Apple vinegar at home. How to make apple cider vinegar at home? What is vinegar uterus

02.05.2019 Egg dishes

Greetings to you, regular readers of the healthy lifestyle blog and those who are on my site for the first time! Today we continue the theme of apple cider vinegar. I will not repeat myself about the composition of natural apple essence. If interested, read about. We will try to find out the recipe for apple cider vinegar at home.

Of course you can buy already finished product... But nevertheless, it will be healthier to prepare your elixir from natural apples with love. It will not contain 100% of any chemistry and harmful substances. Perfect option if you take your fruits from a summer cottage or a personal plot.

From the article you will learn about simple recipes and more complex ones, but you can also take a closer look at them. Your work will be justified. Homemade apple cider vinegar has good aroma and bright taste, and you can not talk about the benefits of the product.

It is used both internally, for weight loss and recovery, and externally, as a lotion for oily skin getting rid of wrinkles. In addition, apple cider vinegar makes an excellent kebab. Therefore, a bottle of natural apple essence must be in every home.

Before you start making a healing apple elixir, read these tips and tricks. Then the final product will definitely not disappoint you.

  • To prepare medicinal acid, use natural apples, not Chinese. Self-grown autumn varieties are best suited. If you buy apples from the market, go to those where wormhole spots are sometimes found. This suggests that no chemicals were used in growing the fruits.
  • Prepare the right dishes, container. Stainless steel cannot be used. Glass will do, enameled dishes, clay. The container for infusion should be wide-necked and preferably not transparent.
  • Stir the wort with a wooden spoon, stick, etc.
  • Carefully follow all stages, technology and deadlines. The timing of fermentation must be monitored especially carefully so that the product does not deteriorate. Observe the recommended temperature regime, make sure that insects and dirt do not get into the container with raw materials.
  • Provide the wort with good oxygen access. You can store the container outdoors, in the shade of bushes in own garden... Make sure that there is no overheating, sunlight and dust.

Ready-made natural apple cider vinegar does not differ in transparency, it is slightly cloudy. Over time, a sediment forms at the bottom of the bottle. This is normal, don't be intimidated. Also, after a while, a "vinegar uterus" should appear in the container. This sediment is somewhat like a slime jellyfish.

V store product you most likely will not see any sediment or "uterus", since it does not differ in naturalness. This "uterus" can be used as tea mushroom and cook based on it healing drinks... It is also used to make a new portion of the elixir.

The photo below shows what the "vinegar uterus" looks like.

Homemade recipes

So, now let's get down to the fun part - recipes. The first recipe is simple and does not require any special skills.

Traditional Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe

Take raw materials using the tips above. Prepare the correct container.

What you need:

  • 3 kg of good fragrant apples.
  • 0.3 kg of sugar.
  • Clean cloth, gauze (more).
  • A wide vessel (an enamelled bucket, barrel, saucepan is suitable). Remember the ban on stainless steel.


  1. Wash the apples, peel them from damage, inclusions on the peel, remove the core.
  2. Chop the prepared apples. Your task is to make a puree, but the pieces of fruit were visible to the eye. Experienced housewives use a coarse grater, blender, meat grinder.
  3. Transfer the raw materials to a prepared, clean container with a wide mouth.
  4. Add 300 grams of sugar and stir everything well with a long-handled wooden spoon.
  5. Add 70 ° C boiled water. The exact volume of water is not known, be guided by the container. The water should cover the puree by at least 2 cm.
  6. Cover the dishes with a clean cloth, gauze. Tie a rope or secure the gauze with an elastic band to keep it from falling off.
  7. Let the raw material ferment in a dark place where the temperature does not drop below 16-17 ° C, but it also does not get hot. Optimally - up to 25 degrees.
  8. Mark this day on your calendar. The next checkpoint is in 14 days.

While the wort is fermenting, you should stir it with a wooden object at least twice a day during these two weeks.

There must be access to oxygen, so there is no need to put containers in a stuffy room. For this reason, the wort must not be covered with lids, even wooden ones. Cloth and several layers of gauze are the best option.

  1. When 14 days have passed, the wort should be filtered through 2-3 layers of gauze. Squeeze out all the pulp as much as possible so that one cake remains.
  2. Pour the resulting juice back and cover it with a cloth, gauze. Remove to the same place where the wort was.
  3. Let the apple cider vinegar ripen for about a month.

The finished product must acquire a beautiful amber, be transparent and fragrant. Pour the elixir into glass bottles, close them tightly and put them in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

Apple juice recipe

If you don't want to make vinegar from apple pieces, make it from fresh juice... This recipe will especially appeal to housewives who have a juicer. If you've done a lot apple juice on the preparation and no longer know where to put it, then prepare homemade vinegar... Use good natural apples for juice.

