Raspberry jelly without gelatin. Raspberry jelly is a bright, aromatic, summertime, affordable pleasure! Recipes for making raspberry jelly for the winter and just for dessert

25.04.2019 Grill menu

Hand-made delicate raspberry jelly caring hostess, will be a stunning addition to a cozy evening tea with your beloved family and friends. Profitable, economical recipe allows the use of berries that are not suitable for making jam or preserves.

Often when making sweet preserves for the winter great amount during sorting, berries are simply thrown away as unusable. Do not rush to get rid of the rejected "material", as you can always cook from slightly crushed berries fragrant compote, jelly or prepare a delicious treat in the form of jelly. For example, a raspberry treat is very easy to prepare. Thus, you will not only find a use for the product, but also delight your loved ones with delicious delicate jelly from raspberries.

In addition to its wonderful taste and amazing aroma, raspberries have many useful properties... The abundance of vitamins and minerals contained in this unique berry will provide the body with a charge of vivacity and energy, especially in a cold winter period when the immune system is especially weakened. Thus, the raspberry treat will become not only delicious, but also incredible. healthy dessert To fragrant tea... Below is a recipe for making jelly without using thickeners.

To make raspberry jelly at home on your own, you need to prepare the following products in advance:

  • fresh berries - 1 kg;
  • Cup granulated sugar;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • citric acid - 2 g.

Cooking method:

  1. To make a raspberry treat, first place in enamel pot berries and crush them well using a wooden pestle from a rolling pin, which is usually used to roll out dough for dumplings or dumplings.
  2. After that, pour water into a saucepan with crushed berries and stir the mixture with a non-metallic spatula.
  3. After that, put the container with berries on the fire. The raspberry treat should boil. Remove the foam formed on the surface of the mixture and boil the mass over low heat for about ten minutes.
  4. After the specified time has elapsed, remove the mixture from the stove and let the workpiece cool.
  5. Rub the resulting mass thoroughly through a sieve, then squeeze it through cheesecloth.
  6. The result should be berry juice, into which you need to pour granulated sugar. Pour the mixture back into a saucepan, put it on fire and bring it to a boil.
  7. Cook the raspberry jelly blank for 40 minutes. Do not forget to peel off the film from the surface of the mixture from time to time.
  8. When the raspberry treat is ready, add citric acid, which mix well, then remove the pan from the stove. Pour the dessert into previously prepared and sterilized jars. It is advisable to use containers of shallow depth.
  9. Jars with berry treat leave in open form until complete cooling at room temperature.
  10. After that, close the containers with nylon lids and store in a cool place, for example, in the refrigerator.

Raspberry delicacy can be used as dessert filling, for decorating sweet pies, pancakes, cheesecakes or pancakes. In addition, jelly may well become a wonderful independent dessert for aromatic hot tea. Below is a brief summary of another interesting recipe raspberry jelly with the addition of red currant.

Red currant and raspberry jelly

By adding an ingredient such as currant juice to the recipe, you can get a dessert with a denser consistency as a result. At the same time, the technology for making jelly itself remains the same. The only difference is that currant juice must be added to the raspberry juice. In addition to the fact that currants are ideally suited to raspberries in color, they also perfectly gel. Thus, per liter raspberry juice you need to take about 300 ml of currant, as well as one kilogram of sugar.

Bon Appetit!

Video recipe for making raspberry jelly

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Raspberry jelly - very aromatic delicacy, which contains a huge amount of vitamins. It can be made at home just so that you can indulge in a treat for dessert, or you can prepare it for the winter from summer.

This option will not allow you to forget the taste juicy berries, will remind you of sunny days and cheer you up.

Raspberry jelly - general principles of preparation

Jelly can be made on the basis berry puree, juice or broth. It all depends on the recipe used, as well as the amount of raspberries. If there are a lot of berries, then you can prepare a rich treat with a pronounced taste. If there are very few raspberries, then it is better to prepare a decoction, you can add other juices and compotes to it, then make jelly from this liquid. The mass can be simply boiled down, since there are gelling substances in the berries. But more and more often the process is simplified, for jelly they use the usual table gelatin... The product is available in plates, but is not sold everywhere. It is easier to buy loose powder in sachets, it is in every store.

Basic rules for using gelatin:

1. The product must be strictly measured, the quantity indicated in the recipe is taken. You can take into account the ratio with the liquid indicated in the instructions.

2. Pour gelatin with cool water or room temperature.

3. Gelatin needs time to swell. It is in the instructions. Even instant products need to stand for 7-10 minutes, and simple ones even longer.

