Is barbecue good for the body? Harmful effects of barbecue on health

07.09.2019 healthy eating

According to the law of meanness, the tastier the food, the less useful it is. This law also works in the case of barbecues. True, how much do we think about the benefits and harms of barbecue? Let's weigh the pros and cons.

  • Carcinogens (substances that cause cancer). They are contained in the fumes formed when fat comes into contact with hot coals. Volatile substances (namely, benzopyrenes) rise up, fall on pieces of meat and settle on them. Unfortunately, the dark overcooked crust loved by many also contains carcinogenic elements.
  • If you fry the meat poorly, then various infections, E. coli, causing dysbacteriosis, may remain in it.
  • Lamb that is difficult to digest is better not to try for those who have problems with the stomach and intestines.
  • People suffering from peptic ulcers and liver diseases should not eat shish kebab with hot spices, ketchup, lemon juice.
  • Any meat soaked in kefir should be used with caution by people with an unstable level of acidity, because. they can expect heartburn and bloating. In addition, such meat should not be washed down with wine: the meat can be broken down and absorbed more slowly, which again can lead to indigestion.
  • Doctors do not recommend eating kebabs often for people suffering from kidney disease and the elderly.
  • On the day of the picnic in the morning, do not lean on fast carbohydrates - after a while they will provoke an acute feeling of hunger, and you can overdo it with barbecue (usually it is recommended to eat no more than 200 grams of barbecue in one meal).
  • Marinate your meat well! A quality marinade, especially an acidic one, is partly a defense against carcinogens and microbes.
  • Barbecue is better to fry on wood, and not on coals. In addition, cooking on a fire should be 20-25 minutes after using the ignition fluid, so that its vapors have time to burn out.
  • If you can't be spicy, replace ketchups, spices and lemon juice with tomato sauce or pomegranate juice. The choice of sauces for barbecue is not limited to one ketchup!
  • Cut off the fried crust and (horror!) do not eat it.
  • Vodka paired with barbecue has a detrimental effect on the liver. However, for a better breakdown of fats, you may well drink kebab with vodka, but with a dose of not more than 100 grams. Of the alcoholic drinks, shish kebab is best washed down with dry red wine. Many drink shish kebab with plain water, which is better than carbonated water, but it dilutes the gastric juice, which makes the food not digested so intensively.
  • To reduce the harm of meat cooked on coals, eat with it any green vegetables and fresh herbs (cilantro, dill, parsley, wild garlic, leafy salads).
  • Do not eat meat with tomatoes - they contain substances that can slow down the digestion of protein.
  • Barbecue should not be accompanied by the same "heavy" snacks - sausage, cuts, sprats, which contain salt and fat in large quantities.
  • Properly cooked barbecue reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and arthritis.
  • Meat, properly cooked on charcoal, retains more vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to humans than ordinary fried meat.
  • Grilled meat has fewer calories than fried meat. By the way, a real barbecue is a completely dietary dish, as it is baked, not fried.

Talking about the benefits of barbecue is quite difficult. However, if you follow the principles of their proper preparation and use, kebabs, at least, will not cause significant harm to health.

Meat, picnic, barbecue, myths and the truth about food Illustrations for the material: Shuttestock / TASS

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The harm and benefits of kebabs from different types of meat, marinade

Summer is the season for picnics, and it’s hard to imagine a trip to nature without barbecue. Fragrant, mouth-watering meat dishes cooked on the grill are loved by adults and children. Only it is generally accepted that tasty food is unhealthy. This statement is also typical for barbecues. Still, a lot depends on the choice of meat, marinade and proper preparation. Barbecue is not included in the category of healthy food. This is a fried and fatty food, but it has beneficial properties. It is believed that when cooked properly, kebab reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and arthritis. Even in such a dish there are more vitamins and minerals than in ordinary fried beef or chicken. Yes, and meat cooked on coals is less high-calorie. A real barbecue is a dietary dish that is baked, not fried.

