Can I store freshly squeezed apple juice? How to store the elixir of youth and health - apple juice

05.08.2019 Buffet table

Berry, fruit, vegetable juices, as well as their mixtures contain a huge complex of vitamins, trace elements, sugars and other useful substances for the human body.

All of them are easily absorbed by our body. Canned, but prepared in compliance with the rules, juices also retain many useful substances, and they can be used in winter, replenishing the "vitamin pantry" of the body.

Today the site will tell you how to make juice, prepare it for future use and store it.

How to make fresh juice

Juice can be obtained from almost all berries, fruits, and many vegetables and spices. With the help of modern juicers, you will get the maximum amount of juice from fruits and cake (pulp), which is also a storehouse of useful substances.

Juicing technology:

  1. Choose ripe and healthy fruits.
  2. Wash them, remove the stalks and sepals, dry. Cut large fruits into pieces - this way the juice separates better.
  3. Place the prepared fruit in a juicer and get the juice. Do not rush to throw away the cake. Pour boiling water over it, let it brew and strain. Then use to make fruit drink, jelly or jelly.

How to store fresh juices

Freshly squeezed juice (fresh) is not stored for long. It is better to drink the juice immediately or within an hour after preparation, keeping it in a clean container with a tightly closed lid in a cool dry place. For this, glass jars or bottles of various sizes (from 0.3 liters to 1 liter) with screw caps are perfect.

Let us pass a few apples through a juicer - and you can drink apple fresh, freshly squeezed apple juice.

Apples are the most common fruit in Russia, so you can find good fruits everywhere - environmentally friendly, without harmful additives. And what is grown on its own land is always better assimilated than imported. By consuming local products, you can avoid many diseases, such as allergies. If you regularly drink fresh, you can stay healthy longer, because it regulates the intestines, strengthens blood vessels.

But how to store apple juice so that it remains not only tasty, but also healthy?

If you don't finish - let's save!

Apple juice contains more trace elements, vitamins, organic acids and other nutrients than others. This is what makes it a truly healing drink.

The combination of vitamins and minerals in it has a positive effect on the body and helps to recover from diseases:

  • liver;
  • stomach;
  • intestines;
  • kidney;
  • Bladder;
  • of cardio-vascular system.

Juice from just two apples a day lowers cholesterol by 16-20%

But many substances are quickly destroyed. Therefore, it is best to drink fresh juice immediately, within 10-15 minutes. Yet sometimes it needs to be preserved.

There are many storage methods. The easiest way is to put freshly squeezed juice in the refrigerator. Only he will quickly lose most of his nutrients.

On the other hand, after standing in the refrigerator for several hours, it will remain fresh and tasty, retain its nutritional properties, but the effect will be much softer. After all, a loading dose of trace elements and vitamins can even be harmful for certain diseases.

It is important to place the liquid in a tightly sealed container to reduce air access.

  • Some juicers come with a special plastic container with a lid that you can put in the refrigerator. It is very convenient.
  • If there is no such container in the kit, the drink can be stored, for example, in bottles. Any other convenient utensil will do.

Tip of the day

Apple juice contains a lot of iron, so it quickly begins to oxidize and darken. To slow down oxidation, add a little lemon juice to it, then it will not darken longer.

Freeze harder - better save

But how to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals contained in this life-giving drink? How much juice can you store so it stays fresh?

  • You can put it in a plastic container and freeze it in the freezer. This storage method does not require boiling, so the juice practically does not lose its nutritional value. Its taste will not be affected.
  • And to drink apple juice, as if freshly made, simply defrost it at room temperature. To speed up the defrosting process, you can place the container in warm water.

This method is very convenient. You can even freeze it in reserve so that you can drink a vitamin drink when there is no time to collect and wash the juicer.

Do you know that…

Almost all nutrients are preserved in frozen juice.

Making supplies for the winter

In winter, there is always a lack of vitamins, and canned juice is just what you need to replenish the necessary substances and strengthen the immune system.

