Is it possible to eat mussels from the Black Sea. Cheese oven recipe

How do you feel about mussels? I really love them, especially when I come across mussels in fresh. This does not always happen, but now the season of this protein-rich product has just begun. And today I bought a large Black Sea mussel in our market. Most favourite dish of which are mussels with garlic and ginger stewed in wine. Preparing quite easily and quickly.

Recipe Information

Preparation time: 30 minutes.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.


  • Black Sea mussels - 1 kg
  • garlic to taste
  • ginger to taste
  • seafood spice mix
  • fennel seeds
  • lemon
  • Dill
  • green onion
  • parsley
  • pepper mix
  • butter - 30 g
  • wine - 100 ml.


  1. I don’t specify the exact amount of some ingredients, because everyone has their own preferences. I just want to talk about the cooking process itself, and you can already add something new to your liking.

  2. And so, here it is, a shell, inside of which there is a mollusk that has a pleasant and delicate taste. The main thing is that the shell is tightly closed, this indicates that it is fresh. If it is at least a little ajar, then immediately throw it away, such a mussel is not suitable, and it cannot be used for food.
  3. The first step is to tear off these villi, with their help the mussel clings to the algae or to the pier on which it lives.

  4. Use a knife to tear off these villi.

  5. Use a knife to scrape off any growths on the shell. Then rinse the mussels well.

  6. This dish should be prepared in a large saucepan. Heat it well on fire, add a little butter or pour vegetable oil. Add chopped garlic and ginger to it.

  7. After the garlic and ginger are lightly browned, throw all the mussels to them.

  8. Mussels begin to open their shells after about 5-10 minutes, stir them. Time to pour the wine into the saucepan. Wine is better to take white dry or semi-sweet. In my case I use Home wine. We boil the wine for 10-15 minutes.

  9. At this time, add all the spices for seafood to the shells (I use ready mix spices), fennel and a mixture of peppers, also pour into a saucepan.

  10. And now add lemon juice at the end. Mussels, like fish, cook quickly enough, we can say that when all the shells have opened, this is a sign that the dish is ready. We then simply supplement their taste.

  11. Turn off the heat and add all the chopped herbs and onions. By the way, you need to be careful with salt, because when preparing a dish, mussels release their juice from shells, and it is already salty, due to the fact that mussels live in a salty environment. If you don't have enough salt, add to taste.
  12. Transfer the finished Black Sea mussels to a deep plate and serve.

  13. You can pour the mussel broth into a separate plate. When you eat these delicious and tender shellfish, just scoop up the broth with a shell and enjoy, having tasted all together, the mussel with the broth. Bon Appetit!

  14. I understand that fresh mussels available only to residents of coastal settlements. But you can always buy frozen mussels and other seafood. And cook:

Mussels (and also mytilids) are the so-called marine bivalve mollusks that live throughout the world's oceans and have been eaten by humans since time immemorial.

The most popular for cooking edible mussels Black Sea mussels are considered and, caught in the cold Seas of Japan and Okhotsk, as well as in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, Gray mussels (or giant mussels).

Every year, during the active fishing/gathering season for these delicious mollusks (at the very end of August), in the small Belgian village of Yersek, “Mosseldag” (Mussel Day) is held - a holiday during which people eat shell clams in local restaurants and cafes in truly huge number. By the way, the only Mussel Exchange in the world is located here, so there is no end to buyers (retail and wholesale), as well as tourists, as they say.

Now mussels are not only caught in vivo habitats, but also artificially grown on special platform farms. And the cost of the meat of such mussels in the refrigerated display cases of supermarkets is somewhat cheaper than the meat of their "wild" counterparts.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of mussels

The nutritional value:

  • Calories: 77 kcal
  • Proteins: 11.5 gr
  • Fats: 2 gr
  • Carbohydrates: 3.3 gr
  • Water: 82 gr
  • Saturated fatty acids: 0.4 g
  • Cholesterol: 40 mg
  • Ash: 1.6 gr


  • Calcium: 50 mg
  • Magnesium: 30 mg
  • Sodium: 290 mg
  • Potassium: 310 mg
  • Phosphorus: 210 mg
  • Sulfur: 115 mg


  • Vitamin PP: 1.6 mg
  • Vitamin A: 0.06 mg
  • Vitamin A (RE): 60 mcg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.14 mg
  • Vitamin C: 1 mg
  • Vitamin E (TE): 0.9 mg
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent): 3.7 mg

Trace elements:

  • Iron: 3.2 mg

Mussels are one of the most low-calorie foods that modern man eats. They are rich beneficial proteins(by the way, there are much more proteins in mussels than in any fish or even meat) and contain almost no carbohydrates.

