How many turns in kefir. Is there a degree in kefir? Video: Is there alcohol in kefir? The best experiment

20.04.2019 Egg dishes

Lovers fermented milk products appreciate kefir for its beneficial features and unusual taste... However, many drivers are afraid to drink it before the trip, knowing full well that kefir can contain small doses ethanol.

Are there really any chances of getting drunk after drinking a couple of glasses of the drink? Will the driver have any problems when meeting with the traffic police? Answers to these topical issues and a description of the preparation process for this drink can be found in this article.

Useful properties of kefir

Kefir is made using two types of fermentation - lactic acid and alcohol. The basis of the drink is thermally processed milk, to which sourdough is added. It contains a special kefir fungus, which is necessary for fermenting milk.

The spicy and invigorating taste of the drink is the result of the interaction of two substances:

  • Lactic acid, the appearance of which is a consequence lactic acid fermentation.
  • Carbon dioxide, which occurs during the decomposition of alcohols during fermentation.

First of all, the uniqueness of kefir lies in its healing properties... Its producers pamper their consumers and offer them all kinds of fermented milk products. Each one is different special properties and taste:

  • Low-fat varieties will help to remove unnecessary fluid from the cells of the body (which is useful for chronic inflammation of the kidneys or for diabetes mellitus);
  • Kefir aged one or two days is indispensable for people suffering from disorders gastrointestinal tract... The drink will improve intestinal motility and help cleanse it.
  • New varieties containing a large number of bifidobacteria (Bifidok, Biofilin, Biomax, Bifilife) improve not only the quality of the gastrointestinal tract, but also the body's resistance to pathogenic microflora.

Is there really alcohol in kefir? V different varieties this drink contains different amount alcohol. It doesn't matter what the fat content of kefir is, how many bifidobacteria it contains, whether it contains additives in the form of pieces of fruit: in any kefir product you can find traces of ethanol.

Kefir composition

Kefir- the drink is unique, it can be prepared only with the help of specific kefir fungi. Moreover, their species diversity is so rich that we should talk about the whole world of microorganisms living in a single symbiotic relationship.

In addition to fungi, kefir also contains beneficial bacteria. According to scientists, there are at least 22 types. A special place among them is occupied by lactic acid streptococci, sticks and acetic acid bacteria. It is they who contribute to the process of kefir formation.

But lactic acid products are rich not only in microorganisms. Consuming kefir, you can make up for the lack of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, as well as essential minerals and vital vitamins.

Types of kefir products

There are several classifications of varieties of kefir drinks. According to one of them, kefir is divided into three types:

  • One day(a product that can be consumed within a day after the start of the fermentation process)
  • Two day(you need to wait two days for the drink to be ready)
  • Three-day(its exposure must be at least three days)

Depending on the amount of ethanol contained in the drink, kefir is usually divided into:

  • Weak(the percentage of alcohol does not exceed 0.2%)
  • Average(the amount of alcohol reaches 0.4 degrees)
  • Strong(such kefir contains at least 0.6 degrees)

However, the most popular classification of all fermented milk products is sorting them by percentage of fat content:

  1. fat-free;
  2. with a fat content of no more than 1%;
  3. 2.5% fat;
  4. 3.2% - maximum fat concentration;

Every kind kefir products healthy and highly recommended for use by both nutritionists and gastroenterologists.

Carefully! It looks like he's alive!

If the species diversity of bacteria used in the preparation of yoghurts is small - only Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus are involved in the process, then kefir starter culture is a product of a symbiotic relationship between fungi and bacteria. They form entire communities, which are commonly called “ kefir grains».

Microorganisms that have formed strong bonds with each other are a single whole: they develop together, share and pass on their genetic characteristics to the next generations. "Kefir grains" have a dense springy structure. Separately taken "grain" looks more like a tiny rubber ball.

These balls do not waste time. Usually the process of fermenting milk takes about a day. But for its rapid course, it is necessary to create favorable conditions: to maintain optimal temperature(about 20 ° C) within 12 hours. The resulting product is cooled at 5-7 ° C and left to ripen for another 10-12 hours, so that yeast is involved in the fermentation process.

Thus, kefir contains a large number of living microorganisms that require appropriate treatment.

