Compote from apples and grapes for the winter. Compote from grapes and apples - a beautiful and fragrant miracle

26.08.2019 Restaurant Notes.

It begins the time of apples, pears, grapes and other gifts of August and September. So it's time to start to harvest these summer gifts for the winter, as well as the stove pies and pies, and cook fresh sweet compotes. On the street there are hot days, and the cold compote from fresh fruit perfectly quenches thirst. In fact, when cooking compotes, it is very difficult to specify the exact proportions of the ingredients. And if you put a little more than one or another component, it will not spoil the taste. I will prepare a portion of 5 - 6 liters, but also the number of apples and grapes can be used when cooking, for example, 4 liters, then compote will have a more rich taste. But with sugar it is important not to overdo it, although some love the message. I used sufficiently sweet apples, and the grapes were sweet, therefore 7-8 tablespoons (with a slide) sugar more than enough. It is best to the end of the cooking to try compotes to taste, but it should be noted that while the compote is to appear, his taste can change a little (especially if you use very sour apples). In such compote, you can add any berries and fruits, so if you have plums, apricots, or any berries, including freshly frozen, then all these goodies can be safely added to our compote. And if you have a jam or jam since last year, it can be safely used instead of sugar.

P.S.: Such compote is perfect for. Especially since the compote can be welded from almost any berries, fruits or dried fruits.


  • Water 5 - 6 liters
  • Apples 1000-1200 g
  • Grapes 500-600
  • Sugar 7-8 tbsp. l. (with a slide)

Preparation time: 10 minutes. Cooking time: 20 minutes.

More variations of compote from apples:

Ingredients of the recipe "Compote from apples and grapes"

  • Water - 5 liters
  • Apples - 1200
  • Grapes - 600 g
  • Sugar - 8 tbsp. l.

Recipe for cooking compotes from apples and grapes:

    Apples wash and, if necessary, remove rotten and diesel sections. Apples can be cleaned from the bones, and you can simply cut on 4-8 parts, depending on the size of the apples.

  1. Grapes are well rinsed. You can dormit the berries from the twigs if you use home grapes, you can simply rinse it well and use together with branches.

  2. Water to bring to a boil and add sugar. Then omit the prepared fruits into the water. When pouring water into a saucepan. Leave a place for fruits.

  3. We bring compote to a boil and cook it 3-5 minutes. Compats are best cooking under the lid. Very good to cook such compats in a large saucepan, without topping the water to the edges, then they will not run away from under the cover during boiling.

Compote, cooked from grapes and apples - a drink that can be cooked for the winter. Fruits are perfectly combined, complementing each other. The compotesset does not take a lot of time. The process is simple, and even a person who has ever had done with a twist with him can cope with it.

Experienced hostesses know that an important stage in the preparation of a twist for the winter - cleanliness and sterility cans. Many detergents make it possible to wash glass containers without additional hassle. The best option is cold water and soda. The tool will perfectly remove all pollution and will not leave the divorce bank.

After washing the cans sterilize over hot steam. It can also be done in any convenient way:

  • using the kettle;
  • multicookers;
  • special device - covers.

In the economic store you can buy a cover having a hole in the middle. She puts on a saucepan, and the bank is put on top. Hot couple comes through a hole in the jar, and thus passes the sterilization procedure. It is enough 3-5 minutes and the bank will be clean.

How to choose apples for compote

Apples of any varieties are suitable for cooking. They can be white, yellow or red. If it is acidic varieties, more sugar adds with syrup cooking to align the taste. Since apples are weakly staining sugar syrup, compote can get light. You can add blue grapes to it, and the drink will be saturated. If grapes are green or pink, then compote will have a gentle shade.

Not everyone loves dark color, and a slightly painted drink looks great in the bank.

In addition to varieties and colors, pay attention to the size of the fruit. If it is big, it needs to be cut into 4 parts and remove the core. If the apples are medium, they are thrown into a can of solid. At the same time, they look so that they are insolent through the neck.

Preparation of grapes

To prepare a compote, grapes take any variety. It can be white, green, yellow or blue. The shada of the clouds will affect the saturation of the drink. In the bank put a whole bunch or break the berries.

Grapes must be carefully flushed. As a rule, the bunches are covered with dust and small midges. Flowing water will not be able to completely clean the fruit. For this, the twigs are placed in a bowl and poured with plenty of water. After 30-40 minutes, pollution goes well.

Cooking recipes

There is a lot of ways to prepare a fragrant drink for the winter. The selected method affects the taste of a compote. Some take more time for cooking. Everyone chooses what he likes most.

