The name of the pancake options. Pancakes with famous names

05.03.2020 Meat Dishes

National cuisine is the most important part of the culture of any people: recipes that are passed down from generation to generation, original "kitchen life hacks", cooking methods and, of course, the lokal food principle, which centuries ago was not a fashionable trend, but the only available option: it was prepared from what was at hand. But, if you look closely, in almost every kitchen there is such a universal and simple dish as pancakes. And it is not surprising, because with the help of a couple of eggs, a glass of flour and water or milk, you can feed a whole family, and thanks to the variety of fillings and additives, pancakes can be eaten at least every day. So let's go through the cookbooks of different countries and see what pancakes look and say in other parts of the world?



Lush pancakes, which are baked in a dry pan without oil, have long been a hit number one around the world. This is a great option for breakfast, all the more so it is very easy to prepare them.

  • Flour - 200 gr.
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Pinch of baking powder
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 200 ml.
  • Melted butter - 3 tablespoons

Combine all dry ingredients in one bowl. Add yolk, milk and butter to them. In a separate cup, beat the protein until foamy, gently stir it into the dough, it should turn out to be quite thick. Bake in a dry non-stick skillet over medium to low heat. On the one hand, until bubbles appear on the surface, on the other, until ready.



In Holland, pancakes with filling are most often found, and it is not wrapped inside, but placed on top. The pancakes themselves (pannekoken) can be either thin or half a centimeter thick. By the way, the Dutch are so fond of pancakes and water that one of the popular types of entertainment both for tourists and for families is “pancake ships”, you can read more about them

  • Buckwheat flour - 200 gr.
  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Milk - 500 ml
  • Peanut butter - 2 tablespoons
  • Creamy little - 20 gr.
  • Sugar - 70 gr.
  • A pinch of salt.

Pour the flour into a bowl, make a small indentation and break the eggs into it. Whisk. Then pour in milk, add sugar, peanut butter and whisk again. Pour in melted butter. Fry until tender on both sides, top with the filling.


Unsurprisingly, even the pancakes in this country are filled with grace and love of cooking. One of the most popular French recipes in the world is Crepes suzette pancakes with orange sauce. Cooking them is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.


  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 500 ml of 20% cream;
  • 120 grams of wheat flour;
  • 20 grams of butter;
  • 50 grams of powdered sugar;
  • A pinch of salt.

Orange sauce:

  • 2 oranges;
  • 30 grams of butter;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 50 grams of brandy;
  • 5 grams of starch.

We drown the butter, beat the eggs. Add all dry ingredients (flour, salt, powdered sugar) to the eggs, mix thoroughly. Pour in cream and melted butter. Fry pancakes in a hot pan, making them very thin. Next is the sauce. Rub the orange zest, squeeze the juice. Caramelize the sugar by pouring it into a dry frying pan. When it melts and darkens, add butter and zest. Separately mix the juice, cognac and starch and also pour it into the pan, wait 3-5 minutes until the sauce thickens.



These thin pancakes are very popular with vegetarians and vegans as they require no eggs or milk to make. In general, the recipe is rather stingy with ingredients, since the main part of the dos is the filling. They are eaten with potatoes, chutneys, eggs, vegetables ... in a word, making a hearty and tasty dish to your taste is not difficult.

  • 300 grams of white rice;
  • 300 gr white crushed lentils;
  • 2 pods of hot red pepper;
  • mustard seeds
  • Salt to taste

Cover the rice and lentils with water and let sit for 6-8 hours. Grind them in a blender with a little water. You should get a liquid gruel. Then add the spices and mix again. We put the dough in a warm place for 10-12 hours. Brush the skillet with vegetable oil or ghee before baking the dosa. Pour the dough into the center and quickly distribute it over the pan. You should get thin and neat pancakes.



Perhaps Russia is the record holder for the number of various baked goods: pancakes, cheesecakes, pies ... even pancakes, we have a dozen different recipes. But the most "Russian", perhaps, are still pancakes with caviar.

  • Water - 750 ml
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sifted flour - 500 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 gr.

Mix water, eggs, sugar and salt, stir in flour, add butter. Bake in a hot skillet on both sides.


