How many calories are in funchose salad. Funchoza for weight loss - composition and benefits, glycemic index and calories

02.11.2019 Egg dishes

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Funchoza, which is often called Chinese or glass noodles, can only be classified as pasta. The raw material for the preparation of funchose is starch, extracted from, mainly from mung beans, but others are also used. Funchoza is made from pea and bean starch, sometimes, in order to reduce the cost of the product, it is used. The starch mass is rolled out in a very thin layer and cut with special devices. The resulting noodles have a circle in cross section, similar to thin vermicelli. In dry form, funchose is white, when cooked it becomes almost transparent, for which it received the name glass.

Funchoza does not have a pronounced taste and aroma, but very well absorbs the taste and smell of the products included in the dish. The elastic structure of the finished funchose is in demand in Japanese, Korean, Chinese and other Asian cuisines, a salad and a hot dish have the same name.

Caloric content of funchose

The calorie content of funchose is 320 kcal per 100 grams of dry product.

The product contains bean starch and water. It is present in funchose, which is recognized as essential for men's health, because it is responsible for the speed of movement of sperm and is a means of fighting prostate cancer. contained in funchose, participates in hematopoiesis, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood (calorizator). The main useful property of funchose can be called the absence, intolerance to which many have and can occur in almost everyone in old age.

Harm of funchose

Excessive use of funchose, especially with spicy fillers, can cause digestive problems, heaviness in the stomach, and excessive gas formation. With caution, funchose should be introduced into the diet for those who have different reactions to legumes.

The uniqueness of funchose is that during cooking, the calorie content of the product is reduced by 4 times and is 80 kcal per 100 grams. Funchoza absorbs a large amount of water, due to this, a loss of calories occurs. If you do not fill funchose with high-calorie sauces and ready-made dressings, but use it with fresh vegetables, then there will be no harm to the figure.

Selection and storage of funchose

When choosing funchose, which is sold rolled into nests or eights, you need to carefully read the composition of the product in order to avoid purchasing a low-quality product from cheap starches. Real funchose is brittle, breaks easily, almost transparent and has a smooth, glossy surface. A product with a flour coating, stuck together and having an uneven thread shape, let it remain on the store shelf.

After opening the package, store the funchose in a glass, ceramic or plastic container, tightly closed and placed in a dark place. Funchoza instantly absorbs moisture and foreign odors, so you need to store the product in a dry place, isolating it from spices, seasonings and other sources of odors. The shelf life of funchose is indicated on the packaging, so carefully follow the production date.

How to cook funchose

The finest types of funchose do not require boiling, the noodles are poured with boiling water, covered and kept for five minutes. Thinner threads of funchose can be boiled by dipping them into boiling water for 3-4 minutes (calorizer). The nests are boiled whole, carefully removed, and then cut using culinary scissors or a knife.

Funchoza can be cooked in boiling oil (deep fat), dipped in a deep frying pan or deep fryer for 2 minutes. You need to get the fried funchose with a slotted spoon so that the excess oil is glass. The fried funchose crunches pleasantly and absorbs the taste of the cooking oil.

Funchoza in cooking

Funchoza is consumed both hot and cold, it is an addition to soups, can act as a side dish or a base for salads. Funchoza goes well with fresh and pickled vegetables, fish, boiled meat and baked poultry. The funchose is seasoned with aromatic oils, the product is ideally combined with and.

For more information on funchose, see the video clip “Gluten-Free Products” of the TV program “Living Healthy”.

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Funchose rice vermicelli can be used as a side dish, added to soups. Most often, a salad is prepared with it, which is called "funchose". The calorie content of funchose noodles per 100 grams is average, closer to high, the product itself has a number of useful properties, is well absorbed and is indispensable in Asian cuisine.

Caloric content and energy value of funchose

Compared to pasta, this rice noodles have a fairly low calorie content, there are 310-330 calories per 100 grams of product. Energy value:

  • 0.1 grams of fat;
  • 86 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 0.2 grams of protein.

It does not contain cholesterol, fats are minimal. It can be used ready-made as a side dish, added to salad and other Asian dishes. There is no sugar in funchose at all, 0.5 grams of carbohydrate composition falls on dietary fiber.

