Grains, powder or capsules: which coffee is better and cheaper? Coffee: instant or whole bean. Useful properties and effects of coffee

22.08.2019 Buffet table

What coffee do you prefer? Why? What is the grind and type of coffee?

I give preference exclusively to "natural". Why? Perhaps, natural is the best coffee to date. , then the taste is clearly not the same, and the effect of coffee on the body is completely different. From natural coffee, I am only impressed by “India” and “Bourbon (Brazil)”. Why? Bourbon - above all, it is balanced and has a great taste and aroma. India - I often drink it in the morning. This type of coffee tends to invigorate and increase energy. In the morning, I advise you to drink a similar type of coffee preparation: "ristretto" or "espresso". In the afternoon "latte" or "americano", possibly doppio. Grind Bourbon, I use 7-8 on a regular grinder, and India 6-7.5.

Turk? Soluble? Coffee machine?

I prefer to brew in a Turk. Turk with a volume of 250 ml. In my opinion, this is ideal. Fill the Turk with sugar (optional), pour water to the level of the neck (about 1-2 cm in volume, without adding it to the end), and after that I add coffee. In my experience, there should be no more than two teaspoons of coffee. When the water starts to boil, do not stir the coffee. It should only be interfered at the end. When the foam starts, stir again and put on low heat. At this rate, it will stand for 2-3 minutes, and then just take off the coffee.

Favorite recipe and cooking method?

In fact, there is nothing complicated in the recipe. My answer is written in a condensed form at the top, it is worth adding to it that coffee preparation takes about 10 minutes. If you have, then it will be more difficult. You yourself will have to choose the right approach to this matter. If it's gas, then it's easier, no more than 10 minutes. When you remove the turk, do not pour the coffee right away! Let the turk stand for at least 20 seconds. Pour the coffee gently and remember that there may be a lot of sediment at the end.

Tea or coffee? What do I drink more often?

I drink coffee more often. Tea is very rare. Tea once or twice a week, and about 3-4 cups of coffee a day.

How do you feel after drinking coffee?

Excellent! Bourbon - Relaxes and energizes. India - energizes and invigorates. After it, sleep tends to fade into the background.

My coffee mania

What could be better than a cup of aromatic coffee in the morning? Yes, anything, how many people - so many opinions, someone drinks herbal tea with a drop of honey, someone a large glass of instant cocoa, someone is content with a glass of water on an empty stomach, but for me, for many years, coffee has been in the lead in the list pleasures. My friends know about my passion and always bring me back from their travels.

I love to try something new, but my favorite still remains the classic Arabica.

The most aromatic and richest coffee is the coffee ground just before brewing. I don't like it, so my little hand mill is what you need. The most correct grind is the finest, “into dust”.

For brewing, I use a turkey, preferably copper, not very large, but with thick walls. I put a teaspoon of ground coffee, half a teaspoon of sugar and salt on the tip of the knife, you can add a pinch of cardamom, a cinnamon stick, and some people prefer hot peppers! Spices allow to set off the nuances of taste and smell of coffee.

Fill with cold water (however, if you are in a hurry, you can also pour hot water), the level should be about 1 cm below the narrowest point of the Turks, and set on a small fire. When the foam starts to rise, mix gently with a spoon. The foam will settle, but after a while it will start bubbling again. Stir over and over again until it stops settling. This means that the liquid has warmed up evenly and the coffee is ready.

For me, an obligatory part of the coffee ceremony is drinking a freshly brewed drink from a thin-walled porcelain cup. Everyone in my family knows that as soon as I poured a cup of coffee for myself, the rest of the world ceased to exist for me. And let the whole world wait!

For me, coffee is the main energy drink. At work, I use a Nespresso coffee machine, but the pleasure of making coffee with my own hands outweighs the desire to save time and get myself a coffee machine at home.

My addiction to coffee

For home I prefer natural freeze-dried soluble. Coffee is prepared quickly, and without any problems, in the morning every minute is precious. But I like it more, grain coffee.

Undoubtedly, it should be cooked in a Turk for more flavor.

