Rice porridge nestle dairy-free first feeding. Nestle rice porridge low-allergenic dairy-free

Nestlé porridges are one of the products of the well-known Swiss company Nestle, which for over a century has occupied a leading position in various areas of trade (baby food, chocolate, coffee, pet food, cosmetics, etc.). The attitude of parents to this product is ambiguous, therefore, let us consider in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of baby food.

General characteristics of cereals

For the growth and development of babies, manufacturers of the Nestlé brand have developed special cereals in the form of a dry powder, which are diluted with milk or water. Their peculiarity is not only in quick preparation, but also in a balanced composition of minerals, trace elements, vitamins, and dietary fiber.

In addition, many Nestlé cereals contain live bifidobacteria, which have a positive effect on the child's intestines. The benefits of these microorganisms are that the immune system is strengthened, the intestinal microflora improves and the risk of allergies is reduced.

In some varieties, micronutrients necessary for the full development and growth of children are also present along with bifidobacteria. This is especially suitable for those babies who are selective in food, switched to artificial feeding, and do not receive a full range of vitamins and minerals.

Porridges of this brand were made specifically for the characteristics of each age. Therefore, pay attention to the packaging where it is written for whom this food is suitable (allergy sufferers, of a certain age, children with sensitivity to lactose or gluten, etc.).

Nestlé porridges: assortment

This brand sells the following types of baby food:

Types of Nestlé children's cereals

On the packaging you can see a baby icon with numbers or steps that indicate the optimal age for introducing complementary foods.

  • 1 step. This is a series of dairy and dairy-free cereals intended for initial feeding, when the first buckwheat and rice are introduced into the diet of a 4-5 month old baby. The composition of baby food for this age has a lightweight consistency to make it easy to swallow.
  • Stage 2 - from 6-7 months. Nestlé porridges of this age have fruit and pumpkin additives of a thicker consistency and teach a child to eat from a spoon. These products also have dairy-free and dairy-free categories.
  • Stage 3 - from 8-11 months. These are multicomponent milk and dairy-free cereals with fruit pieces. This type of baby food is specially created for the child to learn to chew food.
  • 4 step from 12-18 months. Balanced dairy food with pieces of fruit and berries.

Nestlé porridges: dairy-free

Let's take a closer look at the composition of dairy-free cereals: oatmeal, hypoallergenic rice, and buckwheat, buckwheat with prunes.

Oatmeal contains the following components: 9 vitamins (A, E, B1,2,6, D, C, PP, folic acid), sugar, lecithin (emulsifier), 7 minerals (potassium, sodium, iodine, iron, calcium , zinc, phosphorus), dietary fiber, bifidobacteria BL, oat flour. The advantage of oatmeal is the absence of dyes, flavors, preservatives and GMI. Numerous reviews about Nestlé porridges highlight one drawback - the presence of sugar.

Hypoallergenic rice porridge is suitable for children with lactose and gluten intolerance. The composition of vitamins, minerals, bifidobacteria is the same as in oatmeal. Only their quantity is different and rice flour is added.

Hypoallergenic buckwheat is also distinguished by the presence of buckwheat flour in the composition. However, this type of porridge is unpopular with children who prefer rice and oatmeal. Baby food with prunes has the same composition as simple buckwheat, only prunes are added.

Assortment of milk porridge

If it is designed for children with hypersensitivity to lactose and gluten, as well as healthy babies from four months, then Nestlé milk cereals are suitable for all three age stages:

  • For the first stage, we offer oatmeal with apple-apricot flavor, just buckwheat and with the addition of dried apricots, two types of wheat (with pumpkin, apple), rice with an apple.
  • From six months, a child can buy wheat with a banana, rice with a banana flavor, porridge of five (apple and banana) and three (apple and pear) cereals, oatmeal with pear and banana.
  • For eight-month-old babies, we offer oatmeal with pear pieces, two types of wheat: with apple-strawberry and apricot flavor.

If you decide to introduce complementary foods, then pay attention to Nestlé dairy-free baby cereals. Their assortment is not as diverse as in dairy products, but it eliminates the risk of allergies. Despite the fact that cereals of this brand do not contain genetically modified sources, preservatives, flavors, some babies may have an individual intolerance to the components of baby food.

