What to make from garden apples. The coolest apple harvesting for the winter - a simple and quick recipe

16.10.2019 Desserts and cakes

Today we will share with you ideas on how best to process the apple harvest and make the most varied and win-win in taste and originality winter "apple" blanks. So, which apples will definitely survive until spring?

1. Dried apples

This is probably the oldest way of harvesting apples for the winter. Dried apples are an unusually tasty product, they can be eaten "just like that" without any additional processing ... Well, who does not remember the pleasant aromatic acidity of the middle and the crunchy sweetness of the edges of dried apple fruit? But you can make compote, dessert, and filling for pies from dried apples in winter.

All varieties of apples are suitable for drying, which makes this method of harvesting extremely convenient. There are no restrictions either on the shape of the fruit, or on the color, or even on the integrity - any apples damaged by a worm, hit or wounded can be cleaned of defects and used for drying. You can dry apples:

1. outdoors
2.in special dryers
3.in electric ovens
4. in gas ovens.

Tip: If you are sensitive about the color of dried apples, you can hold the sliced ​​slices in a weak saline solution (1 incomplete teaspoon of salt per liter of water) for 3-4 minutes - then during drying the apples will remain light, without characteristic "rusting". Dried apples are stored in glass jars or in tight paper bags until the next harvest.

You can learn more about the process of drying apples at home by watching the video:

2. Pickled apples

Not all apple varieties are suitable for peeing. The most preferred are autumn and early winter varieties - Antonovka ordinary, Kalvil snow, Lithuanian Pepin, Anis Kubansky, Autumn striped, Babushkino and others. It is important that these are uncolored varieties and ripe, healthy, defect-free apples.

The process of urinating is simple, reminiscent of salting and fermentation.

The easiest recipe for peeing:

Put blackcurrant and cherry leaves in 3-liter jars, on them - apples with tails in rows, shifting each row of fruits with leaves.

Pour with brine, cover with a cloth (gauze) and leave at room temperature for several days to ferment.

After the foam that appears has settled, you can close the cans with nylon lids and put them out in the cold. After 2 months, the apples will be fully cooked.

For brine:

Water - 5 l
Sugar - 200 g
Salt - 1 tbsp a spoon with a slide

There are many recipes where the taste of apples is "regulated" with the help of rye flour, honey, dry mustard, tarragon. Some housewives make pickled apples with cabbage or lingonberries.

In the next video, Father Hermogenes, the cook of the Danilov Monastery, will tell you how to cook pickled apples in honey water:

3, 4, 5. Puree, jam and marmalade

Apple puree is a delicate, airy product that is one of the first in life to be given to a baby of infancy and which will be present in the diet of almost every person until old age.
Mashed potatoes are prepared quickly and easily.


You will need:

Apples - 2 kg
Sugar - 150-200 g


Pour apples, peeled from the peel and cores, with water so that the tops of the apples are not covered. Bring to a boil and cook for 5-8 minutes, depending on the variety of apples (the early ones boil faster).

Once the apples are boiled, put them in a colander and let the water drain.

Add sugar to the remaining pulp and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. The density of the puree can be regulated with the help of apple broth, which has dripped from the apples.

When hot, put in sterilized jars and roll up. Turn over onto lids and wrap until cool. From 2 kg of apples, almost three 0.5 l jars of puree are obtained.

For baby food, sugar can not be added, then the puree must be pasteurized.

Here's how to cook sugar-free puree: Applesauce- another cooking option.


If you continue to boil the applesauce, it will thicken and turn into another product - jam. As a rule, in relation to the initial volume of mashed potatoes, the finished jam will be almost half the volume. Correctly cooked jam is perfectly stored without any sealing, for this sugar it should contain at least 60-65%.

You will need:

Apples - 1 kg (weight for already peeled apples)
Sugar - 500 -700 g


Add sugar to the mass rubbed through a sieve (or in a blender) and boil, stirring, over medium heat for 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the density that is needed.
Put hot jam in prepared and heated jars and roll up. To cool, turn over onto lids and wrap.
For jam, apples can be boiled (as for mashed potatoes) and baked in the oven.


Apples (1 kg) and sugar (500-700 g). The more sugar - the thicker the marmalade!

The cooking principle is the same as for jam. But for marmalade it is recommended to put a bag with peel and apple "cores" with seeds in the water where apples are boiled - they contain the most pectin, which will help to solidify the marmalade. After boiling, the bag is removed, and the apples are wiped and, after adding sugar, boiled down to the desired density.