How perishable product, kefir is stored no more than three days after adding the fermenting component. During this time, its effect on the gastrointestinal tract changes to the diametrically opposite. That is, if a one-day drink has a laxative effect, then kefir made 2-3 days ago has a "fixing" property. The longer the food is stored, the more acidic it becomes.

It is impossible to obtain accurate information on the percentage of alcohol in kefir, since this indicator varies depending on the period of its production. The "older" kefir, the higher the level of alcohol content in it. Knowing this, you should not give three-day kefir to children.

With a seemingly small percentage of alcohol in kefir, 1.5 g of ethanol (4 ml of vodka) will be released from one glass of this drink. At first glance, this dose appears to be small. However, even it is enough to influence the developing liver and brain of a young child.

How many degrees is in kefir

Entered into force on September 1, 2013 new law, which regulates the rules for medical examination and the use of breathalyzers. The new decree introduced the following amendments:

  1. 0.16 ppm (or 0.16 mg)- the permissible concentration of alcohol vapors in a liter of exhaled air when tested with a breathalyzer.
  2. 0.34 ppm (or 0.34 ml)acceptable dose ethanol per liter of blood, as measured by a medical examination.

This softening of the law made it possible to compensate for the previously admitted errors that arise when checking for the state of intoxication. The new amendment takes into account the fact that ethanol vapors can be present both in the surrounding atmosphere and in the organism of the person being tested.

Features of other kefir products

The breathalyzer catches ethyl alcohol in the exhaled air not only after consuming kefir. A similar result can be expected with the consumption of other types of fermented milk products.

First of all, these include:

  • koumiss;
  • ayran;
  • yogurt;
  • curdled milk;
  • fermented baked milk;

To get an answer to the question of how much ethyl alcohol is contained in each of these fermented milk drinks, it is necessary to carefully study the process of their preparation, and also take into account the shelf life of drinks.

Alcohol concentration in fermented milk products

As a rule, the share of ethanol in kefir drinks does not exceed 0.7%. However, if kefir stood on outdoors and peroxide, then the alcohol level can reach 3%. Also, this indicator depends on the time of fermentation and the type of product:

  • Light(this category includes drinks with one and two days of production). The concentration of microorganisms and alcohol in them is minimal. When these beverages are consumed, the test does not detect ethanol.
  • Strong(ripening period - from three days). It is this type of fermented milk products that can affect the result shown by the breathalyzer. Such drinks should not be consumed by people who are intolerant to alcohol.

Storage conditions also have a great influence on the ethanol concentration. The fermentation and fermentation process is much more active when elevated temperature... That is why, if the drink is in a warm place, the level ethyl alcohol it rises significantly.

Checking the exhaled air on a breathalyzer after consuming kefir two weeks ago gives a result of 0.2 to 0.3 ppm per liter.

As you know, ethanol is an intoxicating substance. A excessive use ethanol-containing drinks lead to the development of deadly alcoholism.

According to some pro- healthy image life, kefir is a great danger to pregnant women and children. Doctors believe that frequent consumption of this drink will lead to alcoholization and the subsequent degeneration of the nation.

As proof, activists also cite accurate calculations. According to their data, if a person drinks half a liter of kefir per day, then he receives up to 40 g of pure alcohol.

Is it possible to get drunk from kefir

To find out the exact answer to this question, you need to determine how much drink you need to drink so that the concentration of ethanol in the blood reaches the desired level.

So, you can take the average value of the alcohol content in kefir - 0.4 degrees. Then you need to compare it, for example, with wine, which contains up to 15% pure ethanol. It turns out that two glasses of wine (300 ml of alcohol) correspond to 11 liters of kefir.

It is difficult to imagine that a person can immediately consume such a large amount fermented milk product... But even if we assume that this is possible, then the effect of such an amount of kefir will still be weaker than that of wine, since it will take a very long time to drink it.

So what do lovers of this do healing drink? Its benefits are undeniable for everyone and are confirmed by doctors and scientists. But when using anyone, even the most useful product, you must observe the measure.

If you drink 2 or 3 liters of fermented kefir, which was forgotten in the refrigerator for several days, then you can get a decent dose of alcohol, which will certainly be revealed by the sensitive device (or even the nose) of the traffic police officer.

Kefir is one of the most healthy drinks... At the same time, not everyone knows that this product has a degree measure. About whether there is alcohol in kefir, as well as about other nuances related to this issue, will be discussed further.

