron, paprika to taste;
parsley, lemon for serving.

To prepare paella quickly and easily, first prepare everything you need: chop the garlic and onion, cut the carrots and zucchini into medium-sized cubes. Scald the tomatoes, peel and cut into wedges. Prepare the spices you plan to add to your rice and vegetables. Strain the broth.

That's it, you can take out the frying pan and heat the oil. As soon as it floats through the kitchen pleasant aroma, add the garlic, after a couple of seconds add the onion, fry over low heat until light golden brown. Pour in cubes of zucchini and carrots. Stir, cook for 5-10 minutes, then add the tomatoes. After 2-3 minutes - asparagus beans, peas and corn. Stir, add rice, then salt and add spices. Stir again, then pour the broth into the pan and cook over low heat until the liquid has completely evaporated.

Serve with herbs and lemon wedges.

  1. Broccoli and cauliflower- not traditional vegetables for paella, but quite interesting.
  2. Quinoa - Another cereal will make paella richer and more original.
  3. Root celery is so fragrant that it just begs for a pot!
  4. Mushrooms - unexpectedly paella, but very appropriate.
  5. Eggplant? Why not?
  6. Pork? Beef? This, of course, is not at all about traditional paella - even taking into account all its regional freaks, however, this also happens. Why not?
  7. Sausages are, of course, not chorizo ​​at all, however, very "in the spirit": cheap, cheerful and folk-style.
  8. Crab sticks. Doubtfully useful, but budgetary. Sometimes it helps.
  9. Chickpeas are the closest relative of beans and peas, so, in general, nothing supernatural, but in a new way.
  10. Banana is very unconventional, but very organic. It's not for nothing that half of South American cuisine is built on a combination of rice and bananas!

In early autumn, Valencia hosts the annual Paella Festival - the most talented chefs prepare folk dish and the crowds local residents and tourists with pleasure overeat. Improve, grow, compose own recipe paellas - and who knows, maybe in a few years we will meet you at the festival, and you will treat us to the most incredible paella, juicy and very tasty!

Spain is famous for its gastronomic diversity: the abundance of vegetables, seafood and meat inspires the creation of fragrant exquisite dishes... One of these is paella, classic recipe which everyone knows from childhood of this hot country. Simple and hearty food prepared in rice based, has various versions recognized as traditional in the world of culinary.

Spanish paella- being business card the country, as well as its homeland, amazes with the variety of recipes. Each region has its own way of cooking, including spicy and spicy spices, smoked meats or peas. Paella is a classic Valencian recipe, one of the most popular in the country. Considering dozens of versions, all of them are united by one principle - the use of the main components: rice, vegetables, meat or seafood.


  • rabbit meat - 400 g;
  • chicken - 700 g;
  • round rice - 400 g;
  • white beans- 150 g;
  • green beans - 150 g;
  • Green pepper- 1 PC.;
  • artichokes - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 100 g;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • saffron threads - 4 pcs.;
  • water - 500 ml.


  1. Cook the cuts of meat for 5 minutes.
  2. Add the peeled artichokes, two beans, and the peppers.
  3. Add paste, water and simmer for half an hour.
  4. Add rice, saffron, add a little water and simmer for 20 minutes.

Paella with chicken is one of traditional options quite adapted to our kitchen. With the right selection available products able to decorate the dish, you just have to follow the recommendations. Should be used loose rice: Iberica or Arborio varieties and do not buy fatty parts of the carcass, as the broth will add the necessary juiciness to the components.


  • chicken legs and wings - 700 g;
  • rice - 200 g;
  • chicken broth - 600 ml;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • ground paprika - 2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.


  1. Fry the cut legs and wings until golden brown.
  2. Combine with vegetables and simmer until moisture evaporates.
  3. Fry the rice in a pan, season and cover with broth.
  4. Simmer for at least half an hour, then turn the heat up to get a crust.

Paella classic assumes a variety of products to be combined with each other. Mixing poultry and seafood is not welcome, and therefore it is combined with spicy smoked sausages, which perfectly set off unleavened dietary meat and fill the food with aromas. Bright vegetables will add flavor to a Spanish dish made in an hour.


  • turkey fillet - 500 g;
  • smoked sausages - 150 g;
  • rice - 200 g;
  • green peas - 100 g;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • broth - 600 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • saffron threads - 5 pcs.


