Ethanol from faeces. How is alcohol obtained? Recipes for making alcohol at home! Bird's nest drink

01.05.2019 Snacks

Alcoholic drinks are popular all over the world. Today it is difficult to find an adult who has never drunk alcohol. There are many types of alcoholic beverages in the world - some less strong, others more. Some are cooked by standard recipe, but there are those that, because of the ingredients used in them, cause surprise, alertness, and even disgust.

Today we present to readers the TOP-15 of the most strange drinks in a world whose ingredients it is better not to even guess.

1. Kopi Luwak

Kopi Luwak is the most expensive in the world elite grade coffee. Its grains are processed as standard, but there is one difference. The coffee beans must first undergo a natural fermentation process in the stomach of the musang, the palm marten, to improve their quality. Processed grains are collected in animal excrement. Industrial scale production of this type of coffee has reached Indonesia, Timor Leste and the Philippines.

2. Beer from elephant feces Un, Kono Kuro

Continuing the theme of unusual ingredients for making drinks, we offer beer made from coffee beans that have been in the stomach of an elephant. Japanese brewers decided to add this unusual ingredient in a new batch of beer to celebrate April Fools' Day in 2013. As a result, the beer got a specific flavor due to the breakdown of proteins that give the coffee bitterness. In 2012, there was an attempt to make coffee itself from beans fermented in a similar way.

3. Beer "New Crab"

Oregons Rogue Ales Brewery owner John Mayer decided to create a beer that was originally called "Bearded Beer" to attract more customers. Rumor has it that instead of yeast, in 1978 he tried to use the follicles from his beard. The manufacturer was surprised by them beneficial influence for beer fermentation. Although many still believe that he adds regular yeast.

4. Bird's nest drink

The Chinese did not stop at exotic and gourmet soup from the nests of the swallows and decided to make a carbonated drink from the saliva of the birds, which they use to attach the nests to the walls of the caves. In Asia, they offer a cheap analogue of this drink just tastes like this ingredient, while the real one is made with soda and is very expensive. The color of the drink is similar to greenish tint horse urine makes it even less attractive.

5. Gilpin Family Whiskey

James Gilpin, a graduate and researcher at Design Interactions in London, remodeled his brewery when he decided to export the family whiskey. The preparation is based on the urine of elderly people who are diagnosed with diabetes. High sugar diabetic urine is purified as plain water, while the separated sugar goes to production to support the whiskey fermentation process. The drink is mixed with pure alcohol, poured into bottles, on which the names of the volunteers who donated the urine are indicated.

6. Wine infused with snakes and scorpions

In this case, it cannot be said for sure that the drink does not contain the declared ingredients. They really insist on being dipped for several months in a bottle with rice wine or other alcoholic grain drink for snakes and scorpions, the enzymes of which do their job, and the drinks acquire specific characteristics. It is believed that such wine improves health, therefore, in the traditional Chinese medicine used as medicine. These drinks can be purchased in Southeast Asia and over the Internet.

7. Liqueur "Three lizards"

Once someone said that the less the better, but the Chinese and Vietnamese decided that the liquor from three lizards would be much tastier. You can also prepare such a drink yourself. You just need to take a live lizard, preferably a gecko, or better than three, and put them in a bottle of vodka or rice liqueur of 75% strength. The result should be incredible healing drink, which also protects from evil spirits, notes

8. Wine infused with mice

The Chinese decided that it was difficult to get a gecko, and decided to replace it with baby mice. Koreans liked this idea too. Little bald mice, still alive, are dipped into a bottle with rice vodka where fermentation takes place throughout the year. The drink tastes like gasoline.

9. Drink based on snake blood and bile

This drink is also considered medicinal. An Indonesian from Jakarta, who calls himself Cobra Man, is engaged in unconventional methods treatments based on the blood and bile of a snake. Cutting off the head of a cobra, he drains the blood from her body into a glass and adds bile. This medicine is used to treat colds, skin diseases and diseases digestive system... Men can improve their potency.

10. Chicha

Chicha is a beer made from corn kernels, but saliva is added for fermentation. This drink is popular in South and Central Africa. Corn kernels are simply chewed and fed into the production process in the form of tortillas. In the Amazon basin, local tribes cook something similar by chewing on cassava roots.

11. Drink "Horse sperm hydr"

At first glance, the drink might seem like a mixture of milk and beer, but don't be fooled. The owners of the Green Man pub in New Zealand are so into the idea of ​​using horse semen that they even organize festivals. The drink is especially popular among women, there were only isolated cases when men dared to try it. Although they still say that there is nothing so strange there, it's just beer and milk.

12. Seed cocktail

It is a drink made from tequila and human sperm. The idea is from Paul Foti Fotenheier, the author of Semenology. What is its logic? If we eat chicken eggs and drinking milk, why not try the semen secreted by the body.

