Siberian fiber. Siberian fiber varieties

23.04.2019 Dishes for children

The issue of weight loss worries all women, without exception. Even those whose figure is more than good, from time to time wonder how to preserve the data from the nature of the form? Recently popular Siberian fiber... Reviews about it confirm its effectiveness. How can you say goodbye to extra pounds with its help?

What is fiber?

First of all, it is worth understanding what fiber is and why the body needs it. And her role cannot be overestimated, because it really is necessary thing for human body... First, many people don't get enough fiber because they don't eat as many vegetables as they would like. Secondly, it helps to improve digestion and detoxify the body. In another way, fiber is called dietary fiber. They are necessary for the body because they help to digest food, and besides, it is impossible to gain excess weight from them. Fiber is found in vegetables, cereals, and whole grain breads. Few are able to dial it daily rate of these products, so it is worth purchasing it as a supplement.

Siberian fiber for weight loss

Fiber reviews like oh an excellent remedy helping to get rid of excess weight, make you think about how to include it in your diet. How exactly does Siberian fiber help you lose weight? Reviews indicate that it perfectly suppresses hunger and reduces appetite. This is because one of the properties of fiber is the ability to swell. Once in the stomach, it increases in volume and fills it. That is why a person who seeks to lose excess weight no longer feels a constant feeling of hunger, and overeating as a bad habit is eradicated. These are not all the advantages that Siberian fiber has. Reviews of enthusiastic women are also pleasing because it is absolutely natural product... It does not include additives, dyes, flavors in its composition. Fiber contains millet shells, may also contain nuts or fruit or berry additives. Of course, these components will only benefit the body, saturating it with the necessary vitamins and minerals. Among other things, fiber can lower blood sugar levels, improve intestinal motility and cleanse the body of toxins. This is very important, because often this is the reason behind the real problem. overweight... Many women note that they have ceased to be bothered by the feeling of heaviness in the abdomen after they tested Siberian fiber. Reviews of this supplement confirm information about its cleansing abilities.

In what other cases can Siberian fiber be taken?

A thin waist isn't all that fiber intake can contribute. It also helps to improve the condition of the skin and hair structure, and maintains normal intestinal microflora. Among other things, fiber normalizes general state organism. But she may have some contraindications. First, it is not recommended for people who have problems with the digestive system. Secondly, overuse fiber not only does not help reduce appetite, but, on the contrary, increases it, stretching the stomach.

If you are not consuming enough fruits and vegetables or want to get rid of a couple of three extra pounds you need Siberian fiber. You will learn reviews about this dietary supplement and how to use it from the article.

Fiber is a structural part of plants, it is found in legumes, grains, fruits, vegetables. It is soluble and insoluble. Apples, oranges, potatoes, beans, barley and oats contain soluble ingredients. Insoluble fiber is obtained from the shell of cereals.

Food vegetable fibers(cellulose, hemicellulose, legnin, pectin) not digested gastrointestinal tract, since enzymes are not able to destroy them. Modern man receives less fiber, since many products are refined, peeled from the shell.

Nutritionists advise to eat per day: 3 medium fruits (for example, 3 apples), 3 medium vegetables (for example, 3 cucumbers) and 4 servings of bread coarse(or bran bread). Beans should be consumed several times a week.

Siberian fiber - for weight loss and stool normalization

  • Fiber is not synthesized artificially, it has no calories.
  • Heat treatment of fruits and roots negatively affects the amount of dietary fiber. So, in boiled carrots there are 2 times less of them than in raw carrots.

  • Siberian fiber "Thin waist" reduces hunger.
  • There is an individual intolerance to fiber (a person has bloating and increased gas production). In this case, you need to use fiber in small portions.
  • Fruits and vegetables are an important part of your diet. But do you eat required portion? The World Health Organization recommends consuming 500-600 g of fruits and berries per day.
  • Fruit juices, flour top grade do not contain dietary fiber.
  • Don't know where to buy or order "Siberian fiber"? Ask for dietary supplements in pharmacies and in specialized departments of stores. The tool is available in powder and tablet form.

Siberian fiber - price

$ 3.5-4 costs a can of 280 g. Considering the fact that the recommended daily dose is 30-50 g, this amount will be enough for you for 5-9 days.

