Figs: useful properties, contraindications, benefits and harms. Composition and useful properties of dried figs

26.08.2019 Restaurant notes

Some people do not even know about the existence of some fruits that successfully grow in the Caucasus or Crimea. But today figs, the most ancient fruit, can be found in any supermarket, albeit in dried form.

What are useful properties and contraindications of figs? Why hasn't its popularity reached the peak heights that other famous fruits can boast?

Since in most regions of Russia figs are presented only in dried form, this particular variant of fruit consumption is subject to consideration. Although in Central Asia, the Caucasus or the Crimea in the summer you can enjoy the fresh pulp of the fruit.

But due to the peculiarity of collection and transportation, it is almost impossible to deliver fresh fruits to the regions.

As a result, the producers solved the problem in a slightly different way - they resort to the process of drying the fruit ( similarity of dried apricots), especially since after processing the beneficial properties of figs are not reduced.

Dried figs: benefits and harms to the body

Before considering the issue, what are the benefits of dried figs, you should list the beneficial properties of the fruit on the principle "in general terms". So, among the useful properties of the presented fruit include:

Fig pulp contains a large number of vitamins C, A and group B, as well as dietary fiber, sugar, organic acids and trace elements ( potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium and others). All of these components have restorative effect on the human body.

  • Due to its composition, figs have a positive effect on mental performance and increases muscle strength.

    With the help of figs, you can heal colds, by preparing a special infusion for gargling the throat from the pulp of the fruit.

  • If you prepare a decoction with the addition of the presented fruit, you can cope with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which is useful for bronchitis, and bring down fever.

    The use of figs in any form helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, which means that it can be used for the prevention of varicose veins, stroke and other serious illnesses. With the help of a fruit you can cope with periodic surges in blood pressure.

    The fruit should be consumed with certain kidney diseases as it has a mild laxative effect.

    Due to the large amount of trace elements figs help remove toxins and toxins from the body therefore it should be consumed in the presence of liver and spleen diseases.

    The fiber in figs helps lower cholesterol in human blood.

    The B vitamins in figs help stabilize the nervous state of a person.

    Separately, it should be highlighted features of dried figs... There are the following aspects here that must also be considered when eating the fruit:

    • dried fruit hatch toxins from the body faster, since they contain 1.5 times more glucose and fructose;
    • from dried figs man will stock up on more energy and strength because they have 5 times more protein than fresh pulp.

    For those who follow their figure, it will also be an important aspect calorie content of fresh and dried fruits.

    So, fresh pulp contains only 48 kcal, while in dried form this figure is at least 214 kcal.

    The benefits of figs for women, men and children

    Many women are interested in what are the benefits of dried figs for women... As follows from the above beneficial properties, the benefits of the fruit for the female body are as follows:

    1. Women prefer to wear high heels than provoke education varicose veins in the legs.

    To protect yourself from such unpleasant phenomena, it is enough just to consume 2-3 dried fruits every day - this is both tasty and useful, since with their help you can remove swelling and significantly strengthen the walls of the venous system.

    2. The fair sex can cure or prevent infectious and fungal diseases in the intimate area... Here it is better to use a special syrup made from fresh figs. But dried fruit is also fine.

    Women are always preoccupied with their excess weight. If you want to lose weight for some important event, you can choose a diet where figs are present... So, you can arrange a kind of fasting day.

    On the day of "unloading", you should consume only 100 g of dried fruit, but not less than 1 kg of any fresh fruit ( excluding grapes and banana), as well as about 0.5 kg of vegetables ( except potatoes).

    Drink at least 2 liters of low-fat kefir throughout the day. In terms of its composition, the fasting day is easily maintained, and the effect of it will delight all girls, without exception.

    As for the general maintenance of weight and beauty of a slender body, here it follows daily introduce into the diet 2-3 dried fruits per day.

    With the help of figs, the digestive tract will work without interruption, and this will lead to the normalization of metabolism.

    The benefits of figs during pregnancy and lactation

    • prevention of constipation;
    • intake of vitamins and minerals, which has a positive effect on the health of the mother and baby;
    • an increase in the level of hemoglobin, which means the prevention of anemia;
    • prevention of excess weight gain.

    Figs are also good when breastfeeding... At this time, the baby and the young mother need vitamins and minerals, which can be obtained with pleasure by regularly consuming dried fruits.

    Surprisingly, this fruit has a positive effect on milk production and acts as a prevention of mastopathy.

    Only the rules of use should be taken into account - figs should be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother gradually, since it can provoke the occurrence of bloating or diarrhea in a baby.

    The benefits of figs for men

    The benefits of this fruit for men have been known since ancient times. Fig fruits have a positive effect on male potency, which seems in the form of prevention of prostatitis and improvement of sexual activity.

    Here you can simply eat dried figs with a certain regularity, according to taste preferences, as well as use the fruits for preparing various dishes.

    If the problem has already overtaken the man, you can use the old folk method to eliminate it. For treatment, one should soak two dried figs in a glass of hot milk every day at night... In the morning on an empty stomach, drink milk, and eat the fruits. Use the presented method of treating impotence until complete healing.

    The health benefits of figs for children

    Figs should be offered to children instead of the usual and rather harmful chocolates.

    At first, dried fruits will enrich the baby's body with vitamins.

    Secondly, they stabilize the stool, so the baby will not suffer from constipation.

    Thirdly, figs increase appetite, which is extremely important for some parents.

    During colds, you should not feed your child with numerous drugs. It is enough to drink milk with figs, honey and butter.