Lefse potato pancakes are baked all over Scandinavia. The potato pancake is rolled up and served with butter, cinnamon and sugar.

  • potatoes - 600 gr,
  • cream - 200 ml,
  • flour - 250 gr,
  • vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons,
  • salt - 1 tsp,
  • sugar - 1 tsp,
  • butter - 100 gr,

Boil the potatoes, knead them until mashed, cool. Add cream, butter, cream, sugar, salt and flour. Knead the dough, roll into a sausage, cut into pieces and put in the freezer for 15 minutes. Roll out pancakes 4-5 mm thick according to the size of a frying pan, fry on both sides until cooked, pour oil before serving.

Of course, these are far from all pancake recipes in the world, but I think you are already standing at the stove, stirring the dough with one hand, and leafing through this entry to the end with the other. Bon Appetit!)

Each nation has its own traditions

Pancakes are eaten in different ways, each nation has its own secrets. Even the ingredients are very different. In each country, there are special signs according to which you need to start baking pancakes.

Russians bake pancakes often, but Maslenitsa is a special holiday when Russian hostesses show their skills. In addition, commemoration in Russia does not pass without pancakes. In the old days, it was necessary to treat a woman with these sunny circles after the birth was over.

It is believed that pancakes are tastier when there are no household members nearby. According to tradition, the first baked pancake should be left on the windowsill, thereby remembering your ancestors.

Europeans and Americans are big fans of this dish. For them, this is not a holiday food, but an everyday one, they are prepared on a par with sandwiches. When cooking pancakes, housewives have a special sign: those pancakes that turn over when shaking the pan are considered successful.

French women, when tossing a pancake, remember that men should be subservient to them in everything, just like pancakes in a frying pan.

In France, southern Slovenia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, pancakes are used:

  1. 400 ml fresh milk
  2. One whole egg and yolk from the second.
  3. Ghee - 50 grams.
  4. There is very little flour - 100 grams.

In Great Britain, they use the same recipe, but with minor changes: they do not put butter in the dough. They prefer thick and ruddy pancakes, always with a sweet filling.

Bulgarians can treat them to delicious butchers, they are cooked in a large frying pan. Such a name for pancakes is not only among the Bulgarians, but also among the Hungarians, Yugoslavs, Czechs and Slovaks. It should be noted that the executioner comes from the Latin word "placenta".

The Roman Empire used to be a huge state, and all these countries were part of it. It turns out that this dish was a favorite among Europeans even when Antony and Cleopatra lived.

French pancakes

French flatbreads have a different name - crepes. There are many variations of these crepes. The most popular can be considered "flambé". A standard recipe is suitable for the dough, and the pancakes are baked in the usual way. The sacrament begins later, when slices of peeled orange, sugar and butter are in the pan. Then the mass is set on fire. This composition is poured over pancakes. They are usually served with ice cream.

In Bretonne, buckwheat flour is used for pancakes, the finished product is called biscuits. As a rule, one side is fried. The other is filled with cheese, ham, eggs or other filling.

What other names are there for pancakes?

The popularity of pancakes in Holland is so great that there are restaurants in which the main menu is pannekoken pancakes. Scandinavians prefer Lefs pancakes with ardor, heat. To prepare them, you need potatoes, milk and flour. The Danes have a different name - thin lefs. They bake pancakes from potatoes, roll them up. It is stuffed with butter, cinnamon, sugar. They eat such pancakes with coffee.

Norwegian lefsu is made with sausages. Every housewife in Denmark has a frying pan in which they cook special pancakes willingly ableskiver. Outwardly, it resembles the cells in which eggs are usually stored. It is in them that the dough is poured, into which pieces of different fruits are added. It turns out spring rolls.

Pancakes in America and Canada

American and Canadian housewives add baking soda and fat milk to the dough. You can add heavy cream. The finished tortillas are fluffy and soft. Cinnamon pancakes are popular. For breakfast, they prefer pancakes, which are poured over with syrup obtained from maple juice.

There are a lot of pancake options. In the United States, Shrove Tuesday is considered sacred. For the French, this day is dedicated to various contests and festivities. The most exciting thing is the race, when you have to run, holding a hot frying pan in your hands. Moreover, during the competition, you need to toss a pancake and not drop it on the ground.

