Siberian fiber thin waist instruction. Siberian fiber: reviews of buyers and doctors, description

16.04.2019 Fish dishes

Cellulose- This is an element without which the process of normal digestion cannot take place.

Therefore, its use is so important during diets.

Lose weight by consuming vegetable fibers, you can, and our magazine will share the secrets of how to do it.

How is fiber useful for weight loss?

We list the main beneficial properties of a product such as fiber:

  • Fiber is a kind of brush that cleans the intestines from toxins;
  • Thanks to plant fibers, intestinal microflora is restored , improves digestion and metabolic processes;
  • Cellulose has a positive effect on the blood and reduces sugar in it, which prevents fat from being deposited.
  • Once in the stomach, it increases in volume, which minimizes hunger;
  • Plant fibers are significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease as colon cancer.

From the above, it can be seen that fiber helps not only in losing weight, but also significantly improves the body.

How to take fiber for weight loss?

Wheat fiber can be called the main element of plant fibers that contribute to weight loss. To obtain the effect, use this product up to 6 tablespoons per day. The powder is divided into equal portions and before eating it is poured with liquid until a gruel is formed, which is eaten. Who, for certain reasons, cannot eat such a mixture, but dreams of losing weight, can add plant fibers to the first courses.

Flax fiber for weight loss

Milk thistle boasts the following content:

  • gland;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • silicon;
  • silymarin;
  • bioflavonoids.

TO beneficial effects such a product should include:

  • absorbent properties;
  • stimulation of the biliary function;
  • lowering the level of intoxication after alcohol poisoning;
  • antioxidant action;
  • the content of selemarin, due to which metabolism is accelerated, which protects cells from destruction;
  • beneficial effect on immunity.

Oat bran fiber

Evalar fiber in diet pills

Recently, it is important to take not only plant fibers with food natural products but also use in the fight against overweight specially formulated fiber tablets. You can buy such a remedy at a pharmacy. One of the well-proven microcellulose is Evalar (MCC). You can find such fiber, both in granules and tablets, and in powder. This food supplement helps to fight obesity, lowers cholesterol and minimizes slagging in the body.

How to choose the right fiber for weight loss?

As for the choice of the type of fiber, you need to be based on your needs and the desired result. As noted above, fiber can be of two types, respectively, and its actions are different.

  1. Soluble swells in water, and after consumption absorbs bile acids, which prevents them from entering the bloodstream. In the stomach, the eaten substance turns into jelly, filling its cavity, which does not allow eating a lot of food.
  2. Insoluble acts as a laxative, causing the bowels to empty quickly. This promotes the elimination of cholesterol from the body. With the use of insoluble fiber, you can forget about constipation, and the risk of developing gallstones is also reduced.

Knowing about the properties of fiber, you can easily choose the one that will help you lose weight.

The best fiber recipes for effective weight loss

Fiber can be called a unique product that contains a lot of plant fibers. It promotes weight loss by removing extra pounds. Fiber diets have been shown to be quite beneficial. It is necessary to accustom the stomach to plant fibers gradually, as nutritionists note Negative consequences with a sharp transition to a diet with a high fiber content.

If you are using dry fiber powder, your diet should look like this:

The daily norm of products is given, it is divided into 4 doses and with each of them they consume 2 tsp of fiber powder. You should not sit on such a minimum diet for a long time, the start is quite enough for up to 5 days on such a diet.

If, when losing weight, you use fiber in tablets, then the diet changes significantly and looks like this:

With such a diet, fiber tablets are washed down. big amount water.

If you are an adherent of natural fiber, then you need to compose a diet so that 70% of it is occupied by foods rich in fiber. You will find a table for compiling a diet below.

Kefir with fiber for weight loss

Wheat fiber for weight loss. It is rich in cellulose and hemicellulose. These elements can be found in bran, green peas, legumes, beets, carrots, bell pepper, apples. Eating these foods or a pharmacy concentrate of these foods along with enough fluids helps your colon function.

Argue about in the best possible way fiber is impractical, since it copes equally well with the task of cleansing the body (detoxification), regardless of the form of release.

Fiber for weight loss: the opinion of doctors and nutritionists

According to doctors, from a physiological point of view, fiber can really get rid of excess weight... After all, its main therapeutic property is to actively cleanse the intestines.

