Benefits of Rooibos Tea Ethnic Rooibos Tea: African Family Doctor

24.09.2019 Lenten dishes

Rooibos tea for residents of hot Africa is comparable to a coffee drink for residents of European countries. Only at the beginning of the 20th century did Europeans taste and appreciate the great taste of this ethnic African drink.

Features of the

Rooibos tea has a bright sweetish taste with light inclusions of woody-nutty notes. Leaves for the drink are obtained from the Rooibos shrub, which grows exclusively on the Cape of Good Hope. According to the description, Rooibos is such a tall plant (up to 150 cm) with thin branches and soft leaves covered with needles.

Africa is a monopoly in the production and supply of Rooibos tea. The export of tea herb to other continents reaches six thousand tons per year. Only two-year-old shoots give a crop. Tea is collected by cutting off the tips of the upper branches. Once harvested, the tea leaves are transported to the plant and undergo a grinding process. After processing, the leaves can retain their original greenish color or change it to a deep red.

Green tea leaves will remain if the entire processing process consisted of steaming them at high pressure. In this case, the drink after brewing will have a straw tint, and the taste will be grassy. If the leaves have undergone a fermentation process and subsequent drying under ultraviolet light, then the tea after brewing will have a bright sugary-sweet taste and red color.

Inhabitants of Africa consider even such a drink not sweet enough, therefore, red Rooibos is often sweetened and diluted with milk. This type of tea is used to prepare an African espresso, which in color, taste and aroma is very similar to coffee in its classic version of preparation.

Africans argue that Rooibos can be compared to a dietary supplement in terms of the amount of beneficial micronutrients it contains. However, the results of numerous studies of tea samples of this variety have shown that the content of vitamins and minerals in the composition of tea leaves is not high enough to meet the needs of the body.

Among the positive properties of tea, it should be noted:

  • a high content of antioxidants (exceeds the same indicator in green teas), which remove toxins from the body and thereby improve the general well-being of a person;
  • high content of lightweight monosaccharides, so you can do without adding sugar to the drink;
  • low energy value, as 100 grams of tea leaves contain only 16 kcal.

Rooibos tea is divided into two varieties depending on the quality of the raw materials used to make it: premium and low-grade. For the first type of tea, only long leaves are used, which have not been eaten by insects. The remains of raw materials are used to make tea of \u200b\u200bthe second group.


Rooibos tea comes in two types: fermented and flavored. The first type, when brewed, takes on a deep red hue. Due to the low content of such a plant component as tannin, this type of tea does not have a pronounced tart taste, so fermented tea becomes the choice of most tea gourmets. Red tea can be consumed in its natural form or by adding honey, milk, fruit juices, sugar, ice.

Flavored tea has a pleasant taste and light shade. Very often, manufacturers add aromatic ingredients to it: dried herbs, strawberries, fruits, and more.

Among the most popular flavored rooibos varieties are chocolate, caramel, vanilla and mint. Red can be added to green Rooibos, as well as other types of green and black teas (for new original flavors).

Flavored Rooibos is often presented in sachets on supermarket shelves. Of course, the beneficial properties in such a drink will remain a little, and there may be plenty of artificial additives. However, if at the moment the circumstances are such that it is not possible to brew natural Rooibos, tea bags are a way out of the situation. Its single use will not bring tangible harm to health.

Benefit and harm

Rooibos tea has long been known not only for its excellent taste characteristics, but also as a healing broth and as a persistent food coloring of natural origin. Due to the content of a large amount of natural tetracycline and phenolcarboxylic acids, the drink has a disinfecting effect.

It is worth remembering that tetracycline tends to accumulate in the body. As a result, there is no therapeutic effect when using drugs based on tetracycline (ointments, tablets). Compounds such as quercetin and luteolin can fight back developing cancer cells and prevent tumor growth. In addition to these components, the drink contains minerals such as iron, selenium, magnesium, manganese, fluorine, zinc, potassium, sodium, copper, calcium, vitamins of groups A, C, E, P.

Tea can be consumed not only internally, but also externally.

  • As compresses to eliminate problems with the epidermis: skin diseases, rash, inflammation, itching.
  • As a cleanser in tonic or frozen ice cubes. It is brewed according to the traditional scheme, it allows you to cleanse the skin of the face, prevent the appearance of acne.
  • Like compresses on the eyelids with cotton pads. The procedure will eliminate bags and dark circles under the eyes. It is best to apply lotions before bed.
  • As part of masks to improve their effectiveness.

The beneficial properties of Rooibos are so wide that it is recommended to use it even for newborns during stomach cramps (colic) and insomnia.