The harm of barbecue is associated with the presence of carcinogens in it - substances that provoke the development of cancer. They are contained in the fumes formed when fat comes into contact with hot coals. Health-threatening benzopyrenes rise and settle on pieces of meat. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat a dark, overcooked crust - it contains the largest amount of hazardous substances. There are those who refute the assertion that shish kebab is carcinogenic. Carcinogens are actively formed when meat is fried in a pan in a large amount of oil. They also appear in the oil itself when it is heated, especially repeated. So meat cooked without oil contains much less carcinogens. Accordingly, the risk of developing cancer is lower. The marinade in which meat is soaked is also not the most useful product. The fact is that vinegar is often used. It softens meat fibers, and protects against harmful microorganisms, since many of them die in an acidic environment. This reduces the risk of poisoning, but you can not eat such kebabs often and in large quantities. Vinegar is harmful to the stomach and pancreas, liver, kidneys. If overcooked meat is dangerous for the content of carcinogens, then in poorly fried meat there are pathogens of various infections, Escherichia coli that provoke the development of dysbacteriosis.

Lamb is hard to digest, so people with gastrointestinal diseases are better off roasting other types of meat on charcoal. With an unstable level of acidity, do not abuse kefir marinade. It leads to bloating and heartburn. Drinking wine in this case is also not worth it - it will slow down the digestion and assimilation of meat, which can also provoke indigestion. In case of stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers and liver diseases, you can’t eat kebabs with spicy seasonings, ketchup, you should also refuse lemon marinade. Doctors do not recommend eating kebabs often for elderly and kidney patients, but occasionally they can be eaten. The European Dietetic Association published the results of a study in which rabbit meat was named the most dietary type of meat. Scientists have proven that it is easiest for the body to absorb. Modern pediatricians recommend regularly feeding children with meat, and, in their opinion, it is necessary to start with rabbit meat. It cannot be called completely hypoallergenic, but it provokes allergies much less frequently than chicken dishes. This is what concerns boiled, oven-baked, steamed meat. What is safer to cook barbecue from in terms of carcinogenicity and the risk of getting better? Consider the meat that is most often cooked on the grill. If you are going to use beef for barbecue, choose young meat. The old can have time to accumulate harmful substances and saturated fats, which provoke oxidation reactions and accelerate the aging process. Young beef and veal are especially rich in high-grade, well-digestible proteins, and these are building materials for body cells. They also have a lot of iron and vitamin A. In old meat, the calorie content of 100 g of young beef kebab is 250 kcal. Sexologists advise eating pork kebab. Only in the fat of this type of meat is arachidonic acid. It is necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones in men and women. Even among all products, only lard does not accumulate radionuclides. Nevertheless, pork is dangerous for the figure due to the high content of saturated fats, from which they quickly gain weight. To curb this effect, it is worth soaking the meat in lemon juice. It activates the metabolism and slows down the absorption of fats. Lemon juice can be diluted with mineral water by adding a little mustard. This will make the kebab more tender. Calorie content of 100 g of kebab from pork ham is 280 Kcal, from ribs - 320 Kcal, from the neck - 340 Kcal. It is believed that this type of meat is very fatty and hard to digest. This statement is only partly true. Of all the meat, only lamb was included in the "energy" diet, which is so popular among Americans. The essence of such a nutrition system is the use of products that help convert consumed calories into energy, which supports the body when playing sports. Lamb is also rich in lecithin. This substance improves brain activity and regulates the release of insulin into the blood. Only in this type of meat there is fluorine, which is important for the strength of teeth. Calorie content of 100 g of lamb ham shish kebab is 320 Kcal, from a shoulder blade - 280 Kcal. It is recommended to eat such dishes once a week, not more often. Poultry skewers are good for the heart. Only in our time it is difficult to find a chicken that is not stuffed with antibiotics. Good chicken is also high in vitamin B6, more than other meats. It is also rich in proteins that support the functioning of the nervous system, strengthen the immune system and help resist stress. Turkey is a dietary product that is recommended for overweight. In terms of phosphorus content, it approaches in fish, and this element makes bones and joints strong. Recently, scientists have found that this type of meat contains a substance that improves the synthesis of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep. If you have problems falling asleep at night, it is sometimes useful to indulge yourself with turkey barbecue. Calorie content of 100 g of chicken breast barbecue is 100-120 Kcal, from turkey breast - 150 Kcal, from ham - 160 Kcal, from wings - 180 Kcal.