What products are used for pancakes?

Each nation has its own traditional ingredients for making ruddy circles. For Spanish, Mexican, Indian pancakes, corn flour is needed. The names are different: tortilla, talo, guirila, sopaypilla.

Tortilla recipe

  1. Corn flour and water in a 4: 1 ratio.
  2. Baking powder.
  3. Baking soda.

Mix flour with baking soda and baking powder, and only after that the required amount of water is poured. Set the dough aside for 60 minutes so that the flour swells. An hour later, cakes are made from small balls, which are rolled out with a rolling pin. You need a frying pan for baking. This dish has been eaten since ancient times.

Burritos are made from tortilla. These are perhaps the most popular pancakes among Americans and Spaniards. They are served with minced meat or vegetables. The word itself is translated "donkey". The twisted shape of the cake is similar to the baggage that is transported on this animal.

Indian dosa

But in India, in addition to wheat or corn flour, lentil flour is used. These pancakes are called dosa. A baked, thin pancake is wrapped with a burning mixture, which includes lentils, vegetables and potatoes. Hot spices, which Indians love so much, give the pungency.

Most often, dosu is prepared by the southerners of this country, but the northerners can taste this dish if there is a desire in public catering places. Indians have a special attitude to masale dosa, because it is difficult to find something sharper than these pancakes. Indians prepare and masala tea.

To prepare dosa (four servings), according to the recipe, you will need:

  1. Wheat or lentil flour - 250 grams.
  2. Chili pepper (cut finely) - 1 piece.
  3. Coriander - 2 tablespoons
  4. Table salt - 1 teaspoon.
  5. Warm water - 2 glasses.
  6. Ghee (ghee) - for baking.

First you need to mix the dry ingredients well. Then pour in water and knead the dough. After 30 minutes, pancakes are baked as usual. Finished products are either stuffed or served with coconut sauce, yogurt.

Pancakes from the Land of the Rising Sun and neighboring China

In Japan, as in many other countries, pancakes have been baked for a long time. They even have an interesting name - okonomiyaki. They are also called dorayak. The word "Okonomi" is translated as follows: "what you love", "yaki" - cooked. If you paid attention, Japanese restaurants always have this short word in their names. If you make a literal translation of the name of the pancakes, then it turns out something like this - to cook what you love.

Unlike pancakes of other peoples of the planet, the inventors of which are the people, the Japanese dish has an official author. How can we do without it? That's what Japan is for! Pancakes were invented in the early twentieth century (1914) by Ueno Usagiya. Fold a couple of pancakes, and between them the filling.

The Russians prepare tortillas with baking in this way. For the filling, you need a red bean paste. The dough is prepared from the following products:

  1. Flour.
  2. Babata.
  3. Water.
  4. Finely chopped cabbage.

From where the Japanese live, the components also change. In some regions, seafood or meat is used to add to the dough. Pancakes are prepared in a special way:

  1. The dough is poured into the pan and the first pancake is fried.
  2. After turning it over with the fried side and spreading the filling on it.
  3. Then a new batch of dough is poured out.
  4. The pancake toasted from below is turned over.
  5. Ready-made okonomiyaki pancakes should be sprinkled with a special sauce prepared for this purpose. It contains ginger, norii and other ingredients so beloved by the Japanese.

In all countries, pancakes traditionally use wheat, buckwheat, lentil and corn flour. But there are such peoples who prepare this main ingredient of pancakes from the plants that grow there. Many did not know about this. Flour is obtained with a peculiar taste, which also affects the finished baked goods. Not every person who has tasted such pancakes will like them the first time. But the local population devours them by both cheeks. What can you do, where you were born, it came in handy there.

In Jamaica, bummy pancakes are baked. For flour, dig up cassava roots.

Ethiopian fig pancakes are interesting. They are kneaded on flour obtained from the Abyssinian polevich. How they cook: flour is added to the water and left for several days to infuse. Pancakes are baked from batter. They can be served with or without fillings. Ethiopians refer to their figs as plates, as any food is laid out on it. They do the same in India, but they use banana leaves for this purpose.