Regular consumption of the drink will allow:

  • normalize blood pressure;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • normalize blood sugar;
  • increase hemoglobin;
  • improve brain activity;
  • normalize acidity in the stomach and eliminate heartburn;
  • to establish the blood circulation process;
  • remove excess fluid from the body and restore the water-salt balance;
  • cope with stress and depression;
  • cope with chronic fatigue;
  • localize foci of inflammation in the body;
  • heal the hair, using the drink as a rinse;
  • to carry out the prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as tonsillitis, tracheitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis;

The essential oils that make up the tea leaves have a peculiar aroma that acts on a person both as a tonic and as a relaxing agent.

For women, Rooibos tea is attractive because it contains a large number of antioxidants, which help to prolong the youthfulness and beauty of the skin. To tone the skin, Rooibos tea extract is added to cosmetics for washing. And also the drink allows you to normalize the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

Tea will become a reliable aid in the process of losing weight together with physical activity and some restrictions on food. There are only 2 Kcal in one cup of tea. The drink does not suppress the desire for satiety, but slightly muffles it.

During pregnancy and lactation, women have to limit themselves in many ways. Most often, contraindications are associated with the use of any food products. Rooibos tea can be drunk by pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding, as it, unlike everyone's favorite coffee or regular tea, does not contain caffeine. In addition, the drink stimulates milk production.

Tea is also useful for men. And although representatives of the strong half of humanity are not always avid participants in a tea meal, it is impossible to find bad reviews about Rooibos. Tea will allow men to quickly recover from hard physical labor, especially if they are related to sports.

It is worth noting that people suffering from urolithiasis can drink the drink without fear, since it does not contain oxalic acid.

Rooibos is well suited for representatives of vegetarianism, as this drink will make up for the lack of iron in the body due to the lack of meat dishes in the diet.

The drink should be used with caution:

  • hypotensive, since tea tends to lower blood pressure, therefore, its regular use by people with low blood pressure can lead to health problems - malfunctioning of the cardiovascular system and kidneys;
  • diabetics, as the drink contains a lot of glucose;
  • people with individual intolerance to any of the components of this tea (allergy sufferers).

Fresh tea has the greatest benefit. The longer the tea leaves are stored, the less nutrients remain in them.

Any side effects associated with drinking Rooibos tea are isolated cases. So, in the course of research it was found that drinking tea drink in unlimited quantities can lead to an increase in liver enzymes.

The ingredients in tea can increase the production of estrogen. Based on such data, it is not recommended to consume Rooibos tea for persons with hypersensitivity to hormones or suffering from breast cancer.

How to cook?

Before making tea, you need to choose a quality product for its base. When choosing Rooibos tea, the first thing to do is to examine its leaves. They must be well dried, uniform in color and size, light and brittle. The presence of yellow leaves in the dry mixture indicates a violation of the processing technology of raw materials and, as a result, a low grade of tea. The presence of small fragments of bark or twigs is acceptable - this is considered a sign of the premium quality of the drink.

Rooibos tea, especially the flavored variety, is available in many large supermarkets. But it is better to purchase the product in specialized tea boutiques, where the seller can provide the proper quality certificate. Before buying, you must carefully study the information provided on the packaging of the drink: manufacturer, date of manufacture, shelf life. An expired product stored under improper conditions can cause short-term digestive upset. The average price for 100 grams of Rooibos tea ranges from 225 to 465 rubles. The most expensive variety is considered to be a drink with the addition of goji berries.

It's easy to brew Rooibos tea correctly. Basically, this process is similar to brewing traditional tea, but it has some peculiarities. In order for the drink to fully reveal its taste and aroma, it is advisable to brew it not in a kettle, but in a thermos. For the tea ceremony, it is better to choose porcelain or glassware, but not earthenware, since the latter has the ability to absorb the aroma, as a result of which the tea will become absolutely tasteless.

To obtain a concentrated ruby-colored brew, the tea brew (at the rate of 2 tsp or 6 grams per 1 glass) is boiled for 10 minutes. For those who do not like highly concentrated tea, you can limit yourself to infusing the infusion for no more than 7-8 minutes (the water temperature should be 90 ° C). In this case, the vessel with the tea leaves must be wrapped in a towel so that the tea leaves are properly steamed. The finished drink will delight you with its beautiful amber color and fragrant aroma.

If desired, you can add cinnamon, slices or zest of lemon or orange, vanilla to the tea. Milk can be used as a base for tea. To make tea pleasant to drink, it must be filtered through a paper filter, since the tea leaves are very small (resemble brown sawdust) and slip even through a very fine sieve.

Rooibos tea can be drunk both hot and cold, but it is better that the drink has a comfortable temperature. Too hot Rooibos can have a negative effect on the digestive tract. Drink the drink as it turns out, without additional dilution with water.