I rarely drink tea, more coffee, about once every 2 days. Still, a lot is harmful. Sometimes I go to coffee houses, where you can try many different varieties of coffee, in coffee houses I like cappuccino more, with its wonderful milk layer.

After coffee, the mood rises, a surge of emotional activity, the desire to do something. And just to feel the smell and taste of this aromatic drink is worth a lot, the most important thing is to drink slowly. While studying at the university, going on a break, I bought 3 in 1 coffee, went outside and lit a cigarette. A very strong psychological relief in just five minutes, and I am ready to continue gnawing on the granite of science.

How I like to make coffee: take coffee beans, pass through a coffee grinder (always through a manual one, you can already smell it), pour water into a Turk a little less than a glass, pour coffee with sugar in a ratio of 1 to 2, bring to a boil. Then pour into a mug and add whipped cream.

Regards Nonex.

Coffee, coffee with ice cream and what cats love

Morning coffee is a ritual for me. I only drink ground coffee. After trying different varieties, I settled on Lavazza coffee, although sometimes I buy Alvorada coffee. Of the coffees, I prefer Qualita oro or Espresso. I like them for their taste, aroma and feeling of cheerfulness after drinking a cup. It's better to brew coffee, but if I'm in a hurry, I just pour boiling water over it. But the taste of Lavazza coffee does not get any worse. This summer my children brought me a real silver Turk from Turkey, and now, when I brew my favorite coffee in it, it tastes even better.

I drink coffee in the morning and in the afternoon, small cups. The state of health after Lavazza coffee is great, the mood is vigorous. The rest of the time I drink green tea.

I like to add cinnamon and cloves to my coffee. They give it a peculiar aroma and an unusual aftertaste. I mix them with coffee, add water, stir again and cook over low heat. Sometimes I add sugar and vanilla, or I drink coffee with a slice of lemon spread with honey. I also really like coffee with ice cream, especially in summer.

I have been drinking Lavazza coffee for many years, and for me it is a symbol of a good day and a good mood.

Traditional cup of coffee

Every morning I have a cup of instant black Nescafe Gold. It has become a good and kind tradition for me. This is the way it is in my family. Of course, a more correct and scrupulous process of brewing coffee is to make it in a copper cezve. By adding ground black pepper and salt on the tip of a knife, thus sharpening its taste and aroma.

The modern rhythm of life does not always give us free time, but at the same time we cannot give up small weaknesses. Instant coffee is ideal for these purposes. I do not use special devices, a coffee machine or a Turk. A teaspoon of coffee, sugar and boiling water. What could be easier. But the mug must be small. So the aroma will be thick and the taste will be rich.

In small doses, coffee has a beneficial effect on the entire body. I use it once a day and only in the morning. Thus, he invigorates me and energizes me, because there is a whole working day ahead. We must always remember that abuse of something is always a bad habit. This rule also applies to tea, which I also drink once a day.

I believe that in such a balance of habits and beneficial effects, we always have the right not to give up the pleasant little things that make our life so wonderful and interesting.

Ivan, Nizhny Novgorod

Coffee is my friend

Our family buys granulated instant coffee from Nescafe Classic. I prefer to just brew instant coffee, because I have long been accustomed to this method. It's very simple, it turns out delicious, and all these complex delights are simply beyond my power, and even so much faster. In general, the company is not important for me, it's just that we are used to Nescafe.

I drink coffee once a day or every other day, regardless of the time of day. More often it turns out to drink tea. After drinking coffee, my state of health practically does not change, except that there was a pleasant warmth in my body. But I do not feel either vigor, or vice versa drowsiness (like my mother, coffee is suitable for her instead of sleeping pills).

For myself, I usually prepare coffee like this. I take 1 heaped teaspoon of coffee for a cup, pour hot water (not boiling water, it is more suitable for tea. When the kettle boils, I wait 5 minutes, and only then pour coffee). Then I add 2-3 teaspoons of condensed milk (I prefer Vologda condensed milk), stir. A wonderful drink is ready.

I always drink coffee with something - with a sandwich, cookies, etc. I just can't. Sometimes - with dark or milk chocolate.

