Delicious harvesting for the winter garlic arrows recipes. Pickled garlic arrows

13.08.2019 Lenten dishes

We make delicious preparations of garlic arrows for the winter according to the simplest recipe: we simply twist the garlic arrows through a meat grinder or chop with a blender and mix with various additives. The blanks are stored in the refrigerator, but they do not take up much space, since the seasonings are very concentrated and the best container for them is small glass jars of 100-150 ml. In winter, they help out a lot - here you have a vitamin supplement, and a flavoring additive to soups, sauces, potatoes, meat, stews, sandwiches. In general - a thing useful, tasty and necessary. And it's very easy to prepare.

Arrows of garlic for the winter - recipes


  • Garlic arrows - a large bunch;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil (we have sunflower);
  • mayonnaise;
  • tomato sauce;
  • chili pepper or black ground;
  • small jars with a volume of 100-150 ml.

How to cook garlic arrows for the winter

As you have already noticed, there are no proportions in this recipe. They are not needed, add everything to taste. First, there will be a basic recipe for garlic arrows for the winter, and then we will make seasonings based on it. So, the first thing we do is separate unnecessary parts, cut off or break off the very top with a flower bud - we won't need it. We send the stems to the kitchen sink, rinse thoroughly. We discuss.

We collect in small bunches and cut into pieces - it is more convenient and faster to grind them in the future.

To grind into a paste, we use what you have: we twist the arrows of garlic for the winter through a meat grinder, grind in a food processor or in a blender with a “knife” attachment. The degree of grinding is any, at your discretion - from almost homogeneous like a paste to a mass with pieces. We get something in between - and not very small, and there are no large particles.

Add salt to taste. Don't add too much, too much salt will give the seasoning a bitter taste.

Pour in vegetable oil, a little. The proportions are approximately five tablespoons of crushed mass 1st. l. oils. Mix and see how oily the paste seems or try.

Harvesting garlic arrows for the winter according to the basic recipe is ready. We spread the pasta in clean heated jars, twist and put in the refrigerator. Shelf life is up to a year, but do not flatter yourself - this blank will end surprisingly quickly.

Paste of garlic arrows for the winter with mayonnaise

We usually make seasoning with mayonnaise in not in large numbers, and the main stocks according to the basic recipe. First, prepare the garlic paste as described above. But we add salt quite a bit, only for taste and so that there is more juice. Oil in this recipe is not necessary, it is enough in mayonnaise. After the salt has dissolved, add mayonnaise, we make our own, homemade. We mix, lay out in clean, dry jars and send to the refrigerator. We mainly use it as a spread for sandwiches. It’s also very good in this case to add different greens to the garlic arrows: dill, parsley, spinach and chop everything together. It will turn out very tasty and much larger in volume.

Arrows of garlic for the winter with a tomato

We prepare the basis for the snack according to the first recipe (grind, salt, add oil). Then mix with a thick tomato sauce, preferably homemade, add a little ground chili pepper or flakes for taste. Or red paprika instead. You can add a little balsamic vinegar, a few drops. Mix it all, arrange in jars and store in the cold. For meat, kebabs, sandwiches, you get a great dip.

All these preparations from garlic arrows for the winter can be frozen by spreading them into small containers. They do not lose their taste, but this method is not entirely convenient because re-freezing is unacceptable, how much everything has been thawed must be used.

Well, for the winter we made delicious preparations from garlic arrows according to different recipes. Look at the recipe, there are several options, and perhaps it will come in handy for you too.

If you are a beginner summer gardener, and every year, breaking off the shoots from garlic, throw them into the compost pit, then this article is just for you! An appetizer of garlic arrows through a meat grinder is only one, moreover, the simplest recipe for their preparation.

You can cook: fried garlic arrows, garlic arrows with cheese, bacon or as side dishes for meat and fish dishes, delicious warm salads and casseroles, combined with pieces of fish or meat fillet, fillings for rolls and many more different dishes. Pay attention to ways.

