How many years have they been selling vodka in Russia? How old can you buy alcohol in different countries?

The question of how many years alcohol has been sold in Russia is of interest not only to citizens (in particular teenagers), but also to sellers of retail outlets and catering establishments. Often on this basis, conflicts arise between the parties:

  • the seller requires a document confirming the age of the buyer;
  • the buyer does not have such a document, but wants to buy the products, while all sorts of arguments are used: bank cards, wedding rings, etc.

There are strict sales standards for both light and strong alcohol in Russia. From how many years they sell vodka, beer or other alcohol to citizens in retail outlets and public catering points, is regulated by the Federal Law "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products" dated 22.11.1995 year No. 171-FZ.

What does the law say?

In accordance with paragraph 2 of the said law, alcohol-containing products include any beverages, medicinal and medical preparations "with an ethyl alcohol content produced from food raw materials, more than 0.5 percent of the volume of finished products." Thus, all types of alcoholic beverages, including beer, cider, Poiret and other "light alcohol" are classified as alcoholic.

In Art. 16 No. 171-FZ established restrictions and special requirements for the sale of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products. Including the article specifies at what age you can buy alcohol in Russia.

So, in paragraph 2 of this article, we read that in retail stores and in the provision of public catering services, it is not allowed to sell alcoholic products to minors.

Coming of age in Russia - at what age does it come?

The rights and obligations of citizens of the Russian Federation are indicated in the main document of our country - the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It also regulates the age of majority in Russia.

According to Art. 60 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a citizen is considered an adult, i.e. who have the right to independently exercise their constitutional rights and obligations, upon reaching 18 years of age.

There are no other provisions, exceptions and notes in the article. Consequently, Russians are allowed to purchase alcoholic beverages in retail stores and catering establishments from the age of 18, the age of majority.

But in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation there is the concept of "emancipation" of adolescents and "full legal capacity", which confuse this issue. Many believe that a business or married citizen under the age of 18 is considered an adult and receives all constitutional rights, including the purchase of vodka, wine and beer.

Let's see if this is really so.

What is adolescent emancipation?

In accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a minor citizen of the Russian Federation can be recognized as fully capable. This is called emancipation. Such a decision is made by the guardianship and guardianship authorities with the consent of both parents of the minor, his adoptive parents or guardian, and in the absence of their consent, by a court decision.

Recognition of a teenager as emancipated is possible under two conditions:

1) from the age of 16 “if he works under an employment contract, including under a contract, or with the consent of his parents, adoptive parents or guardian, is engaged in entrepreneurial activity” (Article 27 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
2) from 14 years of age upon marriage for a good reason (Article 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Clause 2 of Art. 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation indicates that a minor “acquires legal capacity in full from the time of marriage. The legal capacity acquired as a result of marriage is retained in full even in the event of divorce before reaching the age of eighteen. If the marriage is declared invalid, the court may decide on the loss of full legal capacity by the minor spouse from the moment determined by the court. "

Do emancipated adolescents have the right to buy alcohol?

It is impossible to determine the exact age of a citizen "by eye". Therefore, when selling alcohol to young people and girls, sellers use their right to demand from the buyer a document confirming the fact of their majority.

This right is established in paragraph 2 of Art. 16 No. 171-FZ:
“... if the person directly dispensing alcoholic beverages (the seller) has doubts that the buyer has reached the age of majority, the seller has the right to demand from this buyer a document allowing to establish the age of this buyer. The list of relevant documents is established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation ”.

That is, a seller selling alcoholic products not only has the right, but is also obliged to check the maturity of any buyer whose age he questions. To do this, the buyer needs to present a document certifying his majority.

