Recipe for lean pancakes. Recipe for lean pancakes for the wake

25.09.2019 Beverages

Today we have a post, you can’t think about animal food, but then, as luck would have it, I really wanted pancakes ... A familiar situation? It doesn’t matter, the recipe for lean pancakes will help you! Such culinary products differ from traditional ones in that their basis is flour, sugar, salt and vegetable oil. And instead of milk, you can use tea, mineral or plain water, coffee, vegetable broths.

The absence of milk, eggs and sour cream gives lean pancakes a huge advantage: compared to traditional pancakes, they are lower in calories and not so heavy on the stomach. Therefore, they should be paid attention not only to those who fast, but also to people who follow the figure.

Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes / Yield: 23 pancakes


  • water 700 ml
  • wheat flour 300-400 grams
  • black tea bag 1 piece
  • granulated sugar 2.5 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. spoons
  • baking soda 1 teaspoon
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • champignon mushrooms 700 grams
  • onion large 1 piece
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • dill greens 1 bunch.

How to cook lean pancakes

Place a bag of black tea in a glass and pour 200 ml of hot water. Boil for three minutes.

Pour the tea leaves into a deep bowl and add the remaining water. I put 2 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar, a pinch of salt and mix.

Gradually we begin to introduce flour, sifting through a fine sieve. Using a whisk, knead a homogeneous dough. The amount of flour can vary from 300 to 400 grams, depending on whether you prefer pancakes - very thin or dense.

In a tablespoon, we extinguish the soda with lemon juice and put it in the dough.

Following the slaked soda, add 2 tbsp to the dough. tablespoons of vegetable oil, odorless.

Mix thoroughly and you're done. The “correct” dough for pancakes collected in a spoon should flow down it with a thin thread. Cover the bowl with a clean towel and set aside for 15-20 minutes to rest.

Pour batter into hot skillet and spread evenly. We bake the pancake first on one side over medium heat until browned for 1-2 minutes. Additionally, vegetable oil should not be used during the baking process, as it is enough in the dough.

Using a spatula, flip the pancake on the other side and bake for another 1-2 minutes. A frying pan is best used with a thin bottom, designed for frying this type of flour product. Its diameter must be at least 24 cm, because. when baking, pancakes decrease (pull together) to 19-20 cm.

Stack the finished pancakes. They can be served immediately, or you can prepare a second course, appetizer or dessert based on them.

I propose to make a second course from ready-made pancakes, because it is satisfying and tasty. Since the pancakes are lean, the filling is appropriate - fried mushrooms with onions. Instead of mushrooms, you can also use stewed cabbage with buckwheat, spinach or potatoes. Mushrooms are washed with water and cut into plates. We cut the onion into half rings. Put it all in the pan.

We put the pan on a slow fire and, adding vegetable oil, keep the mushrooms and onions for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally. At the end of cooking, add spices to taste.

We wrap mushroom stuffing in pancakes. We spread the finished dish on a plate and decorate with fresh herbs.

Pancakes are one of the favorite dishes of Russian cuisine. Pancakes can be both a main course and a dessert - depending on what filling to make and with what sauce to serve. Fasting is not a reason to refuse pancakes, because lean pancakes on the water do not violate the rules of Christian fasting.

Lenten pancakes can be cooked both on ordinary and mineral water, both with and without yeast.

Lean yeast pancakes on the water

Mix flour with sugar, pour warm water so that the dough stretches. Yeast is dissolved in water with sugar and waiting for the formation of foam (no more than a quarter of an hour). Pour the dough into the flour and mix. Leave the dough until bubbles appear. Salt and vegetable oil should be added to the mass. For thin pancakes, add water and then mix thoroughly with a mixer or whisk. Lean pancakes on the water are baked in the usual way.

Lean yeast-free pancakes on the water


For the formation of bubbles, soda is needed, which is quenched with citric acid. First dissolve sugar and salt in water. Sift the flour and pour into the water, mix until smooth. Soda is quenched with citric acid (previously diluted in two tablespoons of water). Slaked soda is poured into the dough and mixed. After the appearance of bubbles, add oil and mix again. It remains only to bake pancakes.

Lenten pancakes with mineral water

Lean pancakes on the water - does not mean fresh. Even in the absence of milk and eggs, you will get delicious, delicate and, if you prepare the dough with mineral water.
For pancakes, they usually take highly carbonated water - such water provides the maximum effect. The first step is to sift the flour and mix it with salt and sugar. Then pour the mineral water into the flour. It remains to add vegetable oil and mix - until the consistency of liquid sour cream. Next, you need to take a pancake pan and once (this is quite enough, because there is already vegetable oil in the dough) grease it with vegetable oil.

Lean pancakes on mineral water are baked like any other. A portion of the dough is distributed over the pan and baked for a couple of minutes on each side. The pancakes won't brown too much, so be careful not to overcook.

Hot pancakes can be served with a variety of sauces - for example, mushroom, vegetable, onion. You can wrap lean stuffing in them - greens, fried onions with carrots, fried champignons with onions, mashed potatoes. The filling can be sweet - from jam or jam, honey or freshly grated fruit.

How to cook a recipe for lean pancakes - a complete description of the preparation, so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

In this article, we will share several recipes for making delicious lean pancakes without eggs and dairy products.

In general, at first glance it may seem that there are no lean pancakes. Indeed, how can you cook pancakes without eggs and milk or kefir, if these products are the essence and basis of pancakes. But everything is different - you can and even need to cook pancakes without the so-called fast foods that are undesirable for eating in fasting, and not only on fasting days, but just for a change.

From time immemorial, lenten pancakes were baked in Russia during fasts, because they could not do without their favorite food for a long time, and few dared to violate the precepts of the church and eat forbidden foods.

To date, there are many recipes for making lean pancakes, and we will talk about the best of them.

Recipe for lean pancakes with mineral water

Photo: Ingredients:

2.5 cups of highly carbonated mineral water
2 cups wheat flour
5 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tablespoons Sahara
½ tsp salt

Cooking method:

How to cook lean pancakes with mineral water. Sift flour into a deep bowl, add salt and sugar to mineral water (warm), stir. Gradually introduce the liquid into the bowl with flour, kneading the dough without lumps with a whisk, fork or mixer. Let the dough rest at room temperature for about half an hour. In a frying pan, heat vegetable oil for 2-3 minutes, pour it into a bowl with dough, mix with a mixer or whisk so that the oil is evenly distributed. Fry pancakes in a frying pan, where the oil was heated, without greasing it any more, in the usual way on both sides until browned. Bon Appetit!