Coffee - Drink of the Gods

No other drink gives as much energy and vigor in the morning as a cup of brewed coffee. Personally, I like coffee made in a copper turk better. It seems to me that in this way its aroma and taste are preserved. Waking up from the smell of roasted coffee beans "Petrovskaya Sloboda" or - the key to a successful day.

In order to diversify the taste of your favorite drink, you can prepare it with cinnamon. There are quite a few recipes for this drink, so every coffee lover can choose a recipe to their liking. You need to pour a teaspoon of coffee into the Turk, pour it with water, heat it on fire for a few seconds. Then add a third of a teaspoon of cinnamon and the same amount of sugar. The mixture is poured over a glass of water and cooked over low heat. As soon as you see that the foam in the Turk has risen, part of the drink must be removed from the heat and poured into a cup. Put the remaining half of the drink on the fire again, after it rises, remove from the heat and add to the cup.

After that, all that remains is to enjoy a wonderful drink.

Not all coffee is in the beans

When it comes to the choice of coffee, then I like natural, grain. There is not too much - "Colombo", which produces coffee of two types of grinding: coarse and fine. I tried both and decided it was better to use a fine grind (for my taste). "Colombo" has a pleasant mild aroma and has a rich taste, besides, the quality of the grains themselves pleases.

I brew my drink exclusively in a Turk - so the taste is richer, and the aroma is felt from the first minutes of preparation. I drink coffee every day, at the same time - in the morning. During the rest of the day I drink more tea (two or three mugs a day). However, it is after drinking a mug of coffee that I feel good: cheerfulness, clarity of mind appear and my mood rises. In addition, I often experience headaches in the morning, and after a cup of coffee, the pain goes away.

I know several recipes for making my “miracle potion”, but my favorite is perhaps with the addition of salt. The secret is very simple: you take ordinary grain coffee (who prefers which brand), grind it through a coffee machine. Next, it must be cooked in a Turk until boiling. Just before the coffee boils - two teaspoons of sugar and salt on the tip of a knife should be added there. Then everything is mixed and you can drink.

Magic drink - coffee

Coffee for me is not just an opportunity to wake up in the morning and cheer up. It is an enchanting smell and a magical taste. Of the instant coffee, I prefer the Swiss Egoiste Platinum coffee at the moment - this is a quick coffee, so to speak, a backup option.

But when there is time and a desire to pamper yourself, then this is natural Italian coffee Lavazza. Lavazza, Crema Gusto - strong, rich, aromatic and always with foam. Or Lavazza Rossa - strong, with foam and light bitterness. I love to cook it in a Turk. The recipe is the most common: I take 2 tsp for 1 serving. ground coffee, 1 tsp. cane sugar and about 150 ml of water. Depending on my mood, I can add a pinch of cinnamon or cardamom. And an indispensable addition to a cup of coffee should be chocolate or chocolates, especially Comilfo. Then we can assume that the day was a success. With every sip you take, your mood rises, you get strength and a desire to do something good, to surprise yourself and the world.

Morning coffee is a must-have ritual. Then in the afternoon another 2-3 cups of this magic drink, and sometimes a cup in the evening. I might get the impression that I'm a creepy coffee lover. However, I will never pass up a cup of freshly brewed green or fruit tea, especially Rooibos.

Nostalgia for coffee

I am a young mother. I love coffee very much and before pregnancy I drank 3-4 cups of brewed Lavazza coffee a day. My work was related to mental activity, but here you just can't do without coffee. To be honest, it was not easy to give up coffee after learning about pregnancy. Naturally, the dose had to be reduced - I limited myself to a cup of coffee a week, as they say “on holidays”. Decaffeinated coffee, as an alternative, did not suit me at all. It's like eating soy instead of meat.

Now I am breastfeeding my baby, so I continue to limit myself in the pleasure of drinking a cup or another. I am afraid that after a cup of strong coffee I will not be able to put the child to bed, as I myself have noticed before that after 2 cups, drunk after 10 pm, it is somehow not up to sleep. So for now we have to be content with black tea and feel nostalgic for the "Home-style coffee and milk neck".

