How to cook apple jam quickly. Homemade apple jam for the winter is a necessary preparation! Recipes for different apple jam at home

20.04.2019 Salads

Jam is not only a delicious delicacy, it is also a very simple preparation that allows you to quickly process large amounts of berries and fruits of different quality. It was the invention of the jam recipe that helped once savvy Poles save a huge harvest of the famous Hungarian plum. And until now, housewives put aside clever jam recipes and take up jam when it is necessary to use a large number of fruits.

To make jam, make fruit or berry puree, and then boil it with sugar. The result is a sweet and sour delicacy, uniform in consistency without hard pellets or pieces. At the same time, a good jam does not resemble syrup, it is always thick.

Jam is often confused with jam, jam or confiture, but these blanks differ in the manufacturing process and appearance. Jam is made from pieces of fruit in sugar syrup so that they retain their shape. Jam and jelly are dense and transparent, like glass, they are made from juice of fruits and berries with good gelling properties or with the addition of thickeners. Pieces of fruit are evenly distributed in the jam, they are not in the jelly.

The most common confusion is when distinguishing between jam and marmalade. Jam is made from pieces of ripe fruit, and jam is made from fruit puree. Fruit raw materials for jam are quickly boiled into a single mass over high heat, so pectin is not destroyed, and the workpiece is thick, while the jam is slowly boiled over low heat.

The technology for making jam is very simple, but in order for the delicacy to turn out tasty and to survive until winter, you need to follow these steps:

The big plus of jam is that you can cook it from raw materials of any quality, the main thing is to take ripe, fairly soft berries and fruits. They don't have to be perfect - overripe, damaged, bruised fruits are also suitable. Before cooking, they should only be carefully cleaned and washed, and the spoiled segments should be removed.

Jam has a strong association with apples, but the preparation is also made from other fruits and berries - for example, recipes for plum, pear, apricot jam are very popular. You can also make a variety of cuts. In addition, various spices are often added to the jam - cinnamon, mint, basil, cloves.

It is believed that the ideal jam should have a sweet and sour taste, so if the fruits from which the preparation is made are very sweet, it is recommended to introduce a little citric acid into the recipe at the final stage.

Jam can be prepared in two ways:

  1. from pieces or halves of peeled fruits (for example, from plums or apricots),
  2. from fruit and berry puree.

There are several options for obtaining the desired consistency of gruel from the fruit:

  • Grind raw berries or fruits with a meat grinder,
  • Rub the already boiled and peeled fruits through a sieve (instead of a sieve, you can use a blender, then the yield of the finished product will be greater).

To prepare the fruits for grinding with a sieve, they should not be boiled for a long time, it is enough to soften the peel. You need to put the berries or fruits, cut into pieces, in a saucepan, pour a little water on the bottom so that at the first moment the fruits do not burn, and warm them up, at the same time kneading a little with a wooden spoon or crush. Alternatively, you can soften fruit in a steam bath - for example, using a multicooker.

If you take some berries for jam and rub them through a sieve, the output will be a liquid syrup or a workpiece that looks more like jelly, in this case it is better to make combi options, combining berries with apples, pears and other fleshy fruits.

When the fruit mass is ready, you can start boiling the jam. For this procedure, it is necessary to prepare a wide stainless steel dish, in such a container the liquid from the puree will evaporate more quickly - as a result, the heat treatment period can be shortened.

After pouring the fruit mass into a saucepan, bring it to a boil over low heat. And then boil until the required density. All this time, the workpiece must be stirred with a wooden spoon to prevent burning. Sugar is added to the jam in small portions only when it begins to thicken.

The degree of readiness is of fundamental importance for jam, therefore experienced housewives have several ways to determine at once that it is time to remove the workpiece from the fire:

  1. If the path that forms when you run along the bottom of the saucepan is visible and fills slowly, then the jam is ready.
  2. An indirect sign of the readiness of the jam can be its volume - it should be approximately halved compared to the initial one.
  3. A spoonful of ready-made jam on a cold saucer or in the refrigerator for five minutes, freezes a little and stops spreading.

