Pear jam - the best recipes for excellent winter sweets. How much to cook pear jam

05.09.2019 Bakery products

Pears have always attracted both adults and children with their unusual taste. But here is such a delicacy as jam from them, although it is tasty, it is still not common. But it’s just that many housewives don’t know how to cook such unusual sweet and an incredibly delicious treat. But there is an easy way to prepare it for the winter.

A simple and delicious recipe for making jam from pears for the winter

There is variety in the real fruit world pear varieties. Therefore, it is desirable to take into account such a variety when preparing jam, since the harvesting technology will change slightly. Each new pear jam recipe will differ in taste, which will change, but will always remain the most delicious and unusual.

The most common type of pear today is the "Conference", which is considered a hard variety. Therefore, it is always worth choosing a pear only when it is ripe, as it will be the sweetest and will be ideal for making jam. The main advantage of preparing an appetizing treat from such pear variety is that sugar can be saved. If you use another variety to prepare pear treats for the winter in a simple way, then you need to increase the amount of sugar.

In order to prepare such a pear dessert according to a simple recipe, you must prepare the following products in advance:

  1. The fruits of any pear variety - 1 kilogram.
  2. Water, but only clean - 1 glass.
  3. Sand sugar - about 0.5 kilograms.
  4. Citric acid - 1 teaspoon, but without peas.

The pears that were selected to make the dessert must be rinsed thoroughly and peel off the skin. Then they need to be cut in half. By the way, it is necessary to remove the core with seeds. Now it remains to cut the pear into small and thin slices. This can be done either with a knife or a shredder.

It remains to place the pear slices in pot and fill with water. After that, put them to boil and bring to softness. When the pear slices become very soft, then they need to be mashed. It can be done in several ways. For example, this can be done manually using a pusher or a sieve, or you can use special kitchen equipment for this - a blender.

Now you need to boil the resulting puree. It needs to be cooked on slow fire until half of the original mass remains. As soon as the pear puree decreases, it is necessary to add sugar and citric acid according to the recipe, after dissolving it in a small amount of water.

The simmering process should take about twenty minutes. But do not forget to constantly stir it.

After that, let the pear jam cool down, and at this time you can prepare the jars. It remains only to spread the jam on the banks and roll up the lids, which must be boiled.

Pear jam in a slow cooker

Pear jam will turn out just as appetizing and tasty if you cook it in a slow cooker. This cooking method is quick and easy. The hostess does not have to stand near the stove, stir the jam, which is slowly cooked. It will certainly need to be mixed well, but only when the jam becomes already thick.

A pear delicacy cooked in a slow cooker can not only be eaten, but also used as a filling for pies and pies, as it is thick and very sweet. Such pear jam will be wonderful addition to porridge that children eat for breakfast. It is enough just to spread bread with it, and tea will be the most delicious and appetizing for any child.

To make pear jam, you need the following products:

  1. Pears of any variety - about 1 kilogram.
  2. Sugar - about 0.5 kilograms
  3. Citric acid - 0.5 tsp.
  4. Vanillin - 0.5 tsp.

Lightly wash the pears and peel them off. But you can also use pears with skin for this recipe, only then you need to wash the fruits for jam very carefully. Then the fruits are cut into small cubes. Their put in a multicooker, and top with all the other ingredients according to the recipe. If suddenly there is too much vanillin, then the jam will be bitter.

The bowl is placed in the multicooker and the heating mode is turned on. It is necessary to set the time to fifteen minutes, as this will allow all the sugar to dissolve. If the fruit is not very juicy, then you can also add water. After that, be sure to turn on the extinguishing mode and close the lid. The program will do everything by itself, and the hostess can forget about pear jam for a while.

After the multicooker run its program, you need to get a pear and chop it in a blender. And again we send to stew for twenty minutes. As soon as the sound of boiling is heard, then it will be necessary to change the mode and set the cooking mode to steam. So, the jam is cooked until fully cooked, but at the same time it needs to be mixed from time to time.

Pear jam will be ready if the treat is thick. To do this, you can pick it up a little with a spoon and trace it. Ready jam from pears should not drain, but can only fall. It remains to cool it and close it in clean and pre-prepared jars. Usually, from one kilogram of pears, approximately 700 grams of pear jam is obtained.

Classic pear jam recipe

Pear jam is also prepared according to the classic recipe, but the process of its preparation takes a lot of time. But usually housewives still prefer to cook pear sweets this way.

To prepare this recipe, you will need the following products:

  1. Hard pears - 4 kilograms.
  2. Pure water - 1 liter.
  3. Sand sugar - 800 grams.

The fruits are washed well, as this recipe calls for pears prepared with the skin. Then the fruits are cut either in half or into four parts, after removing the core. To prepare the jam, you need a large saucepan, where the pear is folded, and water is added. Jam is cooked on a slow fire. The softer the slices, the easier it will be to mash with it. Therefore, you should cook for as long as the pear slices become soft. Typically, this cooking process takes 30-40 minutes.

The next step in cooking is straining. In order to save the syrup, you need to strain the fruit through a colander or through a sieve. Now you need give all this mass cool down. It remains to pass it through a meat grinder or juicer. Now it remains to pour the homogeneous pear mass into a saucepan, and add sugar there, as well as syrup and cook it all for another forty minutes, but from time to time it must be stirred.

When the pear jam is ready, it must be put into jars and rolled up, turned over and left to cool. Now it will be pleasant to spend winter evenings eating delicious pear jam.


Pear jam is a delicacy that is easy to prepare, has a pleasant taste and a set of useful properties. With it, you can make delicious pancakes and pies, as well as add to tea and eat just like that.

To make jam, you can choose any favorite variety of pear. The most commonly used varieties are Conference, Summer Duchess, Permyachka, Children's, Allegro. They are quite sweet and tasty, they are most often sold in stores. But from an off-grade game, the delicacy will turn out sour.

It is important to choose only ripe soft pears, slight damage and overripeness are acceptable.

Before you start cooking, you need to prepare the pears: wash them thoroughly, remove the core and blackened places, if any. Next, the fruit is crushed in any way possible.

Video "Pear jam for the winter"

From this video you will learn how to make delicious pear jam for the winter.


There are many recipes for thick fragrant pear jam - from classic to unusual, with the addition of exotic fruits. Choose the one that appeals to you the most, stock up on the necessary ingredients, and start cooking with confidence. During the cooking process, you can supplement recipes with your favorite spices and seasonings: cardamom, ginger, vanillin, lemon or orange peel, cloves, etc.


To make jam in a slow cooker, you can use any recipe, the main thing is to add a sufficient amount of water.

Of the required ingredients:

  • pear - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 500-700 g;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • pure water - 150 ml;
  • a pinch of vanillin - optional;
  • spices - optional.

Remove the peel from the fruit, cut into slices and load into a slow cooker. Pour in the rest of the dry ingredients. Set the "Heating" mode and leave for 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally until the sugar dissolves.

After the time has elapsed, pour in water, close the lid and start the “Extinguishing” program for half an hour.

Then mix the contents thoroughly, and grind the puree in any way possible, then cook with the lid open for another 20 minutes, until you start to like the consistency of the jam. It should reach for the spoon and not spread if you put it on a plate.

Now you can pour the prepared mass into pre-prepared containers and roll up.

Through a meat grinder

If you do not have a blender, mixer or pusher, a meat grinder will come to the rescue. With its help, you can grind not only meat, but also fruits. It is important to rinse the instrument well in advance so that there is no meat smell left on it.

You will need:

  • pear - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 550 g;
  • citric acid - 4 g.

Cut the pear into pieces and pass through a meat grinder. Add granulated sugar to the resulting fruit puree, mix well, cover with a towel and let it brew for 1 hour so that the fruits absorb the sweetness.

Put the mass on the fire, cook on low heat for about a quarter of an hour, stirring constantly, then let it cool.

Add citric acid to the cooled puree and boil it for 30 minutes.

Jam is ready!

With lemon

With the addition of lemon, jam will have a pleasant sourness.

You will need:

  • pear - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1-1.5 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc. (if large) or 2 pcs. (if small);
  • water - 200 ml.

Cut the pear, put in a saucepan, cover with water, cover and cook for 10 minutes. At this time, prepare the lemons: wash them thoroughly, cut and remove the seeds.

Cool the contents of the pan a little, then add the chopped citrus and beat everything with a blender. Pour sugar into the puree, mix and leave for a couple of hours. Wait until all the grains of sugar dissolve, otherwise they will burn and the jam will have an ugly dark color.

Boil the infused mass in a saucepan for 45-60 minutes, stirring occasionally. Now the jam can be laid out in jars and made blanks for the winter.

With quince and spices

With the addition of quince, jam will be more dense, and spices will give it a unique flavor. If you are cooking this recipe for the first time and are not sure about the taste, then simply reduce the amount of each ingredient by half.

Required Ingredients:

  • pear - 2 kg of fruit;
  • quince - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1-1.5 kg;
  • ground cinnamon - 2 tsp;
  • water - 500 ml.

Peel the quince from the peel and seeds, chop with a knife. Boil fruit in water until soft. While the quince is cooking, cut the pear into slices and add to the pan, leave for 7-10 minutes.

Remove water from the cooked mass, for example with a colander. But do not pour out the resulting syrup, it will still come in handy.

Put a mixture of pears and quince on a slow fire, add sugar and stir until all the crystals are dissolved. Cool the future jam a little, grind it with a blender or combine. You can also pass pieces of fruit through a sieve.

In the resulting puree, pour in the syrup that remains after you drained the water. Cook for 1 more hour, remembering to stir.

The finished treat can be poured into hot sterile jars.

In the oven

A pear delicacy cooked in the oven will have a special aroma and taste. In addition, it retains more useful properties than when cooked. You can use any ingredients from the recipes described above, but be sure to keep the proportions. For 1 kg of fruit you will need 350 ml of water.

Turn on the oven at 250 ° C, and while it is warming up, cut the fruit, fill it with water and boil for 20 minutes, then grind it into a puree. Pour in sugar, mix.

Put the puree in the preheated oven and wait for it to boil. It will happen in a couple of minutes. Reduce the temperature to 100 ° C, cover the future jam and leave for 1.5-2 hours, sometimes checking and stirring.

How to store

Subject to the rules of sterilization, the finished jam will be stored for at least 2 years, but during this time it may darken a little. It is necessary to store treats at a temperature of 2-7 ° C.

The cooked delicacy contains useful vitamins that the immune system needs in winter, as well as trace elements that help strengthen bone and heart health.

Therefore, it is better to make preparations in summer or autumn, so that the jam retains its freshness until cold times.

Today I will tell you how to make jam from pears for the winter. Pear jam differs from jam in its density and uniformity. Apple jam is especially popular, but it also turns out to be quite tasty from pears. Pears have a pleasant and unique aroma that is transferred to the finished marmalade.

Pears for making jam must be crushed. This procedure can be done with a meat grinder or a coarse grater. If there are lumps in the finished jam, then they can be broken with a blender.

As it cools in the jars, the pear jam becomes thicker. It picks up well with a spoon, and is suitable as a filling for yeast baking. The sweetness of pears allows you to put less sugar compared to other types of sweet blanks.

First, pear jam is stored in a cool place, for example, in the basement. Then, after the jar has been opened, it is necessary to put the jam in the refrigerator. At the same time, the container is closed with a dense nylon lid.

Ingredients for making pear jam

  1. Pears - 1 kg.
  2. Sugar - 500 g.

How to make jam from pears for the winter

For the preparation of jam, ripe pears are required, too soft fruits are also suitable. Rinse the pears under the tap and pat dry.

Trim the flesh from each pear along with the skin. In the process of circumcision, spoiled places must be removed.

Install a meat grinder on the table, you can use both electric and manual. Pear pulp is well processed with the help of manual equipment. Pass all the pears through a meat grinder to make a juicy puree.

Put the pear puree into the pan where the jam will be cooked. Pour sugar into it and mix well with a spatula. Water does not need to be poured, as the pears are very juicy.

Heat the pear mass over medium heat. Collect foam and make the smallest fire. Now you need to simmer the jam for about 1.5 hours so that it becomes thick. The mass splashes, so it must be gently stirred with a spatula during cooking. Since it begins to become thick, it must be raised more often from the bottom.

Arrange pear jam in disinfected jars.

Roll up all containers with lids, cover with a towel and leave to cool. Then put in the basement.

It turned out fragrant and tender jam from pears. It makes delicious pies and yeast rolls. And you can separately serve pastries and jam in a plate. Bon Appetit!

Good day, the site administration is glad to welcome you as our guest. Today we will share with you several recipes for pear jam.

It is worth recognizing that pear jam is not the most popular sweet delicacy that is harvested for the winter, but still we are sure that there will be many who want to close pear jam for the winter. It is for pear gurus that we will tell you some of the most popular recipes for making jam from this very tasty fruit.

The recipes will use different technologies, and different varieties of the fruits themselves, so at first glance it will seem to you that all the recipes are similar to each other, but in fact they will taste different. We have no doubt that in any case, you will take note of some of the recipes and make delicious pear jam.

We will prepare the first recipe for jam from pears from the pear variety "confiration", this variety belongs to hard varieties, so it is important to choose the most ripe pear, then it will be very sweet and poured. The advantage of this pear is that it is very sweet, which will give us the opportunity to save some sugar, which is very important.

So let's first figure out what we need to make pear jam:

  • Pear - 1 kilogram;
  • Pure water - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 0.5 kilogram;
  • Citric acid - 1 teaspoon (without a slide).

First we need to rinse our pear, then we will peel the fruit. We cut the pear in half, and carefully cut out the middle, where the seeds are. Let's do this with all the pears.

Now we put the pear in a saucepan, fill it with water, and put it on the stove, bring the water to a boil and simmer the fruit until soft.

When the pear is soft enough, we need to puree it, this can be done in several ways from the complex use of a sieve or crush, to the simple use of a miracle technique such as a blender. It doesn’t matter how you knead the pear, the main result is the result.

After that, we take the same puree and put it on a slow fire to cook, you need to cook until the mass decreases in volume by about half.

The whole following process of making pear jam is quite simple, just cook the jam over low heat, while stirring it all the time over low heat. The cooking process should take you about 20 minutes.

Then everything is extremely simple and standard, while the pear jam is cooling, we are preparing the jars. After that, we will pack the cooled jam in jars, and close the lids, while pre-boiling them in water.

Well, that's all, such a fairly simple recipe for pear jam, we told you, stay with us and find out more interesting recipes for pear jam.

Pear jam in a slow cooker

I would like to note that no less tasty and fragrant pear jam is obtained if it is prepared with the help of our assistant in the kitchen - a slow cooker. In this case, in general, everything is simple. The simplicity lies in the fact that we do not have to stand over the pan and stir the jam when it is cooked, but although it is still a bit, it is necessary, but just a little. We will have to interfere with jam at the final stage of preparation, when it begins to become thicker.

Pear jam prepared according to this recipe turns out to be quite thick, it can either be eaten or used to prepare various desserts. Pear jam is eaten with great pleasure by children, it can be added to oatmeal for breakfast, and simply spread on bread for tea.

To prepare pear jam in a multi-cooker, we need the following ingredients:

  • Pear - one kilogram;
  • Sugar - 0.5 kilogram;
  • Citric acid - 0.5 teaspoon (if the pear is not sour);
  • Vanillin - 0.5 teaspoon.

Pear jam in a slow cooker

To begin with, we need to properly wash the pear, if you are going to remove the skin, then you should not try too hard with washing the pears. To remove the skin or not, this is everyone’s business, in fact, the jam turns out to be equally tasty, even with it or without it. Then cut the pear into small cubes.

Pour the pear into a multi-cooking bowl, pour sugar on top, add vanilla, and citric acid. Do not overdo it with vanilla, otherwise the jam will be bitter.

Now, if necessary, add quite a bit of water (if your pear is not too juicy), set the stew mode, close the lid and forget about the jam for the entire cooking period with the program.

After a while, we take out the bowl, grind the pear in a blender, and set it to stew for another fifteen to twenty minutes. When only your jam gurgles strongly enough, you need to switch to steaming mode, and cook the jam until cooked, stirring it from time to time.

The readiness of pear jam is easy to determine by its density, if the jam does not drain from the spoon, but falls off, then the jam is ready.

After that, we cool the pear jam and close it in clean jars, the finished jam from a kilogram of pears is about 700 grams.

Classic pear jam recipe

This recipe is called classically for one simple reason, this cooking option can rightfully be called the most frequently used among all housewives. Preparing this jam is not fast, but believe me, the result is very worth it.

So what we need:

  • Pear - 4 kilograms (this time a hard variety);
  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Sugar - 800 grams;

First, we need to thoroughly wash the pear, since this jam is prepared with a skin, so washing the fruit must be approached very responsibly. When the pears are washed, cut them in half, or even better into four, cut out the middle and get rid of the stalk.

Now pour our water into a large saucepan, add a pear, and cook over low heat. The duration of cooking is different for everyone, it all depends on the softness of the fruits themselves, we need to achieve softness to such a degree that we can easily make puree from pears.

When the pear is soft enough, I cooked it for 40 minutes, strain the pear through a sieve or colander, while you need to save the syrup itself.

We give a little time to cool our pear. Next, we need to pass the pear through a juicer or meat grinder.

Pour the resulting pear puree into a saucepan, add our sugar and the syrup in which the pear was boiled. Cook jam from pears for 40 minutes, over low heat, while do not forget to stir it from time to time.

When your jam is cooked and has become moderately thick, we pour it into pre-washed jars and close the lids, which we also boiled in advance. Leave jars of pear jam to cool until completely cooled upside down.

Well, here you are with another wonderful and delicious pear jam recipe.

That's all we have, bon appetit, all the best to you !!!

Proportions of pear jam
Pears - 1 kilogram
Water - 0.5 liters
Sugar - 800 grams

How to make pear jam
1. Select ripe juicy pears for jam, cut into 4 parts, remove the core and stalk.
2. Put the pears in a saucepan, add water and cook, covered with a lid for 20 minutes until completely softened, removing the foam.
3. Rub the pear mass through a sieve with a pusher or chop with a blender, meat grinder or juicer.
4. Return the pear mass to the pan, cook with gradual addition of sugar for 30-40 minutes until the consistency of liquid sour cream.
5. Pour hot pear jam into sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and wrap with a blanket until completely cooled.
Remove the cooled jam for storage.

Pear jam in a slow cooker
1. Peel the pears, cut each pear in half and cut out the seed pod.
2. Put the pears in a slow cooker, add sugar.
3. Set the multicooker to the "Extinguishing" mode.
4. Cook pear jam for 2 hours with the lid of the multicooker closed, stirring every half hour with a wooden spatula.
Pour the finished jam into jars and put away for storage.