Difference between unfiltered and filtered beer. Unfiltered beer is a source of good mood and nutrients

26.09.2019 Soups

How is unfiltered beer usually different from filtered beer? What kind is healthier for the body? Beer is a low-alcohol drink, which, due to its popularity today, has many different types, but the most popular is filtered and unfiltered, in this regard, the question arises which of them is better, how they differ, what are their benefits and harms to the body and can I use it for gastritis.

Beer production and types of filtration

The froth appears after the fermentation of malt and hops. During the production process, the drink is enriched with carbon dioxide so that it has a pleasant refreshing taste. The product is packaged in bottles, cans and kegs (special containers of 10, 15, 25 liters). The well-known unfiltered beer falls into the last vessel. It differs in the following:

  • Filtered beer goes through several filtrations, the last of which is carried out on a special apparatus - a cardboard filter.
  • Unfiltered drink goes through only one filtration, often on a kieselguhr filter.

The degree of filtration allows you to create these two types of foamy drink, which are in great demand among their fans.

What's the difference between them

Multiple filtration makes it possible to remove almost all organic matter (yeast cells) from the foamy drink. A cardboard filter, through which half finished raw materials pass, does not allow not only yeast cells into the product, but also a certain part of the taste and aroma components, which negatively affects the taste of the product as a whole.

In addition, re-filtration makes it resistant to the sun's rays. The light wave introduces changes in the chemical balance of the product, which is why it quickly deteriorates. To some extent, this issue is solved with the help of dark containers.

Unfiltered beer has a richer flavor than filtered beer. This is due to the lack of the above manipulations. This product contains the flavor of hops, malt and yeast. Often, it is sold for bottling, as it is brought in kegs, which makes it possible to deliver the drink so that the sun's rays do not affect it.

This alcohol deteriorates much faster than a filtered form. Already after two weeks, the product will lose the lion's share of taste and aroma properties, become much heavier and sourier, which indicates the beginning of its souring. It is better to refrain from using a product in which the expiration date has passed. This answers the question of what is the difference between such a drink and one that has been filtered.

The benefits and harms of unfiltered drink

Its main benefit lies in the fact that unfiltered beer contains many nutrients and vitamins that are retained in the drink due to the lack of additional filtration. Also, its benefits include diuretic properties and improved appetite. In small portions, it has a calming effect on the human body and makes it possible to cope with insomnia. The benefits for a person from such a drink are much greater than from a filtered one. But do not forget that this is an alcohol-containing drink and in its essence it also carries harm, especially if it is abused. Foamy in large doses with regular use can cause irreparable harm to organs such as:

It makes no difference what kind of beer a person drinks, since any alcoholic drink in uncontrolled doses only brings harm to the body.

Gastritis and beer

Anyone who abuses alcohol can get this disease. And it doesn't matter what kind of alcohol he drinks, since even weak drinks with gastritis can provoke irritation of the gastric mucosa, causing painful sensations. With the course of the development of the disease, a person after drinking will feel a slight heartburn, which will gradually cause increased acidity and impairment of the functional capabilities of the organ.

The benefits of unfiltered beer are reduced to zero when consumed in large quantities.

It is better to completely abstain from alcohol with gastritis, since other organs will begin to suffer further, and the disease will progress and can provoke:

  1. Stomach ulcer.
  2. Bleeding.
  3. Cancer tumors in the stomach.
  4. Mallory-Weiss syndrome.

To avoid such consequences, it is better to completely abandon any alcohol for gastritis. Experts from the Munich Beer Institute are convinced that an unfiltered product in small quantities for gastritis is not only allowed, but also beneficial due to the presence of beer hops. However, often people cannot stop at one glass and continue to consume any alcohol in their usual doses, even with gastritis.

It doesn't matter what kind of beer a person likes to drink - filtered or not, the main thing is that its dosage is moderate, so as not to harm your body.

All materials on our site are intended for those who care about their health. But we do not recommend self-medication - each person is unique, and without consulting a doctor, you cannot use certain means and methods. Be healthy!

Beer is one of the most popular drinks in society. Its assortment is so great that it will not be difficult to choose a product to your taste. Several types are produced: unfiltered beer, filtered dark and light, etc. The first is also called "live", due to the technology of preparation and the basis, consisting of natural ingredients. It is produced in limited quantities and less common due to its short shelf life - no more than a week.

Manufacturing features

The production process for unfiltered beer differs significantly from filtered beer. Its main feature is that it does not undergo additional industrial processing: pasteurization, filtration and conservation, which allows brewers to preserve the natural taste and aroma of beer. Thanks to this, it is possible to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients.