The question often arises whether it is possible not to spin the jam. The answer depends on the ingredients and the cooking time. If the jam is boiled normally, and granulated sugar is added to it in a 1: 1 ratio (or even 1.5 kg of sugar per 1 liter of applesauce), then there will be no problems with storing the cans if the following conditions are met:

  • The jam must be carefully poured hot into sterilized jars, wait until the jam has completely cooled down, and a film forms on the surface. After that, you can close the jars with ordinary screw caps.
  • The ideal conditions for storing such jam would be a dry, dark, well-ventilated place, without temperature extremes - in such conditions it can be stored for 2 years. If you plan to store the jam in an apartment, then it must be kept away from batteries and other sources of heat.
  • There is one more step, which involves the traditional technology of cooking jam, baking the workpiece to form a protective crust. Modern housewives often skip this stage, considering it too time consuming. In fact, it is enough to load the jars into the oven and keep them there at a low temperature until they form a film. This simple procedure will increase the shelf life of the jam. After baking, you need to wait until the workpiece has cooled down and seal the jars.
  • When the hostess is using a seaming machine and jam, they want to close with turnkey metal lids, then this should be done without waiting for cooling, immediately after bottling the hot jam.
  • If sugar is not added to the jam or it has undergone a very short heat treatment, then the filled jars must be additionally sterilized. It is better to close such a workpiece hermetically using a seaming machine or store it in the refrigerator.
  • Some housewives put very little sugar in the jam (1 glass per 1 kg), the safety of such jam even under metal lids is a concern. Plus, sometimes there are not enough glass jars for the preparation. Then the thought arises - is it possible to freeze the jam like fruit puree. In principle, it is possible - to seal the workpiece in plastic containers and send it to the freezer. However, there is one drawback - after defrosting, the jam will become more watery, and in order to return the proper density it will have to be boiled again.

Even such a simple process as the preparation has its own jam, has its own subtleties, non-observance of which can lead to undesirable results:

Almost all these problems can be solved by strict adherence to the preparation technology and making adjustments to the recipe.

A distinctive feature of the jam is its thick consistency, therefore, when starting to make this dessert, you need to know how much moisture the finished jam contains. In an ideal workpiece, there should be no more than 35% moisture. Also, the density is related to the amount of sugar - in a traditional jam, it should be at least 60%, although now there are recipes without sugar.

If the jam does not thicken, you need to add sugar or continue boiling. Also, take into account that the workpiece will become much thicker when cooled. Experienced housewives sometimes cook jam not at one time, but with a break of several hours, so you can check whether the dessert will be thick after cooling.

Mold spots appear on the surface of the jam, if the following mistakes were made during the preparation, sealing or storage of the workpiece:

  • the jam was not cooked,
  • the hot jam was not closed tightly, and condensation formed inside,
  • the jam was not completely cooled, did not wait for the formation of a protective crust before closing with screw or polyethylene covers.

Many housewives simply remove the mold layer by 1-1.5 cm and digest the jam with added sugar. However, this is a risky undertaking because if the mold has settled on top, then its spores have already permeated the entire workpiece and boiling is unable to destroy all the toxins that they have managed to release.

Burnout sharply worsens the taste of the jam and changes the natural color of the fruit from which it is prepared, therefore it is very important to cook the dessert according to all the rules. Jam is prepared in any wide stainless steel dish, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula or spoon.

Namely, in order to avoid burning, the workpiece is first boiled down, and then the sugar is carefully kneaded and continued to be heated over low heat. Also, you can not take on too large amounts of jam cooking (more than 10 kg), because such an amount of workpiece cannot be properly stirred, and the jam will inevitably burn.

Burnt jam contains toxins, so eating it is undesirable. However, there are housewives who dare to save the top of the jam, boiling it with citrus fruits to kill the smell.

The dishes in which the jam has burnt can be quickly brought to perfect condition - it is enough to boil water with citric acid in it and rub the surface with a sponge with a rough surface.

Any blanks, including jam, should be checked more often. If bubbles appear on the surface, then it is better to open the jam and smell it. The presence of a sour wine-like smell will indicate that the workpiece has begun to ferment. Fermentation often has two causes:

  • Lack of granulated sugar, ideally, it should be contained in the jam in a 1: 1 ratio (and for some fruits, it is better to put 1.5 kg of sand per 1 liter of fruit puree).
  • Non-compliance with the cooking technology - for example, the jam was not cooked.

Fermented jam can be digested with the addition of granulated sugar (about 100-150 g per 1 kg of dessert) for 5-7 minutes. If foam appears during this process, it must be carefully removed. It is better to put the reanimated jam in small jars and send it to the refrigerator; it is advisable to put such a blank into use as soon as possible - for example, use it as a filling for pies or other baked goods.