How to make apple juice at home for the winter? For this, it must be preserved. Properly canned juice will be stored throughout the winter.

Winter juice is different from freshly squeezed juice. Preservation involves heating. In this case, part of the vitamins and microelements is destroyed, but the taste of the drink becomes softer.

Juice cooker - hostess assistant

There are two ways to preserve apple juice: prepare it in a juicer or in a juicer. The second way is easier.

The juicer has many advantages:

  • Juice brewed in a juicer tastes differently from juicers. Juice cooked is softer.
  • Juice is prepared in a juicer for the winter very quickly. You just need to cut the apples and place them in a juicer.
  • You do not need to cut the apples finely, remove the seeds and peel them.
  • Apples are steamed, so all microbes are killed and the juice is sterile.

The process is also straightforward:

  1. Place the apples in a juicer and sprinkle with them (this is a preservative).
  2. Place a jar under the tube. When the juice is visible in the glass part, remove the clip.
  3. Immediately cover the jar with a tin lid (put directly on the tube) and wait until the top is filled.
  4. Roll up the full jar and turn it over for air cooling.
  5. Store on a balcony, closet, or closet.

There are also several secrets of juicer cooking:

  • Do not use rotten fruit. Even cut pieces can spoil the taste of the final product.
  • If the apples are too sour, you can add sugar at the beginning of the boil. And if you roll up the juice, then sugar must be added, otherwise it will ferment.
  • You can add other fruits, berries, vegetables (pumpkin) to apples directly into the juicer, this will diversify both color and taste. When using colored berries (elderberry, currant), you need to add a little citric acid, then the color will be bright, beautiful, saturated.

Do you know that

You can use the puree obtained in a saucepan of a juicer. It is rubbed with a spoon through the holes of the same pan and laid out in a clean container, sugar is added to it to taste. Then the mass is well heated, placed in sterile jars and sealed. It tastes like baby puree.

The process is laborious, but the product is very tasty and well stored.

Apple juice fermented, what can you do?

  • To do this, pour the fermented juice into a wide bowl, cover with gauze and place in a warm, dark place. A “vinegar uterus” will appear on the surface - something like a kombucha.
  • The vinegar will be ready in 1.5-2 months. It should be transparent, and a good "vinegar womb" should float on the surface.
  • The finished vinegar must be filtered through a thick cloth, poured into bottles and placed in a cool place. If a "vinegar uterus" forms in the prepackaged vinegar, remove it and discard it so that the product does not peroxide.

Fermented apple juice can also be used in cooking:

  • It will make an excellent marinade for.
  • It is good to add it for kneading bread instead of another liquid, especially if.
  • Even on fermented apple juice, it will be very tasty.

Freshly squeezed, frozen, canned - any kind of this drink is valuable, healthy and at the same time has a pleasant taste. Its unique composition and energy value will help preserve youth and health.

Be sure to include this wonderful food in your diet. Consume it regularly and very soon you will feel its beneficial effects on the body. You will see: more energy will appear, you will be less sick and look better.

Store properly and be healthy!

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A wide variety of fruit and vegetable juices can be found on the shelves of modern stores. Among them is carrot. As a rule, on the packaging, the manufacturer boldly lists the beneficial properties of the juice and what vitamins it contains. But all these enumerations are unlikely to be true.

Canned juice is not able to retain all the vitamins of those vegetables and fruits from which it was prepared. A product that is stored for months, and also contains sugar, and sometimes even dyes, cannot be useful for human health.

That is why, it is best to choose natural freshly squeezed carrot juice for yourself and your family. Moreover, it is very simple to prepare it. It is enough to have a juicer or a blender with a special function at home, and also buy a couple of kilograms of carrots in the store. Such juice turns out to be not only very useful, but also economical and affordable, because this vegetable can be bought cheap in the store at any time of the year.