The list of such documents was approved by Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia No. 1728 dated May 31, 2017. These include:

  1. An internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. The passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is foreign.
  3. Temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  4. Seafarer's ID.
  5. Diplomatic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  6. Service passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  7. An identity card of a serviceman or a military card of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  8. Foreign document of a foreign citizen or other identity document recognized in this capacity by the Russian Federation.
  9. Residence permit of a stateless person in the Russian Federation.
  10. A temporary residence permit for a stateless person in the Russian Federation.
  11. Refugee ID.
  12. Certificate of temporary asylum on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  13. Driver's license.
  14. A personalized viewer card.

As can be seen from the list, there are no certificates, court decisions and guardianship authorities on recognizing a citizen as legally capable in this list. Thus, an officially emancipated adolescent is recognized as fully capable, but at the same time is not an adult.

The age of majority and legal capacity are different concepts. According to the Constitution, the age of majority in Russia is 18 years.

Permission to sell alcoholic beverages applies only to adults. Therefore, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 16 № 171-ФЗ, even if a teenager is officially recognized as fully capable, conducts business, is married or married, he still cannot buy alcohol until he turns 18, since he is still a minor de jure.

Consequently, the question of how many years alcohol has been sold in Russia in 2018 can be answered unequivocally - only from the age of 18.

How will you be punished for selling alcohol to minors?

For violation of the rules for the retail sale of alcoholic, alcoholic and alcohol-containing beverages, the seller bears administrative responsibility under Art. 14.16 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

For persons who sell alcohol to minors, i.e. for citizens under the age of 18, paragraph 2.1 of this article of the code provides for punishment in the form of an administrative fine:

  • for citizens in the amount of 30,000 to 50,000 rubles;
  • for officials in the amount of 100,000 to 200,000 rubles;
  • for legal entities in the amount of 300,000 to 500,000 rubles.

This punishment is applied if the seller's action does not apply to criminal offenses, which are already considered by Art. 151.1. Of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Such a case includes repeated retail sale of alcoholic or alcohol-containing products to persons under the age of majority. Such a crime is punished more severely:

  • a fine in the amount of 50,000 to 80,000 rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of 3 to 6 months;
  • or correctional labor for up to one year, with or without the deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to 3 years.
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The consumption and sale of any alcoholic beverages is prohibited in Russia and many other countries for minors. There is an opinion that strong alcoholic drinks are allowed for sale only from the age of 21. Many countries do have such a limitation. However, there is no law in Russia that would separate these drinks for young citizens who have reached the age of majority. Therefore, if a citizen is 18 years old, all Russian stores can sell him absolutely any alcoholic beverage, regardless of the strength. Similarly, there is no such law that would allow the sale of low-alcohol products before the established years.

There is a division into strong and weak alcoholic drinks. Vodka belongs to strong alcoholic beverages, since the ethyl alcohol content in it is about 40 degrees. Together with her, this group includes: rum, whiskey, cognac, absinthe. Among the low-alcohol drinks are: beer, wine, champagne. But this division does not affect the conditions for the sale of such products to citizens. The only difference for very weak drinks is the ability to sell them without a license.

By law, all alcoholic shops, as well as catering establishments and bars are required to be licensed to sell alcoholic beverages. Such permission is issued only to legal entities. Individual entrepreneurs cannot obtain a license. They are only allowed to sell:

  • beer;
  • cider;
  • mead;
  • poiret.

Regardless of the strength of the alcoholic product, it causes severe harm to health, especially of a fragile child's body. Therefore, the legislation has developed strict measures to combat violators, especially when selling alcohol to minors.

A responsibility

For violation of the established prohibition on the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors, the legislation provides for administrative fines:

  • for ordinary citizens operating without an individual entrepreneur, as well as shop workers, 30-50 thousand rubles;
  • for individual entrepreneurs, as well as officials of organizations in the amount of 100-200 thousand rubles;
  • for the legal entity itself, whose employees turned out to be violators, in the amount of 200-300 thousand rubles.