Weight loss dietary fiber - reviews feefo

You can lose about 5 kg per month, provided that you eat no more than 50 g of fat per day (do not forget about those fats that are present in finished products). After 2-3 weeks of use food additive the complexion improves (due to the normalization of the intestines).

Siberian fiber - reviews of doctors

Fiber affects the intestines and the entire human body. In the stomach, it absorbs gastric juice, swells, a person has a feeling of satiety. Despite the fact that dietary fiber does not contain nutrients, they have a number of advantages:

  1. When fiber enters the intestines, it slows down the absorption of sugars there, thereby reducing glycemic index(which means that the likelihood of diabetes mellitus decreases).
  2. Fiber picks up cholesterol in bile and flushes it out of the body. By reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood, the risk of cardiovascular diseases decreases.
  3. Absorbing cholesterol in the intestines, alimentary fiber prevent the formation of stones in the gallbladder.
  4. Fiber is a food product of bifidobacteria. A healthy microflora is a protected immune system.
  5. Dietary fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and fats.

Siberian fiber - instruction

The dietary supplement "Siberian fiber" is bought not only for the purpose of gaining more slim figure, but also in order to cleanse the intestines of toxins. Daily dose(30-50 g) Divide into 3 meals and consume with your main meal. Fiber can be added to salads and soups. And you can stir in a glass of any fermented milk product... If you are using the supplement alone, drink the product. big amount water (only 3 glasses of water for a daily rate of fiber).

Siberian fiber is a product obtained from fibers of cereals, vegetables, fruits. Fiber, getting into the stomach, swells, preventing overeating, so it is actively used for weight loss. Insoluble plant fibers are present in every natural product, but it is not always possible to introduce them into daily diet and then come to the rescue modern methods getting rid of toxins in the form of Siberian fiber.


Siberian fiber is nothing more than a waste of the milling industry. In the pharmaceutical market, it is positioned as a biologically active cleansing supplement with natural composition... The product does not contain chemical substances, flavors, preservatives, flavor enhancers and colorants. As part of different types Siberian fiber contains the following components:

  • Grain hulls of rye or millet;
  • Oat bran;
  • Pieces of dried berries and fruits;
  • Nuts;
  • Herbal preparations.

Benefits from use

Siberian fiber should be consumed by those who have a deficiency in plant fibers. Especially in need of people who get rid of excess weight or suffer from its deficiency. Fiber helps to restore the digestive system, eliminating the symptoms of "lazy" intestines. The product normalizes sugar levels, lowers cholesterol, absorbs toxic substances in order to remove them from the body later.

Numerous reviews of doctors show that the use of fiber for weight loss provides a person with a feeling of satiety, as it swells in the stomach if immediately after taking it with a large amount of water. The product is excreted slowly, so the losing weight does not feel hungry and does not overeat.

Easy to Eat With Fiber Eating low-calorie foods, which is why there is a rapid weight loss. Remember that Siberian fiber is not a radical weight loss remedy, therefore, there is no need to wait for an instant result. But with proper and regular use, you will globally cleanse your body of perennial fecal deposits. In addition, the dietary supplement has some more positive properties:

  1. Reduces the manifestation of allergic pathologies.
  2. Prevents urolithiasis.
  3. Normalizes hormonal background.
  4. Lowers "bad" cholesterol.
  5. Outputs harmful substances.
  6. Increases the elasticity of the skin.
  7. Improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

How to use for weight loss

If you use fiber correctly, then while losing weight, you will nourish your body with useful substances. Daily daily rate- 3-4 tbsp. spoons of the product, which are divided into several meals. For weight loss, fiber should be consumed immediately before meals. On a low-calorie diet, the supplement will help eliminate an additional 120 calories.

An easy way to eat for weight loss is to add fiber to yogurt, kefir, water, juice, or other liquid. Some mix it with flour and use it in baked goods. It is allowed to use Siberian fiber during main meals and as snacks. Cup low-fat yogurt with fiber will replace dinner for weight loss.

If fiber is not used for weight loss, then spend one fasting and cleansing day with it a week. To do this, divide 1 liter of kefir into 4 portions, add 2 tsp to each. granules or powder and take 3 hours apart. In one such day, it is easy to lose up to 1.5 kg of excess weight.

When losing weight with Siberian fiber, do not forget about regular physical activity and balanced diet... Enter in daily menu useful supplement and without much effort, get rid of 150-200 kcal every day.