How to make apple essence from freshly squeezed juice:

  • Use a juicer to make 1 liter of juice.
  • Take 100 grams good honey, better than Siberian.
  • Pour the juice into a suitable container (glass, enamel).
  • Pour honey there and stir everything well.
  • Cover the container with clean gauze.
  • Put the juice in a dark place where there is a lot fresh air... Make sure that the gauze does not come off, fix it.
  • Time 2 months. You do not need to shake the liquid.

Pour the finished essence into a container for storage. You do not need to filter vinegar with honey.

An important nuance: in the process of standing, a film may form on the surface. You don't need to remove it, the film will dissolve by itself when the vinegar is ready, this is a normal reaction.

Bread recipe

If you have the desire and time, I advise you to prepare apple cider vinegar with black bread. It turns out to be very tasty. It is better to take apples sweet.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 0.8 kg cored apples.
  • 1 liter of boiled water.
  • A piece of dried black bread (preferably homemade or Borodino).
  • 200 grams of honey.
  • 20 grams of yeast (dry).
  • 100 grams of granulated sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Grind the prepared apples in any way, transfer them to a suitable container.
  2. Fill them with cooled boiled water.
  3. Add honey, dry yeast to the mass, crush bread there.
  4. Close the container with gauze in one layer. Place the container in a room where there is a lot of fresh air and the temperature is kept in the range of 20-30 degrees Celsius.
  5. After 10 days, squeeze out all the wort well.
  6. Pour the resulting juice into a wide-necked container. Pour 2 tablespoons of sugar there, stir and tie the top of the container with gauze so that it does not fly off.
  7. Remove future vinegar to a warm place for 2 months.

How to understand that apple elixir ready? The liquid will take on a transparent shade, and a sediment will appear at the bottom. Strain the finished vinegar into the bottles through cheesecloth and store in a cool, dark place.

Hope you find these simple recipes useful. How to drink apple vinegar is best described in a separate publication. Follow the blog updates!

And finally, watch a short video on how to cook useful essence from apples:

You've probably already heard that natural apple cider vinegar is very useful product... Although today given view vinegar can be bought in the store, however the quality home product will always be an order of magnitude higher. After all, if you know how to make apple cider vinegar at home, then you can be sure that no chemicals were used in the cooking process, and the resulting product is completely natural.

You can use natural homemade vinegar not only in cooking, but also in personal care, when cooking home cosmetics and even drugs. For example, for sore throat, gargling with diluted apple cider vinegar is very helpful.

Of course, those who have garden plots where apple trees grow first of all think about the question of how to do it. After all, the crop needs to be processed, and not everyone loves compotes and jams. But even if you don't have a garden, you can make natural apple vinegar from purchased raw materials. Just try to buy apples that have grown in your area, not imported ones. In addition, it is advisable to use fruits that have not been processed during the growth process by various chemicals.

So, here's how to make apple cider vinegar in your kitchen. Apples need to be chopped in any way convenient for you - you can cut them with a knife or grate them. Moreover, peeling apples and even cutting out seed pods is not necessary.

Put the apple mass in a bowl. Ideally, a wooden one, but you can also take a glass or ceramic container. At worst, you can use an ordinary enamel pan, the main thing is that there are no chips of enamel on its surface.

Now we put sugar on the basis of each kilogram of crushed apples - one hundred grams of sand. Pour apples with sugar hot water(temperature about 75 degrees) so that the liquid is above the level of apples by three to five centimeters.

Now we need to cover our vessel so that the air passes freely, and all sorts of small midges, like fruit flies, could not get inside. The easiest way is to cover the dishes with a thick enough cloth, securing it with an elastic band.

We remove our semi-finished vinegar product in a warm and dark place, which, however, must be accessible so that you do not forget to stir the mass twice a day using a wooden (in no case, not a metal!) Spoon. If the mass is not mixed, then the fermentation process will go slower, and upper layer floating apples will dry out.

We leave the mass to ferment for fifteen days, then carefully filter through several layers of gauze. The resulting liquid is poured into jars, without adding seven to eight centimeters to the brim, since the fermentation process will continue and the liquid may "escape" over the edge. Cover the jars with a cloth and leave them in a warm place for another fifteen days.

Now it's time to bottle our vinegar. This is best done with a flexible hose. If you know how to prepare Home wine then this process is familiar to you. And if not, then you have to remember school lessons physics, when the teacher told you about communicating vessels. The sediment that remains after pouring the vinegar must be filtered through a linen cloth and poured into bottles. Now we close the dishes with boiled corks and send them for storage.