It is better to serve lean pancakes on mineral water warm or hot.

Recipe for lean yeast pancakes

Photo: Ingredients:

400ml water
250g flour
1 raw potato
3-4st.l. vegetable oil
2-3 tbsp Sahara
1 tsp fast acting dry yeast
¾ tsp salt

Cooking method:

How to cook lean yeast pancakes. Sift flour, mix it with yeast, sugar and salt. Peel and grate the potatoes on the smallest grater. Combine water with vegetable oil and grated potatoes, add the flour mixture to this mass, stirring, knead the dough thoroughly, then leave it warm so that it doubles in size. Stir the risen dough and bake pancakes, greasing the pan with vegetable oil, in the usual way, browning well on both sides. Bon Appetit!

Potatoes for these pancakes need to be rubbed so that a liquid slurry is obtained, and it is better to eat such pancakes hot.

Recipe for lean pancakes with fresh yeast

Photo: Ingredients:

400ml water
20g fresh yeast
2 cups wheat flour
vegetable oil

Cooking method:

How to cook lean pancakes with fresh yeast. Pour 1 cup of warm water into the container, add 1 tbsp sugar. crumble the yeast, add a little flour, mix everything and leave the dough warm until a cap forms. Sift the remaining flour into a deep bowl, add a pinch of salt and the remaining sugar, mix, pour warm water into the flour in a thin stream, 5 tbsp. butter, grind everything well - there should be no lumps, pour the dough into the dough, stir the pancake dough again, cover it and leave it warm for 1 hour - the dough will rise several times. String a peeled potato on a fork, moisten it in oil, grease the pan, heat it, pour the dough into the pan with a ladle, turning it so that it spreads, cook pancakes on both sides until browning over medium heat. Bon Appetit!

By adding more flour to such a dough, you can cook lean pancakes.

Recipe for unusual lean pancakes

Photo: Ingredients:

50g oatmeal
20g rye flour
5g fresh yeast
1.5 cups black tea
3 tablespoons wheat flour
2 tbsp oat bran
1.5 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tbsp. sugar and wheat bran
1 pinch of salt

Cooking method:

How to cook lean pancakes from several types of flour. Brew natural leaf tea, add yeast and sugar to warm tea (not hot!) and leave (you can use instead of fresh ½ tsp dry yeast). Mix all types of flour and bran in a bowl, mix, adding also salt. Pour tea with yeast into the mixture, mix with a whisk until smooth, leave the dough warm for 1 hour, then add vegetable oil, mix again and leave for another 30 minutes. Bake pancakes in the usual way, frying on both sides in a hot frying pan. Grease the pan with oil just before the first pancake. Such pancakes can be served with any filling, preferably hot or warm, bon appetit!

And this is far from all the options for making lean pancakes, there are a lot of them! Or maybe you have your own recipe for lean pancakes? Tell us about it in the comments, share, dear friends!

Video recipe for cooking lean pancakes

They prepared it. Look what happened

Depending on the composition of pancakes, they can be rich, yeasty, thin, lean, openwork, perforated, etc. In this review, we will discuss all types and options for making lean pancakes. And to get them right, you need to know some tricks.

  • The main ingredients of lean pancakes are flour, water, sugar, vegetable oil and salt.
  • The dough is kneaded on a yeast or lean basis.
  • As liquid components can be used: mineral or ordinary water, vegetable broth, vegetable or fruit juices.
  • You can also experiment with flour. Get pancakes with different flavors burn rye, wheat, buckwheat or oatmeal.
  • In addition, lean pancakes can be stuffed with berries, jams, nuts, pumpkin, dried fruits, etc. Unsweetened filling can be from mushrooms, cabbage, legumes, buckwheat, herbs or other vegetables.
  • Since there are no eggs and milk in the dough, lean pancakes can be pale. To give them an appetizing color, cocoa or turmeric is added to the dough, and chopped greens are added to unsweetened pancakes.
  • For a more interesting taste, water is diluted with fruit juice.
  • Pancakes with holes will turn out if you start the dough on highly carbonated mineral water.
  • The flour must be sifted to saturate it with oxygen and get an airy and tender dough.
  • For kneading dough, it is more convenient to use deep dishes. It is better to work with a whisk in it.
  • After kneading, it is advisable to keep the dough for half an hour at room temperature. Then the components will interact better and achieve the necessary homogeneity.
  • The pancake is turned over in the pan when the top layer becomes almost dry, and a ruddy edge appears around the edges.

Lean thin pancakes - a classic recipe

Thin lean pancakes without milk and eggs are suitable not only during the fasting period, but also for every day and for those who adhere to strict vegetarianism.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 90 kcal.
  • The number of servings - 15 pcs.
  • Cooking time - 40 minutes

Step by step preparation:

  1. Pour flour, sugar, vanilla and salt into a deep bowl. Mix dry ingredients.
  2. Gradually pour in drinking water at room temperature, kneading the dough until smooth. Since the gluten of flour can be different, it depends on the manufacturer, more or less water may be needed. Now the main thing is to make pancakes thin. To do this, dilute the dough to a very liquid consistency, literally like water.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into the dough and knead.
  4. Pour a ladle of dough into a heated pan and let it spread over the entire surface.
  5. Fry the pancake on one side for 2 minutes, then flip it over and cook until golden brown.

Lean thin pancakes with mineral water

Today it is not customary to brag about the considerable thickness of pancakes. The "fashion" includes a perforated, light and lace structure. And you can get such a product not only from rich products, but also from lean ones.


  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Mineral highly carbonated water - 2 tbsp.
  • Lean refined oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Honey - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt - a pinch

Step by step preparation:

  1. Mix flour with salt.
  2. Gradually add mineral water to the flour and knead the dough until smooth. The thinner the dough, the thinner the pancakes will be.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into the kneaded dough and mix it well until completely dissolved.
  4. Add honey and stir again. If the honey is thick, then melt it a little in a water bath.
  5. Coat the pan with a thin layer of oil. This process needs to be done only once so that the first pancake does not turn out to be “lumpy”.
  6. Scoop out the dough and pour it into a well-heated pan.
  7. Fry the pancake on both sides until golden. This process will take about 2-3 minutes.

Lenten pancakes on water and coffee

Lean pancakes do not mean that they are not tasty. They are just as flexible, soft and tender. In addition, with the addition of coffee, you will not feel at all that the pancakes are not rich.