Beer is one of the oldest alcoholic drinks, used as a medicine centuries ago. And in fact, when consumed rationally, intoxicating is beneficial.

To prepare unfiltered beer, use:

  1. Hops are the basis of "live" beer.
  2. Malt - sprouted barley or wheat is crushed and poured with water, the resulting mixture is simmered over the fire for 10-12 hours. The resulting wort is poured into metal containers.
  3. Brewer's yeast and hops are added to the already poured wort. The type of fermentation and the type of hop obtained depend on the type used. The composition should ferment for 25-30 days, no less.

The calorie content of 100 ml "live" is approximately 40 Kcal. The authenticity of a high-quality hop can be determined by its turbid and concentrated consistency, the color is rich and bright, and the foam when spilled remains for 4 minutes.

Beneficial features

The positive effect of live beer on humans has been studied for many years. Through numerous studies, the facts have been established: in terms of chemical composition, it is similar to orange juice, contains minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances that improve the functioning of internal organs. Beer provides the daily requirement for vitamins B1, B2 by almost 30-40%. This has a good effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Natural living contains a high concentration of ascorbic acid, which stimulates the activity of the urinary organs. Dark beer has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, due to the presence of phenolic compounds in the composition.

The beer contains gluten, a vegetable protein that is used as an additive and preservative. In this case, it does not have a bad effect on the body.

Benefits for women

A dose of up to 250 ml per day has a positive effect, the permissible daily rate is 750 ml. Benefits for women:

  • A high concentration of macro-, microelements and vitamins allows you to prolong your beauty and youth.
  • Beer keeps a woman in good shape, and all thanks to phytoestrogen - the main female hormone.
  • The extract of hops has a sedative effect, which can help fight insomnia and dull feelings of anxiety.

Benefits for men

The question of the benefits of drunkenness for men is very controversial, since few of the stronger sex show moderation in its use. Useful in a dose of up to 250 ml per day, the permissible daily rate is 1 liter:

  • It has a vasodilating effect, which improves blood flow and saturates tissues with oxygen.
  • Living has an antioxidant effect, due to the content of phenolic compounds, which helps to prolong youth.

Harm to the body

Unfiltered can be harmful to health. Its main drawback is the high concentration of alcohol (10 g of pure alcohol in 250 ml of beer), which makes it unsafe. Abuse inhibits the work of internal organs, ethyl alcohol is a poisonous substance.

Regular drinking of intoxicated has a number of undesirable effects on women's health:

  • The abuse of intoxicating is harmful, it stimulates the artificial production of estrogens. Excess leads to the development of pathologies in gynecology, weight gain.
  • Perhaps the appearance of "beer whiskers", which is already an aesthetic problem. The reason is the inhibition by phytoestrogens of their own hormones.

The abuse of unfiltered beer by men entails:

  • Deterioration of the quality of semen, since the female hormone estrogen begins to dominate in the man's body.
  • The deposition of fat in the female pattern, namely, on the thighs, abdomen and chest.
  • Dysfunction of the liver. It has an antitoxic effect and takes the brunt of ethyl alcohol. Regular intake threatens with hepatitis.

Which beer is more harmful than filtered or unfiltered

The difference between dark and light is significant. The benefits of the second are obvious, and all thanks to the rich chemical composition. The main thing is for beer lovers to adhere to acceptable standards.

Dark beers contain a high concentration of iron, which stimulates the synthesis of organic compounds.

Unlike dark, light is filtered. As a result of industrial processing, free iron is included in the composition. Light cannot boast of a large amount of a chemical element. Scientists are convinced that it is better to give preference to dark beer, because it promotes blood formation.

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Unfiltered beer is a low-alcohol drink that has gone through one stage of filtration (as opposed to filtered analogs). In this case, diatomaceous earth plants are used as a filter. The product is often called "live" beer, as it contains vitamins and various useful substances. Pasteurization is not provided for such drinks, therefore unfiltered beer varieties are loved and respected by everyone.

The history of unfiltered beer

This drink is much older than its filtered counterpart. "Live" beer has been known since the times of Ancient Egypt - this is evidenced by archaeological excavations. In the Middle Ages, ales belonging to the beer category were not filtered, because no one knew about pasteurization and separation.