After the leaves appear on the garlic, it begins to “throw out” arrows. This is the stem of the future flower, in which the seeds will ripen later. At that moment, when the arrow has already appeared, but the bud has not yet had time to bloom, it needs to be cut off. How to do it at home.

If this is done later, then a snack of garlic arrows through a meat grinder for the winter will not be so tasty and juicy. And the color will not be so saturated green. Next, the garlic arrows are washed in cold water, dried, spread out on a paper or clean kitchen towel. After that, you can start cooking.

The simplest recipes from garlic arrows through a meat grinder

We prepare the arrows as described above. With scissors or a sharp knife, cut them into pieces of about 3-5 cm.

You can even make these snack mix options:

1. Garlic arrows and salted bacon are crushed separately through a meat grinder, combined, mixing thoroughly until smooth, put in containers with a tight lid. Such an appetizer of garlic arrows is being prepared through a meat grinder in order to have time to eat it in a week. Serve deliciously on black bread.
2. Garlic shooters are ground through a meat grinder (or with a blender), tomato sauce or tomato paste is added in such an amount that the mass is thick enough not to “drain”. Serve on a circle of tomato, "Borodinsky" or other rye bread. Although on a warm white baguette it is also very tasty!
3. Grate hard cheese, cut boiled eggs into cubes (you can do without them), mix with chopped garlic arrows, add mayonnaise or sour cream, mix.

It is difficult to call these dishes a preparation, they should not be stored for a long time, and this is not possible - it is very tasty. Let's talk about whether an appetizer is made from garlic arrows through a meat grinder for the winter, recipes that can be used for this.

Recipe #1. The easiest recipe for harvesting garlic arrows for the winter is to chop them with salt (“by eye”) and vegetable oil - sunflower, olive, corn (to your taste). We lay out the mass in clean, dry jars. In each jar, pour a little vegetable oil over the laid mass to avoid the formation of mold fungi. Zamoy such preparation can be used for preparation of various dishes. If you flavor boiled potatoes with such a preparation, the whole kitchen will be filled with the aroma of fresh garlic.

On a note! Green garlic mass can be combined with butter and used as a base for sandwiches or in some other way.

Recipe #2: It needs 0.7 kg of arrows, 0.3 kg of other herbs (parsley, dill, basil, a little thyme), Vegeta seasoning - 6 tbsp.

For reference! Seasoning "Vegeta" is a mixture of dried vegetables and herbs with salt and other preservatives. Produced since 1958 in Yugoslavia. Until now, several of its variants are produced by the Podravka concern.

Wash the arrows and greens, cut and chop, sprinkle with Vegeta and mix. Arrange in small glass jars, for example, from under baby food. Store in a cool place - a refrigerator or cellar is fine.

An appetizer of garlic arrows through a meat grinder is not a secret for many. There are a huge number of them on the expanses of the World Wide Web, and a cottage neighbor will share hers with you and your winter will definitely become delicious! Excellent recipes.

A few important tips.

Tomato-garlic seasoning.

You will need:

Tomato paste or tomato sauce

How to cook:

Wash the greens from dirt and dust, twist through a meat grinder. Mix the mass with tomato seasoning. You need to add it just enough so that the mixture is not too liquid. Arrange the seasoning in sterile jars, cover with lids, and place in the refrigerator.

Recipe for seasoning with garlic and dill.


Green part of young garlic
- salt
- dill

Cooking steps:

Pass the greens through a meat grinder, mix with salt, pack in prepared containers, sprinkle with salt on top, tighten the seasoning with lids and store in the refrigerator.

Sauce of garlic arrows "Piquant"

500 g arrows of garlic,
100 g salt
ground coriander - to taste.

Thoroughly wash the garlic shooters and pass them through a meat grinder. Add all other ingredients to the arrows, mix, season with coriander and package in small pre-sterilized jars. Close the lids and store in a cold place.

Garlic arrows with thyme and basil

700 g arrows of garlic,
300 g mixed greens (thyme, basil, parsley, dill),
6 tbsp spices Vegeta.