4. It is undesirable to boil gelatin, except for preparations for the winter. After cooking, the gelling capacity of the product decreases.

5. Jelly is never frozen, it will only spoil it. For solidification, they simply stand in the refrigerator for several hours. Exact time depends on adherence to technology, applied amount, temperature.

After preparation, the gelatin is combined with a liquid jelly base and heated. If the dessert is intended for immediate consumption, then only slightly warmed up. Then the mass is laid out in molds or poured into one large bowl, left to solidify.

Raspberry jelly for dessert

Recipe plain jelly from raspberries, which can be prepared for dessert. Here you can use fresh or frozen berries, which allows you to make a treat at any time of the year.


100 g raspberries;

400 ml of water;

10 g gelatin;

30 g sugar;

1 pinch of vanilla (optional)

Cooking method

1. Pour 40 ml of water, mix with loose gelatin. It is important to use liquid at room temperature. If the water is hot, lumps will immediately appear. Set aside the gelatin, withstand the time indicated on the package.

2. Mix raspberries with the remaining water, put on the stove, boil for a couple of minutes after the liquid boils.

3. Strain the broth, rub the berries through the same sieve. Throw away bones and films.

4. Add granulated sugar to the raspberry broth, stir. In general, the amount of sugar and its sweetness can be adjusted at your discretion. Put in a small pinch of vanillin, stir again.

5. Gelatin is already swollen by this point. We just transfer it to a hot mass, stir it. If the base has already cooled down, then put it on the stove and heat it up a little over low heat. All clots should dissolve.

6. Pour the syrup with gelatin into molds, bowls or vases, you can just use glasses. This makes three full servings.

7. Leave in the refrigerator for three hours. When serving, you can put a few raspberries on top, garnish with a mint leaf.

Raspberry jelly for the winter without gelatin

The recipe is bright and appetizing preparation for the winter. For her, you can use the softest, crumpled berries, as well as the juice accumulated at the bottom. The main thing is to sort everything out, take out the spoiled raspberries. If the berries are no longer fresh, they give away wine, then use them for winter harvesting it is forbidden.


1 kg of raspberries;

100 g of water;

3 grams of citric acid;

1 kg of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Put clean berries in a saucepan, add granulated sugar.

2. Knead everything thoroughly with a pestle. You do not need to leave, as is done when cooking jam, immediately send it to the stove.

3. Bring to a boil over low heat to dissolve all the sand. Then boil for 30 minutes.

4. Cool raspberry jam, rub through a sieve, remove all seeds.

5. Return the resulting puree to the stove.

6. Dissolve citric acid in water. Pour jelly into the future in a spoon, each time bringing to a boil. Boil for another quarter of an hour.

7. While the mass is being prepared, you need to steam the cans, scald the sealed lids with boiling water.

8. Pour the jelly into the prepared jars, roll up, put away for storage. In a cool place, the mass will become thicker.

Raspberry jelly for the winter with gelatin

Of course, jelly without gelatin is very tasty, tender, but the consistency does not always turn out as it should. Usually a delicacy just resembles confiture, it can even be spread on bread. For those who want to cook more thick jelly from raspberries for the winter, this recipe will do.


1 kg of raspberries;

700 g granulated sugar;

30 g gelatin;

1 tsp citric acid;

250 grams of water.

Cooking method

1. Pour gelatin with water, use until 150 grams, for this amount of powder will be quite enough. Set aside, let it stand and swell.

2. Transfer the berries to a saucepan, add granulated sugar, stir and mash a little so that the juice comes out. Due to the addition of gelatin, there is less sugar than berries.

3. Put the raspberries on the stove, boil until soft. Since the berries themselves are very tender, ten minutes is enough.

4. Strain the liquid, wipe the rest of the berries. Throw away the excess.

5. Screw the sweet mass onto the stove, boil for another ten minutes.

6. Add divorced hot water citric acid, cook for another five minutes.

7. Introduce the swollen gelatin. Stir. Cook the jelly for another ten minutes, but now turn on the fire to the lowest setting. The mass should not gurgle and actively boil. We just warm up thoroughly.

8.We prepare the jars in advance: we steam or fry in the oven, heat in microwave oven by pouring some water. Treat the lids with boiling water.

9. Pour the jelly while it is hot, the consistency is liquid.

10. Quickly roll up the jars, turn over. As soon as the raspberry delicacy cools down, you can put it away for storage.

Raspberry Cream Jelly

Option of the most tender jelly dessert which is cooked with cream. Regular food gelatin, cream with a fat content of 33%.


