Dry salted sockeye salmon. For cooking you will need

Salted red fish, tender, aromatic, piquant, maybe a great snack, stuffing or an independent dish... Due to the economic crisis, fish prices have skyrocketed, so many housewives thought about how deliciously salting red fish on their own so that it turns out to be no worse than Finnish or Norwegian. Advantage home salting lies in the fact that there are no preservatives and dyes in your delicacy, and the amount of salt can be taken to taste - after all, most often the store fish is too salty. And most importantly, salting allows you to disguise stale fish, which is what some manufacturers use.

How to quickly salt red fish

Many housewives buy salted fish only for one reason - for some reason they are sure that it is too difficult and troublesome to do. In fact, you can salt fish in just 10-15 minutes if you bought finished fillet... If you need to cut fish, you will have to spend a little more time, but you will save money - after all, red fish is not the cheapest pleasure.

So, let's talk about how to salt red fish fillets and enjoy delicious delicacy homemade... Buy salmon, trout, sockeye salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon or coho salmon for pickling. After removing the skin (or cutting), lightly blot the fillets with a tissue to keep the flesh dry. Next, put the fish in portions in a deep container, sprinkle with coarse salt at the rate of 1 tsp. per pound of fish and a little sugar. Can add soy sauce, Bay leaf, ground coriander, allspice, herbs and other spices. Next, put the fish under oppression, cover with foil, leave for a couple of hours at room temperature then remove excess salt and put it in the refrigerator for a day. You can do without oppression, but then the fish should be kept in the cold for one and a half to two days. If you don't want to wait, then make a marinade from vegetable oil, salt, sugar, onion and spices and pour the pieces of fish in the jar with them - after 8 hours slightly salted delicate fish melting in your mouth will be ready to eat!

An important point: if you want to stop the salting process, it is enough to drain the liquid that the fish gave, clean the fillet from the remaining salt and dry it with a napkin - only after that you can taste the resulting delicacy!

Secrets and rules for salting red fish at home

  • When salted, pink salmon and chum salmon turn out to be a little dry, so to make the fillets soft, olive oil should be added to the salt.
  • Do not use metal utensils for salting, otherwise the fish will taste like iron.
  • Some housewives, after sprinkling the fish with salt and spices, “swaddle” the fish with a towel to make spicy fish dry salting.
  • Do not be afraid to overdo it with salt - the fish will only absorb as much of it as needed.
  • When salting, dill and garlic can be added to the fish - they will give it a fragrant and spicy taste.
  • Serve the sliced ​​red fish with lemon, herbs, olives, fresh vegetables and white wine.

Having learned correctly, you will give up fish in factory packaging, even if imported. Salted red fish can be used to prepare salads, sushi, rolls, sandwiches, snacks, stuffed pancakes and a lot of other yummy. Get used to the sophistication and join the ranks of passionate fans of home-salted red fish!

At home, not many are at risk of salting red fish. Although there are quite a few recipes, some experience is required.

There are special subtleties, although it is impossible to oversalt it, it absorbs salts as much as it needs. And there are secrets in the choice of fish, which many who are far from the sea simply do not know.

The season when fish goes to spawn is the busiest in fish regions, you can buy it and its "spare parts" everywhere and not very expensive. Fresh, practically still alive, with such a salting it turns out magical. And in general, at home, the fish is always much more tender and certainly without any additives that should keep the product longer.

For salting, they always take the most delicious breeds of this type of fish:

  • Salmon
  • Red salmon
  • Pink salmon
  • Nelma
  • Coho
  • Trout
  • Whitefish

The name of the fish even has the name of a special, very delicious salting- salmon. But more on that below.

How to salt red fish at home - technology, choice, recipes

With all the variety of choices and, not everyone at once turns out to deliciously salt the fish. But rather, the blame of novice culinary specialists is quite a bit. Much depends on the quality of the fish, the fishing area, even the catch time.

For example, captive-bred trout are often overly oily. This is familiar to those who have ever bought a Norwegian cut in a vacuum.