In the case of an initial incident, the minimum amount of the fine is assigned, and in case of a relapse and gross violation of the law - the maximum amount of the penalty amounts. From these sanctions, it can be concluded that every participant who violates the sale of this product will be punished. Therefore, a legal entity must monitor the activities of all its employees, officials are also interested in monitoring and reminding the implementation rules for all sellers. In addition, the seller himself may lose his entire salary in a month, or even for several months, in violation of this law.

But it is important to know that administrative responsibility is assigned only when no criminal intent is found in the seller's actions.

And in case of repeated violations within six months, the same seller makes it clear that his actions are intentional. Then it is no longer administrative measures that are applied to him, but criminal ones:

  • the fine will be increased and will amount to 50-80 thousand rubles;
  • if the offender's income does not allow him to pay this amount for six months, then this punishment will be replaced by correctional labor for a whole year;
  • in addition, the court may prohibit the seller from working in this area for a period of up to 3 years.

Thus, responsibility for this violation is very serious for each participant in these legal relations. And everyone should take measures to exclude such situations.

Prevention measures

Many legal entities, as well as employees themselves, often wonder if there is any way how not to get such a large fine. As the practice of many stores shows, there is no one definite way to completely avoid risk. However, there are many preventive measures to help build good habits and skills for everyone in the organization. These measures include the following:

  1. Daily check of employees for knowledge of responsibility for violation of this legislation.
  2. Monitoring the knowledge of employees about how to verify the age of a buyer.
  3. Creation of reminiscent signs near the cash register about the year of birth, from which the adult age of adolescents begins in the current year.
  4. A sign on a large informational form at each checkout stating that the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors is prohibited.
  5. Internal verification by dummy minor buyers of their employees and deprivation of their bonus part of their salary in case of violation of the law.

It is important to understand that monitoring compliance with these rules on an ongoing basis will give a much higher chance for a legal entity not to be checked by the relevant government authorities.

Employees should be aware of the main selling rule that if they are in doubt about the age of the buyer, he must present a document confirming their age. This is a passport. In the absence of such a document, the seller must refuse to sell alcoholic beverages.


These fines go to the regional budget of each constituent entity of the Russian Federation. That is why the identification of these offenses is a rather profitable measure for regional bodies. The following organizations are entitled to review:

  • law enforcement agencies;
  • Rosalkogolregulirovanie;
  • the prosecutor's office;
  • regional bodies authorized by local municipal authorities.

Thus, the check can be carried out several times during the year. It is especially worth waiting for a second check for those who have already been fined for this offense. The most frequent checks are carried out by local police authorities, since they have the right to involve underage teenagers as a front person with the consent of their parents. The check is as follows:

  1. First, a teenager walks into the store, who outwardly looks older than his years.
  2. He chooses an alcoholic product and buys it. At the same time, it saves the receipt.
  3. After the goods are sold to him, the teenager returns with the policeman, and the representative of the law draws up a report on the offense.

Based on this, a decision is made on the amount of administrative responsibility. If within 180 months this citizen has committed several similar violations, then law enforcement agencies have the right to bring him to criminal responsibility.

Appealing a fine

Determining a person's age is a very subjective procedure. There are teenagers who look much older than their age. Such a change in age can give a lowered beard, mustache, dimensions of a person, as well as his clothes. The ring on the wedding finger can be a significant factor. All these tricks are used by adolescents to purchase alcoholic beverages in real life.

Inspection authorities can use the same tricks. Therefore, in this case, the seller may not even doubt the adult age of the child. And this is an important factor - no doubt. Because if the seller has doubts, then he is obliged to check the document.

Therefore, in the protocol, when drawing it up with a law enforcement officer, it is necessary to indicate that the buyer did not raise doubts from the seller. Further, the drawn up protocol can be challenged. To do this, the seller must write that he does not agree with this offense. After that, a trial will be scheduled, where the minor citizen will have to appear as a witness. Based on his appearance, the judge will decide on the possibility of canceling penalties.