Simple recipe for the winter

For a compote, you will need:

  • apples;
  • grapes;
  • water;
  • sugar.


  1. Apples wash and cut into 4 parts. Remove the core with seeds.
  2. Grapes are also washed and cut off with the brush.
  3. In the prepared banks, fall asleep a glass of grape berries and 4 apple lobes.
  4. In a saucepan, mix sugar with water, with the calculation of 1 tbsp. Sugar on 3 liters of water.
  5. Stir water so that sugar is dissolved.
  6. Bring to a boil and leave on medium fire for 5 minutes.
  7. Pour the boiling syrup in the can with small portions, pre-lowered there wooden blade. It will not give the capacitance to burst.

After the bank is complete, it can be covered with a lid and roll in the key. Capacities with compote are covered with a blanket and leave until complete cooling. First, the color will be light, but gradually it will darken. A drink can be enjoyed not only in winter. It will become suitable for drinking 3 weeks after ordering.

Without sterilization

This method is slightly different from the previous one:

  1. Prepared apples will have to chop finely - a prerequisite recipe condition.
  2. The bunch of grapes is divided into several small, and all fruits fall asleep into a clean but not sterilized can. The bank should be filled with apple and grape contents on 1/3.
  3. Put the covers for rolling in boiling water and leave for 5 minutes.
  4. Cooking boiling water and pour it into banks, cover with covers with top. Leave for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Then drain the water from the cans into the pan and put it on fire for re-boiling. Add sugar to it and cook syrup.
  6. Pour the liquid into the jar and bite.

When all the banks are sunk, turn them over to the bottom up and bite the blanket. This action is necessary for further pasteurization. When the drink completely cools, take it into a cool storage space. As a rule, on the 2-3rd day you can already turn the banks and carry them.

With the addition of lemon

Citrus, added to the drink, are saturated with fresh notes. Compote is obtained sweet with sourness. It is especially good to use lemon if grapes and apples contain too many sugar are included in the drink. One bank will need only 2 slices or 3 semicircles. It is necessary to weld syrup, and after pouring them the contents of cans. Before adding lemon to the rest of the fruit, it is washed in hot water. This contributes to the exit of essential oils on the surface of the peel. Its in no case should not be removed. Some mistresses instead of lemon add citric acid.

With the addition of honey and spices

Different spices can be added to the fruit compote. The most popular are honey, cinnamon and carnation. They will give a drink of an incredible fragrance. If compote is rolled up with sterilization of cans, spices fall asleep directly to the jar to fruits. The method without sterilization requires their coarse sugar syrup.

The carnation is added both to fruits and vegetables. The spice allows the drink better to persist.

Storage features

Banks with compote are carried to the cellar or basement. The room should be dry and cool. Glass containers are placed on racks not very close to each other in order not to break after contact. Compote can be stored no more than 2 years. It is best to drink it in winter and spring, and in the summer to make blanks for the new season.

Among all conservations, the compote occupies a rather large share. These delicious and varied drinks are sources of vitamins, so necessary in the winter. Compote from grapes and apples for the winter has rich taste and useful properties.

Grapes and its benefits

A variety of varieties of this wonderful berry is great. The taste is found sweet, sour-sweet and sour grapes. Fruits can be juicy or dense, with bones and without, large and small. Often used for the production of various varieties of wines. Compote from berries are delicious and helpful.

Grapes are rich in vitamins (C, RR, B1, B6, P, B12) and minerals, contains magnesium, calcium, carotene and other useful substances.

Properties of grapes:

  • antioxidant action, deceleration of aging;
  • struggles with viruses and bacteria;
  • used to prevent cataracts;
  • improves brain work, fights fatigue;
  • helps to treat kidney diseases, constipation, indispensable and other problems.

Refrain from the use of grape juice and compote when problems with the stomach and duodenalist (ulcers and other diseases), diabetes, digestive disorder.

Apples and their benefits

One of the most common and favorite fruits in medium latitudes is. Tasteful palette, varieties, growing conditions, shapes and fruit sizes are very diverse.

Apples are rich in vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, RR, contain iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, sodium, phosphorus, fiber, acids.

Apple properties:

  • a lining and toning effect;
  • enhance immunity, help restore forces;
  • strengthening the walls of the vessels;
  • prevention of gallbladder diseases, gout, constipation, rheumatism, urolithiasis, intestinal problems, atherosclerosis and other diseases;
  • promote blood purification, reduce cholesterol content;
  • strengthen their eyesight, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • help save memory, reduce weight.