Let's take a closer look and dwell on the choice of fish, which one is better to take and correctly determine its quality.

Buying red fish - making the right choice

Before going to the store for fish, you need to decide which one we will buy. For example, pink salmon in the salting is always dryish, usually it is salted with the addition of vegetable oil or, after salting, it is pickled in mustard sauce(extraordinary deliciousness).

Salted nelma, trout or salmon simply melt in your mouth. Wide pale pink slices look very appetizing on sandwiches. By the way, the caviar of these fish species is also more tender.

I always choose chum salmon or coho salmon for cooking in sauces or for cutlets, their meat is rough in salting. But it turns out great in closed fish pies.

I think it became more or less clear to you with the choice, now you need to determine the freshness of the fish. It's good if you come across a chilled fresh carcass new catch. By the way, for salting, buy fish only in whole carcasses. moreover, in some you can find caviar caviar.

If the sea is far from you, then most likely you will have to buy frozen fish. Look here so that it is not defrosted several times, otherwise its color will be ugly, and the slicing will not work, pieces of such fish simply fall apart.

Frozen fish can be easily identified by their fins, where it is fatter, frozen fat turns yellow very quickly. Also, do not buy fish that is too packed, wrapped in several layers of film, so that it is very difficult to identify it. appearance.

Correct cutting of red fish

Have you ever been on the road? Have you seen how fishermen butcher tons of fish in a day? In a few days, even those who saw fish only on a plate know how to masterfully cut it so that the caviar remains intact and the fillet turns out to be neat pieces.

For the inexperienced, this process will take twenty minutes. Immediately prepare a sharp, not very long knife, sharpened scissors and, if possible, rubber gloves with pimples, in such a fish will not escape you.

We start cutting by removing the head and tail. If there are a lot of scales, then it is better to clean it off, and then wash the fish under the tap.

If you come across a completely whole, not gutted fish, then we start cutting from the back, like real professionals. We make an incision along the length of the entire ridge, first on one side, then on the other. Carefully separate the meat from the spine to the beginning of the bones.

Then, with the help of scissors, we will remove the pelvic fins and turn the fish over so that it is more convenient to separate the meat from the other side of the ridge, only first we will remove the dorsal fin.

Then, with your fingers, slowly separate the meat from the abdominal bones on one side. If there is caviar inside, then now it can be removed from the belly without any problems. On the other hand, we also separate the meat from the bones. The inner film should also be removed along with the bones.

As a result, we will get two fillet halves on the skin. Here we are going to salt them. There are two ways of salting:

  1. Dry salting, when the fish is sprinkled with a seasoned salt mixture
  2. Salting in brine, in a special brine.

Preparing for salting

When we have the fillet ready, we need to cook the right dishes... never use any metal utensils for such purposes, otherwise the taste of metal will ruin the whole dish for you.

For salting, a container with an enamel coating, glass or food-grade plastic is suitable.

You also need special salt, it is better to take only large ones, then the fish will be juicier. With spices a lot different options... Spices are added different greens, laurel leaves, various peppers, mustard.

To make the fish easier to cut, it should be slightly frozen. After salting, the fish is also slightly frozen to make a beautiful even cut.

Red fish salting recipes

There are not many basic recipes. In some, you can add your own ingredients to change the taste. In others, it is worth sticking strictly to the recipe list. Here are the most popular salting methods, proven by personal experience.

Salted fish

We will need to take equally coarse salt and sugar. I always take two tablespoons of salt and sugar per kilogram of fish.

We rub two fillets with a mixture of salt and sugar, skin side down side by side, lay them on a piece of gauze. On each fillet, sprinkle densely greens on top of the meat, any that you like, black pepper and lavrushka leaves to taste, broken in small pieces.

We put one fillet on top of another, you get almost a whole fish. And wrap it in cheesecloth. Then we put it in a convenient dish and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of days. While the fish is salting, you can taste it so that it is salted to your liking. If you think there is enough salt, just rinse it with water.

