Useful properties of pear juice. Pears - fruits with unique properties

06.04.2019 Bakery

Who doesn't like pampering themselves fresh aromatic juice, and even cooked with your own hands from the fruits collected in own garden? Sweet or sour, reds and yellows, surprisingly tasty and juicy - a real delight, and more! Let's talk today about why you should pay attention to pear-apple juice with pulp: the benefits, harm, composition, preparation of this drink and the most simple recipes... If your garden also grows fruit trees, do not rush to roll up everything at once and preserve it for the winter, have time to benefit from fresh fruit!

The benefits of pear-apple juice with pulp

The most useful are juices that are made from unpeeled fruits. However, if the fruit is nevertheless bought on the market, and not grown independently, then it is better to remove it.
Fresh juices are very beneficial for health: both in the treatment of a number of existing diseases, and in their prevention. Supporters traditional medicine agree with doctors in the opinion that drinking apple-pear juice every day for breakfast helps to activate metabolism and to work properly digestive system... If you drink them at the beginning of the day, then you can normalize the process of removing excess fluid that accumulates in the tissues and internal organs because it appears diuretic effect... Improving performance gastrointestinal tract occurs precisely due to the content of the pulp in the drink, which contains a large number of fiber.

Pear and apple juice is useful for diseases of the circulatory system, as well as for disorders of the liver. It is recommended to use it as a restorative after physical activity. In addition, it is indispensable in the diet of people who have suffered acute viral infections and pneumonia. It is this fresh juice that is recommended for babies who begin their first complementary foods. You should start with a pear-apple composition without fear of an allergic reaction and other complications in little child... This, by the way, is different, which can cause allergies.

This product has become very popular among people suffering from diabetes mellitus... True, they should use not quite ripe fruits in the juice, in which there is a lot of fructose and sorbitol, and insulin is not needed for their assimilation. During the treatment of anemia with the help of such juice is possible.

By the way, disputes over whether pear-apple juice weakens or, on the contrary, strengthens, can be resolved with a simple answer: both. Depending on which fruit to use. For example, in early varieties pears have practically no tannins, which lead to fixation of the chair. In ripe fruits, arbutin levels increase, which has a similar effect.

If you constantly drink this product, you can forget about gastritis, intestinal discomfort and cholecystitis.

What is rich in pear-apple juice with pulp, what is its composition?

This valuable drink contains vitamins A, E, B, P, H, C. It is valued for its high content of magnesium and potassium, iron and sodium, calcium and chlorine, copper and sulfur, boron and cobalt. There is little that this fresh can be compared with in terms of the amount of contained in it useful components... The juice from pears and apples contains essential oils, fructose and glucose, pectins, antioxidants and mineral salts. All this in a complex helps to strengthen immune system keeping fit and active, and Have a good mood... It also contains beta-carotene, useful for beauty and youth.

With its regular use, harmful substances, toxins and toxins, dangerous cholesterol goes away. Useful composition of this product eliminates Negative consequences poisoning, including mushrooms. It should be included in your diet for people who know firsthand what excruciating heartburn is. Rich vitamin composition and low calorie content allow you to use the drink while losing weight without harming your health and with the most noticeable effect.

Is pear-apple juice with pulp dangerous, who is likely to harm from it?

It is worth remembering that maximum number The drink possesses useful properties only in the first ten minutes after its receipt by an automatic or manual method. Then the natural fermentation process begins, bacteria appear, which can provide negative impact on the intestinal microflora and kill beneficial bacteria in the stomach. By the way, it is the blending of pear juice with apple juice that allows you to reduce the number of bacteria formed in the composition.

In general, there are practically no contraindications to the use of this fresh juice, which makes it safer than, for example,. And if you have an individual intolerance, you should stop using it.

How to make apple-pear juice with pulp: preparation using a juicer and a meat grinder

From 20 kilograms of juicy ripe fruits, you can get about 12 liters of fresh juice with pulp. The standard proportion for a combination of apple and pear compositions is 2: 1, respectively.

If you prepare the drink by hand, you can simplify the process by using a meat grinder. We pass washed and cut fruits through it, getting a fragrant juicy mass. Then we take a clean and not very dense fabric, you can use gauze, through which you need to squeeze the resulting composition. The pulp should also pass through the fibers, so more nutrients that are present in the seeds and in the peel will be preserved. Sugar can be added to taste, but for more diet juice you can just use sweet fruits.

