How to cook sugar syrup to soak a biscuit. Biscuit impregnation syrups

Sponge cake is the basis of the art of confectionery. Almost all cakes, rolls and pastries involve these pastries. Only the degree of density, thickness and additional ingredients in the dough composition vary.

Properly prepared biscuits are distinguished by their tenderness and airiness of texture, but the art of confectionery is constantly evolving, dictating new conditions that require new properties from the base. Sometimes the design of the cake requires additional processing of biscuit cakes to avoid the effect of a "dry" cake, sometimes, on the contrary, a moist and soft base is needed, and then various impregnations come to the rescue.
Their preparation at home does not require professional knowledge, only the exact adherence to the recipe and proportions.

Of course, the choice of impregnation depends on the type of cake itself and your taste preferences. I bring to your attention several types of biscuit impregnation to make it easier to decide))

Sugar and liquid are the basis of impregnations that will either turn the cake into food for the gods or spoil the structure of the crust, so it is better to use the time-tested ratios from the recipes below.

Delicious impregnation

Vodka cranberry "Finland" transparent (it is better not to take red, it is with dye) - 50 g,
-Homemade pear jam - 2 tablespoons,
-Boiled cold water - 250 ml.
Mix all the ingredients and pour over the prepared biscuit.

Biscuit impregnation syrup

Sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons
-Liquor, or tinctures, or Water - 7 tbsp. spoons
-Cognac - spoon
Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour water over it. While stirring, the syrup is brought to a boil. Then it is cooled and aromatic substances are introduced: any liqueur or tincture, vanillin, cognac, coffee infusion, any fruit essences.

Chocolate impregnation

Butter - 100 gr.,
- Cocoa powder - 1 tablespoon,
-Condensed milk - half a can

The impregnation is prepared in a water bath. To do this, pour water into a large saucepan, put it on fire. And inside a large pan, put a pan of a smaller diameter, in which to prepare the impregnation.
Put all the impregnation ingredients in a smaller saucepan, cut the butter into pieces to melt faster.
To stir thoroughly. But do not bring it to a boil. I am using a mixer. Soak the cake with hot soaking, preferably a warm or hot crust.

Currant impregnation for jam cake

0.5 cups currant syrup,
-2 tablespoons of sugar
- one glass of water.

This impregnation goes for the Negro cake in foam. But it can be used in other cakes in combination with sour cream. Preparation of impregnation is standard. Mix all ingredients, bring to a boil and cook over low heat until sugar dissolves.

Impregnation for cake

250 g sugar
-250 ml of water,
-2 tbsp. Cahors spoons,
-1 teaspoon of lemon juice
Boil water in a saucepan, add sugar, stir until completely dissolved.
Bring the syrup to a boil, add vanillin and lemon juice.
Cool the prepared syrup.

Coffee syrup

Water - 1 glass
-Cognac - 1 tbsp.
-Ground coffee - 2 tbsp.
-Sugar - 1 glass
Sugar is poured with water (half a glass) and heated until the sugar grains dissolve; the dissolved syrup is brought to a boil, coffee is brewed on the remaining amount of water (half a glass), which is placed on the edge of the infusion plate. After 15-20 minutes, the coffee is filtered and the pure coffee infusion is poured along with the cognac into the sugar syrup, which is thoroughly stirred and cooled.

Impregnation with green tea and lemon

Brew green tea, add lemon juice there. When it cools down, soak the cakes.

Pineapple impregnation

It is made with canned pineapple syrup. I do it by eye. Dilute the syrup a little with water, add lemon juice, a drop of cognac for aroma and on the fire for just a couple of minutes

Milk impregnation 1

Pour a jar of condensed milk with 3 cups of boiling water. Add vanilla, let cool, and saturate the cakes very generously.

Milk impregnation 2

Bring 3 cups milk to a boil with 1 cup (250 ml) sugar

Lemon impregnation

1 cup boiling water + half a lemon, cut into wedges + 3 teaspoons of sugar + vanilla. Gave it to brew, just cooled down. I ate lemons, used liquid.

Orange syrup

Finely chopped peel of one orange
-1/2 cup orange juice
-1/4 hour sugar
Combine all ingredients in a saucepan. Simmer until the sugar dissolves. Reduce heat and cook open for another 15 minutes or until the syrup is reduced by half. Soak the cakes warm.

