Pear puree for the winter. Pear puree for the winter with sugar

01.10.2019 Restaurant notes

Pears - 500 g (peeled)

Granulated sugar - 150 g

Citric acid - 0.25 tsp

  • 124 kcal

Cooking process

For the preparation of pear puree for the winter, you can take any pears. Depending on their sweetness, the amount of sugar may need to be slightly tweaked, and a small amount of citric acid will also be needed - for flavor - for better color retention and puree in general.

Prepare pears (weight indicated in refined form), sugar and citric acid, and start making pear puree for the winter.

Rinse the fruits, cut into 4 pieces each. Remove the stalks and the inside with seeds. Cut the pears into medium-sized pieces.

Place the pear slices in a saucepan.

Add a couple tablespoons of water, cover the pot and start heating the pears. When the water is bubbling, reduce the heat and simmer the pears for about 10-30 minutes until tender. Depending on the variety, pears will be ready sooner or later.

Use a hand blender to grind soft pears into a smooth paste.

Add sugar and citric acid to the resulting pear puree. Stir. Heat to a boil, simmer pear puree for about 3-4 minutes.

Transfer the puree to a sterile jar (just a 0.5 liter jar is obtained), close with a sterile lid.

Turn over, wrap with something warm. When the jar has cooled to room temperature, store it in the pantry. Pear mashed potatoes are ready for the winter.

Serve aromatic pear puree with toast, pancakes, just by itself.)

Pear mashed potatoes for the winter: pear mashed potatoes recipes

Winter pears are very tasty. Jams, compotes, jams, pear puree for the winter are equally popular with both children and adults. Delicate, aromatic, with a pleasant light texture, pear puree is sweet for tea, filling for baking, and the basis for delicious desserts.

Sugar-free pear puree is introduced into the diet of children from 6 months, it is used as a sauce for pancakes and pancakes, and is included in a traditional breakfast of oatmeal. For infants, pear puree is a supplier of important ingredients necessary for normal growth and development. The vitamin composition of pear puree for the winter without sugar and its antimicrobial properties promote digestion, strengthen the immune system, and have a beneficial effect on the formation of the intestinal microflora of the child.

Pear mashed potatoes for the winter: recipes

Even without experience, making a delicious pear puree for a baby for the winter is easy. You need to select juicy, ripe pears, take sugar and a little citric acid. If the pears are sweet, it is better to do without sugar. Just a little bit of citric acid is added to the pear puree for the winter to preserve the creamy color of the finished product and balance the sugary-sweet taste.

Wash the fruits, remove wormholes, tails, receptacles, hard core with seeds. Cut into slices, pieces.

Pour into a saucepan. Add a few tablespoons of water to the pear puree. If the fruit is juicy, you do not need to add the input.

Put on a small fire, warm up the future pear puree for babies. The recipe varies, as some find it more appropriate to bring the fruit mass to a boil during the first heat treatment.

It is not necessary to adhere to this rule, since after puréing the fruit will be boiled again. Moreover, we do not need to do this if we want to preserve the vitamin composition of pear puree for the winter for a child, and not prepare a delicious, but not so healthy sweet dessert.

After "warming up", soft pears are mashed, that is, they are turned into a homogeneous mass. The most convenient way to do this is with a blender. If there is no blender, pear mashed potatoes for babies are ground through a sieve for the winter.

A small part of the fresh product can be selected and boldly introduced boiled pears into the baby's complementary foods. To prepare pear puree for the winter, a little sugar and a pinch of citric acid are introduced into the prepared mass. You need to add sugar to the pear puree for babies for the winter little by little, so as not to oversweeten the puree.

According to the basic recipe, pear puree for the winter should be boiled after boiling and with constant stirring for 4-7 minutes. Then immediately pour into warm sterilized jars and roll up.

Turn upside down, cover with a blanket, leave to cool for a day. Ready-made pear puree for the winter for a child is stored in the pantry at room temperature for up to 2 years.

Instead of citric acid, you can "dilute" the sugary taste of pears with sour fruits, such as apples or plums. You will get a delicious pear-plum or apple-pear puree for the winter, which children eat with great pleasure. Even citrus fruits can be added to the composition, but such a dish is suitable for feeding only adults, as it can provoke allergies in babies.