Types of fiber

We have already figured out how Siberian fiber is useful, but you should know that the manufacturer produces several options for supplements with different properties... Their beneficial substances are directed to a particular system of the body. You can buy Siberian fiber for any weight loss program, as well as to improve vision, improve kidney health, and prevent diabetes.

"Thin waist"

Instructions for the use of Siberian fiber "Thin waist" says that the drug is created for people watching overweight on the stomach and sides. Fat burning at the waist occurs due to the dietary fiber of wheat grains, which help reduce appetite. The oats included in the composition cleanses the intestines from toxins, and the "Thin waist" tea contains "women's herbs":

  • Horsetail, known for its diuretic properties;
  • St. John's wort, relieving stress;
  • Mint, relaxing and soothing;
  • Nettle, which has a laxative effect.

"Figured food"

Thanks to the complex of skillfully selected components, "Figured Nutrition" fiber is able to reduce weight without harsh diets and hunger strikes. Passing through the digestive system, the grain shell will rid the body of toxins, and the intestines - from mucus and feces. This type of Siberian fiber will improve metabolism, so it is preferable to choose it when losing weight with strict diets.

"Stop appetite"

Indications for the use of fiber "Stop appetite" is the prevention of cholesterol, improvement of bowel function, normalization of metabolism and getting rid of excess weight. This supplement contains oatmeal, which, when it enters the stomach, forms a jelly-like substance. It reduces appetite, fights atherosclerosis, reduces the risk of coronary artery disease, and successfully solves heart problems. By consuming Stop Appetite fiber you will have a wonderful skin color and good quality hair.

"Vitamin glade"

Siberian fiber "Vitaminnaya Polyana" contains valuable taiga wild plants, which have been used for a long time to increase immunity: cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, pine nut... The vitamins contained in berries help to get rid of vitamin deficiency in the cold season, supply the body with the necessary substances and improve vision. The combination of Siberian berries with pine nuts has a beneficial effect on immunity during the period of influenza and ARVI. The unique technology for the production of fiber preserves the original state of the plant gifts of the taiga.

"Lady Slim"

Siberian fiber "Lady Harmony" naturally solves several problems for a woman's health at once: normalizes weight, improves digestion, satisfies hunger, becomes a useful environment for the reproduction of microflora. Any food that is enriched with this supplement will become less nutritious. The dietary supplement "Lady Harmony" contains:

  • Wheat grain shell;
  • Berries of cranberries, red and chokeberry;
  • Apple, pumpkin, apricot fruits;
  • Burdock root;
  • Green coffee extract;
  • Buckthorn bark.

"Healthy liver"

Fiber "Healthy Liver", in addition to the grain shell, contains juniper fruits, milk thistle, carrots and hop cones. That is all healthy foods that can improve the condition of the liver, have a beneficial effect on the biliary tract and the gallbladder. Regular use This supplement prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder and liver, and is also useful for hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis. Thanks to the well-chosen components, a choleretic effect is achieved.

"No bubble"

The composition of Siberian fiber "Puza is not present" includes a shell of rye grain, salt, pepper, vegetables and cereals... This supplement is specially designed for the strong half of humanity who cares about their weight. Its regular use will give lightness, vigor, cleanse the body of toxins, and contribute to weight loss in the abdomen. Fiber has a salty taste, so it can be used as an additive to meals or individual snacks. The rate of intake of dietary supplements for slimming the abdomen - 1 tbsp. twice a day.

"Graceful silhouette"

The components of the "Graceful silhouette" fiber are specially selected for women looking for a slim figure. Its reception promotes weight loss and relieves dysbacteriosis, intoxication, metabolic disorders, immunodeficiency, improves hair structure. As part of biologically active additive contains a shell of wheat grain, green tea, hay leaf, mint, chamomile, meadowsweet, stevia, apple fruits.


The shells of rye and wheat grains are not assimilated by the body. They, like natural "brushes", remove deposits accumulated over the years from the digestive tract. In addition to cleansing the intestines, fiber reduces the calorie content of meals, therefore it is effective for any method of losing weight. Regular use of the supplement will help you lose 3 to 7 kilograms of excess weight in one month without strict diets and great physical exertion.

