The most efficient natural energy sources. To stay awake

09.05.2019 Vegetable dishes

In China, this tea is called Xiao Tocha. 1 nucleolus 10 grams. Very practical energy tea... It is easier to use than usual. Unfold the wrapper, put it in the teapot, pour hot water- ready. Shu Puer mini to cha is just for a situation when there is not enough time for a tea ritual, and making pseudo tea from a store is not about you.

“I also thought that you can buy Puer Mini To Cha everywhere. Why do people say our tea is different? "

Surprise your friends, relatives and even YOURSELF, having tried Puer Mini To Cha from our store - even if before that you bought it somewhere else and you do not like to be in the spotlight!

We promise, after one weekend with Pu-erh tea mini To Cha, you will be delighted with how much pleasure you can get from tea drinking. And as soon as you get a taste of making an IMPRESSION on your friends and family members by brewing your favorite teas, you will not be able to stop!

Pu-erh Mini Tocha is good to drink at work or in the place where there is an elementary lack of equipment for the tea ceremony. This is a true substitute for weak instant coffee.

Shu mini To Cha is incomparable in the morning, at the moment when you are late for class, meeting or work. They can be comfortably tucked into your pocket and served on a visit. This tea has many possibilities.

A convenient tea for every occasion. If you want to try Pu-erh with milk, honey or ginger, it is best to experiment, just with Shu mini tuo cha. It is easy and simple to buy Shu Puer Mini Tocha right now on our website.

Shu Puer with excellent pleasant aroma with hints of roasted nuts, camphor and dried fruit.

Adult, luxurious Puerts are excellent in flawless form. They are self-sufficient, like valuable collection cognacs. A Shu Puer mini tota is good for research.

For you we have found Shu Puer Mini Tocha 2016. So gallant, delicious, energetic, graceful and affordable tea... If you haven't experienced it yet, we suppose you need to do it!

Imagine how you wake up every morning with the thought that you have the magic key to being in a good mood. Your body will emit a warm light thanks to the fact that you have finally found the right tea.

The easiest way to buy Shu pu-erh mini tocha, which will always delight you, of selected quality at a discounted price with fast and convenient delivery to any place, is to add to cart the right amount and place an order.

P.S. Order now and get a free sample of a different kind of tea. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

R. P. S. If you do not send your order, we will assume that you do not want any benefit to your body. Because we know you would buy this tea if you took care of your health. What person, striving for the maximum efficiency of his life, does not think about his health !?

Designed to invigorate the body in the morning or when you lose strength. And this is their main function. But you can awaken energy in yourself for the next working day or relieve fatigue after it different methods, therefore, which drink invigorates you best of all, you will have to decide for yourself, using the recommendations given in our article.


Without it aromatic drink most of the world's population will no longer be able to do. A cup of coffee in the morning is a tradition that has developed over the centuries since the very time when beans began to be brought to Europe. Let us recall, for example, Peter the Great, who furiously instilled a new fashion - to drink coffee - among the then boyars and advisers. And many then resisted this Western influence. Today in the understanding of the majority invigorating drinks, of course, they start with or rather, with caffeine, which is contained there and invigorates our body.

Varieties and methods of preparation

There are many varieties of coffee, but for industrial production they mainly use arabica and robusta (all other types account for only 2%). can also be radically different.

  • Many gourmets prefer to brew a refreshing drink in cezve (oriental) - this is how it most reveals its taste and aroma qualities.
  • In America, they prefer coffee machines (so-called droppers), where the brewing is based on the principle of gravity: boiling water enters and drips into a funnel with ground grain. Espresso machines are also common.
  • Using a French press (a flask with a special piston that separates the infusion), you can also make an excellent drink.
  • At worst, you can also use soluble: just dilute the powder in boiling water.

It is generally accepted that coffee is not large quantities(1-2 cups a day) enhances attention, ability to concentrate, relieves fatigue. However, in large doses caffeine forms addiction, reminiscent of alcoholic in a mild form. It can also cause high blood pressure.