You will learn how to drink this product properly and what doses of it can negatively affect your health. Try to take into account all the above nuances so that in the future milk in your diet does not cause negative consequences for the body.

Did you know? As baby food today you can use a one-day and two-day version of the fermented drink.

How the alcohol content of one of the most sought-after dairy products can vary

To begin with, the alcohol content in kefir is fundamentally different from the indicators in the same and even more so or. With small doses of consumption, these drinks cannot even be attributed to low-alcohol products.

Considering how much ppm is in kefire or another type, you should know that milk contains enough lactose to achieve a strength of 2%. Nevertheless, it is impossible to achieve such indicators without the proper fermentation temperature of 18-30 degrees.

On low temperatures most of the lactose is converted by bacteria into lactic acid, which has fundamental benefits for the body. Thus, if a company complies with the GOSTs established by the government and is attentive to the procedure for storing the product, its degree measure will vary from 0.2 to 0.6%.

Different types of milk

Studying in more detail the ratio of the degree measure in kefir to its composition, you will definitely note for yourself the fact that the strength of the drink directly depends on the lactose that is included in the composition.

The above indicators of 0.2 and 0.6% refer exclusively to cow's milk, where the amount of lactose is 4.5%.

Keep in mind that by making kefir, for example, on mare's milk, you can get a product with a higher degree measure, since the lactose index of this product is 6.5%. Also, their special indicators are inherent in goat and other types of dairy products.

Special rules for drivers

Previously, we have already managed to determine that the natural fermentation that occurs in the product is capable of causing the appearance of the degree measure. And this factor should be especially taken into account by drivers.

Few know about the alcoholic component of kefir, but at the same time this drink is almost a favorite product of every second motorist.

Therefore, consuming milk in large doses and having got under the inspection of inspectors, you may face a curious situation when you drank nothing but milk, and the tester shows the presence of alcohol.

To prevent this from happening to you, you should not give up the drink, you just need to take note of the following rules:

  • Drink only fresh drink kept at low temperature in the refrigerator. If the purchased milk spent more than an hour at a temperature the environment over 18 degrees, the alcohol content in it can rise sharply.
  • Drink immediately before the trip milk product not worth it. Do this 15 minutes before driving. It is also advisable to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. Already in the first minutes after consuming kefir, the breathalyzer can give out 0.3 ppm, and this is a reason for the inspector to take a closer look at you.
  • Never drink more than 3 liters of milk product an hour before your trip. This amount of drink can even lead to a little intoxication and show very unpleasant values ​​on the tester.

Did you know? Academician Fedor Grigorievich Uglov was the first expert to raise the issue of alcohol content in milk.

Does the type of product affect its degree measure

In order not to think about how many percent of alcohol is in kefir, and at any time to enjoy its taste, regardless of whether you get behind the wheel or you are used to being a passenger, pay attention to the classification of these drinks. According to generally accepted norms, all variations dairy product are divided into:

One day

Milk with low acidity and weak effect on the body. These products have a low fat content and a modest composition. Accordingly, when you are interested in how many degrees of alcohol there are in such kefir, you can only count on an indicator that does not exceed 0.2 ppm.

Two day

This is a more mature product, the acidity of which is an order of magnitude higher, as well as the alcohol component. The degree measure of these products can reach 0.4%, which is already fraught with unpleasant consequences for those people who gathered behind the wheel of a car.


The most sour and fatty options for popular dairy products. They contain a phenomenal amount of acid, and they exhibit the highest degree of measure. In such drinks, you will find 0.6% alcohol spice.

Monitor your own health by eating only high-quality dairy products

In this article, you managed to get acquainted with how much alcohol can be in certain doses of kefir. Percentage of course of this product will never catch up, but at the same time it is impossible to treat these indicators with negligence, especially if you are a driver or have serious contraindications to the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Do not neglect your own health and take into account the characteristics of each product that you use in your personal diet. This is the only way you can provide your body decent conditions vital activity and strengthen it, getting rid of any harmful influences.

A constantly debated question is whether there is alcohol in kefir, how many ppm this kefir can give, and whether it is possible to drive cars after drinking it. Some are also worried about the fact that children consume kefir, but alcohol can harm the child's body.

