Fruit ice from watermelon at home. Recipe video: watermelon sorbet or popsicles

10.04.2019 Fish dishes

Fruit ice is very popular in the hot season, it is loved not only by children, but also by adults. The delicacy perfectly quenches thirst, cools and improves mood. Popsicles can be made at home if you have basic skills. Part finished product are exclusively useful components, no dyes and unknown additives. Not many people know that a frozen delicacy fights vitamin deficiency, normalizes arterial pressure and tones the skin.

Homemade fruit ice making technology

  1. Fruit based ice. You can prepare the product with fresh seasonal or frozen fruits. In the latter case, you must first defrost and thoroughly rinse the ingredients so that bacteria do not get into the prepared ice. After the rinsing is over, squeeze out the remaining moisture, then start cooking the treat.
  2. Juice based ice. The most common technology for creating a dessert. It is important to clarify that fruit ice made from juice with pulp is considered to be the most delicious. It is enough just to pour the composition into ice molds, and then send it to freezer for half an hour. After the liquid has seized with a crust, you need to insert a stick into the contents, then bring it to complete freezing.
  3. Ice from sugar syrup. For the most part, this kind of ice cream is made from fresh berries / fruits, sugar and water. The technology is not particularly difficult: in an enamel pot sugar and water are poured, the composition turns into a homogeneous mass. Then the berries are crushed in a convenient way and mixed with the first mixture. All this is poured into ice molds and sent to the freezer.

Pear ice

  • lemon juice - 55 ml.
  • fresh pear - 550 gr.
  • granulated sugar (preferably reed) - 180 gr.
  • purified water - 200 ml.
  • vanillin - 10 gr.
  1. Wash the pears, remove twigs, seeds and any inedible parts, chop the fruit into small pieces... Place in a blender, grind into porridge.
  2. Prepare an enamel pan, add sugar, vanillin, put the container on fire. Bring the composition to a boil, turn off the hotplate when the first bubbles appear.
  3. Add chopped pears to the sweet mass, let it brew until it cools completely. After the time has passed, check the fruits: if they are tough, put on fire and cook until soft.
  4. After that pour in lemon juice, cool, pack in ice cube trays. Wait until the mass grabs with a crust, then insert the stick and freeze completely.

The prepared popsicle consists of three layers, which makes children especially happy.

  1. Take a suitable oblong shape, pour the first layer (one third of the container) with apple juice and let it freeze.
  2. At this time, grind fresh or frozen strawberries in a blender until porridge is formed. Add natural yogurt and powdered sugar to it, repeat the manipulations.
  3. Pour the resulting mass in the second row, again leave to freeze until solid. At the end of the process, pour the pear juice in a third layer, freeze again.
  4. The technique is considered to be long due to the processing of all layers separately. To get a softer fruit ice, add a teaspoon of baking gelatin, previously soaked in warm water, to apple or pear juice.

Cherry ice

  • cherry juice (natural) - 680 ml.
  • filtered water - 200 ml.
  • beet sugar - 200 gr.
  • currants (optional)

You can use both cherry and cherry juice, the main thing is that the composition is completely natural. Experienced housewives make fruit ice based on compote or fruit drink.

  1. Prepare syrup: add sugar to water, put on slow fire and wait for dissolution. Stir the mixture constantly to prevent it from burning. Be sure to use an enamel pot.
  2. After the syrup is ready, cover the container with a lid, cool and mix with cherry juice / fruit drink. If desired, you can add fresh or frozen currant berries. Pour the mass into molds, freeze.

Baby fruit puree ice

  • baby fruit puree (any taste) - 310 gr.
  • granulated sugar (cane) - 300 gr.
  • gelatin - 1 sachet (10-15 gr.)
  • grapefruit or lemon juice - 30 ml.
  • clean water - 480 ml.
  1. Pour over the gelatin with a little warm water, wait 25-30 minutes until it swells completely. Start preparing the syrup.
  2. Dissolve granulated sugar in water, put on low heat, stir until the granules dissolve. Gently pour in the swollen gelatin, turn off the stove.
  3. Partially cool the mixture to an acceptable temperature (so as not to burn your finger), then slowly add the fruit puree and stir constantly.
  4. Cover with a lid and leave for a quarter of an hour. After that, pour in lemon or grapefruit juice. Strain the resulting composition in a convenient way, distribute in ice cube trays and freeze.