  1. Fry the fillet pieces and sausages.
  2. Add chopped vegetables and simmer for a couple of minutes.
  3. Add rice, season with saffron.
  4. Veite chicken broth and simmer on the fire for about half an hour.

Paella with seafood classic implies the use of seafood. As the food of the poor, the presence of unpeeled fresh animals and unpretentious vegetable ingredients was the norm. The modern approach has become somewhat different, but the motto “simple and accessible” has remained. This version assumes frozen marine product, which is quite justified.


  • seafood cocktail - 500 g;
  • rice - 300 g;
  • green peas - 100 g;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • tomato puree - 200 g;
  • saffron threads - 4 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1/2 pc.;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • water - 500 ml.


  1. Brew the saffron.
  2. Fry the prepared seafood a little, add chopped onions.
  3. Add rice and, stirring, keep on fire. Pour in seasoning and water.
  4. Add mashed potatoes and simmer until evaporated.
  5. Add the peas and chopped peppers after 10 minutes.
  6. Complete the classic paella recipe, garnish with lemon wedges and serve.

Paella with shrimps - recipe

Paella with shrimps - will replenish your arsenal of delicious and low-calorie food able not only to satisfy hunger, but also to add variety to daily diet... Affordable products, the right cooking technique and the desire to learn about European cuisine will help you create a Spanish masterpiece in half an hour and provide a hearty hot meal for four.


  • shrimp - 450 g;
  • rice - 250 g;
  • green peas - 150 g;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • tomato puree - 70 g;
  • turmeric - 1 tsp;
  • clove of garlic - 3 pcs.;
  • olives - a handful;
  • water - 600 ml;
  • vegetable oil -50 ml.


  1. Sweat chopped garlic in a frying pan, combine with rice.
  2. Pour in water, mashed potatoes, season, and keep in a skillet for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. Add vegetables and peeled shrimp.
  4. The readiness of paella according to the classic recipe is determined by the complete evaporation of the liquid, garnish with olives.

Paella with mussels is a special dish that requires special ingredients that will not only provide flavor range, but also nourish the meat of shells spicy flavors... In this case, the spice for paella is in the form of saffron, hot pepper chili and red paprika - an indispensable set. Handful fresh dill and lemon wedges complete the seafood composition.


  • mussels - 200 g;
  • arborio - 200 g;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • clove of garlic - 3 pcs.;
  • green peas - 100 g;
  • fresh dill - a handful;
  • lemon - 1/2 pc.;
  • chili pepper - 1/4 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • paprika - 1 tsp;
  • saffron threads - 3 pcs.;
  • broth - 200 ml.


  1. Blanch the tomato, peel, chop and fry with chopped garlic.
  2. Add rice, season and pour in broth without stirring.
  3. Cover the dish with foil and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat.
  4. Arrange the mussels and peas and keep on fire until the liquid is completely absorbed.
  5. Paella is a classic mussel recipe, served after 10 minutes of rest.

Paella with vegetables is an independent dish that does not need any meat or fish ingredients. This gastronomic feature attracts not only fasting people, but also people who adhere to it. To prevent a healthy meal from turning into porridge, you need to strictly monitor the proportions of vegetables and liquid.


  • rice - 300 g;
  • red and green peppers - 2 pcs.;
  • clove of garlic - 3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • saffron threads - 5 pcs.;
  • paprika - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • water - 300 ml.


  1. Fry the onions in a skillet, add the diced tomatoes, zucchini and peppers, then simmer for about 10 minutes.
  2. Add rice, season it with spices, add liquid and stir.
  3. Keep on the stove for no more than 20 minutes.

Cooking paella is a process in which there is always room for imagination. The beauty of the recipe is that you can add any component, from simple to exclusive, without changing the base. Fish is in perfect harmony with rice and vegetables, and therefore paella at home will become available and nutritious dish appropriate for dinner.

We continue our gastronomic journey through national cuisines the world. Fast forward to sunny Spain and get to know the equally famous paella

According to the Spaniards, paella- not just satisfying and tasty food, it is a kind of symbol of the national Spanish cuisine. Anyway, not trying paella is not seeing Spain.

The dish got its name from a special frying pan called paella - it should be low, with a flat bottom and have two handles (on the other hand, why shouldn't the frying pan be named by the name of the dish?). Paella is prepared and served in it.