150 g raspberries;

200 ml of water for berries;

40 g sugar;

150 g cream;

21 g gelatin;

3 tbsp. l. powdered sugar;

90 ml of water.

Cooking method

1. Separate 14 grams of gelatin, pour 60 ml of water to it, leave to swell. Also combine 7 g of gelatin and 30 ml of water.

2. Boil berries with prescription water, boil for a minute, rub through a sieve. Add granulated sugar.

3. Boil the raspberries again, add the swollen 14 g of gelatin, stir and remove from heat after dissolving.

4. Pour raspberry syrup into portions, only half full. Put in the refrigerator for an hour.

5. Whip the cream and powder. Put vanilla to taste.

6. Melt 7 g of swollen gelatin. You can put on water bath or warm up a little in the microwave. Pour into the cream while whisking.

7. Put the cream on top of the raspberry jelly. Can be extruded through pastry bag with a nozzle.

8. Put the dessert in the refrigerator for another 2-3 hours, let it freeze completely.

Raspberry jelly with berries

Option delicious treats with whole berries inside. Dessert is also prepared with gelatin, but with raspberry juice. You can mix it with the juice of apples, oranges, other fruits or berries.


300 ml of raspberry juice;

150 g berries;

15 g gelatin;

2 tbsp. l. Sahara;

30 ml of water.

Cooking method

1. Mix water and gelatin, add 30 ml of juice, let the mixture swell.

2. Add granulated sugar to the remaining juice and dissolve.

3. Sort the berries, rinse and dry.

4. Melt gelatin, combine with juice.

5. Pour a layer of jelly into the mold, half of the syrup should go. Send in the freezer for 20 minutes. The jelly will not freeze, but it will harden a little on top.

6. Take out the form, spread out the raspberries.

7. Spoon the raspberries on top. It is not necessary to add quickly, as the bottom layer is not strong enough yet. Gently pour out the remaining syrup, refrigerate for two hours.

Raspberry and orange puff jelly

It is best to collect such jelly in wide glasses without a pattern. Through transparent glass, you can appreciate the beauty of the dessert.


250 ml orange juice;

150 g raspberries;

20 g gelatin;

260 ml of water;

Sugar to taste.

Cooking method

1. Divide gelatin in half, pour 30 ml of water into each part.

2. Boil raspberries in a glass of water, rub or simply squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Sugar to taste.

3. Add one part gelatin to hot raspberries, dissolve.

4. Pour 1.5-2 cm of raspberry broth into each glass. Put in the refrigerator.

5. Melt the second half of the gelatin. Combine with orange juice. If it is not sweet enough, you can add granulated sugar.

6. Remove the hardened raspberry jelly, pour a layer of orange juice. Re-refrigerate.

7. As soon as the orange layer hardens, pour the raspberry broth again.

8. The number of layers and their thickness is arbitrary, the main thing is to let them solidify a little so that the liquids do not mix.

If there is gelatin in the plates, then its amount is the same as indicated in the recipe. It's just soaked in cold water, which is not taken into account in the recipe. And the liquid that is there is simply added to mashed potatoes or syrup. The soaked plates are removed from the water, added to the total mass, and dissolved.

As with making jam, it is important to remove the froth that forms when the raspberries boil. This is especially true in preparations for the winter. Debris, air accumulates in the foam, it shortens the shelf life of the delicacy, spoils its appearance.

Raspberries go well with mint and lemon balm leaves, you can add a few pieces of welding, but do not put in jars.

In addition to gelatin, agar-agar can be used to thicken the mass, it is sold in the departments for pastry chefs, the dosage is indicated on the package.

Step 1: prepare the inventory.

First of all, we prepare all the inventory with which the conservation will be prepared. We rinse it under warm running water from any kind of contamination, for this purpose it is worth using any detergent which contains minimal amount chemical substances, most perfect option this is usual baking soda, it will wash away any dirt.

Then we pour over the small dishes with boiling water, and sterilize the jars and lids in any convenient way, which you can learn more about by clicking on this link. After we cover the tabletop kitchen towel, put jars and a bowl with sterilized lids on it and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: prepare the raspberries.

We transfer 1.5 kilograms of picked raspberries into a colander and rinse them under a thin stream of cold running water to remove dust and any other kind of contamination.

After we leave the berries in the same container for 7 - 10 minutes to drain off any remaining liquid. Then we transfer them into a deep saucepan and crush them with a crush until a homogeneous liquid mass.

