Becherovka is the main source of Karlovy Vary. Becherovka - how to drink correctly

28.09.2019 Buffet table

Fans of original alcohol want to know what Becherovka is, how to drink this alcoholic composition, what to combine correctly and in what proportions to form cocktails. Becherovka belongs to those drinks that are the national symbol and pride of the producing country. This is such a complex drink that a whole culture of its consumption has arisen. There are books on how to properly use this Czech national product.

How to drink Becherovka

Becherovka followed the path of many drinks originally produced as a medicinal product. Two hundred years ago, a tincture was created in the Czech Republic, intended for the treatment of stomach diseases. Since many people have stomach problems, Becherovka has become popular. Gradually, they began to use it for another purpose.

Becherovka contains more than 20 plant components that grow not only in Europe. Becherovka is done correctly only on the water from Karlovy Vary. It contains extracts:

  • chamomile;
  • lemon;
  • wormwood;
  • carnations;
  • coriander;
  • orange;
  • anise;
  • cardamom;
  • honey;
  • cinnamon.

With such a complex composition, you need to know how to drink this liqueur correctly. Otherwise, health problems may appear.

It must be remembered that Becherovka increases appetite. For this purpose, it was created. Its effect on the digestive system begins with the use of 20 ml of liquor. After about half an hour, a person who has taken this remedy actively secretes gastric juice, bile and pancreatic enzymes. At the same time, muscle relaxation occurs, including the gastrointestinal tract.

Such an effect has its own advantages and consequences for the state of the body, therefore, people who try the tincture for the first time need to approach its consumption correctly. You need to get used to it gradually, using it little by little and at first in its pure form.

Experienced consumers of Becherovka take it correctly, that is, in 50 ml portions... This is due to the fact that the purpose of the drink is not only to get pleasure, but also to have a therapeutic effect on the body.

What do they drink Becherovka with?

There are 4 ways to use this tincture:

  • in pure form without additives;
  • with tea and coffee;
  • with beer;
  • in cocktails.

These are traditional ways. Becherovka is drunk so correctly according to Czech traditions, which does not exclude the presence of other ingredients in cocktails.

The amount of alcohol in Becherovka depends on the brand of the product:

  1. Becherovka classic has a strength of 38% vol. This amount of alcohol is combined with the classic set of herbs.
  2. Becherovka KV 14 is the strongest version - 40% vol. Red wine is also added to this product.
  3. Becherovka Cordial is a liqueur with 35% alcohol content. In addition to the classic set of herbs, linden flowers have been added to it.
  4. Becherovka Ice & Fire is a black liqueur with an alcohol concentration of 30%. Added menthol and black pepper.
  5. Becherovka Lemond is the weakest version of the liqueur. It contains only 20% alcohol. This Becherovka has a well-defined citrus aroma.

This variety of options allows you to create a wide variety of cocktail and mixed drink combinations.

How to drink Becherovka in its pure form

Fans of the classic consumption of the drink consume it in its pure form. However, opinions on how to drink Becherovka correctly sometimes differ.

  • Since this product belongs to digestive stimulants, it must be consumed correctly - before meals, as a classic aperitif. This is one opinion, not devoid of logic.
  • Others believe that Becherovka is a digestive, that is, a drink that is served after a meal. The logic of this position is that this remedy must properly digest food already eaten.
  • As a rule, light drinks with a small amount of alcohol are referred to as aperitifs, and dark and strong drinks are referred to as digestifs.
  • Since Becherovka has different strengths and colors, it can be correctly used both as an aperitif and as a digestif.
  • In any case, it is necessary to drink Bekherevka correctly in small glasses. The temperature of the drink should not exceed + 8 ° С. The low temperature of the drink reduces the perception of aroma, but enhances the flavors.

With coffee and tea

The fact is that in hot water, alcohol loses its ability to intoxicate, but at the same time it dilates blood vessels well. Such an increase in the lumen of blood vessels also generates clarity of thoughts.