Doctors have an equally positive attitude to all types of fiber, since obesity is often the cause of all kinds of pathologies. The main thing is not to forget that when taking fiber, you need to normalize your diet, do not overeat, and eat healthy food.

Sitting on a diet, you must definitely remember that the body must receive everything necessary ingredients otherwise it is fraught with consequences. Good source essential fiber is Siberian fiber for weight loss, how to take it right?

Many people know that the process of weight loss largely depends on the work of the digestive tract, only with the normal operation of all organs is it possible to adjust the disturbed metabolism. It is they, in combination with moderate physical activity, that will tidy up the figure and will not harm health, and the result will be able to be consolidated for a long time.

Fiber acts as a purifier for the body, intestines in particular. It is its natural fibers that will give the body a feeling of satiety for quite a long time. Insoluble particles effectively cleanse the entire digestive system of toxins, which contribute to fat deposition.

What is fiber?

Fiber of natural origin used for dietary purposes is commonly referred to as fiber. There are two types of it:

  • soluble;
  • insoluble.

Soluble in any liquid swells to a jelly-like consistency, envelops internal organs and so protects them from possible damage during digestion. The most famous soluble fiber pectin is considered to be of fruit origin. And also oatmeal.

Insoluble - these are the same bran, fruit skin, thickening on cabbage leaves, fibers of legumes and seeds. Getting into the gastrointestinal tract, it goes through it from start to finish, along the way taking with it old deposits on the walls of all organs of the digestive tract.

Nutritionists have found that for normal functioning human body it is necessary to consume about 25 g of fiber per day. In the diet of a losing weight person, fiber should be at least 40 g, while 1/3 is soluble form, and ¾ insoluble fiber.


Siberian fiber is a series of food supplements produced in Russia. Environmentally friendly waste from the processing of various types of grain does not contain any additives of chemical origin. This product does not contain any chemical additives.

The types of Siberian fiber vary in composition, they may contain:

  1. Oat bran.
  2. Rye and millet hard casings.
  3. Pieces of Siberian berries.
  4. Pine nuts.
  5. Various herbal preparations.

Such components will help not only cleanse the body, but also strengthen health.

Important! The calorie content of the product is only 40 Kcal per 100 g.

Indications for use

A particular benefit from Siberian fiber will be for those whose body lacks natural fiber. This category includes people who are overweight and, oddly enough, those who are underweight. The product literally revives the digestive organs, gently makes them work harmoniously. Effectively and painlessly combats lazy bowel syndrome without causing addiction. In parallel, fiber normalizes sugar and cholesterol, while absorbing and removing toxins.

Studies have confirmed that fiber is beneficial for losing weight. It allows a person to feel full for a long time. The release of the product is slow, due to this, the person does not want to eat for a long time.

Important! With the addition to food, you can eat foods whose calorie content is very low. Due to this, weight loss will increase significantly.

You should not expect instant results from taking the product, it is not a radically effective means for losing weight. But regular consumption will completely cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and toxins. In addition, it will have the following positive tendencies on the body:

  • will reduce allergic manifestations;
  • prevent the appearance of kidney stones;
  • will normalize hormones;
  • will reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol;
  • will display almost everything harmful substances;
  • will give elasticity to the skin;
  • will improve the work digestive system.

And these are just the main indicators. useful properties Siberian fiber.

How to use it correctly

To achieve good results, the supplement must be taken correctly. There is nothing difficult in this, it is worth adhering to some rules.

The daily intake of the product is 3-4 tbsp. l. per day, such an amount is necessarily consumed in several sessions. For those who are losing weight, the intake of fiber should occur immediately before eating. At low calorie diet this will allow you to get rid of at least 100-120 Kcal.

Important! No need to increase daily rate, it can have a detrimental effect on the state of health.

Fiber is very effective when consumed with plenty of fluids:

  • water;
  • kefir;
  • yogurt;
  • thick juice.

it the simplest way her admission. Very often they are used as snacks or instead of dinner.

In addition, there are other recipes in which this additive is added:

  • rye fiber is great for cooking vegetable salads with dressing from any vegetable oil;
  • often this product mixed with flour when preparing a variety of dietary baked goods;
  • for cooking vegetable cutlets and pancakes, just replace flour with fiber;
  • added to first courses and cereals.