The placenta contains many nutrients and nutrients, and its shape resembles a pizza. Placentophages in Mexico and the United States consume the placenta left over after the birth of a child that has passed heat treatment thinking that it is a panacea for disease. In its raw form, you can make a cocktail from it. Such a kind of "Bloody Mary".

14. Seagull wine

Popular in the Arctic Circle, this alcoholic drink can be made at home on your own. Since there are few fermentation-promoting ingredients in that region, you just have to use dead seagull to make wine. We put the corpse in a bottle, fill it with water, put it in the sun and wait until fermentation takes place.

15. Beer from bovine testes

"Rocky Mountain Oysters" are fried bovine testes that are very popular in Colorado. Local brewers for April Fools' Day decided to brew a batch of beer from the same ingredient, which received full approval among local residents... Fried eggs are crushed and added to seven other ingredients, including sea ​​salt, malt, barley, hops.




Infa is certainly not new, but here is a neat selection. By the way, Zhorka Sterling also said that alcohol in Russia is on Chinese shit. On whose shit alcohol in other countries is not known. One way or another This is a zashkvar….

“More than 80% of ethyl alcohol, from which vodka is produced in the Russian Federation, is imported from China. It is not a secret, there are data from the State Statistics Service in the public domain.
In China, alcohol is not made from grain, potatoes, or grapes.
In China, alcohol is produced from sewers. Yes Yes. And they make no secret of this. It becomes secret in Russia, where the vodka mafia and their "patrons" are in the government.
The president and lobbyists in the State Duma are hiding this information, and the corrupt media, licked by the lobbyists to the point of a pig's screech, are driving the frenzied propaganda of drunkenness, debauchery and national degeneration. But the fact remains: everyone who drinks vodka can safely imagine a defecating Chinese.
And there are more than a billion of these Chinese, they all work a lot, eat all sorts of nasty things, and a lot, really a lot, defecate. Every day.
Sewerage is recycled, and alcohol is made from it. This alcohol is exported to Russia.
Here, enterprising and slippery people dilute this muck, stick labels and sell them in bottles.
The Russians are drinking and getting fat. Shlyafters, Rotenbergs, Rustam Tariki and other TorshinSpiegels only manage to shove the loot into offshore companies and Zionist congresses.

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The cycle of feces in nature.

More than 80% of ethyl alcohol, from which vodka is produced in the Russian Federation, is imported from China. It is not a secret, there are data from the State Statistics Service in the public domain. In China, alcohol is not made from grain, potatoes, or grapes; in China, alcohol is produced from sewers. Yes Yes. And they make no secret of this. It becomes secret in Russia, where the vodka mafia and their "patrons" in the government, the Presidential Administration and lobbyists in the State Duma are hiding this information, and the venal media, licked by lobbyists until they screech like a pig, drive the rabid propaganda of drunkenness, debauchery and national degeneration. But the fact remains: everyone who drinks vodka can safely imagine a defecating Chinese. And there are more than a billion of these Chinese, they all work a lot, eat all sorts of nasty things, and a lot, really a lot, defecate. Every day. Sewerage is recycled, and alcohol is made from it. This alcohol is exported to Russia. Here, enterprising and slippery people dilute this muck, stick labels and sell them in bottles. China works for the toilet. The Russians are drinking and getting fat. Shlyafters, Rotenbergs, Rustam Tariqs and other TorshinSpiegels only manage to shove the loot into offshore companies and Zionist congresses.
Arkady Rotenberg let it slip openly: “If you want to avoid public unrest during the economic crisis in the country, lower prices by one the only product- vodka. Schleppers need to be given the opportunity to fill their throats with grief due to the resulting economic oppression, if this is not done in time, the Russians will demolish power in a couple of days "
And Stalin said: "Of course, generally speaking, it would be better without vodka, because vodka is evil."


More than 80% of ethyl alcohol, from which vodka is produced in the Russian Federation, is imported from China. It is not a secret, there are data from the State Statistics Service in the public domain. In China, alcohol is not made from grain, potatoes or grapes, in China, alcohol is produced from sewers.

Yes Yes. And they make no secret of this. It becomes secret in Russia, where the vodka mafia and their "patrons" in the government, the Presidential Administration and lobbyists in the State Duma hide this information, and the venal media, licked by lobbyists until they screech like a pig, drive the rabid propaganda of drunkenness, debauchery and national degeneration.

