Invigorating plants - herbs for fatigue. Invigorating tea - keeping the body in good shape

05.08.2019 Lenten dishes

How to learn to wake up without coffee? How to stop crawling out of bed under an annoying alarm clock? How to stop fighting sleepiness during the day? Remember the recipes for vigor tea, and problems with low activity will no longer bother you.

The best way to have a productive day is to start it off on a bouncy morning. But at this point a problem awaits us: a difficult rise, lethargy, apathy. Do you know the situation when you can't get yourself together in the morning? Try to drink tonic tea instead of morning coffee, and you will see how your activity, health and even outlook will change.

  1. Mongolian tonic tea.
  2. Energy tea with vitamins.
  3. Refreshing herbal tea.
  4. Summer tonic sea buckthorn tea.
  5. Ginger energy tea.

Mongolian tonic tea

According to legend, this drink was especially loved by Genghis Khan, who was distinguished by vigor and energy. The recipe is quite simple: mix a teaspoon of oregano, St. John's wort and mint, pour boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes. Drink without straining.

The drink is not prepared in advance, but the mixture of herbs can be prepared for a long time. Tea gives the body vigor, increases endurance and immunity. Oregano and mint are soothing, so you no longer have a nervous breakdown.

Energy tea with vitamins

Feeling overwhelmed? Not strong enough to train? Do you want to sleep all the time? Before you start drinking pills, try the tea recipes. For example, this one.

Pour 5-6 tablespoons of green tea with hot water (80-90 degrees), you can take bags. While the tea is infused (about 10 minutes), prepare a powder from 2 revit tablets and the same amount of ascorbic acid.

When the drink has cooled to 40-50 degrees, add powder, 4 tablespoons of sugar or 5-6 honey, 20 drops of ginseng tincture. Stir with warm water to a volume of 0.5 liters and drink in the morning, lunch or during your workout.

Caution: Do not add vitamins and other additives to hot tea, this will destroy vitamins and enzymes.

Refreshing herbal tea

This drink is a great way to cheer up in the summer heat or get a boost of vitamins in winter. Herbal tea recipes are especially helpful if the apathy is due to a lack of vitamins or poor diet.

Take a pinch of raspberry, blackberry and St. John's wort leaves, pour a liter of boiling water and leave it in a thermos for several hours and drink in the morning or during the day, adding sugar or honey to taste.

Summer tonic sea buckthorn tea

Sea buckthorn tea recipes are distinguished by a high concentration of vitamins and micro-minerals, as a rule, they are prepared ahead of time, counting on a large volume. This drink is especially good in summer, as it refreshes and quenches thirst well.

2 handfuls of a mixture of equal amounts of mint and sea buckthorn leaves, pour 3 liters of boiling water and leave for 6 hours. Add honey to your taste (about half a glass) to a warm drink, stir and drink all day.

Ginger Energy Tea

This drink will give strength in the early frosty morning and will help you wake up after a hot summer night. It is served hot and cold with all kinds of additives. Ginger is an excellent energetic, and besides, it rejuvenates the body, boosts immunity and promotes weight loss.

Grind 2 cm of fresh ginger root on a grater, fill it with a glass of water and bring to a boil. Boil for 5-10 minutes.

Hot version of tea: cool the liquid to 50 degrees. Add honey, citrus juice (lemon, orange, tangerine), star anise, pepper, cinnamon or other spices to taste and drink while warm.

Cold option: cool to 40 degrees, dissolve honey in it, then add lemon juice, mint or mint syrup, cinnamon if desired, ice and serve in a tall glass.

Choose tea according to your taste and feel cheerfulness and burst of energy. Move to live healthy!

Do not rush to immediately run to the pharmacy and buy drugs that clog the body with unnecessary chemicals. Let's remember traditional medicine and turn to the methods of our grandmothers.