You can even simplify the process with a juicer. The product can be preserved immediately after it is wrung out, making sure to sterilize the sealed container.

Useful folk recipes

If you are tormented by laryngitis, runny nose, sore throat and other inflammatory processes that lead to damage to the vocal cords, take fresh apple-pear juice, slightly warm it in a water bath, add a tablespoon of honey. Take half a glass of this remedy three times during the day.

If you add lemon and a little grated ginger to such a drink, you can get a powerful general tonic for the immune system.

Fruits and vegetables should be an integral part of the diet of a person who wants to get all the vitamins necessary for the development of the body and maintenance of immunity. However, most of them are seasonal and only available in summer. That is why it is customary to canned vegetables, and to make fruits various juices and also close for the winter, in order to receive the necessary dose of the necessary trace elements, regardless of the season. An underestimated, however, infinitely beneficial is pear juice.

Fruits and vegetables should be an integral part of the human diet

Of course, the following types of juices have been the most popular since ancient times:

  1. Apple;
  2. Cherry;
  3. Grusheva.

This is not to say that they have any specific advantages or disadvantages over each other. It's all about taste. After all, each of these fruits or berries contains a certain amount of vitamins that can “recharge” the body during a stressful time of the year, when they are sorely lacking.

And yet, pear juice is grossly underestimated by many, because it ranks last among the most common, which is certainly an oversight.

How to make pear juice (video)

Pear juice: benefits and harms

Pear juice is in the top 10 healthiest.

It is difficult to list all the properties of this fruit and fresh juice, but the main ones can be called:

  1. Contains great amount vitamins and minerals necessary for the life support of the body;
  2. Improves metabolism;
  3. Accelerates carbohydrate metabolism;
  4. Helps the assimilation of food;
  5. Improves blood circulation;
  6. Easily absorbed;
  7. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  8. Can serve as an antiseptic;
  9. Has antibacterial properties;
  10. Antipyretic;
  11. Useful for vertigo;
  12. Saturates quickly, allowing you to overcome fatigue;
  13. Has a diuretic property.

Pear juice is in the top 10 most useful

As with any thing, pears contain not only benefits, but also harm. Due to this, there are a number of contraindications to their use:

  1. Urolithiasis disease;
  2. Constipation;
  3. Digestive tract problems;
  4. Gastritis;
  5. Ulcers;
  6. Drinking water after juice.

Of course, one can confidently assert that positive qualities there are more than negative ones in this product and its use is rather welcomed for the dominant majority of people.

But it is important to understand what juice to drink, so as not to indulge yourself with the hope of its positive impact, but to receive only negative ones.

What juice to drink

It's hard to argue with the fact that the right choice will be freshly squeezed. A product sold in bags on store shelves may contain an extremely large amount of preservatives and sugars, which will not improve, but only worsen the condition of the body.

And although in our time manufacturers have begun to pay much more attention to quality, realizing that the buyer is guided not only by the availability of the product as such, but also by its content, find good juice hard enough. Often, these are the series baby food because they contain minimal amount chemical additives at the expense of the right way processing: fast heating and fast cooling.

But in order not to worry if you have chosen the right one among all the products, you can prepare the desired product yourself, in order to clearly know its composition and adjust the amount of certain additives in accordance with your preferences.

Pear juice for the winter: a step by step recipe

In order to prepare juice for the winter, you just need to get a juicer and cans, and also stock up on a little time.

So, what you need:

  • Two two-liter cans;
  • Pears - 4.5 kilograms;
  • Pot.

Important: You do not need to add sugar during cooking, the fruits are already quite sweet. And despite this, it is worth giving preference to underripe, they are the most balanced in taste.

In order to prepare juice for the winter, you just need to get a juicer and cans, and also stock up on a little time

The algorithm itself is simple:

  1. We clean the fruit: take out the core and cut off the tails;
  2. We squeeze out the juice using the appropriate device;
  3. We pour it into a saucepan;
  4. Bring to a boil;
  5. Remove the floating layer of pulp;
  6. We sterilize the jars and lids (we wash the first with soda, the second we boil for half a minute);
  7. We distribute the liquid among the cans;
  8. We roll up;
  9. Turn it upside down and leave it until morning (they should be at room temperature).

This preservation does not need to be kept in the refrigerator or basement. She calmly stands room temperature... One has only to take care of the absence of direct sunlight.