Cherry impregnation

Pour into a cup about 1/3 of the cherry juice, add 1-2 tbsp. sugar, 3-4 tablespoons brandy and top up with water so that the total amount of impregnation is about 1 cup. I calculated the amount of impregnation for a multi-level layer, if you make one cake, half a serving may be enough for you.

Sponge cake is the basis of the art of confectionery. Almost all cakes, rolls and pastries involve these pastries. Only the degree of density, thickness and additional ingredients in the dough composition vary.

Properly prepared biscuits are distinguished by their tenderness and airiness of texture, but the art of confectionery is constantly evolving, dictating new conditions that require new properties from the base. Sometimes the design of the cake requires additional processing of biscuit cakes to avoid the effect of a "dry" cake, sometimes, on the contrary, a moist and soft base is needed, and then various impregnations come to the rescue.

Their preparation at home does not require professional knowledge, only the exact adherence to the recipe and proportions.

Sugar and liquid are the basis of impregnations that will either turn the cake into food for the gods or spoil the structure of the crust, so it is better to use the time-tested ratios from the recipes below.

Base syrup for impregnating biscuit cakes

First you need to decide on the required volumes, as mentioned earlier, the quality of the cake directly depends on the prepared syrup. There is a special formula for this:

  • 1 part is a biscuit;
  • 0.7 - directly syrup for cake layers;
  • 1.2 is the cream.

Part refers to the weight of the product used. For example, if the cake weighs 900 g, it will take about 570-600 grams of impregnation.

To find the necessary proportions for your cake, you can use a table from the book of Kengis and Markhel, dating back to 1959. They suggested the following, given that for every 2 tablespoons of sugar mixed with 3 - water, 100 g of sugar syrup is obtained for impregnating a biscuit:

  • 8 tbsp. l. sugar sand + 12 tbsp. l. warm water = 400 grams of syrup;
  • 9 tbsp. l. sugar sand + 13.5 tbsp. warm water = 500 grams of syrup;
  • 12 Art. l. sugar sand + 18 tbsp. l. warm water = 600 grams of syrup.

Choose a deep-bottomed saucepan, rinse with cold water before use. After that, the required amount of sugar is poured in and the selected volume of water is poured in.

The syrup is cooked over low heat with constant stirring with a wooden spoon or silicone spatula. It is important not to spray the syrup on the walls, to stir gently.

After the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, you can stop stirring and wait for a boil. Foam will appear on the surface, it should be removed, and the stewpan should be removed from the heat.

Cognac biscuit impregnation syrup

For gourmets and connoisseurs of good alcohol, a subtle aftertaste and delicate refined aroma of cognac in a piece of tender cake will be a pleasant surprise. This impregnation is harmoniously combined with butter creams, since sometimes cakes with such a layer can be dry without additional processing.

If the cake is small, 4 tablespoons of sugar will be enough. The water is mixed with granulated sugar in a saucepan. The mixture is brought to a boil over low heat. When the base syrup is ready, it cools down, and 50 ml of brandy or dessert wine are added to it.

To gently and evenly distribute the syrup over the cake, pour it onto your hand with a spoon, allowing the drops to gently penetrate into the base of the biscuit.

Lemon syrup for biscuit impregnation

Perfect for a tropical fruit roll or berry cake.

Stir sugar in a bowl with liquid until completely dissolved. Then the lemon tincture is carefully poured in, it can be filtered before use. And everything is carefully divorced again. Since lemon juice is not used, the syrup will not make the biscuit taste sweet and sour.

The tincture itself is quite simple. It will take nothing at all:

  • 1 lemon;
  • 6 tbsp. l. vodka.

Finely rub the lemon peel, and squeeze the juice out of the pulp through a juicer. Finally, mix the zest and lemon juice in vodka. The components are infused in a dark place for two days, then we put the resulting tincture in the refrigerator until use.

If you don't have lemon tincture on hand or don't want to mess around with cooking, then another recipe will do.

Cut the lemon wedges into pieces, then pour a glass of boiling water over. Stir sugar in the resulting liquid. After these simple manipulations, you can soak the biscuit.