Becherovka refers to strong alcoholic beverages, therefore 1 tsp. liquor added to hot coffee or tea dilates blood vessels. Liqueur gives a charming flavor to familiar liquids, additionally performing the functions of a digestif. In addition, when hot, all herbs enhance their action, aroma and taste.

Drink Becherovka with juice

As a basis for original drinks, predominantly saturated juices with a sourish taste are used. Citrus fruit juices work well in this case. Orange juice is especially popular. If you use black currant nectar, you can get a product that is charming in its taste.

However, there are also lovers of sweet juices in combination with some Becherovka varieties. In this case, light grape juice is well suited, on the basis of which you can make a good aperitif.

With beer

This combination was invented in Slovakia, where, just like in the Czech Republic, they like to drink and prepare good natural beer.

However, the originality of this combination lies in the fact that beer and liquor do not mix. Correctly these products are combined in a very different way. First, you need to drink a glass of liqueur in one gulp, after which, gradually, enjoying each sip, you need to use a mug of cold light natural beer.

The combination of beer hops and herbal bouquet creates a special flavoring effect. However, this combination is fraught with surprises, because beer with strong drinks leads a person to a quick and strong intoxication.

Cocktails from Becherovka

Becherovka is found in cocktails that have a wide variety of ingredients. However, all these mixtures are united by the presence of fruits in one state or another:

  1. Concrete. This name has nothing to do with the construction business. It was formed from two words - Becherovka and tonic. In addition to these two ingredients, lemon juice is also added. Sometimes only liquor and tonic are mixed. However, this is not entirely correct, since the subtle sourness of citrus fruits disappears from the extensive flavor bouquet. Put ice in a glass, pour in Becherovka, and then juice. After that, carefully add the tonic. The cocktail will foam a lot when stirred. The cocktail glass can be properly garnished with citrus fruit slices.
  2. Hooligan. Nobody can explain the name of this cocktail. However, it is believed that with the presence of such ingredients, people get drunk too quickly and behave inappropriately. The Hooligan's composition is as follows: absinthe - 30 ml, Becherovka - 30 ml, vodka - 30 ml, cola - 150 ml. Fill a tall glass with ice, pour in absinthe, vodka and Becherovka first, then cola. Stir and garnish with a slice of orange.
  3. Apple sling. This cocktail is meant to cool off in the hot summer. To do this, take chilled: Becherovka - 45 ml, tonic - 45 ml, apple juice - 45 ml. It is correct to first pour liquor into a glass with ice, then juice and tonic. Everything is mixed and garnished with a slice of apple.
  4. Beherit. This cocktail is based on Becherovka and tequila. Ingredients: white tequila - 60 ml, Becherovka - 60 ml, peach juice - 60 ml, sugar syrup - 15 ml, egg white - 30 ml. All these components are mixed in a mixer, filtered, and then poured into a glass with ice.
  5. Avalanche. This cocktail is right to serve hot, keeping a person warm in cold weather. To prepare the drink, the following components are taken: Becherovka - 45 ml, red wine - 120 ml, liquid honey - 20 ml, lemon juice - 10 ml. All this is mixed in a saucepan, heated over low heat, but not brought to a boil. Correctly The avalanche is served hot. You can put a cinnamon stick on the glass. It serves not only as a decoration - everyone, according to their taste, can crumble a little of this fragrant bark into a cocktail, enhancing the warming effect of the drink.

What to eat Becherovka

Since Becherovka was originally a medicine, it is not customary to eat it. And this was right, since the healing effect of the snack was reduced. It was allowed to drink a little water if the stomach could not tolerate such a concentrated composition.

However, over time, Becherovka became an alcoholic drink intended for a pleasant stay. This is how the tradition of snacking on the tincture itself and cocktails with it appeared.