    Figs with cough milk used by adults and children - this is an excellent expectorant, and also such use is useful for angina and other inflammations of the upper respiratory tract.

    Harm and contraindications of figs

    Despite its many beneficial properties, figs can be harmful to the body if consumed with contraindications. Among the aspects that prohibit the use of figs, experts include:

    Many experts prohibit the use of dried fruit in its pure form, citing a large amount of fat.

    Thus, the risk of unpleasant side effects is almost completely eliminated.

    Features of use, or how to eat dried figs?

    Many people who want to cure a particular disease make mistakes, because they do not know exactly how to eat dried figs... After all, a simple use in the form of a dried fruit can soon become boring, so it is important to diversify your menu somewhat.

    Eating options for dried figs are presented in the form of a list:

    Surprisingly, many housewives are so adventurous that dried figs make jam for the winter... Such actions are carried out only in the absence of fresh fruits.

    The recipe for such a jam is simple, however, it takes some time to pre-prepare the fruit.

    So, to make jam from dried figs, you should take the main product and soak it in boiling water. The container is filled with dried fruit, and water covers the top layer of the component.

    For "soaking" the fruit is left until morning. Then add 0.3-0.4 kg of granulated sugar per 1 kg of the resulting mixture ( as a rule, dried figs are always sold with a lot of sugar).

    Boil over low heat until thickened. Leave the jam to cool, then put it in jars and send it to the cellar or refrigerator for storage.

    Recipe for making a pie with dried figs, video:

    Real fig jam

    The real, of course, should be cooked from fresh pulp. Here you will need:

    • 1 kg of washed fruit;
    • 1 kg of granulated sugar;
    • 300 ml of water.

    Jam is made in the following sequence:

    1. Only medium-sized fruits should be selected. Their tails are cut off and punctures are made with a toothpick or fork so that the fruit is well boiled from the inside.
    2. Now you should put water for cooking the fruits themselves. As soon as the water in the saucepan boils, add all the fruits to it and simmer for 10 minutes. Then take out the figs and put it on a napkin until it dries completely.
    3. While the fruits are drying, you need to prepare the jam syrup. It uses 300 ml of water and sugar. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar in small portions after boiling.
    4. Boil the syrup until the sugar dissolves and a slightly viscous liquid is formed. Once you have achieved the results shown, you can put the figs back into the pot.
    5. Boil the jam for 40-45 minutes if unripe fruits were taken to the end. In case of full ripeness, the time for cooking the jam can be reduced to 35 minutes.

    After cooking, the mass is laid out in pre-sterilized glass jars. Store natural fig jam in your cellar or refrigerator.

    The beneficial properties of figs presented above probably awakened the desire of most to grow the plant on their own. As you can see, there are no difficulties here - you just need to follow the basic rules and be patient.

    If desired and if the climate of the region allows, a bush from a pot can be transplanted into open ground at a summer cottage. Only plant care should be thorough and careful.

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    Fig is the first plant named in the Bible and is probably the oldest cultivated plant in the world.

    Figs have several common names.

    Figs have been known since ancient times

    This is a fig, this is a fig tree, you can also hear the name "wine berry" and a fig tree.

    Where grows

    The fig tree has been known since ancient times. The mention of the fig tree began with the Bible and the Old and New Testaments. In Italy, there are legends about this unique tree and its delicious fruits.

    In the Middle East and in Arabian tales, it is unthinkable not to meet any interesting fact or legend associated with this ancient plant.

    Figs grow in subtropical conditions. It is often found in the Mediterranean countries, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, Central Asia.
    Figs grow in the subtropics

    There are two varieties of figs: early (white) and blue (purple), which ripen two months after the harvest of white fruits.

    Processing types

    With such a wide popularity and gastronomic attractiveness of this plant, it is still better to know how figs are useful and how to use them in different forms.

    It is used fresh, like berries, as a delicacy, dessert.

    Also, the fruits are dried, dried and already in dried fruits they also use the beneficial properties of figs. Dried fruits (in 100 g of product) contain about 250 - 258 kcal, while fresh ones only 50 kcal.

    Jams and jams are often made from the fig tree.

    Fig composition

    Fig fruits contain almost all substances and microelements necessary for the health of the human body.
    These are, the main ones, in mg (per 100 g of product):

    • Calcium - 162;
    • Sodium - 10;
    • Phosphorus - 67;
    • Potassium - 680;
    • Iron - 2.03;
    • Magnesium - 68;
    • Zinc - 0.55;
    • Copper - 0.287;
    • Manganese, Selenium, etc.

    Dried figs retain all the beneficial properties


    • Retinol (vitamin A);
    • Betaine;
    • Thiamine;
    • Riboflavin;
    • Niacin;
    • Pantothenic acid;
    • Pyridoxine;
    • Folic acid, etc.

    The composition of these fruits also includes fats, carbohydrates, plant fibers (fiber), starch, proteins and sugars.
    That is why the beneficial properties of fresh figs are valuable for both women and men.

    Dried figs retain all their beneficial properties in full.

    Because this method is nothing more than getting rid of moisture in fruits, while preserving all vitamins and nutrients.


    What are the benefits of fig fruits and whether they are harmful:

    Contraindications and harm

    The beneficial properties of figs are obvious, but what are the contraindications and are there any?
    The fig tree fruit is not desirable for people with digestive tract and intestinal disorders.

    The fig tree is one of the few fruits that contains oxalates, a special substance found in some plants.

    When these compounds become too abundant in body fluids, the process can lead to problems with kidney or gallbladder stones.