But the fact remains: everyone who drinks vodka can safely imagine a defecating Chinese. And there are more than a billion of these Chinese, they all work a lot, eat all sorts of nasty things, and a lot, really a lot, defecate. Every day. Sewerage is recycled, and alcohol is made from it. This alcohol is exported to Russia. Here, enterprising and slippery people dilute this muck, glue labels and sell them in bottles. China works for the toilet... The Russians are drinking and getting fat. Shlyafters, Rotenbergs, Rustam Tariki and other TorshinSpiegels only manage to shove the loot into offshore companies and Zionist congresses.

But the Kaluga lovers of hawthorn tincture got the opportunity to purchase it without even going to the pharmacy. Now it is enough to put 20 rubles into a vending machine called "Boyarka". One of these machines was recently installed on the wall of the Mechta trading house that opened at the intersection of Grabtsevskoye Highway and Motornaya Street in Kaluga.

The machine sells hawthorn tincture at 20 rubles per bottle around the clock. On the bottles, however, it says "Cosmetic lotion." But judging by the advertisements vending machines"Boyarka", which appeared on the Internet, is not poured into bottles at all, but a hawthorn tincture.


Have you ever wondered what they are made of ethanol, its history of origin and that alcohol turns out to be of several types? If not, then this article will be useful and interesting to you, since we come across this product very often and do not know anything about it.

Any feast does not go without alcoholic beverages, which are made, just on the basis of alcohol. But not every drink has a positive effect on a person, sometimes the state of health after drinking alcohol varies from dizziness to lightness in the body.

What is the reason for this product influence? The root of the bad feeling lies in the category of ethyl alcohol that was used in the production of the drink. Read about this below and you will find out which alcoholic drinks are best to use, so that the next day you do not suffer from headaches, learn to choose the right alcohol and understand its composition.

Any alcoholic beverage contains ethyl alcohol. The manufacture of such a product depends on the area in which it will be used in the future. Not all ethanol is used to create alcoholic beverages, so many consumers often have a question, what is the ethyl alcohol from?

Types of ethyl alcohol

Ethanol Is a colorless transparent liquid with a characteristic odor and burning taste.

According to modern requirements, it can be:

  • Drinking, used for the production of alcohol. In its manufacture, a special technology is used - natural raw materials, it goes through many degrees of purification. Cleaning is necessary to remove from the product harmful impurities providing detrimental influence on the body.
  • Industrial made from petroleum and other unnatural ingredients. The product does not undergo strong cleaning, according to technical standards, it is not released for human use.
  • Medical undergoing a variety of purification levels. According to technical requirements, it cannot be used as drinking, but if consumed, it practically does not harm the body.

Ethyl rubbing alcohol sold in a pharmacy without any restrictions. To obtain it, natural or technical raw materials are used.

Important: In alcohol drinking alcohol always diluted with water and may include aromatic additives.

What is ethyl alcohol made from?

Depending on the type of raw material, ethyl alcohol can be drinking or technical. There are the following ways to obtain a technical product:

  • Raw materials are prepared. It can be manure, coal, oil, or any other element of chemical origin. Such raw materials are prepared and sent to distilleries.
  • With the help of a special technology of alcoholization chemical product undergoes thorough processing.

Distillery packaging finished products, sends it to industrial enterprises. In some factories, the use of such a product is not entirely legal, since it is added to alcoholic beverages.

The drinkable product is used to create alcoholic beverages. There is the following method for its production:

  1. First, special raw materials are prepared in the form of grains, potatoes, sugar beets, sugar cane and other natural elements.
  2. This raw material is carefully processed. Then yeast is added to it, fermentation occurs and alcohol is obtained High Quality.
  3. Then the products go to factories specializing in the production of alcoholic beverages... Additional purification of the finished alcohol is done here.
Important: Most manufacturers use the cheapest raw materials to produce ethyl alcohol, since such production requires a special processing technology, going through many degrees of purification. This takes a very long time.

Varieties of drinking alcohols

Drinking alcohols can be flavored or made from:

  • grains;
  • grapes;
  • fruits and berries;
  • sugar cane;
  • agave.

Many consumers ask, what are vodka and whiskey made of? For their production, grain products are used. Grapes are used in the production of drinks such as cognac, armagnac, French brandy.

If “Extra” alcohol is indicated on the label of cognac products among the constituent ingredients, then you should know that this is a fake cognac.

Fruit alcohols are made exclusively from fruits and berries, but the production technology here is somewhat different. For example, apples and pears are never squeezed out of juice, as they contain a strong acid that can ruin the quality of an alcoholic beverage. Strawberries and raspberries are first soaked in alcohol, after which a finished product is obtained from them.

Fruit alcohols are used to make brandy. This drink is typical for European countries.

Sugarcane is used to make sugar. Molasses is obtained from cane waste. It is processed, rum and cachaça are made from it. Yeast is used to add the desired alcoholic beverage to molasses. Flavored alcohols are needed to create absinthe, and tequila is made from agave.