Why freshly squeezed carrot juice is good for you

The list of vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients contained in such juice is simply amazing. For example, it is impossible to find so much beta-carotene in any other vegetable or fruit, which has a positive effect on our vision, and also strengthens teeth, bones, the entire immune system in general, and eliminates many problems in the thyroid gland.

It is very important that vitamin A, into which beta-carotene is converted in our body, affects not only health, but also a person's appearance. In particular, on the condition of the skin and hair. The skin gradually becomes smooth, firm and fresh, while the hair becomes strong and silky.

If you drink this juice regularly, you can rid your body of toxins, and the liver is carefully and effectively cleansed of various unnecessary elements, including fat.

Carrot juice is also a source of magnesium, which helps to strengthen blood vessels, reduce bad cholesterol levels and generally improve human well-being.

It is important to note that such juice also perfectly stimulates the secretion of digestive juice, which improves the functioning of the entire digestive system, appetite, improves blood and soothes the nervous system. For example, in case of strong emotional distress, you can drink a glass of delicious carrot juice instead of sedatives. It's a great tasty, healthy, and safe alternative to pills.

The drink under discussion is capable of treating many chronic diseases. It has antibacterial, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory and other beneficial properties. It is able to prevent the aging process of the body, promotes the treatment of infertility and accelerates the healing process in case of bacterial kidney damage.

And recently, scientists have completely proved that the discussed juice, or rather the beta-carotene contained in it, has the properties of preventing and even treating such a terrible disease as cancer.

Many doctors recommend it in the treatment of various, including ulcers and digestive disorders. It also helps with diabetes, anemia, as well as stomatitis, mouth ulcers, gum problems and bad breath. We can say that this is a truly magical drink that is able to cure many diseases, and also helps a person stay young and beautiful for many years.

How to drink so that it is not harmful

To begin with, you should remember that such freshly squeezed juice retains its beneficial properties for a very short time. This is why it is very important to drink it immediately after preparation. The biggest mistake is to prepare a drink from evening to morning, because it makes no sense to store it even in the refrigerator. It is best to squeeze the juice just before drinking.

Also, a very important rule is to combine the drink with dishes containing animal or vegetable fats. This is necessary so that all its beneficial properties are perfectly assimilated in the body. For example, you can add a little sour cream or yogurt directly to the cup with the drink.

But flour and starchy dishes with carrot juice should not be combined.

To improve the taste of the drink, it is worth adding juice from other vegetables or fruits to it. For example, very interesting combinations are obtained from carrots and apples, carrots and oranges, carrots and beets, as well as carrots and pumpkins.

Are there any contraindications

Despite all the benefits of carrot juice, it also has some contraindications. It:

  • some diseases of the stomach and intestines (for example, colitis and gastritis with high acidity);
  • diabetes mellitus (drinking this drink with diabetes is possible and even useful, the main thing is to do it in moderation);
  • allergy to carrots.

Drinking too much of the juice in question can cause drowsiness, migraines, and lethargy. Also, an excess of such a drink in the body often leads to an increase in temperature and even to yellowing of the skin of the palms and feet. Although some experts are sure that the color change occurs because carrot juice removes toxins from the body. They are orange in color and pass through the skin.

Is it possible for children and at what age

Carrot juice is not only possible, but also necessary for children to drink. You can start introducing it into the children's diet after 6 months. If the baby is still breastfeeding, then you can give him juice immediately after the next feeding.

For a growing body, such a vitamin drink will be especially useful. And its sweetness and orange color will delight children.

The main thing is to also follow all the rules for the use of such juice and do not forget to add yogurt, cream or sour cream to it.

To enhance the taste of your carrot drink, you can add a little orange or lemon juice to it. The result is a real sweetness for the baby.

During pregnancy

Carrot juice is good for the expectant mother at all stages of pregnancy. It allows her to always be vigorous, healthy, endows the girl with vitality and energy, increases her immunity, and also allows her to diversify her diet in a healthy and tasty way.