It is recommended to eat up to 250-300 barbecue per day. Everything superfluous will not only be deposited in the form of extra pounds on the hips and waist, but will also increase the risk of getting gout. Meat is rich in purines. They are broken down in the body to uric acid, the excess of which causes inflammation, swelling of the joints. Instead of vinegar, doctors recommend using mineral water, yogurt and kefir (if everything is in order with acidity in the stomach), dry wine as a marinade. The meat is tasty and cooked in its own juice. You can add onion, lemon, even kiwi. Adding one of the following spices - galangal, Chinese ginger or turmeric - will help make the kebab more useful. Beef, lamb, pork should not be eaten with foods that contain a lot of starch. These are potatoes, pumpkin, corn, squash - you can’t serve them with barbecue. The starch contained in such vegetables binds protein. As a result, the digestion of meat is difficult. But the kebab goes well with green vegetables, white and red onions, fresh cilantro, parsley, wild garlic, lettuce, dill. They reduce the harm of meat cooked on coals and make it easier to digest. Do not eat fast carbohydrates before a picnic, otherwise you will then feel an acute feeling of hunger and eat too much barbecue. Do not serve sausage, cuts, sprats and other "heavy" snacks with a lot of fat and salt to the main course. If you have stomach problems, spicy seasonings, ketchup, spices, lemon juice can be replaced with pomegranate juice or tomato paste. Before cooking, the meat must be thoroughly marinated. Soaking in a good marinade (especially acidic) protects against germs, carcinogens, and poisoning. Harmful microorganisms do not survive in an acidic environment. It is better to fry shish kebab not on coals, but on wood. Start cooking 20-25 minutes after using the lighter fluid - during this time its vapors will disappear. Many people like to drink alcohol with barbecue. This combination destroys the liver, but to improve the breakdown of fats, you can drink meat with 100 g of vodka, and ideally it should be replaced with red wine. If you wash down the barbecue with water, let it be non-carbonated. However, it is better not to drink at all during meals. Water dilutes the gastric juice, and because of this, food is digested more slowly. No tags for this post.

Barbecue: harm and benefit. Indications and contraindications for the use of barbecue. barbecue recipe

Shish kebab is a dish, the most diverse variants of which can be found in most national cuisines of the world. Despite this, in our country barbecue is usually associated with Caucasian cuisine. It is believed that the word "kebab" itself came from the Turkic language, being a derivative of the word "shish" - skewer and literally meaning "food fried on a spit." However, there is a certain inaccuracy here, since a real barbecue should not be fried, it should be baked. It is languishing on hot coals, when the meat is cooked in its own juice, chained in a golden crust, and is the main difference between shish kebab and other methods of meat processing.

The harm and benefits of barbecue who can, who can not

If we talk about the dangers of barbecue for the human body, it means talking about carcinogens, namely benzopyrene. This substance is found in tobacco smoke and is part of the fumes that form when fat gets on hot coals. Rising up, it falls on pieces of meat and settles on them. No less harmful to health is the dark overcooked crust, whether it be red, white meat or even fish. The carcinogenic elements contained in it can also provoke the onset of cancer. To protect yourself from the harmful effects of negative substances, you can simply cut off the fried crust.

Marinade, especially acidic, is also a protection against carcinogens. It can be vinegar, wine, juice and more. Thoroughly marinated meat will not only be less carcinogenic, but also more useful, as it will contain more nutrients derived from the marinade. In addition, marinade is a kind of protection against germs and banal poisoning, because many harmful microorganisms are afraid of an acidic environment.

In general, eating kebabs in reasonable amounts and from time to time is unlikely to cause more harm than most other types of foods that have undergone thermal processing. What's more, properly cooked kebabs are thought to reduce the risk of heart disease and arthritis. However, depending on the type of meat and the method of pickling, it may be contraindicated for some categories of people.

For example, lamb is a rather difficult meat to digest, so its intake should be limited to those who have problems with the stomach and intestines. And any meat soaked in kefir should be used with caution by people with an unstable level of acidity, since heartburn and bloating can be the result of such a meal. In addition, this type of barbecue cannot be washed down with wine. This can cause digested food to break down slowly and be poorly absorbed, which can eventually lead to indigestion.

Meat for barbecue

Meat is the basis of barbecue, and its good choice is 80% of success. The meat must be fresh and chilled. Avoid using frozen meat, as its taste and nutritional values ​​are reduced significantly. The meat of a freshly skinned carcass is also not recommended, it should at least be allowed to lie down so that the blood drains, and then marinate it well. The taste of the meat of old animals will differ from the meat of young ones not for the better, and even the most exquisite marinades and numerous seasonings are unlikely to help here.