Contraindications for use

Fiber, like any supplement, has certain contraindications. Before using it for weight loss, you should read the instructions and consult your doctor about possible benefits and harm specifically for you. First of all, it is not recommended to experiment with health in order to cleanse the body during pregnancy and lactation, for people with the following pathologies:

  • Exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases (colitis, gastritis, ulcer).
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Low pressure.
  • Individual intolerance to the products that make up the fiber.

Calorie content

Low calorie content, availability and cheapness of Siberian fiber make it perfect product for weight loss. If there are no contraindications, then the additive is allowed to be consumed until full saturation, without restrictions. The energy value of the product is only 40 kcal per 100 grams.

Where to buy Siberian fiber

You can buy inexpensively any kind of Siberian fiber on the official website. The price of the product ranges from 55 to 80 rubles for 350 grams, depending on additional ingredients... Pharmacies also sell Siberian fiber, but you can hardly find such a variety as in online stores in a pharmacy chain.

It's no secret that modern man eats not so many vegetables, fruits and grains, giving preference to those foods that can be quickly satiated. But this is wrong, because it is they who supply our body with fiber, which helps to cleanse the intestines, which makes a person feel healthy.

If your diet is low on fiber, or if you want to lose weight, you can start taking the supplement. What is it, what are the doctors' reviews about it and ordinary people, we will find out below. We will also find out if fiber is effective for weight loss.

Siberian fiber composition

Siberian fiber is a combination of plant fibers derived from fruits and cereals. She is a complex of substances, which help with weight loss and enrich the human body with vitamins and essential microelements.

The complex does not include any dyes, flavors or additives, it is a completely natural product that is ready to use.

What is included in fiber, let's find out:

Depending on the type of product, the amount and percentage of the components differs. Total there are many types of substances which we will also look at. You can choose one or another option based on the reviews of others or depending on the purpose.

The effectiveness of Siberian fiber

Siberian fiber can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. According to the reviews of experts and ordinary people, she is an effective remedy in the following cases:

  • when losing weight;
  • to lower cholesterol levels;
  • to cleanse the intestines;
  • to stabilize blood sugar levels;
  • in order to improve the elasticity of the skin;
  • to replenish the supply of vitamins and other nutrients;
  • for the prevention of diseases, including oncology.

Many in their reviews also note the positive point that Siberian fiber is able to normalize hormonal levels, reduces the likelihood of diarrhea and constipation and speeds up metabolism... Quite often, overweight people start to develop depression when they decide to go on a diet. Siberian fiber is good in that it does not cause such a condition, since it is able to saturate the body to the fullest. And also, unlike many other weight loss products, it is not very expensive.

Classification of Siberian fiber

As we have already said, there are a large number of types of this product, which differ in taste and purpose. You can choose the most suitable product depending on your needs. So, there are such types of Siberian fiber as:

Varieties of Siberian fiber for weight loss

Many people prefer to use a food supplement in order to lose weight. In this case it is better to choose special varieties of this product which consists of insoluble fiber and fat burning foods.

Among these varieties:

  • cellulose thin waist- this product, in addition to the fiber itself, contains plantain, nettle, buckthorn and other herbs that have a diuretic effect. Dietary fiber is insoluble, which gives the effect of weight loss;
  • with green coffee- This ingredient is believed to help you lose weight and cleanse your body. However, judging by the reviews of some experts, this is not true;
  • flaxseed fiber - there are varieties with berries, fruits, blueberries or herbs. Weight is reduced due to the fact that flaxseed contains special acids, but some doctors say that weight is reduced only due to fiber, and the percentage of acids is too low for this effect;
  • stop appetite - the product contains a large amount of insoluble dietary fiber, which suppresses hunger;
  • no belly - the products also include vegetables that do not contain fat, respectively, a person is saturated only with plant components;
  • light weight - this fiber is available in granular form. The composition contains stevia leaves, which gives sweet taste... There is a small diuretic effect;
  • lady fitness - contains green coffee beans, as well as diuretic and laxative ingredients;
  • lady perfection - in many ways similar to the previous product in terms of action, but not significantly different from it in composition.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that Siberian fiber is a natural product and safety, not everyone can take it.