Jam for baking

Jam is one of the most popular fillings for a variety of pastries. However, even a thick-looking workpiece often presents surprises; when heated, it begins to melt, softening the dough. That is why housewives are puzzled over why the jam flows out of the pies and how to make the jam thick for baking.

I would really like the fruit dessert to be as firmly sealed in a pie as syrup in a fruit candy. The hostess has many ways to help solve the problem of liquid filling. The amount of thickener is always individual, it depends on the thickness of the original product.

  • Add 1 teaspoon of semolina to 1 glass of jam and leave for 15 minutes, then bring to a boil and refrigerate. The jam becomes thicker, and the semolina does not change the original taste of the dessert.
  • The rolled out dough for pies can be sprinkled with a little starch (preferably corn). In the oven, the jam will boil, the starch will dissolve, and the filling will become thicker. If you need to decide how to thicken the jam with starch for a large pie, then you can add 1 heaped teaspoon of starch (diluted in a small amount of water) to 1 glass of jam and boil, when it cools, the dessert will thicken.
  • Add ground biscuits with a neutral taste to the jam; biscuits can be crushed with a rolling pin.
  • Add pectin, agar-agar, berry puree powder or other gelling agents to the jam.
  • Combine the jam with wheat flour, oatmeal or bread crumbs in a ratio of about 1 tablespoon to a glass of jam.
  • Beat the egg whites vigorously to form a foam and add to the jam.

Jam is, first of all, a fragrant delicacy, it cannot be perceived as a healthy product that can be eaten in cans. Long-term boiling eliminates almost all vitamins from the jam, especially vitamin C and B vitamins suffer. Heat treatment does not affect only pectin, organic acids and minerals. But sugar does not disappear during cooking, so eating a sweet dessert without measure can lead to heart problems, obesity, an increase in blood glucose levels, and irritation of the gastric mucosa.

If you care about your figure, it is always better to choose a spoonful of homemade jam rather than a piece of store-bought cake. However, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether it is possible to have jam while losing weight, because A negative or positive answer depends on how much sugar is in the dessert.

If about 600-700 g of sugar was added to 1 kg of fruit puree, then the calorie content of jam per 100 g is 250 Kcal, this is a very large figure, you can eat very little of such a dessert. It is quite another matter if the preparation is made without sugar or only 100-200 g of granulated sugar per 1 kg of product, in this case, the fruit dessert will be a welcome delicacy on the menu of a losing weight person.

Homemade jam has a very simple composition - fruits, berries, water, sugar - all these ingredients are not fast, so this preparation can be used in Fasting. Many monasteries close many jars of jam and preserves made from fruit grown by monks or donated by parishioners each year.

Despite the proven composition of homemade jam, there are conditions in which you need to use it with caution. If you have a history of chronic diseases, you need to familiarize yourself with the following range of questions:

Jam is healthier for a patient with pancreatitis than purchased sweets. Moreover, the jam is made from grated fruits that have undergone heat treatment - this is the consistency of dishes recommended for people suffering from pancreatitis.

However, it can be introduced into the diet only in a state of stable remission, because it is a glucose-rich product. It requires insulin produced by the pancreas to process it. It is this organ that becomes inflamed with pancreatitis, and it cannot be loaded.

When the exacerbation has receded, you can try a homemade delicacy, you should start with one teaspoon of jam, stirred in the drink. If the body reacts normally to the dessert, the portion can be increased to 2-3 teaspoons per day. Preference should be given to jam made from sweet fruits; a preparation with little or no sugar would be a good solution.

In acute gastritis with pain, a person chooses the most gentle food that will gently affect the inflamed gastric mucosa, so it is not recommended to eat jam. In the chronic course of the disease, homemade jam can be introduced into the diet in small doses. With gastritis with high acidity, you must choose a jam from sweet berries and fruits, so as not to activate excessive gastric secretion and the production of hydrochloric acid. A diet for gastritis with low acidity should act in the opposite way, so jam with sourness is more suitable for it.

The calorie content of a traditional jam with sugar is at least 250-260 Kcal per 100 g of product. It would seem that such numbers completely exclude this dessert from the diet of diabetics. However, there are many jam recipes that can lower the glycemic index of this treat. The first option is to make jam with one of the sweeteners (for example, take xylitol or sorbitol in the same amount as sugar in the recipe; you need a little more sorbitol). The second way is to cook jam without sugar at all, in this case the workpiece must be stored in the refrigerator or sterilized and rolled up on a turnkey basis. It is best to boil such jam for 4-5 days for 10-15 minutes.