Cottage cheese mixed with a serving of fiber will also taste good and is ideal as a snack.

The liquid should be taken before and after eating fiber, this will allow it to swell as much as possible and the feeling of hunger will not appear soon.

The most effective Siberian fiber supplement will be its “Slim waist” type. It is specially designed to remove excess from the sides and abdomen due to wheat fibers. It also includes such purely female herbs:

  • horsetail as an effective diuretic.
  • St. John's wort herb will protect you from stress;
  • relaxes and soothes mint;
  • nettle will have a slight laxative effect.

And oats will cleanse the intestines efficiently and gently.

In addition to this type, the manufacturer has several more options for products aimed at enrichment with vitamins and microelements. different systems and organs of our body. Some are aimed at correcting vision, preventing kidney disease, and normalizing hormone levels.


For a month of regular use of this supplement with moderate physical activity you can lose 5-7 kg of weight. This is achieved through:

  • effective cleaning of the body from the inside;
  • reducing the calorie content of food consumed.

At the same time, you will not have to adhere to a strict diet.


Siberian fiber is an additive and, of course, has contraindications. Before starting the appointment, you should carefully study the attached instructions and consult a doctor. Indeed, for some diseases, the use is extremely undesirable. You shouldn't take risks when:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • colitis, gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • diseases of the gallbladder;
  • low pressure;
  • poor blood clotting.

Dysbacteriosis and the development of renal failure should serve as a signal to stop taking the supplement.

The price is quite affordable. Ukrainian pharmacies sell it within 170 UAH, Russians will be able to improve their health for 70-100 rubles.

The most beneficial period for taking fiber is considered to be 30-45 days. After that, you should take a break. If desired, the course can be repeated or done one fasting day a week with fiber.

Almost everyone's daily diet is not very rich in fruits, vegetables and grains. But these products are the main suppliers of plant fiber - fiber, which is necessary for cleansing the intestines. If the diet lacks plant food, then you can replenish it with Siberian fiber. Regular use supplements provide the necessary functioning of the digestive system.

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    The composition of the product

    Siberian fiber contains whole complex plant fibers, which are extracted from berries, fruits and cereals. Do biologically active additive the following composition:

    • grain shell of rye, millet;
    • oat bran;
    • lignin (extracted from potatoes, peas, tomatoes);
    • pectin (found in citrus, apples);
    • pieces of dried fruits, vegetables;
    • berries (blueberries, mountain ash);
    • nuts (more often pine nuts);
    • herbal collection (chamomile, St. John's wort, rose hips, mint, Kuril tea).

    The ratio and amount of components is different for each type of fiber, and only about a dozen are produced different options food additive... V useful product absent chemical substances, flavor enhancers, preservatives, flavorings. There is no doubt about the naturalness of the composition.

    Product benefits

    If you take fiber correctly, then the body will no longer experience a lack of plant fibers, a person will be able to get rid of problems with underweight or, on the contrary, overweight.

    Fiber effectively restores the work of digestion, helps to normalize body weight. Its reception eliminates the symptom of "lazy" intestines. The product is equally necessary for health prevention and weight loss.

    For health

    Siberian fiber is not medicine, do not expect instant results from her. But with its systematic use, you can improve the functioning of the digestive system. Cleansing processes will begin in the body, ridding the body of perennial fecal deposits and harmful substances in the intestines.

    Fiber has a healing effect on the entire body. The supplement has many positive properties:

    • improves work and cleanses the intestines;
    • normalizes blood sugar levels;
    • removes toxic substances;
    • reduces the manifestation of allergic reactions;
    • increases skin elasticity;
    • lowers blood cholesterol levels;
    • normalizes hormonal levels;
    • prevents urolithiasis;
    • prevents oncology of the digestive tract.


    From concentrated plant fibers, you can get a large number of nutrients, including in the diet at least other food. As a result, there will be a decrease in body weight. Fiber contains many minerals and vitamins that the body needs to normal work digestive system.

    If you use the product on a regular basis, then you can lose from two to six kilograms of excess weight per month.