We will answer briefly: there is alcohol and kefir, and if the GOST is observed, its content is equal to:

  • In one-day kefir - 0.2%
  • In two-day kefir - 0.4%
  • In a three-day kefir - 0.6%.

Kefir with a strength of up to 0.4% can be easily consumed by children: alcohol in kefir in such concentrations is not capable of causing any significant harm to the child. In addition, the human body itself produces alcohol, and its content in kefir is insignificant against the background of the natural amount of alcohol in the blood.

Where did the information about alcohol in kefir come from?

For the first time, Academician F.G. Angles, who always had a strictly negative attitude to drunkenness and, one might say, was a militant teetotaler. Corners in the 80s of the last century raised a real information boom with his statements that feeding children with kefir can lead to the appearance of a tendency to alcoholism in children, they say, children's organism gets used from birth to constant use alcoholic beverages.

He was supported by another colorful citizen, Mr. Zhdanov, who considered this to be the intrigues of the special services to poison the entire population with kefir. They calculated that a child, drinking 600 grams of kefir per day, drinks an amount of alcohol equivalent to 50-60 grams of vodka.

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I personally got acquainted with the calculations of Mr. Zhdanov and Uglov. They really relied on current GOST which allows for 0.5% alcohol. “However,” says Mr. Zhdanov, “it is enough for kefir to stand for 4 hours on the windowsill — and kefir always stands on the windowsill for four hours — for the strength to rise to 1.5%. After the child has eaten this kefir, fermentation continues in the stomach, where the strength of kefir reaches 3%. "

Zhdanov is the brightest opponent of alcohol as a phenomenon.

Logical questions arise:

  1. Where does the information come from that every mother's kefir certainly costs 4 hours on the windowsill?
  2. Where does the information come from that each package of kefir has a content of at least 0.5% strength?
  3. Where does the information come from that the fortress will triple in four hours of a mysterious state on the windowsill? Where is the research? Why not at four? Not at six? Not at two?
  4. It is known that alcohol begins to be absorbed and processed by liver enzymes almost immediately after consumption. How can it be assumed that kefir continues to "ferment" some time after consumption, if the processes of its processing by the body immediately begin? Why, then, does not the beer begin to ferment in the stomach and increase its degree? Kvass?
  5. How infant is able to consume 800 ml of kefir at once? Even for an adult, such a volume of liquid is extremely problematic for a single use. The child will sober up faster than get drunk while drinking kefir for comfortable for normal infant speed.
  6. Even if we assume that the child drank almost a liter of kefir with a strength of 1.5% at a time, where does the information come from that the strength in the stomach reaches 3%? How was it measured? Maybe this number is taken from the head, like all the numbers before?

Even a superficial reflection on Mr. Zhdanov's fantasies makes it clear that he did not make any discovery, but simply tried to pull the owl onto the globe and tried to attract attention. At the same time, the man was a doctor of chemical sciences, which, however, did not prevent him from thinking completely logically and not scientifically.


There really is alcohol in kefir. Part scientific works speaks of an amount of 0.2-0.6%, the other says that alcohol is an order of magnitude less, about hundredths of a percent.

Narcologists of the Institute of Prevention say that taking kefir can really lead to the issuance of positive results with a breathalyzer. However, the breathalyzer shows 0.1-0.2 ppm immediately after consuming kefir; after 10-15 minutes the breathalyzer already shows a complete zero.

In February 2011, Vladimir Putin canceled 0.3 ppm for drivers, and not an argument about kefir replied that “There is no ppm in kefir! The drunks are worried! " Meanwhile, T.A. Golikova, head of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, said that there is alcohol, but it will not be determined for a very long time.

Is there alcohol in kefir? Many of our compatriots are interested in the answer to this question. And this is not surprising disputes about how much ethyl alcohol is contained in this product periodically excite society, and the query "alcohol kefir" is in the first positions of search engines. Let's try to deal with this issue.

Is there a degree in kefir

It would seem that fermented milk products simply cannot contain alcohol, due to the fact that they are fermentation products. However, this is not quite true. There are several types of fermentation:

  • pure, as a result of which lactic acid is formed;
  • mixed, as a result of which lactic acid and alcohol are formed.

The first method is to prepare sour cream, yogurt and yogurt, and the second is kefir, kumy and ayran.

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As you can see, not all fermented milk products contain alcohol, however, kefir is not among them and there is still alcohol in kefir.

According to the available data, the ethanol content of kefir ranges from 0.2 to 0.6 percent. And only if kefir peroxides, the content of ethyl alcohol in this drink can be from 1 to 4 degrees.

Kefir and breathalyzer indications

Can you drink kefir while driving? And if so, how much?

Take a short survey and get a free Drinking Culture brochure.

What kind of alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

Do you have a desire to "get drunk" the next day after taking alcoholic beverages?

What system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

In your opinion, are the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol sufficient?

A group of enthusiasts conducted an independent study and studied how alcoholic beverages affect the testimony of a breathalyzer.

The research was carried out as follows. Subjects weighing about 75 kg drank one glass of kvass, kefir, alcohol-free beer, and 15 drops of valerian tincture on alcohol dissolved in a glass of water.

The readings taken immediately after drinking the drinks were:

  • 4 ppm for kvass;
  • 2 ppm for kefir;
  • 0 ppm for non-grade beer;
  • 2 ppm for valerian.

At the same time, the ability of the subjects to act, their activity and appearance did not change in any way - alcohol in their blood did not affect the general condition.

After a third of an hour, the subjects were re-examined with a breathalyzer. In all four cases, the device showed 0 ppm. This paradox is explained by the fact that the drinks consumed by the subjects belonged to the category of low alcohol, and therefore were quickly broken down and processed by the body.

What should drivers do to avoid getting caught on kefir

Paradoxically, but an insignificant dose of ethyl alcohol, which is in kefir, under the influence of certain circumstances, can turn into a serious problem for motorists, endangering their driver's license.

To prevent this from happening, and the breathalyzer showed 0 ppm after consuming kefir, you need:

  • use only fresh drink stored according to the rules - after 1-4 hours of being in conditions room temperature, the content of ethyl alcohol in kefir increases;
  • do not consume kefir before driving - the time from the last drink to this event should exceed 15 minutes;
  • brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with water after drinking a drink;
  • limit the amount of kefir drunk an hour before the trip - kefir drunk in a volume exceeding three liters during this time can be absorbed, and the alcohol contained in the drink can get into the blood.

In the first minutes after consuming kefir, the breathalyzer can show about 0.2 ppm, which is due to the fact that the device analyzes the exhaled air. For a short time after consuming kefir, the concentration of alcohol vapors will increase in it, however, this does not mean that the person is in a state alcoholic intoxication- the stomach simply does not have enough time to digest the drink.

After 15 minutes, the situation changes completely, and the readings of the device return to zero. The main thing during this period is not to meet a traffic police inspector on the road.

Most kefir drinks contain 0.01-0.02 percent ethyl alcohol, which cannot harm the well-being of the child.

Can children drink kefir, how much

As is known, daily diet children in mandatory should contain fermented milk products, and in particular, this applies to often ill children suffering from various disorders of the intestinal microflora.

So, for example, with dysbiosis, the microorganisms contained in kefir are able to stop the growth of pathogenic and putrefactive microflora, which will lead to their destruction.

However, parents, frightened by the media and who did not receive anything sensible on the request "alcohol kefir", are more and more worried about whether it is possible to use kefir containing alcohol to feed children. However, their fears are unfounded.

According to the available data, the content of ethyl alcohol in kefir intended for children is negligible. So, for example, most of these drinks contain 0.01-0.02 percent ethyl alcohol, which cannot harm the well-being of the child, and even more so, cause him alcohol dependence.

Thus, kefir is completely safe for children, and you can drink it as much as necessary. Moreover, ethyl alcohol contains not only kefir, but also many other food products included in the daily diet of a person. For example, fruits, bread, cheese contain alcohol. Moreover, in bread, and especially in black bread, the ethanol content is much higher than in fermented milk products.

As for the rest of the products, apples contain 0.1 percent ethyl alcohol, and baby grape juice- 0.35 percent of this substance, which significantly exceeds its concentration in kefir intended for children. But no one refuses to use all these products.