Homemade Coffee and Milk Shake Recipe

  1. 1 serving of strong brewed coffee;
  2. 1/2 glass of milk;
  3. 1 portion of ice cream sundae;
  4. sugar;
  5. cinnamon.

Make strong coffee in turkish. Leave to cool. Meanwhile, pour milk into a glass for a blender and add ice cream piece by piece, continuing to beat a cocktail with a blender. Pour in coffee and beat until frothy. Pour into a tall glass, sprinkle with cinnamon, insert a straw. For sweet lovers, add sugar to coffee after boiling and stir well.

To begin with, there are no natural flavors, but many are made from natural oils. Therefore, flavored coffee is a natural product with chemical additives. Typically, companies use a lower quality product for this category. It can be old green but recently roasted grain, or old grains that have returned from retailers. Such coffee is flavored, packaged and sent again to the shelves. But do not forget that we have conscientious companies that use good, expensive, fresh 100% Arabica fresh roasted for flavored coffee.

Instant coffee

Capsule coffee


Many sellers offer profitable purchase options under the conditional name "coffee machine as a gift": when buying a certain number of capsules (usually several packs, sometimes you can choose which ones), the coffee machine is added free of charge. Usually the cost of an offer does not exceed the cost of a similar number of "no load" capsules, so it is very profitable to use this opportunity.

With "simple" capsules, everything is clear: each contains a portion of coffee of a certain type and a certain roast (the manufacturer indicates this data on the label). There are also more "complex" options: latte, cappuccino, coffee with syrups, even hot chocolate. The breadth of the assortment depends on the manufacturer's line.
The main disadvantage of this format is that the choice, as a rule, is not great, moreover, you can use only those capsules that are suitable for a particular coffee machine. This means that the owner of such a device automatically limits his choice. Another disadvantage of capsule coffee is that it is relatively expensive (per cup).

In the production of capsule coffee, 100% roasted coffee is used. But so that the capsule does not explode, you need to "age" the coffee, then carbon dioxide will be released. And along with this, the grain is oxidized and essential oils leave it, the taste becomes more empty, rancid and even. If you count the economy, then drinking ground coffee is much more profitable. On average, 1 capsule costs 23-28 rubles. The cost price of a cup with good Arabica is up to 15 rubles. And you also need to take into account that the range of flavors in ground coffee is much wider and more varied.

Coffee for many people today has become an everyday drink, without which a person cannot feel vigorous during the day. This tonic and stimulating drink is loved and drunk by people of all ages, while some are limited to a cup of coffee at breakfast, and for some coffee has become an addiction. Meanwhile, too much coffee is not recommended for ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, gastric ulcer, gastritis, hypertension, glaucoma, hyperexcitability and insomnia.

It does not follow drink coffee on an empty stomach and after a hearty lunch. The optimal dose for adults is 1-2 cups a day, drinking more than this amount of a cup of coffee, a person becomes extremely irritable and nervous. You need to drink only natural coffee, not instant coffee, which is made from cheap coffee varieties.

Instant coffee does not have any useful properties, since it is improperly fried. In addition, instant coffees have a much higher caffeine content, which has a negative impact on health. Therefore, try to drink only natural black coffee and always without filtration. After the coffee is filtered, some of the beneficial properties are also removed from the drink.

Majority " coffee lovers"They drink coffee all the time, just because they want to drink it and do not even want to hear that coffee can have any effect on their health. So what if coffee contains a lot of caffeine? After all, tea also contains caffeine. , which has a tonic effect, and many drink it without restriction. Meanwhile, scientists argue that the caffeine contained in tea and coffee, differ in chemical composition. Caffeine in teas is released gradually and therefore does not have a negative effect on the body.

Not all research Scientists confirm that drinking coffee is unhealthy; today there are many scientifically proven facts in defense of this drink. The latest claims about the benefits of coffee belong to Finnish scientists. Based on studies that have been conducted over 30 years, they concluded that the more coffee a person drinks, the lower the risk of developing liver cancer.