1 stage milk porridge composition

Please note that Nestlé children's oatmeal contains a small amount of gluten, so this porridge can be introduced no earlier than 4 and no later than 7 months to eliminate the risk of celiac disease.

What porridge stage 2 consists of

Nestlé fruit cereals are most loved by children. Reviews of mothers indicate that children are happy to eat rice and multigrain, but buckwheat and oatmeal are optional.

Stage 3 porridge components. Feedback from parents

  • Oatmeal with pear includes skimmed milk powder, oat flour, vegetable oils, a standard set of vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber, bifidobacteria, sugar, pear pieces.
  • Wheat porridge with apple and strawberries, except for wheat flour, pieces of garden strawberries and apples, the composition is the same as in the first product.
  • Wheat with apricot, in comparison with the previous version, has an apricot additive.

Now let's pay attention to the opinions of buyers who have tried Nestlé porridges. Reviews are very diverse. In most cases, mothers are satisfied with the products, they note the child's good appetite, weight gain, good mood and energy.

However, parents, whose children are prone to allergies, diseases of the digestive system, are unhappy with Nestlé products because of the sugary-sweet taste and the presence of milk in the composition. Such children develop a rash on the skin, constipation, regurgitation.

Therefore, parents, doctors, and the manufacturer of the products recommend starting complementary foods with dairy-free cereals: from 1 spoon without introducing other new products in order to see the child's reaction to the components of baby food.

Ingredients of porridge "Pomogaika"

Dairy-free porridges of the first stage are represented by hypoallergenic rice porridge with carob fruits and a low-allergenic rice-corn product. In the first version, the composition excludes allergic ingredients: cow's milk protein, soy and wheat, as well as gluten. The first porridge consists of rice flour, carob flour, sucrose, citric acid, vitamins, vegetable oils, potassium iodide, sodium phosphate, calcium carbonate, zinc sulfate, iron lactate. In the second version, the product consists of rice and vanilla flavoring, the rest of the components comply with the standard.

Nestlé's dairy-free porridges of the second stage are also presented in two types: 5-cereal with linden blossom and wheat-oatmeal with prunes. The first sugar-free product consists of wheat, corn, barley, oat and rye flour, probiotics, vitamins and minerals, oligofructose, lime blossom dry extract, inulin, vanilla flavor, maltodextrin. In the second porridge, only flour is changed for oatmeal and wheat, prunes are added instead of linden, the other components remain the same.

Dairy-free products of the third stage are represented by 8-grain yoghurt and just 8-grain porridge. They include rice, corn, wheat, rye, oatmeal, millet and sorghum flour; lactobacilli, vanilla flavor, thermophilic culture, powdered yogurt. The vitamin and mineral complex remains the same.

Milk 3-cereal porridge 3 levels have a banana-strawberry and apple-pear flavor. They include flour from barley, oats and rice, bifidobacteria, vitamins and minerals, vanilla flavoring, low-fat powdered yogurt and milk powder, vegetable oils (coconut, palm, rapeseed, sunflower), pieces of fruits and berries, sugar, beet juice, gluten, lactobacilli.

Cups "Shagayka"

This series includes products of the third and fourth stages. In the first case, it is a 5-cereal gluten porridge with cherry-strawberry flavor, consisting of wheat, corn, barley, rice, oat flour, oils (the same composition), milk powder, pieces of strawberry, apple, carrot, dried orange and pear, vanilla flavoring, beetroot and passion fruit juice, lecithin, sugar, minerals and vitamins, bifidobacteria, maltodextrin, corn starch.

In the second case, there are more varied Nestlé children's cereals. Their assortment is represented by a 5-grain product with apple-berry and strawberry-fruit flavors. The composition is the same, only the fruit additives change.

As you can see, the range of cereals is very diverse and suitable for different categories of children. If your child has allergies, then pay attention to dairy-free, allergen-free products. The manufacturer warns that an individual intolerance to the components of the porridge may appear, so watch the child's reaction.