Step 3: cook the raspberries.

Now we turn on the stove to the middle level, put a pan with raspberries on it, pour it into the container 100 milliliters pure water and bring the liquid to a boil. After boiling, boil raspberries for 5 minutes, remove the pan from the stove, put it on a cutting board and let the berry mass cool slightly. Do not turn off the stove!

Step 4: grind the raspberries.

Then we set a sieve with a fine mesh on the surface of a clean pan and rub the berry mass through it, helping ourselves with a wooden kitchen spoon. We do not throw away the cake, it can be used to make compote or jelly, and add 1 kilogram of granulated sugar to a saucepan with raspberry juice.

Step 5: Boil the gelatin-free raspberry jelly.

Then we reduce the temperature of the stove to the lowest level and put a saucepan with a mixture of sugar and raspberry juice on it. We arm ourselves with the same wooden spoon, and, stirring the berry mass, boil it down for 40 - 50 minutes... Periodically, using a slotted spoon, remove the white foam from the surface of the thickening liquid.

After the required time has elapsed, we check the viscosity of the jelly, drip 2 - 3 drops of the mixture onto a dry plate, if the drop spreads, we continue to cook the jelly again 5 - 10 minutes, and if it does not spread, then it's time to start conservation.

Step 6: preserve the gelatin-free raspberry jelly.

We put a watering can with a wide neck on each sterilized jar in turn and, helping ourselves with a ladle, pour hot raspberry mass over them. We fill the containers so that no more than 1 centimeter of free space remains to the level of the necks. Using the tongs for preservation, place a metal screw cap on each jar, and close them tightly so that there are no gaps. We turn the jars upside down, wipe them with a damp kitchen towel, put them on the floor, cover them with an old woolen blanket and cool the workpiece without sudden changes in temperature for 12 days... After that, we remove the conservation in a cool, well-ventilated place, for example, in a pantry, basement or cellar.

Step 7: Serve the gelatin-free raspberry jelly.

Raspberry jelly without gelatin is served at room temperature in dessert vases or in portions in sockets. As an addition to this yummy, you can offer crackers, cookies, rolls, cheesecakes or fresh homebaked bread with butter.

Very often, this jelly is used in baking, for interlayers of cakes, pastries, as an addition to ice cream, soufflé or creams. The texture of raspberry jelly without gelatin is of medium density, slightly elastic and very delicate. Enjoy!

Bon Appetit!

In the same way, you can cook jelly from cherries, strawberries, cranberries and currants.

In order to get crystal clear jelly, you can grind it through a sieve 2 times and then repeat this process but using sterile gauze.

In order for the raspberry jelly to get a denser and thicker amount of granulated sugar, it is necessary to increase by 500 grams.

Sometimes 1 sachet is added to this type of jam vanilla sugar, this spice complements the aroma ready-made dessert... Also introduce 1 - 2 tablespoons lemon juice if the raspberries are too sweet and require a little sourness.

Raspberry has long been the best medicine against colds, it has been used to treat many other diseases, so raspberry jam for the winter was also made by our great-great-grandmothers. Many fairy tales and songs have been composed about this berry, it was revered by both the Slavic tribes and the ancient Romans and Greeks.

Fragrant and tasty berry-raspberry is good both fresh and in quality different blanks for the winter. It seems that what is special about raspberries can be made, in addition to the well-known jam? In fact, there are a lot of the healthiest and tastiest things: jelly, jam, marmalades, jams, as well as marmalade and marshmallow. If desired, it can be easily combined in blanks with other berries, for example, gooseberries, cherries, currants. With her presence, she will only decorate any workpiece.

Options for raspberry blanks for the winter

Raspberries in currant juice


  • 0.5 liters of currant juice.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.

Cooking technology. Sort out the berries and place in a container. Blanch the currants for one minute and grind with a sieve (you can squeeze out the juice with cheesecloth). Add this juice to the berries, heat the mixture and let it boil for 6-7 minutes, then immediately pour into bottles and close the lids.

Recipe in its own juice without cooking


  • A kilogram of sugar.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.

Cooking technology. Put the berries in an enamel pan, add sugar, wait until the juice appears, put everything in a bottle. Roll up and place in a cool and dark place.

Sugar-grated raspberry recipe


  • 220 ml of water.
  • 350 gr. Sahara.
  • 800 gr. raspberries.

