Burnt meat how to remove bitterness. How to fix culinary blunders and improve food quality

03.05.2019 Lenten dishes

Not only for beginners, the soup can be too salty, and the roast or pie can burn. Professionals are not immune from these and other annoying troubles. The main thing is to stay calm and quickly find the right solution. You will see that your little culinary problem will be solved in a few minutes, so much so that no one will notice anything. Are the guests already calling you? Well, then hurry up.

How to improve the quality of products. Everything is fresh again

Apples. If the apple is shriveled, a hot water bath will help.

Leaf salad. If lettuce leaves sag, you can refresh them like this: rinse them sugar water or place in a bowl with cold water and a little lemon juice, and then refrigerate for an hour.

The butter is bitter- dissolve a little soda in water and put oil in this solution overnight.

Chicory... Place the tough chicory in a bowl of cold milk for a few minutes.

Chicken eggs... A cracked egg can be boiled without any problems. Wrap it up in aluminum foil and add a teaspoon of salt to the water - then the egg will not flow out.

Semolina dumplings... If they are too hard, remove them from the soup and dip them into cold water... After ten minutes, put them back in the broth and let it boil.

The dumplings will swell and become airy and tender from this.

Potato. Put shriveled or overcooked potatoes in ice water for half an hour. Then they will be easier to clean and recycle.

Cheese... Too much hard cheese wrap overnight in a damp towel rubbed with salt. Old hard cheese will become soft and tender again if it is kept in milk for several hours.

Pies or muffins stale because you forgot to cover them. Place the baked goods in a plastic or metal dish and place one or more apple circles on top. This will give the dried-out baked goods moisture. Can be turned stale flour products in crackers or crumbs and sprinkle with it on a baking dish.

Milk. Add a little soda to slightly sour milk and boil. This substance can be used as an ingredient in sauces and desserts.

Parsley... Soak the slightly wilted parsley for half an hour in lukewarm water.

Radish... Sluggish radishes will become crispy again if they are placed in cold water along with the tops (but without the tail).

Celery... Place the dried celery along with a few raw potatoes in cold water.

Asparagus. If it is already several days old, then before cleaning it, soak it for an hour in cold water.

Spinach, Swiss chard and other leafy vegetables that have lost their freshness require special processing. First place them in warm water for fifteen minutes and then in cold water for the same amount of time. If you wish, you can dip them in water with a little baking soda.

Tomatoes... Remove the skin from overripe tomatoes, mash them, pass it through a sieve and freeze in small portions.

What can be done with old products

Butter... If the rancid piece of butter is too small to renew with baking soda, sauté the onions and garlic in it.

Honey... You can dissolve the remaining honey in the jar with apple cider vinegar. Now you have the perfect salad marinade mix ready.

Milk. Spoiled milk is an excellent substitute for buttermilk. Any dough that contains buttermilk can be made with sour milk just as well.

Sour cream... Sour cream will enrich the taste of sauces, soups and salad pickles.

We quickly fix minor bugs

And the following tricks are used in situations when it seems that everything is lost - but it only seems!

Too many spices ...

Too bitter. The bitter taste can be softened with a little unsalted broth. Or you can do this: put some sugar in a frying pan and melt it. Pour some orange juice into the hot sugar mass. If you need to neutralize the bitterness in dark sauce, then into the sugar mass with orange juice you can also add red wine. Add this mixture to your dish or sauce until the bitter taste is completely gone.

Too bold. Take a head of lettuce and choose the largest leaf. Attach it to the side of the pan; as soon as the fat settles on the sheet, remove it immediately. Chill the soup if you only want to serve it after a few hours. The fat will set on top of the soup and can be easily removed with a slotted spoon. If the sauce is too greasy, add a little baking soda to it.

Too much salt. A few slices of raw potatoes or a piece of stale can save a salted dish. white bread... Remove them before serving. Add water or unsalted broth to salted soup and chop the parsley there. You can break an egg into the soup. Egg white takes in most of the salt. Therefore, remove it from the soup with a slotted spoon as soon as it curls up.