  • Wheat flour - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Rye flour - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Instant coffee - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 5 tablespoons
  • Drinking water - 2 tbsp.
  • Refined oil - 4 tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch

Step by step preparation:

  1. Place instant coffee and sugar in a large bowl. Boil water and pour in coffee. Stir and leave to infuse for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Pour two types of flour into another clean deep container. Add salt and stir.
  3. Pour the brewed coffee into the flour and knead the dough to the consistency you need. From a denser dough, pancakes will turn out thick, liquid - thin.
  4. Pour the oil into the diluted dough and stir it in.
  5. Pour a portion of the dough into the heated pan. Swirl the pan around so it spreads evenly.
  6. Fry the pancake on one side until golden, then turn it over and cook the same amount of time.

Lean pancakes with water and lemon juice

Appetizing and delicious, porous pancakes are obtained without carbonated table water and eggs. You just need to add a little soda, which is quenched with lemon juice.


  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Water - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp.
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Sunflower seed oil - 3 tbsp.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Dissolve salt and sugar in water.
  2. Sift the flour through a sieve into the water and stir the dough until smooth.
  3. Wash the lemon and squeeze the juice out of it to extinguish the soda. Attach it to the total mass, knead and wait until bubbles appear. This will happen in just 2 minutes.
  4. Pour oil into the dough and mix again.
  5. Bake pancakes in a preheated pan on both sides, bringing them to a ruddy color.

Lean pancakes with yeast - a classic recipe

Despite the small list of ingredients and the simplicity of the recipe, pancakes are hearty and tender. They perfectly satisfy hunger and have excellent taste.


  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Water - 200 ml
  • Fresh yeast - 20 g
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons

Step by step preparation:

  1. Prepare the yeast dough. To prepare it, pour into a container 1 tbsp. warm water, add 1 tbsp. sugar and crumble yeast. Sprinkle 2-3 tbsp. mix flour and leave in a warm place until a “foam cap” forms on top.
  2. Then put the remaining flour, a pinch of salt, sugar into a bowl and mix.
  3. Slowly pour in the remaining warm water, vegetable oil and mix the mass thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  4. Enter the dough and stir the dough again. Cover it with a lid and leave for 1 hour so that the dough has risen several times.
  5. Preheat the pan, grease it with a thin layer of oil and pour the dough into the pan so that it evenly spreads over the surface.
  6. Bake pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

Lean pancakes with yeast and tomato juice

Fragrant, lush, soft, airy ... These are yeast pancakes with tomato juice. A great option for people who fast and want to lose extra pounds.


  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Tomato juice - 1 tbsp.
  • Drinking water - 1 tbsp.
  • Dry yeast - 3 g
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar - 4-5 tablespoons

Step by step preparation:

  1. In parallel, mix the products in two bowls. Pour flour, salt, sugar into one and mix. Pour in tomato juice and knead the dough. Its consistency will be like pancakes. Leave it for half an hour to develop gluten. Then it will be smooth and stretchy.
  2. Pour warm drinking water into another container, put 1 tsp. sugar and yeast. Stir and leave in a warm place to foam.
  3. Pour the foamed dough into the dough and mix. Leave again for half an hour until bubbles form.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into the bubbled dough, add salt and mix. If you want to get thick pancakes, then knead the dough thick, thin pancakes are required - pour another 100 ml of warm water into the dough.
  5. Bake pancakes on both sides in a well-heated pan.

Lean thin pancakes with holes - recipe with apple juice

As you know, pancakes are baked on anything, everything that is stale in the refrigerator. This recipe is more tricky, but it also tastes better - pancakes with apple juice.


  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Apple juice - 2 tbsp.
  • Ground cinnamon powder - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Baking soda - 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.

Step by step preparation:

  1. In a bowl, combine flour, sugar, salt, cinnamon powder and baking soda. Mix dry ingredients.
  2. Pour them with a thin stream of apple juice, kneading the dough until the consistency of liquid sour cream, without lumps.
  3. Pour in vegetable oil and mix again.
  4. Heat up the pan. Pour a portion of the dough into the center of the bottom and twist it in all directions so that it spreads in a circle.
  5. Fry the pancake on both sides until golden brown.

Lean pancakes without eggs with turmeric

Pancakes without eggs do not always turn out to be a beautiful sunny color. And to give them a bright golden yellow hue, just add a silent turmeric.


  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Boiled water - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Turmeric - 0.5 tsp
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.
  • Table vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.
  • Baking soda - 0.5 tsp

Step by step preparation:

  1. Dissolve sugar, salt and soda slaked with vinegar in boiled water.
  2. Pour vegetable oil into the liquid and mix again until smooth.
  3. Combine flour with turmeric and mix.
  4. Add a spoonful of flour to the liquid, kneading the dough until a homogeneous consistency so that there are no lumps.
  5. Let it sit for 30 minutes for the gluten to form. This will make the pancakes more elastic and smooth.
  6. Heat up a frying pan and brush with a little oil.
  7. Scoop out the batter with a ladle and pour into the center of the pan. Rotate it in different directions so that the dough is distributed in a circle.
  8. Fry the pancake on both sides until golden brown.

Lenten pancakes are a great dish for everyone who observes Great Lent, they are hearty and healthy, especially if they are made from whole grain flour or 1/2 grade flour. To prepare the dough for lean pancakes, chicken eggs are not used, sugar and salt are also added to a minimum, and it is better to fry them without using oil in a dry frying pan. These pancakes can be served with jam, fruit or vegetable salad. In this collection, our chefs share recipes for lean pancakes with photos and step-by-step cooking instructions.

In fasting, you can bake not only pancakes on the water, but also real pancakes. I present to you porous and soft lean pancakes!

Lean cabbage pancakes

Lean cabbage pancakes are a tasty and healthy addition to breakfast, lunch or dinner during the fasting period and beyond.

We cook ruddy, fragrant, tender and very tasty lean vegetarian pancakes in coconut milk.

Lenten pancakes on mineral water

Thin lean pancakes on mineral water, which perfectly absorb all the juices from the filling. Suitable for pancakes and cakes.

Lean banana fritters

I propose to cook lean banana pancakes, which will appeal to all lovers of this fragrant fruit.

Lenten pancakes with yeast

Lean fluffy pancakes with yeast like in kindergarten (to taste). Such pancakes are prepared without eggs and dairy products.

Lean pancakes - recipe

There is a fast in the yard, and all those who are fasting, as luck would have it, really want to eat pancakes. And it seems that there is absolutely no way out of the situation: well, what kind of pastries are there without milk or eggs. But did you know that there are lean cooking options where forbidden ingredients are replaced with similar others. As a result, the dish is by no means worse, and maybe even better. After all, lean pancakes have some advantages: they are less high-calorie and lighter, so they are good for those people who simply monitor their health. We offer you several recipes for lean pancakes, among which you will certainly find your own.