But don't rush to buy a paella! Experience has shown that this Spanish dish can be prepared in any large frying pan or cauldron. The main thing is that the vessel has a heavy bottom (preferably cast iron).

The legend of the origin of paella

There are many stories about the origins of "real paella". Usually tourists, after hearing a hundred or two versions from their guides or just Spanish friends, are completely confused.

Most often, the story goes like this: first, this dish appeared in Valencia, the “real” paella is called “Valencian paella”). It happened a long time ago. Listeners claim that the spread of dates for different storytellers - from the Punic Wars to the beginning of the twentieth century (i.e. about two thousand years ago!).

So, a noble gentleman came to some village or city (we will not list) (here, as you yourself understand, they go very famous names- from Hanibal to Napoleon). The inhabitants of the village, hospitable people, decided to treat the guest. Everyone brought what they could. And this is where most of the storytellers agree, claiming that the main ingredient in the future dish was rice. Saffron and paprika are also mentioned, which add flavor and color to the dish. Besides that, someone brought beef tenderloin, someone - veal tripe, someone - a duck, someone - a chicken, or even a turkey. Since the city was on the seashore (in one of the versions of the story), they brought in fish, and the most different - from small anchovy to large tuna, as well as squid, mussels, and so on.

It was springtime, and so the beautiful young girls brought in the freshly harvested crocus stamens - saffron. It is he who gives paella a golden color and a special aroma. They also grabbed bouquets of fresh spicy herbs - lemon balm, dill, fennel. According to other stories, everything happened in the fall, so they brought vegetables - sweet peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, onions, garlic. Olives and olive oil were also used.

Are you confused? Then let's move on! By some happy coincidence, everything has already been cleaned, cooked, fried. It remained only to mix the components and heat over the fire. By the way, this method is still used in small restaurants and at picnics. But there is another version - all the products were raw and were prepared on the spot.

And only the end of numerous stories is the same - paella surpassed all the expectations of a noble guest!

Paella ingredients

So, we realized that when preparing this Spanish dish, various ingredients varying quite widely - from a variety of vegetables to fish and meat. The Spaniards themselves believe that there are about three hundred (!) Types of paella.

For example, Valencian paella is prepared with chicken and pork or rabbit. And in another paella, marisco, instead of meat they use: shrimp, lobster, mussels. Shellfish can be combined in paella with chicken and rabbit, sometimes even sausage and sausages, eggs are added. There is even a paella with black rice, tinted with cuttlefish juice.

And although each region of Spain has its own culinary traditions cooking paella, there are obligatory common features. So, the indispensable components of real Spanish paella are olive oil, garlic, aromatic herbs, saffron (can be replaced with turmeric) and wine.

The variety of products in the recipes is explained by a simple historical fact - paella has always been the food of the poor... Everything in it was available. Rabbits were well caught with snares, the Arab Muslim conquerors did not take pork from the local population, and the Mediterranean Sea supplied unlimited quantities of sea reptiles.

Paella in Valencia is of particular importance. It is she who is cooked in a huge paella on St. Joseph's Day (March 19), and right on the street, at the stake. Every Thursday this dish is served in all Spanish restaurants, but the Spaniards themselves believe that restaurant paella is for tourists, and the real one should be prepared by ourselves. They cook: at picnics, served during friendly feasts.

Thursday, traditional Spanish paella day. When a Spaniard eats this dish, he feels his unity with the whole country, with all Spaniards from all corners of his homeland. Paella is a dish that is outside of politics, religion, government course and party affiliation, but it all started that way.

The legend of making paella

There was a small fishing town on the shore, and it had to happen that one noble and important gentleman came to this town. The hospitable residents were alarmed, the guest had to be treated with something, but with what? The inhabitants of the town lived modestly and not richly. Each individual did not have the opportunity to feed the guest, then they decided to treat the important gentleman with the whole world, so to speak, in a club. The townspeople agreed that everyone will bring what they have at home. Someone brought fish and various seafood, housewives sacrificed some chicken, some rabbit. The butcher shared the meat. All kinds of spices and olives were found in every family. All that was brought, the inhabitants of the town prepared separately and only then added to the rice, which was the basis of the meal. Do not be surprised that the distinguished guest remained, very pleased with the imagination of the inhabitants of the town and the prepared dish. This is one of the legends, but there is another.