    The body is unable to assimilate the grain shells, they play the role of "brushes": passing through the digestive tract, remove all accumulated deposits from there.

    Fiber promotes weight loss due to the fact that when it enters the stomach, it significantly increases in volume. There is less room in the stomach for ordinary food, the calorie content of the eaten food decreases, the size of each portion is significantly reduced.

    How to take it right?

    Positive results can only be observed in the case of regular and correct use product. Of course, the product contains a small instruction, but it does not reveal all the nuances and rules that should be followed:

    • the daily rate is four tablespoons;
    • you need to use the product half an hour before a meal;
    • fiber is usually poured with liquid, left for fifteen minutes;
    • the product can be drunk with juices, fermented milk drinks, add to soups;
    • fiber absorbs a lot of water, you need to consume up to three liters of liquid;
    • carbonated drinks are excluded from the diet.

    In pursuit of harmony, many have tried to increase the daily rate. This cannot be done! This is fraught with bloating and stool disturbance.

    Precautionary measures

    There are a number of contraindications, in the presence of which the use of Siberian fiber must be abandoned:

    1. 1. You can not use fiber for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in times of exacerbation. In moments of remission, you can start using the product, but only after consulting a doctor.
    2. 2. "Cleansing" fiber should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
    3. 3. Variety "Women's herbs" is contraindicated for people who have poor blood clotting, low blood pressure.

    Also contraindications include cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and individual intolerance to the product.

    Choosing fiber for weight loss

    If you want to lose weight with the help of Siberian fiber, then any of its varieties will do. Each supplement solves two main tasks: normalizes digestive functions, launches cleansing processes in the intestines.

    But there are also unique options product in cans, aimed at a specific system of the body. Supplements are available to prevent diabetes, improve vision, and improve liver and kidney health.

    "Thin waist"

    It is worth highlighting the type of fiber called "Thin waist". He takes pride of place on the list useful sources plant fibers. Specially designed for those who want to start keeping track of their figure. The composition contains a shell of wheat grain, oats, tea "Thin waist".

    Weight is reduced by decreased appetite as the stomach fills with swollen fibers. The special tea in the product consists of the following components:

    • horsetail herb - diuretic;
    • mint leaves - relaxing and soothing;
    • St. John's wort herb - improves mood;
    • anise fruits and nettle leaves - a laxative effect.

    Such a composition is justified: the calming effect of mint is necessary for those who are trying to lose weight, and reducing the amount of food consumed in a pair with a laxative effect can really give a slender waist. To achieve the fastest result, it is worth replacing the last meal with a glass of kefir with a spoon of this unique product.

    "Figured food"

    With a set of hand-picked ingredients, Figure Nutrition Fiber helps you control your weight without exhausting hunger strikes and rigid diets. Passing through the digestive system, the grain shell relieves the body of toxins, perennial deposits of pus and mucus.

    Upon contact with liquid, the product occupies a significant part of the stomach and acts in the same way as the Slim Waist.

    "Vitamin glade"

    Often, when losing weight, a vitamin complex is prescribed. The same kind of fiber already contains a lot of berries and nuts harvested in pure Siberian forests. In addition to the grain shell, there are cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, Pine nuts... Due to the low-temperature production technology, the original benefits of the taiga gifts are preserved.

    This fiber does not contain sugar, as well as sweeteners. V berry extracts there are organic acids that stop the development of gout. Cranberries and blueberries contain ursolic acid, which lowers blood pressure and has anti-inflammatory effects.

    "Vitamin glade" is usually chosen in the following cases:

    • to reduce body weight;
    • getting rid of constipation, improving intestinal motility;
    • normalization of beneficial intestinal microflora;
    • lowering blood glucose levels;
    • salt cleansing heavy metals, carcinogens.

    "Graceful silhouette"

    This species affects the entire digestive system. If you use the product systematically, you can achieve the following positive effects:

    • clear skin;
    • healthy complexion;
    • great mood;
    • lightness in the body;
    • getting rid of excess weight.

    In addition, the intake of this fiber will minimize the manifestations of many diseases: hemorrhoids, dysbiosis, immunodeficiency, intoxication of the body, metabolic disorders.