There are periods in life when the selection of products is of key importance, so it is imperative to have information on the following points:

A woman carrying a child under her heart should be very careful about choosing a diet. Purchased sweets may contain different preservatives, so it is better for a pregnant woman not to touch them, but a high-quality homemade jam is a suitable dessert for a future mother. However, even such a seemingly harmless delicacy should be eaten in moderation - 2-3 tablespoons a day, because traditional jam is a very high-calorie product, and a pregnant woman needs to keep an eye on her figure. Excessive weight gain can complicate pregnancy. Jam is also contraindicated for such a serious complication as pregnancy diabetes.

The period of breastfeeding is a very crucial moment at which the mother's diet must be carefully formed, you cannot afford anything superfluous, because the baby tries all the products with his mother through breast milk. Homemade jam, without additives and preservatives, is one of the most suitable desserts, however, it is better to try to introduce this sweetness into the diet not earlier than the moment when the baby grows up to 3-4 months, and he will have a period of colic and other stomach troubles.

If the season did not allow you to try at first fresh berries or fruits in small quantities, in order to find out if the child has an allergy or an adverse reaction from the gastrointestinal tract, then you need to start with 1 spoonful of jam in tea. If everything is in order, then the portion can be increased to 2-3 spoons per day.

In the child's menu, starting from 2-3 years old, jam can become a rare, and not a daily delicacy. It is permissible to introduce 1-2 teaspoons into the diet 1-2 times a week, if the child has no additional contraindications. The main thing is for the child to drink a treat, then "fast" carbohydrates will enter the body in a diluted form.

So, first, wash the apples, cut off all visible damage, cut and select the core. I never take off the skin, I do not see the need, because after cooking and puréing I do not feel it at all.

We cut them into small slices and put them in a saucepan with a thick bottom. The wider the pan, the better, since we need intense evaporation of the liquid.

Add 150 grams of water to the pan to the apples and set on fire. First, do the maximum and bring the water to a boil. Next, we reduce the fire and cook our apples until softened. Stir everything periodically, swapping the top and bottom pieces. Of course, the cooking time depends on the variety of apples, but the difference here is minimal, it never took me more than 20 minutes to do this. It is possible that your strain will soften in just 10 minutes.

Next, we need to puree the entire apple mass. There are several ways. I use the lightest - I use a hand blender. If you do not have it, then you can cool the mass a little (so as not to burn your hands) and pass it through a meat grinder. Or you can just grind everything through a sieve or colander with medium-sized holes.

We send the applesauce back to the pan (if you used a submersible blender, then all the manipulations were done in the same pan, which is also a plus - washing less dishes), put it on the fire again and bring the jam to a boil until the future.

It's time for sugar and flavorings. I do not insist on my aromas, you can exclude anything, or even everything, from the list, except, of course, sugar, but personally I prefer to add all of the above, since the aroma of jam is very much enriched, which cannot but rejoice.

So, in a saucepan with applesauce, add sugar, cinnamon, dry mint (you can have a couple of stems fresh, then just select them at the end of cooking), freshly squeezed lemon juice and zest (about half a large lemon). You can also add some vanilla sugar, but I just didn't have it on hand. Adjust the amount of sugar, because if the apples are very sour, then you may need a little more sugar. Slightly is 100-200 grams.

Mix everything, reduce heat to low and cook for about half an hour. After cooling, the jam will become a little denser.

In the meantime, the apple jam is boiling down, sterilize the jars. Personally, I wash them with baking soda, rinse them thoroughly with hot water, and then put them in the microwave at full power for two minutes. Everything, the jars are dry and sterile.

Among all apple preparations for the winter, a thick and aromatic jam takes a special place. At home, it will take no more than 2 hours to prepare it, and it is not necessary to constantly monitor the process. If a few years ago such dishes could only be cooked on the stove, today they are trying to cook them with the help of modern devices. Even if it does not save time, and sometimes even increases the duration of processing, the apple dessert turns out to be more aromatic, rich and thick. Before proceeding with the manipulation, it is worth familiarizing yourself with a number of important points and tips from professionals.