Paella with seafood - photo

Ten kilometers south of Valencia, there is a place that is considered the birthplace of Paella. Albufera is a coastal lake, which is separated from the sea by a narrow strip of reclaimed sand. Once upon a time, back in the eighth century, the Arabs came to the Iberian Peninsula, they really liked the place, besides, there were excellent conditions for growing rice, which is very popular with the Arabs. The local population also appreciated rice, and they began to add everything that was at hand - seafood, all kinds of game, rabbit and chicken. Culinary experts know that rice perfectly absorbs the aromas of ingredients and perfectly combines their tastes. This is the second legend.

History of the name "Paella"

As for the name, there are also versions. They say that the name "Paella" comes from "Patella", which is Latin for "frying pan". It is quite possible because cooking really needs special dishes, but we will talk about this below. They also argue that the origin of the name must be sought in the Arabic word "baqiyah" - "remnants". That is, famous dish were invented by ordinary servants who ate up the remains after the lavish feasts of the Muslim masters. All leftovers were piled up and cooked with rice. Whether it is true or not, it is not known for certain, but it does not matter.

But still, there is one version that is much more romantic and attractive than all the previous ones. This version is linked to "para ella". There was a fisherman who loved a beautiful Spanish woman. Once, having made an appointment with her, he decided to prepare a romantic aromatic dinner with wine, of course (Spain and without wine is not Spain). Para ella translates to "For her." It's beautiful, though, perhaps, this version should be insisted on.

Paella recipes

There is no real paella recipe. Do you know why? So, if you ask a hundred Spaniards to tell you the recipe for this dish, you will get exactly one hundred recipes. And if you turn to a hundred Valencians, you will get three hundred recipes. Each Valencian will tell his personal recipe, then the recipe of his beloved wife and another one of his beloved grandmother. If you are interested in Spanish news, you will periodically come across an article that another chef has patented the very, unique and correct paella. The next day, there will be such a fuss in the press that will make your head spin. Every self-respecting chef in every way refutes the patented paella recipe. Critics are tearing each other apart, and housewives are slowly watching this whole "war".

Basic rules for paella recipes

There are a lot of Paella recipes, but there are rules that every cook and every housewife follows, we will list them.

First rule, in order to prepare a dish, you need a special frying pan, which bears the same name "paella". It can be cast iron, aluminum or steel. In this frying pan, not only cook, but also serve the dish to the table. The sides of the pan should be thick and the pan should be wide and shallow. The depth of the pan is calculated so that the rice layer is 1.5-2 cm. Readers have already understood that the liquid evaporates evenly from such a pan, which is optimal for cooking paella. Suitable for cooking standard frying pan, the diameter of which ranges from 20 to 90 cm. Each diameter is designed for a certain number of eaters. Spanish women have several such pans, prudently, you will not say anything.

Second rule, open fire. Yes, yes, paella is best prepared with open fire... Well, in the country you can afford this, but at home you need a burner with a large burner, wide. And finally, the third rule is rice. Only certain varieties of rice are used for the dish: Bomba, Bahia or Senia. These varieties of rice grow in Valencia, which is why Valencians are convinced that only they cook the real and most correct paella, and everything that is prepared in other places is so, a pitiful fake and has nothing to do with paella. Why are these varieties of rice used? Because - because it must perfectly absorb the aromas of all components, be crumbly and in no case stick together, and even less boil - this is important.

The most difficult thing in cooking is the moment when the rice has already absorbed all the aromas. This moment still needs to be caught, and in this matter everything is important, and the thickness of the laid out rice, and the dishes, and the temperature, and, of course, the intuition of the cook.

If intuition does not fail, then the paella will turn out to be great, you will not only have enough air of Spain, the speech of the Spaniards and the air of this beautiful country. Everyone decides for himself how and what kind of paella to cook, just do not count on the fact that the package from the store with the inscription "Spanish Paella" has anything to do with the Spanish dish. A real Spanish dish can be completely cooked in your kitchen, for this you only need three things, desire, patience and time, but Spanish women cope somehow.

Spanish paella on Thursdays

Why is paella eaten on Thursdays? On this score, the Spaniards also have several versions. Some argue that Francisco Franco, the famous dictator, loved two things: paella and sitting in a cozy restaurant, incognito, of course. So this dish was prepared on Thursdays in all restaurants, incognito. Another version says that fishermen went out to sea on Mondays, which means that the purchase of seafood by restaurants took place on Tuesday and Wednesday, which means that a dish of fresh seafood was served on Thursday. The latest version is exactly the opposite. The purchase in restaurants took place on Fridays, which means that on Thursday it was necessary to dispose of all the leftovers than the version?