Has long been known the fact that coffee has antioxidant properties, which influences the development of malignant tumors. Based on the observations of doctors, it has been established that smokers who drink large quantities of coffee are less likely to get lung cancer. Also, the effect of coffee on the risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver was revealed in people who abuse alcohol. Alcohol lovers who drink several cups of coffee daily are significantly less susceptible to liver disease.

To all known that coffee invigorates. If we need to work, and we really want to sleep, then a cup of coffee will be a real salvation. It will not only keep you awake, but will also improve brain function and stimulate the activity of the nervous system. A cup of coffee helps you concentrate and work better. Several studies by scientists have identified the effect of coffee on the body's metabolism. It has been established that people who drink two cups of coffee a day are less sick with cholelithiasis. Caffeine prevents the formation of gallstones.

Coffee contains not only caffeine, it contains many aromatic compounds, minerals, vitamin P, tannins and trace elements. Which of these substances enter the body depends on the type of coffee, the way it is roasted and prepared. The most popular coffee varieties in our country are "Arabica" and "Robusta". The Arabica variety contains three times less caffeine. Making coffee is very simple: you need to take freshly ground coffee, pour boiling water over it and bring it to a boil.

Coffee, prepared from natural varieties, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal system. It increases the secretion of intestinal juice and improves digestion, thereby making the process of assimilating food more efficient. It is especially useful to drink coffee with milk for the stomach. And if you drink black coffee without milk, then it enhances the breakdown of fat cells, that is, it contributes to weight loss. Moderate consumption of coffee prevents the development of senile diseases, such as Parkinson's disease and senile dementia. It is useful to drink coffee for people with diabetes mellitus and diseases of the hematopoietic system.

Majority of people prefer to drink coffee to relieve headaches, cheer up, or just to concentrate. Scientists have proven that two cups of coffee threefold reduce the risk of stress and depression. Those who drink coffee every day feel more confident and do not suffer from an inferiority complex, they are not aware of the state of phobia and fear.

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The variety of brands, varieties and methods of coffee preparation is amazing. Admirers of the aromatic drink are countless. But how useful is it, and can it harm the body? In some cases, the benefits of coffee are much greater than the harm. You just need to know how much and how to use it.

The positive effect of natural coffee

Coffee beans contain caffeine. On average, 1500 mg / l. Caffeine has an exciting effect on the nervous system, increases heart rate, and raises blood pressure. As a result of drinking coffee:

Mental activity increases;

Working capacity increases;

Drowsiness decreases.

From a medical point of view, the most benefit from natural ground coffee. It is poured with boiling water and heated until it boils. In this case, the aroma is retained, and the caffeine does not completely pass into the water. For 100 g of water, take 10-15 grams of ground grains. In order not to grind coffee beans at home, you can buy ready-made or go to one of the coffee houses, where they will prepare the aromatic mixture you need.

Influence on organs

You cannot abuse any coffee. It affects the kidneys, heart, liver, stomach. They get used to it and begin to increase the dose every day. Excessive consumption of coffee causes:





Diseases of the stomach;

Joint pain.

Coffee can stain tooth enamel, giving it a yellowish tint. The strongest effect is on the central nervous system, liver and stomach. Coffee prevents liver cells from dividing, which is harmful for healthy people, and useful for cirrhosis and fatty disease.

Studies have confirmed that coffee does not affect the development of coronary heart disease when drunk in normal amounts. Caffeine increases blood pressure, but for hypotonic people it is even beneficial, and for people with normal blood pressure it has an invigorating effect. For those suffering from hypertension or heart disease, it is better to refrain from coffee.

Usage rate

Doctors warn that no more than 4 cups of instant coffee can be drunk per day. For pregnant women, this portion is reduced by 2 times, provided that the doctor does not prohibit it.

These restrictions are related to the daily intake of caffeine. It should not exceed 400 mg for an adult. A cup of Americano contains, on average, 100 mg of this substance. But it must be borne in mind that the varieties, methods of roasting, grinding are different. This changes the strength of the drink. The stronger it is, the less it is drunk.