Despite the fact that the approaches to processing apples for jam can be different, there are a number of universal rules for making seals for the winter. They will help you get the best result when working with the main component at home:

  • It is better to take soft and juicy fruits for jam, summer varieties are considered the best option. According to the recipes given above, White filling and Grushovka are the fastest to boil.
  • If you want the dessert to have an attractive red hue, then you should take fruits with red or variegated skin. And you need to remember that the longer you cook the composition, the darker the final product will be.
  • When deciding how many cans to take for blanks for the winter, you should know that the initial volume of apples as a result of cooking will decrease by about half. In addition, the frozen jam is thicker than even hotter.

Tip: Usually all recipes involve the use of sweet or sweet and sour fruits. If sour apples are used, then the recommended amount of sugar should be increased by 25-30%. Otherwise, the taste of the final product will be too specific.

  • To check the readiness of the composition, you need to take a teaspoon of the mass and put it on a saucer. If the dessert retains its shape and does not spread, it is ready and can be closed for the winter.
  • Jam is traditionally considered a one-component delicacy, but to make it even tastier at home, housewives add slices or citrus zest, cinnamon, ginger or vanilla to applesauce.
  • A properly prepared product can be stored in a cool place for up to 3 years without the risk of losing its quality.

Regardless of how much and how the jam is cooked, a lot of pectins are preserved in it. These are natural substances that promote the elimination of heavy metal salts and toxins from the body.

Classic options for making apple jam

When you want to prepare a traditional apple treat for the winter, the following simple recipes come to the rescue:

  • The basic version of the dessert. For 1 kg of fruit we take 1 kg of granulated sugar and a glass of water. Wash the fruits, peel and seeds, cut into small pieces and put in a cooking dish. Fill the mass with water and put on medium heat, stir regularly throughout the processing. After about 40 minutes, the composition must be transferred to a colander or sieve with large holes and grind. Now add sugar to the apples and continue to cook it for an hour, stirring regularly. We check the composition for readiness, put it in jars and close for the winter.

Tip: It is best to cook the jam in a low and wide container, such as a basin. In this case, even at home, it will be possible to obtain a truly tasty product with a pleasant aroma and natural color.

  • A thick treat.In this case, for 1 kg of apples, we take 3 cups of sugar and half a glass of water. Wash and clean the fruits, remove the skin and cut into small pieces. Put the fruit mass in a basin, fill it with water and put it on fire. After boiling, the mass should be cooked over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. We introduce sugar, mix everything thoroughly and wait for the crystals to dissolve. Then grind the mass using a sieve, colander or hand blender. Boil the jam for another 10 minutes, without ceasing to interfere with it. We put the resulting thick delicacy in jars and close for the winter.

No store-bought product beats home-made jam. Given the simplicity of the process and the availability of ingredients, you just need to choose the right recipe and take some time to implement it.

How to use a multicooker, oven and bread maker correctly?

At home, modern housewives are trying to make the process of boiling blanks for the winter as easy as possible. Some of the techniques can be used to make apple jam. The main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations on how much to subject the main component to processing when using this or that device.

  • Multicooker. To cook a decent dessert, you need to thinly chop the apples peeled from all the excess, put them in a slow cooker and sprinkle with sugar. In no case do we put sugar first, it can burn. We take the ratio of components from traditional recipes or select it ourselves. We select the "Extinguishing" mode and start the process for 1.5 hours. Stir the applesauce every 30 minutes and rub it lightly with a wooden spoon. If necessary, sugar is added to the composition. This approach allows you to get an almost homogeneous composition, so you do not need to grind it additionally. We just lay out the finished product in sterile jars.

  • Bread maker. Another convenient and quick option for making jam at home. Put peeled and finely chopped fruits into the bowl of the appliance and cover with sugar. You just need to set the "Jam" mode to start processing the components. The manipulation time will take about one hour. Perhaps a little more if very dense fruits were originally taken. In this case, the final product will have to be grinded with a blender or sieve. It will need to be brought to a boil again in order to achieve sterility and can be laid out in prepared containers.

  • Oven. For 1.5 kg of apples, we take 2 times less sugar and two-thirds of a glass of water. Put the peeled and chopped fruits in a saucepan, add water. Stir the composition so that the apples do not burn. Cook it over high heat, stirring occasionally, until the apples are soft. Then grind the workpiece, mix it with sugar and put it in a heat-resistant dish with a lid. Cook the resulting mass in a preheated oven at a temperature not exceeding 100 ° C for about 3 hours. Then we lay out the jam in sterile containers and roll it up.

Lovers of diet food can cook apple dessert without added sugar. To do this, boil the apple slices for 10 minutes in a small amount of water (no more than a glass per 1 kg of product) and grind through a sieve. Then it is boiled for another 10 minutes and laid out in sterile jars. True, such a product should be eaten within 6-8 months.