Paella with chicken, rabbit and duck

Now, let's move on to the three most common recipes, so beloved by the Spaniards. The first recipe is Paella with rabbit, chicken and duck. We will cook for 8-10 eaters (a good dish for a family celebration with invited guests).

We list what we need:

  • legs and back of one rabbit;
  • two duck wings and two duck legs;
  • two chicken wings and two chicken legs;
  • olive oil (40 ml);
  • one tomato, large;
  • of course, rice - 600 gr.;
  • green beans, flat, green - 350 gr.;
  • white beans, canned, large - 200 gr.;
  • water - 2.7 l.;
  • saffron, several strands;
  • salt and a sprig of rosemary.

Well, let's start cooking, we hope to succeed. Nothing, the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

The tomato must be grated on coarse grater, discard the skin, it will not be needed. Further, we cut all the cooked meat into equal pieces. We break our green beans into small plates.

Next, all the chopped meat must be fried in a pan over high heat until golden brown... There, to the meat, add green beans and continue to fry for an additional five minutes, remembering to stir constantly.

The third step in making Spanish paella, obtained tomato puree pour into the pan, stirring and peeling off the stuck meat from the bottom of the pan. Then pour in water and cook the beans with meat until half cooked. Next, you need to add saffron, which was previously brewed in a small amount of boiling water. Put the rosemary (twig) into the pan and add salt. We continue to cook the broth for some time, while the rosemary needs to be periodically shifted from place to place. This is necessary in order for the broth to absorb the aroma of rosemary.

Next, the rosemary needs to be thrown away, and put in a frying pan canned beans and evenly spread the cooked rice over the entire surface of the pan. The most important and the most important rule, RICE IS NOT PRE-SOAKED OR WASHED - this applies to any paella recipe.

Spanish paella with chicken - ready-made dish

The only thing left is to wait for the moment when our dish is cooked. You do not need to stir the rice. The excess water should evaporate on its own, and the rest should be absorbed into the rice. The main thing is that no matter what the rice is boiled, and it does not turn out tough. It remains to decorate the dish with lemon, herbs and serve.

Spanish Paella with Chicken - portions

Video recipe for making paella with chicken

The video tells you what is needed to cook Paella for 8 people, and the whole cooking process.

Recipe - Lobster Paella

The second recipe is Paella with Lobster. We will cook for four. First, let's prepare what we need for this recipe:

  • of course, rice (160 gr.);
  • still need a lobster - 1;
  • cook shrimp (100 gr.);
  • more cuttlefish (and what to do - 80 gr.);
  • garlic will be needed (1 zbch.);
  • broth (700 ml.);
  • olive oil (15 ml.);
  • parsley, quite a bit (20 gr.);
  • sweet paprika, required (1.5 tablespoons);
  • and lastly, saffron (several strands) and salt.

For paella, broth matters, therefore, if you have the desire and enthusiasm, we will prepare the broth. If you don't feel like messing around with all the goodness described below, take an ordinary vegetable or chicken broth.

Cooking broth

So broth. We need a thick saucepan for olive oil need to fry 15 gr. parsley and 15 gr. chopped garlic. Then add 30 gr. nuts (can be replaced with hazelnuts or almonds), shrimp heads 400 gr., and fish bones and heads - 0.5 kg.

Paella with lobster - cooking broth

It sounds and looks not very appetizing, but do not forget, this is only broth, we will not eat all these heads. Everything that we added needs to be fried, and then pour 2.5 - 3 liters of water. All this needs to be cooked for half an hour over medium heat. Then grind everything with a blender and strain.

Then the fun begins, we will cook the lobster. Drive a knife into the lobster's head at a right angle and cut the lobster lengthwise. One half of a lobster is enough for four eaters, but if there is room in the pan, we will cook everything. We take 0.5 liters. Hot water and brew the saffron. We take olive oil, heat and brown the crushed garlic, and then throw it away without mercy. Now we need to increase the heat and for thirty seconds, fry cuttlefish, shrimp and lobster in garlic olive oil.