It is important to remember: You cannot mix alcoholic beverages that have been created from ethanol of various origins. Otherwise, the body will not be able to process different alcohol and a severe hangover may ensue.

To prevent hangover syndrome complications associated with it, purchase alcohol made from quality ingredients, which has passed full certification for compliance with GOST. Quality products will never sell for a low price.

Alpha and luxury varieties, production methods and classification

Alcohols are organic compounds. They make up a large group chemical substances, but basically the concept of alcohol is understood as ethanol.

They are derivatives of water with only one difference - one atom is replaced by a functional group R.

Origin story

For the first time such a word appeared in our language back in the time of Peter the Great. It came from english word“Spirit”, which means “soul” in Russian.

This product has been known to people since ancient times. Some scientists believe that people knew about him and about his actions as early as ten thousand years BC. According to the results of the excavations, it was concluded that winemaking in Western Asia existed as early as 5 thousand years BC, and in China even earlier.

But for the first time they could get a pure product only in the VI-VII centuries.

The first discoverers in this area were Arab chemists. So, the way to get pure product is in the notes of the alchemist from Persia - Ar-Razi. European scientists were able to obtain ethyl or ethanol only in the XI-XII century.

Vodka was first brought to Russia only in 1386. This was done by the Genoese embassy, ​​which brought and showed it to the princely court.

In alcoholic beverages such as vodka, three varieties of the manufactured product are distinguished during manufacture:

  • alpha, extra and luxury.

Alpha alcohol category. The alpha species gained popularity at the end of the 20th century. A product in this category is produced only with the addition of natural products such as wheat, rye and various mixtures. Today, vodka created on the basis of varieties of the alpha category is also very popular, since it is of high quality and quite pleasant taste... The percentage of methyl content is prescribed in GOST.

To distinguish the type of drink, a special indicator is used - the percentage of methyl contained in it. The lower the percentage, the less bad influence the product will have on a person, so the drink will be of higher quality.

Today very few people produce vodka based on the grade of the alpha category, but, according to forecasts, it will soon make up the majority of sales.

Alpha or luxury - which alcohol is better?

The quality of vodka is determined by the following factors:

  • raw materials from which the alcoholic beverage is made;
  • method of processing alcohol in vodka during production;
  • the quality of cleaning of the produced product, checked in accordance with GOST.

The state has created special standards for the production of alcoholic beverages, according to which the quality is determined and the following varieties are distinguished from it:

  • first grade;
  • high purity alcohol;
  • basis;
  • extra;
  • luxury.
In the alpha category, the methyl content according to GOST is only 0.003%.

In turn, the luxury variety is made from a mixture of grains and potatoes, and the methyl content in it is 0.02%.

So the difference between alcoholic beverages produced from an alpha grade is not much different from drinks produced from a luxury grade. But it is better to take alpha, since the cleaner the alcoholic drink, the better taste he will have and besides, he will bring much less harm to the human body.

Vodka made from Alfa or luxury alcohol is classified as elite drinks. So the price for it will be extremely high.

Extra alcohol

This type is made exclusively from wheat and potato grains. The methyl content is much higher here than in Lux and Alpha alcohol. But still, the drinks made from these varieties are of high quality and have their own distinctive features.

Alcohol types

Alcohol differs in several types, which depend on the stage of manufacture:

  • Rectified alcohol. Raw alcohol - the alcohol content is approximately 88%. It is obtained by distillation of raw materials.
  • Rectified - obtained after the distillation of alcohol in the first stage of production.
  • Food alcohol or rectified ethyl alcohol is obtained after rectification of the product, after which it can be used in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages. Although the name of of this alcohol"Drinking", drinking it is not recommended, as it can burn the mucous membranes in the human body.

Production stages and composition of alcohol

Alcohol has several varieties that directly depend on the raw materials on which it was made. These varieties are classified into the following types:

  • Wine alcohol, or as it is also called fruit alcohol, is used to make brandy or cognac from this type of variety. It can be made from grapes, apples, plums, agave and other fruits.
  • Grain - This variety is mainly used for the production of whiskey.
  • Potato - is extremely dangerous for the human body, as it contains hydrocyanic acid a lot. This type of alcohol is prohibited in Russia.

Ethyl product production

This process has its own characteristics, which, in turn, directly depend on what the product will be made of.

Production stages:

  • First you need to prepare raw materials for production. Suitable for this: oil, manure and coal.
  • After the raw material arrives at the plant, a special production technique is used: for oil, hydrolysis is performed, then the resulting gas is converted into the desired product.
  • After that, the produced drink is poured into containers and sent to customers.