Especially useful is the use of this drink in the spring-autumn period, when many people suffer from a lack of vitamins in the body. Tea quenches thirst well in the summer heat. The big advantage of the drink is that it does not lose its beneficial properties even the next day after brewing.

For individual taste preferences, someone might want to sweeten Rooibos with sugar. However, this component distorts the authentic taste and reduces the benefits of the tea.

Drinking tea with any medications is not encouraged.

Rooibos is ideal for non-alcoholic cocktails, punches, marmalade, espresso, cappuccino, latte, sauces, stews or roast meats, as a soup base, as a milk substitute in baked goods. Replacing the usual components of the Rooibos dish will reduce the calorie content of food and increase its useful properties.

For more information on what Rooibos tea is and what its benefits are, see the next video.

Perhaps the history of no tea is shrouded in such legends and myths as the history of rooibos tea. Translated as a red bush. Tea is a true drink of the indigenous tribes living in South Africa. The indigenous tribes deeply believed that this drink was presented to them by the ancient Bushmen as an elixir of a healthy and long life. That it is he who is the source of longevity.

The raw material for tea is provided by the rooibos shrub. It looks rather strange. Long red branches, more like needles - that's all the "splendor". No matter how many tried to grow this shrub in other climatic conditions and regions, nothing was successful. Only on the lands of South Africa remains its natural location. Planting material in the form of seeds is harvested at the end of winter in February and planted on plantations in summer, but it will take only a year and a half to obtain high-quality raw materials for tea. The harvesting period for raw materials falls on the beginning of spring in March, raw materials in the form of branches and leaves are cut off and sent for further processing.

Tea came to the European continent, in the form of an exotic drink, at the beginning of the last century, and was not appreciated as something too outstanding. Only connoisseurs of tea-making - the Japanese discovered the properties of a new drink for Europeans in a new way, discovering a lot of wonderful, useful qualities in it. It should be noted that the rooibos variety can be both green and red. It all depends on the fermentation of the feedstock.

To obtain the red color of the leaves, a natural fermentation procedure is used. And then, at the end of the process, they are dried under the hot sun. As a result, the tea turns out to have a slightly sweet taste and has a pronounced woody hue. The natives prefer this tea, they drink it strongly brewed and sweetened. Rooibos is also prepared instead of coffee; by the way, it is not inferior to it in terms of its tonic properties and strength.

Rooibos tea composition

The quality of the drink directly depends on the length of the leaves used and what age they are. The branches of the plant and their trunks are also processed. Therefore, it is permissible to buy baked goods in tea shops in packaged form.

It is for the chemical composition, which includes a lot of useful components, that rooibos tea is so valuable.

  • The first quality of tea is that it does not contain at all among its constituents. caffeine... This makes it possible to use tea in your diet not only for adults, but also for children. The fact that tea by nature already has a sweetish taste limits the consumption of sugar in humans.
  • Research by scientists has shown the presence in tea of \u200b\u200bsubstances such as flavonoids... These are natural antioxidants, their ability to remove harmful substances from the body and prevent the appearance of cancer cells by binding free radicals cannot be underestimated. The presence of bioflavonoid in rooibos red tea aspalatin 50 times higher than in green tea. But this is an indicator of the powerful ability of antibacterial action.
  • Rich in chemical composition and essential oilswhich have a positive effect on the body due to their soothing properties. There are about 100 of them in tea.
  • The presence of minerals and trace elements copper, fluorine, magnesium, calcium and zinc launch processes that accelerate metabolism.
  • However, indicators vitamin C ascorbic acid is not too high, but a huge amount of antioxidants compensates for this deficiency.
  • Rooibos presence polyphenols help tea acquire anti-inflammatory and antiviral qualities. It is this type of tea that includes in its composition the largest number of them, the efforts of its properties to strengthen the body's immunity.

Rooibos tea: 12 health benefits

Representatives of the South African tribes have long found in a valuable drink an opportunity to relieve themselves of many ailments. Including from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and colic in the abdomen of babies. But not only because of this, tea has become one of the most popular drinks among the European population. Recommended for Rooibos for:

  1. Cardiovascular health

    Quercetin, a powerful antioxidant found in tea, is closely linked to a wide range of heart conditions. It can lower blood pressure and, as an antioxidant, scavenges free radicals. Helps improve good (good) cholesterol levels and flushes bad cholesterol out of the body, providing additional protection to the heart and protecting it from diseases such as heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis.

  2. Cosmetic effect

    Rooibos tea contains alpha hydroxy acids and zinc in its composition, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Alpha hydroxy acids have become very popular in cosmetic applications due to their ability to reduce wrinkles and other signs of premature aging. Zinc has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Compresses made from this tea on the skin are able to treat ailments such as acne, acne, sunburn and other similar skin conditions. Minerals and especially essential oils of tea help it acquire excellent tonic and anti-aging properties. Cosmetologists include tea in many facial skin care products.