  • hard chocolate (milk or black) - 100 gr.
  • lime - 0.5 pcs.
  • watermelon pulp - 500 gr.
  1. Grind the watermelon pulp in a convenient way (fork, blender, meat grinder), squeeze the juice of half a lime into the resulting porridge.
  2. Grate hard chocolate, turning it into shavings. Add to watermelon puree. Pour the composition into molds, place in the freezer.
  3. If you wish, after making ice, dip it in melted milk or white chocolate... You can also mix watermelon with seasonal berries such as currants, strawberries, gooseberries.
  4. Getting the popsicles out of the molds is quite simple: prepare a container with warm water, lower the container with the prepared treat there, wait 2-3 seconds.

Pineapple ice

  • canned / fresh pineapple - 400/500 gr.
  • purified water - 575 ml.
  • lemon juice - 80 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 380 gr.
  1. Prepare the syrup: add granulated sugar to the water, place the container on the stove and turn on the burner at low power. Bring the composition to a boil, stir the contents so that the sugar does not stick. Once the granules are completely dissolved, cool the mass and pour lemon juice into it. It is important to understand that canned pineapple sweeter than fresh. If you are using the first type of product, add sugar not 380 gr., But 250-260 gr. Begin with personal preference.
  2. At this time, place the pineapples in a blender, turn the fruits into a puree, then pour into a mixture of granulated sugar and lemon juice. Pour the mass into molds, put in the freezer for half an hour. As soon as it grabs a little, insert the sticks and send to freeze again.

Making popsicles is easy if you know what products to do it with. Use what is at hand. These can be seasonal berries and fruits, frozen mixes or homemade spins. Show your imagination, experiment, proceed from personal preference.

Video: how to make popsicles ice cream

Cold delicacy is one of the most magnificent desserts that any connoisseur of sweets will love. In ancient times, only ice and snow were used for its preparation. After that, they began to add the juice of berries and fruits. Over time, milk, cocoa, cream began to be included in the dessert formula, and today ice cream is prepared in a completely different way than it was many centuries ago.

Fruit watermelon ice can be bought at any store, but it is better to make it yourself. You do not need many ingredients for this, the main thing is the presence of fruit puree, molds and wooden sticks.

Ice cream made from watermelon juice and pulp is a wonderful delicacy that can save you from the heat, it is simply irreplaceable in the summer heat. Despite the simplicity of preparation, the popsicles ice cream made at home has a bright and rich taste, does not have various aromatic and food additives... Complete natural product... Let's try to figure out how to make watermelon ice cream at home.

For cooking you will need:

  • watermelon fruit puree;
  • sugar (optional);
  • forms for ice cream.

Cut the watermelon into small pieces, peel and remove the seeds. Then put in a blender and beat in for half a minute until the mass is homogeneous and smooth. If the mass is too thick, you can add a little watermelon juice and beat again. The pulp is poured into molds and frozen until tender. Lovers of sweeter desserts can add a little sugar syrup to the mass, the dessert will become even tastier, but it will not be able to quench their thirst so well.

Many are wondering how to make a watermelon fruit ice dessert to spice up the sweetness. To do this, you can use various natural supplements - lime, blueberry, ginger. In order to prepare such a bright treat, you need to add about 2 teaspoons of lime juice, or a little ginger and tequila to the fruit puree, so that you can achieve unusual combination... In the case of blueberries, except for watermelon puree and forest berries you need about two tablespoons of syrup and a few mint petals. Thus, the produced ice pops will pleasantly surprise you.

How to make ice watermelon ice cream with chocolate at home

For cooking you will need:

  • the pulp of about half of the watermelon;
  • one lemon;
  • one hundred grams of chocolate.

As in the previous recipe, we clean the watermelon, rid it of the peel and seeds. Cut the pulp into small cubes, put it in the freezer and let it freeze, but not completely. Beat the resulting dense cubes in a mixer, add lemon juice to the puree.

Chop the chocolate separately to small pieces, the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to get a crumb. You can simply break one second chocolate with your hands and add to the already ready mass, and leave part on the glaze.

Pour ice cream into molds and wait until it hardens. Prepare the glaze separately, which should also cool. Lightly dip the finished ice cream in melted chocolate and enjoy the dessert.