In particular, it should not be taken in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases such as:

The fact is that in the presence of these ailments, cellular tissue will only aggravate the discomfort, since it swells in the stomach. Wherein the ban on taking it in the presence of stomach problems is not too categorical, but you need to first consult with your doctor, study the reviews of those who use fiber in the presence of such problems.

You need to be very strict about your diet, depending on your stomach problems. The fact is that in such cases, the fiber is prescribed in a diluted form and it still needs to be washed down. it may affect the stomach, it can stretch. Therefore, when taking fiber, you can not overdo it in terms of portions, it is better to under-eat a little.

Features of taking for weight loss

In Siberian fiber concentrated plant fibers in enough so that with the minimum consumption of other foods, you can feel full and keep yourself in shape.

According to reviews, regular intake of the product within a month allows you to get rid of 2 to 6 kilograms during this period.

Grain shells are not assimilated by the body, they only walk along the tract and remove all accumulated deposits from there.

How to consume Siberian fiber

The key rule of taking Siberian fiber is to eat it throughout the day in an amount so as not to feel hunger and desire to have a snack during the day. Fiber can be combined with any liquid when diluted in:

2 tablespoons of the product are taken for a glass of drink. You need to drink it 4 times a day.

When consuming fiber, the menu is something like this:

  • for breakfast you can eat milk or dairy-free porridge, or an egg, or cottage cheese, or boiled fish;
  • for lunch light soup or vegetables, cottage cheese;
  • during the day at any time - up to 3 raw vegetables or fruits.

In this case, the norm of calories per day is about 1000, and fats - about 20 g. The diet should contain protein, but it is better that it was not meat, but such products as;

  • eggs;
  • a fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • seafood;
  • cottage cheese.

You can drink water, tea and coffee. Also it is very important to take vitamins, since fiber, when passing through the stomach, absorbs not only harmful substances, but also useful ones.

Consider the following when losing weight with fiber:

  • watch not for weight loss, but for a decrease in body volume, since weight can fluctuate due to the accumulation of water in the body;
  • so that your muscles do not sag, do not forget to exercise.

Thus, you can get rid of at least 10 kilograms or more.

There are many foods that contain plant fiber, but they are often not included in the human diet. However, today there is a way out of this situation, and you can use Siberian fiber for weight loss. It is sold in any pharmacy, and today we will tell you about it in detail.

Siberian fiber for weight loss - what is it?

Siberian fiber is a blend of plant fibers derived from cereals and fruits. This is a complex product designed to combat obesity. Micronutrients have been added to enhance its effectiveness. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the product does not contain various chemical compounds.

You will not find flavors or dyes in Siberian fiber. This is very important, because today almost every product contains chemical substances, some of which may even be toxic. Siberian fiber for weight loss does not require additional culinary processing and can be eaten immediately. The product contains shells of wheat or rye grains, nuts, fruits and berries.

The beneficial effects of Siberian fiber

We have already noted that today you can purchase this product at the pharmacy. Siberian fiber works in several directions at once, which significantly increases its efficiency. Let's look at the most significant effects that will be obtained when using of this product:
  1. Stabilizes weight and accelerates lipolysis.
  2. Normalizes the balance of lipoproteins.
  3. Improves performance intestinal tract and also cleans it up.
  4. Normalizes the concentration of sugar in the body.
  5. Promotes an increase in the elasticity of the skin.
  6. Eliminates micronutrient deficiencies.
  7. Is an excellent tool prevention various diseases, including oncological.
If we talk about the positive aspects of using Siberian fiber for weight loss during a diet, then the product is able to speed up metabolism and normalize work endocrine system... Also, Siberian fiber for weight loss has a positive effect on the excretory system, preventing constipation and diarrhea.

It is very common for people to develop depression when switching to a dietary nutrition program. This is not surprising, because a sharp change in the nutrition program for our body is a strong stress. This leads to a slowdown in the synthesis of happiness hormones and a person often eats food that seems to him tasteless automatically.

If you introduce Siberian fiber into the nutrition program. Then you can suppress the state of depression. Plant fibers are known for their ability to saturate quickly and over a long period of time. If the body does not feel hungry, then stress does not manifest itself. Note that Siberian fiber for weight loss can be used in any amount until you satisfy your hunger. Moreover, its cost is low and the product is designed for a large number of buyers.