  3. Help with hypertension

    Hypertension is a disease accompanied by an increase in blood and blood pressure, which often leads to cardiovascular disorders, and sometimes to heart attacks. Rooibos tea is known for its properties to relieve stress and nervous tension, as well as lower blood pressure. With a disease such as hypertension associated with surges in blood and blood pressure, rooibos tea performs the function of strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

  4. In South Africa, rooibos tea is used as an effective treatment for allergies, eczema, hay fever and allergic bronchitis. It has anti-inflammatory properties due to its phenolic acid content, which is why it is also prescribed for asthma and allergic reactions of various types throughout the body. Rooibos contains Quercetin, a powerful polyphenolic antioxidant that has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects on the body. Quracetin-based formulations help to ease the body's response to pollen and other seasonal irritants.

  5. Help with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory infections

    Tea has a persistent mucolytic, expectorant effect. It is drunk with acute manifestations of acute respiratory viral infections and sore throat. It dilutes phlegm in the lungs and helps to remove it.

  6. Unique polyphenols Aspalathin is one of the rare antioxidants found in rooibos tea. It has a number of unique qualities, due to which blood sugar levels are normalized, insulin resistance is improved, glucose uptake by the muscles is improved, and insulin secretion from the pancreas is increased. All this is an excellent defense against type II diabetes mellitus, one of the most common at present.

  7. With depressive conditions and neuroses

    Tea can be drunk both during the day and at night. Moreover, in the morning it has an invigorating state, and in the evening it will help to calm down and put the nerves in order.

  8. Rejuvenating effect

    The antioxidants present in rooibos tea can slow down the aging process of the human body, as well as increase the resistance of the immune system. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals in the body that damage skin, hair, bones, and other organs in the body, making them vulnerable to disease and damage. Rooibos tea is one of the most potent drinks in terms of antioxidant content. It also reduces the effects of oxidative effects in the brain, which helps prevent Alzheimer's disease.

  9. Rooibos red tea is rich in calcium, manganese and fluoride. They provide invaluable bone support and strengthen teeth. The presence of calcium in tea helps to significantly reduce the possibility of diseases such as chronic arthritis, osteoporosis, relieve joint pain. The presence of manganese stimulates enzymes that affect bone growth and the elimination of damage to existing ones. Fluoride is something everyone remembers when it comes to teeth. All mouth rinses and pastes contain fluoride. So, you can not only drink Roubush tea, but also rinse your mouth with it. The teeth will only say thank you. The presence of calcium in rooibos tea makes it a popular drink for those who lead an active lifestyle, and especially for athletes. It helps to maintain the balance of minerals in the body at an optimal level and for people doing hard physical work.

  10. Digestive health.

    Rooibos tea is an excellent antispasmodic. It is able to reduce spasm and relieve abdominal pain. Due to the action of potassium ions, hyperactivity in the gastrointestinal tract is reduced, diarrhea and other intestinal disorders are prevented. It will also relieve the unpleasant symptoms of nausea, heartburn, and will have a mild effect on the peristalsis of the stomach.

  11. Does not contain caffeine

    Doctors recommend this tea for people suffering from insomnia. A cup of rooibos tea before bed will help you relax and sleep well. After all, caffeine addiction is the most widespread throughout the world, but not many people realize this danger to themselves. In turn, tea will give strength and energy without caffeine influence.

  12. Newborn health

    Rooibos tea can be useful not only for adults, but also for children, even very young. African women have long used sweetened rooibos tea with milk to relieve bloating in babies and colic in babies.

  13. Help with urolithiasis

    The tea contains no oxalic acid and this makes it possible to use it in any quantity for people suffering from urolithiasis. People with kidney stones usually need to be selective in their choice of drinks such as tea. Oxalic acid in many other teas enhances existing stones. In turn, in rooibos tea, it is completely absent, and this makes it an exception. Tea can be successfully included in any therapeutic diet.

Rooibos tea: benefits in beauticians

  • after freezing tea in the form of ice cubes, it is recommended to wipe your face with them, replacing washing. This will help the face to look healthy;
  • you can use cooled tea to combat dark circles around the eyes;
  • you can add tea to homemade masks, this will only enhance their effect;
  • you can also rinse your hair with tea infusion, this will only enhance their growth and increase volume;
  • strongly brewed tea is also added to the bath water, this will help relax the muscles of the whole body;
  • tea can be used as an aid for sunburn, wiping it over the damaged area.

Rooibos tea: how to brew properly

Originally from South Africa from indigenous tribes, tea does not require special ceremonies. Everyone can brew it. The tea leaves are poured with hot water, with a temperature of about 85 degrees, let it brew for 5-6 minutes and the tea is ready. The local population of Africa, sometimes just boil it. It turns out that the longer tea raw materials are boiled, the healthier it becomes.