Fast salted fish

We will take per kilogram:

  • Three tablespoons of coarse sea salt
  • Dining table with a spoonful of sugar
  • For your taste, black pepper and a little lavrushka

How to salt red fish quickly:

Cut the cut salmon or trout fillets into medium-sized pieces and sprinkle with spices. We put it in a dish with a lid and send it to the refrigerator for a day.

Fish in mustard marinade

For salting a kilogram of fish, we will need:

  • Three tablespoons of salt

For the marinade:

  • A pound of onions, better than salad varieties
  • Three tablespoons of prepared mustard per liter of water

How to salt by yourself:

The cooking process is not quick, but the fish turns out to be simply delicious. We always salt five kilograms of fish in this way and go on sale in a matter of days.

First, salt the fillets, just rub them with salt and leave them in the refrigerator for a day and a half under oppression. By the way, in this way you can cook dry pink salmon.

After salting, rinse the fish and cut into strips one and a half centimeters wide. Cut the onion into rings and put the fish and onion in layers in a jar. We make a marinade from water and mustard and fill in the pieces of fish. In general, it should be so infused in the refrigerator for a day, but it is rarely possible to wait so long, usually it is eaten earlier.

Salting red fish with herbs

We will use for one kilogram of fish:

  • A bunch of fresh dill
  • Two tablespoons of coarse salt and granulated sugar


Prepare the greens - rinse the dill branches under the tap and shake off the water, let them dry a little.

Mix sugar and salt and rub the fish carcasses. Put some of the dill twigs on the bottom of the dish, put one carcass on top (skin down). On it one more part of the twigs, then the second sirloin and dill again on top. We cover the fish with something, I take a small one cutting board, and put oppression on top. So let the fish stand the night just in the room, then we hide it in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

Spicy red fish

The composition of the products for one kilogram of fish:

  • Three tablespoons with a slide of coarse salt, better sea salt
  • Two tablespoons of sugar
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • Lemon juice


We make a marinade mixture of all the ingredients and rub the halves of the fish cut according to all the rules with it. Then we wrap the carcasses in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for a day. Then it can be cut into pieces.

Fast ambassador of red fish in brine

We take for a liter of water:

  • Three heaped tablespoons of plain salt
  • Three tablespoons of sugar

Cooking process:

We immediately cut the cut fish into pieces so that it is salted better and faster. We make a marinade from water, sugar and salt and fill in the fish. We let it stand for three hours, then we try, if it is not salted enough, we add time.

How to make lightly salted red fish in brine

Salting lightly salted fish- real art. In just 4 hours you can get a delicious homemade snack... Lightly salted sockeye salmon or chinook salmon is considered one of the best treats.

We will need:

  • Kilo of fresh sockeye salmon
  • 3 tablespoons of mekoy salt
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 5 black peppercorns
  • A tablespoon of 6% vinegar
  • One onion
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil


We cut the fish into fillets along the ridge. Separate the skin and cut into pieces. We put it in a bowl. Dilute salt in half a liter of water and fill it with brine for an hour and a half. Then drain the brine.

Fast dry salting of red fish

This is the most quick way dry salted red fish. Pay attention to the choice of salt, it should be large and clean. Oceanic works well.

For a kilogram of fish, we need:

  • Three tablespoons of coarse salt


Grate the fillet of fish, sockeye or trout well with salt, put the halves on top of each other with meat inside and place oppression on top. So the fish should stand for eight hours just at room temperature. After that, you need to rinse it from salt and eat.

How to salt the fish yourself? With a strong rise in the price of imported trout in vacuum packaging, this question is more relevant than ever. Moreover, the domestic product has solid pluses, and the foreign one has minuses. See for yourself: Norwegian, and the fish from the Faroe Islands is too fat, raised in captivity. Although it is beautiful (remember the white stripes - this is fat), it is not at all as healthy and tasty as the wild Murmansk salmon or the Far Eastern salmon.

You know what you put in your fish, but what you watered and how you salted salmon from the store - it's better not even to know. It should be remembered that salting can serve as one of the ways to sell fish of the second freshness.

The only problem homemade salty fish: you will have to cut it yourself. But it only takes about 15-20 minutes.

Advice. Better not to buy chilled fish. Most likely, this is the same frozen one. The fact is that our fishermen usually freeze it right on the ship.

What kind of fish to take

Almost any red fish is suitable for salting. Coho salmon and chum salmon perform excellently, but they are rather dry for stewing and frying. Trout, salmon, sockeye - just lovely fish... You can take more fish, salt only a part, and put the second on steaks or fry the fillets, you can stew them in sauce ... Yes, even pink salmon is very tasty when salted, and by the way, very cheap. Only her appearance is the most modest of all salmon. Pink salmon meat is rather gray and holds its shape worst of all when slicing.


Tip: It is very convenient to cut the fish with scissors. They somehow cut everything very easily. You can take a knife of medium length, it will help to peel meat from the ribs.

Another tip: it is more convenient to cut fish if it is not completely defrosted.

Cut off the tail and head, if any. Many fish are sold gutted, it is more convenient and easier to cut it.

Peel off the scales and then wash the fish. It does not always need to be cleaned, but if there are a lot of scales on the skin, you will not get rid of it later.

Cut the skin along the ridge, going around one or both sides. Use your fingers to separate the ridge from one side, reach the spine with your hand and separate all the meat from the back from the bones.

Use scissors to cut out the pelvic fins.

Turn the fish over so that the part to be separated is at the bottom and the bones are at the top. Helping yourself with a knife, separate the ribs from the meat, then the tail of the ridge.

If films remain in the area of ​​the insides, remove them. But the main film leaves along with the ribs.

Separate the dorsal fin and also cut the fin from the bottom of the tail.

And use a knife to separate the ridge from the second half of the fish. It is also better to start at the top, and then rip off the ribs.

And you have two halves of a red fish fillet.

If you wanted to use some of it on steaks, then, of course, you first had to cut them off, and then cut the fish into fillets.


Mix 2 tbsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. salt (per 1 kg of fillet). Sprinkle the meat with a thick layer. Fold the fish so that the skin is facing out. Place in a bowl with a lid. Cover with foil. If the fish is thick, then you can put a small load. Not more than half a kilogram. Usually I salted 2-3 kg fish and do not put the load.

The fish itself gives juice and is perfectly salted in it.

What to add

Dill is in perfect harmony with fish. They can be sprinkled with fish during salting or after.

A few pinches will go up to red fish lemon peel, it must be added to the salting mixture. If you want to add lemon already when serving, then garnish the sliced ​​fish in thin slices.

To make the fish salted and more tender, you can grease it when salting with odorless oil.

It happens that pepper, spices, bay leaves, garlic are added to fish during salting. The taste turns out to be interesting, but it is very different from what we are used to.

How much salt

Lightly salted fish will turn out in just 8-10 hours. But this is not the safest option, since another life can lurk in the fish. Therefore, it is better to salt for a day or two. It will be saltier, but safer.

To stop the salting process, you need to drain the juice that the fish gave. For reliability, cut it into pieces.

How to cut

It is convenient to cut the fillets skin side down. I would not recommend turning meat on a board when it comes to our fish. It is very soft and will fall apart instantly.

Cut with a sharp knife, slightly obliquely, so that the pieces are wider. The remaining skin can be used to cover the fish in the tray from airing.

Important! Before slicing, check to see if you removed all the bones when slicing.

It is necessary to thoroughly wash the fish and clean it from all the insides, then soak it dry with a napkin. Cut trout or salmon, pink salmon, salmon, coho salmon, chum salmon into portioned pieces along the ridge. Now you can start the salting itself. To do this, you need to count on the following ingredients per kilogram of fish:

1. Two tablespoons of coarse salt.
2. One tablespoon of sugar.
3. Half a tablespoon of seasoning for fish, namely for salting (preferably Avokado).