Dairy-free rice porrige contains bifidobacteria B L and is prepared according to a special technology of gentle splitting of cereals. The porridge contains low-allergenic rice. Porridge is low-allergenic because it does not contain gluten and milk and is a healthy balanced complementary food for children with gluten and lactose intolerance.

Composition: Rice flour, vitamins and minerals, bifidobacteria not less than 1x106 CFU / g, emulsifier (lecithin). Contains 9 vitamins and 7 minerals. Does not contain GMI, artificial preservatives, colors and flavors


Check with your pediatrician on the age of initiation of the various complementary foods.

Continue breastfeeding for as long as possible.

Mode of application:

Start introducing complementary foods with 1 tablespoon of Nestle porridge diluted with 4-5 tablespoons of boiled water. Gradually increase the amount of porridge to one whole serving.

Spoon feed your baby.

The porridge should be cooked just before each meal. The diluted porridge remaining after feeding is not subject to storage and further use.

Start complementary foods with 1 tablespoon of Nestlé porridge diluted with 4-5 tablespoons of milk or infant formula. Gradually increase the amount of porridge to one whole serving.

Spoon feed your baby.

The porridge should be cooked just before each meal. The diluted porridge remaining after feeding is not subject to storage and further use.

The nutritional value

100 g dry porridge **

one serving *

Calorie content




Alimentary fiber


For optimal growth
and mental development



Carbohydrates, incl. sucrose







Vitamin A

μg PE

Vitamin E


Vitamin B1



Vitamin B2



Vitamin B6




Folic acid


Niacin (Vitamin PP)


For the development of the immune system





Vitamin C





To form
strong bones and teeth



Vitamin D




* 1 serving \u003d 25g NESTLE® porridge + 160ml milk ** The results of chemical analysis may differ from the table values, which is usually for products from natural raw materials.

Cooking method :

1. Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing baby porridge.

2. Check the cleanliness of all dishes.

3. Boil drinking water for 5 minutes and let cool.

4. Referring to the feeding table, pour the required amount of water (40 ° C) into a clean plate, add the required amount of spoons of porridge powder.

5. Stir the porridge until smooth. Don't cook!

6. Feed your baby with a clean spoon.

7. Porridge should be cooked just before each meal. The diluted porridge remaining after feeding is not subject to storage and subsequent use.

Storage conditions:

Store in a dry place at temperatures from + 10 ° C to + 25 ° C and relative humidity of no more than 75%. After opening the inner bag, store the product tightly closed in a cool dry place at temperatures between + 10 ° C and + 25 ° C.

Shelf life: see packaging. After opening the package, the shelf life of the product is no more than 2 weeks.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Do not use after the expiration date.

Shelf life: 15 months.

Quantity in a container: 15 boxes.

I prefer to cook for the baby myself. But at that time, when complementary foods were just beginning, I began to sometimes resort to using dry cereals, which are sold in children's departments. Sometimes you get very tired and you need time to rest, but you don't want your child to suffer from this. Therefore, for these purposes, I sometimes took special cereals, tried different manufacturers, but still opted for this product. Usually, if I bought, I took buckwheat or oatmeal, always dairy with the addition of fruits. Since I rarely bring it to my child, one package is enough for a month, or even longer. This time my mother chose the porridge, so it turned out to be dairy-free and hypoallergenic. No matter how I tried to explain which one I would like, she, nevertheless, did not buy much more.

This, in principle, is not important, the child eats her with the same pleasure, but maybe she likes it because I don’t give this every day and she is like a variety.

This product is sold in a bright yellow cardboard box with a pleasant and cheerful teddy bear on the front side.

Inside the box there is dry porridge in a special bag for preservation. All information required by the consumer is located only on the box. It contains a summary for parents about how this product protects the baby's body, and what benefits this porridge has.

Detailed information can be found on the website, which, like the phone number, is indicated on the box. Also on the package there is an illustrated and described method for the correct preparation of this dry porridge, this is important, since the final taste will depend on how everything is done. There is also a detailed description of the composition. The volume of one package is two hundred grams, and the cost is a little over one hundred rubles.