Banh Hoai Vietnamese pancakes require corn flour, sugar and coconut milk. They are not only fried as usual, but also steamed. If you manage to visit Vietnam, be sure to try steam pancakes. Instead of corn flour, flip flops use flour made from the taro plant.

All earthlings like rosy "suns" baked in a pan.

Today in this article we will talk about pancakes... Of course, everyone knows what pancakes are, but hardly anyone has an idea of ​​where pancakes came from, when they became especially popular and in which country the first pancakes were baked. What secrets and mysteries pancakes keep, as well as about the history of the creation of this wonderful dish, read on.

Who invented the pancakes? Pancake history

Pancakes are rightfully considered a national Russian dish, there is no doubt that their invented by the Russians. This is a historical fact.

It would be more accurate to say not Russians, but the ancient Eastern Slavs, only then there was no clear division into Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians. It was a very long time ago, even before the baptism of Rus, when the faith was pagan. They were baked in a round shape, golden in color, so that they looked like the sun. Most often on holidays dedicated to Svarog - the sun god among the Slavs. That is why pancakes are rightfully considered a dish of the national Russian cuisine.

But, of course, there are those who ascribe the authorship of the pancakes to themselves. For example, the Chinese. But this is certainly not the case. Chinese pancakes are more like simple flatbreads rather than pancakes. Onions, rice flour, seafood powder and tea leaves are added to the dough of Chinese pancakes. There is another opinion that ancient Egypt was the ancestral home of pancakes. The issue is controversial, and all because, in the recipe, the ingredients were different, and they looked like Chinese. The Bible also mentions a similar dish, but this is again not the same.

And in Russia, even a thousand years before the principalities, pancakes were baked for ancient rituals or religious holidays. Pancakes were used for fortune-telling, sacrifices were made, served to the poor and needy. And now, in many families, where there is a strong connection with ancestors, to this day, pancakes are baked at funerals and commemorations. The Slavs prepared exactly the kind of pancakes that we eat today, with the exception, perhaps, of the filling. We have a wider choice of products and therefore we make fillings to our own taste.

From the Slavs, pancakes spread all over the world. Each chef has contributed to the creation of pancakes. Especially enriched the world cuisine of pancakes, oddly enough - the British. They loved to experiment with flour and other ingredients, and this has achieved remarkable results.

How do English pancakes differ from Russian ones?

The amount of oil! The British add very little of it to the dough, I bake pancakes almost in a dry frying pan. They also bake them very sweet. There is so much sugar or syrup in pancakes in English that they rather resemble a thin biscuit. The Germans and French make their pancakes thin, almost transparent. But ready-made pancakes are poured with cognac and covered with powdered sugar.

In the countries of Eastern Europe, huge pancakes are baked. One pancake is enough for a grown man to eat. In America or Mexico, pancakes are baked fatty (buttery) and thick. With butter, sugar and various fillings.

How were pancakes baked in Russia? Recipes for real Russian pancakes

Our grandmothers made pancakes from nakvak. It was obtained from the remains of the dough after each baking. About a glass of such nakvak is enough to bake a whole mountain of delicious pancakes. A couple of eggs, vegetable or ghee butter, warm milk, sugar, salt and of course flour were driven into it.

The dough "sour", rose and bubbled. The dough that came up was laid out in a hot frying pan, greased with a piece of bacon. Pancakes were fried on both sides. Then they put them on a flat plate, greased each pancake with butter and generously covered with sugar. Our grandmothers served such pancakes with sour cream, ghee, honey or jam.

It was believed that pancakes were baked in the house for the holidays. It doesn't matter at all that it was a wedding or a funeral. The remaining unbaked dough was transferred to a small saucepan or jar, covered with a loose lid, and stored in a cool, dark place. Today there are millions of recipes for making pancakes.

The pancake dough is "put" in different ways. It is made with yeast, lemon juice, milk whey, mineral water, beer, sour milk, yogurt or kefir. Each housewife bakes pancakes in her own way.

Try the proven pancake recipes below:

Almost all housewives know how to cook pancakes. There are many recipes for classic Russian pancakes and pancakes, but the ingredients are always the same. We suggest you cook unusual pancakes from pumpkin, carrots or zucchini. How to make unusual pancakes read on.