    The high concentration of dietary fiber in figs can lead to excessive bowel movements, which can lead to abdominal cramps and loose stools. Also, the fruits of figs can bring harm to the body of those who are obese instead of benefit.

    You will learn all the details about the benefits and dangers of figs from the video:


    Since freshly harvested figs can be stored for a very short time, about three days, and in a hermetically sealed container for about a week, figs are often dried or dried for future use.
    What is the difference between the properties of dried figs, what are its benefits and harms, in contrast to the beneficial qualities of fresh fruits?

    Dried fruits contain many times more sugar than fresh ones. The shelf life is significantly increased due to the lack of moisture in the pulp.

    Once dried or dried, figs become rather coarse food. Dried figs are eaten like raisins or regular dried fruits, but pre-soaking in boiling water or cool water is also possible.

    The benefits and harms of dried figs

    The most important property of dried figs for the body is the benefits that can be obtained throughout the year, regardless of the harvest season.
    What dried figs are useful for for women is, among other things, also effective prevention of varicose veins. A few fruits in the daily diet are enough to keep the veins of the legs in good shape.

    Fig tones the veins of the legs
    Figs are known as Cleopatra's favorite fruit. Figs have beneficial properties for women in general for health and, in particular, for weight loss.

    Dried fruits are divided into carbohydrate and lipid properties.
    Dried fruits of the carbohydrate spectrum, these are figs, prunes, dates, apricots, etc. They consist of dried or candied fruits and are high in sugar and vitamins (especially A and E), but low in protein and lipids.

    Dried fruits of the lipid (or oil) spectrum includes fruits, seeds, or toasted legumes, including walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, and almonds. They are low in sugar, but high in protein and lipids, although these are mostly "good" fats: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated (Omega 9), which help fight cholesterol. They are also rich in vitamins A, E, calcium and potassium. The calorie content of oily dried fruits is about 600 kcal per 100 grams.

    Dried figs are included in the top 10 aphrodisiac products, therefore, it is useful for men with special properties. It was not for nothing that the ancient Greeks regularly consumed figs during sexual rituals when they celebrated the harvest of the year.

    During pregnancy, figs are undoubtedly more beneficial than they can be harmful if they are excessively infatuated with.
    You will learn all the details from the video:

    So, the harm of dried figs is minimal. It can only be applied if it is used by a person with an unhealthy gastrointestinal tract, or when overeating.

    How to choose

    It is good when the fig tree grows in its own garden or in the region where the consumer lives.

    But when you come to a store in the Urals, in Siberia, or, for example, in Central Russia, you need to know how to choose dried figs so as not to waste money.

    Dried figs are best chosen for the following visible properties:

    • color from beige to light gray;
    • the surface must be matte;
    • light whitish layer (protruding glucose);
    • no brown dents or damage.

    Attention! If the surface is glossy, then the fruits are treated with sulfuric waste.
    Observing these few conditions, the purchased dried figs will only benefit, and not harm the buyer's body.

    Similar materials

    Fig refers to exotic products that many people are suspicious of; when they look at it, many people have a question, is a fig a fruit or a berry? Meanwhile, the fig is awesome fruit, it is able not only to fill the body with useful components, but also to save a person from many diseases. What are the benefits and harms of figs for the body? What are the advantages of this product?

    The popularity of figs has "come" to modern times since Biblical times. It was from the Fig tree (as the fig tree is called) that Adam and Eve made their first clothes. In real modern times, fig trees grow both in Turkey and on the coast of southern Crimea. Fig is considered a long-lived tree, it can grow for over 200 years, reaching a height of 12 meters. For humans, the fruits of figs are of particular interest, but since they are not able to be stored for a long time, you can often see dried figs on sale.

    Useful composition of figs

    The beneficial properties and contraindications of figs depend on the chemical composition of the fruit. Figs contain proteins, fats, fiber, sugar. What vitamins are in figs? The fruit is rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene, niacin, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B12), vitamin E. In addition, figs contain organic acids, pectins, and enzymes.

    In abundance in figs there are also mineral components - sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

    How many calories are in figs? Dried fruits contain about 260 calories, while the calorie content of fresh figs is 75 calories.

    The benefits of fresh figs

    If you eat fresh fig fruits, then the body receives the largest amount of useful and nutritious components. Figs contain vitamin C in abundance, which is an active opponent of colds and viral infections. Vitamins of subgroup B gently and effectively take care of the normal condition of the skin, hair and nails, and minerals (magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and iron) improve the efficiency of the heart system.

    The benefits and harms of fresh figs depend on the individual characteristics of the person. Fresh fruit is useful in that:

    • promotes the treatment of fungal diseases;
    • strengthens the skeletal system;
    • lowers blood cholesterol levels;
    • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
    • fights anemia;
    • has a positive effect on hair and skin.

    The benefits of dried figs

    In the winter season, dried figs are more beneficial, because they contain about 70% fructose, which has a beneficial effect on the state of brain activity and increases the physical abilities of a person.

    To prepare dried fruits, figs must go through a long way of processing: the fruits are first washed, then dried in the bright sun, and treated against pest attacks. Since Greece and Turkey become the main suppliers of dried figs, before transportation, the product is packaged in plastic bags or neatly stacked in wooden boxes. That is why the benefits and harms of dried figs directly depend on the quality processing of the fruit.

    What are the benefits of dried figs?