Sooner or later, the moment comes when it's time to introduce complementary foods into the baby's diet. Often, milk porridge from rice or any other cereal is used as the first food, but the baby may become allergic to such complementary foods. How to prevent this and what is the best feeding?

Why do allergic reactions to porridge occur?

The body of young children is very sensitive, so that allergies can occur even to those foods that do not seem to be harmful or dangerous. For example, there is a common misconception that milk is very good for babies. And really, what harm can there be from such a harmless product? Just think, mother's milk was replaced with cow's or goat's, that's okay. In reality, everything looks very different. What can be an allergic reaction?

The baby's body can react to:

  • milk protein in the very "very useful" milk;
  • gluten (found mainly in oat and wheat groats);
  • fruits and berries (especially bright colors) added to porridge;
  • sugar.

Allergy is a reaction of the child's body not only to the active components in the mixture, improper introduction of complementary foods (too large portions) can also cause it. Milk porridge is a product that is definitely worth leaving for an older age, like fruit with sugar. To avoid trouble, it is better to strictly follow the rules of complementary feeding, and in case of uncertainty, it is better to consult a doctor. Seriously it is worth approaching the choice of the porridge itself for feeding the baby.

What to do if allergies appear?

If you already have an allergy, then you need to stop feeding the baby with porridge for at least 10-14 days, in some cases it will take a longer period. Be sure to show your child to the pediatrician to prescribe the necessary treatment.

You can continue to feed your baby with porridge only after the allergy subsides. Important: the porridge must be hypoallergenic.

How to choose?

Often the product packaging is marked "hypoallergenic" or "low allergenic", which means that, firstly, the porridge is not dairy, and secondly, it does not contain one of the allergens - gluten.

Such a product always contains only one type of cereal (the same rice) without admixtures of pieces of berries and fruits. Prebiotics can also be added to improve the baby's digestion and prevent possible constipation. There are simply no other options for hypoallergenic cereals.
Only with such a product can the first complementary food be introduced.

It is not necessary to buy ready-made instant porridge, you can cook rice yourself in water without adding sugar and milk.

However, milk porridge, sugar or fruits are not always the cause of allergies, and doctors' reviews confirm this. In very rare cases, a reaction to a protein from one of the cereals may occur. It is for this reason that the first portions of complementary foods should be very small, no more than half a teaspoon.

Instant cereals Nestle

Even dairy-free porridge can sometimes contain microscopic doses of milk or gluten, because often all types of cereal mixtures are produced on the same equipment. In this case, the manufacturer is obliged to indicate this on the packaging.

Dairy-free porridge can sometimes contain sugar in its composition, in this case, manufacturers put a mark on the package. Nestlé marks all products that do not contain milk, gluten, sugar or fruit with a special label “hypoallergenic”. Some impurities are considered low-allergenic, for example, pumpkin or prunes, but you should not start complementary foods with them, it is better to postpone them for a later period.

Whether rice, buckwheat or corn is not so important, the line of Nestle instant cereals differs only in the type of cereals, but the ratio of useful minerals and vitamins does not change.

Rice porridge Nestlé

It is important to know that dairy-free rice porridge helps with digestive disorders, for this it is diluted with water. Rice normalizes stool and, most importantly, does not irritate the stomach and intestines.

However, if the child is healthy, rice supplements can cause constipation, so it is better to alternate cereals. Prunes and pumpkin can help cope with the problem of constipation, but in this case, they should not be given to babies prone to diarrhea.

Usually, refined rice is used for Nestle baby cereals for complementary foods, so it is much better absorbed by the stomach, since there are practically no poorly digestible fibers in it. The doctors' comments on such a diet are only positive.

In some cases, unpolished rice is also produced, it contains fiber that does not cause digestive problems and constipation. This product contains many useful vitamins and minerals.

Allergies are unpleasant, but when choosing a dry rice mixture, you need to decide what exactly you need:

  • a medicinal product for eliminating digestive problems;
  • hypoallergenic porridge for sensitive babies;
  • first complementary foods;
  • a product that normalizes the child's stool.