It is believed that grain crops began to be grown for the sake of beer production, and not for food. Chemical residues from beer making date back to 3500 BC. These remains are found in western Iran, Sumer, Assyria and Egypt. The Sumerians even worshiped Ninkasi, the goddess of brewing. The ancient Greek historian Xenophon, who visited Armenia 2.5 thousand years ago, also mentions beer. Later mentions of unfiltered beer:

  • China (where the drink was brewed from sprouted rice, fruits and barley);
  • celtic and Germanic tribes (used spelled, barley, millet and other cereals for the production of the drink);
  • Novgorod (barley beer and digest are mentioned in birch bark letters);
  • France (dominated by wine, beer was considered the drink of the poor);
  • Denmark (the real breakthrough came from the efforts of the biologist Emil Hansen).

The benefits and harms of unfiltered beer

All the beneficial properties of beer drinks are destroyed during the filtration process, so the "correct" beer must be unfiltered. Scientists have proven that a liter of live beer is ten times more useful than a similar volume of milk. The reason for this lies in the abundance of vitamins. A liter of a good drink can cover up to 40% of the daily vitamin norm required for the normal functioning of our body.

The most beneficial are amino acids and B vitamins, which are present in yeast residues. These substances rejuvenate our body and prevent the formation of kidney stones. The risk of cardiovascular disease is also reduced. The drink boasts disinfecting and analgesic qualities. Doctors recommend unfiltered beer to patients suffering from diabetes, peptic ulcer and gastritis. However, do not forget that you are drinking alcohol - excessive drinking will damage your health in the long term.

Features of unfiltered beer

The components for the production of unfiltered beer are:

  • yeast;
  • malted grain;
  • water;
  • hop;
  • flavoring additives.

The beer does not undergo pasteurization and triple filtration - this is its main feature. The fermentation process continues even in bottles. The shelf life of "live" beer is 2 weeks. It is difficult to get the perfect unfiltered beer (unless you come to the brewery). This is a specific alcoholic drink with a pronounced yeast flavor.

Most often, unfiltered beer is clarified (this process is called separation). The raw material is placed in a centrifuge, which undergoes acceleration. Solid and coarse particles stick to the walls of the container under the influence of centrifugal force. The effect can be compared to pre-filtering.

Difference between filtered and unfiltered varieties

We have already found out that the technologies for the production of filtered and unfiltered beer are largely the same. What are the differences? Let's list the key points:

  1. Shelf life (for unfiltered beer it is lower).
  2. The presence of yeast sediment.
  3. Unfiltered beer is exposed to the negative effects of sunlight (which is why it is sold in dark bottles).
  4. Calorie content (filtered beer has less calories).
  5. Taste (more intense in unfiltered alcohol).
  6. Consistency (cloudy suspension is visible in unfiltered varieties).
  7. The content of amino acids, vitamins (in unfiltered varieties, this figure is higher).

Largest manufacturers

Wheat beer varieties are the most popular among connoisseurs. Also known is dark barley beer, the strength of which is inferior to wheat counterparts. Hans Degenberg, the founder of wheat brewing, patented the technology for the production of pale varieties back in the 16th century. Since then, Dutch, Belgian and German brewers have achieved the greatest success. Let's list the most famous brands:

  • Franziskaner;
  • Erdinger;
  • Hoegaarden;
  • Paulaner.

In the Russian Federation, among the producers of "live" beer, one can single out "Ochakovo" and "Baltika". The quality of these brands leaves much to be desired, which is why connoisseurs recommend craft producers and home brewing.

Learning to drink properly

Unfiltered beer is poured into transparent tall glasses. Active foam formation should be avoided in every possible way. It is not recommended to pour out the yeast sediment - this is the most important component of beer. The drink is served chilled (the temperature should be 5-12 ° C). Mixed beer cocktails with a low alcohol content are also created from beer - these drinks are popular with women. The preparation of beer ice cream is considered a special chic.

Unfiltered beer snacks

Connoisseurs assure that in unfiltered craft varieties, you can catch shades of freshly cut grass, citrus fruits and even black currant. Therefore, light snacks (cheese croutons, cold cuts) are recommended.

Unfiltered beer, the benefits and harms of which are not yet known to all people, is produced in smaller volumes than ordinary filtered beer. But at the same time, the number of true permanent connoisseurs of such a drink is constantly increasing every day. And there is nothing to be surprised at. After all, such a drink has a special taste and aroma, which cannot be said about ordinary store drinks.


Regular filtered beer is very different from live (unfiltered) beer. And these differences must be known in order to better understand what are the benefits and harms of this drink. Today, spirits experts distinguish five main differences. Let's consider them in more detail.