    • Regular consumption of figs helps to restore the disturbed work of the digestive tract. The inflorescences contain substances that help rid the intestines of toxins, pesticides and harmful components. For medicinal purposes, it is useful to eat several inflorescences a couple of hours before meals.
    • Course reception of figs improves thinking. The product is useful to eat for people who are engaged in complex mental work.
    • Fig has antipyretic qualities, it is taken for colds, fever. A greater effect can be achieved if you take a decoction based on figs.
    • The antibacterial properties of figs help the body to cope with the activity of pathogenic viruses and microbes.
    • For sore throat and other diseases of the oral cavity, a decoction of figs is caressing the throat, such a recipe helps to quickly rid the mucous membrane of bacteria and viruses.
    • Figs are useful for hypotensive patients, the fruits actively reduce blood pressure and have a diuretic effect.
    • The high potassium content has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

    Fig jam

    Various dishes are prepared from figs, but fig jam is in great demand, the benefits and harms of which are associated with its properties.

    What is the use of fig jam?

    • The product contains a large amount of iron, so it is useful to use it in case of anemia, low hemoglobin.
    • Fig jam should be eaten by people who are engaged in physical activity and difficult mental work.
    • The product has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system.
    • Figs help fight infections, and their fruit jam helps to improve the functioning of the immune system. It is useful to eat this dish for inflammatory processes, infectious diseases, genitourinary diseases, respiratory diseases.
    • Fig jam helps to treat constipation, it normalizes the functioning of the entire digestive system.

    When is it forbidden to eat fig jam?

    • With diabetes mellitus.
    • In case of allergic reactions to the product.
    • With obesity.


    Before introducing a new product into the diet, it is necessary to study the list of contraindications. Figs should not be consumed in the following cases:

    • with diabetes mellitus;
    • with gout.

    Despite the many-sided opinion, figs with pancreatitis are strictly prohibited. Eating the fruit can cause serious complications. Similarly, figs are prohibited for gastritis, as well as for diseases of the digestive tract in the acute stage.

    Special care should be taken when eating figs if a person is diagnosed with a stomach or duodenal ulcer.

    Does figs strengthen or weaken? The fruit has cleansing qualities, so it weakens. Figs are not recommended for diarrhea or indigestion.

    Many people wonder if there can be an allergy to figs. Like any food, figs can cause an allergic reaction. If the fruit is introduced into the human diet for the first time, then possible changes must be carefully monitored. Especially, this precaution applies to the use of figs by young children.

    How to eat figs properly?

    Seeing for the first time the fruits of figs, many people have a question, what does the taste of figs look like? Figs taste like marmalade or marshmallow, they have sweet qualities and are very pleasant to use. However, fresh figs can only be eaten by picking them off a tree branch and eating them right away. Only residents of the southern regions, where the Fig tree grows, have a similar advantage.

    How to eat fresh figs correctly? Before eating the fruit, it must be thoroughly rinsed with boiled water. It is not recommended to eat the fruits of trees that sprout next to roads and carriageways. Figs can be eaten with other foods. For example, you will get an unusual taste of the dish if you pour sour cream over the figs. Figs sprinkled with nuts also have pleasant taste.

    How are figs eaten - with or without peels? The peel of the fruit has a rather dense structure, so it is not always comfortable to eat it. Some varieties of figs are eaten with the peel. Depending on a person's preferences, you can eat either the pulp of a fig or the whole fruit.

    Unfortunately, fresh figs cannot be stored for a long time, so the problem of how to store fresh figs disappears by itself. The fruits that are sold in supermarkets in plastic bags are harvested from unripe trees, and the ripening process is already taking place "on the road", that is, during transportation.

    Dried fruits have useful qualities. How to eat dried figs properly? Such a product does not differ from ordinary dried fruits, therefore, it is recommended to steam it in water or pour over boiling water before using it. Dried figs can be held in a steam bath, after this procedure they will become soft and tender. Dried fruits can be added to any dishes, they are used to prepare compotes, desserts, salads.

    Can you eat figs at night? Many nutritionists advise against eating the fruit right before bed. The carbohydrate composition of figs stimulates the nervous system, so a person may develop insomnia.

    At what age can a child be given figs?

    Ideally, if the child will eat the fruit fresh and ripe. But such a prerogative is real only for residents of the Krasnodar Territory, where figs grow. Residents of other regions are preferable to eat figs in the form of dried fruits, since fresh product is not subject to long-term storage and, accordingly, transportation.

    If babies are not allergic to the fruit, then figs are allowed to be introduced in the form of mashed potatoes or a drink from 9-12 months. As for dried fruits, they can be introduced into the diet from 1, 5-2 years of age. How many figs can you eat per day? Children under 3 years of age are not recommended to eat more than 3 dried fruits. in a day. But already from 4 years old, you can increase the consumption of figs up to 5 pieces. per day. Adults are allowed to eat no more than 10 fruits a day. However, you cannot eat fruit every day, it is important to take breaks.

    The benefits of figs for women

    In women, figs are actively used in the diet. It is enough to eat 2-3 fruits per day, so that after a while the body will acquire lightness and harmony. Of course, the consumption of figs must be combined with a light diet, in which there are no "junk foods" and there is moderate physical activity.

    The benefits of figs for women lies in the fact that the fruit is the prevention of varicose veins. Daily consumption of the fruit helps the legs become beautiful and "removes" the likelihood of swelling of the veins.

    Figs are also used in the treatment of gynecological problems. For example, juice or a decoction of figs can effectively cure leucorrhoea (discharge in case of fungal diseases).