In the first case, choose a product without fruits and prebiotics. Read the composition carefully, the less fiber it contains, the better. The word "dairy" on the packaging should be a red traffic light for you.

If your baby is allergic and you choose a hypoallergenic product, opt for products with prebiotics, but without sugar and fruits in the composition. Prebiotics are also good for preventing constipation, so these types of cereals are also suitable for this purpose.

Why Nestle porridges are good

Nestlé's dairy-free rice porridge has a minimum of fibers and contains beneficial bifidobacteria that help normalize stool digestion. However, you should not use this product as a therapeutic diet for diarrhea.

Nestle Pomogayka's porridge is well suited as a therapeutic food, it contains carob fruits and is suitable for babies from 5 months. It is important that this product contains protein that is not inferior to milk protein in benefits, but does not cause allergies. Such nutrition is good for treating intestinal infections and other diseases of the digestive system.

Nestlé Rice Porridge tastes good, is harmless to babies and is great as complementary food. In the production of Nestlé products, only natural and environmentally friendly raw materials are used, there are no synthetic additives, preservatives and dyes, as well as sugar and milk.

In addition to rice flour, Nestlé dairy-free porridge contains vitamins B, A, E and PP. Trace elements zinc, calcium, potassium, iron, sodium and iodine contribute to the harmonious growth and development of the baby, strengthen the immune system. Special live bacteria contribute to the quick and easy assimilation of the product.

How to feed your baby correctly

These rules are true not only for Nestle instant cereals, but also for any others. As the first complementary food, it is worth introducing no more than 1 spoon, gradually increasing the portions to the normal volume.

This rice mixture can be given no more than 2 times a day and always fresh - do not store the finished product in the refrigerator.

Instant porridges are easy to prepare, they do not need to be boiled, it is enough to fill the powder with hot water (no more than 40 degrees so that vitamins and nutrients do not collapse) and mix well.

How to store

The product in an open package can be stored in a dry place no more than 14 days, and in a sealed form - up to 15 months.

A special complex of vitamins and minerals for healthy growth and development... Iron, iodine, vitamins C and B1 are not only important in the physical development of the baby, but also play a key role in the formation of the brain, memory and intelligence.

The “Gentle Grain Splitting” technology preserves the natural sweetness of the cereals and significantly reduces sugar addition. Thanks to this technology porridge becomes airy and easily divorced without lumps.

* Iron + ** SLEEP (C-H-I)

Rice flour, maltodextrin, vitamins and minerals, bifidobacteria not less than 1x10 6 CFU / g. This product may contain gluten and milk. Contains 9 vitamins and 5 minerals. The product is packaged under a modified nitrogen atmosphere.

Store the closed pack in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 0 С and relative air humidity not exceeding 75%.

The opened bag should be tightly closed.

Store no more than 2 weeks after opening.

Don't cook! Feed your baby with a clean spoon. The porridge should be cooked just before each meal. Do not store the diluted porridge leftover after feeding.

Wash your hands and take clean dishes.

Pour 160 ml of breast milk at 37 ° C, infant formula or water at 40 ° C into a clean plate. If you use infant formula for preparation, carefully prepare the formula according to the instructions on the package of the formula. If you use drinking water *** for cooking porridge, boil it for 5 minutes. and let it cool down to the desired temperature.

Measure 25 g dry porridge (4 tablespoons) into a separate bowl.

Gradually add dry porridge to a plate of water, breast milk or infant formula, stirring continuously until smooth.

Start introducing complementary foods with 1 tablespoon of porridge diluted with 4-5 tablespoons of boiled water. Gradually increase the amount of porridge to one whole serving.

*** When diluted with water, porridge does not provide the necessary nutritional value of the diet. Consult your doctor for dietary adjustments.

Non-GMO ingredients

No artificial colors

No preservatives

The ideal food for an infant is mother's milk. The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and then complementary foods while breastfeeding continues. Nestlé supports this recommendation. Nestlé® porridge "Rice hypoallergenic" - from 4 months. in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Consultation of a specialist is required. ® Trademark owner: Société des Produits Nestlé S. A. (Switzerland). The item is registered.