What are useful mussels

The benefits of mussels are determined by the composition of their meat (muscle), as well as the mantle and shell fluid, which are also used to prepare delicious dishes.

Inclusion of mussels in the diet modern man(with regular use) provides:

  • improved metabolism;
  • increase in immune status.

Mussel meat is a product that can provide a fairly reliable prevention of arthritis. And besides, such meat stimulates:

  • circulation;
  • removal of toxins and toxins from the body.

Mussel meat is literally saturated with mineral salts, vitamins (here, almost the entire group B, as well as vitamins PP, E and D), microelements. Mussels contain a lot of phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc and cobalt. The content of iodine is high, as well as useful fatty polyunsaturated acids.

Like any of the seafood, mussels have a beneficial effect on activity. . They also improve mood and provide prevention of numerous nervous disorders. Regular use mussels for food - a guarantee of bone strength, prolonging external youth, maintaining the natural beauty of the skin and hair.

The positive effect of meat, mantle and shell fluid of mussels on male potency has been proven. Some doctors even call this product "natural Viagra".

But for children, pregnant and lactating women, mussels are little recommended because of some features of their existence that can affect the quality of nutrition of these population groups. So that beneficial features Mussels are far from being appreciated by everyone.

Why are mussels harmful?

Mussels can be harmful to human health. Especially if they do not undergo mandatory pre-sale preparation (we are talking about mollusks living in natural environment a habitat). They can interfere with blood clotting and can cause serious allergic reactions.

In addition, the harm of mussels has been proven for patients suffering from gout, since in human body protein compounds are converted into uric acid, and it can be painfully deposited in the joints.

But in general, mussels have few contraindications. In fact, anyone can eat these mollusks in reasonable quantities. Unless, of course, there is no individual intolerance to seafood.

Features of the preparation and use of mussels

Freshly caught mussels, unless they have been grown artificially on special plantation farms, should not be eaten. They must be kept (and not less than a month) in fresh ponds-settlers.

The fact is that these shellfish are living natural filters, the mission of which is to purify the natural environment of their own habitat. They are able to accumulate toxins and microorganisms that are harmful to human health. And they just need a fairly long quarantine to get rid of the sometimes frankly dangerous "luggage".

When buying mussels in a supermarket, it is better to choose frozen packages. Unless you live near the above mentioned shellfish farm. And you should pay attention to the appearance of the purchase - if the mussels stick together into an ice lump, there is a great danger that they have already been defrosted. And maybe even spoiled.

Mussels are a delicacy and a healthy product containing natural high-quality protein, which, in terms of amino acid content, is equivalent to chicken egg. In addition, mussels contain more than 30 minerals and trace elements, so in order to maintain the nutritional value of this product, you need to learn how to properly cook mussels. Soups, pilafs, salads and stews can be prepared from mussels, they are salted, marinated, boiled, fried in batter, cooked on a fire and smoked.

This dish is served with rice, potatoes, meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and herbs - either peeled or in shells. Mussels taste very tender, pleasant, sweet-salty, but most importantly, they are low-calorie (80 calories per 100 grams of meat), so they can be eaten in any quantity without fear for a slim figure. Now let's try to understand how to cook mussel meat according to all the rules.

It's no secret that mussels, along with shrimps, are one of the most popular seafood in Russia. The tender meat of these mollusks is perfect for cooking a variety of dishes.

  • Experts claim that good mussels should smell only of the sea, and if there are extraneous odors or an unpleasant odor, then the product is spoiled.
  • Mollusk shells must be tightly closed.
  • Quality frozen mussels are usually light yellow in color with no cracks on the ice surface. The presence of such defects indicates that the mussels have already been defrosted, which means they have lost their useful properties.
  • Large mussels are juicier and tastier than small clams.

Fresh mussels. How to cook frozen mussels?