You can drink tea both hot and cold. You can simply prepare a "blank" of tea, store it in the refrigerator, and, if necessary, add it to cocktails and other soft drinks.

The taste of red rooibos will not be entirely clear to European residents, as it has a woody, sweetish flavor. It is recommended to start acquaintance with this type of tea in green varieties, they will be more understandable and familiar. In domestic stores, you can buy rooibos tea in combination with cinnamon, strawberries, or citrus fruits. More exotic varieties of tea are found with the addition of banana, coconut and almonds. Children are encouraged to give tea with half-diluted milk.

For making rooibos tea, any utensil is used, with the exception of earthenware, it is believed that earthenware dishes can spoil the taste of the drink. The raw material of the tea has a rather dense consistency. The drink looks attractive in a transparent glass container. To add piquancy, it is considered permissible to add a small slice of fresh lemon, or a little boiled milk to a cup of tea.

For connoisseurs of tea, rooibos is not a miracle today. You can buy it in any specialty store at an affordable price.

Rooibos tea: contraindications

Rooibos have no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. Discover a new scent.

What else is useful?


Diets and healthy eating 08.06.2017

Dear readers, to begin with, I would like to congratulate you on the arrival of the long-awaited summer! Finally, the time has come for the warm sun, fresh vegetables and fruits and refreshing healthy drinks. In the summer, we all want to have a good rest, recuperate and stock up on health for the whole year.

All of you, of course, know how important it is to drink plenty of fluids in summer. But, as you know, it's not only the quantity, but also the quality, so I want to devote our today's article to the world-famous drink with truly unique properties - rooibos tea.

But since I belong more to tea lovers than to their true connoisseurs, I am happy to give the floor to my guests. With us today are my friends, and already loved by many of you, tea experts of the Tea Valley online store.

Hello again, dear readers of Irina Zaitseva's blog! We have already repeatedly talked about various types of tea, and today we will tell you about one of the most useful and most mysterious of them - Rooibos tea.

Rooibos: a difference from other teas

So, this is a delicious drink with a delicate aroma, which is obtained from the leaves of the shrub of the same name. The homeland of the drink is South Africa, where about 12 thousand tons are collected annually. More than half of the crop is exported to various countries. Such figures testify to the worldwide popularity of the drink.

African rooibos drink is considered to be truly unique. Moreover, not only in terms of the number of useful properties, but also in terms of production technology. The fact is that in order to obtain raw materials for rooibos tea, it is necessary that the shrub reaches one and a half years of age. Taking care of a tea bush is not easy: there are special conditions that must be met to grow aromatic tea leaves.

Dear readers, we suggest looking at the photo of rooibos tea. This is what a shrub looks like in a natural environment:

And this is already collected and processed tea:

Pruning of branches is carried out exclusively in early spring. After that, the raw materials are sent to fermentation. Depending on the degree of fermentation that the tea leaves go through, different varieties are obtained. If the raw material undergoes minimal fermentation, a green rooibos is obtained. In this case, the sun-dried leaves are steam-treated. At maximum fermentation, it is possible to obtain red rooibos - a drink with a rich aroma and a bright reddish tint.

Dear friends, if you love flavored teas, you can find rooibos with cinnamon, strawberry or vanilla: there are comrades in taste and color, so do not be afraid to experiment with flavors! But, the most popular is the "pure" rooibos, which is distinguished by its special mild taste.

Useful properties and composition of rooibos tea

Before drawing your attention to rooibos tea, its beneficial properties and contraindications, let me introduce you to the composition of this unique drink.

Some fans of the drink believe that its benefits are due to the presence of a large number of vitamins and minerals in the composition. In fact, this is not the case. The composition contains only fluorine and copper, and the rest of the minerals and vitamins are present in negligible concentrations. But why is this rooibos so useful then? Let's figure it out.

If you pay due attention to the biochemical composition of the drink, you can see that fermented tea leaves contain a large number of glucose and absolutely no caffeine.

In addition, the tea contains unique flavonoids:

  • rutin;
  • quartzin;
  • aspalatin;
  • notofagin.

The presence of these components explains the unique properties of this drink, which we will discuss below.

Unique properties of tea

If you are interested in rooibos tea, its benefits and harms, then here I would like to note that by its properties the drink is considered truly unique. Despite the rather limited vitamin and mineral composition, it carries much more benefits than most other teas.

Regular consumption of Rooibos tea contributes to:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • normal development of bone tissue;
  • neutralizing free radicals that accumulate in the body after exposure to radio waves;
  • pressure stabilization;
  • improving vision;
  • elimination of toxins and toxins.