Fruit jelly can be soft and dense. To obtain leaf marmalade, it is transferred into flat molds and either left in air to dry, or dried in an oven at a temperature of 50 ºС for 1-1.5 hours.

6 and 7. Preserves and jam

Apple jam is everyone's favorite delicacy. Considering the huge number of varieties of apples, it in itself already turns out to be different every time, and if we take into account the imagination of our hostesses, then it is clear that in winter there will be something to gasp for!

We offer an original recipe for apple jam, where the additions to apples are very non-standard.

Apple Jam with Walnuts and Spices

You will need:

Apples - 1 kg

Walnuts - peeled 150 g

Lemon - 1 medium

Sugar - 180 g

Bay leaf - 2 leaves

Black peppercorns - 3 pieces


Cut the apples into small slices, cover with water, add a little lemon juice and a few lemon slices, all the sugar and bay leaf and, without stirring, cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

Then take out the lemon and bay leaf, add the chopped walnuts and cook for another 15 minutes. At the end, if desired, you can add peppercorns.

It turns out a fragrant delicate jam with spicy notes.

In the next video, there is also a recipe for an amazing and unusual apple and banana jam:


Jam is prepared in the same way as jam. Only boil until the syrup acquires a jelly-like consistency. Classic jam contains up to 65% sugar, then it keeps well.

8. Apple compote

Compotes are undoubtedly the most popular drinks that are harvested for the winter.

They are prepared in several ways:

Option 1 . Sliced ​​apple slices are boiled in boiling syrup for 2-3 minutes, placed in sterilized jars and poured with boiling syrup. Add 1-1.5 cups of sugar to a 3-liter jar.

Option 2. Place prepared apples in jars (whole, halves, slices, plates), on a third of the jar, pour boiling water for 5-8 minutes to warm up. Drain water into a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil, pour into jars and roll up. Some housewives do not double, but triple hot fill. Sugar for a 3-liter jar - 200-300 g to taste.

Option 3. Place apples in jars, pour warm water and pasteurize at a temperature of 85 ºС: 1 liter jars - 15 minutes, 3 liter jars - 30 minutes. You can do it without sugar.

To enrich the taste, red or black currants, black chokeberries, cherries, lemon, cloves, cinnamon, dry white wine or citric acid are added to apple compotes at the tip of a knife.

9. Apple juice

With a juicer, juicing is straightforward. Juice is squeezed out of peeled (or even unpeeled) apples, sugar is added (for 1 liter of juice - 2 tablespoons of sugar), the juice is brought to a boil and immediately poured into a prepared dish. The can or bottle is rolled up and placed under the wrapping. This juice can be stored for up to 2 years.

10. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is considered to be the richest source of trace elements such as calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, boron and magnesium necessary for humans. Apple cider vinegar is especially "rich" in potassium - 200 grams of vinegar prepared from fresh apples contains 240 mg of potassium. Therefore, for people who strive for a healthy, proper diet, preparing apple cider vinegar for the whole year is just a matter of honor)

Apple cider vinegar recipe

You will need:

Apples - 0.8 kg
Water - 1 l
Sugar (honey) - 100 g
Pressed yeast - 10 g (or dry rye bread 0 - 20 g)


Grate apples on a coarse grater, add water, sugar, yeast and leave for 10 days in an open jar at a temperature of 20-30 ° C with occasional stirring with a wooden spoon.

Then strain, add more honey or sugar if desired at the rate of 50 g per liter of juice and leave until the end of fermentation for 40-60 days in a warm place under a cloth (gauze).

Filter the finished vinegar, store in the refrigerator.

11 and 12. Filling and tincture

No wonder they say that a summer day feeds a year. And in the example with apples - a summer day can not only feed, but also drink. And not only with juice and compote - apples make a wonderful homemade alcoholic drink. Moreover, it can be prepared both with alcohol (vodka) and with the help of natural fermentation. It is believed that sour apple varieties are most suitable for this purpose, as they are more juicy.

Homemade apple liqueur recipe

You will need:

Apples - 2.5 kg
Sugar - 2 kg
Vodka - 0.5 L
Water - 8 l


Fill the jar with cut apple slices (peeled and seeds), pour in water and vodka and put in a warm place (in the sun) for 2 weeks.

If at the end of the term all the slices have already gone up and are swimming, strain the fermented liquid through cheesecloth (the sediment will remain on it), add sugar and again leave in a warm place for another two days.

Then the jar is transferred to the cold for 10-12 days, after which it is bottled, sealed and kept closed in the cold for at least a month. At the end of this period, the liqueur is ready for use. The total cooking time is up to 45-47 days.

