Pork jellied calorie content per 100 grams. Jellied meat: benefits and harms to the body, preparation, reviews

04.03.2020 Lenten dishes

Aspic (jelly) is a fairly popular dish, without which no festive table can do. Known since the 16th century. There are many recipes for its preparation, but, in fact, it is boiled meat with broth in a 1: 2 ratio.

How is jellied meat prepared?

For cooking, they usually take meat by-products, which contain a large amount of natural gelling substances: legs, skinless beef motorbikes, pork tails, heads. Gelatin may be added to the poultry dietary snack to improve setting.

Cook over low heat without salt and until the meat fibers lag behind the bones, and the broth becomes steep and rich. The finished meat is laid out in bowls and poured with broth. After cooling, it acquires a jelly-like state, so it can be easily cut into portioned pieces. It is eaten cold with horseradish, mustard, and various sauces. In some recipes, the addition of herbs, vegetables, and some types of spices is acceptable.

The benefits and harms of aspic, nutritional value

Any jelly contains a substance valuable for the body - collagen. It helps to smooth wrinkles, heals joints, preventing abrasion of cartilage tissue. Especially useful for athletes and seniors. The high content of B vitamins in the composition stimulates the production of hemoglobin in the body, strengthens the immune system.

The fat content depends on the type of meat. Complete calorie table:

Depending on your taste preferences, you can prepare various jellies:

Pork, beef

Quite often, homemade jellied meat is prepared from cold cuts: beef and pork. The exact calorie content of such a dish depends on the fat content of the offal. Nutritional value of medium-fat pork leg and beef jellied meat:

Calories - 65.4;

Proteins - 5.4 g;

Fat - 4.8 g;

Carbohydrates - 0.3 g.

Pork makes the dish softer, but increases the calorie content.

Turkey chicken

For the dietary menu, the least fatty types of meat are chosen, for example, turkey and chicken drumsticks. Cook them for several hours over low heat until tender. A little gelatin can be added if necessary.

Caloric content - 100.4 kcal / 100 g. BJU ratio: 76.8%, 19.7%, 3.5%.

The most dietary recipe is from turkey, without the addition of other meat ingredients.

The snack does not cause significant harm to the body if consumed in small quantities. People with serious liver and gastrointestinal tract disorders can be eaten with caution.

How did this dish come about?

When the broth cooled down, it turned into a jelly-like mass. This was considered a disadvantage, so it was reheated to be liquid again. And the French decided to take advantage of this and prepared a new dish. They boiled veal, game, pork, rabbit together and twisted everything. Then they added spices and eggs, added a little broth so that the mass was like thick sour cream. Then they put it in the cold and called it galantine, that is, jelly.

Then the recipe came from France to Russia. Where there was already a similar recipe - jelly.

True, they cooked it a little differently. Everything that remained after a feast in rich houses was crushed, boiled and taken out into the cold. But his appearance was completely unattractive, so he was given to a servant. When a new French recipe came along, Russian chefs improved their jelly, and it became a noble jellied one. And ordinary people began to cook jellied meat more often, because the ingredients for it were cheaper than for aspic.

Types of food

Jellied meat are pieces of meat that are covered with broth. The liquid is cooled and solidifies to a jelly-like mass. Most often, they use legs, tails, lips, ears, heads - that is, offal.

You can cook it from one type of meat (veal, pork, poultry, beef) or from several (assorted).

What to cook depends on the taste and preference of those who will consume the food.

Benefit and harm

Of course, the most important component is gelatin, which is necessary for cushioning and mobility of joints. It is not for nothing that this product is recommended for use after fractures.

And another useful substance is collagen. Collagen is abundant in this dish. Collagen is a protein that our body needs. Protein prevents tissues from being destroyed, slows down the aging process of the body. All this, of course, is useful for people with problems in the musculoskeletal system.

The presence of B vitamins in the dish normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, and also promotes the formation of hemoglobin. Therefore, it is useful to eat it for the prevention of anemia. Aminoacetic acid or glycine has a good effect on the functioning of the brain, relieves depression.