How to bake pancakes? This question is asked not only by young housewives and often not at all during the oil week. There are many secrets of delicious pancakes, there are even more recipes, and I suggest you write down old pancake recipes. Such pancakes have been baked for centuries and they have a real taste - pancake and homemade. How to bake pancakes see and read on.

Shrovetide comes to us at the end of winter and in every home you can feel its arrival by the aroma of pancakes. Each housewife has her own recipes, but there are a number of immutable rules of pancake art, thanks to which pancakes come out incredibly tasty and successful. So, rules for making the best pancakes according to original recipes read on.

So the long-awaited Maslenitsa has come to us! The harsh and cold Russian winter is ending, you need to spend it properly and meet the beautiful spring. According to the old tradition, we see off the winter with pancakes and the more varied the pancakes and the tastier, the faster spring will come and the sun will warm us with its warmth. Unusual pancakes from What to, recipes for Arabic, French and real Russian pancakes read on.

A wide or festive table in the Russian folk tradition cannot be without vodka, salted mushrooms and pancakes. Especially good are pancakes with caviar, a truly royal treat known far beyond the borders of our country.

For the New Year's table in 2014, it is imperative to prepare several different snacks and spring rolls will be very useful. How to cook pancakes on the New Year's table, with what fillings and how to serve read on.

Please your loved ones with homemade pancakes and remember that pancakes are our property!


The history of the origin of pancakes in Russia.

They kept a peaceful life

Cute old habits:
They have a greasy carnival
There were Russian pancakes.

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

Eugene Pierre Francois Giraud Making Crepes. 1843 g.

Any encyclopedia will tell you that “ pancakes- a culinary product made from batter poured into a hot frying pan has a round shape. Pancakes are served with different appetizers, and thin pancakes are sometimes filled with filling wrapped in them. "

Pancakes- one of the most ancient dishes of Russian cuisine, and also one of the most economical flour dishes, which requires a minimum of flour with a maximum of liquid (water, milk). Indeed, for pancakes, a very thinned dough is used, the volume of which is further increased by yeast. The basic principle of making pancakes is that the batter spreads over a greased or greased frying pan, forming a thin layer, which is then turned over and fried on the other side. Pancakes are usually round in shape.

Jan Josef Horemans the Elder Kücheninterieur mit versammelter Familie beim Pfannkuchen backen. 1759 g.

From the history of pancakes

Some Russian historians believe that yeast pancakes appeared in Russia in pagan times, around 1005-1006. According to one of the versions, once, while warming up the oatmeal jelly, the hostess gape, the jelly was fried and browned, and the first pancake turned out.

By the way, pancakes appeared earlier than fermented bread. Archaeological excavations indicate that the first pancakes were baked on hot stones or in small clay pots over an open fire. The ancient Greeks called pancakes "tagenitases" (the word comes from the Greek tagēnon - frying pan). Tagenitases were made from wheat flour, olive oil, honey and sour milk and served for breakfast. This dish is mentioned in the works of the poets Cratinus and Magnes in the fifth century BC.
Researcher and popularizer of culinary studies, engaged in gastronomic history, semiotics of cuisine and culinary anthropology, William Vasilyevich Pokhlebkin (1923 - 2000) believes that the word "pancake" itself is a distorted word "mlyn" from the verb "grind", that is, a dish from the intended flour. He also wrote that traditional Russian pancakes were always made in a sponge way from yeast dough, which was raised two or three times.

Rembrandt The Pancake Woman. Pushkin Museum

Before the baptism of Russia, pancakes were sacrificial bread, they were brought as a gift to God Perun and other pagan gods. With this symbol of the sun, they saw off the winter and welcomed the spring.

Pancakes were baked in Russia throughout the year, and since the 19th century they have become the main treat during Maslenitsa, because the round pancake again personified the sun. The Orthodox Church, unable to overcome this tradition, was forced to legalize the Maslenitsa week before the beginning of Great Lent.
Shrovetide was preceded by a cheese week, when it was allowed to eat dairy or short-cut food: you could not eat meat, but you could - cheese, butter, eggs, milk, sour cream.

Rembrandt The Pancake Woman. 1635 g.