The most popular barbecue meat is pork. It pickles faster, the dish from it turns out juicy and soft. Pork consists of proteins that play an important role in normal human life, extractives, fat, mineral salts and water. It is better to give preference to lean pork varieties, they have an excellent taste and are easier to digest.

Lamb is no less popular, but more exotic and not always available. This is a traditional choice for Caucasian or Central Asian barbecue. Its specific taste and aroma is a hallmark of a real barbecue.

Beef as a basis for barbecue is used a little less often than other types of meat, despite the fact that it is rich in proteins, vitamins A, PP and group B, as well as trace elements (potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, etc.) . And if you have already opted for this type of meat, use veal - it is more tender and not so difficult to cook.

Chicken or turkey is white meat, which is also suitable for barbecue. Moreover, it can be prepared not only from fillets, but also from drumsticks, wings, and chicken simply chopped into small pieces. White meat is not so juicy, but dietary.

In addition, shish kebab can be prepared from offal, fish, seafood, mushrooms and vegetables. There are even fruit kebabs, but of course this is already quite an amateur, and it is unlikely that such a dish can be considered a full-fledged kebab.

The most delicious barbecue recipe

Ingredients: pork (neck) 2.5 kg, dry red wine 125 ml, pomegranate juice 125 ml, turnip onion 8 pcs., lemon 1 pc., hops-suneli seasoning 1 tsp, olive oil 3 tbsp. ., salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method: Cut the meat into a large container into large pieces (5x5 cubes). Peel the onion and cut into rings. Mix meat with onion, seasoning, salt and pepper. It is better to do it with your hands, applying a certain effort. In a separate bowl, combine wine, pomegranate juice and freshly squeezed juice of one lemon. Pour the resulting mixture into the meat and this time mix gently, being careful not to crush the meat. At the end add olive oil. Remove to a cool place overnight.

Warm up the coals, string the meat on skewers and cook on the grill for no more than 15 minutes, regularly turning the skewer over to prevent the meat from charring. Pour the remaining marinade into a bottle and use during cooking. Serve the finished dish with fresh or warmed vegetables and herbs on the fire.

You can also use your own homemade sauce. It doesn't take long, can be made ahead of time, and is much healthier than commercial ketchup. Sauce ingredients: 0.5 kg tomatoes, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 onion, 3 sprigs of cilantro, 5 sprigs of parsley, dry spices, vegetable oil, salt, water. Cut the tomatoes into large pieces, and blanch in vegetable oil for 5 minutes. After grinding with a mortar or spoon, pour the resulting slurry with a glass of water. Chop garlic, onion, fresh herbs, combine with tomatoes. Salt, season with spices and boil for no more than 5 minutes. Sauce is ready, serve chilled. Bon Appetit!

Many properties of barbecue directly depend on what type of meat was used for its preparation.

Traditional, considered a classic of meat on fire, is very different in its dietary properties from or, from which in most cases our compatriots cook barbecue. Accordingly, the dish itself after cooking will have different properties.

But at the same time, the method of cooking barbecue is one, regardless of whose meat was used to cook it. It is about the harm and benefits of lamb, pork or beef skewers that we will talk about.

The benefits of barbecue

1. Proteins and amino acids.

First of all, it should be said about the large amount of proteins and useful amino acids that we get with smoke-baked meat. Depending on the type of meat, the protein content in the right kebab can be from 15 to 22%, and this is a benefit for the muscles, immunity and circulatory system.

2. Nutrition.

Further, the calorie content of barbecue is high. That is why it quickly saturates, preventing us from stretching the stomach, and provides energy. In the most traditional case - in order to graze the barbecue sources themselves, in the folk Russian version - for active hunting, fishing or good pastime in nature. The calorie content of pork or beef skewers per 100 grams is from 200 to 400 kcal.

3. Vitamins.

The barbecue even retains some of the vitamins that were present in raw meat. The softness of the heat treatment affects: it is not, in which most of the nutrients flow into the broth, and not frying in oil, with almost complete decay of vitamins. The composition of the kebab by the time it is removed from the fire retains B vitamins, vitamin A and vitamin F. The benefit of the latter, also called polyunsaturated fatty acids, is that it improves blood circulation and normalizes brain function.