Cinnamon Pear Puree Recipe

For babies, it is undesirable to cook mashed pears with spices. But adults will like this version of "baby food". In addition to cinnamon, which goes well with both pears and apples, cloves, coriander, and other spicy spices are used in the recipe for mashed pears for the winter, making the taste of sweet fruits piquant.

  • Pears (choose a sweet, juicy variety) - 3 kg.
  • Sugar (preferably brown) - 100 g.
  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.

First of all, mashed potatoes for the winter are washed, peeled, cut into slices. Place in a bowl.

In parallel, sugar is dissolved in water and the syrup is placed on the stove. Just as when preparing pear mashed potatoes for babies, they prepare containers for packaging: the jars are sterilized, the can lids are poured over with boiling water.

Pour pieces of pears in portions into boiling syrup. While stirring, wait until the mass boils and reduce the heat. At the end of cooking, add a little vanilla, cinnamon, or throw 1-2 cloves to the pear puree for the winter for children.

Cook for another 15 minutes and turn off the heat. It remains to puree the cooked fruit. This is done in the same way as in the recipe for mashed pear for babies.

The finished product is poured into jars and sealed. Store it in a cool, dark place. Apples and pears for the winter with cinnamon are prepared according to a similar algorithm. You can also add exotic fruits, such as bananas, to the composition. In this case, the puree will be very tender, so that the vegetables do not darken, you need to pour a few drops of lemon juice into the mass during cooking.

If possible, preparing pear puree for the winter, especially for children, is a must. It contains a lot of fat-soluble (A, E, K) and water-soluble vitamins (PP, C, group B vitamins), folic acid, pectins, plant fiber, tannins, mineral salts, natural minerals.

In addition, pear puree does not cause an allergic reaction. And the absence of sugar in the composition makes it possible to classify pear mashed potatoes for the winter for a child as a dietary food recommended for people suffering from obesity and diabetes.

Pear mashed potatoes for the winter: pear mashed potatoes recipes

Winter pears are very tasty. Jams, compotes, jams, pear puree are equally popular with children and adults. Delicate, aromatic, with a pleasant light texture, pear puree is both sweet for tea, and filling for baking, and the basis for delicious desserts.

Pear puree: the best selection of homemade pear puree recipes

Pears are the perfect fruit for a first meal. They are hypoallergenic and do not cause bloating in children. Adults, along with kids, also love to feast on delicate pear puree. The selection of recipes presented in this article will please both children and adults.

Choosing pears for mashed potatoes

For adults, mashed potatoes can be prepared from absolutely any kind of pear. The main thing is that the fruit is as ripe as possible. In case of a lack of natural sweetness, the workpiece can be flavored with granulated sugar.

For feeding a baby, you should take more seriously the choice of raw materials. Pear varieties with a green skin will not cause allergies. Preference should be given to fruits with juicy and tender pulp. Fully ripened varieties Williams, Comis and Conference have these properties.

In addition to varietal diversity, attention should be paid to the integrity of the skin. It should be intact. Fruits should not have dents, rot marks or wormholes.

Pear puree for the first feeding

From baked fruits

Well washed pears are cut in half and the seed box is removed. Directly with the skin, the fruit is sent to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. After 15 minutes, the pulp will completely soften and you can scrape it out with a dessert spoon.

Instead of an oven, you can bake pears in the microwave at maximum power. At the same time, the cooking time is reduced by 5 times! The pear will be ready for further processing in 3 minutes.

The softened pulp is grinded through a sieve or punched with a blender until smooth. If the puree turns out to be too thick, then it is diluted with clean boiled water.

From boiled fruits

The pear is thoroughly washed under running water and cleaned. Then each fruit is cut in two and freed from the seeds. The slices are crushed into small cubes or strips. Put the fruit slices in a saucepan and pour over a little water. Cook the mass under a tightly closed lid over medium heat for 10 minutes. Remove the finished pieces from the bowl using a slotted spoon and grind until smooth. The broth can later be used to prepare a delicious vitamin compote or jelly.