And the next video tells how the apple liqueur is prepared on moonshine:


1. Apple jam is considered ready if the fruits themselves have become transparent, and the syrup has become covered with a slightly wrinkled film

2. Apple jam is ready if the hot drop immediately thickens on a cold surface.

4. If applesauce or jam are made without sugar, then the blanks must be sterilized

5. The most delicious compotes are obtained from sweet and sour apples, for the preparation of alcoholic drinks it is better to take sour ones, and for apple cider vinegar - only sweet varieties.

6. Apples of sweet varieties are more suitable for pickling.

See how many things can be made from apples! But this is not all that can be prepared from these wonderful fruits for the winter, because apples can still be pickled, used to make seasonings for dishes, marshmallow and confiture, as well as jelly and candied fruits ...

Apples are one of the most ancient fruits that people enjoy. The history of this fruit begins in Asia Minor, from where it was transported to Egypt and Palestine and eventually spread throughout Europe. Currently, there are a couple of dozen varieties of this wonderful fruit in the world.

If you love apples, and you also have your own garden where they grow, then it's a sin not to make a blank out of them. This is a great opportunity to preserve the harvest and useful properties of the fruit, prepare them for the winter as a compote, pie filling and much more.

Today we will analyze 7 simple recipes for preparing apple blanks for the winter. I also offer recipes for wonderful and of course

A very simple, delicious apple filling that is suitable not only for pies, but also for pies, pancakes and rolls. From 1 kg. it turns out 1 liter. fillings.


  • Apples - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 150 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly rinse the apples under running water, cut them in half, peel them of cores and tails (remove the peel or not - it's up to you).

2. And cut them into strips. Pour into a basin or pan.

3. Fall asleep 150 gr. Sahara. Mix thoroughly and leave for 2 hours, so that our apples give juice.

4. Then put the basin on the stove, over high heat and bring to a boil. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes.

5. At this time, we sterilize the jars and boil the lids in any way convenient for you. Then dry on a kitchen towel.

6. The apples are ready, put them in jars, tighten the lids with a seaming key.

7. Turn it upside down, cover it with a warm blanket (blanket, fur coat), until it cools completely, for about a day.

We put it into storage. Bon Appetit.

Apple syrup recipe

Hard apples are well suited for this recipe, for example: Antonovka or lemon. From 1 kg, you get 2 half-liter full cans.


  • Apples - 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

1. We wash the fruit with water. Cut in half, cut out the core.

2. Cut into small pieces, pour into a deep container. We fall asleep gradually with sugar (for a start, pour out 500 gr., Alter and then the remaining 500 gr.)

3. Leave for a couple of hours (about 6 hours) so that the fruits give abundant juice.

4. We sterilize the cans in advance. After 6 hours, apples give a lot of syrup. We begin to arrange them among the banks.

5. Then fill them with sugar syrup so that they are completely covered, cover with lids on top. If syrup remains, then add less sugar to the next kg of apples.

6. Pour water into a saucepan, put a towel, put cans (add water to the shoulders of cans), put on fire and begin to sterilize 10 minutes after boiling.

7. Roll up the fruit, turn it upside down, leave it at room temperature until it cools completely. Bon Appetit.

Freezing apples in the freezer

We need:

  • Knife and cutting board
  • Waffle towel (for drying)
  • Packaging bags or containers for storing food
  • Freezer

Before freezing, you must choose fresh and of course ripe fruits, without any flaws and spoilage. We wash the apples well and wipe them dry with a towel, otherwise they will stick together during freezing and after thawing they will not separate well.

1. Cut the apples into slices: circles, slices or cubes - as you like. We remove the core with bones; it is not necessary to peel the skin.

3. A portion placed in a bag must correspond to a one-time need, since this product cannot be frozen a second time, otherwise it will lose its shape and valuable properties.

4. Of course, if you are for the preservation of the color of apples and want to protect them from oxidation, you need to immerse the chopped fruits in slightly acidified (1 teaspoon of citric acid per 1 liter of clean water at room temperature), or salted (1 teaspoon of salt 1 liter of water) for 10-15 minutes, then the slices should be dried on paper or a waffle towel.

How to pickle apples for the winter


  • Apples - 1 kg.
  • For the marinade:
  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Carnation - 5 pcs.
  • Ground cinnamon - 1-2 pinches
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp spoons.

Cooking method:

1. We select fresh, not wormy fruits. We wash our fruits thoroughly, cut out the core with a special knife for removing cores (or with a regular knife). And we put them in a bowl of water so that they do not turn black.