Herbal treatment

We often underestimate the health benefits of herbs. Nevertheless, decoctions prepared on their basis penetrate into the body faster than synthetic drugs. And they contain much more vitamins and nutrients than tablets. Among the medicinal herbs in the fight against recognized champions are peppermint, ivan tea, lemon balm, motherwort and chamomile. Let's see what benefits each of these plants will bring?

Attention! Remember that there is such a phenomenon as individual intolerance - if you notice that when treated with any plant, your condition does not improve, but worsens, if incomprehensible pain or general malaise appears, immediately stop taking any of the listed medicinal plants!


Mint tea improves mood and relieves nervous irritability - the eternal companion of chronic fatigue. Peppermint has been popular since ancient times. The house was sprayed with a decoction of mint, and the tables were rubbed with fresh leaves of plants - to create a light and free atmosphere before the arrival of guests (it is unlikely that a modern hostess will rub the table with leaves, but a few drops of mint essential oil will come in handy!). And in the Middle Ages, students were advised to wear mint wreaths - such a remedy not only relieved fatigue and increased efficiency, but also eliminated headaches.

If nervousness, irritability, migraines - and your "buddies", try drinking peppermint broth. To prepare it, take 100 g of mint leaves, chop them and pour 2 tbsp. warm water. Then we insist the remedy for 4-6 hours and take 1/2 tbsp. 2-3 times a day before meals.

Remember that mint is contraindicated for people with low blood pressure!

Narrow-leaved fireweed (ivan-tea)

"You don't drink tea - where will you get the strength from?" - this proverb was common among our great-great-great-grandmothers. And who knows? - perhaps it was just about Ivan-tea, because it was this plant that since ancient times in Russia served as a substitute for tea (hence its popular name).

A broth of willow-herb gives vigor, increases and decreases headaches. To prepare the broth, take 2 tablespoons of the herb and brew like regular tea. Take the product 2-3 times a day.

Fireweed broths should not be consumed by pregnant women, as well as during breastfeeding. Be careful: long-term use may cause gastrointestinal upset!

Melissa officinalis

Lemon balm infusion will help strengthen the nervous system in case of excessive stress and fatigue. For its noticeable and memorable smell, the plant received another name - lemon mint, and because of the specifics of its use in the people it was called a heart herb and "consolation of the heart": the herb relieves irritability and anxiety, this is a real natural antidepressant!

To prepare the broth, take 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons lemon balm, pour 1 liter. boiling water and leave for 1 hour. You need to take the infusion in 1/2 tbsp. 3 times a day.


The motherwort healing plant helps to relieve evening fatigue, eliminate nervous tension, anxiety and anxiety. Taking a bath with motherwort decoction will restore your strength and vigor. Pour 200 g of grass with 2 liters of boiling water, boil over low heat for about 20 minutes. and add to the bath. And in order to consolidate the result, it will not hurt to prepare an infusion for internal use: pour 15 g of grass with 200 ml of boiling water, leave it for 15 minutes, strain through a strainer and take 3-4 times a day for a tablespoon before meals.

Be careful: motherwort infusion is categorically contraindicated for people with bradycardia (slow heart rate) and low blood pressure. But pregnant women can not only use it, but also need it - however, the reception should be one-time, and not permanent.

Chamomile officinalis (pharmacy)

A decoction of chamomile flowers will help relieve stress after a hard day's work and allow you to relax. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers, boil them with 1 liter of boiling water and insist 1 hour. You can drink this with sugar or cream. Drank at night, the broth will not only relieve overwork and tension, but also make sleep sound and healthy.

But even if there are no contraindications for you, remember that long-term use of chamomile broth in large quantities can lead to the opposite effect - weakness, irritability, outbursts of anger, headaches.

For centuries, herbs have cured people for the most severe ailments. Some of the ancient recipes can be adopted by a modern girl!

Fatigue has a very unpleasant property - it can accumulate. This is especially noticeable in spring: a person hardly wakes up in the morning, quickly gets tired of the usual work, by noon he is overcome by weakness and apathy. Domestic problems, difficulties at work, flu epidemics have nothing to do with it. Each of us in the spring simply does not have enough energy.