This one has been known to mankind for thousands of years. And today, some people prefer to drink a cup of coffee in the morning. It is believed that tea is certainly healthy and delicious, especially when brewed in the right way. By the way, do not try to brew it with boiling water, as many housewives do now, and even more so bring these invigorating drinks to a boil. According to the rules, confirmed by thousands of years of practice, brewing should take place in the temperature range from 75 to 85 degrees. And in the ancient tradition leaf teas and whipped at all with a special broom in warm water from the stream. For example, in Japan it is recommended to use the water temperature, conventionally called "crab eyes": large bubbles begin to float to the surface, resembling the eyes of this arthropod animal.

What tea contains

How is the body energized when drinking tea? First, it contains theine (a substance similar to caffeine, discovered a little earlier). And secondly, there is a lot of useful amino acids, enzymes, microelements that have a positive effect on the human body. In addition, one should probably take into account the thousand-year-old practice of using it as a tonic drink: the Chinese sages will not advise anything bad!

stronger beverages

Power engineers who have flooded supermarket shelves today are gaining more and more popularity, especially among young people. Manufacturers offer a huge list of products of this kind. Stronger drinks (with and without alcohol) contain taurine and ginseng, caffeine and guarana extract, carnitine. All these substances, consumed uncontrollably and in large quantities, can cause irreparable harm to the body. In addition, and this is a generally accepted fact, these industrially produced drinks cause quite persistent addiction and dependence, bordering on alcohol. Therefore, in this article we will not advertise them too much and move on to energy drinks that can be easily made at home - with our own hands. In addition, they will not cause any harm, and on the contrary, they will be useful. Invigorating drinks instead of coffee in the morning will cheer you up and energize for the whole day, help you cope with apathy and stop being depressed.

Lemon and honey

This wonderful tonic is not only able to significantly increase your performance, but it will also increase immunity and help to gently get rid of a couple of three extra pounds... It is very simple to prepare it. We take half a lemon, squeeze the juice into a glass. Add a small spoonful of natural honey. Fill in hot water(but not boiling water). We mix. The cheerfulness drink is ready to drink, and for taste and harmony, you can add cinnamon powder there - half a spoon. In addition, such a "tea" contains a lot of vitamins and microelements - your body will certainly not be offended.

Orange and cocoa

Such a tonic drink, drunk in the morning, will cheer you up and provide an excellent mood. It also balances cholesterol levels and makes you feel full for a long time (you can take it instead of breakfast).

We take the freshly squeezed juice of half an orange, rub a little bit of fruit zest into it. We cook cocoa for classic recipe- with milk. Mix in a 1 to 1 ratio of cocoa and juice with zest. We drink - vigor and activity are provided for a long time.

Ginger tea

This product invigorates no worse than coffee. Ginger helps relieve fatigue, it is especially useful for those who engage in brain exercises quite often: scientists have proven its benefits for human mental activity.

Cooking is simple: pour in grated or cut into small pieces fresh root ginger (spoon) with cool boiling water. Add honey, a leaf of mint, a slice of lemon to taste (but this is not necessary, the main thing is that ginger is used in fresh, and not as a powder - then the tonic effect will be significantly reduced).

Herbal teas

These invigorating drinks have long been revered among healers, taken to enhance the internal energy of a person. And their recipes have stood the test for centuries. So we use it boldly!

We prepare a mixture of herbs in parts: St. John's wort - 3, coltsfoot - 3, mint - 2.5, oregano - 2.5, chamomile - 2, corn stigmas - 2, rose hips (fruits) - 1.5, hawthorn ( fruits) - 1, valerian root - 1, eucalyptus - 1. Grind this mixture and mix thoroughly. We brew with cool boiling water, adding the usual green tea(but you can do without it). We insist in a teapot for about 15 minutes. We drink freshly brewed, warm. You can add honey for taste.

Spring vitamin deficiency, blockages at work, constant family quarrels, sessions, cloudy weather, constant presence at the computer - so many reasons lead to lethargy and loss of energy, makes you feel like a "vegetable"!

And we start looking for "doping" - drinking liters of coffee, poisoning ourselves with energy drinks, swallowing pills ...

But there are natural "energy", which is in every home! What are they?