Tip: shake the jar before use, so that the lower layer of pulp is evenly distributed.

Long-lasting juice: recipe

Due to the lack of a sufficient amount of acid in the fruits of the pear, there is always a chance that there will be bacteria in the juice you have prepared that can spoil it and make it harmful to the human body. Therefore, it is very important to know how to make pear juice that will not spoil in the next couple of weeks.

One of the most important points in such a case is the sterilization process. This is the processing of cans with the contents in boiling water for 10 minutes, in fact - their "boiling", which must be carried out at the end of the entire preparation.


  • Pears - 5 kilograms;
  • Two two-liter cans;
  • Gauze;
  • Meat grinder;
  • Pot.

It's very important to know how to make pear juice that won't go bad in the next couple of weeks.

The recipe is extremely simple:

  1. Peel the pears and cut into cubes;
  2. Grind with a meat grinder;
  3. Squeeze out with gauze;
  4. Pour the liquid into a saucepan and cook for 20 minutes;
  5. Pour into containers;
  6. Sterilize;
  7. Roll up;
  8. Leave to cool.

Banks with finished product should be stored in a cool place with minimal exposure to sunlight.

Pear juice for a short time

Many do not have the ability to store a large amount of canned food. long time due to lack of space or inability to store them correctly. But if stored incorrectly, they still deteriorate! In this case, a recipe will come to the rescue, which allows you to save the product for no more than 2 months, however, does not require special efforts for cooking or preserving.

This recipe is not suitable for diabetics or people with elevated level sugar, because it contains a large amount of the nth.

Means for preparation:

  • Pears - 5 kilograms;
  • Pot;
  • Two two-liter cans;
  • Sugar - 750 g.

The recipe itself is simple:

  1. Peel and chop pears;
  2. Cover with sugar;
  3. Leave for a day;
  4. Pour the released liquid into a container;
  5. Boil for 10 minutes;
  6. Pour over clean banks and close the lid.

Store in refrigerator for better consistency.

Pear ice

Modern technologies make it possible to keep many products frozen for the winter. This is usually done with berries, fruits, vegetables or herbs, but few people realize that this can be done with juice! With the help of this technology, it completely preserves all its vitamins and you, in fact, get fresh out of the freezer.

It is only worth:

  1. Peel the pears;
  2. Squeeze out the pulp with cheesecloth;
  3. Pour into plastic cups;
  4. Send to the freezer.

Apple pear juice recipe: how to do it right

Before deciding which recipe will be correct, it is worth understanding why, besides taste preferences, it is worth mixing apple and pear juice.

The fact is that, as mentioned earlier, in the fruits considered in this article there is not enough acid to stop the emergence and development of harmful bacteria. But such exists in apples. Therefore, apple-pear juice will be especially useful for people with unstable levels of stomach acidity.

The correct dosage is 2 liters. apple juice for 1 liter of pear.

  1. Peel apples and pears and cut into cubes;
  2. Pass through a juicer;
  3. Pour into a saucepan;
  4. Boil;
  5. Remove the top layer of pulp;
  6. Cook for 15 minutes;
  7. Pour hot liquid into containers;
  8. Roll up;
  9. Leave to cool for 12 hours.

Natural apple and pear juice at home (video)

Pear juice has a rather uninteresting look and taste. However, it contains enough sugar, potassium and iron.

Often, to improve the taste of pear juice, it is mixed with other types of juices. A good option there will be apple juice. Pear in this combination becomes much lighter than it was. Good taste and the scent of pear juice gets mixed with quince and mountain ash. Improve taste qualities and the smell of pear juice is capable of citric acid.

The benefits and harms of pear juice

Pear juice has the most varied chemical composition. Huge benefit the human body gives just fresh juice, not fresh pear.

Pear juice contains an increased amount of potassium. Thus, it fights against urolithiasis... It is not replaceable even at various diseases vessels.

Since fresh juice is high in fructose, it fights well against thyroid diseases. If the juice is made from young pear fruits, then such juice will prevent the appearance of anemia. Drinking juice from an unripe pear improves the condition of the capillaries. Such juice does not allow staphylococcus, intestinal infections and dysentery to multiply in the body.

Pear juice is quite good at cleansing the body of toxins and carcinogens. Helps to improve immunity. Eliminates inflammatory processes.