A sign of good taste is the use of various fruits and berries as a snack. Correctly used as a snack:

  • oranges;
  • apples;
  • bananas;
  • strawberries;
  • raspberries;
  • dates;
  • dried apricots;
  • grape;
  • dark chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate candies.

More satisfying fish and meat snacks are allowed, but only when combining liqueur with beer. However, such snacks are correctly served not so much with Becherovka as with beer.

Becherovka is a clear example of how a delicious medicine changes its purpose and takes on a different meaning. Now it is bought not in pharmacies, but in bars, but this wonderful drink still has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Traveling to the Czech Republic is associated with magical Prague, the wonderful place of Karlovy Vary and, of course, Czech beer. But there is another well-known and popular product, which is also the hallmark of this wonderful country - the famous herbal tincture "Becherovka", the composition of which is very difficult to determine by taste. This drink is a strong herbal liqueur. Before drinking Becherovka, many people expect a soft, light taste from it. But in fact, this is a fairly strong, slightly bitter liqueur, which was originally positioned as a medicine. To first taste and then love the taste of the drink, you need to know how to drink "Becherovka" correctly. This is what will be discussed in our article.

But first, we will tell you an interesting story about the emergence of the drink. For the first time it became known about him in Karlovy Vary in 1805. The legend says that a doctor of English origin Frobrig dropped in to the local pharmacist Josef Becher. On the basis of common interests, the men quickly became friends. Together they were engaged in mixing various herbs, extracts, oils. During Frobrig's stay, friends made a recipe for the herbal tincture. In 1807, Becher refined it and created a specific aromatic drink that helped to stimulate digestion. Over time, it went on sale as a drop for the stomach under the name "Carlsbad English Bitter". And a little later, Joseph decided to immortalize his name. This is how the famous tincture called "Becherovka" appeared. Gradually, the demand for it began to increase, and the secret composition of the drink was passed on from generation to generation. Currently, the tincture is called the thirteenth healing source. At one time, this nano-drink amazed even the Austrian king.

So right? There are many options for how to use this drink in cocktails, as well as in pure form. In this article, we will describe the most popular and well-known methods. The manufacturers themselves advise to use the pure tincture in a cognac glass before dinner, as an aperitif. Or before going to bed during a peaceful conversation. The traditional snack is an orange slice sprinkled with ground cinnamon. True connoisseurs of this drink say that this way you can fully enjoy the herbaceous aroma and peculiar taste of this drink. It is recommended to use the tincture to relieve fatigue after a working day. The way "Becherovka" is drunk in Slovakia, causes surprise to many - with beer. Fifty grams of tincture is cooled in a pile, then drunk in one gulp and washed down with high-quality light beer on top. For medicinal purposes, you can add a teaspoon of Becherovka to tea or coffee. A very popular cocktail with this tincture is "Concrete", which will be easy to make at home. It is also worth trying how "Becherovka" is drunk in the southern countries of Europe - with apple or cherry juice.

In addition to the traditional version of the drink, there are others with different flavors. For example, "Becherovka Cordial" (there is no special recipe for drinking it) has shades of linden blossom taste. It comes with a strength of 35%. Red wine is added to "Becherovka" type KV. The strength of this liqueur is over 40%. "Becherovka Lemond" is less strong. The drink has a lemon flavor with hints of orange.

Traveling to the Czech Republic is ancient Prague, amazing cuisine and excellent climate. But there is one more concept that is inextricably linked with the culture of this country and its flavor - Becherovka liqueur. This is the calling card of the Czech Republic.

The history of this alcoholic drink began in Karlovy Vary back in 1805, when the English doctor Frobrig appeared in the house of the local pharmacist Josef Becher. The men very quickly found a common language, largely due to joint professional interests. The doctor and pharmacist often spent time together, mixing various herbs and oils with alcohol. Soon they created the basis for the preparation of the tincture, which Josef Becher refined on his own.