Sometimes the first pancake was given to the poor, so that they remember all the dead or put it on the "wind" window - for the souls of their ancestors. On farewell Sunday we went to the cemeteries, left pancakes on the graves.

What kind of pancakes were not baked for Shrovetide: rye, oatmeal, with potatoes, with cottage cheese and hemp. They ate them with butter, sour cream, honey. The holiday demanded abundance: cheese, butter, milk, sour cream, pancakes were not supposed to leave the table. During Shrovetide, people ate pancakes from morning to evening. Each family had its own recipe for making pancakes, it was passed down from generation to generation. Cooking pancakes in the old days was considered a sacred sacrament. At the first dough, they wondered, the recipe was kept secret, they went to the river bank or to the well to knead, casting spells with appeals to the month.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, who considered baking pancakes to be a sacred rite with its own traditions, joys and sufferings, wrote: "Looking at a woman baking pancakes, one might think that she summons spirits or extracts a philosopher's stone from the dough."

Jan Steen The Pancake Woman.

In Russia, pancakes were treated with great respect and real reverence. No wonder the pancake was turned into a symbol of the popularly beloved Maslenitsa holiday. Moreover, according to the old adage, the more pancakes you manage to eat during Orolet Week, the more successful and financially the year will become.

By the way, according to tradition, pancakes should only be eaten with your hands. If you pierce a pancake with a fork or cut it with a knife, you will cause trouble, since a pancake is the sun. In ancient Russia, a person who cut a pancake was beaten with sticks. Since then, this rule has remained - to take pancakes with your hands, it is allowed to roll, twist, tear them, but with your hands.

Adriaen Brouwer The Pancake Baker. 1625 g.

The first pancake is lumpy

A well-known proverb in dictionaries is explained by the meaning - the first experience is most often unsuccessful and it is said to justify a failure in an undertaking. This proverb was formed on the basis that the first pancake is often unsuccessful (lumpy), due to a poorly heated pan.

Gabriel Metsu An Old Woman Baking Pancakes, with a Boy. 1655-58

But historians write about a different meaning of the birth of this proverb.

During the time of the religion of the Druids (Magi) and up to the 16th century in Russia, there was a pagan celebration of the sacred Day of the Spring Equinox (March 20 or 21 according to the modern calendar, the beginning of the astronomical spring), after which the day begins to become longer than the night. This two-week celebration was called Komoeditsa and according to the Old Slavic solar calendar was considered a New Year's holiday, because in Russia until 1492 the New Year was celebrated in March.

Adrien Ferdinand de Braekeleer An Interior with an Elderly Lady cooking for some Children.

In addition to celebrating the sacred entry of Spring into its own rights, the Slavic Bear God, whom the Slavs called Kom, was also revered on this day. In the morning before breakfast, in a solemn procession with songs, dances and jokes, they brought “pancake sacrifices” to the great Honey Beast into the forest with the first baked festive pancakes and laid them out on stumps. Hence, the rule arose - "the first pancake is coma", i.e. bears.

Basile De Loose A Special Biscuit.

Pancakes with baked or "old Russian pizza"

Baked pancakes are pancakes in which some filling was baked, or rather “baked”. Most often, the heat is chopped boiled eggs, chopped mushrooms or vegetables. Culinary experts jokingly call pancakes with baking "Russian pizza".

Pancakes are baked with baking in the following way: first, dough is poured into the pan (less than usual, otherwise the pancake will turn out to be too thick). When the pancake is slightly browned, spread the "hot" on top of it and gently turn the pancake along with this filling.

Andre Henri Dargelas Baking pancakes.

According to another recipe, first the "hot" is fried, and then the dough is poured on top. It is necessary for the dough to pour over all the pieces of the filling and even cover them on top. After the top layer of the pancake, which has become the bottom, is baked, the pancake can be removed. Another version of pancakes with "hot" - the dough was poured into a preheated frying pan, browned from below, then the heat was put on it, which was poured over with the dough again. Thus, the heat was in the center between the two pancakes.

Pieter Cornelisz van Slingeland An Interior with a Woman cooking Pancakes with a Young Boy before a Hearth.

In order not to burn the bottom, baked pancakes are baked at a lower temperature than usual. Baked pancakes can be made not only from wheat flour, but also from buckwheat, rye or oatmeal.