Drinking has a slightly different production method:

  • First, they prepare raw materials for the production of ethyl alcohol, it can be: grains, potatoes, sugar cane and others.
  • After that, the plant processes the raw materials and adds yeast to it so that fermentation begins.
  • Further, the ethyl product is sent to distilleries that produce alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol alpha and luxury which is better

The main factor that determines the dignity of vodka is the alcohol used. Its quality depends on several components:

  • Raw materials.
  • Purification degree.
  • Processing technique.

The GOST fixed production standards, compliance parameters, groups into which alcohol is subdivided. In terms of quality, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • First grade.
  • Highest purity alcohol.
  • "Basis".
  • "Extra".
  • "Lux".
  • "Alpha".
Alfa alcohol is made from wheat and rye. Mixing is allowed. In any case, these are exclusively grain raw materials, without any other additives. This is the highest quality alcohol. Content methyl alcohol it is allowed in minimum quantity, only 0.003%.

Alcohol Lux made from a mixture of grain and potatoes. Content potato starch does not exceed 35%. The amount of methyl alcohol should not be more than 0.02%. This does not mean that Lux alcohol vodka is worse. Experts recommend choosing just such a vodka if there is no way to buy Alpha.

The percentage of raw materials is set by the terms of the contract, especially for export vodka. How cleaner alcohol, the better, both for the quality of vodka and for the health of the consumer. Alcohol of the highest purity, i.e. Alpha and Lux, contains the least fusel oils and harmful impurities.

The taste of such vodka is clean, pleasant, without foreign odors. Quality vodka has no sediment. If vodka is shaken in a bottle, it will flow down the walls quickly and evenly. A certain degree of viscosity indicates that there is a large number of glycerin.

In Russia, vodka according to GOST can have the following alcohol content:

  • 40,0-45,0%.
  • 50,0%.
  • 56,0% .

If you shake vodka sharply, then in quality product foam bubbles disappear in a second. Alcohol is a good defoamer. Therefore, no foam in real vodka it can not be.

Grain-based alcohol Lux is almost always used to make all the current balms and various tinctures. It is used by all distilleries.

Vodka from alcohol Lux or Alfa belongs to the Premium and Super-premium class. This is a class elite drinks... This also includes whiskey, gin, aged cognac. Such alcohol will not be cheap, since it is different the best quality and a special mild taste.

Moreover, "premium" vodka has a higher degree of protection against counterfeiting. The special shape of the bottle, often with a characteristic embossed pattern, a special cap, a hologram on the label.

Super-premium vodka differs from "premium" by higher price and certain production peculiarities. For example, rare ingredients, a unique manufacturing process, or more intricate and complex packaging.

Products that have a luxury class can be used:

  1. For fuel.
  2. For various heat transfer fluids.
  3. For solvents.
  4. In the chemical industry (for the manufacture of ethyl acetate, triethyl ether, acetic acid, etc.)
  5. For the manufacture of antiseptics, etc.

Choosing vodka based on Lux or Alpha alcohol, you are unlikely to run the risk of being fake. This vodka is perfect both for a home meal and as a solid gift. And naturally, the pricing policy will be slightly higher than that of cheap handicrafts.

There is an opinion that alpha-based vodka is much more difficult to find. In fact, this is not the case. There are a number of organizations that take Alpha as a basis.

If you make a rating on the quality of alcohol, "Alpha" can be put in the first place, "Lux" in the honorable, second. Alcohol "Super" can make a worthy competitor to alcohol alpha, their quality is considered to be the highest.

The article described in detail the difference between alpha and luxury alcohol. What features do they have and where are they applied? Now I would like to say a few words about harmfulness.

Drinking alcohol, almost all of it contains alcohol, is very harmful to human health. Has a detrimental effect on internal organs, liver, heart, gastrointestinal tract suffers.

If abused, it is possible various diseases, the result of which can be fatal.

Also, adversely affects nervous system... It can lead not only to prolonged depression, but also to serious mental disorders.

Therefore, no matter how high-quality and wonderful alcohol and drinks based on it are, in no case should it be abused. The consequences will be very difficult to correct. Think about it, because at the present time alcoholism is gaining momentum more and more.

No matter how good and pure the alcohol, or rather the alcoholic beverage made on it, think three times before drinking it. This is very detrimental to health. Even, at first glance, a high-quality balm can bring irreparable trouble.

Whoever likes it, we cook it ourselves

If we talk about taste of various kinds alcohol, then you need to understand that the cheaper alcohol is, the less natural substances it contains.

Alpha and Lux have an ethyl composition, which is produced on the basis of malt, when fermented in natural conditions... if you add purified water or spring water to the composition, a couple secret ingredients, the result will be great taste... And what is important, no hangover, but only pleasant impressions.