Such a drink is especially useful for a long time. After all, it increases the elasticity of the skin and muscles, which prevents the appearance of stretch marks and reduces the risk of perineal tears during childbirth, and is also an excellent effective prevention of sepsis.
But since the expectant mother should be especially careful with her health and well-being, before using carrot juice, she should still consult with a specialist. And you shouldn't overdo it with its quantity.

How much is stored and how to store it correctly?

As noted above, store carrot juice only as a last resort. To do this, you need to pour a fresh drink into a convenient container and put it in the refrigerator as soon as possible.
Thus, it will be possible to preserve all its useful properties.
In all other cases, it is necessary to drink such juice immediately after its preparation, while it has not yet lost its vitamins and minerals.

Calorie content

It's not for nothing that carrot juice is included in many diets. Its calorie content is only 56 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. At the same time, he is also able to reduce the feeling of hunger. Therefore, lovers of such a drink should not be afraid to get better.
But there is a lot of sugar in carrot juice, so diabetics should use it in moderation.

Recipe: How to Juice Carrots Properly

The most convenient way to do this is with a juicer. To begin with, vegetables must be thoroughly washed, peeled, and then turned into juice. True, in most cases, the drink is obtained with a large amount of pulp, which is harmful for certain stomach diseases. Therefore, before use, it is better to strain the juice through several layers of gauze.

If the diet allows, then you can also add a little lemon juice and sugar syrup to the finished drink. This will make the juice even tastier.

Video: How to squeeze carrot juice at home

Beet juice about the benefits and harms of which will be discussed in this article is especially popular with fans of a healthy lifestyle. For many, this juice remains a mystery and they do not even know about its useful and medicinal properties.

Beets are an amazing root vegetable and have traditionally been used to heal many ailments. Even the ancient Romans treated fever and constipation with beetroot. And Hippocrates, strongly recommended using beet leaves to heal wounds. In the Middle Ages, beets were used to treat diseases of the digestive system.

And if many people know about the properties of beets and include them in their diet, then only a few people know about beet juice. In fact, beet juice has much greater healing properties and effects on the human body. Beetroot juice is especially useful for women on critical days, as well as for people with anemia. And most of its properties come from a unique compound called betalain. Betalain, found in beets, improves the function of the liver and biliary tract.

Based on research by British scientists from the University of Exeter, it is possible to confidently assert that beet juice is a unique energy drink.

Beetroot juice useful properties and composition

One of the main benefits of beetroot juice is that it contains a coloring pigment called betalain. It is a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, fungicide and detoxifying agent. Studies have suggested that this pigment may have an antitumor effect.

In addition to betalain, beet juice contains:

Vitamins: C, groups B, A, K;

Minerals: magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, potassium, copper, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, silicon, boron;



Organic acids: malic, oxalic;

Amino acids;


Organic nitrates;


All these compounds are needed by the human body. Iron is essential for the production of red blood cells and the transport of oxygen. In addition to iron, the juice contains other elements involved in hematopoiesis.

Flavonoids zeaxanthin and lutein, carotenoids are needed to preserve vision, prevent diseases of the retina.

Antioxidants protect the body from free radicals, increase the body's defenses, have anti-inflammatory, antifungal properties.

Betalain is considered one of the best for blood purification, thereby improving the cleansing ability of the liver. It is recommended to drink beet juice twice a year to cleanse the blood and restore blood cells.

Organic acids, pectin compounds improve digestion, remove salts of heavy metals, toxins and toxins from the body, prevent the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines.

The group vitamins improve metabolism, normalize the nervous system, and improve the functioning of the brain.

The rare earth mineral cobalt is involved in the production of vitamin B12, a vitamin that is essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Working together with vitamin B9 or folic acid, it takes part in the process of hematopoiesis - the production of red blood cells.