Impregnation for coffee-based cake

This syrup is intended for cake with nuts or with chocolate cream.

First you need to brew a strong cup of coffee. Then send two tablespoons of sweet sand there and stir it well. Cool the drink to medium temperature. In order to add a special aroma to the cakes, a teaspoon of rum is poured into the coffee.

When the impregnation is ready and cooled to the desired temperature, we apply it to the cake. For even distribution, a banal plastic bottle cap will help. Small holes are made in it, through which syrup slowly seeps. It must be carefully spread over the surface with a spoon.

The coffee essence will give a special taste to this impregnation. This is a recipe for special aesthetes.

Melt caramelized sugar over low heat. Having removed the saucepan with sugar from the stove, add water there, actively whipping the mixture with a whisk. We brew coffee with two tablespoons of boiling water and add to the rest of the ingredients.

When the essence has cooled down, use about one fourth of the cup in the coffee soak recipe. It is stored for a long time, up to six months, of course, in the refrigerator.

Mint-orange impregnation for biscuit

This syrup will make the dessert special and unique due to its special refreshing taste and aroma.

Vodka combines with water. The mint is thoroughly washed and finely chopped. In a bowl, the crushed leaves are poured with liquid. The sugar is poured and stirred until the sugar is completely dissolved.

As a result, the components are poured into a container with a lid and within one or two weeks. After the time, when the tincture is ready, all that remains is to add orange juice.

Watch a video recipe for an impregnated sponge cake:

Secrets of using impregnation

  1. It is important to chill the syrup to medium temperature before using;
  2. Aromatization of hot syrup, just removed from the stove, is prohibited, since the aromatic substances will simply evaporate;
  3. The base of the syrup is sugar, so you should take care of buying high-quality sugar in advance;
  4. The syrup is aged for one day before use;
  5. In hot weather, you need to increase the percentage of sugar in the syrup so that the product is stored longer, granulated sugar and water are used in equal proportions. In winter, it is better to stick to the usual recipe;
  6. If there are three cakes in the cake, then the main amount of impregnation goes to the topmost layer, the middle one is not so generously impregnated, and the bottom one is content with the leftovers. Accordingly, the proportions are approximately as follows - 2: 3: 5;
  7. A standard biscuit absorbs more syrup than vanilla cakes, so you need to harvest a larger volume of sweet liquid;
  8. More impregnation will be needed for a cake smeared with soufflé than for the one with cream cheese.

After impregnation, the cake is sent to the refrigerator or to the balcony, if it is winter outside, at night. You can add absolutely any liqueur (apricot, cherry, chocolate) or tincture to the basic syrup recipe, in addition to those indicated in the recipe. To evenly distribute the impregnation, it is recommended to use a spray gun, if one is not at hand, then a regular brush will do.

Have you heard the joke: “Tell you a recipe for delicious tea? Take cognac "...

Well, that's about the same with the impregnation syrup. It is very simple to prepare it. Take cognac ... well, then on inspiration)

Meanwhile, the syrup is not a joke, but serious. After all, many housewives are wondering how to saturate. And how many customers came to me from other confectioners with complaints that the cakes were dry.

Therefore, I soak almost all cakes, even if it is not in the recipe (except for Napoleon and others, where this is not required).

Of course, you need to know when to stop, as in everything, that is, the cakes should not be straight through and through, as I recently tried in one pastry shop.

How to cook sugar syrup, proportions

So, the impregnation recipe is very simple, you need to take equal proportions of sugar and water and about 5% of the initial total mass - flavor (alcohol, fruit syrup, vanilla - whatever you like).


60 g sugar

60 grams of water

6 ml brandy

For a regular cake, you can cook syrup from 60 grams of water and 60 grams of sugar. And 6 grams of cognac (I take a five-star one).

While stirring, bring to a boil and let it simmer for about 10 minutes, until just slightly thickened.

Then cool to room temperature (otherwise the alcohol will evaporate) and add cognac.

The biscuits are delicious on their own. But you can make them even better. Now we will show you the options for making biscuit syrup.


Biscuit syrup recipe


  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 6 tbsp. spoons.