    If you want to lose weight or just carefully monitor your health, you should definitely pay attention to this unique product. Siberian fiber can be bought in specialized stores or pharmacies in two different jars and soft bags. But in order to avoid unpleasant moments, be sure to consult a doctor before using it.

    And a little about secrets ...

    The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

    Especially the eyes surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing makes a person look older or younger than his eyes.

    But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Recognized - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid pilling, radiolifting, laser facelift? Slightly more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find all this time? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, I chose a different way for myself ...

If you do not use enough fruits and vegetables or want to get rid of two or three extra pounds you need Siberian fiber. You will learn reviews about this dietary supplement and how to use it from the article.

Fiber is a structural part of plants, it is found in legumes, grains, fruits, vegetables. It is soluble and insoluble. Apples, oranges, potatoes, beans, barley and oats contain soluble ingredients. Insoluble fiber is obtained from the shell of cereals.

Dietary plant fibers (cellulose, hemicellulose, legnin, pectin) are not digested gastrointestinal tract, since enzymes are not able to destroy them. Modern man receives less fiber, since many products are refined, peeled from the shell.

Nutritionists advise to eat per day: 3 medium fruits (for example, 3 apples), 3 medium vegetables (for example, 3 cucumbers) and 4 servings of bread coarse(or bran bread). Beans should be consumed several times a week.

Siberian fiber - for weight loss and stool normalization

  • Fiber is not synthesized artificially, it has no calories.
  • Heat treatment of fruits and roots negatively affects the amount of dietary fiber. So, in boiled carrots there are 2 times less of them than in raw carrots.

  • Siberian fiber "Thin waist" reduces hunger.
  • There is an individual intolerance to fiber (a person has bloating and increased gas production). In this case, you need to use fiber in small portions.
  • Fruits and vegetables are an important part of your diet. But do you eat required portion? The World Health Organization recommends consuming 500-600 g of fruits and berries per day.
  • Fruit juices, flour top grade do not contain dietary fiber.
  • Don't know where to buy or order "Siberian fiber"? Ask for dietary supplements in pharmacies and specialized departments of stores. The product is available in powder and tablet form.

Siberian fiber - price

3.5-4 $ costs a can of 280 g. Considering the fact that the recommended daily dose is 30-50 g, this volume will be enough for you for 5-9 days.

Slimming dietary fiber - reviews feefo

You can lose about 5 kg per month, provided that you eat no more than 50 g of fat per day (do not forget about those fats that are present in finished products). After 2-3 weeks of using the food supplement, the complexion improves (due to the normalization of the intestines).

Siberian fiber - reviews of doctors

Fiber affects the intestines and the entire human body. In the stomach, it absorbs gastric juice, swells, a person has a feeling of satiety. Despite the lack of nutrients in dietary fiber, it has a number of benefits:

  1. When fiber enters the intestines, it slows down the absorption of sugars there, thereby reducing glycemic index(which means that the likelihood of diabetes mellitus decreases).
  2. Fiber picks up cholesterol in bile and flushes it out of the body. By reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood, the risk of cardiovascular diseases decreases.
  3. Absorbing cholesterol in the intestines, alimentary fiber prevent the formation of stones in the gallbladder.
  4. Fiber is a food product of bifidobacteria. A healthy microflora is a protected immune system.
  5. Dietary fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and fats.

Siberian fiber - instruction

The dietary supplement "Siberian fiber" is bought not only for the purpose of gaining a slimmer figure, but also in order to cleanse the intestines of toxins. Divide the daily dose (30-50 g) into 3 meals and eat with the main meal. Fiber can be added to salads and soups. And you can stir in a glass of any fermented milk product... If using the supplement alone, drink plenty of water (only 3 glasses of water for your daily fiber intake).

We have been told about the benefits of fiber from a very young age, but we do not always guess about it. Oatmeal- so that they study well, buckwheat - so that there is no anemia. Lemon and - for strong immunity, - for slim figure, bran - so that the intestines work like a clock. What do all these familiar goodies have in common? The most useful fiber in products - of different types and different names... And even an impressive part of the fashionable today, without which life is not sweet (according to nutritionists), is also fiber.

What is fiber?

What is fiber? In the 1970s and 1980s, biologists were categorical - this is a ballast substance that is not digested in the body and is deposited in it as ballast.