  • How to cook river mussels if you just bought them in the store? Fresh seafood exposed cooking on the same day, in extreme cases, they can be put in the refrigerator for a maximum of two days.
  • Now let's talk about how much to cook mussels. Tender clams should be boiled over high heat in salted water with spices: fresh - 5-7 minutes, frozen - 7-10 minutes. sea ​​mussels prepared in the same way.
  • When we cook mussels frozen without a shell, you can ennoble their taste lemon juice and white wine. If you mix these products with garlic and herbs, you get perfect sauce for mussels.

Sea and river mussels in shells: how to cook?

  • Many housewives are interested in how to cook mussels in shells, and there are several important rules. First, shells with cracks are removed (they should not be eaten in any case), then good shells should be dipped in boiling water for two minutes, the shells should be opened, the mollusks removed and also thoroughly rinsed under running water, cleaned of algae and sand.
  • How to cook mussels in shell? It is necessary to fill them with water, bring to a boil, drain the water and boil in new water for 10 minutes. As soon as the doors open and a delicious aroma spreads through the kitchen, the mussels are ready!

Serve the mussels hot and do not cook them for future use, as this dish is not recommended to be heated due to the risk of poisoning. In the preparation of mussels, there is another important secret: despite the fact that tender clam meat is combined with any food, it is better not to mix it with anything. How to cook fresh mussels to preserve the nobility and sophistication of this dish? Serve it separately with good white wine, lemon and herbs. Be gourmet!

Many have heard about the benefits of seafood. The Black Sea mussel has the same properties, which today is to the taste not only of gourmets of seafood, but also of everyone who has tried them at least once. This product is especially popular among those who monitor their health, because mussels are quite nutritious and at the same time have low calorie which is much appreciated.

The main habitat of mollusks is considered to be the seabed, but in modern world there are also specially equipped farms where mussels are grown artificially.

M mussel habitat

The Black Sea mussel, a description of which you can see in our article, is a resident sea ​​waters, It has an oblong-oval shell, smooth to the touch on the outside.

The Black Sea mussel lives in colonies, most often located on stones in the coastal zone, attaching to them with the help of special threads - byssus. It feeds on plankton, passing a huge volume of water through the shell.

A large number of mussels is due to the fertility of females. So, during spawning, one individual is able to lay up to 20 million eggs, from which, approximately the next day, larva-like individuals hatch. Mussels are distinguished by excellent adaptability to life with sudden changes in the level of salt in the water and its temperature.

The described mollusks differ from each other in size, shape and duration of the life cycle. For example, on average, Black Sea mussels can live up to 6 years, northern mussels up to 12 years, and Pacific mussels 30 years. By the way, there were cases when pearls were found in individual shells of the Black Sea mussels, but this is a rather rare occurrence.

Mussels are considered to be permanent habitats in temperate and tropical ocean waters. And best of all they breed in the waters of the Black Sea. In some countries, there are farms for growing mussels in an artificial environment. The first to grow them themselves were sailors from Ireland, in the 13th century.

Scope of mussels

The Black Sea mussel, whose benefits are not only in the purification of sea waters, is also used as a food product. It can be boiled, fried, baked with vegetables, steamed, smoked and added to other foods. Today this seafood is quite popular in many European countries.

For eating, it is necessary to carefully select mollusks with a whole shell, without any damage. It is important to know that only tightly closed shells are used. The Black Sea mussel opens under the influence high temperature, and if this does not happen after processing, it must be discarded.

For cooking, the fleshy inside, the mantle and the liquid of the shell are used. Mollusk meat has a light, delicate color, soft texture, sweet taste and pleasant aroma. The Black Sea mussel, the photo of which can be seen in the article, is ideal for adding to potatoes, different kind cereals, pasta, often it is cooked with vegetables and added to salads. And connoisseurs add mussels to soup, stew, pilaf, pasta and even soufflé. In addition, they are a component of many delicious sauces.

It is important to remember that the mussel is a product that must be eaten immediately after cooking. It can not be stored in the refrigerator for the purpose of reheating, as this is fraught with severe poisoning.