Pear juice, although it is dietary, is quite energizing. Also not replaceable in the fight against worms. It has a beneficial effect on kidney function.

It is able to quickly reduce blood pressure and eliminate headaches. With pear juice, you can easily get rid of a debilitating cough. It heals wounds and cuts perfectly.

As such, pear juice has no harm on the body. There are only small nuances of the limitation.

People with kidney stones are prohibited from drinking pear juice. It is forbidden to drink fresh pear juice on a lean stomach. If you have a stomach ulcer, then this juice is strictly prohibited. It is also not desirable for constipation. And also after drinking pear juice, drinking water is excluded.

Pear juice during pregnancy

The pear contains a high content of folic acid. That's why fresh juices of this fruit are indispensable in the first trimester of pregnancy. This juice will never cause toxicosis and other troubles in future mother.

Thanks to pear juice, the body absorbs iron well. This is facilitated by the decent content of ascorbic acid in pear fruits. If future mom drinks juices from a pear, her heart function is normalized and when physical activity shortness of breath will not occur.

Also, this juice prevents the occurrence of puffiness and puffiness of the legs. A pregnant woman does not experience mood swings. Pear juice greatly improves the mood of the expectant mother. The feeling of anxiety and emotional stress is relieved. This juice is not high in calories at all. Worry about the appearance extra pounds don't have to.

Pear juice raises hemoglobin in the blood of a pregnant woman well. Delicately and quickly removes constipation. Pear juice is good for raising the appetite and strengthening the immune system.

But besides the benefits, the pear is also capable of causing harm. Drinking a lot of pear juice leads to intestinal gas pollution. It can also cause stomach upset. It is forbidden to drink such juice with meat dishes.

Pear juice treatment

Many people underestimate all the benefits of pear fresh. But doctors often use a pear in the fight against many diseases.

Doctors prescribe pear juice for kidney stones. Being an excellent diuretic, this juice is able to completely rid a person of this ailment. Pear juice perfectly relieves men from prostatitis.

In the fight against circulatory disorders, fresh pear juice is also used. It has a good effect on the digestive processes. The vessels are strengthened.

Pear juice is prescribed for obesity. It also perfectly lowers fever in neuritis and cystitis. Pear juice is excellent for relieving pain. It also has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect on the diseased organ.

Assign pear juice and diabetics. The healing effect is due to the presence of pectins and phytoncides in it. Thanks to pectin, cholesterol is well excreted from the patient's body.

Making pear juice at home

This juice is easy to prepare. And if you cook it in combination with apple cider, it will easily overwinter in your cellar. It is most delicious to make pear juice with pulp.

To make juice from a mix of apples and pears, dilute 2 liters of apple juice with 1 liter of pear juice. This juice will turn out to be very light and tasty. A very interesting combination of pear juice with quince and mountain ash juices.

If you still want to cook pure juice from a pear, then add a lot of citric acid to improve its qualities.

To get 10 liters of pure pear juice, you need to take 20 kg of pears. It doesn't matter what grade they have. It is desirable that the pear has a thin skin. Take 300 grams of sugar per kilogram of pears. Pre-wash the pears, core them out and cut into small pieces.

Transfer the fruit to an aluminum bowl. Cover with sugar and stand at 20 degrees for a day.

But for greater use it is better to drink freshly squeezed pear juices.

Fragrant pears are good not only fresh, they make excellent jam and juice. However, before you eat a drink made from these fruits, you should learn about the benefits and dangers of pear juice. After all, the more correct the power supply system, the better. A balanced diet is the foundation.

Why is pear juice useful?

These fruits are rich in many useful substances, but the most interesting thing is that they contain a large amount of pectin, which helps the human body to get rid of toxins and salts heavy metals... The benefits of pear juice are, first of all, that it helps to cleanse the intestines, and it does it very gently. By improving peristalsis, this drink quickly removes harmful substances and compounds.

Also, the juice from these yellow fruits will be useful for people who are losing weight. A large number of various substances, from group B to zinc, eliminates vitamin deficiency, which often occurs when a strict diet is followed. And the establishment of the digestive process will become an additional bonus for people observing dietary restrictions.

The benefits of freshly squeezed pear juice will certainly be higher than that of a packaged drink. Store juices often have a large amount of sugar in their composition, which reduces beneficial features drink.