Recipe for lean pancakes on the water

So, in warm water we dissolve granulated sugar, salt and gradually add the sifted flour. Then we throw a lemon and carefully knead a smooth dough without lumps. After that, add a little soda, pour in vegetable oil, mix thoroughly and set aside for the time being. We heat the pan over high heat, coat it with oil once before baking and fry lean pancakes in water on both sides.

Lenten pancakes with mineral water

  • mineral water - 500 ml;
  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 4 teaspoons;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Combine the sifted flour with salt and sugar. Then pour in mineral water and oil. Mix everything thoroughly. We heat the pan well, grease it with a little oil so that the dough does not stick to the surface. After that, pour it in small portions, evenly distribute and fry lean pancakes on mineral water from both sides.

Lenten pancakes with dry yeast

  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour - 300 g;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • dry yeast - 3 g;
  • sugar - 5 teaspoons;
  • salt - a pinch.

Sift the flour into a deep bowl, put the sugar and pour in a glass of warm water. We leave everything for 15 minutes, and this time we are preparing the dough for now. To do this, dissolve dry yeast in the remaining heated water, throw a pinch of sugar and mix until foam appears. After that, pour the mixture into the dough and leave until bubbles begin to appear on the surface. Then add a little oil, salt, mix and bake pancakes on both sides in a well-heated pan.

Lean delicious pancakes on black tea

  • black tea - 250 ml;
  • wheat flour - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • baking powder - a pinch;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • salt - a pinch.

How to quickly cook lean pancakes? To do this, brew strong tea, cool it, pour it into a deep bowl and add vegetable oil, salt and sugar. Mix everything well with a whisk and gradually introduce the flour. Next, throw in the baking powder and beat the dough with a whisk so that no lumps form. We heat the pan, grease with oil and fry lean pancakes.

Lean pancakes without eggs with soy milk

In a bowl, mix flour with salt, pour in melted margarine, throw in sugar, honey and pour in milk and warm water. We tighten the container with the dough with a film and put it in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. After the time has elapsed, heat the pan, coat with oil and fry the pancakes on both sides until cooked.

How to cook lean pancakes

Today, adhering to the principles of proper nutrition is not only useful, but also fashionable. That is why most people have to look for worthy alternatives to tasty, but harmful food for the waist and figure. The lean pancakes we offer, the recipe of which we will consider step by step below, will help you always stay in good shape without giving up “sweets”.
Our method of preparing this beloved product will allow you to diversify the diet menu without spending a lot of time on cooking.

Also, these recipes will surely appeal to most believing Christians, who start Lent on March 2. So that spiritual cleansing does not turn into banal physical exhaustion, replenish your culinary arsenal with new original dishes!

Little tricks for big culinary success

It often happens that at the first attempt to cook lean pancakes, inexperienced housewives are disappointed: instead of ruddy golden pastries, they observe something whitish on their plates. But it is so important that the result of culinary work is not only tasty, but also pleasing to the eye!

In the case of pancakes, this incident is easily explained: the absence of milk and eggs in the composition makes it difficult to form a crispy crust. To avoid this, try experimenting with "natural" ingredients that give the finished dish an appetizing color.

For example, if you add a teaspoon of powdered turmeric to the dough, the product will acquire a pleasant “sunny” shade. In general, depending on culinary preferences, cinnamon, herbs and various spices can be added to the dough. All this will only add spice to the finished product and enhance the flavor!

Some cooks replace 1/3 of the water in the recipe with fruit juice when kneading the dough: this not only enhances the taste of the dish, but also helps to give a certain shade. Of course, this should only be done when you are going to serve pastries with a sweet filling or in tandem with a sauce containing sugar.

Recipe number 1. “In haste”

It is quite possible that you don’t even have to run to the store to bake a lean product using this method: any hostess already has everything you need.

1. Mix dry yeast with a tablespoon of flour and pour a glass of water. The mixture that we got is called dough.

2. Add sugar and another glass of water to the remaining flour. This substance must definitely stand for half an hour so that the flour swells and the pancakes turn out soft and airy.

3. We mix both compositions to a homogeneous consistency and put them a little closer to the heat source so that the dough “reaches”. The signal to start cooking will be the appearance of bubbles on the surface of the dough.

If everything is done correctly, you will get a fairly thick mass suitable for baking thick lean pancakes. If you want thin pancakes, then simply dilute the dough with half a glass of warm water.

Recipe number 2. “Vitamin of happiness”

The mere sight of these pancakes can cheer you up, not to mention the taste! Bright, orange, they, like little suns, illuminate even the dullest morning. What's the secret? Let's find out now!

1. Put flour, salt, sugar and turmeric into a deep container. Add a little (at the tip of a teaspoon) soda.

2. In a separate bowl, combine oil, lemon juice and half a liter of water.

3. Pour half of this composition into a bowl of flour and mix thoroughly so that lumps do not form.

4. Add the remaining liquid, without stopping stirring.

As a result of the work done, we should get a dough that, in terms of its fluidity, resembles kefir and has a pleasant shade.

Lean pancakes according to the recipes described above are certainly good as an independent dish. But sauces will help you enhance the impression of your culinary talent and make a lasting impression on your guests. Irreplaceable helpers of all experienced chefs, they gently set off the taste of the main dish, not drowning out, but enhancing it.

Continuing the theme of healthy eating and Orthodox fasting, we have selected a version of the sauce, which will come in handy during the period of spring beriberi.

  • Frozen or canned cherries - 200 g + -
  • Corn flour - 5g + -
  • Granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l. + -
  • Purified water - a quarter cup + -

A true pleasure for gourmets will give this wonderful addition to our dietary sophistication! Pleasing to the eye and incredibly tasty, this sauce goes well with pancakes.

1. Put the cherry in a small saucepan, add sugar and keep this composition on fire until it is completely dissolved.

2. Mix the flour with a quarter cup of water and add to the mixture.

3. We continue to cook the sauce until it becomes thick.

Now you know how to cook wonderful lean pancakes without violating either Christian traditions or the principles of healthy eating. After all, the path to health - both physical and spiritual - is not starvation and severe self-limitation. You can and should eat as varied and nutritious as possible! And we sincerely hope that our today's recipes will help you with this!

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There is a post in the yard, and we, as if it were a sin, remember pancakes, and the family asks to cook, and so we want to please them with delicious pancakes. And, it seems, well, what pancakes are without eggs and milk, however, there are lean pancakes in which these important ingredients are replaced by others, as a result they turn out to be no worse than our usual and beloved pancakes. In addition, lean pancakes have a significant advantage: they are not as heavy as regular pancakes and have a low calorie content, so they are good for both those who follow their figure and those who fast.