With natural apple juice

The technology for making such a puree differs from the previous recipe only in that the pear is cooked not in water, but in freshly squeezed apple juice. Such mashed potatoes are offered to the baby already at a later stage of complementary foods.

Pear puree for the winter in jars

Natural puree for the winter

Such a blank is prepared only from pears, without additional ingredients in the form of sugar or citric acid.

Fruits are boiled and ground in a blender. The homogeneous mass is again put on fire and boiled for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, the container is sterilized. The hot mass is placed in containers and covered with boiled lids. Tightly tighten the jars only after 20 minutes of sterilizing them in a water bath.

Puree with sugar and citric acid

  • pears - 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - 250 grams;
  • water - 2 tablespoons;
  • citric acid - 1/3 teaspoon.

Pieces of peeled pears are put in a saucepan with thick walls. Water is added to the slices. The container is put on fire and stewed under the lid for 15 minutes.

The cooked mass is crushed until smooth. Sugar and acid are added to it. Before packing in cans, keep the mashed potatoes on fire a little more, 5 minutes will be quite enough. Tightly rolled jars are covered with a warm blanket and left for a day.

Pear puree with milk

  • pears - 1.5 kilograms;
  • milk 3.5% fat - 1.5 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kilograms;
  • water - 50 milliliters;
  • soda - 5 grams.

Peeled pears are cut into random pieces, poured with water and set to simmer on fire for 1 hour. After boiling, add the required amount of sugar and continue heating the mass. When the fruit slices are well boiled down, add soda and milk. Bring the workpiece to a boil over high heat, and then reduce the heating to a minimum. Mashed potatoes are cooked for 3 hours.

After the specified time, the mass is crushed using a blender to a creamy state, once again heated on fire for a couple of minutes, and sent to sterile jars. Before sending for long-term storage, containers are slowly cooled under several layers of terry towels.

The taste of this puree is similar to condensed milk, with a clear pear aroma.

How to freeze mashed potatoes

Instead of the usual preservation, you can use freezing. To do this, no preservative is added to the puree - citric acid, and the amount, or even exclude, granulated sugar is reduced.

It is best to freeze puree in portions. For this, you can use small containers with a volume of 150-200 grams. Molds for baby puree should first be doused with boiling water. It is better to freeze puree for complementary foods in silicone ice-making molds.

Pear mashed potatoes: how to make homemade pear mashed potatoes - the best selection of recipes

Pear Puree: The Best Selection of Homemade Pear Puree Recipes Pears are the perfect fruit for a first meal. They are hypoallergenic and do not cause bloating in children. Adults, on a par with

Pear mashed potatoes for the winter - a recipe

Puree is a good alternative to jams and preserves, which thrifty hostesses prepare for the winter. It can be used as a filling for pies, cakes, pies and donuts. It goes well with buttercreams and ice cream. Puree can be eaten simply as a dessert.

It is especially good to harvest mashed potatoes for the winter if you have a small child. Pears differ from other fruits and berries in that they do not provoke allergies in the child.

Beneficial features

Many mothers are worried that the baby will have excessive colic and bloating when feeding fruit purees. But pediatricians have many arguments in favor of a pear:

  1. The pear is very well absorbed by the child's body;
  2. The fiber that this fruit contains is a wonderful prophylactic against constipation;
  3. You can enter into the child's diet immediately after the apple has been introduced;
  4. Good immunity and essential oils contained in this fruit;
  5. Due to the fact that the pear contains more fructose than glucose, the pancreas will not receive unnecessary stress;
  6. By its composition, the pear is hypoallergenic;
  7. It does not cause flatulence and fermentation in infants in the intestines;
  8. Normalizes the metabolism in the baby's body.