Pass clean and dry arrows of garlic and herbs through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass with seasoning, transfer to clean, dry jars, lightly tamping the mass, and store in the refrigerator. The mass can also be frozen. Just pack the mixture into ice cube trays and place in the freezer for 5-6 hours. Remove the frozen garlic blanks from the cells, put them in a bag and store in the freezer until needed.

Garlic arrows with gooseberries and cilantro

500 g garlic arrows,
500 g gooseberries,
1 bunch green cilantro
1 bunch dill,
3 tbsp vegetable oil,
2-3 tsp salt.

Wash the gooseberries, remove the tails and, together with the garlic arrows, pass through a meat grinder. Wash the greens, finely chop and combine with the garlic-berry mass. Add vegetable oil, salt to it and mix well. Arrange the prepared seasoning in sterilized jars, close with nylon lids and store in the refrigerator.

garlic oil

From garlic arrows, an unusually tasty and fragrant oil is obtained. It can be consumed almost immediately, or it can be prepared for future use by freezing. Spicy butter with garlic arrows will add a spicy taste to potato dishes and more. By the way, this oil is prepared not only from the arrows of garlic. Paprika, hot pepper, basil, dill and other spices for every taste - you can literally use everything individually or combine the ingredients.

Butter in an amount of 200 g is pre-softened to room temperature. Add to it 2-3 tbsp. l. with a slide of chopped garlic arrows, mix well with a fork. Put the resulting mass on cling film or foil in the form of sausages, twist and wrap the ends.

Butter must be of good quality in order for the appetizer to turn out really tasty.

Frozen garlic arrows for the winter

Cut the arrows, wash them, dry them on towels and cut into pieces. Then lay them out on parchment, spread out in the freezer, and leave for a day. Then simply pour the frozen arrows into freezer bags, tie off and return to the freezer. When needed, take out the required amount without defrosting the entire package.

Believe me, having prepared arrows of garlic for the winter, you will not regret it. In the cold winter, the tantalizing aroma of garlic will gather your whole family at a large table more than once and once again remind you of a warm and generous summer.

Good luck preparing!

Any vegetables for future use will always come in handy in winter, and if they are garlic arrows, then you will be provided with aromatic spices for the entire cold season. Yes, garlic arrows serve as a spice for many dishes, and given that it is still garlic, there will be a lot of vitamins in it. So do not throw away garlic arrows, but stock them up for future use. After all, winter is long, so this green seasoning will always come to the rescue of many dishes. If you have the opportunity to get garlic arrows, then be sure to use my recipe. A storehouse of vitamins is provided to you. See below how to cook garlic arrows, a recipe for the winter through a meat grinder. See how easy it is to cook and how delicious they turn out.

Required products:

- garlic arrows - 1 liter jar,
- coarse salt, table salt - 1 tbsp.

I wash the garlic arrows, put them in a sieve so that the water is glass. I usually fill a liter jar with arrows, and then I get 500 grams of pure product yield. So it is convenient for me to measure the arrows. To end up with 500 grams of twisted product.

From the arrows I cut off the tips where the flower is located, then I twist the arrows through a meat grinder. It is convenient to use an electric harvester. It twists the garlic arrows in a matter of minutes, so I don’t really delay this process. The whole kitchen immediately begins to smell fragrant with the aroma of garlic.

I pour salt to the twisted mass, mix it and let it stand for about 10 minutes. Juice will appear, which means the arrows can be laid out in containers. See also.

Transfer to plastic food containers. I don’t ram much, then it will be easier to pick up the green mass with a spoon. I put one container in the freezer for storage until winter. And I put the second container in the refrigerator, so that I can use it for its intended purpose when it is convenient. This flavorful garlic mixture works well with meat, and I often add it to pork or chicken. Also, garlic arrows will be good in any soup. Arrows are also perfect for pampushki to spread fragrant garlic on top.

Garlic shooters through a meat grinder are ready! Bon Appetite!

Did you know that garlic arrows are a healthy and tasty product from which you can cook a huge number of delicious dishes, snacks and sauces? If this message has become news to you, urgently stop destroying tender green shoots in your summer cottage or deprive them of attention in markets and supermarkets. Arm yourself with a notebook and a pen, because today we will open the curtain and tell you how to prepare a powerful vitamin bomb for the winter.