Mix all this and rub the fish inside and outside with this mixture. To finish, you need to sprinkle a few drops of lemon juice on the fish and put the fish in enameled dishes put the load on top. We hide the fish in the refrigerator for a day or one and a half, after which you can enjoy delicious salty fish, but after removing a layer of seasoning and juice from it.

Video how to quickly salt red fish

How to salt red fish pink salmon, salmon, trout, etc. - the second recipe:

For salting red fish, you can choose salmon, trout, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, pink salmon or chum salmon and ours. That is, basically any fish from the salmon family. But still there is little advice- when salting chum salmon or pink salmon, they turn out to be a little hard and dryish. But trout or salmon are ideal for this. If you have pink salmon or chum salmon, then it is best to smoke or fry them.
You can salt fresh and frozen fish - this does not play a special role here. Many people like to salt freshly frozen fish, as it turns out to be more tender and softer, but this, as they say, is a matter of taste. Before you start salting salmon or trout, you must first prepare everything necessary ingredients, which we will do next. Of course, you can do everything as shown in the video above.

Step-by-step guide to action how to salt salmon, trout, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon at home

The correct pickling mixture prepared from equal proportions: coarse salt (you can take stone or first grinding), granulated sugar. One kilogram of fish needs about three or four tablespoons of this mixture. Here you can add one or two teaspoons of ground black pepper, as well as ground dry herbs.
You will also need allspice peas, bay leaves, and your favorite spices. They should be taken to taste. But still, do not overuse them, otherwise you risk losing the taste of the fish itself, and this is very important.

The next step is cutting red fish.... (Watch the video below) If you purchased a fish with a head and a tail, then you will need to separate these parts from the fish.
Throwing away the tail and head is not worth it. As you may need them to prepare delicious fish soup or fish soup, but they will not be needed for salting. All fins must be cut off from the remaining fish carcass. The carcass itself needs to be cut to the maximum large chunks, but which will have to go into your prepared pot. The secret is that large pieces are salted as needed, and moreover, you can then make of them. beautiful cuts rather than small pieces of fish. Fish pieces must be cut directly from the hide. Now put them on the board.

We proceed to the next stage, that is, to thinning the fish... To do this, you need to prepare a large and well-sharpened knife. See our article. It is very important that the knife is very sharp. From the side of the back, start cutting a piece of fish, slightly stepping back from the line of the dorsal fin, try to "open up" the fish. With a knife, try to feel each cut line, because it is very important that you end up with pieces with a larger sirloin and with the least amount of bones. When you get to the spine, try to continue trying to bend the meat of red fish (this method is suitable for salmon, trout, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon and other fish) on the skin, thanks to this you will be able to leave unnecessary ribs at the bottom. This must be done up to the abdominal incision. Perform the same action with the other half of the fish, only here it is necessary to try to bend the spine with the ribs up. You should have two halves of fish, or rather fish fillets on the skin. You should be left with a spine with ribs and a little meat - you can leave it for soup, but if you are a beer lover, you should still salt this part as well.

Video of how to make thinning / cutting of salmon, trout and other red fish

The fish fillet is absolutely ready, now you can start laying the fish... What I would like to say at the beginning is that surprisingly such fish as salmon, sockeye, trout, coho salmon and others possess unique property- when salting them it is very difficult, or rather impossible to spoil. In the sense that red fish, like lard, cannot be oversalted. Since she takes in herself exactly as much as she needs. And what is most interesting is that the amount of salt she took matches perfectly with taste preferences person. But still about salting. Take a non-metallic container (the whole point is that metal can spoil the whole taste of the fish, giving it and the brine a metallic taste, therefore, in order to salt red fish correctly at home, follow the recommendations) and pour a little salting mixture on its bottom. Then add a few leaves of bay leaves and a couple of peas there allspice... Now, with the skin facing down, place the first piece of fish in the bowl. Sprinkle it generously with the pre-prepared pickling mixture, add a few allspice peas and two or three bay leaves again. Now you can lay the other half of the fish on top, or you can lay the "beer" bones (if you still decide to salt them too). Sprinkle with the mixture again and add the bay leaf and allspice.