Useful materialthat this fruit contains:

Pear puree for the winter - recipe

In this recipe for mashed pears for the winter prepared without sugar... You will need:

  1. Citric acid - 0.5 teaspoon (can be replaced with lemon juice - 2 tablespoons);
  2. Ripe pears - 1 kg.

Step by step cooking mashed potatoes for this recipe:

  • Prepare the fruit: wash it well, cut it, remove the pits and core;
  • Immerse the pear wedges in the multicooker bowl, set the "Stew" mode and cook until they become soft;
  • When the pears are soft, immerse them in a blender and chop until smooth;
  • Put the pear mass to boil again, adding lemon juice or acid to it;
  • While the puree is boiling, prepare the jars. Rinse them well with detergent or soda solution, then rinse well with running warm water and sterilize. Put the lids on sterilization or pour boiling water over them;
  • Place the hot workpiece in jars and roll them up. Turn over and place under a warm blanket to cool. Then put it in a cool, dark place.

The recipe for the winter mashed pears "Family Joy"

In the preparation of pear puree according to this recipe, two options are possible.

For this recipe you will need to take the following ingredients:

  1. Purified water - 1 liter;
  2. Ripe pear - 3 kg;
  3. Cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoons;
  4. Sugar - 100 g;
  5. Cardamom, cloves, star anise (optional).

Preparation for the winter consists of the following stages:

"Fruit tenderness" - mashed apples and pears for the winter

Such mashed apples and pears can be prepared for the winter without using citric acid. In this recipe, the preservative is the apple, which already contains acid.

Products required for such a puree recipe:

  1. Sour apple - 15 pieces;
  2. Soft pears of medium size - 15 pieces;
  3. Cloves, cinnamon - at the request of the hostess;
  4. Water - 0.75 cups;
  5. Sugar - 5-6 tablespoons.

To make mashed potatoes according to this recipe, you will need go through the following stages:

  • Prepare pears: wash them well and remove seeds, cut into small wedges;
  • Prepare the apples: Rinse them well too, remove the core and cut into small cubes;
  • Pour all the fruits into the multicooker bowl, add water, sugar and cover. We set the "Baking" or "Stewing" mode for about 40 - 60 minutes. Cook until the signal about the end of the process sounds;
  • After the signal has sounded, open the lid and wait until the mass of pears and apples has completely cooled;
  • Grind the cooled mass in a blender until smooth. Boil the puree again;
  • Divide the prepared mass of pears and apples into prepared jars and roll them up.

Recipe - "Children's" puree from pears and apples

Nowadays, there are many different purees and cereals for the first baby food. That's just the shelf life makes think about the benefits of such a product... Most likely, they will contain preservatives that can serve as a hotbed of allergies for your baby. For any mother, the health of her baby is first of all, therefore, a recipe for self-preparation of mashed pears and apples is described below.

For cooking you will need (for one serving):

  1. Ripe and soft pears - 4 pieces;
  2. Ripe sour apples - 4 pieces;
  3. Filtered water - 1/3 of the glass;
  4. Citric acid (if you are going to prepare mashed potatoes for the winter) - 0.25 teaspoon. It can be replaced with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cooking method Prescription puree includes the following:

Recipes for the winter of mashed pears and apples

Useful properties of pear; recipes for pear mashed potatoes for the winter; "Family joy" - two cooking options, baby puree from pears and apples.

The pear has a hard skin and coarse fibers, so some mothers prefer not to include it in the baby's diet - and in vain. The fruit belongs to hypoallergenic foods, and the high fiber content will only have a positive effect on the baby's digestion. The only condition for consumption is a pear variety from the region where the baby lives. It is better to leave “glossy” copies on the shelves in the store.

The benefits of pear

It is believed that a high amount of fiber in the diet leads to bloating and colic. In fact, fiber has absolutely nothing to do with it, because painful sensations arise due to the stabilization of processes in the digestive tract in an infant. And after 3 months, the problems disappear without a trace, although it is still far from complementary feeding and the first acquaintance with fruits.

Pediatricians note a lot of positive aspects when using pears:

  1. Fiber is an effective preventive measure for constipation
  2. The fruit is completely absorbed by the child's body
  3. You can introduce a pear into the child's diet right after the apple
  4. Essential oils in pears boost immunity
  5. It contains more fructose than glucose, so the pancreas will not receive an additional load
  6. The pear is hypoallergenic and does not have a bright color, and its qualitative composition is as similar as possible to vegetables that are already familiar to babies
  7. Does not cause fermentation and flatulence in the intestines
  8. Promotes the normalization of metabolic processes

It remains to add a huge amount of useful vitamins and minerals - and the picture about the value of pears will become complete:

  1. water-soluble PP and C, as well as the entire range of group B
  2. fat-soluble E, A and K
  3. folic acid
  4. pectins
  5. tannins
  6. mineral salts, including iron

Pears retain their useful properties in canned form, if they are harvested for the winter correctly, using any recipe you like.

The nuances of cooking pears in winter

Mothers are used to making jams and compotes from fruits, but mashed potatoes are the best option for baby food. If the first complementary food falls on the cold season, the child's diet should be taken care of in advance. It is enough to choose a proven recipe and prepare a dish for the winter, because mashed pears rarely cause an allergic reaction in babies.

Usually, the baby is offered grated raw or pre-processed fruits. To do this, you need to bake the pears in the oven or boil until soft. Then separate the seeds and skins and knead the fruit.

However, the preparation for the winter assumes not only the safety of the puree, but also the safety of the baby when eating the treat. The containers for the dessert, together with the lids, must be sterilized, and then processed with the fruit "filling". As raw materials, choose not spoiled pears, because the dish is intended for babies, and food poisoning at this age is extremely difficult to tolerate and rarely go without consequences.

Healthy recipes for mashed pears for the winter

Plain puree in jars

To prepare regular puree you will need:

  • ripe pears
  • citric acid in crystals

The recipe does not imply much time and physical costs:

  1. Wash fruit, peel, seed, cut into cubes
  2. Transfer to an enamel bowl, add a little water
  3. Stew until soft, stir until puree
  4. Boil the fruit mixture
  5. Add citric acid to the tip of a knife
  6. Warm up the puree again to 90 C, put it hot in pre-sterilized jars
  7. Sterilize for 12 minutes in jars, roll up

By itself, mashed pears for the winter can turn out to be too sweet and even sugary, so you cannot do without citric acid. In addition, it will act as a preservative so that the cans do not swell and the dish does not deteriorate. There are small jars with threaded lids on sale - you can also use them by choosing the minimum volume. The first complementary food should start with half a teaspoon, so the portions should be small. Although a delicious pear dessert is unlikely to disappear, adults will also be happy to eat it.

Use a video recipe for harvesting pears for the winter.

Pear mashed potatoes for the winter with honey

Puree can be medicinal if you use a recipe with honey:

  • 2 kg of ripe pears
  • liquid honey

Before cooking, you must preheat the oven to 50 C:

  1. Wash the fruit, remove the peel and core, cut into slices.
  2. Put on a baking sheet, greased with butter.
  3. Simmer the pears in the oven for an hour until they are soft.
  4. Remove, allow to cool and grind with a blender.
  5. Add honey to taste, pour the puree into pre-sterilized jars.
  6. Leave for additional sterilization for 10 minutes and roll up.

The recipe for this preparation for the winter is unique in that the pear dessert will preserve all the beneficial properties of the fruit as much as possible. Baking is gentler than boiling, and honey can help fight infections in cold weather.It is much better for the child and their endocrine system to eat foods without sugar. However, this recipe is suitable only if there is no allergy to honey and bee products.

Pear puree with vanilla flavor

You can make mashed potatoes for the winter with a spicy vanilla flavor and gentle sourness:

  1. 15 pears
  2. ½ glass of water
  3. 1 tsp citric acid
  4. 2 cups sugar
  5. 1 vanilla pod

The recipe changes slightly if you add the same amount of natural apple juice instead of water:

  1. Wash the fruit, remove the core and peel, cut into small slices.
  2. Pour water (or juice) into an enamel bowl, add citric acid and add pears.
  3. Cook for no more than 20 minutes, then remove the container from the heat and puree the fruit.
  4. Boil again, adding sugar and vanilla.
  5. Cook over very low heat until the required thickness.
  6. Transfer to sterilized jars, sterilize in boiling water for about 10 minutes and roll up.

Because of the vanilla, the recipe is unlikely to be suitable for the first complementary food, but as a healthy delicacy, the dish is suitable for a one-year-old child and preschool children.

As a container for blanks for the winter, you can use jars of store puree, sauces and mustard, but they must be thoroughly washed beforehand. It is undesirable to use ordinary dish detergent; it is much better to replace it with ordinary soda. "Water procedures" must go through both jars and lids, on the threads of which dirt can accumulate. Subsequently, poorly washed areas can lead to the growth of harmful bacteria.

Small pieces of peel falling into the child's mouth can cause a gag reflex, which will turn the baby away from the healthy fruit for a long time.

For sterilization of ordinary standard cans, a special circle is used, which is installed on the pan. However, small containers will easily slip through a large opening. Boiling the jars completely, then spooning them out, scalding your fingers and splashing hot water is not a good idea. You can ask your husband to cut a hole in the tin lid for a standard jar, the size of the neck of the container for baby puree. And already in the process, place a circle for sterilization on the pan, and put a lid with a cut out hole on it. Sterilize each jar for about 2 minutes, and the lids can be completely immersed in boiling water for 5 minutes.

Fruits are kneaded into a puree state with a fork, pusher or blender. But after grinding them, it is imperative to boil them again, and pour them into cans only hot. Then lightly cover the jars filled with mashed potatoes with lids and leave to sterilize for at least 10 minutes. The containers should be about 2/3 submerged in hot water. After that, remove the cans, roll up the lids with a special machine or by hand (if the thread is carved), turn over the dishes with a pear delicacy and wrap them in a warm blanket. In the warmth, the jars should cool completely, and then they can be rearranged in their usual position for the winter in the pantry or cellar.

The recipe was used exactly, but the mixture turned out to be watery? It's not scary, you can try to boil it down to a thicker state. It will take a little more time to cook, but the excess liquid will evaporate, and the finished dish will delight the baby with its delicate texture and rich pleasant taste. Do not worry about the insufficient amount of vitamins in the preparations for the winter - there are even fewer of them in store-bought baby food, and there are much more preservatives and additives. In addition, homemade puree is healthier for a child than fruit of dubious quality, which flaunts on supermarket shelves in the cold season.

You will learn all about the benefits of a pear from the video.

Pear is a very healthy fruit, so it is one of the first to be introduced into the diet of babies. It is important to know how to correctly introduce the fruit in order to avoid unpleasant consequences that can manifest itself in the form of allergies, cause heaviness in the stomach, and also become the cause.

Until the age of six months, children eat only mother's milk, and then they will get acquainted with new food. Babies who are on artificial nutrition are introduced to complementary foods earlier (from 4-5 months). Acquaintance with new food begins with vegetable and fruit purees. Fruits are good for these purposes - apples and pears. Every mother is obliged to know what is the use of pears and in what form to start introducing into the child's diet.

How many months should you start introducing into the diet?

A child can try a pear after an apple. Children who are on GV get acquainted with the fruit at 7 months.

Artists can taste the pear at 5-6 months.

From the forums:

from 5 months grated pears and apples. ate with pleasure. Gnawing can also be given, but be careful not to bite off a large piece and choke. That is, to sit next to. Before 4 months is not worth it. Better closer to 6 months. The gastrointestinal tract is not yet formed.

From about 5 months, the child can be given pear juice or pear puree. Or, as in the old days - they were wrapped in small gauze. a piece and instead of a nipple was given to the child.

The benefits of the fruit

Pears are rich in substances that are useful and necessary for the body:

  • tannins;
  • fructose, sucrose and glucose;
  • carbohydrates;
  • organic acids;
  • pectins.

They contain a lot of vitamins, in particular vitamins of group B, A, C, PP. When these juicy fruits are consumed, the human body is enriched with zinc, molybdenum, copper, fluorine.

The fruit is well absorbed and has the following effect on the body:

  • helps to improve mood;
  • increases tone;
  • normalizes heart function;
  • relieves nervous tension.

Pear also has expectorant, antiseptic, antipyretic and diuretic properties. Rarely causes allergic reactions.


Possible and negative consequences of eating a pear:

  • fresh fruit can cause stomach heaviness;
  • can not be used for colitis and gastritis.