    Uniqueness of fat during pregnancy. Thanks to its beneficial composition, the fruit supplies the body of the expectant mother with all vital components. If a pregnant woman's body weight increases sharply, then the fruits of the figs will help to correct the weight gain. Figs help expectant mothers to cope with constipation, which often develop in an "interesting position", and the high iron content in the fruit is the prevention of anemia.

    When breastfeeding, figs are an essential fruit. The high calcium content helps to strengthen the baby's skeletal system. Figs are among foods that increase lactation. It is important to remember that the fruit should be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother carefully, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the child's body, if a newborn has diarrhea or intestinal colic, then the nursing mother should stop eating figs.

    The benefits of figs for men

    The main benefit of figs for men lies in the normalization of the reproductive system, in particular, the fruit is the prevention of impotence and fights against sexual impotence.

    With the help of figs, you can effectively treat such a dangerous disease for men as prostatitis. But before you self-medicate with natural products, you need to consult a doctor.

    Figs, as a remedy for the treatment of diseases

    Figs for colds

    During the off-season, figs will help to cope with the first signs of a cold and relieve a person from coughing. The medicinal properties of the fruit are due to the fortified composition of the product. The main component in the fight against colds and viral phenomena is vitamin C, which is found in abundance in a healthy fruit. In addition, the medicinal effect of figs is due to the content of trace elements that maintain the body in a normal physiological state.

    Fat is actively used for immunity, regular consumption of the fruit helps to increase the defenses and helps the body to cope with the attack of harmful bacteria, viruses and microbes. Figs for colds are used as a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory agent. The fruit has cleansing and disinfecting qualities that help remove harmful toxins and toxic chemicals from the body, formed as a result of the activity of pathogenic microbes.

    Figs for cough are unique. But on the basis of the fruit, drinks and mixtures are prepared that help relieve cough, better discharge of phlegm and eliminate sore throat. Before preparing a folk remedy for colds, it is important to make sure that the patient does not have an allergic reaction to the main product. It is important to note that figs cannot be consumed in diabetes, so if a patient suffers from this disease, then he must find another remedy for the treatment of colds.

    Cold treatment with figs is also suitable for children, since the product is natural, it does not bring any side effects to the child's body.

    • Treatment of cough with milk and figs. 1 l. Heat fat milk to a moderately hot temperature, dip 5 figs into it, boil for half an hour, then remove from heat and let it brew for 3 hours. In the treatment of cough, boiled figs are also used, they are eaten as a means to relieve cough and eliminate sore throat. And the milk in which the fruit was cooked is taken 1 glass at night - the drink has a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effect.
    • Means for strengthening the immune system. Prepare 10 dried figs, twist them in a meat grinder, add 10 tbsp to the resulting mass. tablespoons of liquid honey. Take the remedy for 1 teaspoon per day. During the period of activity of epidemics and colds, the agent is taken twice a day.

    Figs for diseases of the spine

    Alternative medicine recognizes the treatment of diseases of the spine with figs. The composition of a healthy fruit contains a huge amount of fortified and mineral components that take care of the normal performance of the whole body. The advantage of figs is that it is able to normalize blood cholesterol levels. As you know, high cholesterol levels negatively affect all body systems, "killing" the spine. If you normalize cholesterol levels, you can effectively get rid of spinal dysfunction. In addition, figs are an excellent preventive product against the development of atherosclerosis and rheumatism.

    It is recommended to take figs for the spine in the form of a drink prepared in milk. For the preparation of a medicinal product in 0.5 liters. boil milk for 30 minutes 5-7 figs. The resulting drink is taken during the day in small portions - 100-150 ml.

    Joint fat has similar properties.

    The use of figs for cosmetic purposes

    Curious to know how figs are good for your face and hair? The fruit has long been used for cosmetic purposes, it contains useful components such as vitamins C, A, E, as well as minerals - copper and phosphorus. These substances have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, renewing cells and restoring damaged structures.

    Why is facial fat useful?

    • Moisturizing. The main component for effective hydration of the facial skin is Omega-3, thanks to which the skin becomes hydrated and fresh. Cosmetologists recommend using fresh fig juice as a lip balm that moisturizes and regenerates delicate skin.
    • Treating injuries and infections. Fig juice can be used to treat small cracks in the skin, the effects of trauma, inflammatory acne, boils, abscesses, etc. Figs are also used in the form of a cosmetic product to eliminate increased fat from the skin of the face.
    • Skin restoration. The high water content in figs helps to cleanse the body of toxins, respectively, the fruit helps to cleanse the skin of acne and excess oily secretions. Fruit-based masks help the skin to become radiant, healthy, shiny, soft.
    • Pore ​​cleansing. A mixture of fig pulp, orange juice and powdered sugar is a cleansing scrub that acts on the skin gently and has an amazing effect.
    • Whitening. With the help of figs, you can quickly even out the complexion, get rid of age spots and restore damaged cells. It is useful to make a mask based on the pulp of figs, oat flour and a couple of drops of bergamot essential oil. The beneficial composition will make the skin glowing and bright after just a few applications.
    • Cosmetic cleansing. If you mix fig pulp in a little boiled water, you get a natural lotion that helps wash away dirt from the skin. It is useful to use this remedy every night before bed.

    What are the benefits of figs for hair?

    Manufacturers of hair cosmetics actively use fig extract for the preparation of shampoos, gels, masks, conditioners. The fruit helps to restore damaged hair structure, effectively fights against the fragility of strands, and is also an excellent moisturizer.

    For the treatment and restoration of dry, sensitive and brittle hair, it is recommended to use fig oil. It is enough to use a mask based on fig oil once a week to make the curls silky, shiny and manageable.