Correctly brewed teas from certain raw materials serve not only to quench thirst, but also have different healing properties: they are drunk for a feeling of cheerfulness, increasing efficiency and attention, strengthening capillaries, stimulating hematopoiesis, toning the heart muscle, saturating the body vital energy and fighting fatigue. It is not for nothing that tea is called the drink of longevity.

But what is the best variety for this purpose?

Recall that in the last article we looked at.

5 most effective types

There are many different varieties tea to increase vigor and energy. Below we will look at the most effective and proven options.

1. Black and green teas

Both black and green tea have healing and invigorating properties. However black more caffeine stimulates faster while green is more and more of the organism as a whole. It can normalize blood pressure, increase the ability to concentrate and.

Theine found in tea is similar in properties to caffeine, but unlike it is considered safe for the heart. By gently toning without increasing blood pressure, theine allows a person to feel as vigorous as after coffee, differing only in a softer and longer-lasting effect.

Both green and black tea drink invigorates no worse than coffee. Therefore the cup strong tea before going to bed, drunk to activate metabolism, it is unlikely that it will allow you to fall asleep peacefully. And drinking tea in large quantities provokes insomnia and harms the nervous system. Therefore, everything should be in moderation.

Three glasses of tea are enough to cover a person's daily need for vitamin R.

2. Ginseng

Nature has given us many plants with healing and invigorating properties. One of them is ginseng, which has the following benefits:

  1. Lack of addiction. You can drink almost constantly.
  2. The cheapness of raw materials. Accordingly, the cost of ginseng drops, tinctures or fees is low. In addition, they can be found in any pharmacy.
  3. The healing effect. For example, in addition to its invigorating effect, ginseng has been shown to reduce inflammation and lower blood sugar levels.
  4. Does not interfere with the absorption of vitamins and minerals. That is, it is possible to consume ginseng during the period of treatment with other medications.

Ginseng tincture is an excellent energetic and stimulant immune system. It helps with eye fatigue, copes with stress, depression, fatigue, drowsiness, and loss of energy. A person becomes more cheerful and energetic, his working capacity increases. It is not for nothing that ginseng is called the root of life.

3. Eleutherococcus

Eleutherococcus, otherwise called "Siberian ginseng", contains almost all the substances that are in ginseng. Despite the tangible minus - an increase in body weight - tea from Eleutherococcus - great way cheer up. The benefits of this drink:

  1. increases endurance;
  2. increases efficiency;
  3. increases the tone of the body;
  4. improves performance nervous system;
  5. relieves symptoms of overwork;
  6. improves mental and physical activity of the body.

The effect of tea depends on the season. In the spring, the body "asks" for fragrant herbal infusions that have thick aroma restoring energy reserves. Summer is "combined" with green tea giving a feeling of freshness. In autumn and winter, it is better to keep warm with black and red teas.

4. Lemongrass Chinese

Leaves and fruits of a plant from the Far Eastern taiga - Schisandra chinensis, - used for pharmaceutical tinctures, stimulate the cerebral cortex and raise blood pressure.

If in the middle of the day you suddenly feel that it is difficult for you to concentrate, it is time to have tea with lemongrass. The uniqueness of this product is provided by lignans - substances that have great potential in the field of biological activity.

With a breakdown, lemongrass healthier than coffee to their gradual tonic effect... And if coffee gives a short-term invigorating effect, leading to nervous exhaustion, then the effect after a cup of brewed lemongrass will appear only after half an hour, but it will last up to 6 hours.

5. Yerba mate

Mate, or Yerba Mate, is a tonic drink that came to us from South America... For its manufacture, the leaves of Paraguayan holly are used, containing vitamins A, C, E, P, group B, as well as trace elements.

However, this infusion is appreciated as stimulator of physical and mental activity of mild action provided by matein - the main active ingredient of the drink.

Yerba Mate gives the following bonuses:

  1. Improves concentration, focus and energy production. Due to the amount of caffeine in the tea, the feeling of energy is not accompanied by subsequent fatigue and nervousness.
  2. Improves performance. Due to the same caffeine, muscle fibers are better contracted, and athletic performance is improved.
  3. Fights excess weight. It is especially pleasant that belly fat is lost. Appetite decreases, metabolism is activated - and extra pounds go away along with fatigue and depression.