Grigory Mikhailov Cook. 1835 g.

Pancakes from all over the world

Since most of the paintings were painted by foreign authors, especially by old masters, it is worth saying that for many centuries pancakes have been one of the most beloved dishes of the peoples of the world. These are French crêpes crêpes, Chinese pancakes, butchers of the Slavic peoples of Europe, English pancakes, Indian dosa, Ethiopian injera and many others. Also, each country has different methods of making pancakes.

Alfred de Richmont Making Crepes.

The traditions of Maslenitsa festivities of the peoples of the world require a separate study, I will only note that thanks to Maslenitsa, the famous Venetian and Brazilian carnivals arose.

Jan van Bijlert A woman holding pancakes.

The French have long favored thin pancakes rolled into rolls with various fillings called crêpe. These pancakes are popular in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, Portugal and Brazil (here they are also called panquecas). The filling can be cream, fruit, ice cream, and seafood (and in Brazil, most often, minced meat). French crepes have become very popular in many countries of East Asia, including Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand and China, where they are made not only with a sweet filling, but also with a vegetable filling. In China, for example, a steep dough is prepared for pancakes, to which a lot of green and onions are added. There are also known pancakes called "galette breton", which are popular in French Normandy and Brittany and are made from buckwheat flour, baked only on one side.

Quiringh van Brekelenkam De pannenkoekenbakster. 1645-50

Italians during the Maslenitsa carnivals eat pastries, which we call brushwood, and in Italy it is called "chiacchiere" (chiaquere), which literally means "gossip", "conversations". And no wonder, because during the carnival, everyone is having fun and chatting about everything. But the Italians also have crespelle pancakes that are very similar to French ones.

Frans Hals Pancakke Baker.

German pancakes are called pfannkuchen (from the German words pfanne and kuchen - frying pan and pie). However, in some regions (Berlin, Brandenburg, Saxony) they are called ayerkuchen. In Swabia, for example, sliced ​​pancakes - flädle - are often served in soup. Pancakes in Germany can be thin and crispy or thick.

Barent Gael De pannenkoeke bakster in de buitenlucht. 1680-85

The Germans are very fond of eating pancakes with sugar and lemon.

In the former Austria-Hungary and Bavaria, the kaiserschmarrn pancake dish is popular, which, according to legend, was first prepared for Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria. It is a caramel pancake, divided into parts, filled with fruits and nuts, sprinkled with powdered sugar and served with fruit sauce.

Cornelius de Visscher An Old Woman baking Pancakes on an Open Fire, an Old Man smoking a Pipe and a Child Nearby, in a Kitchen.

In the Netherlands, pancakes are called pannenkoeken and poffertjes. Usually served for lunch, these pancakes are slightly thicker than regular ones and are quite large in diameter. The filling can be sliced ​​apples, cheese, ham, bacon, candied ginger and other ingredients - from the imagination of the hostess. These pancakes are often flipped several times to achieve a ruddy appearance.

Godfried Schalcken Boy with Pancakes.

English pancakes have three main components: flour, eggs and milk. But in England, for example, ale and malt flour are sometimes added to pancake dough. The result is pale pancakes with dark spots in areas where there were bubbles, but they do not look "lacy" in appearance. Pancakes are also eaten as a sweet dessert with lemon juice, syrup and sugar, or as a stuffed main course. Scotch pancakes are called drop scones and are more like our pancakes. The name itself comes from the fact that pancakes are baked by dropping the dough into a frying pan. In Scotland, pancakes are usually served with jam and cream, or just with butter for tea.

Boris Grigoriev Cooking pancakes.

Scandinavian pancakes have absorbed the experience of our neighbors in Europe. In some Scandinavian countries, they are served with jam as a dessert with various fillings. Along with the usual thin pancakes called pannkakor, in Sweden, for example, for dinner on Thursdays with pea soup, small pleters are served - tiny pancakes that are not baked, but fried in a special pan. Sometimes fried pork is added to the dough, such pancakes are baked in the oven, and sometimes pancakes are made from grated raw potatoes (such as pancakes), they are called raggmunk or vegetables - rårakor. These pancakes are traditionally eaten with lingonberry jam. The pride of the Swedes is Swedish eggcake (skånsk äggakaka), which is baked in a one and a half to two inch pan and served with lingonberries and bacon. The Norwegians practically copy the Swedes in everything, the Finns also have a similar recipe, but the names are funny and different - letti, reiskele, ochukayen. In Finland, pancakes are commonly eaten as a dessert with whipped cream, jam, or vanilla ice cream. Finnish pannukakku pancakes are baked in the oven instead of a frying pan. Also very popular are the pancakes of the Aland Islands - alandspannkaka, in the dough of which cardamom or rice porridge is added.