    Women who dream of accelerating hair growth need to include a healthy fruit in their diet, since the vitamin composition stimulates blood circulation, thereby enhancing the activity of hair follicles. Collagen, which is part of figs, helps curls become voluminous. Moreover, this component relieves hair from breakage and increased hair loss.

    The unique property of figs is that it prevents the appearance of early gray hair. The fruit contains substances that help to preserve the natural color of the strands for a long time.

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    In nature, there is a large number of fruits useful for the human body, which act as natural preventive and therapeutic tools for various diseases. One such plant is the fig tree, on which grow berries called figs or figs. There are other names that are common among the people and in some remote regions, for example, wine berry and fig. The fruit, which will be discussed in this article, grows mainly in countries with arid climates. Fig has a pleasant sweet taste that pleases both adults and children.

    Composition and calorie content of figs

    Fig is an extremely valuable fruit with a number of beneficial properties for the body. The component composition of the described berry contains a large number of substances, thanks to which the fig acquires its healing properties. It should be noted that the wine berry has a low calorie content, which is approximately equal to 49 kilocalories contained in 100 grams of the product.

    In the composition of the fruit of the fig tree, there is a huge amount of dietary fiber valuable for humans, plant acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements, as well as antioxidants. As for the vitamin complex, in the composition of figs you can find substances of the following groups: A, B, C. Wine berry is also rich in such elements as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, copper and iron.

    Benefits of Fresh and Dried Figs

    As described in the previous paragraph, the composition of figs is extremely rich in nutrients, which makes the product valuable in terms of treating various ailments. It should be noted that the herbal remedy has been used for the treatment of colds since ancient times, since figs have diaphoretic and antipyretic properties. At the same time, due to a wide range of properties, the fruit is used for a wide variety of purposes to this day, which is described in detail below.

    What is useful for women

    According to the teachings of oriental medicine, figs should be one of the components of a woman's diet at any age. The product has a positive effect on the reproductive system of the girl, and also has a pronounced cosmetic effect, both with external and internal use of the berry. In this regard, the fig is successfully used not only for the treatment of many disorders in the work of the female body, but also for their early prevention.

    The product is effective for maintaining the female body during menstruation, since figs have antispasmodic and analgesic properties. And since the herbal product contains a lot of folic acid, doctors recommend taking it for pregnant women, as well as those girls who plan to become pregnant in the near future. It is also important for the majority of the fairer sex that the fig is a regenerative product that provides “eternal youth”. If you systematically eat a berry and make masks from it, you can tighten the skin, saturate it with the necessary substances, and also smooth out wrinkles.

    For men

    It is important to note that figs are also important for the male body, since this product has a number of properties that ensure the adequate functioning of the main systems in the body. So, for example, experts say that the wine berry has a positive effect on the reproductive function of men, increasing the activity of sperm. At the same time, figs are a preventive component that prevents the loss of male strength, as well as a number of ailments that affect the genitourinary system. Due to the fact that the berry has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, it is successfully used in the case of infectious diseases, including those of a fungal nature.

    For immunity

    As you know, a person with strong immunity is not susceptible to the pathogenic influence of the environment, as a result of which he does not get sick. For this reason, it is extremely important to pay attention to the immune system in a timely manner, having carried out the prevention of most of the known diseases. Figs successfully act as such a preventive product, possessing not only effective properties, but also a pleasant taste.

    Figs contain a lot of vitamin C, which increases the protective potential of the body, helping it to successfully cope with attacking viruses and bacteria. It is especially useful to eat a wine berry for people who, due to activity or any other circumstances, are exposed to great physical and intellectual stress. The described herbal remedy provides a burst of energy and increases productivity.

    Which figs are healthier - light or dark?

    Figs are found in nature in various varieties, as a result of which they can have a color from dark purple, almost black, to pale yellow and white. However, when it comes to the tone of the berry, it usually means dried and fresh fruit. Dark is a fresh fig, it contains a large amount of water, up to 82.5 percent, and light, on the contrary, is a product that has gone through the process of dehydration, that is, devoid of moisture, it is dry.

    It doesn't matter at all the fruit is used fresh or dried, since all the necessary nutritional components and vitamins remain in the berry. The drying process is carried out in special dryers under the influence of moderately warm air.

    What does he treat for?

    The fruit of the fig tree has been used as a remedy for various ailments since antiquity. According to historical reports, in eastern countries, figs were dried in the sun, and then infusions, decoctions were prepared from it, and also consumed raw. Today the tradition has been preserved and the described berry is successfully used for various purposes in the form of a remedy.

    The herbal instrument is a valuable remedy for the treatment of disorders of the stomach, liver and the entire digestive tract. Thus, doctors advise taking a dried preparation in its raw form for pancreatitis, gastric ulcer, intestinal obstruction. In addition, it should be noted that due to the low sugar content in figs, it can be taken by diabetics and people who are on a diet.

    Since the wine berry has medicinal properties that allow the therapy of cardiovascular diseases, it is advised to eat it in small quantities every day for people suffering from arrhythmias. In case of malfunction or pathology of the thyroid gland, it is also recommended to take dried fig fruit in any form.

    Figs are widely used in cosmetology, where various masks for facial skin care are produced on its basis. Such drugs allow you to get rid of acne and some dermatological diseases associated with a violation of the pigmentation of the integument, for example, vitiligo.

    Fig Recipes

    Today, there are a lot of fig-based medicines that are easy to prepare at home. The uniqueness of this particular product lies in the fact that it does not lose its healing properties at all, even when dried. For this reason, the creation of decoctions, infusions and other options for the preparation of a therapeutic agent is not difficult for anyone. And given the fact that the plant component has a variety of positive properties for the body, the product is successfully used to treat all kinds of ailments.