One of the most popular options for harvesting fruits for the winter is cooking jam from fruits and berries. Such a treat was invented 200 years ago, when skilled Polish chefs began to boil Hungarian plums to a pasty state. In that distant period, making homemade jam took at least three days. But modern housewives have no need to make such sacrifices: now simpler and faster, but no less delicious step-by-step recipes with photos and videos are available.

Today, thick apple jam at home can be cooked in a slow cooker or on the stove, with and without sugar, using a meat grinder and without additional devices. A fragrant and mouth-watering apple jam for the winter is often combined with pear, lemon and orange, blueberries and blackberries, cinnamon, ginger. For more information on how to choose products and how to make the perfect sweet preparation for the whole year, read our step-by-step recipes.

How to make jam from ripe apples at home

To make a delicious jam at home, you should choose ripe sweet and sour apples with a thin skin. Their flesh should be juicy, but not crumbly. The latter are more suitable for making jam or confiture. The best varieties of apples for homemade jam: Simerenko (green with small dots), Golden Delicious (yellow and slightly elongated), Red Delicious (dark red with a slight bitterness), Gloucester (firm green with a red blush), Royal Gala (yellow with red blush), Braburn (light green with a herbal aftertaste), Antonovka (green sour).

Essential ingredients for a simple apple jam at home

  • apples sweet and sour -1.5 kg
  • lemons - 4 pcs.
  • sugar -450 g
  • honey -100 g
  • ginger - 1 slice

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook apple jam for the winter at home

  1. Prepare three whole half-liter jars: wash in a soda solution, rinse thoroughly and steam over boiling water.
  2. Peel ripe sweet and sour apples, cut in half and remove the center. Cut the fruit into small pieces, about 1.5 x 1.5 cm.
  3. Put the prepared apple pieces in a saucepan or jam bowl, pour the juice of four lemons and 100 ml of water. Bring the fruit to a boil. Then reduce the power of the burner and cook the workpiece for 20-30 minutes.
  4. After half an hour, remove the container from the stove and thoroughly mash the apples into a homogeneous mass. Add the required amount of sugar and continue to cook the jam for another 15-20 minutes.
  5. In the next step, add grated ginger and liquid honey to the applesauce. Thoroughly mix the tasty preparation for the winter and remove from heat.
  6. Using a wide-necked funnel, place the ripe apple jam in sterile jars.
  7. Use a glass stick or wooden skewer to stir the contents of each jar to release unwanted air bubbles. This will prevent bacteria from collecting in the workpiece.
  8. Cover the container with lids. Boil water in a wide saucepan with pasteurization support.
  9. Place the cans with the blank on the substrate and sterilize them for at least 15 minutes.
  10. Take out the finished delicacy, roll it up with a key and leave to cool completely in a home kitchen. After 4-6 hours, move the apple jam to a permanent storage location until winter.

Delicious Sugar-Free Apple Jam - Simple Recipe

In most cases, delicious apple jam is prepared with sugar, honey, fructose, or other sweeteners. But in this case, the dessert automatically becomes forbidden for diabetics or people suffering from obesity and gastrointestinal disorders. Which is very sad, given the benefits of natural pectin for children and adults. Therefore, today a simple recipe for delicious apple jam without sugar has become very popular. If apples are too sour for harvesting, you can simply replace granulated sugar with erythritol, sorbitol, stevia.

Essential Ingredients for a Delicious Sugar-Free Apple Jam

  • apples of sweet varieties -1 kg
  • drinking water - 200 ml

Step by step preparation of a simple and tasty apple jam without sugar

  1. Select the juicy and fleshy apples, cut them into wedges and cut the seeds.
  2. Pour water over the apple slices and place on the hotplate. Cook for 15 minutes after boiling, stirring regularly.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, remove the bowl from the stove and grind the apples through a fine kitchen sieve.
  4. Return the resulting puree to the fire and simmer for another 30-45 minutes. Check the finished delicacy for thickness: drip a little on a saucer and wait for it to cool.
  5. If the consistency of the delicious, sugar-free apple jam is right, spread it into sterile half-liter jars.
  6. Cover the container with lids and pasteurize in boiling water for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Roll up the finished apple jam, turn it over and wrap it in a warm blanket.