2. Put in whole or cut at random (this is at your discretion). We place them in sterilized jars.

3. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan and boil.

4. Remove the boiling water from the stove and pour it into a jar, cover with a lid for 15 minutes.

5. Then, using a nylon lid with holes, pour the water into the pan.

6. Prepare the marinade. In a saucepan with 1 liter. water, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 2 pinches of ground cinnamon and a couple of cloves, mix thoroughly, bring to a boil.

7. At this time, pour 4 tbsp into a jar of fruit. spoons of 9% vinegar.

8. And fill them with marinade. Cover with a lid, place in a saucepan with a towel and water, begin to sterilize, approximately 10 minutes.

9. We twist, turn the jar upside down and wait for it to cool completely. Bon Appetit.

Harvesting of apples without sugar


  • Apples - 1 kg.
  • Water - 1 liter.

Cooking method:

1. We wash our fruits under running, warm water, peel from the stalks and core, cut into small slices.

2. Sterilize the jars using a microwave oven. We rinse thoroughly, put jars and a glass of water there, turn on for 3-4 minutes. Boil the lids for 5-10 minutes.

3. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, boil (more if necessary).

4. Put fruits in jars, fill with boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for a couple of minutes. Then pour the boiling water into a saucepan and boil again, after which we pour boiling water into a jar.

5. And so we repeat the procedure once.

6. After the procedure is completed, roll up the cans with a lid.

7. Turn it upside down, wait for it to cool completely and put it in storage. Bon Appetit.

Apple compote for the winter - a delicious recipe

This compote is one of the most popular preparations for the winter. The taste is amazing. You and your loved ones will be delighted.


  • Apples - 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar - 300 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the cans in advance, wash and sterilize them. Boil the lids. Place on a kitchen towel and dry.

2. Now let's get down to apples. We wash them, cut out the core and all the error spots.

3. Boil water in a large saucepan.

4. We put fruits in three-liter jars, a little less than half.

5. Fill them with boiled water to the very neck, cover with a lid and let it brew for about an hour.

6. After the specified time, pour the water into the pan using a nylon lid with holes, add granulated sugar and bring to a boil.

7. Fill the contents of the syrup jars and tighten the jar with a seaming wrench.

8. Turn the cans upside down, wrap them with a warm blanket, leave them to cool completely. We put it in a dark, cool place.

Pickled (pickled) apples - A simple recipe


  • Apples - 10 kg;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp a spoon;
  • Granulated sugar - 200 gr;
  • Water - about 5 liters.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the apples, tear off the tail.

2. Put fruits in a bucket or glass deep dish.

3. Pour 5 liters of water into a large saucepan and dissolve 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and 200 gr. granulated sugar.

4. Fill the apples with this solution, cover with a lid or a plate and put oppression on top.

5. Leave for 10 - 15 days at room temperature, then put in a cool place.

6. Fruits will begin to absorb water at the beginning of fermentation, so you will need to add it if necessary.

Good appetite!

What to do when there is nowhere to put apples? After all, it happens that the harvest is not a joy. Apples here and there. Around them are clouds of midges. It's a pity to throw it away, but you don't want to mess around. Do not rush to throw away this yummy, useful in all respects. We will now find an application for it.

I didn't think for a long time when I saw midges swarming over the apples. Quickly cut off the rot, removed the core and tails. And I turned on my fantasy. As a result, after an hour and a half, jars with the most pleasant contents were already cooling down on my windowsill, which in winter will comfort me and my family completely.

After all, such a blank from apples is universal. This is aromatic tea or compote. This is also a fresh bun with a layer of amber apple slices. These are pies, pies, casseroles, cereals with the participation of this delicious usefulness. Therefore, if you are now facing a dilemma - to throw away non-store apples or give them a go, do not think long. Let's save them and look forward to winter!

Cooking time: depends on the number of apples; I had 2 kg, and I managed it in an hour and a half

Complexity: well, very simple!


    sugar - 600 g

    water - 1-2 glasses


So, I first washed the undeservedly forgotten apples, which were starting to rot. And then, having cleaned them, removing the rotten and the like, she chopped the fragrant usefulness into thin slices.

In the process of cleaning and slicing, I sprinkled the apples with sugar, suffering that I could take more of it. But, as it turned out later, this amount was quite enough.

Here is such a bowl, I got a fragrant cut.

I left this beauty in order for the juice to go. Since the apples were ripe and juicy, I didn't wait long. The juice went very quickly.

But it wasn't enough. Therefore, I decided to drain the juice into a saucepan, and then add water.