Step by step recipes with photos

Garlic arrows for the winter are prepared in different ways. They can be frozen, pickled, salted and sour. One of the popular harvesting methods is to scroll the arrows through a meat grinder and cook the pasta. There are dozens of variations of this dish.

With sunflower oil and hot pepper

This savory garlic paste can be spread on bread, added to minced meat for cutlets, and also used for various sauces.


  • 0.5 kg of garlic arrows;
  • 50 ml sunflower oil;
  • 25 g salt;
  • 1 hot pepper.

Cooking steps:

  1. Prepare the garlic cloves: cut off the buds and tough parts, cut into 3-5 cm pieces, rinse and leave in a colander for 5-10 minutes.

    Garlic arrows are best cut from the garden immediately before cooking.

  2. Lay the arrows on a kitchen towel and pat dry.
  3. Scroll vegetables through a meat grinder using a grate with small holes.

    Garlic arrows can be chopped with a meat grinder or blender

  4. Salt the garlic mass and mix.

    For preparations of such a plan, it is best to use coarse table or sea salt.

  5. Add sunflower oil and mix well again.

    Sunflower oil can be replaced with olive, rapeseed or corn oil

  6. Finely chop a small chili with a knife. Add the pepper to the garlic mass, remembering to mix the food thoroughly again.
  7. Divide the pasta into small plastic containers or freezer bags and place in the freezer.

    If desired, hot pepper can be omitted, the pasta will turn out no less tasty

With butter

The taste of this preparation goes well with poultry and meat, cereals and salads, and is also suitable for making quick sandwiches. The meal should be prepared based on the ratio of the vegetable part and butter 1: 1.


  • 0.5 kg arrows of garlic;
  • 0.5 kg of butter;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse the garlic cloves and dry well.

    Pre-washing with water will clean the hands of dust and debris

  2. Separate the tender parts of the arrows.

    The soft part of the garlic arrow is easily determined by touch

  3. Chop the garlic with a knife.

    Vegetables should be chopped so that they can easily fit into the meat grinder tray or blender bowl.

  4. Grind the arrows with a meat grinder or blender.

    There should not be large pieces in the finished mass

  5. Mix garlic mass with softened butter and 1-2 pinches of salt.

    The amount of salt is adjusted according to your taste.

  6. Divide the garlic oil into freezer containers and place in the refrigerator. You can store the paste in small glass jars in the refrigerator compartment, but in this case it should be used within 1-2 weeks.

    Garlic oil can be frozen in cling film, giving it the shape of sausages or balls

With walnuts and lemon

A chic snack that can be stored for 2-3 months in the refrigerator or longer in the freezer. Such a pasta can be seasoned with a salad, supplemented with a dish of pasta, fish, meat or vegetables.


  • 0.5 kg of garlic arrows;
  • 3 art. l. olive oil;
  • zest of 1/2 lemon;
  • 1–2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 1 st. walnut kernels;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1/4 tsp ground black pepper.

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse and dry the garlic cloves, then cut into pieces.

    The delicate aroma and appetizing appearance of fresh garlic cloves make the culinary imagination work, inspiring new ideas.

  2. Carefully inspect the peeled walnuts so that there are no missing ones, otherwise the taste of the dish will be spoiled.

    Garlic paste can take on a new flavor by replacing walnuts with pine nuts.

  3. Using a fine grater, remove the zest from half a lemon.

    When removing the zest, try not to touch the white subcortical layer, as it will give the food unnecessary bitterness.

  4. Grind the garlic and nuts in a blender or pass through a meat grinder.

    Nuts give the appetizer an original taste and unique aroma.

  5. Add lemon zest and juice, olive oil, salt and pepper to the mass, mix everything.
  6. Arrange the pasta in small sterilized jars, fill each serving with 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil, close tightly and store in the refrigerator.

    The taste of garlic paste with nuts can be varied by adding grated hard cheese or chopped fresh herbs to it.