Yerba Mate is compared to coffee for its strength, green tea for its properties, and hot chocolate for its delight.

6. Ginger tea

No wonder black tea with ginger is traditional drink in the east. Ginger tea, which relieves fatigue, is comparable to coffee in its invigorating effect, and has a significant difference from it.

Ginger lowers blood pressure, therefore ginger tea- a real salvation for hypertensive patients for whom coffee is contraindicated.

Ginger tea is great tones the body, relieves drowsiness, gives strength and energy, and also accelerates metabolic processes. This drink has gained popularity among those who want to lose weight, despite its ability to increase appetite.

Ginger tea increases blood circulation in the body, which stimulates active work brain. This is very much appreciated by knowledge workers.

Other energy drinks

There are many other natural "energy drinks" that are useful in their properties, tasty and readily available.

  1. Echinacea This plant-based modulator of the immune system also has anti-allergic and anti-rheumatic effects.
  2. Sea buckthorn. It improves mood due to the content in its cortex of serotonin - the "hormone of joy".
  3. St. John's wort... A strong herbal depressant, thanks to which anti-stress hormones are actively produced.
  4. Maral root... This tonic drink improves mood and helps the body adapt to changes in the weather.

Ivan tea and infusions from meadow clover, garden asters, galangal, angelica, primrose leaves and other herbs, recipes for which are easy to find on the Internet, also restore strength.

Also take a look at the infographic:

Useful video

The conclusion suggests itself - to raise vivacity and strength it is not at all necessary to drink coffee, mother nature helps to fight the "energy crisis". Brewing tonic herbal teas, you will easily join the rhythm modern man: you will be able to rush and run somewhere, enjoy endurance and energy, forget about constant fatigue and recharge with energy even in the gloomy weather.

Today we will discuss recipes for making natural energy drinks at home, because our pace of life is significantly different from that which was characteristic of people 50 years ago. Life in a big city requires maximum energy from a person, so many people, in order to maintain such a frantic rhythm, resort to modern canned energy drinks. However, as we said in the last article, such drinks do more harm than good.

An alternative and much less harmful remedy is energy drinks made from natural ingredients that can give you a boost of vivacity and give good mood when needed.

Natural Energy Drink Recipes

There are many recipes for natural energy drinks. Their popularity lies in their ability to quickly provide the body with the necessary energy. They contain natural ingredients that are absolutely safe for both adults and children.

For moms looking to give their kids extra energy after a busy day at school, here are a few recipes.

Recipe 1

Ingredients - one egg, one banana, one cup of fat-free milk, the same amount of yogurt, one glass of ice, a tablespoon whey protein and a similar amount of wheat germ.

Preparation: Mix all the ingredients well with a blender, and the energy drink is ready to drink. Yogurt can be used either low fat or plain. If you want to add energy of calories and vitamins, add fruits or berries, for example, strawberries, to it. Also, the drink can be served chilled.

Recipe 2

Ingredients - half a glass of grapefruit juice, the same amount of lemon sorbet and orange juice, Cup ready-made tea from mint.

Preparation: As in the previous recipe, all the ingredients must be blended in a blender and the natural energy drink is ready to drink and provide you with the energy you need.

Recipe 3

Ingredients - one banana, four dried figs, a cup of water and a tablespoon of honey.

Preparation: take banana, honey and figs and place in a blender, pour a cup of water there and beat everything thoroughly. If you do not like bananas, then you can replace them with raisins or dates, which will double nutritional value natural energy.

A natural energy drink for early risers

Many people go to work in the morning, but most of them find it difficult to wake up early in the morning. They do not feel enough energy and strength in themselves, especially when it is rainy or snowing outside the window. Especially for this category of people, recipes for natural energy drinks have been developed that you can make at home yourself.

Such drinks will allow you to feel a burst of energy very quickly and set off in a good mood towards a new working day. Preparing these homemade energy drinks will take you only a few minutes.


Composition: 2 cups cooked natural coffee.2 tablespoons of butter.

Preparation: put in a blender butter and pour the coffee, beat until fluffy, add a little sugar and cinnamon if desired.