How much to top up? At your discretion. For example, I know that with so many apples I would get a gorgeous compote in the amount of 10 liters or jam, mashed potatoes - a couple of liter cans. But there was no time, and it did not work out with cans, sugar. Therefore, I chose this path.

So, when this mixture boiled, I introduced apple slices into it, which were instantly soaked in their juice. Boiled for five minutes.

By the way, we sterilize the jars in parallel! In the meantime, having cooled the apples, I boiled them 4 more times (each time for five minutes after cooling down), without leaving the stove, because it is necessary to constantly turn over so that the apples are still boiled. I put all this in dry jars.

Apples are necessary and useful for everyone. An amazing combination of taste and aroma with vitamins, acids, pectin and fiber can heal and improve the mood of everyone. The fruits of most autumn and winter varieties are well and long stored, without losing their properties, however, apple preparations for the winter have always been relevant and varied. They have a special taste, help in creating family culinary traditions, and save time and energy in the future.


The main apple preparations for the winter are desserts: jam, jam, marmalade. For them, cinnamon apples, anise, pepin saffron, simirenko, reneti and some others, even a very ripe Antonovka, are best suited. It is important that the apples are sweet, because sour fruits are easy to boil during cooking.

Apple jam

Traditionally, for jam apples are peeled and cut into slices no thicker than 2 cm. However, you can cook unpeeled apples either whole without a core (it is removed with a special tube), or cut into quarters. Apple jam as a preparation for the winter can be prepared in different ways.
Jam recipe ... Peel and chop 1 kg of apples, dipping the slices in acidified or salted water so as not to darken. Then rinse lightly, put in a colander, immerse in hot water for blanching for 5 - 10 minutes. Take out, put in cold water. Prepare syrup from 3 glasses of hot blanching water and 800 g of sugar and put apples into it. Stand for 3 - 4 hours. Boil for 5 minutes and stand for another 8 hours. At the beginning of the second stand, add freshly brewed syrup from 0.5 kg of sugar and a glass of water. Repeat cooking another 1 - 2 times for 5 - 7 minutes. To keep the syrup liquid, at the very end, pour citric acid on the tip of a knife and stir. Refrigerate and pour into jars.
Jam recipe. Blanch the apples, peeled and chopped, (1 kg) and boil the syrup from this water in the proportion: 5 glasses of sugar and 2 glasses of water. Pour apples with it, stand for 4 hours and cook for 5 - 7 minutes 3 - 4 times until tender. If some of the slices are cooked before the rest, take them out and put them in a jar. For a strong aroma, add vanilla or citrus zest at the end.
Excellent harvesting in the winter - paradise apple jam ... From 1 kg of apples, cut the twigs in half, remove the remnants of the sepals, wash and chop. Immerse in boiling water for 5 minutes, cool, and make syrup from this water: for 800 ml, 1.3 - 1.5 kg of sugar. Immediately pour apples over them, stand for several hours and cook the jam in several stages.


For apple preparations in the form of jams, there are no strict requirements for the variety and degree of ripeness. The final taste is controlled by the amount of sugar and the volume of water. But it is better to take apples with a sweet and sour or even sour taste.
Apple jam ... Peel 1 kg of apples and cut into small pieces, pour in a glass of sugar and pour 1.5 - 2 glasses of water, cook over low heat. When the apples begin to boil, add 2 cups of sugar and cook until tender, about 40 minutes. You can mix all the ingredients at once, bring to a boil and cook in one or several steps, but the apples must be boiled down for this to happen for sure, they are rubbed on a coarse grater.

We advise you to read: WHAT TO COOK FROM APPLES

"Five minutes" from apples

For this apple harvesting for the winter, there are exact proportions - 1 kg of fruit and 200 g of sugar, but you can also do it by eye. Apples should be taken of the same variety, then they will be ready at the same time. Put peeled and randomly chopped ripe and juicy apples in a 5-liter saucepan. Pour 1 - 3 heaping cups of sugar, stir, cover and leave overnight for juice to appear. Then bring to a boil, cook for 10 - 15 minutes, transfer to hot sterile jars, roll up.

Apple blanks in the form of jam or five-minute have a wide range of uses; they can be a filling for pies or charlotte, and a base for sweet and sour sauces.

Dessert apple preparations are most often made with sugar, but there is a recipe for mashed potatoes that can be prepared both sweet and natural.