Men are also advised to consume no more than 3-4 cups of coffee a day. Exceeding the norm leads to a jump in blood pressure, reduces potency, and disrupts sleep. It is better to opt for natural ground grains, as they contain more nutrients.

The harm and benefits of coffee with milk

Milk or cream is added to soften the taste and reduce the caffeine concentration. At the same time, the calorie content of the drink increases, and if we take into account that sugar is often put along with milk, then the benefits of the drink are rapidly decreasing.

Drinking coffee with milk in large quantities is also harmful. In the stomach, it leads to the formation of insoluble compounds, which are deposited in the kidneys, negatively affecting the bladder. But no one forbids drinking 1-2 cups, even pregnant women.

Soluble and freeze-dried

Instant coffee is made from green beans that are roasted, ground, and subjected to an extraction process - boiled and evaporated. After that, the extract is crushed, turning into granules familiar to everyone. Flavors and preservatives may be added to enhance odor and reduce oxidative stress.

The concentration of caffeine in instant coffee is higher and it has a higher acidity. It is especially harmful to people with a sick stomach, as it irritates the mucous membranes. It is not recommended for those with liver, kidney or heart problems.

Freeze-dried coffee essentially the same soluble. Only in the production process there is a process of sublimation - drying by freezing (freezing in a vacuum). This is an expensive process and therefore the price of the freeze-dried product is higher. In freeze-dried granules, more initial substances are retained, they are more useful and aromatic.

Is decaf coffee harmful?

The absence of caffeine itself is beneficial, but a lot depends on how it was extracted. The caffeine is removed by washing with an ethyl acetate solution with either water or compressed carbon dioxide. The last two methods are considered the safest.

Decaffeinated coffee promotes fat storage and increases the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

The caffeine is not completely extracted, a small percentage of the substance remains, so the drink still has a stimulating effect, but to a lesser extent.

The benefits of green coffee

To obtain green coffee, beans are cleaned and dried in a special way, excluding the roasting process. As a result, most of the nutrients are retained, while the concentration of caffeine decreases.

Green coffee contains unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants. Since green beans still contain caffeine, you should not abuse the drink. It can increase blood pressure and speed up your heart rate.

Adding cinnamon, lemon, brandy

Cinnamon gives the drink a special aroma and helps to lose weight. Coffee with cinnamon speeds up metabolic processes, relieves spasms in the bile ducts, and lowers the level of bad cholesterol. This is its benefit. It is important to drink it without high-calorie supplements.

As in tea, lemon is sometimes added to coffee, this does not make the drink worse. It acquires an exotic taste and beneficial qualities by supplying the body with vitamin C.

As for coffee with cognac, many people like this drink. It is an excellent stress reliever, accelerates blood circulation, helps fight colds and increases blood pressure. But cognac, both by itself and in combination with coffee, is not recommended to be abused. The drink can be addictive. It is not advised to drink it for hypertensive patients and those with liver problems.

Adding honey and cardamom

Coffee with honey will become a good immunomodulator, protect against flu and colds. For honey to be beneficial, it must be added to cooled coffee, the temperature of which is no more than 40 °, or consumed separately from a spoon.

Recipe for coffee with honey and lemon. Brew coffee from ground beans, cool slightly, add a teaspoon or balsam, a slice of lemon, honey to taste.

Cardamom helps to reveal the aroma of coffee. It is added in small amounts to neutralize the negative effects of caffeine. Coffee with cardamom helps with bronchitis, eliminates colic in the stomach, relieves nervous tension. If you have gastritis or stomach ulcers, it is forbidden to drink coffee with cardamom. Together with cardamom, vanilla, cloves, cinnamon can be added to the drink. There are recipes with milk and cream.

Slimming coffee, adding ginger

Being on a diet, wanting to lose extra pounds, or just keeping yourself in shape, you can't eat a lot of sweets. Cream should not be added to coffee, and the amount of sugar should be minimized or completely discarded.

Coffee itself is a low-calorie drink when drunk without sugar. It removes fluid from the body, which contributes to weight loss.

To enhance the effect of losing weight, recipes for coffee with ginger are used. These two products help you lose extra pounds faster, speed up the processes of food absorption and the breakdown of fats.