Cooking technology... Sort out the berries, place them in an enamel pot and add water. On minimal heat, after boiling, cook for 4-6 minutes. Remove the mass from the stove and, while hot, grind with a sieve. Put sugar in the puree and let the mixture boil, but do not boil. Pour into bottles and roll up.

Raspberry jam

"Babushkin" recipe for preparation


  • 4 glasses of water.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.
  • 1 tbsp citric acid.
  • Sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking method. Add berries, water and sugar to a container for making jam. Before full readiness cook over low heat, stirring occasionally. Add citric acid before cooking.

Recipe raspberry jam"Five minutes"


  • Raspberries - 5 kg.
  • Sugar - 3-4 kg.

Cooking technology. Peel, wash, dry the berries. Then place in a deep container, add sugar and set in a cool and dark place for 12 hours. Then place the container with the mixture on the stove, let it boil and cook for 5 minutes. Hot composition pour into bottles and close the lid.

Wonderful Flavor Raspberry Jam Recipe


  • 8 kg of sugar.
  • 3 medium lemons.
  • Raspberries - 5 kg.

Cooking technology. Peel, wash and dry the berries. Wash the lemons and cut into thin rings, which are then cut in half, remove the seeds. Cover the prepared berries and lemon wedges with sugar and put in a cool and dark place for 12 hours. Place the container with the berries that gave the juice, and place the lemon slices on the stove, let it boil, remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove from the stove and let cool. Put the jam back on the stove and cook until tender, let cool, pour into bottles and close.

Melon Raspberry Jam Recipe


Cooking technology. Lemon zest pour over lemon juice, add sugar and let stand for an hour. Peel the melon and cut into small pieces. Pour sugar into the water, add lemon sugar and cook while stirring. When the composition boils, put the melon first, and then the berries. Cook everything, without stirring, until it thickens. Ready jam remove from the stove, remove the foam and pack in bottles.

Raspberry Cherry Jam Recipe


  • A kilogram of raspberries.
  • A kilogram of cherries.
  • 2 cups of water.
  • Sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking method. Add the pitted cherries to boiling water, let it boil and remove from the stove. Bring the jam to a boil 5 times every 30 minutes. For the last time, a couple of minutes before cooking, add the raspberries, let them boil and immediately remove from the stove. Pour the prepared jam into bottles. Roll up.

Compotes, juices and other preparations for the winter

Compote recipe "For the winter"


  • Water - 3 liters.
  • A kilogram of sugar.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.

Cooking technology. Sort the berries, remove the sepals and leaves. Brew syrup from water and sugar. Add raspberries to the hot syrup, mix, let it boil, remove from the stove and bottle. Allow the compote to cool down and roll over the bottles.

Natural Raspberry Juice Recipe


  • 180-220 ml of water.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.

Cooking technology. Peel the berries, mash and put in a container with pre-heated water to 70 ° C. Heat the berries, stirring constantly to 70 ° C, remove from the stove, close the lid and squeeze the juice after 20 minutes. Strain the juice, let it boil, immediately pour into bottles and roll up.

Raspberry jam recipe


  • A kilogram of sugar.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.
  • Sachet "Zhelfix".
  • One lemon.

Cooking technology. Peel, wash and dry the berries. Drizzle with lemon juice, add zest and mix. Add sugar. Bring the composition to a boil over low heat. Add gelling sugar and cook for a minute, stirring constantly. Sterilize the bottles, fill with hot confiture, close with screw caps.

Raspberry syrup recipe


  • Glass of water.
  • A kilogram of sugar.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.

Cooking technology. Make a syrup with water and sugar. Add berries to it. Let it boil. Then cool and strain with a sieve. Bring this syrup to a boil and cook for 4-6 minutes, then pour it hot into a bottle and roll it up.

Raspberry jelly recipe for the winter


  • A kilogram of sugar.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.

Cooking technology. Rinse the berries and let dry completely. Mash in a saucepan. Strain through a sieve. Add sugar. Mix until sugar dissolves and let it brew overnight. Then put in bottles and roll up hermetically. Store this jelly in the refrigerator.

Raspberry jam recipe


  • 1.6 kg of sugar.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.
  • 2 tbsp gelatin.
  • 0.5 tbsp citric acid.
  • 1.5 cups of water.

Cooking technology. Peel the berries from the stalks, rinse with water and place in a saucepan, adding sugar in layers. Pour in water. Place the pot on slow fire and let it boil. After 20 minutes, make the fire a little larger and boil the jam until cooked. At the end of cooking, add citric acid and diluted gelatin with water. Pour the jam into bottles and close.