Another trick: Fill a gauze bag with rice and hold it like tea bag, a few minutes in the soup, and remove before serving.

If there is too much salt, a mixture of equal parts apple cider vinegar and sugar. Combine these ingredients in a cup, stir the mixture into a salted dish, add some herbs. Alternatively, add one or two mashed potatoes. Then season everything with dried herbs and a little olive oil... Excess salt can also be neutralized with milk.

It's too spicy. The broth or soup is too spicy. Stir in one mashed potato or carrot and boil everything together. Unsalted broth can be added if desired. To soften the pungency of vegetable or fish dish, add some yogurt or cream.

Too sour. If the dish is too sour, boil it sugar water and add it or a little caster sugar.

Too sweet. If the dessert or salad dressing is too sweet, it will help lemon juice or Apple vinegar... If the roast gravy is too sweet, thin it wine vinegar or white wine.

If it's burnt ...

The casserole is burnt. Remove the casserole from oven and carefully remove the burnt layer with a knife. Whisk the egg and cream and brush the peeled area with the mixture, and then on a short time put the casserole back in the oven.

The roast is burnt. Remove the roast from the pan and pour over it with lukewarm water. Shake off the released juice. Heat the creamy and vegetable oil in a clean saucepan and re-place the roast on the fire, seasoning with chopped soup herbs and onions. Add some meat or vegetable broth and season the roast with salt and pepper. Then cut it into pieces and cook in broth over medium heat.

The potatoes are burnt. Take only the potatoes that were on top, pour water into a clean pan, dip the potatoes there and salt. As soon as the water boils, remove the pan from the heat and drain the water, the burnt taste will disappear.

The cake is burnt. Chill the baked goods and scrape off the black crust with a grater. Cover the cake with sugar or chocolate icing or sprinkle with a thick layer of powdered sugar.

The milk is burnt. Pour the burnt milk directly into another saucepan. Stir in a little vanilla sugar and boil again.

Sauce or soup burnt. Transfer the liquid immediately to another saucepan. The mass burnt to the bottom should remain in the first saucepan.

Sauce Rescue

The sauce is too runny. In a cup, prepare a homogeneous mass of mashed potatoes or starch and a little water and add the mixture to the sauce. Boil it once and season with salt and pepper.

The sauce is too thick. You can dilute the sauce with broth, liquid sour cream or cream.

Lumps in the sauce. Pass the sauce through a fine sieve into a clean saucepan, put a lump of butter in it and reheat everything together. The flour will not clump if you add a little salt while stirring.

Hollandaise sauce Delicious sauce to vegetables and grilled meat. The taste of the sauce deteriorates noticeably if it curls up, which, unfortunately, can happen if the water bath is too hot. Remove the sauce from the water bath immediately, pour it into a clean bowl, add a little ice water or a crushed ice cube. Stir until the sauce is smooth again. In the same way, you can save the thickened cream.

Curdled sauce. If a sauce that has not been kneaded in a water bath is curdled, it is enough to pour a little cold water into it and mix thoroughly. You can also boil the sauce and add some food starch.

Curled up butter cream... Mix cream with warmed coconut oil... Alternatively, place the bowl of cream on a hot water bath and stir until smooth.

Curdled mayonnaise is best stirred with a mixer and add a little hot water or a few drops of pasteurized milk. Can also be dripped into curdled mayonnaise egg yolk... The mayonnaise can be prevented from curdling by cooking in a warm place.

Let's be honest: a well-burnt dish cannot be reanimated. It is so saturated with the smell of burning that, even if it is possible to return it to a more or less decent look, it will taste terrible. But it is quite possible to save the dishes that have just begun to burn.

The main thing is to act quickly and accurately.

So, the sooner you notice that your dish is burning, the more chances you have of saving it. The easiest is the burnt thick soups... Their rescue almost always ends successfully, and no one usually suspects that there was a little trouble during cooking with the soup. Immediately remove the pan from the heat using oven mitts or kitchen towel... Transfer the soup to another saucepan.