But soon they changed their minds: fiber is called dietary fiber of plants and cereals, which are contained in the stems, dense shell, cells, what kind of ballast it is! In the body, they - here are not deceived! - are not digested, gastrointestinal enzymes do not take them. But they take beneficial microorganisms - the intestinal microflora and its builders ,. They feed on fiber, and the body from this becomes healthy, hardy, slim and beautiful.

Fiber is not the only super-substance, there is a lot of fiber. Vegetables and fruits, cereals and legumes - in the usual food you can find different "varieties" of prebiotics. Fiber has a lot of classifications, but let's leave the chemists to understand the intricacies of the composition. We are only interested in one typology:

  • Insoluble. These are cellulose and lignin. Such dietary fibers knock down into a hard glomerulus, roll around the body and clean out all harmful substances. The body, trying to digest this mysterious mass, spends a lot of energy - it turns out a useful mini-diet!
  • Soluble. These are pectins, gums, hemicelluloses. Such fiber is a real magician. Once in the body, it rapidly absorbs liquid, swells several times, and you are immediately saturated. Hunger after such a meal comes later than usual, you eat less - this is another secret of a wonderful figure.

Fiber on your table - how to choose the right one?

Fiber-rich foods are neither scarce nor uncommon. No need to hunt for overseas and, spend money on overseas and. Healing dietary fiber can be found in the most common foods. The main condition is that both "fiber" types should always be present in food. And more insoluble.

Lemons, buckwheat and oats are far from full list... Fiber-rich foods include:

  • - apples (with skin!), Cabbage and carrots, plums and pumpkin, apricots, peaches and citrus fruits. Oh yeah - mango is also full of pectin, so don't skip the tropical fruit if you can.
  • Gum is legumes and all oat dishes: porridge, cereal pancakes, etc.
  • Hemicellulose can be found in the most different products... These are beets with cabbage, and bran, and flax seeds, and oranges with apples.

Insoluble dietary fiber in the diet must be mandatory, so knowing which foods contain coarse fiber is simply vital:

  • Cellulose is rich in bran (and, and, and), peas with beans, carrots with apples and beets (practically ready salad from fiber!), peel from cucumbers and peppers.
  • It is better to look for lignin in pharmaceutical preparations. All the most effective sorbents that save from poisoning ("Polyphepan", "Polifan", "Lignosorb", etc.) are the coarse medical fiber.

And now about the benefits ...

Dietary fiber is real family doctor for our body. Tracks all problems, helps to heal minor ailments, first of all rushes to protect our immunity. And yet, in order - soluble and insoluble, soft fruit and coarse fiber - what is useful?

  • Cleans the intestines and makes them work. Hard dietary fiber, pushing through the intestines, collect all food residues and feces, and also activate intestinal motility.
  • Boosts immunity. Coarse fiber helps to cleanse the intestinal villi from stuck nasty things (toxins, food debris), as a result nutrients absorbed much faster.
  • Protects against gallstones and intestinal diseases... Flax has been particularly successful in this matter - the mucus in flax seeds envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines, healing ulcers and relieving inflammation.
  • Heals and prevents diabetes. Fiber has magical property- it slows down the absorption of sugar. As a result endocrine system gets powerful support, the risks of getting diabetes are drastically reduced, and diabetics find it much easier to control their sugar.
  • Saves from fatal diseases. Dietary fiber prevents colon cancer and actively fights plaque cholesterol (and atherosclerosis).
  • Restores and normalizes intestinal microflora(fiber is lunch for vital gut bacteria.)

... And about harm

We live in a very fast age - we talk on the run, we solve problems on the run, we also eat on the run. There is no time to cook a plate of oatmeal, but what is there - sometimes there is no time to even have a snack with an apple. And the more refined food in our menu (fast food, spaghetti for hastily, morning sandwiches with white bread), the less fiber and the more hungry intestinal bacteria.

  • They provoke bloating, severe flatulence, nausea, colic and diarrhea.
  • If during the course of fiber you drink little water (and you need 1-1.5 liters per day), this can lead to quite expected complications - constipation.
  • In patients with chronic inflammation of the intestines and pancreas, coarse fiber can provoke an attack of the disease.
  • With active (and long) use, dietary fiber provokes leaching useful microelements and fat-soluble trace elements.