In 1807, a Czech pharmacist fully developed a recipe for a tincture intended to improve digestion. It soon went on sale under the name Carlsbad English Bitter gastric drops. After some time, Josef came up with the idea that it would be nice to immortalize his name too - this is how the legendary Becherovka tincture appeared, the recipe of which was kept secret for a long time.

The medicine to stimulate digestion was in demand, and Joseph Becher decided to tell his son about the secrets of its preparation. Johann Becher turned out to be more enterprising than his father - it was he who came up with the idea of ​​creating a flat green bottle and a bright label (up to this point, Becherovka was sold in a nondescript container).

Subsequently, the family business was continued by the grandson of Josef Becher and his brother. Thanks to the latter, the tincture became known far beyond the borders of the Czech Republic. At one time, even the Austrian king was pleasantly surprised by the rich taste of Becherovka and annually ordered more than 50 thousand liters of liqueur for the royal court.

Czech tincture: production secrets

"Becherovka" is a symbol of the Czech Republic. Of course, no one will tell all the secrets of its manufacture and production.

But a wide audience knows that it includes more than 20 plant species: some of them grow on the territory of the Czech Republic, and some are brought from abroad. Only a few plant species are known that are uniquely part of the tincture:

  • Cardamom and crust.
  • Cloves and anise.
  • Allspice.

All plant components are put in a canvas bag and insisted on alcohol for about a week, then the mixture is poured into oak barrels of a specific oval shape and one of the most important components is added - sweetened Karlovy Vary water. Legend has it that someone once found out a secret recipe for making a tincture and took it outside the Czech Republic. However, "Becherovka" did not turn out the way it should actually be, and all because of the fact that it contains healing water from Karlovy Vary.

With not yet ready-made tincture, they are stored in cellars for several months, while a certain temperature and humidity level is maintained in the room.

The healing properties of Czech tincture

"Becherovka" is a medicinal tincture designed to improve performance. At least that was the original purpose of this liqueur. Currently, doctors are rather skeptical about the healing properties of this drink, believing that it does not have a therapeutic effect on the digestive system.

"Becherovka", the recipe of which is carefully kept secret, is recommended for use as follows: 20 ml each just before a meal. By the way, it is said that the use of liqueur in moderation has not harmed anyone yet.

How to drink Becherovka tincture correctly?

It is very difficult at home, in addition to everything else, the drink still does not work out the way it is produced in the Czech Republic. How to drink "Becherovka" correctly? There are several ways to consume this drink:

  • Manufacturers strongly recommend drinking the tincture in its pure form, from cognac glasses, during a pleasant conversation in the company of loved ones. The classic snack is fresh oranges sprinkled with cinnamon. This is how you can truly enjoy the exquisite taste of the drink and appreciate its properties.
  • In Slovakia, for example, they like to make cocktails with "Becherovka" - most often they drink it with beer. Liqueur (40-50 grams) is cooled in the refrigerator, drunk in one gulp and washed down with good beer.

Types of Czech liqueurs

Becherovka is a part of Czech culture. And if earlier this drink was made only on the basis of one recipe, now the manufacturer offers several interpretations of this legendary liqueur, which differ in different tastes and preparation methods:

  • BECHEROVKA LEMOND is a Czech liqueur with a rich citrus and kumquat aroma. The liqueur has a pronounced lemon aroma with light orange notes. This drink is characterized by a lower strength than the traditional Becherovka - 20%.
  • BECHEROVKA KV is a Czech liqueur based on good red wine. This drink has a fairly high strength - about 40%.

"Becherovka" at home

Of course, no one knows the exact recipe - this drink is prepared exclusively in Karlovy Vary. However, many lovers of this liqueur have been able to create a recipe that to some extent will be able to convey the taste and aroma of a Czech traditional drink. To prepare this tincture, you will need the following ingredients:

  • slightly more than 1200 ml of alcohol with a strength of 50-55%;
  • 5 grams of cinnamon;
  • 15-20 pieces of cloves;
  • 1 gram cardamom
  • 2 grams of anise;
  • 8-10 peas;
  • orange peel (no white part);
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • about 300 grams of pure water.