The organic nitrates found in beetroot juice have nothing to do with the nitrates found in foods from fertilizers or preservatives. Plant nitrates of beetroot juice have the property of lowering blood pressure, increasing physical endurance.

Oxalic acid is known to be a good solvent for calcium deposits in the body. These deposits, scientists believe, can be the cause of many diseases. Drinking beetroot juice will help prevent such deposits and therefore reduce the risk of calcification-related diseases such as:

Heart diseases;

Stones in the kidneys;

Vision problems;

Oncological diseases;


The benefits of beet juice for the body

Like ordinary beets, freshly squeezed and settled juice (only from fresh root crops) is of great benefit to the human body and helps:

  • Cope with anemia and blood diseases;
  • Increase endurance (this is due to a decrease in oxygen consumption during exercise by 16%);
  • Improve the work of the thyroid gland in hypothyroidism;
  • Strengthen the immune system;
  • Strengthen and increase the elasticity of small capillaries;
  • In cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol plaques (in general, cholesterol levels are reduced);
  • Remove vascular spasticity;
  • Return vigor with spring vitamin deficiency, accompanied by a breakdown;
  • Improve memory and concentration;
  • Increase the level of efficiency;
  • Improve the work of the digestive system;
  • Get rid of constipation (has a mild laxative effect);
  • Bring the intestinal microflora back to normal;
  • Accelerate the general metabolism;
  • Remove toxic substances from the body (including settled heavy metals);
  • Cleanse the liver and kidneys;
  • Remove stones from the gallbladder;
  • Remove excess calcium from blood vessels (for example, with varicose veins);
  • Stimulate the work of the lymphatic system;
  • Carry out the prevention of the appearance of oncological diseases;
  • Increase and maintain male potency (including avoiding the development of prostate adenoma);
  • To survive hormonal changes in women with menopause, without using synthetic drugs;
  • Reduce high blood pressure;
  • Get rid of insomnia;
  • Stabilize (or rather, reduce) blood glucose levels (due to the low glycemic index of only 30 units);
  • Heal ulcers and abscesses when applied topically.

Although for pregnant women, the intake of such juice is limited to two tablespoons a day, but even this small dosage will help to normalize the work of all organs and, most importantly, prevent anemia by improving the rate of hematopoiesis.

In the cosmetic direction, it is often recommended to wipe the face with beet juice in order to avoid the appearance of acne and acne.

How to make beetroot juice at home

The first step is to choose high-quality beets. It should be resiliently firm, burgundy, red or purple and oval-spherical (or just spherical) in shape. It is recommended to choose fruits that are not too large, up to a maximum of 12 cm in diameter (so the consumer will exclude the high content of nitrates in the root crop). When cut, there should be no blotches of white or black color (this is a sign of beet spoilage). The presence of green shoots speaks of the "youth" of the vegetable, and hence its juiciness.

The root crop must be well washed and peeled. A juicer is fine for making concentrated beetroot juice. But it also happens that such a technique is not at hand. And it doesn't matter. You will need to take a fine grater and grate the root vegetable on it. Then the drink is wrung out through clean gauze folded in several layers.

How to drink beet juice properly

Freshly prepared juice should not be drunk immediately. It is placed in the refrigerator for about two, four hours, without covering the container with a lid. Due to this, the juice settles (sediment settles to the bottom) and gets rid of burning ethers. After settling, remove the foam from the surface of the juice and carefully pour into another jar, leaving a settled sediment.

True, even such juice is not customary to use in its pure form, but to dilute it with cranberry, orange, cucumber, carrot or celery juice. In this case, the body assimilates the necessary nutrients better. You can mix juices in a proportion, for example, 1 part of beetroot and 3 parts of any other. With good tolerance and no side effects, you can increase the amount of beet juice.

Pure beet juice is drunk for prophylactic or therapeutic purposes. Start drinking beetroot juice in small portions, with 1-2 teaspoons gradually increasing its amount to 50 grams. You need to drink juice before meals for 25-30 minutes.