Making watermelon popsicles is not difficult at all, however, how many wonderful flavors can you taste. In addition, the product turns out to be not only tasty, but also healthy, gives coolness and perfectly quenches thirst.

Ice cream and watermelons are the favorites summer treats... Only at this time of the year are they eaten in incredible quantities.

Why not cook one from the other? For example, make watermelon ice cream.

Watermelon ice cream - general cooking principles

The simplest watermelon ice cream is popsicles. It is necessary to chop the pulp, add sugar to taste, put it in molds and freeze. But at home, you can also make more interesting and similar to real ice cream treats. It will take much longer, but the result will be more pleasing. They are also made from watermelon pulp. Usually it is ground with a blender to get rid of the veins. Next, a homogeneous puree is combined with other ingredients.

What is added to ice cream:

Cream, milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese;

Other berries, fruits, nuts.

It is advisable to freeze the ice cream mass in several stages, 30-40 minutes each. When the first ice crusts appear, you need to carefully interrupt everything and put it back in the freezer. You can just stir with a spoon. This technique will prevent the formation of a dense block of ice.

Before the final freezing, you can decompose the mass into special molds or pick up alternative options... If using an ice cream scoop that allows you to scoop up the balls, leave in a large bowl or container. It is important that there is a lid, as in an open container the quality deteriorates, taste and aroma are lost.

Plain watermelon and cream ice cream

Option light ice cream from watermelon, which is easier to make only popsicles. For cooking, you need only 3 ingredients. The recipe indicates the amount of pure watermelon pulp without seeds and seeds.


400 g watermelon;

2 tbsp. l. sah. powder;

200 g heavy cream.


1. Cut the watermelon pulp into small pieces, put in a blender and purée until smooth.

2. Cream for ice cream is used only fatty at less than 30%. But you can take pastry cream, which are designed for making desserts, they often have a vegetable base. Pour into a bowl.

3. Whisk the cream until firm peaks, add the powdered sugar, beat one more time.

4. Combine the cream with the watermelon puree, whisk together for a few seconds. At this stage, you do not need to work with a mixer for a long time, just mix the ingredients.

5. We remove the mass in the freezer in the same bowl in which it was cooked. We are waiting for about 30-50 minutes, until an ice crust begins to form on the surface and from the bottom.

6. Prepare the molds in advance so that the ice cream can be quickly decomposed. But you can leave it in this dish, so that you can then pick it up with a regular spoon or special for balls.

7. Take out the watermelon mass that has begun to freeze from the freezer and quickly beat with a mixer.

8. Lay out on molds, send to the freezer, wait for complete solidification.

Low Calorie Watermelon Yogurt Ice Cream

To make dietary watermelon ice cream, you need natural greek yogurt, but you can take any other, including those with fillers. To make the delicacy tender and not entirely watery, you need to take into account the proportions of the pulp of watermelon and yogurt 2: 1. Do not add less dairy products.


300 g watermelon;

150 g yogurt;

Sugar optional.


1. Grind the pure watermelon pulp in any way. If there is a desire to make ice cream in pieces, then cut a small part and put it aside.

2. Add chilled yogurt to the chopped watermelon. Beat all this with a mixer for about five minutes. To taste, you can add powdered sugar or crystalline sugar, but the calorie content of the dessert in this case will slightly increase.

3. If you set aside pieces, then it's time to add them. Stir.

4. Cool the mixture in the freezer for about an hour.

5. Take out the ice cream, stir it with a spoon and put it in the freezer again. We repeat once more.

6. After the last stirring, lay out the watermelon delicacy in the molds.

7. We send the watermelon ice cream to the freezer, wait for the final solidification.

Milk ice cream from watermelon using custard technology

This ice cream will taste like an ice cream. It is prepared a little more difficult than the previous options, but the result is also more interesting. Additionally, cream is used, we take a high fat content.


200 g sugar;

4 yolks;

200 g cream;

280 ml of milk;

250 g ice cream.


1. Carefully separate the yolks from the whites, put in a saucepan, add granulated sugar and grind until smooth.

2. Dilute the yolks with milk, put on the stove. Heat until the mass thickens slightly, but in no case let it boil. As soon as the first bubbles begin to appear, immediately remove the saucepan from heat.