First of all, you need to understand that live beer can be stored for only a few days, after which it becomes simply unusable. But filtered can be stored for months, which is why it is found on store shelves much more often.

Live unfiltered beer

But recently there has been a strong trend to sell pasteurized beer in dark glass containers. But it is not alive, as many people believe. It just tastes very much like filtered, but at the same time it does not contain all the qualities of this drink. It is stored much longer than living.

The second difference is in the processing features. As a rule, a real live drink does not undergo absolutely any processing, therefore it retains all the useful components in the composition. But the store is subjected to at least filtration, conservation and pasteurization. All of these processes remove beneficial components from the drink, and in some cases, chemical additives can also make it unhealthy.

The third difference is in taste, appearance and aroma. has a sediment at the bottom, its color is darker and cloudy. But this is precisely what gives the drink a deeper taste and aroma. Even more often, it is slightly stronger than the usual store.

The last difference is in the composition. Live beer ferments constantly, even when in a tightly closed glass bottle. However, it contains a lot of hops and beneficial bacteria. The filtered beverage stops fermenting immediately after processing.

But true connoisseurs should know both the positive and negative sides of drinking live beer.

There are many myths about both beneficial properties and harmfulness. Let's look at all this in more detail.

It is important to know!

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The indisputable advantage of live beer is the ability to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. This is especially useful for middle-aged and elderly people, as well as for people prone to obesity. And if you drink such a drink in moderation, you can even slightly improve your figure, increase your activity.

Drinking small amounts of the live drink greatly reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Therefore, even many doctors recommend that patients with problems in the work of the heart and vascular system consume unfiltered beer.

Qualities of unfiltered beer

And this is due to two main factors. The first is that beer is able to normalize blood pressure. But for this, it is recommended to drink it in small portions exclusively after meals and try not to use it in extreme cold or under the baking sun. It also significantly improves blood clotting. As a result, the walls of the vessels are also strengthened.

Live beer has a very good effect on kidney function, as it has a pronounced diuretic effect. It makes the kidneys work more actively, but at the same time does not load them, since it does not contain absolutely any poisons and toxins in its composition.

Live (unfiltered) beer has a great effect on the condition of the skin and hair. It is noticed that if a person who suffers from rashes on the face drinks a glass of unfiltered beer at least once a week, very soon the number of acne on the face will decrease, the skin will become smoother and acquire a beautiful, healthy tint.

It also has a good effect on the hair. When consumed inside this drink, the hair gradually becomes more shiny and smooth, as the bulbs are saturated from the inside with all the useful components. And if you also rinse your head with such a drink, it will noticeably enhance its effect.

It is also worth noting that live beer is rich in B vitamins, all kinds of elements such as iron, potassium, manganese, copper, phosphorus and calcium. That is why some people prefer to consume this drink instead of expensive vitamin complexes. After all, this way it will be possible to combine business with pleasure!

But we must not forget that even from unfiltered beer, the benefits and harms can be equal. And it is especially important to know this for people who like to drink alcoholic beverages often and in large enough quantities. Let's consider in more detail what it might threaten.

First of all, you need to remember that live beer is stronger, so it leads to intoxication much faster. But few people think about it. As a result, persistent alcohol dependence develops. After all, unfiltered beer contains ethyl alcohol, like other drinks.

It is dangerous to drink such beer often for people who suffer from liver diseases. This drink is able to gradually destroy its cells, as well as slow down brain activity. It can also lead to an enlarged tummy in men, and fatty deposits on the belly and hips in women. And the only way to avoid this is to observe the measure and not get too carried away with the use of such a drink. It is especially not recommended to drink it at night before going to bed.

So, the benefits and harms of living beer for a healthy person are incomparable. If you use this drink correctly, while doing it not so often, then you can even improve your health. But you need to buy a drink only at proven points in order to avoid a fake.

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Who came up with the idea for making beer? What is the factory technology for making a drink? How is filtered beer different from unfiltered beer? How to prepare such alcohol at home? We will talk about all this later in our article.

An excursion into history

Before we tell you how filtered beer differs from unfiltered beer and answer other questions, let's find out how it all started. The art of brewing beer originated in ancient times. The first mentions of this process are found on ancient Mesopotamian tablets. In the middle of the last century, German archaeologists discovered a dilapidated one that contained more than a dozen separate beer recipes. Each type of drink differed in its specific taste, color and manufacturing technology.

The results of archaeological excavations confirm that the secrets of the production of such alcohol were known to the ancient Egyptians. Unique finds date back to about 2800 BC. Deciphering ancient letters, the researchers learned that beer was used not only in the rituals of worshiping the gods, but also acted as a favorite drink of all Egyptians, from ordinary peasants to the nobility.