Apple puree

Peel and chop the apples, add 2 cups of boiling water to 3 kg, cook for 10 - 20 minutes so that they are completely boiled. Quickly rub the hot mass through a colander, but better through a sieve, reheat for a couple of minutes, spread over hot dry liter jars, pasteurize in a water bath at 70 ° C for 30 minutes or sterilize for 15 - 20 minutes while boiling, roll up, turn over. To prevent the puree from darkening, put ascorbic acid, it slows down oxidation and lengthens the shelf life.

If there are a lot of apples, at the same time there is a volunteer or unripe and substandard apples of different varieties, it is worth making a real jam or exquisite marmalade as a blank from apples for the winter.

Apple jam

Weigh the finished unsweetened puree, put in a bowl for jam, heat to a boil. Cook for 5 - 10 minutes over medium heat to thicken a little, add 800 g of sugar per 1 kg of puree. After dissolving the sugar, increase the heat for an intense boil, stir all the time. Drop on a plate, the finished jam does not spread when cooled. You can check the readiness by temperature. If the thermometer is 106 ° C - the boiling point of the jam, everything is ready. Arrange in hot dry jars, cool for 1 - 2 days, when a film appears on the surface, cover with parchment and tie, or roll up like ordinary jam.


Applesauce marmalade ... For mashed potatoes, take sweet summer berries, pour the juice of sour berries and cook mashed potatoes, weigh it. Pour into a low saucepan, preferably a steel one, pour 600 g of sugar per kg of puree and cook, stirring all the time with a wooden or plastic spatula until the apple mass does not lag behind the bottom. Pour the mixture onto a coated dish or baking sheet and smooth with a knife. Sprinkle with chopped nuts or chopped candied fruits. When the marmalade dries slightly, roll up and cut.
Baked apple marmalade ... Bake the apples in the oven, immediately rub quickly through a sieve and remove the skin and seeds, weigh. Put 500 g of sugar on 1 kg of the finished apple mass, stir and cook until the marmalade is ready (if you run a spatula along the bottom, a groove will remain). Pour in a thin layer, chill, sprinkle with sugar and chop.


For canned compotes, they take not quite ripe autumn or winter varieties with a dense sour or sweet-sour pulp. It is better to put apples of only one variety in one jar, even, without flaws. Usually, the fruits are not peeled, but only quickly cut into large slices of the same size, the core is removed and, so as not to darken, they are dipped in a solution of citric acid, 3 g per liter, or salt, 20 g per liter, for no longer than half an hour.

Apple compote ... Put the prepared apples in a colander or a special basket, blanch for 5 - 7 minutes to displace air and prevent browning. Immediately transfer to chilled water for 2 minutes, drain, drain and spread over the jars, shaking them for a tight fit. Pour boiling syrup, 700 ml of water and 300 g of sugar, sterilize and roll up. For harvesting apples for the winter, a more popular option is when apples are poured with syrup, kept for 5 - 7 minutes, drained, boiled and poured again, immediately rolled up without sterilization and wrapped in a blanket for slow cooling.

Quick apple compote ... Wash thoroughly, cut quickly and immediately place in jars, just below the hangers. Pour sugar at the rate of 2/3 cup per liter jar, pour boiling water over, sterilize and roll up. The syrup turns out to be quite sweet, but in winter it can be diluted with water or fruit drink.

To add decorative effect to apple blanks in the form of a compote, berries with an intense color are added to them - black currants, cherries or dark plum without pits, and red currants or gooseberries can be flavoring agents. The amount of sugar does not need to be changed.


The versatility of the apple is such that it can be the main component, the soloist, not only in sweet desserts, but also in appetizers and seasonings. The number of recipes for apple snacks is quite large.

Apple seasoning ... Peel and chop 5 kg of sour, slightly unripe apples, boil in a saucepan with a small amount of water, rub through a sieve. Transfer the puree to a low saucepan. Chop 300 g of garlic and 100 - 300 g of parsley, coriander, dill and celery each, 800 g in total. Peel and finely chop 500 g of sweet pepper. Put everything in mashed potatoes, salt and sugar to taste, about 2 - 3 tbsp each. l. Cook for 10 - 15 minutes, put the hot seasoning in hot and dry jars, sterilize and twist.

Apple seasoning with horseradish ... 4 kg of apples, a glass of garlic cloves and 400 g of horseradish, peel, chop, grind with a meat grinder, season with 3 tbsp. l. salt and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Mix everything very well, put in clean jars, put in the refrigerator.
Apples and lingonberry seasoning. Bake 1 kg of apples and puree. Dip 1 kg of berries in boiling water for a couple of minutes, drain and put in mashed potatoes. Season 1 - 2 tbsp. l. sugar, add 4 cloves and a piece of cinnamon. If the mixture is very thick, pour a glass of water. Cook for 25 - 30 minutes, stirring, put in small jars, sterilize for 20 minutes and roll up.