3. Cool milk cream completely. It is better to cook it in advance, keep it in the refrigerator. It will get a little thicker.

4. Grind the watermelon pulp until pulp, it is best to beat with a blender.

5. Drive in the chilled cream until fluffy.

6. Gently mix the watermelon pulp with the cream.

7. Add chilled milk yolk kerm, stir again and send to freezer for first freezing.

8. When a thin freezing crust appears, remove the mass, interrupt with a mixer, repeat again.

9. After the second whipping, ice cream with watermelon can be packaged in small forms.

Ice cream from watermelon with melon "Extravaganza of taste"

This version of ice cream is simply extraordinary. summer scent... Of course, if the watermelon and melon are ripe in the sun. Cream is used again, we take the product over 30%, otherwise the ice cream will not turn out tender and soft. This ice cream can be made in layers, it will be very interesting.


230 g cream;

50 g icing sugar;

200 g watermelon pulp;

170 g melon.


1. Cut the pulp of the watermelon and melon into pieces. Grind the fruit base until puree. If you want to get striped ice cream, then you can do it separately and also separate the whipped cream, put in layers in a mold.

2. Whip the cream until the volume doubles, add the powder. Beat again to dissolve the sugar.

3. Connect both masses. Beat for a couple of minutes with a mixer.

4. Send to the freezer.

5. After half an hour, take out, beat with a mixer.

6. Send it back to the freezer, leave for another half hour.

7. If the ice cream is flaky, then we interrupt separately the melon and watermelon mass. After this time, first pour one flavor into the molds, then another, making layers. We spread with a spoon and carefully so that no funnels form. You don't need to do many layers.

8. We leave for 3-4 hours so that the delicacy is completely frozen.

Watermelon and banana ice cream

Dairy-free vegetarian ice cream option. To make it tasty, we take ripe bananasbut they shouldn't be dark and spoiled. You can use a small amount of diluted acid instead of lemon juice.


4 bananas;

250 g watermelon pulp;

1 tbsp. l. lemon juice;

Sugar optional.


1. Peel bananas, cut into pieces by a centimeter, put on flat dish or a board, freeze. To prevent the pieces from sticking, you can use a silicone mat or regular film.

2. Grind the pulp of the watermelon in a blender. Place in a bowl.

3. Take frozen bananas out of the freezer, put into a blender and beat for 2-3 minutes.

4. Add lemon juice to bananas, it will improve the taste and help preserve the color of the ice cream.

5. Immediately add the watermelon puree. Beat again until smooth. But if the banana pieces are not completely dissolved, then it's okay.

6. Divide the mixture into molds, place in the freezer for four hours.

Ice cream from watermelon "Ice"

A variant of a dessert with preliminary freezing of watermelon pulp. Another recipe with milk and cream.


150 g of milk;

100 g sugar;

200 g watermelon;

150 g cream;

2 yolks.


1. Cut the watermelon pulp into 1-2 cm cubes. Remove the juice that stands out, excess water not needed in dessert. Put the pieces in the freezer and freeze.

2. Connect egg yolks with sugar and milk, grind until smooth, put on the stove and cook a simple custard... As soon as the mass begins to thicken, remove and cool.

3. Whip the cream until foamy, add milk cream... Stir and put in the freezer for half an hour.

4. We take out the frozen pieces of watermelon, put in a blender, grind for a minute.

5. We take out the ice cream that has begun to solidify, beat for a minute and add the prepared watermelon.

6. Stir, you can no longer use the mixer, a spoon is enough. We lay out on molds. Freeze.

Remember that ice cream tastes less sweet after cooling. Therefore, you need to add more sugar than to taste. Otherwise, there is a chance that you will not get what is expected.

If the ice cream stubbornly does not want to get out of the molds and is firmly stuck, dip them for a few seconds in hot water... Everything will go away easily and quickly.

If watermelon ice cream is prepared for adults, then feel free to add liqueurs, cognac, rum can be added to it. All this gives a wonderful aroma, deep taste, but it is important not to overdo it. One teaspoon is enough for one serving.

Never store open ice cream in the freezer. The delicacy not only quickly absorbs foreign odors, but also loses its taste. If the popsicle tins don't close, they can be folded into a large container, a bucket with a lid, or simply placed in a bag and tied.