4. Minerals.

Separately, it should be said about minerals. Nothing happens to them during cooking, and they enter our body in the same amount as they are found in raw meat. The most useful of the minerals that make up the chemical composition of shish kebab is iron - there is quite a lot of it here, and it is also easily absorbed. And after assimilation, it improves blood counts and helps to treat patients with anemia.

Other minerals in barbecue also benefit: calcium improves bone health, zinc increases potency and improves testosterone synthesis, potassium normalizes the nervous system.

5. Marinade.

It is important to note the benefits of the barbecue marinade itself. Made from wine, the correct marinade for pork or lamb skewers is an additional source of bioflavonoids for the body, and formulated on kefir, it benefits the digestive tract with an additional portion of lactic acid bacteria that improve food absorption.

In this barrel of honey, or rather, meat with marinade, there is also a fly in the ointment.

What is harmful barbecue for the body

1. Carcinogens.

First of all, the harm of barbecue is manifested in the high content of carcinogens. Almost all of them accumulate in a fried crust, so it is advisable to cut it off before eating the dish.

2. Cholesterol.

Also, the chemical composition of kebab contains a lot of cholesterol. Its harm is ambiguous - together with blockage of arteries, it helps to improve the production of sex hormones and restore body tissues.

3. Acidity.

And here again we recall the marinade for barbecue. Due to the increased acidity, its use has a rather bad effect on the condition of patients with gastritis and gastric ulcer. However, this harm from marinating barbecue will manifest itself only when it is consumed in large quantities and regularly.

With careful and infrequent savoring of meat well-fried over a fire, the harmful properties of shish kebab will not even have time to somehow manifest itself. But we will get pleasure and moral satisfaction from its taste. And since positive emotions are most directly related to health - physical and mental - a delicious barbecue as a festive picnic dish can be safely recommended to everyone. Benefit and pleasure from it are guaranteed.

Meat baked on coals in closed conditions or in the fresh air is one of the most beloved dishes among the people. It is interesting to know what are the benefits and harms of shish kebab and what properties its different types have.

The chemical composition of barbecue

It is impossible to give a universal chemical composition for barbecue - a lot depends on what kind of meat it is made from. However, some features unite any kind of this dish. So, the product always contains:

  • high amount of animal protein - about 25% of the total;
  • fats - about 40-50%;
  • the minimum amount of carbohydrates - from 1% to 5%;
  • vitamins - A, C, PP, E;
  • trace elements: iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and zinc;
  • B vitamins and vitamin D;

The chemical composition largely depends on the marinade in which raw meat is pre-soaked.

Calorie barbecue

The nutritional value of the product also depends on what it is made from:

  • The calorie content of pork skewers per 100 g is from 340 to 180 calories. The least calorie baked pork belly dish, the product from the neck of a pig has the highest fat content.
  • Lamb shish kebab contains 320 to 220 calories per 100 g of baked meat. The most nutritious delicacy is obtained from lamb legs, and the most "dietary" - from the loin or neck.
  • Beef kebab has a low calorie content - from 240 to 270 calories in a small portion of 100 g.
  • Grilled chicken meat is the most dietary of all. Its nutritional value is only 100 to 220 calories, depending on where the meat is taken from for processing.

Important! The marinade adds calories to the barbecue. Marinades made from lemon or tomato juice, mineral water are considered the lowest in calories, and those made using vegetable oil or mayonnaise are the fattest.

What is useful barbecue

The product contains considerable benefits for the body - it can manifest itself with reasonable use:

  • Shish kebab is a product with a high content of protein and amino acids. The benefit is that it promotes muscle growth, increases blood circulation and hemoglobin levels.
  • The product is very nutritious. It is useful for those who seek to quickly and efficiently gain weight, and is also an ideal dish for outdoor recreation, as it quickly increases strength and gives vigor for a long time. Baked meat in small quantities is an excellent remedy for anemia.
  • Vitamins and minerals in the product can significantly strengthen the body - increase immunity, improve the condition of bone tissues, and have a beneficial effect on hormonal levels. Shish kebab stimulates the synthesis of testosterone, which is valuable for men.

Is it possible to barbecue while breastfeeding

The product can hardly be called a dietary dish - it is rather food for perfectly healthy people. Whether it can be used by women during lactation depends on the type of meat.

It is better to exclude the classic barbecue during breastfeeding from the diet. First of all, it is too greasy and contributes to weight gain in mother and child, can cause colic in the baby. There is a risk of poisoning with overcooked or undercooked meat, and the most popular marinades based on vinegar, mayonnaise and other sauces can cause allergies in babies.

But at the same time, a nursing mother may well occasionally treat herself to a non-calorie, tender and well-baked chicken meat product in a healthy and safe marinade.

Is it possible to have barbecue for pregnant women and children

Barbecue during pregnancy is allowed in moderation - it can be a valuable source of protein, iron and other valuable substances. But you need to carefully monitor the quality of roasting, so as not to get poisoned by poorly processed meat, and avoid spicy and harmful marinades.

It is not recommended to give ordinary barbecue to children up to 12 years old - earlier, the child's pancreas cannot cope with an increased amount of fat in this product. Younger children, from 5 years old, can occasionally be given baked chicken meat. Moreover, it is better to cook it at home, and only warm it up on the grill.

Attention! Barbecue refers to products from the category of increased risk for the child's body. Before you treat your baby to baked meat for the first time, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician.

Which barbecue is better and healthier

It cannot be said that the meat of some animals is definitely better for cooking. But it is worth understanding what the benefits of each of the options are.

Benefits of chicken barbecue

The calorie content of chicken skewers is the lowest. Therefore, it is well suited for those who care about their figure. Chicken meat contains a lot of protein glutamine and vitamin B6, important amino acids and trace elements - calcium, cobalt, chromium and zinc.

The benefits and harms of pork skewers

Baked pork meat can be very useful or harmful. On the one hand, pork contains a huge amount of proteins, polyunsaturated fats, and mineral salts. Meat contains arachidonic acid, which is useful for male and female hormonal levels.

However, with excessive use of baked pork meat, rapid weight gain occurs. To prevent this from happening, it is better to soak the product in lemon marinade, which prevents the absorption of fats.

Benefits of beef skewers

The benefits of beef dishes are the high content of valuable substances in this meat. Vitamins A, PP and B, trace elements - iron, calcium, potassium and sodium - strengthen the body. In addition, beef protein is very well absorbed by the stomach and intestines.

Is lamb skewers healthy?

Lamb meat is a rather fatty product, but in small doses it will also benefit. The product activates the metabolic process and gives a strong charge of energy and strength. Lamb contains the valuable element fluorine and the substance lecithin, which is very useful for the brain.

Healthy barbecue marinade

The benefits of meat baked on coals directly depend on the composition in which the product was previously soaked. There are dozens of marinade recipes, but two can be considered the most useful:

  • based on lemon - raw meat is processed with fresh fruit juice or plentifully laid in chopped slices;
  • based on mineral water - meat is poured with natural water with a high salt content, for example, Borjomi or Essentuki.

The better to drink barbecue

Tasty and fragrant baked meat is often washed down with strong alcoholic beverages, but this is fundamentally wrong - the load on the liver is too great. It is better to use the dish along with red wine or juices. Great benefits are found in natural pineapple juice. The substances present in it contribute to the rapid breakdown of protein.

Recipe for barbecue on kefir

A popular way to process barbecue is kefir marinade, after which the meat becomes especially juicy and tender:

  • The ingredients should be taken at the rate of 2 cups of kefir per 2 kg of meat - beef, lamb, pork or chicken.
  • Before marinating, fresh meat is thoroughly washed, and then cut into small pieces, which will be convenient to string on skewers.
  • After that, in a capacious container, the meat is poured with kefir. The container should be either plastic or enameled - in an iron dish the product will oxidize, its taste will deteriorate, and the benefits will become less.
  • For high-quality pickling, it is quite enough to hold the pickled raw materials in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

As for heat treatment, it is no different from the classic barbecue recipe. You need to wait until the natural firewood in the grill burns out properly, and then add birch coals and smoke meat over them for 30-40 minutes, periodically turning over.

Advice! To improve the beneficial properties of the barbecue and its taste, you can add spices to kefir at the pickling stage - coriander, basil, herbs, cinnamon or even lemon.

Barbecue harm and contraindications

Despite the fact that the product contains benefits, it can potentially cause great harm. First of all, meat processed with oil becomes carcinogenic after baking - so it should not be overcooked and consumed in large quantities. A poorly fried product is dangerous for poisoning:

  • Fatty baked meat is contraindicated for those who suffer from diseases of the stomach, liver and pancreas.
  • With caution, you need to treat the dish with kidney ailments.
  • The product in kefir marinade often leads to heartburn and indigestion with increased acidity of the stomach.