Also, a video of the purchase can be a good proof of the absence of guilt. Based on the video watched, the judge will be able to verify that the seller really had no doubts about the age of the buyer.

In Russia, the sale of alcohol is regulated by legislative acts that prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages to certain categories of citizens. Alcohol is not dispensed to customers under the age of 18.

In the article:

The age restriction for dispensing alcohol in retail outlets in Russia, first of all, applies to minors. Other restrictive acts relate to incapacitated citizens who are not responsible for the consequences of decisions made. Also, throughout the Russian Federation, measures have been taken to limit the time for the sale of alcoholic beverages.

According to the current legislation, beer, low alcohol drinks, vodka, wine and cognac can be bought by capable adult citizens who have visited the outlet at the appropriate time of the day.

According to the latest statistics, 60-70% of adolescents in Russia regularly consume alcohol. Often, schoolchildren indulge in not only beer or low-alcohol drinks, but also vodka or cognac.

The lower threshold of alcoholism in Russia is rapidly declining - warns the Ministry of Health.

Russian health officials turned to legislators with a report on the need to introduce an age limit, taking into account the results of scientific research on the effect of alcohol on the body. Geneticists argue that frequent alcohol consumption leads to a mutation of the gene responsible for will and control of behavior. Teenagers who consume alcoholic beverages doom themselves to a quick addiction to the "green serpent".

Alcoholism in Russia - Statistics of alcoholism

In the Middle Ages, weak alcoholic beverages were widely used in Russia: beer, kvass, mead and wine. Due to the low alcohol content, the ubiquitous tradition of their daily use did not create serious consequences. In ancient times, wine was drunk diluted, and vodka was considered too expensive and unaffordable. V XVI- In the 17th century, the glory of the most drinking nation belonged to the Germans. The situation in favor of Russian alcoholism changed with the arrival of the technical revolution at the beginning of the 19th century.

In military campaigns, European infiltrators often used poisoned vodka before large-scale hostilities.

In Russia, alcoholism has long become a widespread social problem that undermines the foundations of society and poses a serious threat to national security. Official statistics say that every Russian drinks 14 liters of pure alcohol every year. In fact, there are at least 30 liters of ethanol per capita.

The tragedy of the situation lies in the fact that analysts provide averaged data that even take into account newborn babies.

Sociologists explain the widespread alcoholization of Russian society by a sharp decline in living standards in the 1990s, when certain segments of the population were looking for oblivion at the bottom of the glass. In Russia, annually up to 40% of the able-bodied male population abuses alcohol, and 40-50 thousand people die from the use of moonshine and surrogates. Some experts confidently give Russia the sad primacy in the amount of alcohol consumed.

The harm of alcohol - Data from Rospotrebnadzor

The latest data from Rospotrebnadzor say that more than 3.4% of Russians suffer from diagnosed alcoholism. The average age of children who first try alcohol is 13 years. Drinking beer, low alcohol drinks, wine, vodka and brandy is dangerous not only because of the rapidly emerging addiction. The main danger of alcohol lies at the genetic level, when the DNA of the next generations contains mutated genes. Drunkenness leads to the disintegration of the personality, loss of family, psychological degradation. An alcoholic is not able to realize himself as a person, as a professional in his favorite business, to raise children, to fully bear civic obligations, to be responsible for his actions.

The active ingredient in all alcoholic beverages is ethanol, which is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and enters the brain. The maximum concentration of ethanol occurs 45 minutes after taking an alcoholic beverage.

In the fight against alcohol, the human body uses all the resources:

  • Kidney
  • Liver
  • Lungs
  • Sweat glands
  • Gastrointestinal tract

Alcohol has an acute effect on the functions of the neurochemical systems of the brain. Australian scientists from the Brain Institute have found that every alcohol intake irrevocably destroys one to two thousand cells, which leads to a gradual decrease in brain volume. Ethanol paralyzes the center of attention and control, which leads to high mortality among alcoholics.