    Medicinal jam

    The recipe for jam from figs is not very different from recipes for jam from other fruits and berries. However, only a fig has so many useful components for the body and has a unique taste and aroma. First, you need to thoroughly rinse the berries under water and cut off the tops from them, and then pour them into a saucepan in the amount of one kilogram. On top of the fruit, you will need to fall asleep with 1 kilogram of sugar and pour 2 tablespoons of water.

    The resulting mixture must be put on fire and brought to a boil, then boil for 5 minutes. Now you need the future jam to cool down, after which you need to put it on the fire again, wait for it to boil, cook for 5 minutes, turn it off and cool. Such procedures should be repeated up to 5 times, after which you can enjoy the wonderful taste of the medicinal jam.

    How to cook figs with milk for coughs and colds

    Milk broth with figs is the best remedy for the throat during the period of sore throat and any other colds. With the help of a specific tool, bronchitis of any form is successfully treated. In order to prepare the preparation, you will need to cut the fig tree fruits, which are initially washed out, into small pieces. The crushed product is mixed with hot milk in the proportion of 2-3 berries per 200 milliliters of milk.

    After combining both components, the composition must be sent to low heat, brought to a boil and cooked under a lid for 2 minutes. At the end of the allotted time, remove the pan from the heat, wrap it in a towel so that the broth does not cool down for as long as possible, and leave it for an hour. Now the resulting fig milk must be filtered and taken half a glass three times a day. If you are worried about a dry cough, then you can take the prepared medicine with honey, which will increase the productivity of the cough.

    Recipe with dried apricots and prunes for the spine

    This recipe is quite popular among professional athletes who use the described mixture for the treatment and prevention of spinal injuries. A specific product allows you to strengthen the intervertebral tissues, bring the muscle corset that supports the spinal column into tone, as well as qualitatively improve the condition of the vertebral discs. For this reason, this mixture for the treatment of the back is widely used among the people, having a high degree of effectiveness.

    To prepare the drug, you need to kill prunes, dried apricots and figs in equal proportions in a blender. You can add a little honey to the resulting mass, and then take the product daily before bedtime, 3 tablespoons for a month.

    Potency remedy

    According to numerous studies, it has been found that dried fig tree fruit is one of the most effective means for improving erectile function in men. In addition, figs are a natural aphrodisiac that stimulates libido and improves the quality of sexual activity in men. Experts recommend that men eat one dried pure fig tree every day.

    Constipation recipe

    It is known that the wine berry has laxative properties, for this reason it is used as one of the tools in the fight against constipation. In order to maximize the effectiveness, you can make special candies from dried fruits. To do this, boil prunes and figs in equal proportions, then knead them, mold balls and sprinkle with a small amount of coriander on top. If it becomes necessary to eat 5 sweets during the day, you can also use the dish as a preventive measure.

    To restore joints

    There are recipes for remedies based on the described berry, which can strengthen the joints and normalize their nutrition. In this case, the use of salad for breakfast will be useful, in which it is necessary to include such components as:

    • prunes 150 grams;
    • figs 300 grams;
    • a glass of acidophilus fermented milk product;
    • almonds in the amount of 2.5 tablespoons;
    • grated orange peel;
    • sugar.

    Figs and apple cider vinegar for weight loss

    There is a fairly specific recipe for a remedy that, according to some sources, can speed up the process of losing weight. This will require 3 figs, which must be pierced with a toothpick and placed in a container. Then add 200 milliliters of apple cider vinegar to the languishing fruits, close the container with a lid and leave for a day. Cooked berries must be eaten in the morning, having previously squeezed them out of excess liquid.

    Another effective recipe for losing weight: figs, dried apricots, prunes, raisins and honey. All ingredients must be crushed to a gruel and filled with hay water. promotes rapid weight loss.

    Potential harm from eating fruits

    Despite its many medicinal properties for the body, figs can be hazardous to health in some cases. Basically, side effects from the use of berries are expressed in the form of an upset stomach and an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in different ways in each individual situation.


    It has the described natural component and contraindications, in connection with which it is necessary to abandon its use for: severe inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, gout, increased acidity of the stomach, poor blood clotting, low blood pressure, allergies, etc.

    Video: what figs help from and how to eat it

    A specific video is a well-known TV show, which is dedicated to such a fruit as a fig, as well as its beneficial properties for the body. The presenters of the video describe in detail the specifics of the effect of the berry on the body, the duration of its storage, methods of use, the main indications and contraindications.

    Fig is a very valuable plant that has been used for many years. This fruit has found its application not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology, in the treatment of various diseases at home.

    Fig is a tree from the Fikusov family that grows only in the subtropics (Egypt, Crimea, Georgia). This plant has other names, for example, fig tree, fig. Fresh figs, depending on the variety, can have different colors: yellow, green, blue and even almost black. The height of the tree can be up to 13 meters.

    But the main advantage is high usefulness and rich chemical composition. Moreover, it is the fruits of figs that are most useful. They contain fats, proteins, vitamins, trace elements (potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper), fructose and glucose.

    For example, in terms of potassium content, figs are the second fruit after nuts.

    Due to this, figs are widely used for medical purposes:

    • when coughing;
    • with tachycardia;
    • with anemia;
    • to lower the temperature.

    In addition, figs are excellent for kidney stones and have a diuretic effect. Fig leaves contain substances that help wounds heal quickly.