The escaped milk just needs to be poured into a clean bowl. If the milk smells a lot burnt, try salting it a little or strain it a couple of times through cheesecloth. Do not forget to pour the solution into the scoop with burnt milk. baking soda- so it is easier to wash off.

Roast or stew from meat that has begun to burn, it is more difficult to save. Such dishes are very quickly saturated with the smell of burnt. But you can try. Turn off the gas immediately, put out of the pan everything that is not burnt. Cut off the burnt crusts from the affected pieces of meat. Put all the saved meat in a clean frying pan, cover with broth, put a piece of butter and seasoning, and simmer over low heat. It's a good idea to also add tomato sauce and fried onions.

If the rice is burnt, it should also be transferred to a clean pan (of course, only the one that has not been damaged and has not changed its color to a radical black). Put a crust of white bread in the same saucepan and close everything with a lid. After half an hour, the crust should pick up the burnt smell. Take it away and do as you planned with the rice.

Burnt custard often spoils the mood of hostesses. But you can fix the situation by pouring the cream into another bowl and adding lemon zest or chocolate to it. The taste of the cream will acquire interesting shades and noble depth.

Burnt pie will upset anyone. But if the scale of the damage is not too great, simply scrape off the burnt crust with a knife. If the cake is sweet, sprinkle it icing sugar or cover with a simple glaze.

Gently transfer the burnt milk porridge, without touching the burnt one, to another saucepan, add a little milk and cook, stirring and keeping your eyes on it.

Little tricks

Sometimes you can fix a burnt taste with caraway and other spices. This works especially well if your roast is starting to burn, or you have forgotten about the meat that was quietly stewing on the stove. Add a teaspoon of caraway seeds, some cayenne pepper, knife-tip cinnamon and curry to the meat.

A couple of slices of bacon can also improve the situation: the bacon absorbs the smoky aroma, and the dish turns out to be not only edible, but quite tasty. So can you save meat dishes or sauces. But for lemon pie this method, of course, will not work.

To avoid burning anything, use heavy-bottomed pots and pans and preheat the pan thoroughly before placing food on it. And also start a multicooker on the farm. It is very convenient to cook with it: I put the food in and forgot. The multicooker will beep itself when everything is ready. And never turn on the fire at full power.

So, the sooner you notice that your dish is burning, the more chances you have of saving it. The easiest is the burnt thick soups. Their rescue almost always ends successfully, and no one usually suspects that there was a little trouble during cooking with the soup.
Immediately remove the pan from the heat using oven mitts or a tea towel. Transfer the soup to another pot.

Most often, housewives burn milk. Moreover, such a nuisance can happen even with a rather experienced woman. At the same time, there are quite a few ways how to eliminate this nuisance.
So, for example, you can several times strain the milk through cheesecloth, each time taking a new one or rinsing thoroughly after each pouring under running water.

Another method involves fairly prompt action. If the milk is burnt, immediately pour it into another container - better pan.
Place it in a basin filled with cold water. Salt the milk itself and mix well.
To make the effect more noticeable, you can cover the container with a napkin dipped in a mild vinegar solution.

If the milk you burned was greasy, try to start by simply dilute it with water... To do this: cool boiled water to room temperature, pour it into spoiled milk in the ratio for each 1 liter of milk 2 liters of water.
See how the rancid taste diminishes with this procedure.

Even hotter, freshly burnt milk put a crust of bread... The bread must be stale. It absorbs the burning smell and you can consume milk.
Cover and leave to cool.

On a note! And so that the milk does not burn at all - put to the bottom of the container in which you boil milk, a saucer... At the same time, turn it over and you can calmly go about your business, but not for long :).

Do not forget to pour the baking soda solution into the scoop with the burnt milk - this will make it easier to wash off.

Milk is followed in the ranking by porridge. In case this breakfast dish has stuck to the bottom of the pot, put it in cold water and start transferring the porridge (the part that has not been spoiled) to another pot. Then add a little water, salt and cook again, only on slow fire.

Gently transfer the burnt milk porridge, without touching the burnt one, to another saucepan, add a little milk and cook, stirring and keeping your eyes on it.