Light and tasty noodles have a pleasant aroma, which is so appreciated in oriental cuisine. Seasonings and spices can be added to it, which can both emphasize the delicate aroma and fill it with new shades. One standard package, which you can buy in almost any supermarket today, contains 500 grams of noodles. When cooked, it does not boil too much, remaining so thin that it can appear transparent.

Some varieties of noodles are made from legumes rather than rice flour. You can clarify the energy value and composition on the package.

Properties and composition

Before you start consuming Chinese rice noodles, it is not enough to know how many calories are in funchose. It is necessary to take into account its composition and beneficial properties, and also take into account that when cooking with other ingredients, the calorie content may change.

As part of 100 grams of rice noodles:

  • 10 mg sodium;
  • 10 mg potassium;
  • 25 mg calcium;
  • 2.2 mg iron;
  • 3 mg magnesium;
  • 0.1 mg vitamin B6.

The vitamin and mineral composition of vermicelli helps to normalize metabolism. Useful minerals take an important part in metabolic processes, strengthen bones, muscle tissue, and improve blood. Muscle tissue is strengthened and accumulates energy better, the absence of fats and sugar in the composition of the product allows you to get useful substances, but not to accumulate excess weight.

It is customary to cook noodles without salt, and it is better to add seasonings and spices, if desired, to sauces and to additional components of dishes with funchose. The lack of salt helps to quickly remove excess fluid from the body, prevent it from lingering.

Funchose salad

Funchoza is used not only as a side dish or as a component of soups, often a salad is prepared with it. In addition to noodles boiled without salt, carrots, garlic, cucumbers, additional seasonings and spices are added to the salad. The salad is dressed with vegetable oil (it is better to take olive oil, not sunflower oil).

The salad is light and low in calories. At the final stage, 100 grams of finished product accounts for about 82 kcal. Thanks to additional components, fats also appear. The energy value for the salad will be as follows.

Asian cuisine is called one of the most useful, healthy and dietary cuisines in the world for a reason. It has long pleases humanity with the speed of preparation of its dishes and their unprecedented exoticism; many of these recipes hold leading positions in their benefits, originality and, at the same time, low calorie content. Funchoza is one such dish. The fact is that funchose offers: calorie content per 100 grams - 320, which is not a little, but at the same time, this noodles will easily help to cope with excess weight.

Historical overview

"Glass" noodles appeared in our country relatively recently, having come from Asia, where they are an important component of the national cuisine. This dish has been eaten there since the distant sixth century. The homeland of the dish is Thailand. These are rather long white threads with a round cross section, their diameter may vary. The product is made from a special grade of golden mung bean starch; externally, the product looks like rice noodles. For the manufacture of funchose, starch from other plants is often used, but it is not so useful. During cooking, the product acquires translucency, as if it becomes glass.

Product advantages

This kind of noodles gives a completely positive effect on the human body due to the content in it of a huge number of vitamins and useful components. Asians call funchose an ideal product. It contains fiber, which improves digestion processes, removes harmful substances and toxins from the body, with frequent consumption, has a positive effect on the work of the heart, helps to make blood vessels elastic. Glass noodles are an excellent remedy for depression, they rejuvenate body cells, improve brain function, hair and nails. The funchose contains almost no protein and no gluten at all, therefore this dish is suitable even for those who are highly prone to allergies.

Funchoza: composition of noodles

Funchoza - the composition of the noodles boasts a huge amount of amino acids, vitamins and beneficial trace elements. Amino acids help various chemical processes in the human body. Most often, these components are produced by the body itself, but it is always easy to make up for their shortage from the outside to normalize the processes of cell renewal and regeneration, and improve the condition of the whole body. The most important chemical constituents of the product: zinc, potassium and magnesium, vitamins of groups B, vitamins PP and E, as well as calcium, phosphorus and selenium, manganese and copper, a variety of dietary fiber, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

Funchoza: calories per 100 grams

  • number of calories - 320 kcal
  • proteins - up to 9.3 g
  • fats - 22.8 g
  • carbohydrates - 11 g

Balanced diet

  • This dish is incredibly simple to prepare, it is quickly and easily absorbed by the body, while giving a lot of energy;
  • Remarkably saturates the body and removes all harmful substances from it;
  • Improves metabolism, as well as the general condition of bones, vision, skin, nails and hair.
  • Frequent consumption of the "glass" product has a good effect on potency, and also helps prevent thyroid diseases and the occurrence of cancerous tumors.