Limitations and precautions

Freshly squeezed juice from a pear should be carefully drunk by people with gastritis or stomach or intestinal ulcers, as well as those who have defects in tooth enamel. In addition, it should be remembered that packaged fruit drinks should not be consumed by those who have the ailments mentioned above. A high content of fruit acids will lead to an exacerbation of the disease or its development. It is better for children to give juices freshly squeezed but diluted with water.

Even before the advent of the Roman Empire, the pear tree attracted people with its heady sweet aroma and honey-sweet taste. Pleasant taste and the smell are not the only virtues of the pear. The fruit has an attractive nutritional value.

The pear is a tree of the Rosaceae family. Depending on the variety, the shape, color and taste may vary.

The largest fruit supplier is China. It produces about 70% of the pears that enter the world market. The rest is supplied by Europe, New Zealand, California, Chile and South Korea.

Pears can be eaten for dessert or a snack. Pieces of pears are added to salads and used in baked goods.

Due to its hypoallergenicity, the fruits are used as complementary foods for infants.

The composition and calorie content of pears

Vitamins in% of the norm:

  • C - 5.6%;
  • K - 3.8%;
  • E - 2.7%;
  • B2 - 1.7%;
  • B6 - 1.5%.

Minerals in% of the norm:

The calorie content of a pear is 58 kcal / 100 g.

There are about 4000 types of pears, but only 30 of them are edible. The most popular are Asian and European pears. Asian varieties have a firm texture and tough skin, while European pears are softer and more juicy.

For joints and bones

Pears prevent the development of osteoporosis and rheumatism, making bones and joints strong and resilient. Eating pears retains calcium in the body and does not wash it out of the bones.

For the heart and blood vessels

Pear reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes. One pear contains almost 25% of daily allowance fiber of an adult.

Pear lowers cholesterol levels in the body and serves as the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

The pear dilates blood vessels. She lowers blood pressure, reduces stress on the heart and prevents blood clots by ensuring blood flow to all organs. The fruit helps to avoid stroke, atherosclerosis and heart attacks.

For eyes

The pear affects the condition and function of the eyes. It can reduce macular degeneration, reduce the risk of cataracts and age-related visual impairment, and help prevent other eye conditions.

For the lungs

Pear boiled in sugar syrup, relieves phlegm in case of respiratory diseases, relieves swelling from the throat, relieves inflammation and moisturizes the lungs. The remedy is effective for wet and dry coughs.

Pears improve lung function and reduce symptoms of pulmonary disease, such as shortness of breath and cough. This fruit reduces the likelihood of developing asthma and normalizes lung function.

For the digestive tract

Pear will help to cope with diseases of the colon, ease the work of the intestines, reduce pressure and inflammation in the colon.

Pears - good remedy for weight loss. They provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

For kidney and bladder system

Pears cleanse the body, remove fluid from the body and prevent water retention, which causes edema. Pears are used as a diuretic that normalizes the urinary system.

For skin and hair

Vitamin C in the pear ensures normal metabolism and accelerates wound healing.

For immunity

Pears are a source of antioxidants. They protect cells from damage.

Pears are good for the immune system. They will strengthen the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria, reduce flu and cold symptoms, and provide the body with energy.

The benefits of pear juice

Pear juice is rich in the same vitamins and minerals as pear. The only difference between a fruit and a drink is the presence of fiber.

Freshly squeezed pear juice helps to get rid of streptococcus, thanks to arginine. It protects the body from the penetration of germs, infections and viruses.

Pear juice is effective remedy with constipation. It is rich in pectin, which improves intestinal motility.

A good way to boost your immune system is to drink pear juice regularly. It reduces heat due to its cooling properties. This juice advantage is useful in hot weather... The drink, prepared without added sugar, prevents shortness of breath and quenches thirst well.

With a hangover, it is useful not only mineral water but also pear juice. It removes toxins from the body that appear after drinking alcohol.

How to make healthy pear juice

If you don't have a juicer, then a blender will come to the rescue.


  • 3 medium pears;
  • lemon;
  • Orange;
  • a pinch of sea salt.


  1. Peel all fruit.
  2. Cut pears, lemon and orange into small pieces and place in a blender.
  3. Turn on the blender for 2-3 minutes. The liquid should become homogeneous.
  4. Strain the juice through cheesecloth or a sieve to remove any pulp and fiber.
  5. Squeeze the juice from the remaining fruit in a blender with a spoon and add it to the strained drink.
  6. Chill and serve a healthy drink!