All spices must be poured with alcohol, the container should be tightly closed and placed in a dark, warm place. The tincture should stand for a week, during this time it is advisable to shake the container periodically. After a week, strain the infused mixture.

To prepare the syrup, you should dilute the sugar in water and put on low heat. Stirring constantly, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved, while making sure that the syrup does not boil. Cool the water and add the syrup to the tincture. It is worth noting that it is advisable to pour alcohol into water, so first you need to pour the syrup into a large container and only after that add the filtered infusion.

The result should be a home "Becherovka". The recipe is not complicated, you can treat your friends and loved ones with such a drink.

The cost of Czech tincture

This spicy Czech liqueur has been popular for two centuries. This drink can be bought in shops and salons specializing in the sale of elite Becherovka tincture, the price of which varies within 1000 rubles, is a traditional drink that eloquently reflects the Czech flavor.

You need to choose a drink very carefully, for fear of fakes. Pay attention to the bottle shape and label. It is advisable to visit the official website of the company and see how the tincture itself should look like in order to avoid buying an uncertified product.

The Czech Republic is famous not only for the magnificent Prague architecture, the healing water of Karlovy Vary and amazingly tasty beer, but also for its unique taste in liqueur, the secret of which is kept secret and passed down from generation to generation by the descendants of the inventor - Becherovka. How to drink Becherovka correctly in order to appreciate its spicy herbal aroma and tart taste in its entirety? Find out what the experts advise.

What do they drink Becherovka with? Traditionally, it is consumed with beer, added to tea or coffee, and to cocktails.

The secret of the taste of Becherovka

The Czech liqueur was created at the beginning of the 19th century by Josef Becher, a pharmacist from Karlovy Vary. A drink made from oils and herbal extracts was conceived as a means to improve digestion and appetite. After numerous experiments with the composition, Becher created the perfect herbal liqueur formula, which he named after himself.

Becherovka's recipe is kept secret: only the descendants of the pharmacist and the chief technologists of the enterprise know it.

It is only known that the drink is based on extracts of more than 20 herbs, including both local and collected in different parts of the world, and the purest water of Karlovy Vary springs.

Connoisseurs distinguish notes of cinnamon, anise, orange peel, cardamom, wormwood, cloves, allspice, coriander, lemon, chamomile and honey in the liqueur bouquet.

How and with what do they drink Becherovka?

Over the long history of the herbal liqueur, certain traditions of its use have developed.

    In a pure, undiluted form, the drink is served after a meal or in the evening, in small glasses. Before drinking Becherovka, it must be cooled to 5-7 degrees - this is how the manufacturer recommends using the drink. Some connoisseurs drink the liqueur slightly warmed up, but when it is warm, the taste of the drink becomes especially harsh. An orange slice sprinkled with ground cinnamon can serve as an appetizer to the liqueur - so its taste and aroma will reveal itself most fully and brightly.

    As a medicine to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, becherovka is added to tea or coffee at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons per cup. This drink helps to improve digestion, strengthen immunity and tone up.

This article talks about an alcoholic drink called Becherovka, its types, history of creation and medicinal properties. Also, from the article it will become clear how to use this drink and what cocktails you can make with it. Probably not many people know what it is. Becherovka is a herbal rum tincture.

The history of the creation of Becherovka

The history of the creation of this drink began in 1805, in Karlovy Vary, when the Englishman Dr. Frobrig, together with the count who had come to improve their health in those places, stopped to stay in the guest house "At Three Larks". Josev Becher's pharmacy was located in the same building. Soon Frobrig and Becher became friends and began to jointly create herbal tinctures.

After a while, the Count and Frobrig left, and after their departure, Yosev Becher discovered a note with a recipe, on which his new friend left the inscription "I was interested in this." Then Becher began to carefully study it and make adjustments. It took him 2 years to get the final result and in 1807, the liqueur was published. Becher began selling it in his pharmacy as a digestive aid.