Useful properties of the product

Experts say that mussel is a natural protein that can compete with beef and fish. It is mollusks that have the richest and useful composition. So, mussel meat contains the largest number fatty acids omega-3, vitamins and minerals, namely:

  • most of the B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • folate, iron, phosphorus, manganese, selenium and zinc.

By consuming mussels in small quantities, you can speed up your metabolism, get rid of fatigue, depression, loss of strength and loss. vital energy. All this is provided by vitamin B 12 present in the product. Selenium ensures the work immune system, especially it is important for the thyroid gland. Manganese is responsible for the integrity and density of bone tissue, as well as energy production. The use of mussels is recommended for certain blood diseases.

Mussel as a dietary product

Experts studying dietary properties products, came to the conclusion that mussel meat provides the body with protein on a par with red meat. But at the same time, the marine product has a smaller amount of fat, which means it does not increase cholesterol levels. The Black Sea mussel has approximately 75% of the calorie content in relation to beef and contains almost 3 times more natural protein necessary for the heart system.

Cardiologists are sure that the omega-3s contained in mussel meat are one of the most powerful natural cardioprotectors. Regular use of this product reduces the risk of developing many heart diseases, in particular, prevents arrhythmia.

Scientists say that 100 g of mussels daily can provide the body with daily allowance all essential vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. In addition, seafood has a positive effect on the formation slim figure because they do not contribute to the formation of fat cells in the body.

Contraindications and harm

Despite the rich composition and benefits of this marine product, there are cases when mussels are contraindicated for use, namely:

  • with individual intolerance to marine products;
  • with problems with blood clotting.

It must also be remembered that the absence of contraindications is not a reason to eat only mussel meat, since they overuse can cause certain consequences for a person.

We must not lose sight of the information about the ability of mussels to purify the waters of the sea, and therefore accumulate in themselves harmful substances. Therefore, it is worth buying and cooking live mussels to be sure of their freshness. Frozen foods can also be consumed, but only from trusted manufacturers.

Mussel Black Sea: recipes cooking

Mussel stew with vegetables, which we bring to your attention, involves the preparation of 2 servings. You need to take:

  • 400 g of mussel meat;
  • one carrot;
  • a large onion;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • a sprig of leek;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Wash and clean mussel shells from dirt. We separate the meat - for this, the shell can be dipped in boiling water for 7 minutes. (until full disclosure). And to cook frozen mussels, it will take no more than 10 minutes.

Next to the pan vegetable oil put the onion and fry, add the grated on coarse grater carrots and also fry a little. If necessary, cut the finished mussel meat and add it to the frying pan. Then chop the leek and add it to the same. Stir constantly during cooking. Already at the end, squeeze the garlic through the garlic press to make the dish fragrant. Pepper, salt, add spices to your liking. The dish is ready to eat! When serving, you can decorate it with greens.

Noodle soup with mussels


  • 100 g of mussel meat;
  • 1-3 bulbs;
  • 20 g of parsley root;
  • 20 g butter;
  • noodles;
  • salt, pepper, spices.

To prepare the soup, you need to take the meat of mussels boiled in advance, chop and fry together with onions and parsley in butter. At the same time, boil the noodles in pre-boiled and salted water for several minutes, then drain the water and rinse it.

Add the fried mussels with onions and noodles to the boiling noodle broth, cook everything until full cooking. We use spices to taste. Before serving, the soup can be garnished with chopped herbs.

Mussels with rice and vegetables

You will need:

  • 1/2 st. round rice;
  • 2 kg mussels with a shell;
  • 3 pcs. sweet pepper;
  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • 5 green onions;
  • spices, lemon;
  • butter;
  • hard cheese.

To prepare it, you need to wash the rice, boil it in salted water. Rinse the cooked rice and drain in a colander. Clean the mussel shells from dirt, rinse thoroughly.

Put a little butter in a frying pan, when it melts, add finely chopped onion and fry. Cut into strips Bell pepper and add to the pan, fry everything for a few minutes, stirring constantly. During this time, the pepper becomes soft and light. Add chopped tomatoes to the pan, fry, salt, pepper to taste.

Put the mussels on another heated pan and cover with a lid. It is necessary to drain the foam formed under the lid and fry until the shells are fully opened. Season the opened mussels with spices to taste and pour over with lemon juice.

We clean the meat from shells, removing excess debris, leave a few open shells for decoration.