Fortunately, there are natural sources of energy recovery that are simple, cheap, and affordable. They will help you recharge your energy quickly and easily. And most importantly, with great health benefits. These are invigorating herbs. What herbs invigorate a person?

Invigorating herbs or herbs for fatigue

Rhodiola rosea is a medicinal herb that invigorates and relieves fatigue. For more than 200 years, the property of Rhodiola rosea has been known to relieve fatigue. Even overseas, this plant from Siberia has earned well-deserved fame.

American scientists recently conducted a study in which about 800 people took part. The aim of the study was to study the properties of Rhodiola rosea extract in terms of solving the problem of chronic fatigue. 2 weeks after the start of the experiment, more than half of the participants felt a significant increase in strength and energy.

Traditional medicine advises taking the extract of Rhodiola rosea in courses: 200 mg in capsules 3 times a day with meals. If it is necessary to consolidate the effect, continue to drink the extract 200 mg once a day for another 4 months. Then you should take a break of 2 weeks. Then, if necessary, the course can be repeated.

A big plus of this medicinal plant is that Rhodiola rosea has almost no contraindications. However, if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications for high blood pressure, it is best to skip it. Other invigorating herbs can help you to invigorate and relieve chronic fatigue.

For example, St. John's wort is known to everyone as the best general tonic.

An excellent multivitamin preparation -.

The vascular tone of the brain will help improve the hawthorn.

Valerian, motherwort, and pasiflora herb will save you from high blood pressure. And to normalize the lowered - Eleutherococcus and ginseng.

Nutritional supplements and herbal preparations based on ginkgo biloba, ginseng, and also containing lecithin and choline help to restore tone and energy.

Nature is ready to give us remedies for many diseases, the main thing is to know exactly the indications for the use of medicinal herbs and observe the dosage. And remember that any herbal treatment requires prior consultation with your doctor!

Herbal tea is not only a tasty and aromatic drink, it is a real storehouse of nutrients and vitamins.

Herbal teas can be tonic, soothing, vitamin, medicinal. In the first part of the article (you can find it), we talked about how to collect raw materials for herbal tea, dry it and save it. And also how to cook it properly.

Today we will talk about different types of herbal teas and their beneficial properties, as well as offer several options for herbal teas.

But first, a few more useful tips:

- It is better to drink tonic tea in the morning. And soothing herbal teas in the evening.
- Drink tea made from fresh herbs and leaves in summer. Dried - leave for winter.

- Honey and sugar reduce the healing effect of some teas, and on the contrary, increase some.

- Do not store dried herbs and flowers for more than 1-2 years, fruits for more than 4 years, roots for more than 3 years.

- Remember that almost all herbs have contraindications. Uncontrolled intake of many medicinal herbs, flowers and roots can lead to sad consequences.

Toning (invigorating) tea.

Toning teas relieve fatigue, restore strength, invigorate.

St. John's wort tea, for example, is even used to treat mild depression.

Rosehip and Schisandra chinensis leaves contain B vitamins and ascorbic acid, which in turn increase efficiency and attention.

Sage and rosemary also have tonic properties: they should not be infused for a long time, since most of the tonic effect is due to the presence of essential oils.

Try the following tonic herbal tea: 3-4 peppermint leaves, a handful of St. John's wort flowers, 2 raspberry and currant leaves (about 2 leaves each), 5 lemongrass flowers.

Vitamin tea for immunity.

Tea with leaves of black currant, raspberry, nettle, yarrow, with flowers, St. John's wort, hawthorn and red mountain ash will help to strengthen the immune system.
Try the following vitamin herbal blend : 3 g of strawberry leaves, 3 g of blackberry leaves, 3 g of black currant leaves, 10 g of thyme, 10 g of St. John's wort.

You can find out 9 more ways to strengthen immunity without pills

A soothing tea or tea for sleeping.