The drink has a very delicate taste and at the same time invigorates very well.

Natural energy drink for athletes

Some people, after finishing work, do not go home, but go to the fitness center. To actively engage in physical activity, such people, of course, need additional energy. If the workout is carried out for two to three hours, then the body needs a certain amount of water, sugar and salt. Therefore, your attention is provided with three recipes for natural sports (energy) energy drinks.

Composition: 3 liters of filtered water, 600 ml of freshly squeezed orange or lemon juice, 3 grams of salt and 50 grams of sugar.

Method 1: we take one liter of water and heat it up a little, put one gram of salt and 50 grams of sugar in the water. Mix everything well and pour it into a bottle. This drink should be drunk throughout the day to maintain electrolyte levels and stabilize blood composition.

Method 2: this natural energetic must be consumed during the training period. Add 200 ml of orange juice and 1 gram of salt to 700 ml of water. Mix everything thoroughly. The energetic will have a sour taste, while the salt will not be felt.

Way 3: one liter of water, 400 ml of orange juice and one gram of salt, mix everything thoroughly and use after exercise in the fitness center.

Energy drink for a gym at home

For those who practice hard sports, the excellent homemade energy drink recommended by gym trainers is a great choice.

Home Energy Recipe

Composition: three bags of strong black tea, cold boiled water and twenty tablets of ascorbic acid.

Tea bags must be poured with boiling water to make 0.25 liters of tea, allowed to cool. Then pour the tea into a bottle and add cold boiled water To make the volume reach 0.5 liters, add ascorbic acid tablets to the resulting drink and shake until vitamin C dissolves.

A home energy drink for athletes should be placed in the refrigerator and taken half an hour before a long workout. It perfectly energizes athletes and does not require the search for additional ingredients.

Natural energetics

Any of us at some point feels tired, and there is some important meeting ahead, an interesting event, the conclusion of a profitable deal, and so on. Of course, you want to look your best. What if there is no energy? Natural energy drinks come to the rescue!

Some "energetics" will be presented to your attention, which do not even need to be mixed with anything, they were given to us by nature. Some of them helped the ancient people survive.

Coffee and hot chocolate

Famous natural energy drinks coffee and hot chocolate are also natural antioxidants containing iron, zinc, magnesium, vitamins B and C.

Indeed, having drunk a cup of freshly brewed coffee or hot here, a person feels a surge of strength and energy, his mind becomes clearer, and his mood improves.

Data natural energy favorably affect the metabolic processes of the body and endow human immunity with great strength. In order not to harm your health, either hot chocolate a day is enough.

Guarana and Maca (Peruvian Ginseng)

If you are preparing an energy drink from these plants, then it is best to use them individually, or combine them, for example, in a smoothie. Maca has an excellent ability to supply iodine to the thyroid gland, it is excellent invigorating in the morning and is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs on Earth.

Guarana is best drunk as a tea. It perfectly tones the entire body. At the same time, it should be used as part of an energy drink in minimum quantity, since it contains twice as much caffeine as coffee beans. This plant besides their energy properties, is also used in folk medicine with many diseases.

Cayenne pepper

This product is considered a natural analogue of aspirin, as it has the ability to supply blood to brain cells, relieving a person from migraines.

Yerba mate and gotu kola root

Yerba mate is used as a tea to energize the body. This plant is often called green gold or the drink of the gods, and all thanks to it wonderful properties, which not only tone up and energize, but also heal and rejuvenate the human body. Leaf tea mate will also help those who want to lose weight to lose weight excess weight, at the same time, energy will not leave you, which will allow you to lose weight with pleasure.

Gotu kola root is also consumed in the form of tea, which helps those who are engaged in mental work. The plant perfectly stimulates the activity of the brain.

Any person in a moment of fatigue recovers their strength in their own way. Some resort to elementary physical activity or just a little exercise, others use energy drinks.

If you lack free energy and at the same time want to maintain your health and live a long life, then the best recharging for you will be the preparation of homemade natural energy drinks that will not contain chemicals and other harmful substances, therefore, they will bring you benefit, good mood and a lot of free energy to solve even the most difficult problems, which is what we wish you.