Such a side dish is perfect for fish and meat, salads and vegetables, since the noodles themselves are tasteless. Therefore, it will perfectly set off the gustatory palette of other dishes. This dish will lower cholesterol levels, making it ideal for people with diabetes or blood pressure problems. It is important to prepare this dish correctly. To do this, you need to soak dry noodles in water for 15 minutes so that it swells a little, and then lower it for 10 minutes in boiling water or even broth.

This product is suitable for those who are struggling with extra pounds. Despite the high calorie content, funchose (ready-made calorie content - 90 kcal per 100 grams) contributes to weight loss. The secret lies in the fact that during cooking, food is saturated with water, and therefore its calorie content decreases. In addition, it is a wonderful sorbent that will quickly cleanse the human intestine and remove all harmful toxins from it.

Best of all, the product will be in harmony in its taste with mushrooms, fish or other seafood. The combination with vegetables will also benefit the stomach, but for those looking to lose a couple of kilos, it is better to use noodles before 12 pm, as well as funchose with meat. If a person is faced with the task of getting rid of annoying kilograms, then one should not add hot spices to these noodles, because they only increase the appetite, because the person quickly overeats.

Traditionally, these noodles are used to make salads. But it can also be served on its own or added to soup. In the east, they always strive to preserve the natural taste, color and aroma of the product, and in our country, on the contrary, to add pungency or softness to it with the help of spices.

Delicious funchose: calories per 100 grams 320 kcal, will help you not only enjoy the incredible taste and get a lot of vitamins, but at the same time be full and lose weight. Therefore, any person who is invited to taste this wonderful dish should definitely agree.

The food of the land of the rising sun is gaining more and more popularity in Europe and Russia. In addition to the well-known sushi and rolls, as well as all sorts of rice dishes, noodles, which are a primordially Asian product, are actively used. Such a subspecies of it as funchose is distinguished by a special transparency of the threads in the finished form and the absence of a pronounced taste, which allows it to be used in many dishes - from hot soups to side dishes and salads. Due to its high popularity and frequency of use, it is important to know how many calories are in funchose, how compatible it is with dietary nutrition and how it stands out from other types of noodles.

How many calories are in funchose?

Like any flour product, especially pasta, funchose is high in calories to scare off at first sight those who are looking for light and dietary food. But looking deep into its chemical composition, you can understand that the devil is not so terrible, as the old saying goes. Moreover, funchose, like other types of noodles, as well as cereals, loses part of its calorie content during the cooking process, as it absorbs moisture and increases in volume.

Despite the fact that many believe that the funchose noodle dough is based on rice flour, in fact, this cereal does not smell here. The basis is a variety of legumes, most often peas, yams, mung or canna. Today, you can also find funchose on corn starch, which requires subsequent treatment with lead to obtain identical taste and external qualities with funchose on mung beans, and as a result, strongly affects its benefits, up to the possible content of heavy metals in the chemical composition. The correct funchose has a caloric content of 320 kcal per one hundred grams of dry product, which is one hundred percent pure carbohydrate. Nevertheless, even with an absolutely non-dietary figure, these noodles are considered valuable products, mainly due to the complex of vitamins and minerals in the chemical composition.

Here are the B vitamins, among which folic acid is especially prominent, which is responsible for the circulatory system, immunity, and is also necessary for women while expecting a baby, since both the mother and the fetus are required. Vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant, and vitamin PP, one of the main enzymes involved in many internal chemical processes. As for microelements, the first place is given to sodium with phosphorus, which affects bone tissue, the central nervous system, cell growth, water-salt balance, and even kidney function. A large proportion of selenium and iron are beneficial to the process of hematopoiesis, and potassium and magnesium - to help the heart and blood vessels.

In addition, since funchose is made from legumes, its satiety is at the proper level, helping to quickly kill the feeling of hunger. True, due to the fact that the noodles themselves have no taste, you have to add various kinds of sauces to it, or make it the basis for salads, casseroles or first courses. Moreover, in a boiled form, the calorie content of funchose is about 91 kcal, and this makes dishes based on it quite harmless for the figure, although they require some caution.