Slimming fiber

Fiber like dietary product Is one of the most natural mechanisms of weight loss. Most of the classic diets are created precisely on the basis of the use of dietary fiber - apple, cabbage ... What is the secret of fiber, how does it help to gain and maintain harmony?

Most importantly, fiber helps improve digestion and bowel movements. Perfect job intestines - one of essential conditions harmony: along with digested food and stale toxins, extra pounds leave the body, metabolism improves, skin is cleansed, eyes acquire a perky shine.

And also fruit polysaccharides, and coarse fiber - great way cope with excessive appetite. Bran, cereal and fruit for snacks quickly fill the intestines, creating the illusion of a large, hearty meal. The body is fed, you will no longer reach for extra cookies and sandwich, and fat reserves slowly begin to melt.

And in order to strengthen and consolidate the "slim" effect, you can add special pharmaceutical additives to ordinary food rich in dietary fiber. A popular option is Siberian fiber.

Siberian fiber - what is it and how to take it?

Siberian fiber is a completely natural and unique product, based on the hard shells of a rye / wheat grain and useful supplements(fruits, berries, nuts, etc.).

She combines the most valuable properties natural fiber - lowers the level of dangerous cholesterol, relieves chronic constipation, strengthens the body's defenses. It is an ideal dietary product - not only because of the classic slimming properties of dietary fiber, but also because of its calorie content - from 38 to 100 kcal per 100 g.

In online stores, pharmacies and special "health departments" you can find different types Siberian fiber: cleansing with herbs (,), for the liver with, for beauty with, for healthy eyes with blueberries and just delicious - with fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts ...

But no matter how different Siberian fiber is, the instructions for use are always the same - very clear and very strict. For a product to bring all its benefits, you need to take it strictly according to the rules.

Siberian fiber slimming recipe

The daily dose is 4 tablespoons (no more!). It is better to divide this portion into 2 parts - for breakfast and lunch (or you can use it as light dinner). You need to "steam" the fiber in advance - you need to eat it half an hour before the meal, and another 15 minutes are required for the harmony porridge to infuse.

To make the fiber ready for use, it is enough to fill it with water, yogurt, kefir, varenets - any sour milk of your choice. 1-2 tablespoons of medicinal grains in a glass of liquid base. Can be added to soup like regular bran. And always keep a bottle or two of water at home!

Siberian fiber - listen to reviews

Nutritionists have an unambiguous approach to "weight-loss" food: the most best products- those that are natural. Doctors vote for fiber with both hands, but ... natural. The one in apples, oatmeal, beets with carrots.

Siberian fiber - the doctors' reviews about it are almost unanimous - is necessary only if the usual dietary fiber in the menu is sorely lacking. If you regularly eat both cereals and vegetables and fruits, 2-3 servings of Siberian fiber per week are enough. Just as a support group for your body.

And what about the buyers, for whom Siberian fiber was created? Reviews about her, in contrast to medical advice, are more controversial.

All the ladies who have tried fashionable fiber, with and without additives, say one thing - it is impossible to purposefully lose weight with its help. The biggest loss is 2-4 kg, and then provided proper nutrition.

“I drink fiber regularly, mix it with kefir, and I love fermented baked milk very much. The intestines are working just fine, before it was always a huge problem. The skin became clearer, but I did not notice any drastic changes in weight ”.

“I am a big fan of fashionable slimming tricks, but the main thing for me is natural composition and safety. Siberian fiber for me - perfect dinner when you want to chew something, and the clock is almost night. After the first can I lost 2 kg! "

Drinking plenty of water is a must-have if your dietitian is fiber for weight loss. Reviews of this constantly remind:

“Girls, do not forget that when you eat fiber, you need to drink at least a liter of water per day. My friends told me about this, and the pharmacist told me, but I did not attach any importance. And in vain - it was very difficult to go to the toilet, a real torment. Now - only with water! "

Fiber is the most important part healthy eating modern man... Strong immunity, healthy microflora, active intestines - the ubiquitous dietary fiber is responsible for all this. Regularly including a variety of fiber in the menu is not at all difficult, and in extreme cases, inexpensive and natural pharmacy supplements will come to the rescue.