How long can beet juice be stored

You need to store the juice in the refrigerator. But its shelf life does not exceed two days. With longer storage, beneficial substances evaporate, and the desired effect from such juice will no longer be. And there is no special need to cook for future use. After all, the vegetable is stored in the refrigerator for a long time, and at any time, having taken it out, you can prepare a fresh drink.

Contraindications to the use of beetroot juice

No matter how "harmless" a natural beet drink may seem at first glance, it still has contraindications. Therefore, it is contraindicated to drink it when:

Urolithiasis (can provoke the movement of stones out of the kidneys);

Certain kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, nephrotic syndrome);

Rheumatoid arthritis;

Chronic diarrhea;

Hypotension (low blood pressure);

Increased secretion of the stomach (juice increases acidity);

Ulcerative colitis and stomach ulcers;


People suffering from diabetes should be especially careful with this product (depending on the variety, the juice often contains a lot of sugars and carbohydrates).

Of course, the use of red beet juice is contraindicated in case of allergies and individual intolerance.

Drinking too much juice can cause vomiting or nausea.

Often many are confused by the red color of urine and feces after beets. This is normal, because the coloring pigment betalain is contained in beets and it is he who is the culprit.

Beet juice treatment

Very often, beetroot juice is taken for medicinal purposes. Although the recommendations of doctors for the use of this juice for therapeutic purposes are not so extensive, there are many examples where beet juice helps to improve health.

  • Constipation, as fiber improves metabolism and has a laxative and mild diuretic effect.
  • Hypertension, since it contains a sufficient amount of magnesium;
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland. It contains iodine, which is good for this organ, as well as nutrients that improve metabolism;
  • Varicose veins and cardiovascular rehabilitation;
  • Restoration of the menstrual cycle in women and pain relief;
  • Overweight and obese.

Traditional medicine offers many recipes for the treatment of various pathologies. This juice is used to treat:

  • Liver;
  • Constipation;
  • Anemia;
  • Hypertension;
  • Runny nose and sinusitis;
  • Sore throats.

There are recipes where beet juice is used for medicinal purposes together with other juices. Here are just some of the recipes.

Beet-apple juice helps to restore stomach function and improve digestion. Such juice is useful as the prevention of oncology.

Beet orange juice helps the body absorb iron better. In addition, orange juice contains a large amount of vitamin C. To prepare this blended drink, the proportion of orange juice should be higher than that of beetroot. It is better to add more water after cooking. You can read about in this article.

Beetroot juice with cranberry juice is a good way to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. This drink will help raise blood pressure and has soothing properties.

To restore the normal functioning of the heart, it is useful to mix beet juice with cucumber and carrot juices, taking more carrot juice.

To restore the functions of the stomach, you need to mix beet juice with pumpkin juice. And to cleanse the body of toxins, add honey to the juice.

For weight loss, it is better to mix red beet juice with cucumber.

Beet juice for weight loss

Everyone knows vegetable diets for weight loss, among which there is also beetroot. But few people compare the possibilities of whole beets and their juice.

Indeed, the process of preparing a drink takes quite a long time. But the taste of this product (especially when diluted with another favorite juice) will become more pleasant than the consumption of ordinary raw beets, which will have to be thoroughly chewed.

The main advantages of beetroot juice for weight loss are:

  • The same content of indigestible fiber, which acts as a "brush";
  • Laxative effect that does not allow toxins and toxins to be deposited in the intestines;
  • Establishing the processes of absorption of vitamins and microelements due to the "destruction" of bad microflora;
  • Low glycemic index.

It is necessary to start the diet with a gradual increase in the amount of beet juice drunk in order to track the body's reaction, and consume it half an hour before meals.

Also, during the diet, it is recommended to exclude starchy and fatty foods in order to still get rid of extra pounds, and not only from waste products. It is also allowed to do fasting days on beet juice, but on condition that there is no negative reaction to such a product.