Thick apple jam for the winter: video recipe

During the preparation of thick apple jam for winter consumption, the fruits must be carefully prepared: rinse several times in cold water, trim the peel and remove the seeds, cut off all spoiled, wormy or wilted areas. Otherwise, after long-term storage, the workpiece may become moldy, soaked in a putrid taste or acquire an unpleasant foreign smell.

See more about how to cook thick apple jam for the winter in the video recipe:

Apple and lemon jam at home - a simple recipe with a photo

Apple jam for the winter is an excellent preparation, not only because of its delicate taste and delicate aroma, but also because of its generous vitamin and mineral composition. One jar of delicacies contains a lot of pectin, valuable fiber, beta-carotene, vitamins of groups B, C, PP. Jam from apples with lemons, competently prepared at home, can easily replace fruit puree even for the smallest sweets.

Essential ingredients for apple jam with lemon at home

  • apples sweet and sour -2 kg
  • sugar -1 kg
  • cardamom - 10 pcs.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • filtered water - 1 tbsp.
  • cinnamon - 1 stick

Step-by-step preparation of apple and lemon jam according to a simple recipe with a photo for the winter

Simple apple jam through a meat grinder

The classic apple jam has a dark brown color and a thick structure. In some cases, the delicacy is so dense that it can be easily cut with a knife. This effect can be achieved only if the apples are processed to a uniform state before boiling, and not after. And the best way to puree fruits is to twist them raw in a meat grinder.

For more information on how to grind simple apple jam, see the following recipe.

Essential ingredients for a simple jam made from ripe apples through a meat grinder

  • juicy apples -1 kg
  • filtered water - 0.5 tbsp.
  • sugar -600 g
  • nutmeg to taste

Step-by-step preparation of a simple apple jam for winter through a meat grinder

  1. Choose the ripe apples for the jam. Wash the fruit in cold water, remove the peel, cut each apple in half and remove the center of the seeds. Cut the flesh into slices.
  2. Pass the fruit through a meat grinder, add half a glass of drinking water to the resulting puree.
  3. Transfer the mixture to an enamel saucepan, stir with the required amount of sugar and place on the burner.
  4. Cook the applesauce until thick, but at least one hour. Stir occasionally to prevent it from burning to the bottom of the pan.
  5. Distribute a simple apple jam through a meat grinder into sterile jars. Roll up the blank for the winter with clean tin lids. Store the treat in a cool pantry or dry cellar.

Aromatic apple jam with cinnamon and star anise

Special attention should be paid to the organization and storage rules of aromatic apple jam with cinnamon and star anise. According to GOST, the workpiece can be pasteurized and not pasteurized. The first one is stored in glass - 2 years, in a metal can - 1 year. Unpasteurized jam remains usable: without preservatives - 3 months, with preservatives - 6 months. The optimal storage conditions for sterilized workpieces are from 0C to 25C, not sterilized (with preservatives) - from 2C to 10C, and not sterilized (without preservatives) - from 2C to 8C.

Essential ingredients for a fragrant jam made from ripe apples with star anise and cinnamon

  • peeled apples -1.5 kg
  • water - 300 ml
  • ground cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • star anise - 3 pcs.
  • sugar -700 g

Step-by-step home cooking of a fragrant apple jam with spices

How to cook and how much to cook homemade thick jam from apples and pears: video recipe

Adding pears to apple jam gives the finished delicacy an even richer taste and mouth-watering aroma. This recipe contains a fairly impressive amount of sugar, so it is better to enjoy the workpiece with extreme caution. Pears are a difficult product to digest, and in combination with an abundance of sugar, they can completely disrupt the digestive tract. At the same time, in moderate quantities, thick apple-pear jam does not cause the slightest problem.

See step by step how to cook and how much to cook homemade thick jam from apples and pears in the video recipe:

Apple jam with blackberries at home: a recipe with a photo for the winter

It is a sin not to use the generous gifts of the summer-autumn harvest season. The abundance of apples of all varieties, types and tastes allows you to prepare a popular jam for the whole year. But do not forget about other fruits as well. Combine the usual apples in the jam with the rest of the seasonal fruits and berries to diversify the sweet preservation flavor palette. Try making a new apple jam with blackberries at home using a recipe with a photo for the winter. Treat your relatives, present a jar to your friends.