Lenten recipes with step by step photos

Rice pancakes with mushrooms So it is quite possible to please yourself and your loved ones with pancakes during the fast, because the recipe for lean pancakes is made taking into account all the food abstinences prescribed by religious rules: no eggs, no milk, no sour cream. Dough for lean pancakes can have both unleavened and yeast base. You can cook delicious lean pancakes on ordinary water. The main ingredients of lean pancakes are flour, water, salt, sugar and vegetable oil, the presence of which indicates that pancakes can only be prepared on church-allowed days: Saturday or Sunday. As a liquid base, water, vegetable or cereal decoctions or highly carbonated mineral water can be used. Combining different types of flour, you can get different types of lean pancakes - mix rye or buckwheat flour with wheat flour, as well as oatmeal or corn. This opportunity to use different types of flour and a variety of fillings opens up endless scope for imagination. Lenten pancakes are good on their own, but you definitely can’t spoil them with the right tasty filling. Prepare lean pancakes with a variety of sweet fillings, using jams, syrups, honey or jam, dried fruits steamed and ground in a blender with honey or sugar, as well as sweet pumpkin lightly stewed in a pan with sugar, apples, bananas, pears, berries , kiwi, pineapple or other fruits mashed or lightly toasted with sugar or honey, crushed nuts or coconut with honey. Lenten pancakes with unsweetened fillings will turn out to be no less tasty: mashed potatoes with fried onions or fresh herbs, buckwheat and mushrooms, stewed cabbage with herbs, mushrooms with onions, with eggplant and zucchini stew, as well as with various seasonings. Perhaps among our recipes you will find one that will be the perfect dish on your Lenten table.

Lenten pancakes on the water

1.5 stack. flour,
2 stack water,
50 ml vegetable oil,
1 tbsp Sahara,
½ tsp soda,
a little vinegar or citric acid,
salt - to taste.

Dissolve sugar, salt in water, add the sifted flour and citric acid and knead the dough thoroughly until smooth so that there are no lumps. Then add soda and vegetable oil. Mix everything well. Preheat the pan, grease it once before baking with vegetable oil and bake pancakes over medium heat.

Pancakes with mineral water

500 ml mineral water,
1.5-2 stack. flour (it depends on the thickness of the desired dough),
4 tsp Sahara,
½ tsp salt,
2 tbsp vegetable oil.

Mix the sifted flour with salt and sugar, add mineral water and vegetable oil and mix thoroughly. Preheat the pan, pour a little vegetable oil into it so that the pancakes do not stick to the surface of the pan, and fry them on both sides until cooked.

250 ml black or green tea
6 tbsp (with a slide) wheat flour,
1 tsp (without a slide) baking powder,
2-3 tbsp Sahara,
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
a pinch of salt.

Brew tea, cool it, pour it into a deep bowl and add vegetable oil, sugar and salt. Mix everything with a whisk. Gradually stir in the flour. If you want thick pancakes, add another 1-2 tbsp. flour. Add baking powder and beat with a whisk until there are no lumps. Preheat the pan, grease it with vegetable oil, and bake pancakes.

Pancakes in brine

2 stack flour,
1 liter cucumber or tomato brine,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tsp soda.

Add flour and soda to the brine and mix thoroughly until thickened. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil, heat it up and bake pancakes on both sides until browned.

Pancakes with apple and lemon juice

250 g wheat flour,
100 ml apple juice
420 ml of water
100 g sugar
10 g baking powder
1 tsp lemon juice
vegetable oil.

Combine flour, sugar, salt and baking powder in a separate bowl. Mix apple juice with warm water, lemon juice and vegetable oil. Pour some of this liquid into the flour, mix with a whisk, then add the rest of the liquid, continuing to stir. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil, heat it up and start baking pancakes.

Pancakes with soy milk

1 stack flour,
½ stack soy milk,
½ stack water,
50 g vegetable margarine,
2 tbsp honey,
1 tbsp Sahara,
¼ tsp salt.

Mix flour, salt, melted margarine, sugar, honey, soy milk and water, cover the resulting mass with a film and refrigerate for 2 hours. Preheat the pan, after greasing it with vegetable oil, pour in 3 tbsp. dough, evenly distribute it over the entire surface of the pan and fry on both sides.

Lean yeast pancakes

1.5 stack. flour,
300 ml of water
3 g dry yeast (or 10 g fresh pressed),
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
5 tsp Sahara,
½ tsp salt.

Mix flour with 4 tsp. sugar in a deep bowl. Pour in 200 ml of warm water and leave for 15 minutes. In the meantime, prepare the brew. To do this, dissolve the yeast in 100 ml of warm water and 1 tsp. sugar until foamy. Then pour the finished dough into the dough, mix and leave until bubbles appear on the surface of the dough. Then pour vegetable oil into the dough, add salt, mix and bake pancakes in a preheated pan on both sides. Thick pancakes are obtained from this dough, if you want thin pancakes, add another 100 ml of water to the dough.

Such pancakes with spicy are very tasty. To do this, soak the washed dried mushrooms for three hours, boil until cooked, cut into small pieces, fry, add chopped and lightly fried green or onion, cut into rings.
After spreading the baked goods in a pan, fill them with dough and fry like ordinary pancakes.

RRussian yeast pancakes (old recipe)

2.5 stack. wheat flour
⅓ stack. buckwheat flour
25 g fresh pressed yeast
1 tbsp Sahara,
1 tsp salt,
vegetable oil - to taste.

Knead a rather thick dough from buckwheat and half the norm of wheat flour, yeast and water in the evening and place it in the cold. The next day, add the remaining flour, sugar, salt and let the dough rise. 30 minutes before baking pancakes, pour so much warm water into the dough so that it has the density of sour cream, and mix. Then you can start baking pancakes.

Lean buckwheat yeast pancakes "Grechishniki"

4 stack buckwheat flour
4.5 stack. water,
25 g yeast
salt - to taste.

Dissolve fresh yeast in half a glass of warm water, then add another half a glass and mix until smooth. Continuing to stir, add 2 cups of flour and stir well so that there are no lumps. Cover the dough with a towel and place in a warm place. It should increase in volume by 2-3 times, then add the remaining flour, pour in the remaining water, add salt, mix thoroughly and put in a warm place again. As soon as the dough rises again, start baking pancakes. Do not mix the dough.