As you can see, the benefits of jellied meat are quite large, however, excessive use can have a harmful effect on the body. The most important problem is cholesterol, which is present in the food. It promotes the formation of plaque in blood vessels, and this leads to heart attack and stroke.

In addition, do not forget about the calorie content of jellied meat - frequent use can bring extra pounds with it.

How to reduce calories?

The calorie content of this dish is not so easy to determine. After all, it depends on the ingredients of the dish. For example, the calorie content of pork jellied meat will be 180 kcal per 100 grams. However, this dish can have an energy value of up to 350 kcal if fatty meat is used. Naturally, such a dish will be very high in calories and unhealthy for those who want to lose weight.

And the calorie content of chicken jelly is 120 kcal. Since old chicken, which is low in fat, is considered the most delicious, the amount of calories will not greatly affect body weight. Yes, and chicken is considered the most tender and dietary, therefore, chicken aspic is allowed for those who are losing weight. The most dietary one is from chicken legs. Only it should be eaten infrequently.

How many calories are in beef jellied meat and can it be eaten by those who are losing weight? Calories per 100 g of beef jellied meat are only 80. Of course, it can be used when losing weight. It turns out that this is the most dietary option.

To reduce calories, simply increase the amount of water in the broth or eat less meat. The calorie content of beef jellied meat will be lower if you also use the tongue, which is a dietary product, and when cooking pork, add vegetables (carrots, celery).

So, the calorie content of jellied meat per 100 g varies quite a lot, it can vary from 80 to 350 kcal. Since we have already found out that you can prepare a dietary meal, we offer you some delicious recipes.


Since the calorie content of jellied meat made from pork legs is very high, we will use low-calorie meat.

Take shanks of veal and beef, chicken and turkey wings - all of these are diet foods. Pour water over the meat and when it boils, add carrots, garlic, onions and salt. Cook for about 4 hours, focusing on the beef as it takes longer than other meats. Then add allspice, bay leaf, a little more garlic and leave for five minutes. After that, remove the meat and vegetables from the broth, strain the last one. Disassemble or cut the meat into pieces, place in bowls and cover with broth. When it hardens, you can eat.


It is better to use the wings and breast here.

Would need:

  • chicken meat - 800 g;
  • onions - 70 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • gelatin - 30 g;
  • parsley, garlic, bay leaf, salt, peppercorns.

How to do:

  1. fill the chicken with water, add onion in the husk, pepper, lavrushka;
  2. when it boils, add whole carrots, salt. After 15 minutes, remove the carrot and cut into rings;
  3. cook for another hour and a half, and get the meat with vegetables;
  4. pour gelatin into a glass of cold water, leave for half an hour;
  5. disassemble the chicken and put it in a container, on top - carrots, garlic;
  6. mix the broth with gelatin, heat and pour the chicken with vegetables;
  7. chop parsley and sprinkle on top;
  8. refrigerate 10 hours.


Fill the beef completely with water, cook without a lid for six hours. Continuously skim off foam if it appears. While cooking, peel the carrots and onions, add to the pan an hour before the end. Dip the spices there, add salt. When everything is ready, put the meat in a mold, garnish with carrots, sprinkle with garlic, fill with broth. Chill in the refrigerator. If grease appears, remove it before serving.

Who is it suitable for and for what cases?

Everyone can use it, there are no specific contraindications. It is especially useful for people with disabilities in the musculoskeletal system. However, it should be remembered that you need to use the right products for cooking - chicken, beef. But pork aspic should not be used often - there are too many calories. This is more true for those who are losing weight. How many bites can you eat? Try not to overdo it - 2-3 slices will be enough. Children can also eat this dish, but little by little and infrequently.

It can be served on holidays or as a daily meal. If you are going to serve food on the festive table, decorate the dish. For this purpose, you can use onions, carrots, eggs, herbs, canned corn or peas, peppers, mushrooms, berries. Cut flowers or geometric shapes, arrange vegetables beautifully.