Unfortunately, our life is full of various stresses. All of them lead to a weakening of immunity, which we talked about above, to emotional disorders, to sleep disorders. The main thing is to take action on time. If you are upset, nervous, or unable to sleep, take a course of soothing herbal teas for a month. Valerian, linden blossom, chamomile, St. John's wort, mint, sage, motherwort have a calming effect.

It is worth noting that in case of serious disorders, for example, with depression, soothing tea should not be taken in any case. It can cause an even more depressed and depressed state. On the contrary, they are withdrawn from depression with tonic and invigorating agents.
Try the following soothing herbal remedy : 10 g peppermint, 10 g motherwort, 10 g valerian root, 10 g hop inflorescences.

Diuretic tea.

Diuretic tea helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, get rid of edema. It is often used in the complex treatment of liver and kidney diseases.

Diuretic properties in corn stigmas, rhizomes of licorice and nettle, in saffron, sage, hops of coltsfoot leaves, immortelle flowers.
Try the following herbal diuretic: 3 g of licorice root, 6 g of bearberry leaves and juniper fruits.

Tea for colds and flu.

When it becomes too late to simply strengthen the immune system, herbs that have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and diaphoretic properties, and expectorant come to the rescue.

The main, recognized by medicine, helpers in the fight against colds: leaves and fruits of raspberries and currants, mint leaves. They relieve most of the symptoms of the disease. Rosemary tea is good for a cold. Chamomile tea, thyme - relieves cough. Linden tea has a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect. Ginger will ease mucus, soothe a cough, and the hot liquid will ease throat irritation.

Try the following herbal remedy: 10 g of chamomile flowers, 10 g of linden flowers, 10 g of black elderberry, 10 g of peppermint.

Herbal tea during pregnancy

While waiting for the baby, it is better to refuse some herbs. Ginseng, mint, fennel, licorice (licorice), sage, hops, wormwood - tone the uterus and can provoke a miscarriage.

But not everything is so sad. There are herbs that are not only safe during pregnancy, but also very useful for both mom and baby. For example, it saturates the body with vitamins C, B, PP and iron, which the body needs during this period. Currant tea is useful, as well as ginger tea. Sometimes you can afford chamomile tea, but not often and not much.

Try the following healthy herbal tea: 10 g of rose hips, 10 g of raspberry leaves, 10 g of currant leaves, 10 g of lingonberry leaves.

Children's tea.

A huge number of herbal teas for children are now on sale. Their benefits have long been recognized and their use has been approved. For babies, herbal teas are both a delicious drink, vitamins and nutrients, and a great help for various ailments, because most of the "adult" medicines cannot be given to little children.

As a mother and at the same time a summer resident, I rarely turn to the help of the industrial industry, preferring to harvest useful raw materials on my own. And yet, I recommend giving "industrial" teas to very young children (up to 1 year old) (you can not always be 100% sure of the environmental friendliness and purity of herbs collected by yourself). By the way, buying dry herbs in a pharmacy is much cheaper than buying herbal tea in a children's store.

With colic, infants are very well helped by tea made from fennel seeds (dill water), cumin. For diarrhea - blackberry leaves. For high fever and flu - linden flower tea. Vitamin teas based on dried rose hips, raspberries, currants provide the baby with additional vitamins.

Its useful to note: fennel tea - let's say from the first days of life; chamomile - from 1 month; linden, mint, blueberry - from 4 months; herbal preparations - from 6 months.

Slimming Tea.

I would like to say just a few words about the mechanism of action of such popular herbal slimming drinks. After all, many use them without even thinking about it.

Herbal teas for weight loss do not burn fat, but only remove fluid from the body (and many do not need this). That is, in fact, they have a diuretic effect (see diuretic tea). If consumed uncontrollably, such tea can simply lead to dehydration and metabolic disorders. In addition, the opinion that they reduce appetite is also erroneous.