The body, trying to get rid of ethanol, dramatically increases the burden on the kidneys. Doctors warn that it is not beer that has a diuretic effect, but that the body uses the kidneys to get rid of alcohol in the blood. Due to the sharply increasing diuresis, the electrolyte balance is disturbed, the body is dehydrated and thirst appears.

Ethanol deprives red blood cells of their ability to transport oxygen. Blood cells form blood clots, and the capacity of blood vessels deteriorates. Capillary circulation is blocked, which causes oxygen starvation of the brain, hallucinations, impaired coordination of movements, deep fainting.

The state began to protect the nation from the harmful effects of alcohol. The first normative act stipulating the sale of alcohol only to adult buyers was adopted in 1995. Article 16 of Federal Law No. 171-FZ regulates the requirements for distributors of alcoholic beverages. Subsequently, this law was revised in 2003. The Constitutional Court of Russia adopted a resolution on amendments to the Federal Law, clarifying the term of majority.

Article 21 of the Civil Code of Russia states that the age of majority occurs at the age of 18. From the moment of reaching the age of 18, a person is considered fully capable and responsible for the consequences of decisions made.

According to the prescription of Federal Law No. 218 of 2011, employees and management of alcohol retail outlets are obliged (have every right) to demand from buyers a document confirming the onset of majority when dispensing alcohol-containing beverages.

On the initiative of the Ministry of Health and the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Russia, Decree No. 16 appeared, referring beer to alcoholic beverages in December 2000.

The same Federal Law No. 171-FZ provides for the restriction of the sale of alcoholic beverages at night in order to improve the health of Russians and improve safety on city streets. A complete ban on the sale of alcohol from 11 pm to 8 am is mandatory in all regions. Local authorities have the right to change the "sober" time of day in a big way. So, in St. Petersburg, alcoholic beverages are sold from 11 o'clock in the afternoon to 22 o'clock in the evening.

The State Duma has made a number of additions to the law on state regulation of the production and sale of alcohol-containing products. Russian parliamentarians adopted amendments to Article 2, clarifying the categories of supervised alcoholic beverages, in June 2015.

Alcoholic products are food products containing more than 0.5% alcohol and are subdivided into the following types:

Alcohol: vodka, cognac, berry and fruit wine, liqueurs, champagne, beer, cider, mead, poiret.

Non-alcoholic beer is not considered an alcoholic beverage due to its extremely low alcohol content (less than 0.5%).

According to the legislative act, persons who have not yet turned 18 cannot buy anything except non-alcoholic beer, since vodka contains 38-56% alcohol, cognac - at least 40%, wine - 8.5-16.5%, liqueurs - 15 -22%, wine drink - 1.5-22%, cider and poiret - no more than 6%, mead - 1.5-6%, beer and beer-based drinks - 4-14%.

Drinks are also distinguished by the amount of ethyl alcohol..

  1. Low alcohol drinks containing less than 15% ethyl alcohol.
  2. Medium alcohol drinks with an alcohol content in the range of 15-30%.
  3. Strong alcohol.

The latter includes vodka, cognac, whiskey and all alcoholic drinks, stronger than 30%.

The law provides for the imposition of a fine of 50-100 thousand rubles for the sale of alcohol at an unspecified time.

The supervisory agencies of the Russian Federation are responsible for strict observance of the letter of the law and have the authority to impose administrative penalties on persons who have allowed the sale of beer, low alcohol drinks, wine, vodka and skate to young customers. The offenders for the first time are obliged to pay

  • Physical person- 3-5 thousand rubles
  • Trade staff- 10-20 thousand rubles
  • Point of sale owners- 80-100 thousand rubles

A repeated violation provides not only an administrative penalty, but also a criminal measure of restraint for complicity in alcoholism of minors.

The size of the second penalty starts from 80 thousand rubles and above.