The totality of beneficial properties and beautiful taste will make it possible to prepare a good compote from grapes and apples for the winter.

To prepare a grape apple compote, it is better to use ripe juicy varieties of apples. The optimal choice of grapes will be saturated rided berries of dark varieties of Lydia, Isabella.

Apples and grapes have a lot of varieties, and everyone is suitable for a compote. Combining different varieties can be obtained by new tastes of this drink, preserved for a long winter.

Recipe for fragrant compote from apples and grapes without sterilization

Drink, which can be quickly cooking, but do not immediately drink. It should be good before purchasing a beautiful color. Grapes must have time to pass his taste and aroma.

For a drink you will need one bank (3 liters):

  • grapes - 350g;
  • apples - 4pcs.;
  • water (2l);
  • sugar (1stacan);
  • lemon acid, carnation (to taste).

For a compote, so many components take as much as you want to get a drink in the end: Would you like to get more fruits or the drink itself. Relationships can be adjusted to any side.

Cooking process:

A drink by that time will already acquire a pinkish shade, and undoubtedly divine fragrance. But we will only learn about this when the drink is opening.

The proportions of all ingredients are conditional and the amount of sugar must be determined by the degree of acid of grapes and apples.

Vicious apple drink ready. In the evening, the whole family dining or dinner you will all remember summer and enjoy the pleasant taste of a compote. The saturated color of the compote will delight you.

Do not store compote in plastic bottles - they absorb foreign smells in themselves, even if they are pretty wash with soda.

The grapes of dark varieties gives the compote a rich hue. If you have bright berries, the fruits of ferrous currant can be used to obtain a color.

Spicy taste of compote help to give a carnation, cinnamon, nutmeg.

Now you can enjoy the taste, color and aroma of the compotation of grapes and apples in winter! And since it is also useful, then from such a delicacy no one can refuse.

If you pour into a decanter compote from apples and grapes and throw several ice cubes there, then this drink, its long-playing taste, you will surprise all the guests. And not each of them can guess from what this drink is welded and from those who want to know the ingredients will not be a pen. Compote from grapes and apples Recipe with photos and description will reveal your secret to the preparation of amazing drink.

Simple Recipe Compote Apple and Grapes - Video

An incredibly simple and useful billet for the winter is compote from apples and grapes. The grape variety can be any and depending on this may vary the color of the compote. With the amount of sugar, decide on the basis of the sweetness of the main ingredients - for example, if apples and grapes are acidic, then it will be necessary to increase the amount of sweetener. Do not forget that sugar is also a preservative, so if you add quite a little, the blanks can simply spoil in a few days.


  • 1 kg of apples
  • 1 kg of grapes
  • 400 g of sugar
  • 4 liters of water

Exit: Two 3-liter compote banks.


1. Prepare all the necessary products - measure the desired amount of sugar, as well as apples and grapes. Make sure that the fruits are not spoiled, not rotten. Carefully all wash with running water.

2. Tell grapes from the twigs and put in a saucepan. Along the way, remove spoiled grapes.

3. Washing apples optionally can be cleaned. The variety will suit any, they can be sweet or sour-sweet. Cut each fruit on the 3-4 parts, remove the core and cut into small pieces, send it to the saucepan.

4. The main ingredients must be tasted and determine the level of their sweets. Depending on this, add a little more or slightly less sugar, what it is indicated in the recipe.

5. Fill all the ingredients with water, stir. For convenience, it is better to take a large saucepan, with a capacity of 6 liters. Put a saucepan on the stove, on a strong fire and wait for the boil.

6. As soon as the compote is boiling, reduce the fire to the minimum, stirring, tapping all 5 minutes. Boil compote on sterile banks.

Homemade grapes so want to be eased all year round. To carry out this dream and enjoy the amazing gift of nature, you can cook compote from grapes for the winter.

The first option of the workpiece involves the apple-grape beverage composition. The second, on the contrary, for true connoisseurs of ripe grapes, not containing fruit additives. Home billet includes a sterilization stage. This reliable way will help preserve a delicious drink throughout the year. Sugar in compote is a mandatory ingredient. Its quantity depends on the grape variety and taste. As a rule, acidic varieties require more sugar, and it is necessary to add citric acid to the sweet. The preservative will not give the workpiece to care. The fragrant and refreshing drink from the home grape will not disappoint you. Grape compote will decorate and complement any feast and delivers the pleasure of the most expensive and demanding guests.


  • apples 250 g
  • grapes 700 g
  • sugar 300 g

How to cook compote from grapes