Tea is a popular tonic drink that has a positive effect on the entire body. Any kind of tea helps to relieve fatigue, improve health and mood, and increase efficiency. Many people have recognized the undeniable benefits of tea, preferring it as a morning drink, abandoning the usual cup of coffee. But what kind of tea is the most useful and can be used to tone up?

What kind of tea to choose

Black tea is the most common and popular. But it contains a large amount of caffeine, which makes it unsafe for the elderly, heart disease. Frequent consumption of red varieties of Chinese tea, shu pu-erh, can have the same negative effects on the body as strong coffee.

Those for whom black tea is contraindicated can try green tea, which has unique properties, since it is endowed with a lot of useful substances. The Chinese variety Longjing or White Peony can be classified as invigorating green teas. A cup of such a drink will give you freshness, lightness, and excellent health. Green tea will normalize blood pressure, relieve fatigue.

Pu-erh tea is the most invigorating tea on the market. He is in great demand, legends are made about him, songs are sung. Pu-erh is different in that it can be stored for years, it does not deteriorate, but only becomes stronger and tastier. Its beneficial properties increase every year. Tie Kuan Yin is also the most popular.

Invigorating tea varieties

There are several varieties and types of tea that have invigorating and tonic properties.

  • Dan Hong Pao
  • Tie Guan Yin
  • Longjing
  • Lung Ching
  • Kudin

The tonic properties of tea

There are a lot of different substances in freshly brewed quality products. Some of them have an effect on the brain. Theine contained in tea increases the speed of the functional parts of the brain, their coordination. It invigorates, evokes a feeling of lightness, reduces fatigue. Professor Pavlov I.P., who conducted certain research in this area, proved that under the action of theine, excitation processes are triggered, and inhibition processes slow down their work.

The vessels dilate, allowing oxygen to reach all cells, and cardiac activity is activated. This leads to the fact that sensitivity increases, many mental associations appear. Many people compare this state with euphoria, but nothing is so sobering as tea. It gives clarity of consciousness.

The caffeine contained in coffee can increase blood pressure, negatively affect the nervous system, then theine acts differently. Regular consumption of high quality tea allows you to achieve a sustainable effect in clearing the mind. Whereas coffee gives only short-term insights. A person who prefers tea gets a lot: the capacity and brevity of speech, sharpness of thought, an abundance of ideas, the absence of extremes in behavior.

The effect of puerh on the human body

Puerh is a unique type of tea. It is kept for a long time in special conditions so that the fermentation process is successful, the tea leaves acquire useful compounds, unusual aromatic properties and original taste. According to biochemists, 300 of the 1500 aromatic compounds found in the world are contained in pu-erh. It contains a lot of gallic acid, polyphenols. With regular use, memory improves, general tone increases, and the risk of stroke decreases. Puerh is often referred to as men's tea because of its invigorating properties.

Tie Kuan Yin - invigorating oolong

This tea belongs to the category of oolong tea. It is he who is used for the Chinese ceremony of Gongfu Cha. This is a very aromatic tea with a sweet taste and honey notes. The real Tie Kuan Yin is expensive, after drinking tea you can note extraordinary lightness, improved mood, it invigorates. It is better to drink this tea in pleasant company. Tie Kuan Yin can be called a festive tea that brings fun.

Da Hong Pao and its properties

Da Hong Pao is a tea legend. It is distinguished by a reddish tint of infusion, light astringency. Gradually the taste is revealed. Tea can create a special mood, relieve fatigue. It saturates the brain with oxygen, cleanses the capillaries and blood vessels.

Longjing - green tea for energy

Longjing tea contains a large amount of theanine and catechins. Research shows that this tea is ideal for the elderly. Two cups a day help improve attention and memory, energize a person, and give strength.

Kudin - a natural energy boost

Kudin is a tea drink obtained from the leaves of the holly tree. The rich nutritional composition of this tea allows it to be used as a tonic. Kudin perfectly invigorates, improves well-being, activates life processes. It is only recommended to use this bitter drink no more than twice a week.