Contraindications of Siberian fiber for weight loss

Although Siberian fiber for weight loss is safe, there are still restrictions on its use. If a person has problems with the work of the digestive tract, for example, pancreatitis, gastritis or dysbiosis, then this product should be abandoned.

This is due to the fact that plant fibers in the stomach swell. Actually, it is this fact that explains their ability to quickly saturate. However, for the problems described above, Siberian fiber can also be used. But only after consulting a doctor.

You must understand that in the presence of diseases digestive system you should not draw up a nutrition program yourself, as the situation may worsen. If you do not have the opportunity to visit a doctor, then the fiber can be diluted with water before use, and then washed down after taking it.

Siberian fiber for weight loss: how to use it correctly?

You must remember that after using diet programs that involve fasting, the body will strive, at the first opportunity, to restore its previous fat reserves. It is for this reason that many diets are ineffective, and after switching to the previous diet, the weight returns, and sometimes even in excess.

By incorporating plant fiber into your diet, you can reduce your energy value diet. This is due to quick satiety and prolonged absence of hunger. As a result, the brain does not receive a signal that the energy value of the food has decreased.

It is quite obvious that in such a situation, the body will not take any response. Simply put, using this product, you will not want to eat for a long time and will be able to tolerate the diet more easily. This suggests that in the long term, a nutritional program using Siberian plant fibers will be more effective.

We have already noted that there are no restrictions on the amount of Siberian fiber consumed. Throughout the day, you can consume as much of the product as you need to satisfy your hunger. This is very important point in this dietary food program. The product is diluted in any liquid, and its amount is two tablespoons per glass. In fact, this is a one-time dosage, and the product should be consumed in such an amount four times a day.

Types of Siberian fiber for weight loss

Having told about the benefits of this product, it is worth considering its types. Each version of Siberian fiber produced today is designed to meet specific goals. Since the composition of these products has some differences, they can also affect a specific body system.

Slim waist product

If you read the instructions for this type of Siberian fiber, you will learn about its ability to accelerate the lipolysis processes in problem areas such as the waist and sides. The supplement contains wheat plant fibers, which significantly suppress appetite. Due to the presence of oats in the composition, the processes of waste disposal are accelerated in the body. We also note the presence of several herbs that have a positive effect on women's health:

  • Horsetail is a powerful diuretic.
  • St. John's wort - increases the body's resistance to stress.
  • Peppermint - has a sedative effect.
  • Nettle is a good laxative.

Product "Figure food"

The composition of this supplement is perfectly balanced and with its help you will lose weight even without rigid diets. The grain shells included in the product accelerate the processes of disposal of toxins and slags. Also, the supplement helps to increase metabolism, without which weight loss is simply impossible. If you are using a rigid dietary nutrition program, then be sure to include this type of Siberian fiber in your diet.

Product "Stop appetite"

The supplement is primarily designed to normalize the balance of lipoprotein structures, improve metabolic processes and have a positive effect on lipolysis. The supplement is made on the basis of oatmeal, which, after entering the stomach, turns into a jelly-like mass. As a result, appetite is suppressed, the work of the heart muscle is normalized, and the risks of developing ischemic heart disease and atherosclerosis are reduced. Among other things, it should be noted that the additive can improve the quality of hair and skin.

Product "Vitamin glade"

The main ingredients of the supplement are wild Siberian berries such as cranberries, pine nuts, lingonberries and blueberries. These plants have long been used to enhance performance. immune system... Equally important is the fact that they all represent a source of a large number micronutrients, which will allow you to get rid of vitamin deficiency. The product "Vitamin Glade" is able to improve the functioning of the organs of vision and increase the protective abilities of the body.

Product "Lady Slim"

This supplement is designed to solve several problems at once to improve women's health... Add the product to any food and its energy value will drop dramatically. The supplement contains burdock root, buckthorn bark, wheat grain shell, green coffee extract, cranberries, apples, chokeberry and red mountain ash, as well as other ingredients.

Healthy liver product

As with other types of Siberian fiber, Healthy Liver contains milk thistle, hop cones, juniper fruits and carrots. All of these ingredients have a positive effect on the liver, and you probably already understood for what purposes it should be used.

Product "No bubble"

Agree, the name of this supplement speaks very eloquently what effect you should expect. This additive was created specifically for men who seek to take care of themselves. For great results, take one tablespoon of the product twice a day.

More information about Siberian fiber in the video below: