Apple jam at home is simple. A simple recipe for making jam from apples at home for the winter

05.05.2019 Fish dishes

Apples are healthy and delicious fruit rich in iron and vitamins. Apples are good in any form, and especially in the form of jam. With such a dessert, you can not only drink tea, but also cook bagels and pies, and please your family with fragrant pastries.

To prepare apple jam according to the simplest recipe, it is advisable to choose sweet and hard varieties apples, without nitrates and all sorts of different chemicals. If you don’t have your own garden, then it’s better to buy apples in the market, from a trusted hostess.

Jam can be cooked not only from apples alone. Apples go well with many fruits and even vegetables. But, first, let's learn how to cook thick jam according to the simplest recipe. There are two ways to cook this jam.

Method one


  • two kilos of apples;
  • two kilos of sugar.

How to cook:

  • wash the fruit, peel, cut into several pieces and cut out the core;
  • put the pieces of apples in a bowl for cooking and sprinkle with sugar;
  • leave for a few hours so that the apples release juice;
  • put on fire;
  • boil until fruit puree it will not become soft;
  • beat applesauce with a blender;
  • put to cook for an hour;
  • after cooking, pour the hot mass into jars.

There is another fairly simple recipe. apple dessert However, it will take much more time to prepare it. The resulting jam will not be overcooked, with small pieces of apples.

Method two

Required products:

  • sugar - one kg;
  • apples - two kg.

Cooking process:

  • cover the processed pieces of fruit with sugar;
  • leave for a day so that the apples release juice;
  • in the morning, boil the apples for ten to twenty minutes;
  • leave applesauce to cool until evening;
  • put on fire again in the evening, and boil for no more than twenty minutes;
  • leave until the morning;
  • repeat the procedure in the morning and leave for six hours;
  • after the time has elapsed, boil the jam for 20 minutes;
  • leave again for six hours;
  • put on fire and cook the fruit mass until the liquid boils away;
  • pour into jars.

Little hints!

  • when cooking jam, do not forget to stir it, otherwise it may burn;
  • if there is no time to wait until the crushed apples release juice, add half a glass of water to them and immediately put on fire;
  • if desired, any fruit can be added to apple jam;
  • so that the jam is not sugary-sweet, add a little lemon juice to it.

Jam from apples in a slow cooker

Modern kitchen appliances facilitates the preparation of any dishes. Blender to grind any food, coffee maker to cook flavored coffee, and with the help of a slow cooker, you can cook a full meal, and even cook jam from apples.

Jam from apples in a slow cooker is a minimum of effort, and you will get a delicious fruit treat, rich taste and colors. Cooking time for jam will depend on the type of multicooker.


  • kilogram of apples;
  • two and a half glasses granulated sugar;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • prepare apples: peel and cut into thin slices;
  • put in a bowl;
  • sprinkle with sugar;
  • add half a glass of water;
  • put on baking mode for half an hour;
  • check the softness of the fruit with a fork, if they fall apart, then you can mash them;
  • transfer the apples to a bowl;
  • grind with a blender;
  • Pour the applesauce back into the bowl.
  • cook in the "Baking" mode for 2 hours;
  • add lemon juice (optional)
  • be sure to control the cooking process, and stir the puree every half hour;
  • put the finished jam into the prepared glass container.
  • you should not fill the bowl of the multicooker with apples to the very edge, when boiling, the jam will “run away”;
  • for mashed potatoes, it is not necessary to shift the apples from the bowl, you can gently mash them with a wooden crush;
  • You can not add water to apples, just add sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 and let stand for several hours so that the fruit releases juice.

The simplest jam from apples in the oven: the recipe "For lazy people"

delicious apple jam You can cook not only on the stove or in a slow cooker. You can cook jam from apples in any type of oven: both gas and electric. A fruit dessert prepared in this way has a uniform, dense structure. To make jam, you need the following products:

  • apples - two kilograms;
  • sugar - one and a half kilograms.

Basic cooking steps

  • apples take sweet-sour varieties, for example, "Antonovka". Peel, cut the core, cut into slices;
  • put in a saucepan, pour two glasses of water, and boil for about an hour;
  • add granulated sugar to the fruit mass;
  • stir and knead thoroughly;
  • preheat the oven to 250-280 0 С;
  • transfer applesauce to a saucepan, cover with a lid and put in the oven;
  • after boiling fruit mix, reduce the temperature to 100 0 С;
  • cook for 3-3.5 hours;
  • control of the cooking process is a must!
  • when the jam becomes amber color, you can remove the pan from the oven;
  • pour into a glass container for storage.

Attention! The pot for cooking jam should be chosen high, and fill it with applesauce only halfway, so that during the boil the fruit mass does not splash onto the surface of the oven.

Fragrant and spicy apple jam with cinnamon

Apple jam with cinnamon turns out to be unusually spicy and fragrant, and will become a favorite treat for the whole family. The following products will be needed:

  • apples - one kilogram;
  • sugar - 600 grams;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cooking sequence:

  • peel apples, cut into thin slices, or grate;
  • prepare syrup: a glass of sugar, dissolve in 200 ml of water;
  • syrup pour apples and put on fire;
  • simmer for at least thirty minutes, gradually adding the remaining amount of granulated sugar;
  • remove from stove, let cool completely;
  • add cinnamon stick and lemon juice;
  • cook until the jam becomes thick with constant stirring;
  • remove from heat, pour into glass jars.

Diet jam from apples without sugar, which can be even for kids

Jam from apples without sugar is not only tasty and healthy, but also very economical. And for those who are on a diet or proper nutrition It is also a wonderful dessert, and a lot of vitamins. How to cook such apple jam?


  • apples - two kilograms;
  • water - 400 ml.


  • we clean and cut the fruits;
  • put in a saucepan or basin;
  • fill with water;
  • languish for forty minutes;
  • let the fruit mass cool and puree;
  • put it on the stove again and cook until tender for an hour and a half, not forgetting to stir the puree with a wooden spoon;
  • lay out on banks;
  • sterilize jars filled with jam;
  • roll up the lids;
  • we lower it into the cellar or put it in the basement.

Recipe for apple jam with condensed milk for the winter "Taste of cream"

Exists great amount recipe for apple jam, but the most extraordinary recipe- jam with condensed milk. Such a dessert turns out to be very tender and homogeneous, with a pleasant taste. creamy taste. I have been making this recipe for 3 years now.

What is necessary:

  • apples - two kilograms;
  • half a glass of sugar (or less, depending on the variety of apples);
  • a can of condensed milk (not boiled);
  • sachet vanilla sugar.


  • prepare apples, peel, cut, remove seeds, cut into thin slices;
  • boil until softened, add granulated sugar and vanilla sugar;
  • puree the apple mass;
  • boil for another one and a half to two hours;
  • half an hour before readiness, add condensed milk;
  • pour the finished product into glass containers, store in a cool place.

As an option, you can cook apple jam with condensed milk without sugar and water. Such jam will be a little sour, and not so smooth in structure, but extremely tasty.

Special secrets on how to cook jam from apples at home

In the preparation of jam from apples, it seems that there is nothing complicated. The set of products is very modest: sugar and apples. But, for some reason, one hostess gets a fragrant, thick and sweet apple jam, and the other has an overcooked, dark fruit mass. The thing is that you need to understand well how to cook jam from apples at home, find out all the tricks and nuances of the process.

Prepare jam correctly and all year round you can spoil your family with mouth-watering and delicious pies.

Little tricks

  1. For the preparation of jam, choose apples of sweet-sour varieties. It is not necessary that the fruits be whole and intact, the main condition is that they must be ripe.
  • So that the jam does not darken during the cooking process: dip the pieces of apples, before cooking, in water with citric acid (1 teaspoon of acid per liter of water).
  • For one kilogram of apples, you need to take 800 grams of sugar. If you want to cook a thicker jam, you need to take less sugar, but increase the cooking time.
  • Make jam from a small amount of apples. Two kilograms of apples and one and a half kilograms of sugar is the ideal proportion.

The main nuances of cooking

  1. When preparing apples for cooking, do not waste time and cut off the skin and cut out the core. After the first boil, the apples are ground through a sieve, so nothing extra will get into the jam.
  • For spicy and piquant flavor finished product, in the process of cooking jam, you can add:
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon and cardamom;
  • orange or lemon zest.
  • What jam did not burn, it is recommended to grease the bottom of the pan or basin olive oil.
  • In order for the jam to cook faster, pieces of apples need to be chopped in a blender or passed through a meat grinder.
  • It is necessary to cook jam over low heat, stirring so that it does not burn.

If you are familiar with all the intricacies of cooking fruit dessert, then cook it thick and saturated, which, even with long storage, will not sugar. Ready-made apple jam according to the simplest recipe is stored perfectly all winter.

How to cook homemade jam from apples for the winter? This delicious and sweet dessert dish has always been appropriate to serve with tea or pastries. In general, apple jam is simply indispensable as a filling for pies and even for the popular charlotte. This delicacy is prepared in the form of fruit or berry puree, which is boiled down with sugar to half of its original volume.

Apple jam is distinguished from jam by a denser consistency. To prepare delicious homemade dessert strong, ripe, sweet fruits are taken, which have pleasant aroma and taste. From such fruits, damaged and rotten places should first be removed.

A step-by-step recipe with a photo for making apple jam for the winter:

Most the best jam obtained from apples, although other fruits and berries can be used for its preparation - both in pure form and mixed with each other. In most cases, jam, consisting of only berries, can turn out to be liquid and therefore it is recommended to add apples to it, which give finished product jelly-like consistency.

Prepared apples should be pitted, and large fruits should be cut into pieces. After that, they need to be put in a vessel, on the bottom of which not a large number of water - at the rate of five hundred grams per kilogram of products. Next, close the lid and cook, boil for about twenty minutes, until completely softened. We wipe the boiled fruits through a colander or sieve. If the fruits are very tender, then you can skip them through a meat grinder.

Then the puree should be transferred to a wide bowl, since a large surface facilitates the evaporation process, and with more intensive evaporation, the cooking time is reduced and, as a result, the jam itself turns out to be tastier, lighter and retains the aroma of the fruit. You need to cook on low heat.

How to cook apple jam so that it does not burn constantly? When cooking, it is necessary to constantly stir the mass with a wooden spatula. To prevent burning, experts recommend lubricating the walls and bottom of the dish with olive oil or adding a glass of white or homemade apple wine to the puree.

Sugar, at the rate of about 800 grams per kilogram of mashed potatoes, must be added at the end of cooking, since liquid puree evaporates faster. If it is necessary to get a denser jam that can be cut into pieces, then the sugar rate should be reduced to 600 grams per kilogram of puree. Although do not forget that the less sugar, the longer the jam is cooked.

readiness dessert dish is determined by cooling on the glass of a small sample, which is taken from the vessel. If a dense, non-spreading jelly forms during cooling, then a tasty delicacy is already ready. Ready homemade jam is placed in warm, dry jars and left open to form a protective film.

So, for starters, wash the apples, cut off all visible damage, cut and select the core. I never take off the skin, I don’t see the need, because after boiling and pureeing I don’t feel it at all.

We cut them not into large slices and put them in a saucepan with a thick bottom. The wider the pan, the better, since we need intensive evaporation of the liquid.

Add 150 grams of water to the pan with apples and put on fire. First, we make the maximum and bring the water to a boil. Next, reduce the fire and cook our apples until softened. Mix everything periodically, swapping the top and bottom pieces. Of course, the cooking time depends on the variety of apples, but the difference here is minimal, it never took me more than 20 minutes to do this. It is possible that your variety will soften already in 10 minutes.

Next, we need to puree the entire apple mass. There are several ways. I use the easiest - I use an immersion blender. If you don’t have it, then you can cool the mass a little (so as not to burn your hands) and pass it through a meat grinder. And you can just grind everything through a sieve or a colander with medium-sized holes.

We send the applesauce back to the saucepan (if you used an immersion blender, then all the manipulations were done in the same saucepan, which is also a plus - wash less dishes), put it on the fire again and bring the future jam to a boil.

It's time for sugar and flavorings. I do not insist on my flavors, you can exclude anything, or even everything, from the list, except, of course, sugar, but personally I prefer to add all of the above, since the aroma of jam is very enriched, which cannot but rejoice.

So, in a saucepan with applesauce, add sugar, cinnamon, dry mint (you can have a couple of fresh stalks, then just select them at the end of cooking), freshly squeezed lemon juice and zest (from about half a large lemon). You can also add some vanilla sugar, but I just didn't have it on hand. Adjust the amount of sugar, because if the apples are very sour, then a little more sugar may be needed. A little - it's 100-200 grams.

Mix everything, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for about half an hour. After cooling, the jam will become a little denser.

In the meantime, apple jam is boiled, sterilize the jars. Personally, I wash them with soda, rinse well hot water, and then put in the microwave at full power for two minutes. That's it, the jars are dry and sterile.

Apple jam is delicious and healthy dessert. Fragrant, amber-golden, it pleases with a unique delicate taste, shimmering in a transparent jar and beckoning to try. And today I will tell you a recipe for how to make delicious, tender apple jam at home. And it's very easy if you follow my simple proven recipe with step by step photos cooking.

To prepare apple jam, we need:

- apples

- sugar

So, you have a certain amount of apples that you want to process into jam. For jam, it is not necessary to use perfect apples. On the contrary, most often, it is precisely those fruits that cannot be stored that are used for processing. for a long time. But even if your apples are perfect, it doesn’t matter, we’ll cook from them too.

Recipe for making apple jam with photos

Fruits must be thoroughly washed. Remove core and peel. Some housewives claim that it is not necessary to remove the peel, they say, - it will become soft during cooking. But I prefer the jam to have a delicate, soft texture, and no matter how hard you try, the pieces of the peel, albeit small and soft, will still be felt. Also remove existing flaws: wormholes or rot, if any.

If after peeling it is not possible to weigh the apples, estimate approximately - when peeling, they will lose about one third of the weight. That is, if you took 1 kilogram of apples, after cleaning you will have approximately 650-700 grams of net weight.

To make your apple jam have a uniform consistency, grind the pieces of apples in a meat grinder. Put the finished puree into the prepared container for cooking. And we fall asleep with sugar at the rate of 1: 1, for one kilogram of apples - one kilogram of sugar.

If you know apples are sweet on their own, or if you're avoiding a lot of sugar, it's fine to use less. After all, jam is cooked for a long time, and there is no need for a large number of preservatives.

What to cook jam

Apple jam, as well as, in principle, other jams, is best cooked in an enameled container, preferably without chips, cracks and deformations. Stainless steel cookware is also suitable for this purpose. It is not advisable to take aluminum dishes for cooking jam - apples contain a large amount of acids that can oxidize aluminum.

How to cook apple jam?

Apple jam, mixed with sugar, put on medium fire and, stirring often, bring to a boil. The foam that will appear on the surface of the jam must be removed. Do not allow pathogenic microflora to develop in air bubbles.

After boiling, boil the apple jam for about an hour. Stir it from time to time to evenly distribute the sugar and prevent burning. It is best to use a wooden spoon or spatula for these purposes.

Gradually, during the cooking process, applesauce will begin to acquire a brownish tint and become transparent. The amount of foam will gradually decrease. The jam will turn amber.

Color original product may vary from deep yellow to brown. It depends not only on the cooking time, but also on the variety of apples. For example, jam from White filling remains light yellow even after an hour of cooking, and apples with red skin and pinkish flesh will turn brown.

In the process of cooking, the jam will gradually begin to thicken. You can boil it longer if you like it thicker. Just do not forget that after cooling, the density of apple jam will increase.

Capping jam in jars

Put the finished apple jam in dry sterilized jars and carefully cork. I have already written in previous articles how to sterilize jars and lids.

Packaging apple jam should be done immediately, while it is hot and more liquid. After all, it begins to freeze quite quickly.

Apple jam is thick, contains enough sugars and lasts a long time. heat treatment. Therefore store closed banks with jam you can even with room temperature. Well, open, it is still better to clean in the refrigerator.

In general, this is the whole secret of how to make apple jam at home for the winter, because it is an indispensable sweetness in any family. You can bake pies with it, and wrap it in pancakes, and put it in a grated pie. You can just spread it on bread and with tea in a bite.

Mmm... yummy! But I block jam according to my recipe is not troublesome and simple. Cook it with pleasure and please yourself and your loved ones. And also do not forget about other types of self-improvement and visit our learning and self-development portal more often and read about the benefits and harms apple juice and apples, recipes for making other types of jam, as well as or many other tasty and healthy sweets.

Home-made preparations are a great opportunity to reduce family budget expenses, which is why many housewives in our country are busy preparing preserves in summer and early autumn: they pickle cucumbers and tomatoes, make salads with zucchini and eggplant, and close sweets in jars jam apples for the winter. In addition to saving, there is another important plus for homemade preparations: you provide the right and healthy eating for your family, because you prepare all the preservation only from delicious and quality vegetables without adding harmful flavorings and dyes.

Jam from apples: a recipe for the winter

Jam from apples for the winter - great option fruit preparations. At any time in winter you can please your loved ones delicious treat, just by opening a jar of fragrant sweet jam: you can serve it simply with tea, pancakes, bake pies or grated. In the cookbook you will find many recipes delicious pastries, for which you can use apple jam or made from other berries and fruits.

Despite the fact that jam is a quite familiar and everyday sweet for our housewives, it is prepared in all regions of our country, in fact, the recipe has foreign roots. It is believed that it was first cooked about 200 years ago, and Polish housewives came up with a recipe. The first delicacy was not at all apple, but plum, because at that time on the banks of the Vistula, the Hungarian plum gave annually huge harvests, and it was the Polish housewives who came up with a version of its preparation, in which the plum mass was boiled down to a very thick state. Of course, the first cooking recipe required both a lot of effort and a lot of time, because the plum mass was boiled for three days. Today you can cook it without wasting time in just a few hours in your kitchen, and all you need is a stove and a suitable container for cooking fruit mass.

Almost all fruits and berries are suitable for making treats, but pears, apples, peaches, apricots, plums and quince are popular, cranberries and currants are used from berries, and you can also cook surprisingly healthy.

Jam is characterized by a thicker and more uniform consistency, without solid inclusions, which is how it differs from jam or less thick jam. If you put a spoonful of properly prepared Polish delicacy on a saucer, then it should not spread on a plate, but retain its shape.

Jam from apples for the winter

If out of the many cooking options, you decide to prepare exactly jam from apples, recipe for the winter you will like its simplicity, but before that you have to select fruits for this delicacy. It is not at all necessary to choose only high-quality apples with a smooth skin, the fruits can be damaged, wrinkled and even overripe. The main thing is to cut out all damaged and rotten areas before starting cooking. Be sure to choose soft and ripe apples, it is advisable to give preference to sweet varieties.

There are several general rules for making thick jam: you need to process the fruits into gruel, for this you can use a meat grinder, then the fruits are twisted while still raw. In the second version, the fruits are pre-boiled and then rubbed through a sieve, which makes it possible to achieve a very homogeneous mass, without lumps. Modern housewives can use a blender to process boiled fruits, which greatly speeds up the cooking process.

Usually a plum or berry delicacy turns out to be liquid, and in order to achieve the necessary density, berries and plums are combined with pears or apples.

A few words should also be said about sugar, as an integral ingredient of any jam. If the fruits are very sweet, then sugar can not be added, but in this case, the blanks must be sterilized before rolling in boiling water. The amount of sugar that should be added to the fruit mass should be at least 60% of the volume of the fruit puree, otherwise your jam will ferment.

Since the fruit mass must be boiled for a long time in order for it to boil down to the desired density, it is necessary to choose the right dishes. It is advisable to choose a low, wide pot or basin, so that the evaporation of excess liquid will occur faster. Be sure to stir regularly during the cooking process using a wooden spatula. And sugar is not added at the very beginning of cooking, but only when the mass becomes thick enough, otherwise it will burn.

It is important to know how to correctly determine what is ready jam from apples for the winter, step by step recipe you are offered this way to find out the degree of readiness: you should run a spatula along the bottom of the container, and if a groove forms after it, which is very slowly filled with a sweet mass, then the delicacy is ready. It can be laid out in jars and closed with lids. As a rule, during the cooking process, the volume of fruit puree will decrease by half compared to the original.

It is imperative to prepare sterilized jars for the preparation of jam, only in this case it can be guaranteed that the sweetness will not ferment, and mold will not appear on the surface.

There is one more traditional way blanks, about which modern housewives they began to forget: after the sweetness takes its place in a clean jar, it must be put in a preheated oven and baked for several minutes so that a protective film forms on the surface. You can also resort to such a step if you want your blanks to be stored not for one year, but for 4-5, without losing your palatability.

Store jam jars in a cool place out of direct sunlight.

If apples have been mutilated in your garden, be sure to prepare and, which is especially useful for children.

Thick jam from apples for the winter

classic thick jam from apples for the winter should taste sweet and sour. If you used very sweet fruits for cooking, then you can add citric acid to get the desired acidity. Cinnamon and cloves are also added during cooking to get unique aroma.

If you are thinking about which fruits to choose for making jam, then pay attention to those fruits that are especially born this year. The most popular are recipes from pears or apples. In winter and autumn, the delicacy will surely cheer up your loved ones, it can be served with tea, with sweet cereals, used as a filling for baking. And if it seems to you that the technology of its preparation is too complicated, then we suggest you start from the very beginning. simple recipe following our advice.

An apple recipe involves the use of apples and sugar in the following proportion: for each kilogram of fruit, about 600 grams of granulated sugar should be taken.

First of all, the fruits must be peeled: cut the skin with a vegetable cutter and remove the seeds with seed plates. Cut each apple into four pieces. For this recipe we chose pre-processing fruit steam, so the slices must be laid out on steam bath. This option will especially appeal to those housewives who use a double boiler for cooking.

If you don't have a double boiler, you can place a colander over large saucepan with water or use a net. Slices should be steamed within 20 minutes from the moment the water boils. When the slices are soft enough, they can be put in a blender and pureed until smooth. Also, the fruits can be passed through a meat grinder or mashed with a crush.

After that, fruit puree can be transferred to a bowl and put on fire. As we have already said, sugar should be added to fruits only after the puree becomes thick.

Most delicious jam it turns out if you take sour varieties of apples - Borovinka, Antonovka, Semerenko, Grushovka are also suitable, very popular with housewives White filling other. The fruits of these varieties have a natural sourness, which is supplemented with sugar and it turns out perfect taste goodies.

It is worth noting that and pear jam cooked in the same way, only pear puree before cooking, it is mixed with water, and since the pear is a fruit too sweet, it is added to the finished sweetness lemon acid. For one kilogram of fruit - 2.5 cups of water and 4 g of citric acid.

How to cook jam from apples for the winter

To surprise your loved ones with a truly exotic delicacy, you can cook fragrant jam, the recipe of which includes not only apples, but also citrus fruits- lemons and oranges, so the natural sourness of this thick jam secured. Another feature of this recipe is that for it we will use the latest advances in home appliances, which should facilitate homework every housewife, because we will cook it in a slow cooker.

For the first preparation, we suggest you take a small amount of ingredients: five large apples, three oranges and half a lemon. Sugar for such an amount of fruit will need half a kilogram, since we add a large amount of sour citrus fruits, and ready jam should be sweet.

The first stage of preparation remains unchanged: the fruits must be prepared - peeled and cut, please note that citrus fruits should not only be peeled, but all seeds should be removed.

Sliced ​​fruits should be put in a multicooker bowl and cooked in the "Extinguishing" mode for 2.5 hours. When the cooking time has elapsed, the lid can be opened, let the fruit mass cool slightly and grind in a blender. Delicious, one might say, exotic delicacy is ready.

In the slow cooker, you can cook another sweet dessert for your family - .

Jam from apples for the winter: a step by step recipe

Mistresses constantly surprise with their imagination, because they are not interested in taking a recipe from cookbook and repeat it: every housewife wants to add her zest to classic version, how to cook jam from apples for the winter. For example, they add ground cinnamon for flavor and lemon juice to apples, which gives the delicacy the necessary sourness.

In this recipe, for one kilogram of already prepared (peeled and seeded) apples, add 700 g of sugar sand, 3/4 cup of water, half a teaspoon of lemon juice and ground cinnamon.

Prepared apples are boiled in the specified amount of water, and then crushed with a sieve. Then to applesauce sugar and cinnamon are added and boiled in an enameled bowl until the desired density, only at the very end adding lemon juice.

According to the hostesses, it also turns out unique if you add a pinch of ground cinnamon and lemon zest.