Lean millet yeast pancakes

3 stack. flour,
1 stack millet flakes,
5 stack water,
1 pack dry yeast
2 tbsp Sahara,
1 tsp salt,
½ stack unrefined vegetable oil with a smell.

Pour millet flakes with 3 cups of boiling water, put on fire and cook for 3 minutes. Cool the resulting porridge. Dilute yeast in a third of a glass of water by adding 1 tsp. Sahara. Add flour to the porridge, mix, then 1 glass of water, sugar, salt and yeast. Mix everything well, cover and leave for 1 hour to let the dough rise. Then pour 1 cup of warm water and vegetable oil into it and mix again. Before baking, grease the pan with vegetable oil and bake pancakes in the usual way.

Rice-based pancakes stuffed with rice and raisins

2.5 stack. wheat flour
4 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 stack rice,
2 tbsp Sahara,
½ tsp soda,
½ stack raisins,
salt - to taste.

Boil rice in 2 liters of water under a lid until tender. Drain the broth through a sieve or colander (you will get about 1 liter of broth). Cool the resulting broth. If it turned out to be too thick, it can be diluted with boiled water to the state of liquid jelly. Total broth should be 1 liter. Add flour, sugar, salt, vegetable oil, soda to it and mix. You should get a dough of the consistency of liquid sour cream. Bake pancakes on a hot pan, greased with vegetable oil, on both sides. Let the ready-made pancakes cool down and wrap the stuffing prepared as follows in them: add raisins to the boiled washed rice, which you pre-soak for 5-10 minutes in hot water, and sugar. You can make a savory filling by adding fried mushrooms with onions to rice.

Potato pancakes with mineral water

½ stack wheat flour
3 potatoes
1 stack mineral water,
4-5 tbsp vegetable oil.

Peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes and boil until tender. Then drain off excess water, leaving a little broth. Make mashed potatoes and cool slightly. Add sifted wheat flour to it and gradually dilute the resulting dough with mineral water so that the dough has the consistency of kefir. At the end, add vegetable oil and mix. Roast as usual. Such pancakes will be especially good for mushrooms or sauerkraut.

Lean oatmeal pancakes

2.5 stack. flour,
2 stack oatmeal,
4 stack water,
2 tbsp Sahara,
2 tsp starch,
1 tsp salt,
½ tsp soda,
4 tbsp vegetable oil.

Pour oatmeal with water overnight, strain the resulting mass in the morning, you will get 900 ml of oat milk, add sugar, starch, salt, soda and flour to it, pour in 3 tbsp. vegetable oil. Beat with a whisk until smooth. Pour 1 tbsp into a heated pan. vegetable oil and bake pancakes on both sides.

Lean semolina pancakes

1 stack decoys,
1.5 stack. water,
2 carrots
1 onion
1 tsp salt,
some turmeric.

Chop the onion very finely and fry it along with the turmeric until golden brown. Add grated carrots on a medium grater and fry for a few minutes along with onions. Mix semolina with water, add fried onions and carrots, mix and bake pancakes in the usual way.

Lean corn pancakes

200 g cornmeal,
1 onion
50 g vegetable oil,
1 tsp salt.

Knead the corn dough, which resembles jelly in consistency, add chopped onion to it, salt, pour in vegetable oil, mix and bake corn pancakes in a greased with vegetable oil and a heated frying pan until golden brown.

Vegetable lean pancakes

120 g wholemeal flour,
3 large potatoes
1 carrot
1 onion
3-4 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 celery stalk
20 g parsley,
20 g dill,
spices: dried basil, ground black pepper and marjoram,
salt - to taste.

Grate the carrots, potatoes, celery and onion on a coarse grater. Add flour, spices, herbs and vegetable oil. Stir and let stand for a few minutes. Heat the vegetable oil well in a frying pan and fry the pancakes over medium heat. Fold the finished pancakes into a saucepan, cover with a lid and let stand for a while, 5-10 minutes, they will become even tastier. Sprinkle pancakes with lightly toasted sesame seeds before serving.

Lenten pancakes are a wonderful opportunity not only to please loved ones, but also to diversify the lean diet with tasty and healthy dishes.

Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe

It is difficult to imagine a family where a dish of traditional Russian cuisine is not prepared - pancakes. And everyone has their own signature recipe with a couple of secrets and tricks.

But today I propose to deviate from the familiar and familiar options for this pastry and try to learn new recipes.

Let's make delicate, thin, lacy soda water pancakes and lean mineral water pancakes. Consider the most common ways to prepare them.

A simple mineral water recipe

Ingredients: Carbonated water 0.5 l; Egg 5 pcs; Salt 1 tsp; Sugar 4 tsp; Soda ½ tsp; Wheat flour 1.5 tbsp; Vegetable oil 5 tbsp.

Use any sparkling water for the test, strong or slightly carbonated will do. The more bubbles, the more porous and airy the pancakes will be.

For this recipe, it is better to take a mineral water that is not highly carbonated.

Let's start cooking:

  1. We mix the dry ingredients of the pancake dough, soda needs to be repaid.
  2. Add eggs, pour mineral water. Mix until smooth.
  3. Pour the sifted flour in small portions, stirring with a whisk.
  4. Use a thick-walled cast-iron pan or a special pancake pan for baking. Each pancake is baked for about 2 minutes.
  5. Serve with any toppings or toppings of your choice.

Another easy way:

When using mineral water with a strong gas content, add vegetable oil, then the pancakes will not stick to the bottom when baking.

Take products:

Mineral water 0.5 l; flour 1 tbsp; Butter 3 tbsp. l; Egg 5 pcs; Sugar 4 tsp;

Cooking pancakes:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar until foamy, add salt.
  2. Pour in 100 ml of carbonated water, add flour gradually, mix so that there are no lumps.
  3. Melt butter and add to batter.
  4. Add the remaining 400 ml of mineral water and a little vegetable oil.
  5. Bake in a hot skillet.

Such pancakes are delicate, golden and very appetizing.

Lean pancakes with sparkling water

This recipe will be appreciated by those who are fasting, it is also suitable for those who are on a diet or do not eat animal products.

In its composition, such pancake dough does not contain eggs and milk, but the pastries still turn out remarkably tasty and attractive.

Lean pancakes on mineral water can be stuffed with vegetables or served as a dessert with jam, jam, fruits.

For this option, give preference not to mineral water, but to simple soda from purified water with a strong gas content. A large number of bubbles in it will make lean pancakes especially airy and porous.

Please note that soda water pancakes should be fried for a minimum amount of time. Turn them over as soon as the edges start to move away from the pan, if you overcook, they will turn out "rubber".