Next, mix the mussels with the fried vegetables and simmer over low heat for several minutes. Then we mix everything with rice, give it time to warm up. Ready meal Arrange on plates, sprinkle with herbs and grated cheese. Decorate with shell mussels and serve.

From time immemorial, the sea has helped man in difficult times. During wars and famine, in Anapa it was always possible to get food in the form of anchovies, gobies and other fish. Today, when there are no problems with food, we take its delicacies from the sea - oysters and mussels. Black Sea mussel become one of the favorites useful products local resident, and restaurants across the country want to see in their kitchen only fresh shells from . Today's story will be about the most valuable shellfish of the sea - mussels.


The mussel is a bivalve mollusk, its home is two identical shell doors that develop and grow with its inhabitant. The shell of the mussel has an oblong shape, towards the end it turns into a kind of triangle. The outer surface of a young shell is smooth, but as it grows older, growths appear on the valves. The interior is polished to a high shine and remains clean and pearly for life.
The color of the shell varies and depends on the external conditions and residence, but the main colors are brown, dark blue or purple. Inside the house, the mollusk itself is hidden, among its entrails, muscular locks are clearly visible, which are responsible for the timely closing and opening of the shell doors. The usual size of the shells of mussels, which are mined in Anapa, is 5-7 centimeters. Sometimes there are houses up to 10 centimeters or more. Inside the mollusk develops to a size of 2-3 centimeters. The life of mussels is about eight years.


Mussels can move along the bottom, but prefer to exist in groups and original colonies. For life, mussels find large protruding pitfalls, can form a dwelling on stilts, piers and other irregularities. Favorite depths for mussels are 5-40 meters. Shells have a special gland that creates a thin but strong thread that connects the owner and the place of permanent residence with strong bonds.
Mussels are ready to start breeding in centimeter form, 1 or 2 years after birth. Shells have a clear division into males and females. By appearance it is very difficult to determine the sex of a mollusk.
Spawning occurs in the middle of summer. The fertilization of the larvae takes place directly in the water column, where the mussels spawn their sex products. The conceived mussels exist in the form of plankton, then settle to the bottom and grow up.
Mussels are natural filters, which pass through hundreds of liters of water to obtain nutrients. The smallest plankton settles on the gills, and then enters the esophagus of the mollusk. Thanks to the muscular legs, the mollusk slightly opens the valves for water to enter and further process and purify the liquid.

Thanks to their filtration abilities, mussels are full-fledged light black seas. Each mollusk moves more than 70 liters of water per day, cleaning its bacteria and harmful organisms. It is noticed that in the accumulation of mussel colonies there is always clean and clear water. In connection with this feature, the shell is not recommended to be consumed raw, especially if it is caught in polluted water. Despite this, gourmets from southern European countries believe that eating mussels raw is much healthier.

Thanks to a detailed study of the lifestyle of mussels, production has been established in Anapa for the growth of a valuable mollusk. It turned out that growing shells is more profitable than constantly mining. The most significant mussel farm is located in the Utrish area, where mussels breed on long collectors extending into the water column. Due to the excellent food base, mussels bring a large offspring. Fresh mussels are immediately sent to the shops and kitchens of Anapa restaurants. Basic nutritional value shellfish is protein. This valuable protein better than meat absorbed by the body.

Out of water, the mussel can remain alive for more than two days. The mussel received this ability due to the fact that inside the shell the mollusk retains nutrients and water necessary for life.

The main enemy of the beloved midi in Anapa is the predatory mollusk rapana, which has significantly reduced the number of bivalve shells in the last decade. Rapana insolently drills the sash with his tongue and sucks out the mussel through the resulting passage.

Where to catch a mussel in Anapa

It is impossible to return those times when large mussels inhabited the piles of the Anapa pier on the central beach. Mussels could be caught on pebbles at a depth of three, four meters. Today, large colonies of mussels go deep into the sea, fearing their enemy rapana. For self-extraction of mussels in Anapa, you will need professional diving equipment. At a depth of more than 15 meters, you can find a mollusk.

We advise you to go to the mussel farm in the village of Utrish, where you can buy your favorite shellfish for lunch. They also offer a choice of fresh mussel dishes. Recall that there are several fish restaurants in the resort.