Alcoholic drinks based on Alfa and Lux ​​alcohol will have a different pricing policy than, for example, drinks with Extra alcohol.

They are many times more expensive.

They also have much better and better quality packaging, original containers. Therefore, if you decide to have a good rest, relax and not have a headache in the morning, then it is better to choose an Alpha or Lux class drink. If the goal is simply forgotten, then you can save money.

Cook Elite alcoholic beverage you can at home. we will give examples of several recipes using Lux alcohol.


Capsicum red pepper - 1 piece.
Cloves - 2 pieces.
Allspice black pepper - 6 peas are enough.
Alfa alcohol-based vodka - half a liter.
If you put all the ingredients in the bottom of the container, the cloves and peppercorns will float. To avoid this, they can be placed in a pepper pod. It is pre-cut, and the seeds are taken out. After 5 days, you can have a tasting.

Nutcracker. For cooking you will need:

  • Pine nuts (not peeled) - 0.5 kilograms.
  • Water (needed for nuts) - 2 liters.

Cooking method:

  1. Nuts are placed in a saucepan and poured with water, allowed to boil for 5 minutes, then the water is completely changed, and boiled for another 5 minutes.
  2. Nuts are laid out in a colander, and they are waiting for the water to drain.
  3. I pour the nuts with vodka.
  4. The container with the future tincture is placed in a warm and dark room. Let it brew for 14 days. As a result, you will learn high-quality and aromatic tincture, which cannot be found on store shelves.

Vodka + cognac. For so interesting recipe you will need:

  • Soda - half a teaspoon.
  • Cloves - 2 pieces.
  • Sugar is a teaspoon.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pieces.
  • Alfa alcohol-based vodka - 3 liters.
  • Vanillin is on the tip of a knife.
  • Oak bark powder - a teaspoon.
  • Black pepper - 3 peas.
  • Coffee (necessarily instant) - a teaspoon.
  • High quality tea infusion - a teaspoon.
All the ingredients are put in one bowl and put on the stove, simmer over low heat. It is desirable that the lid is glass, but the hole needs to be closed up, for example, with the pulp of bread. Immediately before boiling, the container is removed from the heat and placed in a cool place. When the drink has cooled down, strain it well through a gauze cloth, bottle it and refrigerate.

Lemon vodka. For cooking you will need:

  • Alfa alcohol-based vodka - 400 milliliters.
  • Water - 60 milliliters.
  • Lemon is a thing.

Cooking technology:

  1. The lemon is poured over with boiling water, the peel is carefully cut off from it.
  2. The zest is cut into thin slices and placed in a bottle.
  3. Water is mixed with vodka and allowed to stand in the refrigerator for several hours.
  4. V a separate jar squeeze out lemon juice.
  5. Water-vodka infusion is divided into 2 parts. Lemon juice is poured into one, the second is poured into the zest.
  6. Both containers are tightly twisted, let them brew for 14 days in a dry and dark place.
  7. Strain the drinks before serving.

How to distinguish industrial alcohol from drinking alcohol

Poisoning technical alcohol- one of the most difficult. Even with the use of a small amount of this substance, the human body gets serious poisoning, which often leads to death. Now we will figure out how to distinguish methanol from ethanol.

Events that took place in the Republic of the Czech Republic, in which from fake alcohol several thousand people were poisoned, make this information extremely relevant and very important.

How to distinguish industrial alcohol from drinking alcohol? The main problem is the lack of differences in taste, color and smell edible alcohol and methyl, which is also called technical. This is the main cause of poisoning. Most often, ethanol is contained in a variety of household chemicals... However, there are times when methyl alcohol is sold under the guise of medical or food.

Methyl alcohol determination options

  • Origin. Buy alcoholic beverages only in specialized stores, in whose reputation you are sure. In this case, the likelihood of stumbling upon a counterfeit alcohol is much less than when buying in stalls and other questionable places.
  • Fire... The easiest way to check what kind of alcohol you are dealing with is with a fire. After the substance has ignited, notice the color of the fire. Ethanol will have a blue fire, and methyl alcohol will have green.
  • Potato test... How to distinguish industrial alcohol from drinking alcohol using potatoes? Take a small part raw potatoes and toss it in the alcohol you are testing for a couple of hours. In case the potato changes its color and acquires a pinkish tint, this is technical alcohol. If the vegetable does not change its color, there is ethyl alcohol in the container.
  • Formaldehyde method... This method is considered, perhaps, the most reliable. It is necessary to take copper wire and heat it on a stove or other source of fire. Then, with a hot edge, it must be dipped into a bottle of alcohol. The specific smell that appears indicates that this is technical alcohol. Ethyl alcohol, unlike methanol, should not emit any odor when in contact with the wire.