How to choose beets

Since such a vegetable is habitually stored throughout the winter, you need to know the basic rules for choosing a fresh vegetable:

  • It should be tight;
  • No damage is observed on a high-quality root crop;
  • Small green shoots at the base indicate the "youthfulness" of the product;
  • Acceptable color is from red to maroon.

It is important to keep fresh fruits in the cellar, slightly sprinkled with wet sand.

Beet juice is good for the human body, and today you are convinced of this. Now you know what benefits it can bring and what beneficial properties it has. It works well with many other vegetable and some fruit juices to help the body improve and restore health.

Find out your opinion on the benefits and properties of beetroot juice from this video

Freshly squeezed juice, or as it is also called - fresh, has already managed to win a place of honor in the diet of a modern person. Today I will tell you about the benefits of this product, how to properly store freshly squeezed juice, how much to store and how to drink it correctly, as well as share a couple of my favorite recipes.

Immediately I would like to focus on one very significant detail: freshly squeezed juice, prepared just before use, and juice, the benefits of which are promised to us by bright labels, are two different drinks. We will talk about the latter at the very end of the article.

Freshly squeezed juice: benefits and harms

It just so happened that many people associate freshly squeezed juice with a healthy lifestyle, a good figure and, of course, the benefits that a person receives. Moreover, it is worth noting that after drinking the juice, the body receives a portion of nutrients immediately. The same cannot be said about solid food, which requires many hours of digestion. Why fresh juice is useful:

  1. High content of vitamins and minerals.
    I will say this, freshly squeezed juice concentrates all the usefulness of the fruit (or vegetable) on the basis of which the drink is prepared. For example, fresh orange juice is a storehouse of vitamin C, which is essential to maintain immunity, or to fight colds (we talked about this vitamin in more detail in the article). Or juice from carrots, apricots, melons will enrich the body with valuable carotene, which promotes bone growth and is also good for eyesight.
  2. An excellent remedy if you want to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
  3. Promotes skin rejuvenation.
  4. Removes radionuclides from the body.
  5. Indispensable during fasting days.
    For example, grapefruit juice will speed up the metabolism, which is extremely important for those on a diet, while fresh cabbage juice burns fat.
  6. Prevents the formation of blood clots (grape juice).

As they say, everything is good in moderation. Not a single freshly squeezed juice should be drunk in liters. Some contraindications for the drink should not be neglected. Freshly squeezed juice can be harmful:

  • with gastritis or stomach ulcer;
  • sugary juices are not recommended for overweight people;
  • some fresh juices are very allergenic.

In general, the harm of freshly squeezed juices is determined by the individual characteristics of a person, with a competent approach, you can choose the right ingredients for the drink, and you can easily saturate your body with mineral elements and vitamins without harm to health.

Freshly squeezed juices - how to drink it right

So, now you have already fallen in love with freshly squeezed juices, there is only one small thing left: how to drink them correctly. Here I would like to give a couple of practical tips:

  1. Freshly squeezed juices should be drunk immediately. This is the only way to preserve all biologically active substances. The exception is beet juice. He needs time (about 2 hours) to "settle".
  2. Drink juice 30-40 minutes before meals. On an empty stomach, all biochemistry processes proceed instantly. But after eating, the juice causes the fermentation process. This will negatively affect your well-being.
  3. Natural juices can damage tooth enamel, so they should be drunk with a straw.
  4. Freshly squeezed juices from fruits where seeds are present - cherries, apricots, peaches, etc. - are best not mixed with anything.
  5. Fruit juices with seeds - apples, currants or grapes - go very well with fresh vegetable juices, such as beetroot, cabbage or carrot juice.
  6. It is recommended to drink fruit juices up to 1 glass a day. The thing is that fructose and fiber are absorbed by the body easily and quickly. Therefore, excessive consumption of sugary juices can lead to an imbalance in the sugar balance. What can not be said about freshly squeezed juices from vegetables, they do not have such a negative property, so there are no strict restrictions. If you have never pampered yourself with juice therapy before, start with 50 ml. a day, nevertheless freshly squeezed juice is a concentrate.
  7. Never change the taste of the juice by adding salt or sugar. These two products will render the drink useless. The sour taste can be improved with honey, and the addition of drinking water or any vegetable juice will relieve the sugary sweetness.
  8. 8. Vegetable juices, as a rule, are diluted: a small amount of vegetable oil or cream is added to orange, red or yellow juices, or something fatty is immediately eaten. This is necessary for the body to be able to assimilate carotene. Apple juice is added to all other vegetable drinks.