A vicious offender can go to correctional labor for aiding child alcoholism.

Rospotrebnadzor has already advocated raising the age limit for dispensing alcohol to 21 years. The initiative did not receive the required majority of the votes of the people's representatives.

In Russia there is no law stipulating the sale of alcohol from the age of 21!

In accordance with all current laws of the Russian Federation, an 18-year-old buyer who has a document confirming the fact of majority and who has visited the outlet at the specified time has the full right to purchase any alcoholic beverage. Local legislatures are not empowered to make their own adjustments to this law.

The legislative framework of Russia contains a conflict between the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1036, approved in 1997, with the Federal Law No. 171-FZ, adopted in 1995. A government decree imposes a ban on the sale of alcohol stronger than 12% to persons under the age of 21.

According to the rule of law, the federal law is in force, allowing the sale of all types and strengths of alcoholic beverages to persons who have reached the age of 18.

How old have they been selling alcohol?in our country, worries many Russians, regardless of their age. And to the greatest extent, this sore subject is close to women with adolescent children. We are ready to give a detailed answer to this question.

Problem to be solved

In our country, society is familiar with alcohol addiction firsthand. A social phenomenon such as adolescent alcoholism deserves a separate discussion. According to statistics, the incidence of them is 60-90%, depending on the region. Of particular concern is the almost universal craze of minors for such a low-alcohol drink as beer.

And the government pays enough attention to this problem, taking a number of measures of a different nature - from pricing policy and regulation of time (hours) of sale and ending with age restrictions for the purchase of alcoholic beverages. All these measures are mainly aimed at improving the health of modern society. And age restrictions also serve these purposes.

How old is the sale of alcohol allowed in Russia?

So how many years have you been allowed to buy alcohol? According to legislative norms, it is officially provided for the distribution and sale of alcoholic products to citizens who have reached the age of majority, which, as you know, comes from the age of 18. This condition is stipulated in Art. 16 of Federal Law No. 171-FZ of November 22, 1995, as amended by the resolution of the Constitutional Court of Russia No. 17-P of November 12, 2003, FZ No. 134 of July 26, 2006 and No. 55-FZ of April 20, 2007.

Also, when answering the question of how many years the sale of alcohol is acceptable, one should take into account the legislative acts of local (regional) authorities, which have the right to establish their own rules regarding the turnover of alcoholic beverages, including regarding the operating hours of trade organizations where it is sold, and age restrictions. That is, the regions have the right to change the age limit for alcohol buyers, but only in the direction of increasing the permitted age.

In addition to the above

The sale of alcohol to minors (under the age of 18) is prohibited. To ensure compliance with the law as much as possible, the police and other government agencies are conducting special raids on points selling alcohol-containing products, and fines are imposed on sellers who break the law.

However, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and local authorities have repeatedly raised the issue of revoking the licenses of unscrupulous trade workers and introducing criminal liability for the repeated sale of alcohol to adolescents.

In addition, Rospotrebnadzor came up with an initiative to ban the sale of alcoholic beverages (including low-alcohol ones) to persons under the age of 21, and at the moment it is being considered in the State Duma.

It is also proposed to change the alcohol content in low-alcohol drinks down to 7% (at the moment this figure is 9%). And it is proposed to fill them in containers with a capacity not exceeding 300 milliliters.

Who among us has not heard about the ban on the sale of strong drinks to persons under the age of 18, as well as about a time barrier ?! We think many people know about this document, but not everyone supports it. At the same time, it should be recognized that the decree only has a positive effect on society. Selling alcohol since 21: myth or reality? Let's discuss the future bill in more detail.

Proposal to introduce a new bill

Last fall, Deputy Drozdenko proposed to the Cabinet of Ministers to draw up a new bill that would prohibit the sale of alcoholic products to persons under the age of 21. The decree caused a flurry of a wide variety of emotions in society. Some say that such a ban will not be beneficial. Others argue that selling alcohol from the age of 21 is a well-grounded decision, because the human brain is formed before the age of 25.