A familiar feeling when you get up in the morning to the piercing sound of an alarm clock, hating the whole world? There is no strength, no desire to do something, no tone, and someone there also wants to change their life for the better, start with white sheet... There are such thoughts, but there is no energy to carry them out? So, you just start your day and spend it wrong. No, many factors affect our moral and physical condition, but among them are some of the most important - this is food and drink that accompany us every day. We will teach you the correct rise, a positive attitude every day. How? We will teach you how to do invigorating tea- for body and soul.

How to understand this?

Let's talk about how this tea is, and even invigorating. After all, all tea invigorates, gives strength, energy, that's what advertising repeats from year to year. Only now you drink it, drink it, but there is no sense. Not tea, apparently, is the point. Yes, no, the drink plays an important role. We just choose wrong products... Marketers know their business, and in advertising for each product, they simply have to say the best about the product, what will make you rush to the store. But that doesn't mean anything yet.

Now the veil of secrecy is beginning to come off, because everyone on the same TV began to show us programs where they say that, they say, the goods these days, to put it mildly, are not the same. All the quality requirements have become more loyal, and for the most part, you don't have to wait for what the advertising says from the products. Who benefits from putting an expensive, good tea leaf in a bag, when you can put only a small part of it, season everything with additives and dyes, and we can already say that the tea is unique, because there is some percentage of something in it. Well, even if it is minimal, although often sometimes, in general, the composition does not fully correspond to what is stated on the package.

Well, what kind of tone, vivacity, benefit can be discussed here, they are not and cannot be, and you understand this by your state of health. In addition to all this, harmful ecology, habits, stress, noise, and motivation to live life, as it did not exist, at all. No, let's make a good invigorating tea, real, that will give you mood and strength, tone and desire to live and create.

Important! Remember that you need to work on your moral and physical condition together. If you drink alcohol, eat junk food, if you do not get enough sleep, then one tea for energy will not be enough for you. This is not a panacea.

How to choose the right tonic tea?

Let us tell you about healing drink in two parts. In the first one, you will learn about which commercial teas can bring health benefits, let's name the most popular, demanded ones. In the second, we will give recipes for folk gatherings that you can prepare yourself, they will cost on a budget, everyone can prepare raw materials or buy them in a pharmacy or in phyto-shops, and the benefits of such drinks are colossal. Which option you choose, decide for yourself, you can try everything and find your unique tea, which will give you a new pleasant life.

We brew a unique tea for pep and strength of health

Purchased drinks

As you already understood, for the most part, the tea that is sold in all stores is not something that will bring you the expected effect, it may also harm you. So forget about these packages. A good, real tea leaf is sold in special shops, stores, and ordered via the Internet.

Of course, leaders in our time are chinese teas... This is a whole world, philosophy in your glass. They don't just drink a drink there, they enjoy it there, it's a whole ceremony. The Chinese who come to our country and drink, what we drink, are amazed at the quality. And this opinion is not positive, because we do not have a culture of tea drinking, there are no good products, this is just dust and there is no philosophy here. In China and in many Asian countries, tea leaves are not only good spirits, but also health and moral stabilization. There is different variants drinks - black, green, red, white. Each with its own story, we will tell you about the most popular and demanded ones.

Good tea does not work like coffee because of the harmful caffeine. The leaves contain theine substance, it does not harm us and does not accumulate in the body. The substance affects our brain, activates processes in it, increases concentration, improves work, relieves fatigue, the heart begins to work more actively, blood vessels expand, blood flow accelerates. Exciting, invigorating processes begin in the body, and not inhibiting ones. Professor Pavlov also spoke about this. Tea acts as a kind of balm that awakens the body and mind, acting gently and without causing extremes in behavior. The caffeine in coffee works differently, it increases blood pressure, depresses our nervous system.