How to make apple cider vinegar with yeast? The recipe is simple. For one and a half kilograms of crushed apples, you need to take two hundred grams of honey and twenty grams fresh yeast... We keep the mixture in a warm place for ten days, stirring occasionally. Then we filter the juice through cheesecloth, pour it into a dry jar and leave it warm for another month and a half, covered with gauze. Filter the finished vinegar and bottle it again. It is better to store natural vinegar in a dark place at a temperature of about five degrees Celsius.

Now you know how to make it means that you will always have a healthy and completely natural product in stock. Apple vinegar should be used for dressing salads, marinating meat, cooking various sauces... This vinegar is not only much healthier, but also tastier than store-bought flavored condiments.

Natural homemade apple cider vinegar, in a few spoons of which there is a medicine, a food vitamin supplement, and just a refreshing drink in summer heat... I am preparing it for the 4th season.

Recipe from the book Jarvis "Honey and others natural products”And the book by N. Kobzar“ Nature-friendly nutrition. The path to health ”.

There are three steps to making apple cider vinegar. All manipulations are simple, albeit stretched out in time. The real busy time from cooking is not great. Depending on the initial quantity / quality of apples, the preparation of the apples is the longest, followed by pressing.

Apple Cider Vinegar Ingredients:

1st stage:
  • 400 g apples
  • 500 ml of water
  • 50 g sugar / honey
  • 10 g black bread (small crouton)

2nd stage:

  • 100 g honey / sugar per liter of liquid

How to make apple cider vinegar at home - simple recipe:

Step 1 of making homemade apple cider vinegar

  1. Any apple will do for vinegar. Better yet, it seems to me, is a mixture of apples. Mine, clean from wormy, spoiled areas. If your apples are selected, without nuances, then we rub the whole thing on a grater (together with the core, seeds, skins). Also, if you are drying apples, then you can use the skins / cores left after the apple peel. This year my apple trees are resting and I use the falling fruit from my grandfather's garden.

    Preparing apples

  2. Rub on coarse grater manually or with the help of your kitchen helpers (blender, food processor ...). You can and finely chop. This year I use a nozzle (a coarse grater in a food processor) for 6.5 kg of prepared apples (in the past I grated 10-12 kg by hand - there was more time).


  3. Pour the apple mass with warm boiled water. In proportion for every 400 g of apples, 500 ml of water (for 4 kg of apples - 5 l of water), we feed our future vinegar with honey or sugar and a crouton of black bread. This time I use sugar. Stir with a wooden spatula / spoon.

    Add ingredients for stage 1

  4. We put the container in a dark place with a temperature of 20-30 ° C, cover it with a cloth or gauze, and leave it for ten days, stirring the contents daily with a wooden spatula two to three times a day.

    Attention! At this stage, we use enamel pot, basin, bucket or glass or wooden container. The metal container is not suitable!

    The fermentation process is facilitated by: constant temperature, darkness and a wide area of ​​contact of the future vinegar with air. I have a huge saucepan, which for these ten days I put in the garage and cover it with a towel (from midges). I also add some ready-made vinegar from last year, which was left with sediment.

    2nd step of making apple cider vinegar at home

  5. After 10 days, filter and squeeze the mixture through 4 layers of gauze. I put a sieve covered with cheesecloth in 4 layers in a bowl and wring out in parts.

    We filter

  6. We pour the resulting liquid in 3 liter cans 2-2.5 liters in each jar, add sugar / honey at the rate of 100 g per liter.

    Pouring into jars and adding sugar

  7. Stir until dissolved. Cover with a piece natural fabric, we fix (with an elastic band, for example) so that midges do not fall.
  8. And again we leave the jars in a warm, dark room for another 1.5-2 months (during this time, no active participation on your part is required, although the vinegar will definitely be nice if you look at it and remember time and time 😉😂).

    Leave the vinegar for 1.5-2 months

    Depending on the apple variety and other conditions, your homemade apple cider vinegar will be ready after this time. I usually think about him after 2-3 months. At this time, the vinegar ferments, “plays” (so do not fill the jar to the top). Above, a vinegar uterus will form in the form of a film or even a thick, about half a centimeter, mucous formation. During this time, the liquid itself becomes transparent, a precipitate forms at the bottom, now the vinegar is considered ready.