Prohibition of alcohol in other countries

Each country has a completely different attitude towards alcohol. Today in Russia there is a decree that prohibits the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of majority. This year, the government plans to introduce a bill on the sale of alcohol from the age of 21. While the decree is only being discussed, let's analyze the bans on alcohol in other countries. For example, in Morocco, Portugal, Italy, Georgia and Austria, the government allows the sale of alcoholic liquids from the age of sixteen. Most strict with strong drinks in India. There, depending on the state, alcohol is sold to persons between 18 and 25 years old. In all other countries, alcoholic beverages are freely sold to adults. The bill that restricts the sale of intoxicating drinks is completely absent from them.

The lack of restrictions on alcohol, as, for example, in Equatorial Guinea is a very bad indicator. Typically, these countries have the highest percentage of alcohol consumption among young people. An interesting fact is that in some countries alcohol is completely prohibited. These include Libya, Gambia and Brunei.

Europe and America

It is no secret that not only Russia suffers from alcohol addiction, but also Europe and America. The bill on the sale of alcohol from the age of 21, according to the US government, is an excellent option to significantly reduce the percentage of alcohol addicts. It is no secret that people who are intoxicated often become participants in road accidents, fires and many other life-threatening events.

In the United States, for the sale of alcohol to a person who has not reached the age of 21, the seller can get a fairly long term in a colony. The very same young buyer can lose a driver's license, pay a fine, be sent to community service or go to jail for several months. Alcohol is no less harsh in Israel, Switzerland and Estonia. There, sellers who sell alcohol to minors can go to jail for six months, a year or six years. A considerable fine is drawn up for a minor buyer, which in most cases is paid by the parents.

Negative sides of the bill

The sale of alcohol from the age of 21 in Russia, as the State Duma suggests, should reduce the percentage of alcohol consumption among adolescents. However, already now, many argue that this will not save the situation in the country. Let us remind you that every year the percentage of young men who use alcohol is only increasing. Today the average age of minors who buy strong drinks is 14 years!

Many residents of the Federation do not support the bill. They say that the sale of alcohol from the age of 21 in Russia can provoke an increase in the sale of surrogate alcohol. The best solution, according to those who do not support the bill, is the correct upbringing of a child who will value a healthy lifestyle, not alcohol.

Decree banning the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of 21 in Crimea

The new bill has caused a lot of emotions in the society. In Crimea, a possible ban on the sale of alcohol under 21 is also actively discussed. The authorities of the peninsula conducted a mass opinion poll to find out how people feel about the bill. Inhabitants of the peninsula between the ages of 21 and 40 were interviewed. 79% of citizens voted for raising the age limit.

It is worth noting that some did not support the document and considered it meaningless. They argue that raising the age limit is foolish, since an adult is allowed to marry, drive a car, join the army, and also work. In their opinion, to allow a person everything except alcohol is at least strange.


Until the age of 21, he caused a lot of controversy not only in society, but also among the deputies. Sergey Yuryevich Belyakov made a presentation in support of the bill. For clarity, he compiled statistics. It says that in America in 1970 the age limit for the sale of alcohol was lowered from 21 to 18. This led to an increase in the number of accidents involving persons under the influence of alcohol. As a result, after 18 years, the age limit was raised again.

Researched America proved: the ban on the sale of alcohol to persons under 21 reduced the number of victims from road accidents involving drunk people by 900 people a year.

Rospotrebnadzor and Elena Mizulina on the law

Supported the bill and Rospotrebnadzor. This department believes that the sale of alcohol to persons under 21 years of age significantly increases the mortality rate. According to their calculations, about 500 thousand inhabitants of Russia die every year from excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. They also emphasized that 30 percent of the male population and 20% of the female population suffer from alcohol dependence.