Urination is an old method of harvesting apples. The easiest option is to soak together with cabbage in a barrel, when apples and cabbage with carrots are laid in layers, the brine is made according to the sauerkraut recipe. But you can cook them separately. To do this, you need to choose plucked (not falling) apples without defects in autumn or winter varieties and let them lie down after picking for 2 - 3 weeks, so that they “reach”, and part of the starch turns into sugar.

Harvesting pickled apples ... Wash the apples and place them in thick layers in a large enamel saucepan, feet up. At the bottom of the pan and between the layers of fruits, put leaves of currant, mint, cherry, raspberry, but preferably straw of rye or wheat. Cover the top layer with leaves, then with a boiled canvas, then put a wooden circle and bend. For brine: shake 15 g of malt or 20 g of rye flour in water so that there are no lumps, boil with boiling water to a liter, boil, settle, add 50 g of sugar and 15 g of salt. Pour over the apples and leave at 10 - 15 ° С for 10 - 12 days, make sure that the apples are completely drowned in the liquid, top up if necessary. Then rearrange to a cold place, store until next harvest.

Pickling apples

Pickled apples are another type of apple preparation for the winter. Cut ripe apples without defects into 2 - 4 pieces, remove the core. Peel off the coarse skin, you can leave the thin one. Blanch at 85 ° С for 5 - 7 minutes, pour over with cold water, arrange in jars as tightly as possible, add cloves, allspice, a piece of cinnamon. Pour marinade at the rate of 1 liter of blanching water, 4 glasses of sugar, 160 g of 9% vinegar. Sterilize and roll up.

Obviously, apple preparations for the winter are not limited to these recipes. You can make wine or juice, and from the "waste" make a puree or filling for pies, which is frozen in plastic containers. It will noticeably speed up and simplify the multicooker process. Any apple preparations will help preserve everything that nature has given us for health, benefit, economy, pleasure, and for festive summer memories!

A variety of flavors and varieties, low calorie content and easy availability make apples indispensable both in cooking and in dietetics. One of the main advantages of this fruit is that it can be preserved without significant loss of nutrients.

Properties and calories

This fruit contains many vitamins and has great nutritional value. Canned apples have virtually no calories. Their energy value barely exceeds the level of 40 kcal per 100 grams. The ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates: 6%, 4% and 96%, respectively. They also contain dietary fiber, disaccharides and organic acids, which help to normalize metabolism.

Apples, even after conservation, are rich in vitamins such as PP, E, A, B, C, as well as biotin H, beta-carotene. It is believed that this fruit loses all its beneficial minerals after boiling or pickling. In fact, canned apples only lose a small percentage of their valuable components.

Of the mineral elements, even after heat treatment, calcium, sodium, silicon, magnesium, nickel, iron, rubidium, cobalt, manganese and many others remain in abundance.

Canning apples for the winter

Most often, Antonovka is subject to procurement. For preservation, ripe apples are selected, on which there are no browning. This procedure also requires water and sugar. It is worth noting that citric acid should not be included in the list of ingredients, since Antonovka contains its own analogue of the substance.

Before canning apples, you should prepare jars. They can be of any size. Each vessel must be thoroughly washed, otherwise the likelihood of bombing will increase. At the next stage, you should peel the apples from the core (from the peel - if desired) and cut into small slices. It is recommended to fill the jars almost to the very brim.

Now you can start boiling water. Its amount depends on the volume of the can. A 3-liter one consumes approximately 1.5 liters of water. Pour boiling water into jars of apples and cover with sterilized lids. Wait until the containers have cooled down. After that, you should drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar to it (1 glass per 1 liter) and put it on the stove for boiling.

At the final stage, you need to pour the finished syrup into the jars, roll them up and turn them upside down, tightly covering them with a blanket or winter jacket. Once they have cooled down, you can put them away for storage. Such a canned apple compote turns out to be quite concentrated and sweet. Some people prefer to dilute it with boiled water.

Canning whole apples

Fruits in winter are especially valuable for the human body, since at this time of the year they are hard to find fresh on the market, and imported fruits are sold at a very high price.

Whole canned apples are very popular all over the world. The dish contains one secret ingredient - vinegar. It is recommended to use apple cider, as it has a slight sour-sweet taste. For the scent, many housewives add various spices to the preparation, but not all compote lovers like it.