Symptoms and effects of poisoning

Symptoms of methanol poisoning:

  • painful breathing;
  • Strong headache;
  • pain in the abdomen and lower back;
  • profuse vomiting;
  • general malaise of the body;

It should be noted that the first symptoms of alcohol poisoning are similar to simple alcohol poisoning. However, in the case of methanol, the consequences would be comparable to disaster. It very quickly destroys vision, nervous system and blood vessels.

Severe poisoning occurs when only 5-10 ml of the substance is consumed. Death occurs from 30 or more milliliters of the substance.

If, after taking alcoholic beverages, a person becomes ill, doctors advise to immediately call an ambulance.

How is alcohol obtained? Recipes for making alcohol at home!

First you need to understand how the production of ethyl alcohol is carried out. The production of alcohols occurs in the process of rectification. At home, this is quite feasible if you follow our recommendations!

The first thing you need to know is that alcohol (at home, at least), you can only make from raw alcohol, that is, from distilled mash. From the original material - mash (alcohol is formed precisely during fermentation) - you will not get pure ethyl alcohol at home.

Moonshine, as a rule, has an alcoholic strength of the order of 60-80% vol. It is preferable to dilute raw materials for alcohol to about 40-45% vol. Why is this done when home cooking alcohol? The fact is that with such a strength of the product, a much better separation of "heads" and "tails" is obtained, which, as in the case of distillation, must be separated during the rectification of moonshine at home.

So, we realized that the production of alcohol at home begins with the manufacture of mash, and then - raw alcohol. Next, we proceed directly to the home distillation of alcohol. If you have already decided on the rectification column, then you should know what kind of heating is considered effective for it.

We would like to note right away that on installations with a height of less than 1.5 m, large heating will be irrational. For example, in the case of the Shanghai apparatus manufactured by Max Cuprum, the actual heating (without heat loss) should be about 350 kW, but taking into account the heat loss, the heating power can be about 700 kW.

Heat losses are calculated individually for each rectification unit.

Getting ethyl alcohol begins with the fact that you have to pour the raw alcohol into the distillation cube. Experienced moonshiners would also advise you to add one teaspoon for every 10 liters of raw material. soda (food grade). It is needed for the saponification of esters, as well as the neutralization of organic acids.

First, to make alcohol at home, you need to start heating the installation complete with moonshine poured over. When the content alembic will reach a temperature of about 60 g., you should reduce the heating to the "working", which we indicated above.

The product outlet will need to be shut off and the column will have to “work for itself” for about half an hour (not less). It is important that for safety reasons you have the atmospheric connection open (or there is any other connection with the atmosphere, for example, in the case of "Shanghai", this is an unsealed removable cover).

If raw alcohol begins to ooze from the place of connection with the atmosphere, you need to reduce the heat, because You are faced with a common phenomenon - a flood.

It is important that in order to obtain high-quality alcohol, the product temperature must be high enough (much higher room temperature). This is explained by the fact that the temperature difference between the steam entering the column and the reflux must be minimal for an efficient heat and mass transfer process.

For the production of edible alcohol after the installation has "worked for itself", you need to set the effective rate of selection. In the case of Shanghai, this is 350 ml / h.

But it is important to take into account that the "heads" for obtaining alcohol from food raw materials should be selected as slowly as possible, at a rate of about 30-40 ml / h. They will make up about 2% of the raw alcohol poured into the distillation cube and contain impurities that significantly impair the quality of the product. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to quickly make alcohol, we have to upset you: no way.

We return to the question - how to do good alcohol at home! After the selection of the “heads” (which, by the way, smell like acetone, and their strength, if you are doing everything correctly, should be about 94-95% vol.), The selection of the next, intermediate, fraction, recycled alcohol, will begin. As a rule, it is 10-30% of the distilled raw alcohol and is not an alcohol of the "alpha" group, and this is exactly what we want to make alcohol at home.

The amount of circulating alcohol is determined thanks to the Lang test: add 200 mg of potassium permanganate to 1 liter of water, mix and hold for 2 days. After this time, the test solution is considered ready!

Take 50 ml of rectified, add 1 ml of solution and time. Then you need to take the same amount of water and add the same amount of solution - this will be a sample for comparing the rate of acquisition of the same color with rectified alcohol. If the raw alcohol acquired this color in less than 10-20 minutes (everyone has different requirements for alcohol), then this is recycled alcohol.

If more than this time, then this is the food fraction.

So, if you are thinking about how to make alcohol at home, you should know that you will definitely need to do the Lang test.

The food fraction, like the tail, in our case should be taken at a rate of about 350 ml / h. It usually ends when it reaches a boiling point of 85 grams. (but it may end a little earlier, for example, by 82 grams, if the organoleptic properties of the rectified material no longer satisfy).