The juicy, sugary pulp of a watermelon is great on its own and requires no additives. But this does not mean that - self-indulgence and excess. This is just a way to take a fresh look at the merits of the summer fruit, and enjoy it in a new way.

We have selected three ideas for watermelon desserts, the recipes of which will not take you much time, and the result will definitely please.

How to make watermelon popsicles, recipe for watermelon popsicles


Watermelon pulp without seeds - 550 gr.
Sugar - 6 tablespoons
Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
Coconut milk - 0.5 cups
Kiwi - 6 pcs. medium size
Chocolate "droplets" - 1 tbsp.

Watermelon pulp, lemon juice and sugar, beat in a blender until smooth. Remove the foam, and gently pour the watermelon puree into 10 ice cream tins, 2/3 full.

Sprinkle a little chocolate "droplets" on top of the watermelon puree, and gently immerse them with a wooden stick into the watermelon mass. Move the chocolates closer to the walls of the molds so that in the finished popsicle they shine a little through the pulp, imitating seeds.

Cover the tins with a lid, insert the sticks and freeze for 3 to 3.5 hours.

Whisk coconut milk and 1.5 tbsp. sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved, and refrigerate the mass for half an hour. During this time, the milk will thicken a little, but it will remain liquid enough to be evenly poured into the molds. In addition, if you pour insufficiently cold milk into the molds, the frozen watermelon puree will melt and you will not get a clear boundary between the layers.

Pour coconut milk into molds, and return to freezer for another 45-60 minutes.

Peel the kiwi and puree in a blender with 2 tablespoons. Sahara. Rub the mixture through a fine sieve to remove the seeds and refrigerate for half an hour.

Remove the molds from the freezer. fruit ice, pour the kiwi puree evenly, smooth with a rubber spatula, and return to the freezer for 2-3 hours.

Remove the finished watermelon popsicles from the molds just before serving. To make it easier to remove the molds, immerse them in the warm water... But make sure that the water does not touch the fruit ice itself.


Berry watermelon salad, recipe


Seedless watermelon pulp - 600 gr.
Strawberries - 300 gr.
Blueberries - 400 gr.
Raspberries - 300 gr.
Blackberries - 200 gr.
Juice of 1 lime.

Wash and dry the berries. Cut the watermelon pulp with a sharp knife into cubes with a side of 1-2 cm. Cut the strawberries in half or in quarters.

Mix all the berries in a deep bowl. Try to do it carefully so that watermelon juice flowed out minimally. Pour freshly squeezed lime juice over the berries, chill the salad, and serve.

Optionally, cover the chilled watermelon salad with whipped cream instead of lime juice.


How to make watermelon sorbet, recipe


Watermelon pulp without seeds - 900 gr.
Condensed milk with sugar - 400 gr.
Lemon - 0.5 pcs.

Cut the watermelon pulp into pieces and freeze.

Grind watermelon ice, condensed milk and lemon with zest in a blender at high speed.

Put the prepared mass in a container, cover with a lid and place in the freezer until freezing. The sorbet will have a soft, creamy consistency.

Collect the finished watermelon dessert with a ball-shaped ice cream scoop, put it on the sockets and serve.


Hi Hi! Vika Leping is with you, and today I want to present to your attention new recipe - sorbet or low-calorie watermelon popsicles. Refreshing, incredibly tasty, cooks in 5 minutes, excluding freezing. Let's go?

Making such popsicles at home is a piece of cake. I will use a blender, but even if you don't have one, it doesn't matter, you can do without it. I'll tell you how. Molds are also not an obligatory item, you can freeze dessert without them, but if you want to eat ice cream on a stick, you need to purchase molds, since they are very cheap.

On my blog there is already pn-ice cream, which I make myself every day for breakfast, and sometimes for lunch, that is, twice a day, honestly! All spring and all summer I eat His Majesty - a banana ice cream. Be sure to cook it too, you will surely like it! Everyone likes! Now I also eat watermelon sorbet 🙂

Actually, I chose the watermelon sorbet for a reason. Watermelon is one of my favorite fruits, but almost no one ever makes anything out of it. Seriously, what kind of watermelon dishes do you know? Write in the comments. I only tried watermelon cocktail like lemonade and fresh. Therefore, popsicles with him seemed to me a very interesting idea.