It is noteworthy that its tea leaves are also used as spices and raw materials for the manufacture of natural cosmetics. They are often used to prepare exotic foods and drinks.

Continuous consumption of Rooibos tea is completely safe for the body. It does not contain caffeine and components that provoke the deposition of salts in the kidneys. The unique composition of the drink contributes to the maximum absorption of iron.

Among the unconventional properties is the ability of this drink to effectively fight allergies. Moreover, not only to eliminate the symptoms of the manifestation of the disease, but also to influence its cause.

Some connoisseurs of South African tea note the positive influence of the drink on their psychological state. Regular consumption of the drink helps to relieve nervous tension, and also effectively eliminates headaches.

So, what is useful for rooibos tea, we sorted it out. Surely some of you, dear friends, have a question about the harm of our "African". And it would be perfectly fair to give an answer to it.


As a rule, even with prolonged use, the drink does not have a negative effect on the body. It does not provoke overexcitation of the nervous system, insomnia, and also does not exert excessive stress on the heart.

The main contraindications for rooibos tea are individual intolerance to the components of the drink, as well as diabetes mellitus. If you are just starting your acquaintance with a South African drink, please note that rooibos has a rather specific taste and aroma, so you should carefully dose the amount of infusion.

If among you, dear readers, there are women expecting a baby, then rooibos is a real find that can easily replace your usual, but forbidden during pregnancy, black teas and various types of coffee. In contrast, rooibos tea during pregnancy is not only completely safe, but also light and pleasant to the taste.

"Tea" experts advise people suffering from hypotension (low blood pressure) to alternate it with classic black tea. This is due to the relaxing properties of the drink, so if you are hypotonic, then your norm is 1-2 cups of rooibos tea per day.

How to brew rooibos properly

Well, friends, we smoothly came to the most interesting. Now we will tell you how to brew our African tea properly. By and large, the brewing technology is no different from that used to make black or green tea.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the tea leaves can be used several times. Even the producers of the drink themselves report this. The fact is that the drink has a very rich taste and expressive aroma, and the so-called "used" brewing softens it and makes it more pleasant.

The only thing, remember that you should not use yesterday's brew, so it is better to prepare a drink in the morning and enjoy its impeccable taste all day.

So, if you are holding a package of African rooibos tea in your hands, feel free to open it and proceed according to the following algorithm:

  • rinse pre-prepared tea utensils with boiling water;
  • take 1 tsp. dry tea leaves;
  • pour boiling water over the tea leaves at the rate of 1 tsp. tea per glass (200-250 grams) of water;
  • cover the tea-pot with a lid or saucer / plate and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes;
  • then add a little honey or sugar to the finished drink;
  • various syrups or milk can be added to hot rooibos.

You do not need a special vessel for this drink, so for brewing it is enough to get a simple ceramic or glass container with a lid. The latter is needed to maximize the quality of the brew.

Well, dear friends, here comes our tea review of one of the most famous and extraordinarily delicious teas in the world. We hope that now you can not only arrange for yourself classic tea parties, but also get the maximum benefit and pleasure from them.


Rooibos tea has gained unprecedented popularity. This unusual drink (which is actually not tea) has a very pleasant, interesting taste and has a lot of useful properties. Read about where the product comes from, how to brew it correctly, use it in this article.

How to choose a tea drink

Finding and buying a good rooibos is easy. The main thing is to choose a natural product.

Today, more than 10 types of this brew with various additional flavors and additives have appeared on the market.

Of course, tea flavored with fruits, berries or other additions can be very tasty and pleasant.

However, they are not always useful and natural. Manufacturers often use artificial additives to create such drinks. If you really buy an option with an additional taste, then only with natural ingredients.

Read the ingredients on the product packaging before purchasing. Choose teas that contain natural herbs and spices, dried berries, or pieces of fruit.

But it is still better to buy natural rooibos without any additives. It is good in itself, has an unusual taste, delicate aroma. To enjoy this tea, it is best not to spoil its taste with additional ingredients.

Composition and calorie content

Many are interested in the question of how rooibos grows, what this plant is. But this is not tea. This plant, its historical homeland - Africa, belongs to the legume family. This is a small shrub, from the leaves of which the brew is made for this drink.

It looks like small reddish needles with a pleasant smell. The composition of this product is striking in its content of useful components. It is a source of minerals and vitamins:

The list of useful ingredients of this tea is impressive. And its calorie content in the finished brewed form, like the calorie content of ordinary tea, is close to zero (if you do not add sugar or honey to it).

Read about the beneficial properties and possible contraindications of rooibos tea below.

Benefit for health

So what is Rooibos tea good for? Due to its composition, the drink has healing qualities.