To answer this question, you need to think about the purpose for which you prepared it. If you need to preserve all the beneficial properties, you must drink immediately! And the longer freshly squeezed juice is stored, the more useless it becomes.

And yet the question - how to preserve freshly squeezed juice - remains open. I will offer 2 options: the first is freezing, the second is conservation. Of course, the juice after that cannot be called freshly squeezed, but no one will be harmed from this. Frozen juice is stored for no more than 2 days. It is important to remember here only that the liquid becomes larger in volume during freezing, i.e. do not fill the container with juice to the brim. The shelf life can be extended up to 1 year by conservation: bring fresh juice to a boil, add sugar. Keep on low heat for 10 minutes, then pour into pasteurized jars and roll up.

Freshly squeezed juices - recipes

Making freshly squeezed juice can rarely raise the question - HOW? Everything is logical and understandable: fruits (or vegetables) + juicer. And I, in turn, will offer you several options to mix simple ingredients as tasty and useful as possible.

  1. Orange, apple, broccoli. Peel the orange and apples, remove the seeds. Cut the broccoli into small pieces.
    This juice is rich in vitamins C, B, K, and is full of collagen. Broccoli can be used in its entirety: the leaves, and the stems, and the "crown" itself. This ingredient will complement the drink with selenium, which is responsible for the prevention of skin cancer. Drinking this drink every day, you get rid of dark circles under the eyes, give your skin youth and vigor.
  2. 1 orange, ¼ part grapefruit and ¼ part lemon with zest. Such juice will help to restore strength after a busy day at work.
  3. Half a grapefruit and 2 apples - it will be just a salvation if you persist in losing weight.
  4. 1 bunch of kale (no stems), 1 cucumber, a bunch of parsley and half a lemon. This juice is for lovers of unsweetened drinks. However, while you cook it, think about what benefits your body will receive, both externally and internally. Kale is full of vitamins A, C, K and omega-3 fats that are essential for the skin. Parsley is an excellent source of vitamins K, C and A, as well as folate, iron and copper. Lemon can neutralize free radicals in the body. Cucumber is a first-class moisturizer, anti-inflammatory agent, rich in vitamins A, B, C and K, as well as magnesium, potassium and silicon.

About the dangers of juices from a pack (from a store)

The juice bought in the store, on the bright packs of which we are promised a sea of ​​vitamins, is certainly not an analogue of freshly squeezed juice. I will not compare the usefulness of this or that drink, it is pointless. If only the juice from the pack is useless - that's half the trouble. But it is worth knowing about the detrimental effect on our body.

  1. The sugar included in the composition contributes to the formation of caries.
  2. Tooth enamel is destroyed by acids (especially in children).
  3. Artificial sweeteners and sweeteners lead to diabetes.
  4. Preservatives and dyes, which are added to extend the shelf life of the drink, can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

As a result, when buying a pack of juice in a supermarket, the first thing I advise you to look at is the shelf life. If it lasts more than six months, there is nothing useful in it. And behind the beautiful word "nectar" there is only sugar sire with the addition of concentrate.

Therefore, do juice therapy at home! Delight your loved ones with freshly squeezed juices and give them health and beauty!