Now that you have laid all the fish, you need to close the vessel. But if you don't have a suitable lid, you can simply cover the top with a napkin. AND finishing touch- it is necessary to put the fish in a cool place, you can put it in the refrigerator. If you decide to put the fish on the balcony, then make sure that the temperature is not higher than minus ten degrees. Salt and sugar have a beneficial effect on the fish, after which it should give abundant juice, that is, a characteristic brine should be obtained. But you shouldn't drain it yet.

How much salt to fish?

When salmon, trout, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon or pink salmon are salted, and this after 8 - 24 hours (for an amateur) you can taste it amazing taste... But before cutting, you need to get the red fish out of the container and wait until all the brine has drained from it. Then you need to sweep away all the seasonings. That remained on the fish with a soft brush or a simple napkin. But there is no need to rinse the fish, especially if it does not immediately go to the table. To prevent the fish from remaining in the brine and on the dish, you just need to get it wet with a napkin.

You can cut the fish into small and neat portions, sprinkle lightly on them lemon juice and put it nicely on a dish. You can also put a few slices of thinly sliced ​​lemon nearby or sprinkle with herbs.

The fish, in fact, turns out to be very tasty and tender, if you know how to salt fish at home correctly, the video shows a simple and quick way. Lemon and herbs will give their unique taste fish. For greens, you can choose both dill and parsley, and cilantro, or maybe something else that you like. Salted fish with my own hands doubly tastier and more pleasant. Moreover, you can always surprise your guests with such a delicious and unforgettable snack. And, of course, red fish (salmon, trout, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon) salted at home differs significantly from salted fish bought in a store. These tastes do not even have to be compared. So it's worth taking a little time and effort to enjoy a truly unforgettable dish later. Now you know how to salt salmon, pink salmon, trout at home correctly. This delicacy is suitable both for a big celebration on the table, and for a snack in a pleasant company of friends under a glass of vodka.

Red fish is a great food that many people like. There are many types of red fish - salmon, trout, salmon, sima, pink salmon, chum salmon, coho salmon, sockeye salmon and many others. There are even more ways and recipes for cooking salmon fish... One of the simplest, most delicious and popular recipes- This is the preparation of lightly salted fish. Today I will tell you two recipes, two easy ways how to salt red fish at home.

When you first see a salmon fish in a section, you see its red meat, fillets, there is no limit to surprise. Here nature has worked!

The trick is that salmonids change their skin color and meat color, depending on where the fish is. While chum salmon or pink salmon are feeding in the sea, it is a “silver salmon”, that is, has a light silvery skin color. And inside there is very red bright meat. Sockeye salmon and, to a lesser extent, coho salmon are especially famous for their redness. Chum salmon, pink salmon, sima, as well as Atlantic salmon are somewhat paler.

As soon as the red fish enters the river for spawning, its appearance begins to acquire a dark color, the so-called nuptial attire (bright or dark stripes, spots). Fish meat, on the other hand, begins to turn pale. And already very high along the river, in the area of ​​spawning ground for fish, the meat loses its redness almost completely. So, red fish caught in bays, in the area of ​​river mouths and in their lower reaches, is considered the most valuable.

Well, let's get away from theory and go to the market to buy a red fish. Yes, this is the case for Far East, and then fresh or frozen red fish excellent quality you can buy all autumn and the first half of winter, just on the market for very modest money. Residents of other regions will have to go to the supermarket and rely on the quality of the purchased frozen.

Here, I bought a decent coho salmon and a half of an even larger chum salmon. So, the first way to salt red fish at home. For this method, I took a whole coho salmon and half a chum salmon. I left the other half of the chum salmon to show you, just below, the second salting method.