  • Helps to strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Gives strength.
  • Helps fight colds.
  • Helps strengthen bones.
  • It has anti-aging properties, prevents cell aging.
  • Helps fight insomnia.
  • Relieves allergy symptoms.
  • Gives vigor, improves mood.

This list can be continued for a long time.

Experts confirm that regular use of the product has a beneficial effect on health.

The following video tells about the beneficial properties of rooibos tea, and gives recommendations for choosing a good brew:

Features of the effect on the body

As we noted above, rooibos has beneficial, unique properties. Let us examine in detail how the use of this plant in food affects the condition of different groups of consumers.

For adult men and women

For adult men and women who do not suffer from any diseases, rooibos is a good addition to the diet. It will give strength, vigor, diversify your usual menu, replacing the boring tea or. Drink it every day. Soon you will feel more cheerful and better, you will notice that you are less tired, you will feel a surge of energy every time after drinking this tea.

For pregnant and lactating mothers

Rooibos can be used safely by pregnant women who are breastfeeding. This type of tea is made from natural raw materials, so it does not cause any allergic reactions.

Even nursing women can eat it: the product is safe for the health of the mother and baby. On the contrary, this tea will be very useful for mothers in the period of postpartum depression, all of it helps to fight stress, improves mood.

For children and seniors

Rooibos will also be very beneficial for children. Due to the content of a large amount of potassium, zinc, fluorine, manganese and other valuable trace elements, this product will be very useful for the formation and development of the child's body.

During the growth period, children need a sufficient set of vitamins. They can be obtained with food or by consuming such a healthy drink.

Rooibos, which has a pleasant sweetish taste, is often very popular with children. Give your child a try and brew it regularly if they like the taste. It can be given to children hot or cold.

Unlike classic rooibos, it does not contain caffeine, therefore it does not increase blood pressure, but strengthens the cardiovascular system. In old age, this question can be very relevant.

For special categories

There are categories of people who are encouraged to add rooibos tea to their diet. These include, for example, athletes or people involved in manual labor. The high content of antioxidants and other useful components makes this tea useful for increased stress. It restores strength, strengthens the nervous system, and promotes well-being.

Potential harm

Unlike other types of tea, rooibos has no contraindications. This drink is safe.

This drink will not bring any harm to your health, so you can drink it as often as you want.

If you want to add rooibos tea to your daily diet, there are a few important things to consider.

How to brew

If you just want to consume rooibos as a flavorful, tasty drink, learn how to brew it properly.

It's easy to do - no more difficult than making regular black tea.

To do this, you can use a regular teapot or brew rooibos in a cup. One glass of drink will require one teaspoon of dry powder.

To make the taste more saturated, deep, after brewing the tea, it is better to let it brew for 5-10 minutes.

They often drink it hot, but it is very good in cold form. If you are used to drinking sweet tea, you can add a little sugar or honey to it. But you can do without these high-calorie supplements. This infusion has a sweetish taste and therefore does not need additional sweeteners.

The traditional rooibos tea brewing ceremony is presented in this video:

Application in traditional medicine

Rooibos can be used as a tasty drink or as a medicine for certain diseases. It perfectly helps to fight colds, as it has a bactericidal effect, kills germs. It has an expectorant effect, helps to fight a wet cough no worse than many expensive medicines.

Drink rooibos when you feel the symptoms of a cold - you will feel noticeable relief (such treatment must be supplemented with the use of other folk remedies, the use of medicines). In addition to fighting colds, rooibos can also be helpful for digestive problems.

It can even be used to treat colic in babies. This is a good folk remedy for a hangover. Helps with insomnia, soothes in case of disorders of the nervous system.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, the leaves of this shrub can also be used.

This plant has antibacterial properties and contains beneficial antioxidants and vitamins to improve skin condition.

Strong infusion helps with acne and other skin diseases. To make such a homemade tonic, boil dry powder with boiling water, leave it to brew for several hours.

With this infusion, you can wipe your face, treat problem areas prone to acne. For the condition of your skin, it will be beneficial to take the infusion inside.

Drink this tea regularly - you can slow down the aging process, improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails.


Rooibos is good as a supplement to a weight loss diet. When dieting, we often limit our diet and deliberately make it lean. The lack of many vitamins and minerals can affect your well-being. To prevent health problems while losing weight, consume Rooibos.

It has zero calories, which means it will not disrupt your diet or damage your figure. Its ability to fight bad mood will help.

Still, diet is always stressful. To improve your mood, calm down when your nerves are at the limit, drink the brewed infusion - you will feel light, comfortable and relaxed.

As you can see, the scope of application of such a valuable plant is very wide. It is used in the treatment of diseases, for cosmetic purposes, dietetics, and cooking. What valuable features this plant does not have!

For all its medicinal properties, this is an incredibly tasty drink.