Cooking rice

Now you need to add the paprika and continue to cook the rice, stirring it over medium heat. When the rice spreads evenly along the bottom of the pan, return to the pan. seafood(those same bastards). That's it, reduce the heat, salt and add the remaining parsley.

Vegetarian mushroom paella recipe

Vegetarian Mushroom Paella - Essential Ingredients

The third recipe is "Vegetarian Paella". For 4 persons. As always, we prepare the ingredients that we need:

  • as always, rice is the main thing, 160 gr.;
  • you will need cabbage, cauliflower, a little, only 100 gr.;
  • prepare red pepper, of course Bulgarian, also a little, 100 gr.;
  • mushrooms - champignons, others may be suitable, but better champignons(50 gr.);
  • ordinary green onions(30 gr.);
  • 1 tomato;
  • necessarily garlic, we have it everywhere (1 zbch.);
  • broth, of course vegetable (700 gr.);
  • oil, as always olive, without it anywhere (15 ml.);
  • and again, saffron (several strands) and salt.

First, we need to boil the cooked saffron in 100 ml of hot broth or water. The green onion will have to be chopped, but the cabbage, mushrooms, tomato and pepper should be chopped in large pieces... Crush a clove of garlic and fry it in olive oil and throw it away. Put cabbage in a frying pan, then, after 5 or 7 minutes, pepper, then after 3-4 minutes add onions, as well as mushrooms and tomatoes.

All this vegetable mix pour "saffron water" or broth, bring the whole mixture to a boil and continue to cook, briefly, for 10 minutes. And then add salt. Now, the last and most important thing, pour the rice and boil a little, then reduce the heat and leave it as it is, without stirring. Paella is done when the rice has absorbed all the broth.

Did you know that:

The Spaniards once cooked paella in a frying pan with an area of ​​400 square meters. Paella was stirred with a tap. It took six tons of rice and 12.5 tons of meat to cook. The dish was enough to feed 100 thousand people.

Video: Spanish Paella

Spanish recipe from the chef.

Paella Is a national Spanish (in particular Valencian) dish, which is prepared on the basis of rice tinted with saffron with the addition of olive oil. In addition, the composition of paella may contain seafood, vegetables, sausage, chicken, vegetables, legumes, herbs, spices and other products.

The popularity of this dish today is facilitated by the many variations in ingredients that are adapted to different regions of Spanish cuisine. As you know, there are a considerable number of paella recipes (according to the Spaniards themselves, there are more than three hundred of them).

It should be noted that most people who are not Spanish refer to paella as the national Spanish dish, while the majority of the inhabitants of Spain call this dish exclusively Valencian.

Today, it is extremely rare in Spanish catering establishments that you will not be offered paella, and over the past century, the popularity of this dish has grown so much that it can be tasted in almost all European restaurants... The increased interest in paella resulted in the birth of all kinds of options cooking of this dish... For example, from the original Valencian recipe to varieties such as paella de marisco (seafood paella), paella mixta (mixed paella) and many others.

The name of this famous dish originates from the word "paella", which in Valencian means "frying pan" (in turn, it comes from the Latin word "patella"). By the way, “paella” has related words: Castilian “padilla” - small oven, French “poele” - frying pan, oven and Italian “padella” - frying pan.

The people of Valencia are used to using the word paella perfectly for all types of pots, including special utensils for preparing paella. However, in much of Spain and throughout Latin America, the term “paellera” is more commonly used for this purpose. Traditionally, p aelleras are round shape with two handles, they are small and made of polished steel.

Among the many types of paella, in addition to the classic paella, which includes rice, several varieties of fish and seafood, chicken, white wine, spices and herbs, others stand out. For example, in some regions of Spain, bean paella is typical.

Paella Valenciana includes white rice, green vegetables, meat (chicken, rabbit, duck), special snails, beans and spices. The meat and snails in the seafood paella are replaced by seafood, respectively, and there are no vegetables and beans.

Most cooks who make paella use special grade rice called calasparra or bomba. In addition, other key ingredients in paella are saffron and quality oil olive.

An interesting version of paella - "black rice" - is prepared with cuttlefish meat, and the rich black color ready meal achieved through the use of "ink" secreted by this cephalopod mollusc.

Rice, saffron, chicken broth, chicken meat, tomatoes, garlic, blood and white sausage, eggs and sausages.

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