Advice! Even with good health, it is recommended to eat no more than 300 g of the product per day. In order not to accidentally exceed the dosage, it is better to eat barbecue on a relatively full stomach.


The benefits and harms of barbecue depend on the correctness of its pickling, preparation and use. If you carefully choose the most healthy varieties of meat, do not use harmful marinades, do not drink meat with alcohol and do not get carried away with it beyond measure, this dish will benefit the body.

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Barbecue has become one of the symbols of the May holidays - how not to harm your health at a spring picnic?

Many of us traditionally tend to spend the first days of May in nature. The long-awaited warm weather predisposes to open the “season of shish kebabs”. Juicy meat cooked on a fire, alcoholic drinks and good company help to escape from everyday worries and get positive emotions. But all these pleasures can be crossed out if you forget about the sense of proportion and the rules of safety, being in nature. Indigestion, alcohol intoxication, sunburn, insect bites - this is an incomplete list of possible consequences. How not to harm your health by going to a barbecue?

Cooking a "healthy" barbecue

Barbecue is the "highlight" of most picnics. But fat is a serious test for the digestive system. And especially, cooked on a fire. After all, when fat gets on hot coals, carcinogens are formed, which rise up and settle on pieces of meat.

The potential harm of the main dish of picnics can be reduced at the stage of preparation of the meat preparation. If you care about the figure, choose poultry meat for barbecue. But pork can also be made slightly dietary. To do this, marinate the meat in citric acid before frying. Lemon will speed up the metabolism and help reduce the absorption of fats.

If you want to use beef, opt for veal. It is softer and easier to prepare.

To protect against carcinogens, marinate meat in sour marinade. It can be vinegar, kefir, wine, pomegranate juice and much more, which has high acidity. The meat, carefully soaked in the marinade, will absorb the beneficial substances. In addition, the marinade neutralizes microbes that are afraid of an acidic environment.

By the way, do not forget that barbecue can be prepared from fish, seafood, mushrooms, vegetables.

How to eat barbecue and not harm your health

Of great importance is how and with what you eat barbecue. This dish is not a frequent guest in our diet, so if the barbecue is properly cooked and consumed in a reasonable amount, it should not harm your health.

The greatest amount of carcinogens is found in the fried crust, so it needs to be cut off and thrown away. The best snacks for barbecue are fresh vegetables and herbs. However, do not eat meat with tomatoes: they contain substances that can slow down the digestion of protein. Starchy and carbohydrate foods (potatoes, bread, corn) are not suitable as snacks. Also, do not mix barbecue with sausage, cuts, sprats and do not drink soda.

Do not season meat with spicy sauces, such as ketchup, tkemali. They will further irritate the stomach.
The optimal portion of shish kebab is 200 grams. The most suitable alcoholic drink for this dish is dry red wine. After the end of the barbecue feast, it is worth drinking. It promotes gastric secretion.

For people who have chronic liver diseases and gastrointestinal ulcers, it is better to cook chicken shish kebab, be sure to cut off the crispy crust and give up hot spices and seasonings.

Other health hazards at a picnic

"On barbecue" can suffer not only the stomach. One of the actual problems of May picnics is tick bites. The consequences can be very dangerous, because ticks are a carrier viral encephalitis and ixodid tick-borne borreliosis.

When going outdoors, prepare light-colored clothes with long sleeves, wear trousers. On a light background, it is easier to notice and remove the tick in time. Tuck your pants into your shoes while in the park or in the woods. Take with you protective equipment that repels insects and arachnids.

If the tick still sticks, make a loop of thread and tighten it around the tick's proboscis. Then put a drop of vegetable oil on the bite and gently pull the tick out. Disinfect the wound. If you doubt that it was completely removed, immediately contact the clinic.

Often, during outdoor recreation, we are faced with an allergic reaction to plant pollen. If you are prone to allergic reactions, it is better to choose clearings away from flowering trees and plants.

Another common problem for picnic takers is sunburn. It may seem that the May sun is not at all as dangerous as at the height of summer. However, ultraviolet rays are very intense in late spring. Therefore, take a protective skin cream with you to nature.

Following these simple rules will help make your vacation safe and interesting.