If rice is burnt, it should also be put in a clean pan(of course, only the one that did not suffer and did not change its color to radically black).
Take 2 slices of white bread and place them on burnt or "smoked" rice while the rice is still hot. Leave the rice covered for 10 minutes. The bread will absorb all the bad smell and taste. Take them away and do as planned with the rice.

Onion is also in a good way to get rid of the bad smell of burnt rice. Cut the onion into 2 parts and put it on this rice for a few minutes.

Onion peel also helps to get rid of annoying and bad smell rancidity. Spread the rinsed husk over the rice and close the saucepan lid for a few minutes. The rancid smell and taste will disappear.

You can clear one potato and cut into thin slices on top of the burnt rice. Cover the saucepan and leave covered for 5 or 10 minutes to remove unpleasant odors.

In many cases, it can be very easy to get rid of the burnt rice smell by wetting a clean cloth or paper towel cold water and cover the saucepan with the burnt rice. Wet towel absorbs any burnt vapor that is emitted.

You need to transfer the remaining part of the pasta to a colander and rinse with cold water. After that, water is added and the pasta is boiled for another 5 minutes.
You can add some milk and butter.

Often, when frying, a product such as meat suffers. A roast or stew of meat that has started to burn is more difficult to save. Such dishes are very quickly saturated with the smell of burnt. But you can try.
Turn off the gas immediately, put out of the pan everything that is not burnt. From affected pieces of meat trim off burnt crusts.
Put all the saved meat in a clean frying pan, cover with broth, put a piece of butter and seasoning, and simmer over low heat.
It's also a good idea to add tomato sauce and sautéed onions.

Of course, if the meat is too burned, it is better to throw it away. Rescuing and eating such a product is impossible and fraught with health problems

You can also try to save burnt meat. with sauce... To do this, cut off the burnt crust, put the meat in a clean frying pan, add water or, if available, broth. Pour in here aromatic spices to your liking. Cook everything over full heat for about 3 minutes. Add a lump of butter at the end. Stir the broth thoroughly so that its consistency becomes as homogeneous as possible. Serve with meat as a sauce.

Sometimes you can fix a burnt taste using cumin and other spices... This works especially well if your roast is starting to burn, or you have forgotten about the meat that was quietly stewing on the stove. Add a teaspoon of caraway seeds, some cayenne pepper, knife-tip cinnamon and curry to the meat.

A couple of slices of bacon can also improve the situation: the bacon absorbs the smoky aroma, and the dish turns out to be not only edible, but quite tasty. This way you can save meat dishes or sauces. But for lemon pie, this method, of course, will not work.

Several suitable for the occasion recipes ...

Option number 1
So, first of all, it is, of course, necessary to cut off the heavily burnt parts. This is necessary to rid the dish of the bitterness.
Now we return juiciness to the meat. To do this, stew the meat under the lid: cut the dry pulp into thin enough slices. Then put them in a bowl with a lid, fill with beef or chicken broth.
You can also use your favorite sauce. It will be main source moisture.

Now add some finely chopped onion and canned beans.
You can also vary the dish with a handful canned corn... Let the dish stand for a few minutes and simmer on the stove.

When the meat is well stewed, sprinkle it on top with a thick layer. grated cheese... Now put the saucepan in the oven, uncovered, and wait for the cheese to melt.
Serve the meat with pita bread or unleavened buns.

Option number 2
Cut off the top burnt layer of meat, chop dry flesh with your fingers or a fork. In this state, it should crumble quite easily.
Next, stir the meat with 200 g of barbecue sauce. You can also use gravy instead of sauce, which is easy to make with flour and meat broth.

After - heat the dish on the stove for five minutes. Pour the prepared meat thick sauce pasta or potatoes.

Option number 3
You can also save meat with spices and vinegar. Cut off the burnt pieces, finely chop the meat into strips.
Add some vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, a couple of tablespoons of water and your favorite spices.
Simmer the meat for about 5-10 minutes. It turns out meat in Chinese under sweet and sour sauce.

And no one will guess that your meat is burnt.