What effect does it have on a child's stool?

How to give?

The baby's sensitive stomach is not ready for a fresh pear, which can cause constipation or diarrhea. If the child has not eaten this fruit before, you need to make a puree. It is prepared from boiled or baked pears. Pear puree for babies:

Baked pear puree. To make a baked pear fruit puree, remove the core from the washed fruit with a knife. Send the prepared pear to the preheated oven for 15 minutes. When the baked fruit has cooled, remove the pulp with a spoon and mash it in mashed potatoes before giving to the baby.

Note to moms!

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When baked in a pear, the amount of substances that cause allergies is significantly reduced, so such complementary foods can be included even in the diet of a child who suffers from diathesis.

Boiled pear puree. You can also boil a pear to make mashed potatoes. My pear, peel and seeds, cut the pulp into small cubes. Transfer to a small saucepan and add water. There should be enough of it so that the pear is only covered with liquid. Bring to a boil over low heat and cook for about 7-10 minutes. After that we wipe the pear through a sieve or grind it with a blender. If you want a softer consistency, you can add a little decoction in which the fruit was cooked.

When preparing pear puree, you can add other fruits familiar to the little one, for example, apples.

Recipe for mashed pears with the addition of apple juice:

We take a pear and freshly squeezed apple juice (~ 20 ml). Peel and cut the pear into cubes, transfer to a saucepan, add freshly squeezed apple juice. Simmer for 7 minutes under a closed lid. After that, turn the resulting mass into puree using a blender or mixer. It is good to give such mashed potatoes to the baby in a warm form.

If the child takes the mashed potatoes from the boiled pear well, you can slowly introduce the fresh fruit. To do this, wash the pear well, peel and core, and rub the pulp on a medium grater.

Pears can be present in the diet of babies in another form:

  • slices of fruit, previously peeled (from 11-12 months);
  • pear juice (from 7-8 months);
  • compote made from dried fruits (from 6-7 months).

Recipe for making pear puree for baby food

How to enter into the diet?

The first acquaintance with the fruit is carried out in the morning so that it is possible to observe the reaction of the body. For the first time, the baby is given only 0.5 teaspoon of cooked puree. Throughout the day, you need to observe the child's reaction. If there are no allergies and other unpleasant consequences, the pear is given in the fourth feeding.

For babies who are on artificial feeding , give 30 g of pear puree from 5 months, gradually increasing the portion. By the age of 6 months, the portion can be increased to 60 g. After feeding with a pear, the crumbs are given a mixture.

Children on GV give a pear from 6-7 months, starting from 30 g and gradually bringing the portion to 70 g by 8 months.

Artists from 7 months are offered juice (30 ml each) in the third feeding. Children who eat mother's milk are given juice from 8 months.

If you plan to give your baby a pear, carefully choose the fruit. Choose a ripe, but not overripe fruit that is free from rot and damaged areas. The smell will help to determine that the pear is ripe. The sweet, pleasant aroma is the best proof of the ripeness of the fruit.

What to do in case of allergies?

If you notice that the child's body has reacted unfavorably to the pear, the introduction of this fruit should be postponed for a couple of months. If, when you try to give the pear again, the allergy reappears, then you need to exclude the fruit from the menu until the age of 3 or longer, while the allergy persists.

Can I eat a pear while breastfeeding?

Young mothers also often wonder if it is possible to eat pears during breastfeeding, will it harm the baby? Experts recommend that nursing mothers stop consuming pears, regardless of their variety. This fruit contains a huge amount of fiber. It is believed that this can cause bloating and gas formation. However, in this matter, everything is individual. You can try to eat a small amount of this fruit, increasing the dose, if the baby has not reacted in any way to such a mother's diet.

After the introduction of vegetable complementary foods into the diet of a six-month-old baby, it is the turn of fruit purees. As the first sweet homogeneous dish on the menu, crumbs fit perfectly with pears. Mothers who have tried the classic baby pear puree do not have to persuade their discerning tasters to eat another spoonful. Having chosen a good recipe, the toddler's chef will be able to make a tender honey mass from a juicy pear that will conquer any fussy.