The strict rules of the law on road safety have led to strict rules of sobriety for drivers. That is why the question arose of whether the driver should be worried about the alcohol content in kefir and whether the breathalyzer would show an excess of the norm after a glass of fermented milk product, which is recommended even for children. Since 2013, federal legislation has established that the excess of the minimum level of alcohol in the body is calculated by the content of ethanol, the concentration of which should not exceed 0.16 ppm in exhaled air or 0.34 ppm in blood.

The results of measurements are influenced by a variety of factors from the temperature of measurements to the individual concentration of endogenous alcohol in a person and other physiological characteristics of the body. After consuming kefir, the concentration of alcohol vapors increases, but is this increase so significant for the breathalyzer to register alcoholic intoxication?

Kefir, like kumis, kvass or ayran, belongs to the category of fermented milk fermentation products, that is, during the preparation of the product, both lactic acid and alcohol are produced.

As for kefir, the amount of alcohol in it is in the range of 0.01-0.7 percent. In some sources, you can find data that claim a wider range of alcohol content. In particular, you can even find a figure of 4 percent. It is worth noting that this data is taken from textbooks and cookbooks Soviet times, when the process of preparing kefir was somewhat different from that used in modern dairy factories. In fresh kefir, the alcohol content is really low and does not exceed the level of 0.7 percent. As the fermented milk product sours, the percentage of alcohol increases, but even with an alcohol value of 2.5 percent, it is no longer possible to drink a dairy product.

Statements about the hidden alcoholization of the population with the help of kefir periodically appear in the media. At the same time, the danger of its use by children and pregnant women is emphasized, since this leads to the degeneration of the national gene pool. If you wish, you can find calculations stating that 3 glasses of kefir are equivalent to 30 grams of pure alcohol. To understand this issue, it is worth evaluating how many percent of alcohol in kefir, depending on the time of fermentation:

  1. One-day kefir, which goes to the distribution network. The fermentation process is still short, because the product contains minimal amount both alcohol and lactic acid bacteria.
  2. Two-day - also has a low content of alcohol and lactic acid bacteria.
  3. Three-day kefir is no longer recommended for those people who suffer from alcohol intolerance. A sufficiently large amount of both alcohol and lactic acid bacteria provide the ascertaining light alcoholic intoxication when checking a person with a breathalyzer.

That is why you should pay close attention to such things as the storage conditions for kefir. With an increase in temperature, the process of reactions is accelerated and fermentation is activated. Under certain conditions, one-day kefir can have the characteristics of a three-day one, which can lead to an unpleasant situation.

Since the question of the advisability of the driver's use of fermented milk products worries many, a group of enthusiasts conducted research on the effect of such drinks on the human condition. It is worth considering that the concentration of alcohol in the blood when consuming a certain volume of the product directly depends on its mass, so to assess the results it is worth remembering that the figures provided are typical for a person weighing 75 kilograms. So, after consuming these products in the amount of 200 ml of examination of volunteers using a breathalyzer, the researchers obtained the following results:

  • non-alcoholic beer - 0 ppm;
  • kefir - 0.2 ppm;
  • valerian infusion solution (15 drops) - 0.2 ppm;
  • kvass - 0.4 ppm.

The use of these drinks did not affect either the appearance or the reactions of the subjects. Repeated measurements taken after 20 minutes showed zero results in all four cases. The liver is able to process such a small amount of alcohol without consequences for the body, so the use of kefir and other lactic acid fermentation products does not affect the human condition.

To drink or not to drink?

Since the concentration of alcohol in kefir directly depends on the timing of its fermentation, the driver should be careful about the terms and conditions of storage of the product. If you use exclusively fresh kefir, then after 20 minutes the breathalyzer will not be able to register any violations.

As for peroxidized kefir, the use of such a product is fraught not only with the fixation of 0.2 ppm on the breathalyzer, but also with other signs of alcohol intoxication. In particular, a person's eyes turn red, a disorder of the vestibular apparatus is observed, and even uncertainty in gait may appear. A one-time use of a liter of kefir, from the date of production of which more than 4 days have passed, provides disappointing results of a medical examination.

Kefir is harmless to health. Even the alcohol content does not harm health, the liver completely neutralizes alcohol and no body systems suffer from it. Moreover, useful trace elements contained in dairy products, most adults absorb from kefir better than from fresh milk.

In order not to drink peroxidized kefir, pay attention to the appearance of the product - lumps and a pungent smell will tell you that not only the driver, but everyone else should not drink such a product.