Pour water into a small saucepan and add sugar, mix and put the container on a small fire. Stir so that the mixture does not burn, bring to a boil. You do not need to boil, the main thing is that the sugar dissolves. After that, remove the syrup from heat and cool to about 37-40 degrees. This is the classic biscuit sugar syrup. Various fruit juices, liqueurs, tinctures and even cognac are often used for flavoring.

Strawberry syrup for biscuit impregnation


  • strawberries - 300 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • water - 300 g;
  • cognac at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon for 200 g of syrup.


Squeeze juice from strawberries. Cooking sugar syrup - add sugar and strawberry cake to the water, simmer for about 5 minutes over low heat. Then we filter the syrup, pour the previously prepared juice into it and bring it to a boil again. Boil for 3 minutes. After that, filter the syrup again and let it cool. And only pour the cognac into the chilled syrup and mix.

Coffee syrup recipe for biscuit impregnation


  • natural ground coffee - 2 tsp;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cognac - 1 tbsp. spoon.


First, prepare the coffee infusion: pour natural ground coffee with boiling water, bring it to a boil over low heat, then turn off the fire, cover the container with the coffee drink and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. After that we filter the coffee, add sugar and bring it to a boil again. When it cools down, pour in the cognac and stir.

Orange syrup for biscuit


  • sugar - ¼ glass;
  • orange juice - ½ cup;
  • zest of 1 orange.


Finely chop the orange zest. Place the zest, sugar and orange juice in a saucepan. Cook over low heat until sugar dissolves. Then we reduce the fire to a minimum and cook the syrup for another 10 minutes, until it decreases in volume by 2 times. Then we filter and soak it.

Biscuit impregnation syrup with liqueur


  • sugar - ¾ glass;
  • water - ¾ glass;
  • liqueur - ¼ glass.


Combine all the ingredients in a small saucepan. We put it on fire and boil it until the sugar dissolves. Then we reduce the fire and boil it down until the volume decreases by about 2 times. After that, remove the syrup from the heat, let it cool slightly and soak the cake while still warm.

How to soak a biscuit with syrup?

We have offered you several syrup options. And now we will tell you how to properly soak a biscuit with syrup.

So, first we determine what kind of cakes we have. It is about determining whether they are dry or wet. If we have the first option, then a lot of syrup will be needed. If the cakes are oily and already wet, then the syrup will go quite a bit. The syrup is very well and evenly sprayed over the surface of the cake with a conventional spray bottle. We collect still warm syrup into it and spray it evenly over the surface. If such a device is not at hand, then you can soak the cake with a teaspoon. Pour a little syrup, it is important that it is evenly distributed, otherwise, in one place it may leak, and in another the cake will be dry. By the way, you can also use a regular brush to soak the cake.

After the procedure is completed, we put the cake in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours, or even better for the whole night.

What kind of syrup to soak a biscuit is a matter of taste. Above are the basic recipes. Or, you can always make the main sugar syrup, and add a little, for example, cherry, chocolate, to it for flavor. For the same purpose, tinctures are also suitable. Please note that any additions should be made to the already cooled syrup, so all the aromas will disappear from the hot one.

The simplest, but at the same time no less tasty, is sugar syrup for impregnating biscuit cakes.

To create it, we need:

  • 6 tablespoons of water
  • 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Dissolve sugar in water. We put everything in a saucepan and simmer over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.

If you wish, you can experiment a little by adding flavor enhancers to the base syrup, which are considered fruit juices, alcoholic beverages, including rum, liqueur, cognac, dessert wines, or simple and well-known vanillin.

The most delicious biscuit impregnations

Impregnation preparation is not a complicated process. However, the peculiarities of the technology should be taken into account here. For example, when creating sugar syrup, you should not overexpose it on fire, otherwise it will caramelize and harden. Moreover, you should pay attention to the amount of impregnation for the cake. There should not be too much of it, since the biscuit absorbs liquid very well and can get wet, turning into a shapeless mess.

We offer you the most successful impregnations for biscuits, in our opinion.

Coffee impregnation

This alcoholic cake soak is made with the following ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons of ground coffee
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 250 ml water
  • 1 tablespoon of brandy.