  9. 3rd step of making apple cider vinegar at home

  • Insert a watering can covered with gauze folded in 4-5 layers into suitable clean bottles and pour the vinegar.
  • Closes tightly with lids (according to the recipe it is necessary to seal with wax; I have screw caps, which I additionally lay with a square parchment paper) and store in a cool place. My main volume is kept in the basement, and the bottle on duty is in the refrigerator.

Where to use homemade apple cider vinegar:

  • dressing salads;
  • add to hummus and instead of lemon when cooking;
  • extinguish baking soda;
  • we use with or in other preparations for the winter;
  • drink in the morning / evening or in the heat for refreshment in this form: add 1-2 tsp to a glass of water. vinegar and 1 tsp. honey;
  • gargle when worried: 1-2 tsp. vinegar in a glass of water, rinse every hour (rinsed-swallowed, washing the back of the throat) ...

Be careful with yourself, natural apple cider vinegar is acidic. Pay attention to this obvious fact.

The_host recipe author

A simple homemade apple cider vinegar recipe allows you to make a truly healthy and tasty product... A liquid with a pleasant sour taste is used simply as useful substance and is also used as an ingredient in canning or seasoning in food. Apple cider vinegar has a healing effect on the whole body: it normalizes bowel function, acid-base balance, stabilizes general health, debugs the absorption of fats, increases well-being etc.

The benefits of homemade apple cider vinegar are: inexpensive product, affordable for any family, hypoallergenic, without side effects on the liver and stomach.

Standard Recipe for Sugar-Free Apple Cider Vinegar

For simple recipe apple cider vinegar at home should be ripe and sweet.


During fermentation, a film of acetic acid bacteria forms on the surface of the apple mass, which does not need to be disposed of. It is she who allows you to create such a product.

Homemade apple cider vinegar from pomace

According to the recipe provided, to get about 1 liter of vinegar, you need to prepare 1.5 kg of overripe apples. This description provides for the use of yeast in an amount of 10 grams per 100 grams of mixture.


Video recipe for apple cider vinegar with the addition of rye bread and honey

Yeast-Free Apple Cider Vinegar

Due to the lack of yeast at home or simply unwillingness to use it, a recipe for making apple cider vinegar at home without yeast is provided. To obtain the desired product, the apples must be carefully chopped and a lot of sugar must be added.


Apple cider vinegar fermentation is a process in which trace minerals from starch and sugar are converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide. This process is also called fermentation.

A simple recipe for apple cider vinegar at home provides for simple steps, according to which you can make vinegar not only for internal use, but also for outdoor. Traditional medicine, with confidence in its recipes, increasingly shows that apple cider vinegar has a beneficial effect on the body. Its use helps to get rid of lichen, fungus, corns, corns, scabies, small varicose veins. Also, the liquid in question is an excellent antiseptic. To treat with these methods, you need to know how to make apple cider vinegar, the recipes for which will help you with this.

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Apple cider vinegar at home,. Cooking is available to everyone, quickly and without problems. , use in medicine for weight loss, varicose veins and other diseases. Recipes from juice, cake, with honey, through a juicer, without yeast and according to Jarvis's recipe.

Apple cider vinegar - benefits and harms

Apple cider vinegar has long been proven effective in addressing a range of health problems. It contains the necessary trace elements: sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, fluorine and others. It includes vitamins A, B, C, E, P. In addition, the drink is generous with amino acids and enzymes. Together, the substances presented have a beneficial effect on health, helping to cope with huge amount diseases.

Vinegar has proven effective over the years of human use. The tool is able to get rid of problems with the throat, veins, activates metabolic processes. Effective for acne and other problems. In addition to undeniable benefits may be harmful. You should consult with specialists before starting treatment.

It is categorically contraindicated for people with high acidity. Rinsing your mouth with a product should not be used for those who have problems with enamel. Before using it, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

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Application in folk medicine for hair

In folk medicine, there are many applications, on the forums they describe 1001 cooking methods. It has been used since ancient times and is considered healing remedy... Vinegar improves many times appearance hair and skin. Suitable for all hair types.

Used to relieve sore throats, colds and heart disease. Apple vinegar copes with overweight allowing without extra effort acquire the desired forms. The tool can help with varicose veins veins and joint pain.

With varicose veins and spider veins

The composition is effective remedy to get rid of varicose veins. To achieve the effect, doctors advise to regularly rub the affected area. It is recommended to use it internally, dissolving 2 teaspoons of vinegar in boiled water. When applied systematically, there is a chance to prevent allergies.

For this in a glass mix water, apple vinegar, a couple of tablespoons of honey and take the resulting drink daily. Apple vinegar is good for treating sore throats. It is advisable to gargle the throat every hour by dissolving in a glass of water. A solution with the addition of vinegar effectively relieves joint pain. It is advised to use it orally 3 times a day.