He will charge you with vigor, health, give you minutes of unforgettable pleasure.

Rooibos is not only delicious, but also a healthy drink. It contains a lot of valuable components, has a beneficial effect on well-being.

If you have not yet included this tea in your regular diet, it’s time to get it and start drinking it. It is easy to improve your health by enjoying the taste and aroma of this aromatic drink.

In contact with

Rooibos tea It is also called rooibos. It belongs to herbal teas. May have a deep red and transparent green, depending on the processing method. To obtain red tea, the raw material is subjected to fermentation; for green tea, this procedure is not carried out.

Red and green rooibos differ not only in color, but also in composition and properties, despite the fact that they are produced from the same raw materials. To obtain it, use the leaves and branches of the linear aspalatus shrub plant.

Rooibos tea has a sweetish taste and sourness is also present. The aroma of the drink is associated with the smell of hay.

Rooibos is unique and versatile. He is able to invigorate or calm down, depending on the time of day. During the day, it has an encouraging effect, increasing efficiency, and in the evening it has a relaxing effect.

Two mugs of rooibos tea contain the daily value of ascorbic acid, as well as 2/3 of the daily value of iron. Therefore, rooibos is indicated for iron deficiency anemia.


Rooibos tea. Contraindications

Scientists have already studied the composition and effect of rooibos tea on the body. Contraindications were identified in small numbers. They are mainly associated with individual intolerance to the components in the tea. Rooibos can cause an allergic reaction, but this is extremely rare.

Other reasons for contraindications for rooibos tea include:

  • Presence of kidney disease
  • Oncological diseases
  • Low blood pressure

Doctors warn not to abuse the drink in the presence of gastritis or gastrointestinal ulcers. Rooibos is endowed with essential oils that can irritate the stomach lining.


How is Rooibos tea good for you?

The beneficial properties of rooibos tea significantly exceed the number of its contraindications. Due to the complete absence of caffeine in the composition, rooibos can be taken by any age group of people: from babies to the elderly.

Roebush contains a lot of antioxidants. Therefore, tea is indicated for osteoporosis and radiation. It is recommended for poisoning, to improve the work of the stomach.

Rooibos tea is also used externally. It helps to reduce itching, relieve symptoms of various skin conditions, including eczema and dermatitis.

Rooibos has good expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects. It is recommended for colds and SARS. The drink helps to shorten the recovery period after illness and strengthens the immune system.

The presence of calcium and fluoride in tea strengthens teeth and bones. Copper improves the functioning of the nervous system.

Rooibos tea for pregnancy and breastfeeding

Due to the absence of caffeine in the composition, pregnant and lactating women can include rooibos tea in their diet. No contraindications have been identified with the addition of rooibos to infant nutrition. The drink helps to improve the functioning of the stomach and get rid of colic.

The list of useful properties of rooibos tea during pregnancy and gv:

  • Relaxing and soothing
  • Helps with edema, removes excess fluid from the body
  • Relieves morning sickness, eases well-being during toxicosis
  • Helps with insomnia
  • Has a positive effect on the work of the digestive tract, eliminates constipation
  • Helps prevent anemia due to its high iron content
  • Saturates the body with folic acid necessary for the normal development of the fetus
  • Has a lactogonic effect, saturates milk with minerals and vitamins

Doctors warn to be careful when drinking rooibos tea. Contraindications will not be caused if you drink no more than 2-3 cups of the drink per day.

How to brew rooibos tea?

The method of making rooibos tea does not differ significantly from the preparation of regular tea. Unless a special paper filter is used for brewing. It is necessary to rid the drink of unwanted tea particles. Rooibos consists of very small tea leaves, which cannot be handled by an ordinary strainer.

Step-by-step instructions for brewing rooibos tea:

  1. Pour boiling water over the teapot and pour 1 teaspoon of rooibos into it.
  2. Pour boiling water over and close with a tight lid.
  3. Infuse the tea for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the desired strength of the drink. The Japanese prefer to leave the rooibos for 10 minutes.
  4. Rooibos tea is ready - the ratio of brewing and boiling water per cup of tea depends on individual taste needs.

The time of infusion of rooibos tea affects not only the strength of the drink, but also the saturation of the drink with useful properties. South Africans not only know the benefits of rooibos tea. They understood how long it takes for a drink to become as useful as possible - the more rooibos tea is prepared, the more it will be saturated with useful components, so in the homeland it is insisted for half an hour.

To prevent rooibos tea from losing its beneficial properties and causing contraindications, you should not buy tea with synthetic flavors.

Flavored tea lovers can saturate rooibos with various additives at home. For this, pieces of various dried fruits, cinnamon, bergamot or lemon essential oils, cornflower flowers, almonds, caramel and many others are suitable. Rooibos tea can be consumed hot or cold.