After the tincture began to enjoy popularity, Becher told his son the recipe for creating the drink, and he, in turn, improved the appearance of the bottle, which has not changed until today. At the end of the 19th century, the Becherovka trademark was registered, and a little later, the herbal liqueur was introduced to the European market. Later, the family business passed into the hands of Josev Bercher's grandson and his brother.

However, during the Second World War, the production of this drink fell sharply, and after the fall of fascism it became the property of the state. And only in the 50s of the XX century, thanks to Vaclav Lupinek, the liqueur survived the revolution and remains on store shelves to this day.

Becherovka types

Today in stores you can find several types of this drink. However, they are all based on the first recipe from 1807.

  1. Becherovka is original - the classic taste of the drink, unchanged from the year of production. Fortress - 38˚.
  2. Becherovka Cordial is a herbal tincture with linden flowers, honey flavor and healing effect. Fortress - 35˚.
  3. Lemon Becherovka is the weakest tincture, with a strength of only 20˚, this tincture is especially suitable for women.
  4. Becherovka KV 14 - this liqueur contains red wine. Fortress - 40˚.
  5. Becherovka Ice and Fire is a liqueur that combines the aromas of menthol and chili. Fortress - 30˚.

Composition and medicinal properties

The exact composition of the first bottle is still unknown. However, no one doubts the benefits of this product, most likely, this is due to the fact that initially this liquor was still a medicine. It is believed that the composition of this liqueur includes at least 20 different herbs, but until now only a few of them are known, only those whose taste can be felt.

  • Carnation
  • Cinnamon
  • Cardamom
  • Allspice
  • Orange and lemon zest
  • Sagebrush

It is important to remember that this drink has a fairly high calorie content and its use in large doses is prohibited.

The creator himself claimed that taking just 20 ml of a drink before meals will improve the functioning of the stomach, improve the absorption of food and increase the secretion of gastric juice. By adding a couple of spoons to tea, it is possible to overcome the signs of illness and insomnia as quickly as possible. Drinking liquor will also help fight heartburn, bloating, and even boost immunity. Also, the drink is an excellent antispasmodic and sedative.

Modern medicine fully proves this statement. But for a positive effect on the body, you need to consume the drink exclusively as a medicine, that is, regularly 20 ml. It is also important to remember that when consumed excessively, all positive qualities turn into negative ones and cause enormous harm to the body.

How to drink Becherovka

The correctness of the use of becherovka is subject to controversy to this day. The thing is that initially Becherovka was used as a medicine to improve digestion, but today it is an ordinary liquor with a slightly specific taste, which is consumed chilled in large quantities. Today, there are several ways to consume this drink.

  1. This is the method recommended by the manufacturer itself. A drink is served in a small glass after dinner or before bed. You can eat liqueur only with a slice of orange. It is advisable to drink the drink chilled.
  2. Not quite the usual way of drinking alcoholic beverages. Heat Becherovka to 19-21˚ and drink in small sips.
  3. This method is used for medicinal purposes. 2 tablespoons of the drink are added to a cup with very sweet tea (the tea is not sweetened with sugar, but with honey) and drunk before bedtime. This will increase the body's resistance to viruses and increase local immunity.
  4. This variant of use was invented in Slovakia. A glass of Becherovka, drunk in one gulp, is washed down with a glass of beer. Of course, this will allow you to feel a unique taste, but the combination of strong alcohol with a weaker one will lead to rapid intoxication.
  5. This is the most modern way to use liquor. Traditional liquor goes well with other drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. For non-alcoholic drinks, it is better to choose natural juices, such as juice from apples or cherries. I even pour this liqueur on ice cream.

However, there are also drinks with which it is strictly forbidden to mix Becherovka, this applies to vodka, wine and cognac.