The head of the family committee also spoke in favor of the project. In her opinion, selling alcohol to persons under the age of 21 is wrong. She emphasizes that only a person older than this age can make informed decisions and ponder the consequences of their actions.

Anatoly Aksakov

The head of the Department for Economic Policy Anatoly Aksakov also expressed his opinion regarding the sale of alcohol under 21 years of age. Unlike previous officials, he does not support the bill. In his opinion, such a law would be contrary to others. Anatoly believes: if the bill finally comes into force, it will be difficult to figure out which person can be called a minor. He claims that, on the one hand, a citizen at the age of 18 may already get married and be liable for military service, on the other, he, being the head of the family and, possibly, a young father, has no right to purchase alcohol.

Criticism towards Belyakov

Head of the Center for Research on Alcohol Markets Vadim Drobiz criticized Belyakov's report. He believes that this is a myth. The sale of alcohol from the age of 21 will not improve the situation, but will only lead to forgery of documents by minors, provoke a surge in underground trade. In his opinion, this is a more realistic picture of the future bill. Drobiz believes that eighteen years is the age peak among young people who try alcohol. He claims that until the age of 21, young people will taste enough alcohol and settle down, noticing how it affects the body.

Also, Vadim Drobiz proposes for consideration a bill that directly prohibits the use of alcohol from 10 to 18 years old. For violation, in the form of a fine, he proposes to appoint teenagers community service, and with each repeated call to the police for drinking alcohol to increase their number. Vadim believes that such a bill will not only benefit the young men, but also the good of the country, since the fines that are issued to young people are carefully paid by their parents. Instead, juvenile offenders do not draw any conclusions for themselves.

Narcologist's opinion

Former chief narcologist of Russia Alexei Nadezhdin also expressed his opinion on the draft law that is under consideration. Limiting the sale of alcohol from the age of 21, in his opinion, is a good enough idea. He invites the government to investigate everything in advance and understand - will such a law be useful? As a plus of the bill, he cites statistics in which the age of alcoholics starts at 17.

Ministry of Health on the bill

The Ministry of Health also expressed its point of view. The department supports the bill and reports that the threshold for growing up is changing every year. A hundred years ago, an eighteen-year-old citizen had a family for a long time and was completely independent from his parents. Today, such a young man is still a child who cannot make informed decisions. Scientists have proved that at the age of 21, not only a person's height, but also his brain is not fully formed, so raising the age of selling alcohol is a completely deliberate step.

The amount of the fine

The law is in force in the Russian Federation today. It prohibits the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of 18. Last year, the amount of fines was increased tenfold. Today the seller who sold alcohol to a minor will be fined 150-200 thousand rubles, and the minor buyer himself - 30-50 thousand. If a teenager was caught drinking alcohol in a public place, then his parents will be obliged to pay the fine in the amount of 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles. This also applies to the appearance of a drunken teenager in society. The new bill implies an increase in the amount of fines. The sale of alcohol to persons under the age of 21 will be punished not only by monetary penalties, but also by terms of imprisonment from two to six years.

Purpose of implementation

The draft law, which is under consideration, should have a positive impact not only on young people, but also on society as a whole. According to the government, the sale of alcohol from the age of 21 will help reduce the number of alcoholics among adolescents, as well as protect them from rash acts and life-threatening accidents.

Statistics show that the majority of unplanned pregnancies among adolescent girls are due to alcohol intoxication. Scientists have proven that babies born from one drunk parent, in sixty cases out of a hundred, are born with pathologies and diseases. If both parents were intoxicated, then the ratio rises to eighty cases out of a hundred. Raising the age at which alcohol is sold to 21 will reduce the percentage of unwanted pregnancies among adolescent girls.


The bill, which is under consideration and implies a ban on the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of 21, has a lot of positive aspects. However, for the government to achieve all of its goals, it will require a lot of research. Let's hope that such a law will have a positive impact on society. Do not abuse alcohol and be healthy!