In addition, there is not a single reason to doubt the benefits of this product for the immature body of any child - here you have a whole vitamin complex (A, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, E, K), and an extensive set of trace elements (potassium, boron, lead, cobalt, rubidium, nickel, sodium, phosphorus, iron, copper, calcium, zinc, magnesium), and phytosterols, which reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, and mono- and disaccharides.

Pear dishes are easily absorbed by the child's body, contribute to the normal functioning of his kidneys and liver, and also improve the digestive process.

Today, thousands of varieties of pears are distinguished, among which there are decorative and fruit trees. Not all representatives of the many fruit varieties are suitable for preparing fruit complementary foods for babies.

Juicy soft specimens are best suited for baby food (Conference, Williams summer (Duchess), Grand Champion, Comis). A wonderful dish with a sweet and sour or dessert aftertaste is obtained from ripe fruits with a green skin without a pink blush and melting flesh.

The main thing is to prepare it for the baby, keeping the maximum amount of nutrients in the pear.

Preparation of pear complementary foods

The recipe for mashed pears is very simple. The hostess needs to do the following:

  1. Wash a suitable fruit with running water.
  2. Peel the peel from the pear.
  3. Cut the fruit in half and remove the core with a knife.
  4. Cut the remaining pulp into small slices.
  5. Put a pot of clean filtered water on the fire to boil. Water should be used in such an amount that the pieces of fruit are barely covered with it.
  6. Put fruit slices into boiling water, cover the pan with a lid.
  7. After boiling again, reduce the gas and let the pear simmer under a lid for about 7-10 minutes (the recipe assumes the use of ripe soft pears).
  8. Remove the boiled pear from the syrup and cool slightly.
  9. Grinding the pieces with a blender or grinding them through a meat grinder will help to prepare an airy puree. You can also knead the slices until smooth with a fork.
  10. If the mass turns out to be thick, you can add a little syrup in which the pear was cooked.

Supplementing this recipe with butter, sugar or other components for a better perception of the baby is not worth it. It is permissible to add a few drops of lemon juice to the finished puree to dilute the excessive sugaryness of sugary pear varieties.

The baby pear puree is introduced into the diet in the same way as the first complementary foods from vegetables. A half-spoonful portion for a start will be quite enough, even if the crumb insists on continuing the banquet. It is necessary to increase the daily volume gradually if the child does not react to the product in the form of skin rashes or stool disorders.

If the acquaintance with the pear was successful, include it in multi-component fruit purees, and later in cereals that the baby had time to try.

Recipe for preparing mashed potatoes for future use

When pears growing in local latitudes cannot be found, and waxed overseas products shine on supermarket shelves, we regret not having made our stocks of natural fruits for the winter or spring to introduce complementary foods to babies. But it is very easy to prepare several jars of excellent pear puree, but it comes out at the peak of vitamin deficiency is much healthier than using products of unknown origin, and much cheaper than buying baby food in stores.

So, how do you spend the winter unnecessarily, thanks to your ability to preserve food? The recipe for making pear puree described above remains unchanged. One caveat: we increase the amount of "raw materials". In a word, you need to take as many pears as you want to prepare mashed potatoes for the winter or spring.

Put the finished mashed potatoes in an empty saucepan, add a little syrup, let the mass boil over low heat and warm up well. In the meantime, we are preparing containers for blanks for the winter: we wash and sterilize small jars well. In another saucepan, the water should boil by this time.

Pour the prepared mashed potatoes hot into jars and put them to sterilize in a saucepan with boiling water, while reducing the gas. The lids should also be placed in boiling water. At the end of the process, we take out the jars, twist them with lids and wrap them with a blanket until they cool completely. That's all - the pear puree is ready for your gourmet for the winter!

For older children, the water in which pears are boiled for the winter can be replaced with apple juice. You can also add vanilla sugar.

As you know, babies love fruits for their lightness and sweetness. Our recipe, revealing the secrets of making pear puree in summer and autumn, as well as preparations for the winter, will help you please the little one while he cannot gnaw fresh fruit on his own.

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