In addition to the fruit itself, the ingredients for preserving whole apples include sugar and vinegar. It is important to be guided by a certain proportion. For 1 kg of apples:

400 g sugar;
- 300 ml of vinegar.

First you need to wash the fruit under cold water and remove the tails. Sugar and vinegar are added to a pot of water. The mixture is simmered until it turns into a homogeneous liquid mass. It is important to mix it constantly.

Now you can put the apples into the finished syrup, after piercing them with a fork so that the peel does not burst during cooking. Keep on fire until the fruit softens. Then the apples are carefully placed in jars and filled with strained hot syrup. Now all that remains is to carry out the seaming process.

Whole canned apples can be stored for up to 1 year. If the water in the jar has not changed color, then you can leave it rolled up for a few more months.

Apples in their own juice

These seams are popular with people who have little free time. The fact is that canned apples (recipe for harvesting in their own juice) are extremely easy to prepare.

No sugar or vinegar is needed for this seaming. All the ingredients and substances necessary for the broth are contained in the apples themselves. The only thing that needs to be added during conservation is salt.

Apples are well washed, peeled from the core and stalks and cut into slices. At the next stage, you will need to soak the fruit in a 1% salt solution for 15 minutes, and then boil for the same amount of time over low heat. After that, the apples should be cooled with water. As soon as the fruits have cooled, they are laid out in jars, poured with boiling water and sterilized.

Canning apples with spices

Pickled fruits go well with cloves and cinnamon. Canned apples are no exception. The recipe for making compote with spices is quite simple. For one serving (1 liter jar), you will need 600 g of apples, 250 ml of water, 100 g of sugar, 50 ml of 6% vinegar. Cloves and cinnamon are added to taste.

The apples are washed, peeled from the seed box, cut into 4 pieces (if very large) and put in salt water for half an hour. Thanks to this, the fruit will not darken in the jar much longer than usual. Blanch the apples for 5 minutes.

Spices are laid out in a dry jar, and only then the sliced ​​fruits are placed in it. On the obtained broth from apples, a marinade is prepared, which includes vinegar and sugar. After adding the mixture to the jar, you can start rolling.

Bulgarian apple preservation

Products can be divided into 3 parts: base, seasonings and marinade. The main ingredients are apples and water. Permitted seasonings include walnuts (crushed), cloves, and currant leaves. Bulgarian-style canned apples require a special spicy marinade, which includes sugar, salt, 9% vinegar, cinnamon and allspice.

The fruit is cut into quarters, simmered for about 20 minutes, then cooled and placed in jars. The components for the marinade are added to the remaining water. The mixture is blanched for about 15 minutes more, after which it is poured into the jars. The final stage will be unfolding seasonings in containers.

Canned apples made according to this recipe can be eaten after a week. They are stored for up to 2 years.

Canning apples with tomatoes

This recipe would have seemed nonsense a few decades ago, but today it is in great demand among many peoples of the world. Tomatoes with apples, canned in slices and whole, are popular both in Russia and in the West.

For cooking, you need the following ingredients (for a 1-liter jar):

0.7 kg of tomatoes;
- 1 small sweet and sour apple;
- ½ medium-sized onion;
- 4 black peppercorns;
- 1 inflorescence of a carnation;
- 1 clove of garlic;
- 1 sprig of parsley;
- 30 g of salt and sugar;
- 15 ml vinegar (9%).

All components, except for the last two, are tightly folded into a jar. Tomatoes should be at the highest level. All ingredients are poured with warm boiled water. Meanwhile, a marinade is being prepared from salt, sugar, vinegar and water (350 ml per 1 liter jar). The resulting mixture is poured into a container instead of warm water previously expressed.

After seaming, it is important to shake the jar well several times so that all the ingredients in it are thoroughly mixed with the marinade. Canned tomatoes with apples will be ready to eat in a month. Thanks to the marinade, the seaming can be stored for up to 3 years.

Canning apples with peppers

The recipe for such seaming does not require special skills and expensive ingredients. The products include:

1 kg of bulgarian pepper;
- 0.5 kg of apples;
- 5 cloves of garlic;
- 7 tablespoons of sugar;
- 3 tablespoons of salt;
- 30 ml of vinegar.

To begin with, the brine is being prepared. Salt, sugar and vinegar are diluted in 1 liter of water. Then chopped peppers and apples, as well as garlic cloves are placed in clean jars. Everything is filled with hot brine. Banks should be sterilized for 7 minutes.

Pepper with apples, canned according to this recipe, is suitable for consumption for 2 years.