Copes with insomnia, headache, head lice, heartburn, burns and ODS. It is useful to make a drink from vinegar and mineral water.


To give the body desired shape and to get the result, you need to regularly drink apple cider vinegar for weight loss. Recommended to be consumed every time after meals. A single dosage is 2 teaspoons. After a couple of months, the first results are observed. With regular use, the effect will be amazing.

How to quickly cook

There are various recipes for making apple-based vinegar. To cook useful remedy, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  • wash the apples thoroughly;
  • cut unpeeled apples;
  • squeeze juice out of the darkened pieces;
  • pour the resulting juice into a glass dish;
  • put a ball or rubber glove on the jar;
  • infuse the mixture for several weeks, hiding in a dark place at room temperature;
  • after primary fermentation, pour the liquid into another bowl with a wider neck and cover with a cloth;
  • after re-fermentation, the vinegar should be filtered through cheesecloth and consumed according to the recipe.

A simple recipe with a photo step by step without yeast

It is quite simple to cook on the basis of apples. To do this, you must follow the proposed recipe and the corresponding photo. Be sure to use real garden apples without additives. First, wash well and cut into 4 pieces.

After that, the slices should lie down for a while until they acquire a dark color.

Fold in a glass dish, fill it completely with water and cover the wedges.

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The dishes must be covered paper towel and hide in the kitchen cabinet.

Apples should be infused for six months, stirring them once a week with a wooden spoon. After the time has passed, drain.

For the final preparation, it is necessary to refill the apples with the already strained liquid.

Exactly one month later, real homemade vinegar made from apples can be consumed.

Healer's grandmother's recipe

According to Jarvis

Jarvis showed how to make and created a recipe that is famous and popular, used by thousands of people. The technology is easy, for application you need apples, core, yeast and honey. First, wash 1 kg of aromatic apples and grate. Dilute the resulting gruel with a liter of water and add 100 grams of honey, 10 grams of dry yeast.

For 10 days, keep the dishes open and stir the contents daily with a wooden product. Then strain, cover with gauze and stand at 25 degrees for another 2 months. After the expiration date, the vinegar will cook. Store only in the refrigerator.

Jarvis Apple Cider Vinegar is a popular method known and in demand.

From cake

Vinegar using oil cake is easy to prepare. Fresh apples cut into large wedges and put in a jar with a wide neck. Add the cake, which remained after the preparation of the juice, to the dishes. Pour boiled water, covering the mixture with it for about a couple of centimeters.

Sugar is added, it needs 50 grams for 1 kilogram. Cover the resulting mixture and put in a warm place for several months. After that, the liquid is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

How to do with honey

There is an option for making apple vinegar using honey. Why cut enough fruit in large pieces, fold into suitable dishes and add honey. The volume for 1 kg of apples should be 300 grams of honey. Next, pour boiling water, completely covering the contents.

Cover the dishes with gauze folded in a couple of layers. It is necessary to soak the apples for about 10 days, stirring a couple of times daily with a wooden spoon.

After the specified period, the apples should be squeezed using a sieve. The resulting juice must be mixed with honey infusion, covered with gauze and put in a cabinet for about a month.
Then strain the resulting vinegar, pour into bottles and close. It should be stored in the refrigerator.

From juice, from compote

You can make vinegar from juice own production... First, you need to pick up quality apples, flavorful and grown without the addition of harmful chemicals. Prepare juice using a juicer. Add a mixture of 100 grams of boiled water, a small spoonful of sugar and ¼ part of dry yeast.

The monthly period of the resulting mixture should be kept warm by pulling a rubber glove over the container. Pour the liquid into a shallow dish, cover with a cloth and keep in the same place for about 3 months. The finished vinegar is well filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

Just make your own vinegar from apples with sugar, observing the proportions of 100 grams per 1 kg. To begin with, apples are rubbed coarsely and placed in a bowl. Sugar should also be added there. Everything is filled with hot water a few centimeters above the apples.

It is necessary to infuse the mixture for 2 weeks in a warm place, tying the jar with gauze. After that, the contents should be filtered and insisted for a couple of weeks. Then the finished vinegar must be refrigerated.

Where to buy a natural product

Apple cider vinegar is widely available on the market. It can be made according to various recipes... But it is not uncommon to find a product that is synthetic. There are major differences natural vinegar:

  1. There should be a characteristic dark sediment in the bottle.
  2. The fortress should be between 4 and 6 percent.
  3. On a bottle of natural vinegar, the following words are found: alcoholic, natural, biochemical.