For cooking you will need:

Carbonated water 250 ml; Wheat flour of the highest grade 250 gr; granulated sugar 70 gr; Salt to taste; Vegetable oil 2 tbsp;

Cooking process:

  1. Mix dry ingredients in a deep bowl.
  2. Gradually add some water at room temperature, mix the dough until the consistency of thick sour cream without lumps.
  3. Pour in the rest of the soda and beat with a whisk, now you can add vegetable oil.
  4. The dough is ready. Let's start frying pancakes.
  5. Lenten pancakes on mineral water will turn out to be a lighter shade than classic pancakes on milk with the addition of eggs. But they are not inferior in taste at all, they turn out to be very tender.

Pancakes with mineral water and milk

These pancakes come out fluffy, ruddy, with holes. Fans of classic pancakes with milk will like it, in this case, sparkling water only adds texture.

Take the following foods:

Mineral water 0.5 l; Milk 0.5 l; Egg 3 pcs; Sugar sand 1 tbsp. l; Baking powder ½ tsp; Salt 1 tsp; Wheat flour 500 gr;

Let's start making pancakes:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar, add salt.
  2. Pour milk and mineral water. We mix.
  3. Gradually sift the flour into the mixture, bring with a whisk to a homogeneous consistency.
  4. If necessary, dilute with mineral water to the desired density.
  5. At the end, we introduce baking powder or soda, which we first extinguish.
  6. The pan must be very hot and start baking pancakes.

If you are planning a dessert dish, add all the sugar to the dough, and if the pancakes are with unsweetened filling, reduce the amount.

Pancakes with semolina

Another recipe for lean pancakes. They are great for breakfast, as well as snacks for lunch or dinner.

The bright yellow tint that carrots and turmeric give increases appetite and improves mood.

Ingredients required:

Hot water 1.5 cups; Semolina 1 cup; Carrots 2 pieces; Onion 1 piece; Salt 1 teaspoon; Seasoning Turmeric to taste;

Cooking lean pancakes:

  1. First of all, semolina must be poured with hot water and set aside to swell.
  2. Chop the onion into cubes or with a blender, fry with turmeric.
  3. Grate the carrots on a medium-sized grater and sauté together with the onion until soft.
  4. Mix roasted vegetables and prepared semolina. Knead. Lenten dough is ready.
  5. These pancakes are fried in any vegetable oil.

Serve lean semolina pancakes with vegetable-based sauces.

Pancakes with mushrooms and buckwheat

The recipe involves the preparation of lean yeast dough. Pancakes are very satisfying and will be a great snack or addition to the main meal.

A set of products for the test:

Warm water 2 cups; wheat flour 1.5 cups; Yeast 1 sachet; Sugar sand 25 gr; Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l; Salt to taste

Filling Ingredients:

Buckwheat boiled or steamed 160-180 gr; Dried mushrooms 1 cup; Onion 1 piece; Vegetable oil 2 tbsp

Cooking sequence:

  1. Pour the yeast and granulated sugar into the water, stir, leave for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Sift the flour through a sieve along with salt to make the dough more magnificent. Add in small portions to the fermenting yeast.
  3. Now pour in the heated vegetable oil, combine all the ingredients and put the dough in a warm place for half an hour.
  4. Boil dried mushrooms, drain the water. You can use fresh, ordinary champignons or chanterelles will do, take them a little more. We chop the mushrooms.
  5. We pass the finely chopped onion, add mushrooms to it and fry together for several minutes.
  6. Add buckwheat to the resulting frying and mix.
  7. At this point, the dough should come up, bake thin lean pancakes from it in a hot frying pan. Let's give them time to cool down. The next step is to fill them with buckwheat porridge with mushrooms and wrap them in any shape.
  8. You can use envelopes, tubes or just triangles. In the latter case, it is good to use vegetable sauce so that it holds the filling together and it does not crumble.

There is another old Russian recipe - lean pancakes with bacon. To do this, spread the filling in a thin layer on the pan and pour the dough.

We get thick pancakes similar to pancakes, which are delicious both piping hot and cold.

Sweet lean pancakes

I propose to cook dessert pancakes for the Lenten table. Apples are a great addition. Fruits can be finely grated and added to the dough or made into a sweet filling.

Products needed:

Water 2 glasses; Wheat flour of the highest grade 1 cup; Sugar 3 tbsp; Vegetable oil 2 tbsp; Soda ¼ tsp; Liquid honey ½ cup; Apples 3 pieces; Cinnamon on the tip of a knife; A pinch of salt;

The sequence of making pancakes:

  1. We make the usual lean dough for pancakes. Sugar, flour, salt are mixed in a deep bowl, pour a little warmed water, mix, set aside.
  2. When the dough has rested a little, pour in warm vegetable oil and add soda. Beat until smooth, get rid of lumps. If necessary, adjust the density by adding water.
  3. We bake thin pancakes in a well-heated pan, make sure that they do not burn, turn over as soon as the first side is browned and the edges begin to move away easily. We spread on a dish and grease each pancake with honey.

Apple filling:

  1. Rub apples without peel on a coarse grater. In a small saucepan or stewpan with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of water and sugar, heat to moderate heat. Stir constantly, after a few minutes add cinnamon, turn off the stove, let cool.
  2. On a pancake smeared with honey, spread a spoonful of filling and wrap. We form all the lean pancakes in this way and stack them on top of each other in a baking dish with high sides, coat with the honey that remains.
  3. We put in the oven at a temperature of 150 C for a little less than half an hour. We get a fragrant, sweet and healthy pancake cake. You don't need to take it out of the form.

Similarly, you can cook pancakes on the water with any fruit or berry filling. At the same time, there is no need to bake pancakes with softer ingredients.

It will be enough to decorate them beautifully with pieces of fruit and mint leaves.

Pancakes from rye flour

Tasty and rich in nutrients, lean rye pancakes on the water are prepared in the same way as wheat pancakes. Rye flour gives them a special delicate aroma and taste.

For cooking you will need:

Water half a liter; Rye flour 250 gr; Egg white 2 pieces; Yolk 1 piece; Vegetable oil 1 tsp; Salt ¼ tsp;

Cooking step by step:

  1. We heat water in a deep container.
  2. In another bowl, mix two proteins and yolk, gradually introduce rye flour. Bring the mixture to a smooth consistency with a whisk or fork.
  3. Pour the resulting mass in a thin stream into heated water, add salt, knead an even, lump-free dough for making pancakes.
  4. Fry on a hot frying pan on both sides, transfer to a plate.
  5. Serve rye flour pancakes with a variety of vegetable sauces. They will go well with mushroom sauce, ground herbs with the addition of olive oil and garlic, it will turn out interesting if you make a tofu cheese filling.