Invigorating teas

Among the leaders of tea from China is Puerh. This is one of the most ancient drinks, which is appreciated in the Celestial Empire like gold. It grows in only one province, the production process is different from all the others. Pu-erh is not only drunk to tone up, but they are also treated, thanks to unique composition... If you start brewing such tea for yourself every day, you will not only be cheerful, but also stronger and younger, which has already been proven. Pu-erh has a number of useful properties, here are some of them:

  • stimulates the nervous system, makes you think clearly, improves memory, concentration;
  • saturates our body with essential substances, including amino acids, vitamins, sugars, polyphenols, antioxidants that fight toxins, pathological processes and even cancer;
  • will help cleanse the body of the pathogenic environment;
  • stabilizes the work of the heart, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract;
  • serves as the prevention of a number of diseases;
  • keeps our body young and healthy.

The tea is very tasty, aromatic, with woody notes, nutty flavor, flowers. And it is the first on the list of invigorating teas.

Tie Guanin is the second oolong drink for your vitality. It can have the same beneficial effects on our health as Pu-erh. The tea is unique, it is often used in the Celestial Empire for ceremonies, the aroma and taste of the drink is honey and floral. Chinese teas are also famous for the fact that they can be brewed many times, and each time you will discover new ones for yourself. taste sensations... Tie Guanin can be poured up to 25 times. It is expensive in price, but at the same time one portion can be enough for you for a long time. It is believed that this drink more for holidays when guests come to you, but no one forbids drinking it, and every day for tone and positive impact to health.

It is interesting! According to legend, tea got its name in honor of the goddess Guanin, who dreamed a long time ago to a peasant, telling in a dream the way where he would find a wonderful plant. The peasant woke up and found a way, after which he moved the bush home and began to grow it, and so people learned about the new type of tea.

Third in the list, but definitely not in importance - it is, of course, Yes Hong Pao... This is the legendary "Big Red Robe", which, like Pu-erh, is in great demand among young people now. It grows in its province in the Celestial Empire, it is collected very carefully and also prepares. Tea has a number of similar useful qualities like the previous tea brethren. There are many legends about him, the taste and aroma of this drink are unique in their own way. The color of the first brew is like cognac, reddish, all subsequent spills will change and taste qualities, and the color of the drink, making it honey. Of course, Da Hong Pao will give you vigor for the whole day and change your life for the better.

It is interesting! There are various legends about Da Hong Pao, among which is the one that speaks of the gift of the emperor of a red robe or mantle to the bushes, which became healing and cured his beloved wife of an illness.

Of course, not only Chinese teas give vigor, but also Indian and even African ones. So, there is the Rooibos variety that grows in the south of the hot continent and has been used by the local population for centuries. The drink has a rich composition, nourishes and heals the body. Scientists have conducted studies that have shown that tea helps work different systems organs, is the prevention of diseases, stimulates work and has an effect like an energy balm. Many countries are rich in healing, tonic plants, and, of course, we must say about invigorating tea recipes that are more traditional for us and available to all of us.

Folk infusions for energy and tone

In search of health, we must turn to our traditional, folk drinks... Fruits, herbs, plants in our country are so unique, rich in their composition, that they are healing.

Such infusions and decoctions give not only tone and vigor, but also longevity and freshness of the mind. You can make your own tea by following recipes and you will always look fresh, full of vitality. Stocks of raw materials are made by hand, you can buy it at a budget price in a pharmacy.

  • Lingonberries, rose hips and nettles are taken in a ratio of 1/1/3, mixed. A tablespoon of raw materials is taken from the mixture and poured with boiling water - 500 grams, insisted and drunk three times a day.
  • Mint leaves, raspberries, currants are brewed, a bed of honey is added, and here is the best invigorating tea for you. Useful for you and your children.
  • Mix in equal parts mountain ash, wild rose, black currant. Take a spoonful of berries, pour boiling water over and drink every day.
  • The principle is the same - strawberries, oregano, St. John's wort and currants are mixed in equal parts. You can add honey, lemon to such a drink.
  • Of course, Ivan-tea is a treasure trove of benefits and so dear to us. It is very simple to brew it - three teaspoons of dry grass and color are poured into a 500 gram jar, pour water by a third, then let it stand for five minutes, and bring the volume to full. And here is your tonic, simple and medicinal tea ready.

As you can see, it is very easy to fill your body with energy. But remember that not only tea should become your helper, but you yourself, by changing your lifestyle to a more correct one.