If the fish is fresh, then a lot depends on whether it is a female, and at what stage of maturity the caviar is (if the fish was sold with caviar, well, if you yourself caught a female red fish, the answer is obvious ...). If the fish is caught in the sea, near the mouth or in the lower reaches, then, most likely, caviar in the so-called. pouches. Then we carefully rip the belly of the fish and take out the caviar. If the caviar is already completely ripe and the fish was caught shortly before spawning, then the caviar may simply be milked. We substitute the bowl and, slightly pressing down on the abdomen, we donate the caviar.

Having removed the caviar or fish milk for other purposes, we continue to prepare the red fish for salting. We remove the insides, cut off the head. The head will go. You can also attach the tail of a fish there. We wash the fish, wipe all dirt, blood residues and water residues from the inner cavity using disposable kitchen towels.

If the fish is frozen, then let it completely defrost in a natural way, at room temperature. If the fish is not cut, then remove the entrails and head, as described above. If you bought an already cut fish without a head, then we simply wipe the inner cavity with towels, not mine.

We cut the fish with a sharp knife along the ridge. And, as it were, we unfold, reveal the fish. If the fish is very thick, large, then you can make several transverse cuts along the back so that it is better salted.

Let's prepare a mixture for salting. To do this, we need coarsely ground kitchen salt, and granulated sugar... Usually a one-to-one ratio is used. But, if you want saltier, then you can salt 2 parts to 1 part sugar. For 4 kg of prepared fish, I took two tablespoons of salt with a medium slide and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Mix salt and sugar.

For the further salting process, we need a rather large piece of cotton fabric, for example, a piece of an old sheet, etc. (the fabric is naturally clean, pre-washed).

Spread the fabric onto a clean floor or big table... Place the flat fish on the fabric with leather. Sprinkle the surface of the fish evenly with a mixture of salt and sugar. Sprinkle evenly, in moderation.

We put the halves of the fish salted in this way back.

And tightly wrap the fish in fabric. And we leave it wrapped in this way for 3-5 days, depending on the size of the fish. We have large fish, so we will salt the fish for 4.5-5 days. If we salted a medium-sized sima or pink salmon, then 3 days are enough.

In the process of salting, we turn the fish from side to side 1-2 times a day. When time has passed, we simply take it out of the fabric, put the fish in a bag and send it to the freezer. The fabric is washed until the next portion of salting.

We take out such fish from the freezer, when necessary, let it thaw. When the fish has not completely thawed yet, cut it into thin strips. We remove bones and fragments of the ridge. And, when the red fish is completely thawed, we use it for sandwiches, tartlets or other serving of salted red fish. It turns out an excellent, very simply cooked salted red fish at home.

The second method of cooking lightly salted red fish is perhaps even easier than the previous one.

In our case, we salt chum salmon. The fish, when it has not yet completely defrosted, is cut across, into pieces about 2-2.5 cm thick. For salting, we need a medium food-grade plastic bucket with a lid. For example, a container for salted herring or other fish ...

Pour a few small pinches of salt on the bottom of the bucket. We put a layer of fish. The main thing is to be denser. It all depends on the size of the cross-section of the fish and the cross-sectional area of ​​the bucket. It can be either one piece - one layer, or 2-3 pieces of fish per layer. Sprinkle salt on top of the laid layer of fish, also in moderation, sprinkle 2-3 small pinches of salt evenly on the fish cut. Next, the next layer, and so on, almost until the bucket is completely filled. The amount of salt per eye. Try it, and depending on the salinity of the fish obtained, adjust the degree of salting of the following batches.

And fill the whole bucket sunflower oil... Press down on the fish with your hand so that air bubbles come out. It is necessary to ensure that the oil completely covers the fish.

We close the bucket with a lid and put it immediately in the refrigerator (we do not keep it in the room and not in the freezer, but simply in the usual compartment of the refrigerator). After 4 days the fish is ready to eat.

These are two simple and extremely successful recipes salting red fish at home. I salted chum salmon, sima, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, pink salmon so much - and it always worked out great!