The recipe is very simple, but at the same time, such lean pancakes can be served in a very unusual way, various additives will perfectly set off their original and original taste.

They will be a godsend for those who are not very fond of sweets.

Those observing a strict fast should pay attention to the content of animal protein in the form of eggs in the recipe.

  • It is more convenient to beat the dough in a deep bowl, so it is easier to achieve a uniform consistency.
  • To prepare pancakes with carbonated or mineral water, use purified (refined) vegetable oil.
  • Always let the dough rest before frying pancakes. It will become more uniform and plastic.
  • Do not use a mixer or blender when making pancakes with soda. Stir the mixture before pouring a new portion into the pan.
  • Place a bowl of cold water in the work area and dip a ladle into it before adding each new portion. The dough will flow better and faster.
  • Be sure to heat the pan well before frying, then the pancakes will not stick.

I advise you to try to cook pancakes on such an unusual ingredient as mineral water and your loved ones will definitely appreciate openwork, with holes, airy and light pancakes!

My video recipe

Pancakes are the oldest culinary product of Russian cuisine. Lenten pancakes, unlike others, do not contain ingredients of animal origin in the recipe. In other words, there are no eggs, milk, butter and similar products in the technological map. The word "pancake" is a distorted word "melin", which comes from the word "grind" and means that the product will be prepared from the ground product.

To create such a culinary masterpiece as lean pancakes, you do not need special skills, a lot of time or an exquisite assortment of products. Common ingredients in recipes include water, flour, salt, sugar, baking powder, or yeast. Such an economical flour dish requires a thin dough that spreads easily in a hot pan and quickly fried on both sides.

Russian lean pancakes are loose, spongy, soft products with many pores. Baking powder in the preparation of prescription cards has been used not so long ago in Russian cuisine, and such an additive was borrowed from the West. Lenten pancakes have a lot of recipes that are of a different nature in terms of cooking.

The dough for pancakes is often started 6 hours before baking so that the gluten of the flour can swell and the consistency acquires a delicate, uniform, velvety appearance. The steam cooking method is one of the most common. By the time of baking, such a dough resembles thick sour cream.

In terms of thickness, lean pancakes can be both thin and thick. Often such products are stuffed with various fillings. For this, it is better to use thin products, because when folding they will not break. Inside put apples, raisins, jam, caviar and other products according to personal preference.

When preparing dough for lean pancakes, there are some nuances that should be followed. For example, flour is always sifted, because then it can be enriched with oxygen. Yeast, which is dissolved in warm water, should not be in excess. Otherwise, the dough will smell like "fermentation".

When adding flour, the dough should be thoroughly rubbed. It is better to do this with a mixer. Also, some recipes require scalding the dough, you should not be lazy and avoid this process, because the quality of the dough and, as a result, the quality of the cooked products will depend on this. It is best to follow all the recommendations and strictly observe the ratio of ingredients.


Lean pancakes with whole wheat flour

Ingredients: warm water, wheat flour, whole grain flour, sugar, salt, soda, vinegar, vegetable oil

Pancakes are always delicious, even if they are lean pancakes. This is what we want to introduce you to today. Their highlight is that they are made from whole grain flour in company with wheat, which is why they turn out to be very interesting.

- 1.5 cups of warm water;
- 0.5 cups of wheat flour;
- 0.5 cup whole grain flour;
- 1.5 cups of sugar;
- 2 pinches of salt;
- 0.5 tsp soda;
- 1 tbsp vinegar;
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil.


Yeast pancakes on the water

Ingredients: sugar, egg, butter, water, salt, yeast, flour

You can cook these delicious pancakes from yeast dough in water very simply and quickly. I have described in detail the recipe for making such pancakes for you.


- 60 grams of sugar,
- 3 eggs,
- 100 grams of sunflower oil,
- 500 ml. water,
- 1 tsp salt,
- 8 grams of yeast,
- 300 grams of flour.


Pancakes with meat filling

Ingredients: water, egg, soda, vegetable oil, salt, flour, fried meat, vinegar

Pancakes on the water are no worse than pancakes on milk or kefir. Today I have prepared for you a simple recipe for pancakes in milk with meat filling.


- water - 1 glass,
- egg - 1 pc.,
- soda - a quarter of a teaspoon,

- salt - a pinch,
- flour - half a glass,
- grilled meat,
- vinegar.


Quick and tasty lean pancakes on the water

Ingredients: flour, water, vegetable oil, soda, vinegar, salt, sugar

The taste of these lean pancakes is no different from ordinary pancakes. The recipe is very simple and fast.


- wheat flour - 300 grams,
- water - 500 grams,
- vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons,
- soda - half a teaspoon,
- vinegar,
- salt - a pinch,
- sugar - 20 grams.


Lean pancakes

Ingredients: flour, water, sugar, salt, soda, oil

Usually pancakes are cooked in milk, but today I have prepared for you a simple recipe for lean pancakes in water.


- 1 cup flour
- 1 glass of water,
- 4 tablespoons Sahara,
- half tsp salt,
- 1 tsp soda,
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil.


Lean oat bran pancakes

Ingredients: mineral water, salt, sugar, flax seed, oat bran, butter, flour

I present to your attention a simple diet recipe for delicious oat bran pancakes. Such pancakes can be cooked in fasting.


- 250 ml. mineral water,
- 1 tsp salt,
- 2 tablespoons Sahara,
- 2 tablespoons flax seed,
- 2 tablespoons oat bran,
- 30 grams of vegetable oil,
- 100 grams of flour.


Lenten pancakes with yeast for a wake

Ingredients: flour, yeast, water, sugar, salt, oil

Wake is an event that terrifies everyone. But at the wake, you also need to cook and treat guests. Today I will describe for you a recipe for lean lush pancakes with yeast.


- 150 grams of flour,
- 8-10 grams of yeast,
- 250 ml. water,
- 1 tbsp Sahara,
- a pinch of salt,
- 5 tablespoons vegetable oil.


Lenten pancakes on bean broth

Ingredients: whole grain flour, bean broth, salt, vegetable oil

Lenten dishes can be very tasty and interesting. For example, there are lean pancakes - on bean broth, from whole grain flour, they are not only not modest, but also healthy. Their recipe is quite simple and uncomplicated.

- whole grain flour -1 tbsp.;
- bean broth - 1 tbsp.;
- salt - 1.2 tsp;
- vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.