Funchoza in the diet of those who follow the figure

Salad with funchose is in special demand, the calorie content of which allows it to be used in dietary nutrition: among its ingredients, in addition to noodles, are solid vegetables, spices and herbs, which are distinguished not only by their low "weight", but also by a beneficial effect on the figure. You can calculate the calorie content of the "Funchoza" salad, which got its name from the noodles of the same name, by adding up the calorie content of all its components, which will not be difficult. Moreover, all of them, except for noodles, are laid raw. Red sweet pepper "weighs" about 26 kcal per hundred grams, is one of the main sources of vitamin C, actively contributes to the strengthening of vascular walls, increasing stress resistance. Despite the fact that it is called sweet, its sugar content is lower than in tomatoes, for example, and therefore bell peppers are great even for diabetic patients. The calorie content of cucumber is 19 kcal, 95% consists of water, actively cleanses the kidneys, restores the water-salt balance and also helps to strengthen the nervous system. Onions perfectly fight infections, due to the high proportion of potassium, they support the cardiovascular system, thanks to the iron in the composition, it is necessary for the processes of hematopoiesis and blood purification, and the sedative effect saves from insomnia and overwork. With all this, the calorie content of onions is only 41 kcal. Three more components in the "Funchoza" salad have little effect on calorie content, but they do a lot for the figure and metabolism. Garlic with a "weight" of 149 kcal, which has a warming effect, vinegar, which shows an indicator of 21 kcal, and various greens that stimulate the acceleration of metabolism and better assimilation of dishes. Due to vinegar, not only an interesting taste effect is achieved, but also an active breakdown of fats, as well as a decrease in the total calorie content of the salad. The final "weight" for the dish will be only 111 kcal per hundred grams. And for the salad that is sold ready-made in grocery stores, and includes carrots, cucumbers, garlic, vegetable oil, seasonings and funchose noodles, the calorie content is already 82 kcal, but due to the oil in the composition, it cannot be considered more useful than the one made with vinegar.

This is a type of noodle and it belongs to Asian cuisine. Otherwise, it is also called starch or glass due to the fact that after cooking it acquires transparency. The noodles are sold both ready-made and dried.

Composition and nutritional value of funchose

Many people believe that rice flour is part of the funchose dough. But this is not the case. The basis of the noodles is legumes. Most often, noodles are made from green beans such as yams, canna, peas, mung beans.

Funchose is interesting for its nutritional and vitamin composition. It contains: complex carbohydrates, a high concentration of vitamin E, PP, group B, mineral components, in particular potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, iron. Bju indicators depend on the composition of the dish. We offer some values \u200b\u200bof ready-made funchose cooked according to different recipes in terms of 100 g of the finished product:

Dry - 0.7 / 0.5 / 84.0 g.
Boiled funchose salad with carrots and cucumbers - 0.2 / 3.56 / 6.4 g.

Fried with vegetables and chicken fillet - 4.2 / 1.9 / 9.2 g.
Korean salad with cucumber and pepper - 0.6 / 5.9 / 13.8 g.
With oyster mushrooms in Chinese - 1.7 / 8.7 / 22.0 g.
With mushrooms - 2.9 / 4.5 / 17.2 g.
Fried with mushrooms and vegetables - 1.7 / 2.2 / 14.8 g.
Funchoza with turkey - 6.2 / 8.0 / 12.7 g.

How many calories are in funchose

The calorie content of funchose is quite high. In addition, boiled noodles are tasteless, so they are served with fish and meat dishes and are well seasoned with sauce. Pickled also goes well with it. It is clear that the calorie content of the final dish increases greatly. In terms of 100 grams of product, the values \u200b\u200bare as follows:

Indicators of dry noodles - 320.0 kcal.
Calorie content of salad with vegetables - 82.0 units.
Fried with vegetables and chicken - 69.3 units
Korean salad - 108.0 kcal.
With oyster mushrooms - 168.9 units
With mushrooms and carrots - 118.0 kcal.
Fried with vegetables - 80.0 units
With turkey - 144.4 kcal.

Regardless of which recipe for cooking funchose will be used, the main rules should be followed:

The product does not combine with potatoes as it is very starchy.
It is not recommended to use it with beef, pork and lamb meat.
Due to the fact that it is a carbohydrate-containing product, it is eaten in the morning or for lunch. She's not suitable for dinner. Otherwise, when losing weight, you can say goodbye to the figure.