Bakery products
Burnt pies and biscuits are not a sentence. This is easily fixed. If it is burnt from below, cool, and then rub the burnt place with a fine grated. If burnt on top - rub with a grater and decorate the product on this side with cream and other sprinkles.
You can add powdered sugar mixed with cinnamon. Alternatively, chocolate icing helps to get rid of the burning smell.

It is even easier to cope with the trouble of burning cheese crust... The easiest way is to carefully remove it and replace with a fresh portion grated cheese, then heat the food again.

Burnt custard often spoils the mood of the hostesses. But you can fix the situation by pouring the cream into another bowl and adding to it lemon zest or chocolate.
The taste of the cream will acquire interesting shades and noble depth.

Smell, immediately remove the pot of jam from the heat. Do not stir! Gently transfer the jam to a clean dish, separating the burnt pieces. In this case, you need to act extremely carefully, in no case touching the bottom of the dish with a spoon, otherwise burnt pieces and black flakes will appear in the jam. Burnt jam from the bottom of the dish, of course, will have to be thrown away.
Next, squeeze into the jam lemon juice(1 lemon is enough for 3 liters). It will remove the smell.
For flavoring, you can add cognac (only for adults!), Thyme, lavender, orange zest, vanillin, cinnamon to the jam ...
And put the jam to cook, no longer distracted, stirring and not overcooking.

Also, many housewives are interested in whether it is worth rolling up burnt jam in jars or it is not suitable for long-term storage and it is better to eat it immediately. The rule in this case is one: if the product is slightly burnt, and dark flakes have not got into it, it is quite suitable for preservation.

The situation is much worse if the jam has burnt badly. First, it will negatively affect the taste of the product, which, most likely, will only bring you disappointment. Secondly, eating such a jam can cause problems with digestive system... Therefore, no matter how pitiful it is, the jam will have to be thrown away.

If you've cooked vegetables, remove any burnt pieces. If there is a little burning, then pour a little into the dish cream and add Provencal herbs ... Simmer over the fire for 3 minutes.

Trying to get rid of the burnt taste, you need to take into account that:

  • You need to act quickly, until the unpleasant taste and smell has completely spread throughout the dish. Then it will be much more difficult to eliminate them.
  • It's important not to overdo it. You can accidentally spoil a dish repeatedly by making it too thick or too salty.
  • It is advisable to worry in advance that the products necessary for such a situation are at hand, otherwise it will be almost impossible to correct the situation.
  • To avoid burning anything, use heavy-bottomed pots and pans and preheat the skillet well before placing food on top of it.
  • And also start a multicooker on the farm. It is very convenient to cook with it: I put the food in and forgot. The multicooker will beep itself when everything is ready.

How to remove the smell of burnt food in an apartment?

In such a situation, it is not always enough to simply ventilate the room, because if the food is burnt and boiled a little more, then the smell can be absorbed into household items. Therefore, one cannot do without some effort.

Once the burnt food has cooled down, discard it immediately. Collect all burnt food, put it in a plastic bag, and throw it in the trash outside of your home.
Do not throw burnt food into the kitchen trash bin. Throw it in a trash can outside your home. Otherwise, you will not be able to eliminate bad smell.

To remove the smell of burnt food from the apartment, the following means are suitable for you:

  • any fragrant herb or combinations thereof: mint, chamomile, calendula, sage, etc.;
  • powder for washing clothes;
  • rags for cleaning floors and other surfaces;
  • vinegar solution and potassium permanganate;
  • aroma lamp and oils;
  • soda and Activated carbon;
  • coffee beans and orange peels.

To get rid of the smell of burnt food in the apartment, carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Open all windows.
  2. Brew scented herbs. If not, then boil water with cloves, lemon or cinnamon peels
  3. Close the windows and carry the pot of brewed herbs throughout the apartment.
  4. At the end of the procedure, put it back on the fire and boil it in the kitchen. After all, it was in this place that the "leak" of an unpleasant odor occurred.
  5. After 1 hour, ventilate the apartment again, but longer.

If airing does not help and an unpleasant odor still hovers not only in the kitchen, but also in other rooms, use one of the instructions below.