Coffee Soak Recipe:

Prepare the sugar syrup using the entire amount of granulated sugar and half of the water. Brew coffee in the remaining water. Cool both the resulting mixtures. Next, strain the coffee through a strainer and mix with syrup and cognac.

That way, alcohol impregnation is, of course, tasty and aromatic. However, it is hardly suitable for baby food. Therefore, we offer you another option - milk impregnation.

Milk impregnation


  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 750 ml water
  • Vanillin or cinnamon (optional)

The recipe for milk impregnation is extremely simple. Boil water and dissolve a can of condensed milk in it. Add vanillin or cinnamon and mix well.

If you did not have condensed milk at hand, then you can make an impregnation from ordinary milk, bringing it to a boil and dissolving sugar in it. We take the ingredients at the rate of 2 - 3 glasses of milk 1 glass of granulated sugar.

Citrus impregnation for biscuit

If you want to complement your baked goods with the amazing flavor of overseas fruits, then try using a citrus soak. For such options, we often use oranges or lemons. They are more common in our country.


  • 1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice (or lemon)
  • 2 teaspoons orange or lemon zest
  • 1/4 cup sugar

Citrus Soak Recipe:

We put all the ingredients in a small saucepan. Cook after boiling for about 15 minutes. Then we filter everything through a sieve. The impregnation is ready.

By the way, if you do not like the excessive bitterness of citrus peel, we recommend soaking the peels for 15 minutes in boiling water. All excess bitterness will disappear.

Honey and sour cream impregnation

Biscuit impregnations can be made using ingredients such as honey or sour cream, for example. In this combination, honey will give an unsurpassed aroma, and sour cream will add softness and tenderness. Honey for such impregnation should be taken liquid. We dilute it with water in a ratio of 2 to 1. Mix the bee product with sour cream.

Homemade jam impregnation

What could be easier?

There is nothing easier than making a biscuit impregnation from homemade jam. After all, for sure, you have a jar or two of this delicacy at home. Absolutely any jam is suitable for soaking the cakes: strawberry, apricot, peach, blackberry, strawberry, etc.


  • 1/2 cup jam
  • 1 glass of water
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Jam impregnation recipe:

We put all the ingredients in one enamel bowl. Bring to a boil over low heat. We filter the mass through a sieve.

For berry lovers - cherry impregnation

Cherries are considered one of the most fragrant berries after wild strawberries and strawberries. It is from cherries that an excellent impregnation for a biscuit can turn out.

  • 100 ml natural cherry juice
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 3 tablespoons of cherry liqueur.

Mix all the ingredients in one capacious bowl. The sugar should dissolve. After that, add water to a volume of 250 ml. Everything is easy and simple.

Cahors based impregnation

This unique impregnation is made from the following products:

  • 250 grams of sugar
  • 250 ml water
  • 2 tablespoons Cahors
  • 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Vanillin (for taste).

Dissolve granulated sugar in water. Bring the mixture to a boil. Next, add vanillin, cahors and lemon juice. Cool and saturate the cake.

Very simple condensed milk impregnation


  • 1/2 cans of condensed milk
  • 100 grams of butter
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder

It is recommended to prepare this impregnation in a water bath. We take a small saucepan. We put all the ingredients in it. Pour water into a larger pot. Place the small saucepan in the large one. We prepare the impregnation until all the ingredients are completely dissolved.

Non-alcoholic soak with green tea

This extremely simple soak requires 1 cup of freshly brewed green tea and half a lemon. Brew tea, squeeze the juice from the lemon half into it. We mix everything thoroughly.

Biscuit cakes impregnation technology

As we know, biscuit cakes absorb moisture quite well and are just as well able to soak. Therefore, a strict impregnation technology should be observed in order to avoid unpleasant incidents.

First, we need to consider the fact that biscuit cakes can be quite dry or moist. Naturally, we take more impregnation for dry biscuits than for wet ones.

The impregnation technology is quite simple. As a rule, it is applied either with a spray gun or with a special silicone brush. However, such appliances may not be found in the kitchen of the average housewife. Then we take a teaspoon and begin to evenly pour the syrup over our biscuit.

A well-soaked biscuit should be wrapped in cling film and refrigerated for at least 6 hours. This will make it even more fragrant.