Essential ingredients for making apple jam in a slow cooker for the winter

  • sour apples -1.5 kg
  • sugar -800 g

Step-by-step preparation of apple jam without citric acid and pasteurization in a multicooker

  1. Wash ripe sour apples, wipe and cut into large pieces. Remove the pits and rind from each slice.
  2. Use a coarse grater, meat grinder, or food processor to chop the fruit. Mix apples with sugar and leave warm for 1-2 hours to dissolve sugar.
  3. Transfer the fruit mass to a multicooker bowl and bring to a boil using the standard Bake setting.
  4. After the jam "boils", switch the apparatus to the "Quenching" mode and leave for 1.5 hours. For the last half hour, remove the lid to evaporate excess liquid. Do not forget to stir the workpiece.
  5. Spread a quick apple jam in a slow cooker hot over clean jars, roll up and turn upside down. Leave it in this position until morning. Then transfer to a cool dry place.

Jam from apples, oranges and cranberries quickly for the winter

It is better to cook a quick apple jam in late autumn, when the cranberries ripen, oranges begin to delight with a pleasant taste, and the apple harvest is already so great that it does not even fit in the bins. The finished delicacy for the winter does not look very presentable in appearance, and its consistency leaves much to be desired. But all these little things are compensated by the magical aroma and completely unique taste of apple-citrus jam with cranberries.

Essential ingredients for apple jam with cranberries and oranges for the winter

  • any apples -1.5 kg
  • fresh cranberries -250 g
  • large oranges - pcs.

How to cook jam

You can cook jam from various fruits and berries, for example: apples, pears, apricots, plums, dogwood, strawberries, currants and others. The recipe and cooking method for all fruits and berries is almost the same. You need to cook the jam by mixing the boiled fruit with water and sugar until it thickens.

How much to cook?
You need to cook the jam for 1-1.5 hours.

How to make jam
Rinse the fruits with cold water and peel if necessary. Transfer to the bottom of the pan and pour in a small amount of water. Close with a lid and set on medium heat. After a while, check the fruits, if they become soft and boiled, then you can remove the pan from the stove. Usually it takes 15 minutes to cook. Wipe boiled fruits through a sieve, or you can use a colander. Mix the resulting fruit puree with sugar (200 grams of puree - 200 grams of sugar) and transfer to a saucepan in which the fruits were previously cooked. We put it back on the fire and cook until thickened, stirring constantly with a spoon to avoid sticking to the sides of the pan. It will be difficult to remove such carbon deposits later. Cooking time - 1-1.5 hours.
Pack the jam in glass, sterilized jars, cover and roll up. If everything was done correctly, then you can put it in a cool place, for example, in a cellar for storage. It is recommended to store the jam for one year.

Apple jam recipe

Probably the most popular and delicious jam is made from apples. To make apple jam, we need:

1. Apples - kilogram

2. Sugar - 800 grams

3. Water - 100 ml

How to cook apple jam

Apples, first of all, must be rinsed under cold water. On a cutting board, remove the peel from the apples, cut in half and peel the inside of the seeds. Finely chop the resulting halves and transfer to a saucepan. When all the processed apples are in the pan, you need to pour in the required amount of water. We send it to the stove and turn on a slow fire. Thus, cook the apple jam for half an hour, stirring continuously with a wooden spoon. After, add granulated sugar, stir and turn off the heat. Chill slightly and chop in a food processor or blender. You should get applesauce, which we need to return to the pan and put on fire. After the fruit mixture boils, simmer for 10 minutes, stirring constantly with a spoon.

The finished jam can be served or poured into pre-sterilized jars. We roll up the lids and turn the top upside down for a while. When the jars are cool, you can put them in a cool place for storage. Now we know how to make apple jam. Enjoy your meal!

Jam in a slow cooker

Well, here we cannot do without a recipe for making jam using a multicooker, since almost every family already has such a gadget. To make apple jam in a slow cooker, we need:

1. Apples - kilogram

2. Sugar - 800 grams

We do not need water, since the jam will be boiled in its own juice.

How to make jam

We wash the apples under water, put them on the table and peel them on a cutting board, cut them in half and remove the cores with a knife. Cut the halves into slices again and put them in the multicooker bowl. Sprinkle with granulated sugar on top and stir with a spoon. We close it with a lid and select the “extinguishing” mode in the gadget menu. We set the cooking duration to 1.5 hours. Every 30 minutes it is necessary to stop the cooking process, open the lid and stir the mixture. Pour the finished jam in a slow cooker into sterilized jars, roll up, cool and store in a cool place, for example, a cellar. Enjoy your meal!

Read more about how to cook jam from plums, apricots and strawberries.