Robert Bissett Flipping Pancakes.

Our brothers-Slavs bake pancakes just like us, only they are called differently.

In Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and Bosnia, pancakes are called the same - butchers (palačinky), in Romania - crap (clătită), in Hungary - executioner AND nta (palacsinta), in Poland - bearers (naleśniki). Traditionally, pancakes are stuffed with cottage cheese, poured over with yogurt, and then baked in the oven. In Hungary, for example, sparkling water and sweet wine are added to the dough. Meat and mushroom fillings are also very popular there. The Hungarians' signature dish is pancakes "stuffed" with walnuts, zest, raisins and rum in a chocolate sauce.

Vladimir Khudobko Thirty-first pancake. 1997 year

North America also a "pancake" continent. American and Canadian pancakes (sometimes called hotcakes, crepes, or pancakes) really look more like pancakes because they contain baking powder. The finished pancakes are thick and light and are served with maple syrup. Often, Americans add cheese, raisins, and bacon to the dough. An American pancake is a thick, small pancake, usually about 10 cm in diameter. The words pancake and flatbread are often confused and are almost synonymous in the United States today.

The trademark is the "Silver Dollar" pancakes, named after the United States coin, which was in circulation until 1979, and ranged from 5 to 7 cm in diameter.

Very popular in the United States are johnnycakes, which are corn cakes, one of the first American staple foods. In Spain and Latin America, pancakes are also made from cornmeal. Minced meat or vegetables are wrapped in such pancakes. Mexicans make the famous tortillas, which is wrapped in a bean or meat filling with tomato sauce.

Robert Addison Untitled. 1955 g.

Long-term colonization of Asia made pancakes a popular food in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, India and China. Many varieties of pancakes - pooda, dosa, appam - can be found in Indian cuisine. They are made by combining rice dough and ground black lentils mixed with water. In Indonesia, serabi pancakes are made from rice flour and coconut milk. There are also many traditional pancakes in Vietnamese cuisine, which are called Bánh xèo, bánh khot, bánh căn, or bánh khoái. In Japan, pancakes are called okonomiyaki and are made from flour, eggs, cabbage, and other ingredients.

V Australia and New Zealand small pancakes (about 75 mm in diameter) are known, which are called pikelets. They are traditionally served with jam or whipped cream for afternoon tea. In some districts of New Zealand, thin flapjacks are also baked, the name of which comes from the word flap - to wave. They are usually served with butter, lemon, and something sweet.

Even in Africa they know what pancakes are. In Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia and Yemen they are known as injera, canjeero, oromo and lahoh. Traditionally made with teff flour and yeast, which give the dish a slightly spongy texture, it is a national dish in Ethiopia and Eritrea. In Kenya, for example, pancakes are eaten for breakfast as an alternative to bread. In Uganda, banana pancakes (one of the country's staple foods) are usually served for breakfast or as a snack option.

Joachim de Beuckalaer Making Waffles. 1550-60 (Not pancakes, of course, but waffles are baked here, but I decided to leave too)

Historically, pancakes in many countries were prepared for Shrovetide, which in some countries is called "Pancake Day", and in some places - "Fat Tuesday" (Mardi Gras). They were considered one of the fatty and hearty foods that could be enjoyed before fasting. But more about this some other time ...

Basile De Loose Cooking Biscuits.
(Sorry, they are baking waffles again! But the picture is very good!)

And finally, for lovers of cooking - a small pancake photo gallery from different countries.

Nalesniki (Poland)

Palacinky (Slovakia)

Silver dollar (USA)

Serabi (Indonesia)

Injera (Eritrean)

Pancakes (Sweden)

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