Serving options: in a large dish, cut into pieces, in small tins, in an egg shell. Glasses, disposable cups, baking tins, cocotte makers are also suitable.

So, if you are going to cook this dish, choose dietary meat, use more vegetables. Then extra pounds will not threaten you.

What Russian person doesn't like jellied meat? Even foreigners lick their fingers when they eat it. We offer you several recipes for this dish. The calorie content of the jellied meat will also be indicated.

Cooking secrets

Rule # 1 - Choosing the Right Meat

One of the main ingredients of the dish are pork legs, or rather, their lower part. The gelling agents contained in them ensure the broth solidification. The rest of the meat can be added to taste. Do you want to cook jellied meat, the calorie content of which is low? Then use chicken. If the family loves meals fatter and more satisfying, then in this case the following options are suitable: beef on the bone, pork with skin and veins, as well as turkey meat.

Rule # 2 - using spices and seasonings

Every housewife wants her jellied meat to be tasty. This is almost impossible to achieve without the use of spices. Salt the dish after 4-5 hours of cooking. For aroma, you can add a little hops-suneli. 30 minutes before the end of cooking, add lavrushka (3-4 leaves) and a few peppercorns to the broth. The use of seasonings and spices will not affect the calorie content of jellied meat in any way.

Rule number 3 - proper cutting of meat

Cooking pork, beef or chicken is only half the battle. You still need to properly cut the meat. Carefully separate the fillet from the bones by hand. Then we take a knife and chop the boiled meat (not too finely).

Pork aspic (calories per 100 grams - 340-350 kcal)


  • one onion;
  • 60 g celery;
  • ½ part carrot;
  • 2 kg of pork on the bone;
  • lavrushka - 3 leaves;
  • spice;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 5 cloves of garlic.


1. Pork shank is best for jellied meat. It must be cut into several parts. Then we rinse the skin with hot water and, if necessary, scrape with a knife. Place the processed meat in a saucepan. Fill with water and set on fire. As soon as the broth starts to boil, remove the foam. Reduce the fire a little.

2. We wash the vegetables with water. We clean and cut into large pieces. We send them to the broth. We timed 4 hours. That is how much they will be simmered together with meat.

3. When to add spices? This is best done 3 hours after the start of cooking. Add 1 leaf of lavrushka and some spices. The rest of the spices will go into the broth 10 minutes before it is ready.

4. Half an hour before the end of the cooking process, soak a little gelatin in cooled boiled water.

5. Turn off the fire. We take out vegetables from the pan. Add the already swollen gelatin to the broth. Heat the saucepan, but do not bring it to a boil. Now we remove the dishes from the stove.

6. We take out the meat, put it on a plate, and then pass it through a meat grinder. You can simply cut into slices. Do as you like. We lay out the resulting mass in molds or deep metal cups. Pour the strained broth into each container. Season with garlic, chopped to a gruel state. We remove the dish in a cool place for 2-3 hours. The calorie content of pork aspic is 340-350 kcal. It is served with boiled potatoes, horseradish or mustard.

Chicken aspic


  • two carrots;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • medium onion;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • chicken wings - 4 pieces;
  • parsley;
  • lavrushka - 2 leaves;
  • 5 peppercorns;
  • chicken legs - 2-3 pieces.


1. We wash the meat in running water. Place the chicken legs and wings in a saucepan. Fill the container 2/3 with cold water. We wait until the boiling point and remove the foam. We set the fire to the minimum value. Cooking time for meat is 4 hours. 30 minutes before the end of the process, salt the broth, and also add a whole onion, a few peppercorns and lavrushka (1 leaf) to it.

2. We take out the meat from the pan. Separate the fillet from the bones. Cut it into cubes or medium pieces. Put the chopped chicken in a special form or a deep plate.

3. Now we need to rinse and chop the parsley. Peel the garlic and chop it with a knife. Boil the carrots and cut into slices.