Apple Raspberry Jam Recipe


  • A kilogram of apple puree.
  • A kilogram of raspberry puree.
  • 700 ml of water.
  • 900 gr. Sahara.

Cooking technology... Steam the apples in boiling water and grind. Weigh one kilogram. Rub the raspberries thoroughly and mix with the apple puree. Cook the composition in a container with a wide bottom. After 25 minutes, add sugar and cook, stirring constantly, until cooked. Pour the jam into bottles and close the lids.

Sugar-Free Raspberry Puree Recipe

Puree from this berry can be made without sugar. In winter, you can make jelly, jelly or marmalade from it. Fresh berries grind with a sieve. Place this mass in an enamel pan and place on the stove. Boil for a minute and bottle.

Raspberry Pear Mousse Recipe


  • 350 gr. raspberries.
  • A kilogram of pears (without seeds).
  • A spoonful of cardamom.
  • A couple of drops of lemon juice.
  • 0.5 cups of sugar.

Cooking technology. Wash the pears, chop and remove the seeds (you do not need to peel the skin). Cut into large cubes and place in a saucepan. Wash and dry raspberries. Put berries, sugar in a container with pears and mix everything. Cook over low heat for an hour, stirring occasionally. Then remove the pan from the stove. Add a pinch of cardamom and a couple of drops of lemon juice. Mix everything with a blender and transfer to a bottle.

Raspberry marmalade recipe (preparation for the winter)


  • 0.5 kg of sugar.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.

Cooking technology. Wash the berries, rinse with boiling water, dry and grind with a sieve. Add sugar to this puree and cook over high heat, stirring constantly. When the composition thickens, remove from the stove and place hot in a bottle.

Raspberry marshmallow recipe


  • 120 g icing sugar.
  • 350 gr. Sahara.
  • A kilogram of raspberries.

Cooking technology... Wash the berries, place in a wide container and place in a preheated oven for an hour. Grind hot berries with a sieve. This puree set on low heat, add sugar and boil for half a volume. Pour the hot mixture into a container lined with parchment paper and smeared vegetable oil, and dry in an oven with a temperature of 80 ° C. Cut the marshmallow into slices, sprinkle icing sugar and put in bottles.

Raspberry Vinegar Recipe

This vinegar has a very bright taste and a great smell. It fits perfectly for fruit and vegetable salads.


  • 250 g berries.
  • 350 gr. wine white vinegar.

Cooking technology. Prepare a glass container with a lid. Wash and dry the berries, put in a jar. Add vinegar and seal. Store in a dark place for 2 weeks. At the end of this time, strain the liquid. That's it, the vinegar is ready!

Raspberry-based spirits

Raspberry Wine Recipe


  • 3 liters of water.
  • 800 gr. Sahara.
  • 3 kg of raspberries.

Cooking technology. Squeeze raspberry juice... Heat water with sugar until it dissolves, cool. Pour into bottles, stir with raspberry juice and wait until fermentation ends at room temperature. When it's over, strain and roll up.

Raspberry liqueur recipe


  • 0.5 kg of sugar.
  • 0.5 kg of raspberries.
  • A liter of vodka.
  • 300 ml of water.

Cooking technology. Place ripe raspberries on the bottom of the bottles and add vodka to it... Close up nylon cover with multiple holes. Set in a cool and dark place for a month. Make a syrup with water and sugar, let cool, and add to the raspberries. Stir, strain and bottle. Close with lids. The more this liqueur costs, the tastier it turns out.

Dried and frozen raspberries

Dried raspberries

This requires slightly unripe and dense berries. Otherwise, the raspberries will not dry out, but turn sour. Dry the berries in an electric dryer or oven for 3-5 hours with a temperature of 40-60C, and when they dry, increase the temperature to 70C. Cool the dried berries and store in sealed boxes or jars.

Choose dry berries for freezing. You do not need to rinse them. To prevent raspberries from freezing in a lump, freeze them in one row on a tray or cutting board... When the berries are frozen, pour them into a freezer container.

Frozen raspberries with honey

Place the berries in a freezer container and add honey. Then put in freezer... There are double benefits from this harvest: both honey and raspberries. The preparation prepared in this way for the winter will retain its properties, and is also quite useful.

In the old days, they said that in addition to all of the above, raspberries also have spiritual strength: these berries contribute to the strengthening of good relations between people. Most likely, this was the origin of the tradition of treating the guests who came to the house with tea with aromatic jam.