The inhabitants of Babylon were engaged in the preparation of beer. In the code of laws, provisions were found according to which manufacturers were severely punished for creating a low-quality drink. For speculation, brewers were thrown into the river. Dilution of alcohol with water implied drowning the culprit in a barrel with such a product.

A real revolution in brewing was made by the decision to use hops. Thanks to the use of the ingredient, the drink acquired a more piquant character. The terms of its storage have expanded significantly. Hop-based beers have become a commodity trade. According to scientists, the Slavic peoples had a leading position in the cultivation of the plant component in ancient times. It is believed that thanks to our ancestors, hops spread throughout the world. In Russia, the drink acquired massive demand around the 9th century. Almost every family was engaged in the manufacture of intoxicated alcohol.

In the 19th century, yeast became one of the main ingredients in beer making. The use of fermentation processes in the beverage production technology has contributed to the extension of the shelf life. In addition, this beer acquired a pleasant carbonated character.


What components are used in the manufacture of beer? Among those, the following should be noted:

  1. Malt is an ingredient that is obtained by the method of sprouting cereals. In traditional recipes for making beer, the latter is processed by malting. As a result of soaking the grain, chemical reactions are activated that contribute to the release of starch, which takes part in the fermentation processes.
  2. Water - its composition is of decisive importance. It's about the salt content. In the production of some types of beer, "hard water" is used. But most often they resort to using a liquid with a low salt concentration.
  3. Hops - allows you to saturate the drink with a specific bitter taste and fragrant aroma. The use of the ingredient also contributes to the formation of foam.
  4. Yeast - nowadays, enterprises use artificially synthesized substances that cannot be found in the natural environment. The specifics of the preparation of fermentation products are usually kept in the strictest confidence by reputable manufacturers. After all, certain types of yeast significantly affect the change in the taste of beer.

Production technology

The first stage in the factory production of a hop drink is the preparation of the wort. Raw barley is crushed. This base is soaked in water. In order to activate the fermentation processes, the liquid is heated to a temperature of 76 o C. Then the wort is filtered, defended and transferred to a boiling kettle.

Then the base of the drink is brought to a boil. Hops are added to the composition. Cooking for several hours allows you to destroy enzymes and destroy all microorganisms.

Once the beer has matured in metal vats, it is filtered. The procedure makes it possible to screen out large and small particles. At the final stage, the drink is poured into a sterile container.

Beer recipe

If desired, a fairly high-quality hop drink can be prepared at home. Let's consider the peculiarities of making dark beer. The following ingredients are required here:

  • a mixture of crushed wheat, barley, oats and rye - 500 g;
  • chicory - 40 g;
  • sugar - 4 cups;
  • dried hops - 50 g;
  • lemon peel - half a cup;
  • water - 10 liters.

Having prepared the necessary components, you must complete the following steps. The beans are toasted until dark in a skillet and then ground in a coffee grinder. Raw materials are poured with about three liters of water and boiled along with chicory. Then the rest of the liquid is added. Hops, sugar, lemon peel are added to the composition. The drink is removed from the heat and infused. After several hours, the liquid is filtered through a fine sieve or cheesecloth and poured into a glass container. The finished beer is sealed tightly and placed in a cool, dark place. As the reviews show, unfiltered beer of this plan practically does not differ from the factory images.

What are the benefits of drinking unfiltered beer?

The benefit of unfiltered beer is the presence of a whole mass of vitamins and minerals that are not destroyed, as is the case with filtered samples. These drinks have disinfecting and analgesic properties. Therefore, drinking the best brands of unfiltered beer is safe even for people who suffer from diabetes, gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the digestive system.

Yeast components normalize metabolism. Malt improves appetite. Hops have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, providing a calming effect on a person.

How is filtered beer different from unfiltered beer?

The differences are as follows:

  1. A drink that has not undergone this process quickly deteriorates when exposed to direct sunlight. Therefore, all brands of unfiltered beer are bottled in metal containers or dark bottles.
  2. Such alcohol has a more intense aroma and pronounced taste. The structure of the liquid is somewhat unclear here.
  3. The difference is also how much beer is stored. Samples like these remain usable for only a few weeks.


So we found out how filtered beer differs from unfiltered beer, examined the peculiarities of making a drink. The product is considered to be extremely beneficial to health. Naturally, it is recommended to give preference to the highest quality samples. In addition, we can only talk about the benefits when drinking the drink in moderation.