4. Sprinkle the chicken meat with parsley and garlic. We spread carrots nearby. It remains to pour these ingredients with strained broth and put the dishes in the refrigerator for several hours. When the dish has solidified, it can be served to the table for later use. The calorie content of chicken jellied meat is 50-60 kcal / 100 g.

Jellied meat recipe for a multicooker


  • 100 g carrots;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 100 g onions;
  • 500 g of meat (beef or pork);
  • garlic - 9 cloves;
  • 1-1.5 kg of pork legs;
  • lavrushka - several sheets;
  • peppercorns.


1. The pork legs must be cut into two pieces and then cut along the joints. To make them softer and cook faster, they are pre-soaked for 8-10 hours. The water is changed periodically. If there are dark spots and bristles on the legs, then remove all this with a knife.

2. Place the meat in the multicooker bowl. Fill with water. Add carrots and onions (we do not chop them, but put them whole), a few peppercorns and lavrushka (1 sheet). Salt.

3. Close the lid. We start the "Extinguishing" mode. The timer must be set to 6 hours.

4. After the specified amount of time, turn off the multicooker. We take out the meat from the broth. Grind it and distribute it into shapes.

5. Put chopped garlic into the broth. If necessary, add some salt. We filter the broth and pour it into molds. Now the dish is sent to the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. During this time, the jellied meat should freeze. Calorie content per 100 grams of the finished product is 180-190 kcal.

Jellied beef


  • two onions;
  • 4.5 liters of water;
  • medium carrot;
  • lavrushka - 1 sheet;
  • 2 kg of beef;
  • peppercorns;
  • garlic - 6-7 cloves.


1. We wash the meat with water under the tap. If it's a beef leg, then it needs to be cut. And we just cut the pieces of meat. We send the beef to the pan. Fill with water. We wait for the moment to boil, then set the fire to the minimum value. We timed 15-20 minutes.

2. After the specified time has elapsed, remove the pan from the stove. We drain the liquid into the sink, and rinse the meat and fill it with fresh water. We put it on the stove.

3. As soon as the liquid boils, you need to reduce the heat to the minimum value. Salt. Put the peeled onions and carrots (whole). Cook vegetables with meat for another 3-4 hours. The lid does not need to be closed. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add pepper and lavrushka.

4. We take out the meat pieces from the pan. When they have cooled down, proceed to the separation of the fillet from the bones. Grind the beef and distribute it according to the shapes. Squeeze the garlic on top. Fill each form with strained broth, and then put it in a cold place. It will take several hours for the dish to solidify completely. The calorie content of beef jellied meat is 144 kcal / 100 g. It is served on the table along with horseradish or table mustard.


Now you know the calorie content of jellied meat prepared from different types of meat. Choose any of the recipes suggested in the article and enjoy the result!

How did this dish come about?

When the broth cooled down, it turned into a jelly-like mass. This was considered a disadvantage, so it was reheated to be liquid again. And the French decided to take advantage of this and prepared a new dish. They boiled veal, game, pork, rabbit together and twisted everything. Then they added spices and eggs, added a little broth so that the mass was like thick sour cream. Then they put it in the cold and called it galantine, that is, jelly.

Then the recipe came from France to Russia. Where there was already a similar recipe - jelly.

True, they cooked it a little differently. Everything that remained after a feast in rich houses was crushed, boiled and taken out into the cold. But his appearance was completely unattractive, so he was given to a servant. When a new French recipe came along, Russian chefs improved their jelly, and it became a noble jellied one. And ordinary people began to cook jellied meat more often, because the ingredients for it were cheaper than for aspic.

Types of food

Jellied meat are pieces of meat that are covered with broth. The liquid is cooled and solidifies to a jelly-like mass. Most often, they use legs, tails, lips, ears, heads - that is, offal.

You can cook it from one type of meat (veal, pork, poultry, beef) or from several (assorted).

What to cook depends on the taste and preference of those who will consume the food.