Rectification, as a rule, is continued until a cubic temperature of 98 grams is reached. Then the heating is turned off.

Both the recycled alcohol and the tail fraction will be useful to you for subsequent rectifications, because they contain a large amount of ethyl alcohol. How to get ethyl alcohol from these fractions is the same as we described above.

- How is it, Vanya, moonshine?
“The first thing you need,” Chonkin praised, wiping the tears that had come through with his palm.
- Already the spirit hurts.

Gladyshev, with the same grin, pulled the flat tin can, which he had instead of an ashtray, poured moonshine into it and lit a match. The moonshine burst into a dim blue flame.
- Have you seen?
“From bread or from beets?” Chonkin asked.
- Out of shit, Vanya, Gladyshev said with restrained pride.

Ivan choked.
- How's that? he asked, moving away from the table.
“The recipe, Vanya, is very simple,” Gladyshev explained willingly.
- You take a kilo of sugar for a kilo of shit ...

(V. Voinovich)

It is difficult to reliably establish when exactly humanity received and began to consume alcohol, but the fact that it continues to experiment with this drink is absolutely certain. For the poor and the rich, made of gold and feces, for every taste and strength. Human fantasy and love of experimentation has created a whole range of unusual alcoholic beverages.

Golden drink - goldenroot - Swiss-invented cinnamon schnapps (contains 53.5 percent alcohol) with the addition of small, thin, but quite noticeable flakes of real gold. For every liter of goldenroth, there are about 15 mg of gold. Best used after cleaning, as metal pieces in internal cavities sometimes cause problems. This drink comes with a sieve, on which the largest golden flakes remain.

And here is one of the cheapest drinks in the world - Changaa.

This is moonshine, which perfectly solves the problem of reducing the aborigines of Africa. Changaa is the most popular drink in African slums. Changa is obtained by distilling grain crops such as corn and sorghum. Initial products are usually not fatal, but the bottom line is almost always sad. But the technology is not followed, plus something to your taste is often added to the product.

As a result, even a drunk who was trained, but not yet planted the liver, in best case removes 300-400 grams of changa, after which it simply turns off. The morning after changaa for many becomes the worst in life. The use of changaa is literally fatal to the body. Sharply accelerates the path to the next world for his fans.

A liquor called molort is considered by some to be the most disgusting in taste among alcoholic beverages. In 2011, this product, which, by the way, includes wormwood, was awarded the title of "Worst liquor in the world". But there are drinks that are much more disgusting in their composition ... One of the most unusual alcoholic drinks in the world is Gilpin Family Whiskey.

The drink called "Glipinov Family Whiskey" is made from the urine of elderly people suffering diabetes mellitus the second type. Designer James Glypin, whose mental health is questionable by many, gets this precious ingredient from his grandmother and her girlfriends. The still lukewarm urine is quickly passed through a conventional water-purifying filter and put into operation. It is added to whiskey, which is prepared using traditional technologies.

Another fecal alcohol drink is Tsongsul. Obviously more noble than Glipinov's diabetic whiskey. It is considered a traditional Korean drink. It is prepared from human feces, which wander about 3-4 months in a special alcohol tincture on medicinal herbs.

But the Latin American chicha has been prepared from ancient times to this day as follows: women chew corn, and then spit out the resulting mass into special flasks with warm water... The mash ferments, after which it is served to gourmets in pilche pumpkins. Tasty…

In another very popular Latin American drink, Mescal, a weevil larva worm or caterpillar swims. The drink itself is fermented agave juice. The worm secretes substances that provoke hallucinations, however, the drink can be tasted in many bars around the world.

Another African swill is Fijjtu.

Regular consumers of the product managed to tell that they began to see hallucinations. The drink is a legend, since it has not been produced since 2003.

Scottish brewers produce beer that stronger than vodka... The product called Armageddon has an incredible 65 percent alcohol content. Unlike African Fijjtu, pure spring water is taken as a basis, malt, wheat, oat flakes are added. Beer is brewed using a special technology. To increase the alcohol content, the water is frozen during cooking.

Alcohol, as you know, does not freeze, and therefore remains in the drink, while the ice formed from the water is removed by the brewers.

Not everyone can handle a 65 percent bottle of beer. Why, a couple of bottles can put a whole company under the table ... And the most saturated alcoholic drink is Everclear, which can contain 95 or 75 percent wheat alcohol, that is, reach an incredible 190 degrees.

Usually added to cocktails. As well as Bacardi 151. The numbers in this case indicate degrees. The drink is flammable, it is used to create cocktails, in particular, such as B-52.

Anatoly Miranovsky

Did you know that 80% of Russian vodka is made from cheap Chinese alcohol, and Chinese friends make it from ..., you guessed it right.