In addition, this is a low-calorie ice cream, it has only 30 kcal per 100 g, just like watermelon. This is very small, a large component of this fruit (or berry, to be more precise) is water. This is why this sorbet is great for quenching your thirst. When thirsty, he has no equal.

So let's get down to business! How to make ice cream at home, or watermelon sorbet.


  • - 400 gr of pulp
  • - 1/2 piece
  • - several branches

Cooking method

First of all, I advise you to watch my video recipe in which I make ice cream with watermelon right in front of you. I have my own YouTube channel about food, healthy image life, travel and other interesting things. Subscribe, I'll be waiting for you!

Recipe video: watermelon sorbet or popsicles

Step by step recipe with photo

In order for the watermelon ice to be sweet and tasty, you need to choose ripe fruit... To be honest, I have no idea how to choose it. All this tapping and slapping on a watermelon is like dancing with a tambourine to me. If I, or someone with me, in a special way tries to choose a handsome man, then usually the fruit is not very tasty. I always take at random and have a 90% chance of hitting a good one.

Cut off a piece, cut out the pulp and remove all bones. It's easier to take a pitted watermelon right away, if I hadn't forgotten about it, homemade ice cream would have cooked faster. Cut the pulp into cubes and put it in a blender bowl or in a bowl if you don't have one.

Squeeze the juice of one lime there. To make the fresh juice easier, first roll the citrus with your palm on the table, pressing firmly. Lime flavor perfectly complements fresh dessert from watermelon is perfect combination! Following the juice, put mint leaves from one branch. If you are not using a blender, it is best not to put the leaves in for now.

We close the bowl and grind everything in a blender for 10-20 seconds, that's enough. You can also use a hand blender. And if you don't have one, arm yourself with a fork and mash the watermelon in mashed potatoes, it's very simple. After the blender, the watermelon smoothie will instantly begin to exfoliate, and foam forms on top, it must be immediately removed with a spoon. By the way, it is very tasty, do not throw it away, you better eat it 😉

The watermelon ice cream is almost done. We take the molds and put a few mint leaves in each, and then fill them watermelon fresh, slightly not reaching the top, so that there is room for the chopsticks. We insert them from above. If you don't have an ice cream mold, it's okay - place the mint leaves on the bottom of the container and pour the liquid there too.

We send the popsicles from the watermelon to the freezer for at least four hours. I have regular freezerbuilt into the refrigerator, but recently I found out that there are varieties of them great amount... If you have big family or you are the owner of a restaurant, you can also read the list and find out which freezer is right for you. It turns out, besides the built-in ones, there are also portable freezers, as well as vertical and horizontal ones - for every taste.

We take out watermelon ice cream from the freezer. To get it out of the molds, pour 1/3 hot water into a glass. We lower the form into water and hold for a few seconds. We take out and easily take out the finished fruit ice. If you did not use ice cream molds, pick up the sorbet with a spoon and put it in a bowl. Decorate the top with a mint leaf.

That's all, now you know how to make watermelon ice cream at home.

Let me summarize quickly.

Quick recipe: watermelon sorbet or popsicles

  1. Cut out the flesh of the watermelon, remove the seeds, cut into cubes and place in the blender bowl.
  2. Squeeze the lime juice there and put the leaves from one sprig of mint.
  3. Grind everything until smooth.
  4. Pour watermelon juice into molds, not reaching the edges, insert sticks.
  5. We send it to the freezer for at least 4 hours.
  6. We take out popsicles from the watermelon from the freezer.
  7. Pour hot water into a glass and lower each mold into it for a few seconds.
  8. We take out the finished watermelon sorbet and enjoy.
  9. Now you know how to make watermelon ice cream without cream.

This completes the homemade ice cream recipe, now you know what to make from watermelon. Eh, the fleeting summer is also over, how you want to catch it by the tail and hold it for a little longer. My summer was great! I have visited the mountains, the seas, dozens of concerts, festivals, open air events, parks, lakes, learned to ride a moped and renewed my driving skills. How was your summer? Write!

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I was with you ! Tell your friends about how to make watermelon ice cream, recommend a recipe with a video, if you like it, like it, leave comments, appreciate it, write and show photos of what you have done, and remember that everyone that you can cook deliciously more talented than you might imagine, and of course enjoy your meal! I love you, be happy!

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