Benefit and harm

Of course, the most important component is gelatin, which is necessary for cushioning and mobility of joints. It is not for nothing that this product is recommended for use after fractures.

And another useful substance is collagen. Collagen is abundant in this dish. Collagen is a protein that our body needs. Protein prevents tissues from being destroyed, slows down the aging process of the body. All this, of course, is useful for people with problems in the musculoskeletal system.

The presence of B vitamins in the dish normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, and also promotes the formation of hemoglobin. Therefore, it is useful to eat it for the prevention of anemia. Aminoacetic acid or glycine has a good effect on the functioning of the brain, relieves depression.

As you can see, the benefits of jellied meat are quite large, however, excessive use can have a harmful effect on the body. The most important problem is cholesterol, which is present in the food. It promotes the formation of plaque in blood vessels, and this leads to heart attack and stroke.

In addition, do not forget about the calorie content of jellied meat - frequent use can bring extra pounds with it.

How to reduce calories?

The calorie content of this dish is not so easy to determine. After all, it depends on the ingredients of the dish. For example, the calorie content of pork jellied meat will be 180 kcal per 100 grams. However, this dish can have an energy value of up to 350 kcal if fatty meat is used. Naturally, such a dish will be very high in calories and unhealthy for those who want to lose weight.

And the calorie content of chicken jelly is 120 kcal. Since old chicken, which is low in fat, is considered the most delicious, the amount of calories will not greatly affect body weight. Yes, and chicken is considered the most tender and dietary, therefore, chicken aspic is allowed for those who are losing weight. The most dietary one is from chicken legs. Only it should be eaten infrequently.

How many calories are in beef jellied meat and can it be eaten by those who are losing weight? Calories per 100 g of beef jellied meat are only 80. Of course, it can be used when losing weight. It turns out that this is the most dietary option.

To reduce calories, simply increase the amount of water in the broth or eat less meat. The calorie content of beef jellied meat will be lower if you also use the tongue, which is a dietary product, and when cooking pork, add vegetables (carrots, celery).

So, the calorie content of jellied meat per 100 g varies quite a lot, it can vary from 80 to 350 kcal. Since we have already found out that you can prepare a dietary meal, we offer you some delicious recipes.


Since the calorie content of jellied meat made from pork legs is very high, we will use low-calorie meat.

Take shanks of veal and beef, chicken and turkey wings - all of these are diet foods. Pour water over the meat and when it boils, add carrots, garlic, onions and salt. Cook for about 4 hours, focusing on the beef as it takes longer than other meats. Then add allspice, bay leaf, a little more garlic and leave for five minutes. After that, remove the meat and vegetables from the broth, strain the last one. Disassemble or cut the meat into pieces, place in bowls and cover with broth. When it hardens, you can eat.


It is better to use the wings and breast here.

Would need:

  • chicken meat - 800 g;
  • onions - 70 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • gelatin - 30 g;
  • parsley, garlic, bay leaf, salt, peppercorns.

How to do:

  1. fill the chicken with water, add onion in the husk, pepper, lavrushka;
  2. when it boils, add whole carrots, salt. After 15 minutes, remove the carrot and cut into rings;
  3. cook for another hour and a half, and get the meat with vegetables;
  4. pour gelatin into a glass of cold water, leave for half an hour;
  5. disassemble the chicken and put it in a container, on top - carrots, garlic;
  6. mix the broth with gelatin, heat and pour the chicken with vegetables;
  7. chop parsley and sprinkle on top;
  8. refrigerate 10 hours.


Fill the beef completely with water, cook without a lid for six hours. Continuously skim off foam if it appears. While cooking, peel the carrots and onions, add to the pan an hour before the end. Dip the spices there, add salt. When everything is ready, put the meat in a mold, garnish with carrots, sprinkle with garlic, fill with broth. Chill in the refrigerator. If grease appears, remove it before serving.

Who is it suitable for and for what cases?