Coffee made from barley, acorns and with the addition of chicory

Barley and acorn drinks are not complete coffee. It is a surrogate that helps replace the expensive and not always healthy coffee bean drink.

Barley coffee is made from roasted barley grains.

What is its use? Barley contains fiber, many vitamins and minerals. It strengthens the immune system, has a diuretic effect, and soothes the nervous system.

Drinking ground acorns lowers blood sugar levels. It is useful for diabetics. Coffee made from acorns normalizes heart function, has a bactericidal effect, and helps to get rid of coughs.

Chicory is considered a medicinal plant. Its root contains inulin, which improves the intestinal microflora, has a beneficial effect on the liver and pancreas. Sometimes chicory is completely replaced by coffee, but to preserve the invigorating properties of the drink, coffee is left, adding chicory to it.

The benefits and harms of 3 in 1 coffee

For its quick and easy preparation, people love the instant drink called 3-in-1 coffee. But is it healthy, and can it be used often? One packet contains instant coffee and dry cream. Vegetable cream is used, which is very different in properties from animal fats. Glucose syrup for sweetness, stabilizers, thickeners, flavors are also added. The 3 in 1 drink turns out to be high in calories. It cannot be drunk by those who have decided to lose weight.

There is no harm from such coffee, if you use it on rare occasions when circumstances force. But drinking in large quantities every day is still not worth it.

In moderate doses, caffeine is considered beneficial. In the video, the doctor tells how much coffee is beneficial and how much harm. What kind of disease it provokes.

So, the maximum benefit is provided by natural ground coffee. But you also have to be careful with him. It is enough to drink 2-3 cups a day, after having eaten something. If you add a few healthy ingredients, you can change the taste of the drink and improve your health with it.

It's not often you see a bad habit that is good for your health. It is not easy to find people advocating unrestricted drinking, smoking, or viewing pornography, but coffee is unique in this regard. Caffeine invigorates well, which has a beneficial effect on health, and the more you drink coffee (up to a certain limit), the more useful it is for the body (if there are no contraindications). Try to say this about cigars, cigarettes or alcohol, and this statement will hardly sound like the truth.

Extensive studies one after the other show that coffee drinkers are not dying out in packs. And they are given relative fewer diagnoses such as diabetes, cancer, obesity, heart disease, paralysis, depression, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. A recently completed 16-year study confirms that people who drink more than three cups of coffee a day are at risk of dying from all sorts of causes. decreases by 12% in men and 7% in women.

The properties of coffee are presumably due to the presence in it more than 1000 biologically active components, but the most interesting component among them is, most likely, polyphenol chlorogenic acid, or HGC.

Many plant components have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, but chlorogenic acid is most effective in this regard. The problem is that the content of CHC in coffee varies significantly depending on the brand of coffee, the method of roasting and subsequent grinding of the beans. Which coffee is healthier? Below we have tried to answer this question.

What should be the right coffee

3 to 5 cups of coffee with a high content of HCA can be beneficial for the body in the absence of contraindications and if you do not drink it at night. Below, certified physician Bob Arnot explains which coffee is healthier for the body and how to choose the type:

  • Coffee beans with the highest CHC content grow at high altitudes and near the equator... Preferred coffees from Kenya, Ethiopia or Colombia.
  • Homemade coffee usually contains 50% higher HCG than that purchased from grocery stores.
  • Caffeinated varieties usually contain 25% more CHC than decaffeinated ones.
  • Flavored blends are usually do not contain large amounts of CGC because they use low-quality coffee beans with a low CGC content (artificial aroma suppresses cravings for coffee with high taste and high CGA content).
  • Low to medium coffee roast preserves CHC, while heavy frying destroys it (producing unwanted by-products like the carcinogen acrylamide found in French fries and potato chips).
  • Prepare coffee if possible from freshly ground grains... Pre-ground coffee loses its aroma and is low in CHC.
  • Coffee very fine grinding most beneficial to health, but also the most bitter in taste. A quite acceptable amount of CHC is also contained in coffee with a medium grind.