Method 1
To circulate air around your home faster, turn on any fans in your home near open windows and doors. Turn them on at maximum power to create air movement. If you have an extractor hood in your kitchen, turn it on as well.
If you have an air conditioner, then it will be very useful to you in this case. Turn it on and do not turn it off until the unpleasant smell disappears altogether.

Method 2
There is also a method that involves the active use of water. The action diagram looks like this:

  1. Open windows.
  2. Carry out wet cleaning in all rooms in the apartment.
  3. Hang on all the doors of your house soaked in vinegar solution sheets. All wet fabrics are capable of absorbing odors.
  4. Place containers with water and a small amount of potassium permanganate around the perimeter of your house.
  5. Wash any items that have absorbed the burning odor as needed. Pay attention to the fabrics that are in the room where the food was burnt. These can be tablecloths, towels, curtains, covers, etc.

Only after any of the above methods you choose, you can fix the result with absorbent and aromatic substances:

  1. If you have a scent lamp, light it and freshen the air with scent oils.
  2. Spread handfuls of baking soda and activated charcoal throughout the apartment. They absorb well.
  3. Arrange plates with coffee beans or orange peels.
  4. You can, of course, spray all rooms with an aerosol. But this method cannot be called completely harmless and it only masks the smell for a while. Very soon he reminds of himself again. So it's best to try a little and remove the smell once and for all.

Our life is fast - everything needs to be done, nothing to forget, not to be late ... Even at home, we often do not allow ourselves to relax, or in an attempt to carve out a few minutes for rest, we try to do several things at the same time. Therefore, it is not surprising that no, no - and salty soup or burnt chops will appear on the table. But you really want this not to happen and our dishes were always delicious ...

No need to get upset! Even experienced housewives sometimes fail in the process of culinary feats. They just have little secrets that allow them to rectify the situation.
As you can see, if a dish is burnt, there is no reason to panic, since you can still try to save it by following the proposed recommendations.
based on materials

Ways to get rid of the taste and smell of burning.

When preparing food, any housewife can gape, which will lead to burning. This often happens among women who like to sit on social networks or talk on the phone while cooking. In this article, we will tell you whether it is possible to save food and how to get rid of the burning taste.

There are many ways to get rid of burnt taste... First of all, it depends on what exactly burned. Below are the universal options suitable for all dishes:

  • Transfer food to a clean pot and taste
  • If there are no pieces of burnt left in the food, but the aftertaste is present, try to muffle it with spices.
  • Garlic, pepper, Provencal herbs, coriander and cilantro are great
  • If the dish is sweet, then it is best to mask the smell with vanilla, lemon peel or cinnamon. Bitter chocolate will also do a great job with the aftertaste of burning.
  • It is recommended to inject it into a burnt cream or cover a slightly burnt cake.

There are many options for getting rid of the smell and taste of burning in food. It all depends on the properties of the food and the degree of burning.

Get rid of the burning smell:

  • Milk. Transfer to another bowl and place in a bowl of cold water. If the milk is fatty and homemade, try diluting it. Add a pinch of salt and try filtering through damp cheesecloth.
  • Pie. If the bottom is burnt, then it must be cut off. Next, the whole cake is smeared with custard and put in the oven for 5 minutes. This promotes the appearance of a new crust.
  • Porridge. If the porridge is burnt, then it is necessary to transfer it to a new vessel, and leave the remainder that has burned in the pan. Chill in a bowl of cold water. Can also be corrected with milk. To do this, pour the not yet burnt part of the porridge into a clean container and add a little milk. Simmer on the fire for 3 minutes and introduce butter.
  • Meat. If the meat is burnt, then cut off the crust and transfer the pieces to a new bowl. Add some butter and broth. Sweat for 3 minutes with herbs.
  • Cheese crust. If the cheese is burnt on the pizza, then gently with a spoon, remove cheese crust and grind on top with cheese. Then put the pizza in the oven for another 3 minutes.
  • Vegetables. If you've cooked vegetables, remove any burnt pieces. If there is a little burning, then pour a little cream into the dish and add Provencal herbs. Simmer over the fire for 3 minutes.
  • Pasta. You need to transfer the remaining part of the pasta to a colander and rinse with cold water. After that, water is introduced, and the pasta is boiled for another 5 minutes. You can add some milk and butter.
  • Rice. In this case, transfer the remaining grains to another container and put a piece on top stale bread... It will absorb unpleasant odors. Add milk and butter to the rice.
  • Soup. In this case, it is best to mask the smell with aromatic herbs. This can be coriander, cilantro and herbs of Provence. You can also in rice soup introduce grated processed cheese and a lot of dill greens. It will turn out saturated creamy taste... It mutes the smell of burning and its taste.
  • Biscuit. You need to remove the burnt crust. To mask the place of the cut, sprinkle the dish with various powders, powdered sugar. You can coat the cake with chocolate icing and garnish with fruit.
  • Goulash or meatballs. You need to transfer the pieces of meat and meatballs without the crust to a new bowl and add some red or white wine. Simmer over the fire for 3 minutes. Add some sugar and sow. The end result is a delicious sauce.

As you can see, the burnt dish does not need to be thrown away. It is enough to know how to deal with the problem. The main thing is not to spoil the food again.

Housewives are zealous to do everything for their household. But time, as usual, is never enough. Tea in a day is only 24 hours, during which you need to keep up and go to work, and go shopping and pick up children from kindergarten schools. And at home there is still cleaning, laundry and preparation of daily food. It is possible to combine and do several household chores at the same time. As a result, milk, cereals, a frying pan with meat are often forgotten on the stove, which is indicated by the smell of burnt food, which is rapidly spreading throughout the apartment. It is not worth spending the already scarce time on experiences - in fact, it is allowed to try to save any dish.

You will need

  • - salt;
  • - table vinegar;
  • - citrus zest;
  • - bitter chocolate;
  • - crust fresh bread;
  • - sugar;
  • - powdered sugar with cinnamon;
  • - chocolate glaze;
  • - milk;
  • - cream;
  • - sour cream.
  • For the sauce:
  • - broth or warm boiled water;
  • - butter;
  • - salt, black ground pepper;
  • - parsley, thyme, sage or rosemary.


1. Pour the milk immediately into another saucepan if it burns during the boil. Place it in a bowl of cold water. Add a little salt and stir. You can also cover the container with milk with a damp cloth dipped in a weak vinegar solution and wrung out. This will also eliminate the burning smell.

2. If you are using thick homemade milk, then try to dilute it with cold boiled water. The rancid taste will be greatly reduced.

3. Strain the milk several times through clean cheesecloth, rinsing later. The taste will disappear.

4. Separate the burnt part custard... Pour the remaining cream into another bowl and add a little lemon or orange zest to it. It is allowed to add a little bit of melted bitter chocolate to it, the one that will "ennoble" and hide the burnt taste.

5. Place the burnt rice in another container. Place a fresh crust of bread in there and cover. After about 20-30 minutes, the unpleasant taste and smell will disappear.

6. Remove the burnt layer from the cooled cake or biscuit. Scrape it off with a knife or with a grater. Disguise the burnt taste with chocolate icing or powdered cinnamon sugar.

7. Put a saucepan with burnt porridge in a bowl with a lot of cold water. Later, put the porridge, without touching the burnt layer, in another dish. Add the required amount of warm boiled milk and salt. Bring the dish until cooked over low heat.

8. Replace the burnt cheese with a fresh piece and bake again.

9. Save the flavor of the meat later than the charcoal with a sauce with fragrant fresh herbs.

10. Put the finished meat on a plate. Leave a little juice, the one that gave the meat during cooking. If a burnt crust forms on the pieces, cut it off.

11. Pour some water into a clean skillet or ready-made broth, add meat juice and seasonings. Cook over high heat for 2-3 minutes. Add butter. Stir until the sauce is smooth. Remove from heat and salt and pepper if necessary.

12. Eliminate the burnt taste of vegetables. Add cream, sour cream or sugar.