Everyone can use it, there are no specific contraindications. It is especially useful for people with disabilities in the musculoskeletal system. However, it should be remembered that you need to use the right products for cooking - chicken, beef. But pork aspic should not be used often - there are too many calories. This is more true for those who are losing weight. How many bites can you eat? Try not to overdo it - 2-3 slices will be enough. Children can also eat this dish, but little by little and infrequently.

It can be served on holidays or as a daily meal. If you are going to serve food on the festive table, decorate the dish. For this purpose, you can use onions, carrots, eggs, herbs, canned corn or peas, peppers, mushrooms, berries. Cut flowers or geometric shapes, arrange vegetables beautifully.

Serving options: in a large dish, cut into pieces, in small tins, in an egg shell. Glasses, disposable cups, baking tins, cocotte makers are also suitable.

So, if you are going to cook this dish, choose dietary meat, use more vegetables. Then extra pounds will not threaten you.

Each housewife has her own secrets of cooking various meat dishes and tries to make them healthy and safe for the figure. In order for the consumption to pass safely for the figure, you need to know at least approximately how many calories are in the jelly. The caloric content of jellied meat, loved by many, varies greatly due to the cooking recipe, so the amount of nutrients depends on the ingredients. Depending on the meat and by-products used, strong meat broth can have different nutritional value, and may or may not be reflected in the figure. It goes without saying that fatty meats, offal or bones increase the calorie content of jellied meat. If chicken meat with offal is used, then this broth will be lighter. One way or another, the main ingredients answer the question of how many calories are in the jelly. We have summarized all types of jelly in the calorie table so that you can estimate the calorie content of the dish, depending on the ingredients of the recipe: Products Kcal per 100 g of product Pork aspic 180 Beef jellied 139 Chicken aspic 150 Chicken legs asp 120 Chicken thighs and legs asp 293 Jellied chicken in a slow cooker 103 Turkey jellied 161 Pork legs and pork jellied 352 USE OF COLD In many national cuisines there are analogues of our jelly. Why is strong meat and bone broth so popular all over the world? Since during a long preparation all the substances of cartilage, bones and connective tissues of meat and offal pass into the broth, this broth becomes a storehouse of protein - collagen. As we all know, collagen fills our skin tissues, responsible for the firmness and youthfulness of our skin. Also, regular consumption of a gelatinous dish prevents inflammation and diseases of the joints (arthritis and arthrosis), because in the course of prolonged heat treatment, jelly-forming substances are produced that restore joint mobility and strengthen bones and connective tissues. One of the substances is lysine, which ensures the absorption of calcium by the body, and also, together with retinol, strengthens the immune system. Jelly is also a source of B vitamins for the body, which are involved in hematopoiesis, improve hemoglobin and demonstrate high antioxidant properties. Importantly, polyunsaturated fatty acids and glycine (aminoacetic acid) in the decoction have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and the entire nervous system. This is reflected in improved memory, concentration and increased mental performance. In general, jelly should be included not only in the menu for the festive table. Jellied meat can also be included in the Sunday menu, because the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system will not hurt anyone, right? At the same time, the calorie content of jellied meat can be adjusted with the help of additional ingredients. We include more vegetables, improve the taste with spices and seasonings, choose beef or poultry instead of pork. HARMFUL OF THE COLD The harm to the health of this dish is also obvious! Thick bone fat is almost pure cholesterol, therefore, it is not recommended to abuse the use of jelly in food. Cholesterol will be deposited on the walls of blood vessels by cholesterol plaques, and this causes them to narrow. You understand that this can lead to cardiovascular diseases and their extreme manifestations - strokes and heart attacks. Also, eating an excessive amount of jelly can lead to a slowdown in metabolism, a significant load on the liver, and ultimately lead to illness and weight gain. In conclusion, I would like to say that jellied meat and jelly do not differ in the basic cooking technology and are one and the same dish. But in philistine culinary use, jellied meat is considered to be a lighter and less high-calorie dish made from poultry or young beef (veal). The calorie content of the jelly is higher, since it is a stronger and thicker broth of pork and pork offal (ears, legs, etc.).