    Dried figs have a lot of medicinal properties:

    • cleanses the intestines;
    • helps in the fight against colds;
    • an excellent remedy for bronchial asthma;
    • increases the level of hemoglobin;
    • helps with an enlarged liver.

    In addition, the constant use of the fruit of the fig tree is good for the nervous system, improves mood and mental activity.

    Fresh berries

    Fresh berries are healthy too. It is customary to eat them for kidney and liver diseases. In addition, you can wipe your face with berry juice for various inflammations, acne. Also, fresh berries help with fungus and rheumatism, thanks to the beneficial properties of the plant, it has found its application in cosmetology.

    Benefits for women and men

    The benefits of figs for the female body are invaluable. According to scientists, the use of this berry in food has a positive effect on a woman's health, since it contains a large amount of calcium. So, regularly eating figs, you can forget about problems with hair and nails, about unpleasant sensations during menstruation - not only reduces pain, but also "extinguishes" nervous outbreaks.

    The benefits of the plant are invaluable for men as well - it has a positive effect on potency, prevents the development of prostatitis.

    To forget about such problems, you need to take several fruits, pour boiling water over them or soak them in milk. After the solution is infused for a day, you need to take it in several tablespoons 1-2 times a week.

    Figs for children

    If children are not allergic to this fruit, it can be safely included in the diet, since figs improve the digestive tract and increase appetite. In addition, the presence of folic acid strengthens the immune system, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Moreover, to cover the daily norm, it is enough to give the child literally 1-2 dried figs.

    Pregnancy and lactation

    You can use "fig" only in the absence of contraindications. But when consumed, you can supply the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals for the formation of the fetus.

    In addition, the presence of a large amount of iron will prevent the development of anemia, which is often observed during pregnancy.

    The fig helps to stimulate lactation, so the berry is useful when feeding a baby. The main thing is to be careful when taking it, since consuming a large amount of figs during this period can cause colic in the child.

    Application in cooking and cosmetology

    Due to its beneficial properties, figs are widely used both in cooking and in cosmetology.


    This fruit is ideal for preparing a variety of snacks and dishes:

    • in dried or fresh form, figs replace sweets;
    • dried fruits can be added to compotes, dessert fillings;
    • unripe berries cannot be eaten fresh, but they can be baked with nuts or honey;
    • an excellent dessert - ripe figs seasoned with sour cream;
    • A sap dish served with soft cheese is an excellent appetizer for light alcohol.

    In addition, traditional delicacies can be prepared from figs: jam, marshmallow, compote. Some craftsmen have even learned how to make wine. Moreover, properly prepared jam will retain almost all the beneficial properties of the fruit.


    The main advantage of figs in cosmetology is the ability to regenerate and moisturize the skin. Therefore, the fruit is used for rejuvenation, eliminating peeling, fighting age wrinkles.

    Several useful masks

    There are many different masks from this wonderful folk product. Let's take a look at the most effective ones.

    Take one fresh fruit, remove the seeds - we need the pulp. We rub it so that we get a puree and just apply it to the face. Wait 20-30 minutes, then rinse the composition thoroughly with warm water.

    Making such masks literally a couple of times a week, you will be pleasantly surprised - clean and rejuvenated skin is guaranteed!

    You can also make another mask, for the preparation of which we will need:

    • 3 pcs. figs;
    • 120 g oat flour;
    • 250 ml of milk;
    • 1 egg;
    • 1 tsp honey;
    • 1 tsp almond oil.

    Cook the figs in milk, then add all the other components to the container and beat thoroughly. We wait until the mask cools down a little and apply it on the face in a warm form for half an hour, then rinse it off.

    With inflamed skin, you will need a different composition of ingredients such as:

    • 2 fresh figs;
    • 1 banana;
    • 1 tsp peach oil;
    • 1 egg;
    • 10-12 drops of vitamin E;
    • 2 tablespoons of fat cottage cheese.

    Beat everything thoroughly, apply on face, hands, neck. Keep the mask on for about 40 minutes and rinse off with warm water. To achieve the maximum effect, you need to carry out the procedures three times a week for 2 months.

    The main contraindications and harm

    Fig is a unique product with many beneficial properties. But, like any product, it has a number of contraindications. So, figs are not recommended for those who suffer from:

    • diabetes mellitus;
    • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • pancreatitis;
    • gout.

    In addition, it should be consumed with caution by those women who are in position or are feeding a baby.

    If there are no contraindications, the maximum daily rate should be about 5 pieces.

    Several popular recipes for medicinal products from figs

    We have collected some useful recipes for you with this fruit. These include:

    Basic storage methods

    To preserve the beneficial properties of figs, it must be properly stored, and much depends on the type of fruit - dried or fresh. If we talk about fresh fruits, then it is worth remembering that it will be able to retain its properties and not deteriorate only if it is at a temperature of around +3 degrees, that is, the best place is a refrigerator. Shelf life - no more than 4 days.

    Moreover, it is advisable to wrap the fruits in paper so that the fruits do not absorb other odors.

    When buying unripe fruits, before placing them in the refrigerator, you should leave it for a couple of days in a dry and dark room, for example, in a closet or basement, until fully ripe. After that, the figs need to be moved to the shelf in the refrigerator.

    But dry berries are stored for up to 6 months, the main thing is to choose the right container and temperature. He will feel most comfortable in the refrigerator and food container. But you should regularly check the condition of the fruit to exclude the appearance of mold or spoilage.

    As you can see, figs are quite a useful and effective remedy not only in cosmetology, but also in the treatment of various diseases.