Carob syrup application. Carob tree: the beneficial properties of syrup, fruits and gum, how to take

27.08.2019 The drinks

Are you allergic to classic chocolate or cocoa and looking for an alternative solution? Or just want to try a different flavor of cocoa and chocolate with reduced fat but higher calcium intake?

Carob is a healthy version of a favorite treat. The carob is used to produce a powder or, by a rather complicated method, an excellent syrup (Charoupomelo), mentioned by European travelers since the 16th century, who were delighted with its sweetness and pleasant taste.

Therefore, consider carob syrup - how to take it and from what - as well as other remedies made from it.

"Cyprus black gold"

The main distributor of syrup today is Cyprus. The natural delicacy is called “Cypriot black gold”, as it is a significant source of income for this island (like oil for the UAE).

This is not the only connection with gold. The grains contained in the pods have an unusually stable weight (0.2 g). From the weight of seeds in antiquity, a unit of weight was established, a carat, indicating the purity of gold or the weight of precious stones. The word "carat" comes from the Arabic name for the carob grain.

About the tree

Ceratonia siliqua (Constantinople horns, Ceratonia leguminous) is a family of legumes.
The carob tree, from which the pods are obtained, and then the grains (beans), reaches a height of 10-15 m.

The main habitats are the Mediterranean region. Where else does the tropical carob grow? Pod Ceratonia loves the sun, warmth and dryness, but at the same time, it can cope with frosts at -5 ° C. Therefore, it grows in North and South America, Africa, the Middle East ...

The pods, which contain the grains, grow to about 15-20 cm. The beans are most often used as a substitute for cocoa in the food industry. We are talking about gum "black gold carob" - food additive E-410.

The collection takes place from August to October. During flowering, the pods are green (similar to the beans we know), dry up on trees for several months - during the drying process, the color darkens. Depending on this, it is necessary to estimate the optimal collection time, since drying thoroughly is very important.

It is not allowed to use any artificial thermal processes for the workpiece, the whole process must be natural. The raw materials must not become wet, otherwise there is a risk of mold attack, hence devaluation.

For the same reason, it is important to pay attention to storage conditions - raw materials should be stored away from moisture and sunlight.

Active substances

Carob does not contain caffeine or other substances that activate the effects in the brain, therefore it is suitable for children, the elderly, and those with cardiovascular diseases. In its native Mediterranean, Constantinople horns are also used as livestock feed.

Nutritional value (100 g):

  • kJ - 903;
  • kcal - 215;
  • protein - 4.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 64 g;
  • fiber - 31 g;
  • fats - 0.5 g.

Minerals (mg / 100 g):

  • iron - 3.3;
  • zinc - 1.3;
  • calcium - 370;
  • copper - 0.57;
  • magnesium - 59;
  • sodium - 39;
  • phosphorus - 84;
  • manganese - 0.49;
  • potassium - 790;
  • selenium - 0.007;
  • omega-3 - 5.5;
  • omega-6 - 220.

Vitamins (mg / 100 g):

  • A - 18 IU;
  • B1 0.14;
  • B2 - 0.55;
  • B3 2.3;
  • B6 0.6;
  • C - 0.4;
  • E 0.95;
  • choline - 0.015;
  • Β-carotene - 0.01;
  • folic acid - 0.038.

Health effects

Today in folk medicine, a number of remedies are used from Ceratonia follicle.

Their general health effects:

  1. Supports the immune system.
  2. Protecting and promoting cell growth.
  3. Cancer prevention.
  4. Improving and accelerating digestion, stabilizing stools, cleansing the digestive tract.
  5. Elimination of allergic reactions due to the gradual entry of a higher proportion of sugar into the bloodstream.
  6. Prevention of the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  7. Reducing cholesterol.
  8. Replenishment of good fats in the body.
  9. The product is lactose and gluten free, suitable for people with celiac disease and lactose intolerance.
  10. Carob does not contain theobromine, caffeine, therefore it is suitable for all age groups and people who are allergic to classic chocolate.

Seeds are more valuable than gold

Nature has endowed carob richly, giving it more than 20 different polyphenolic compounds that help to eliminate inflammation (in particular of the prostate) and slow down aging.

The active substances include lignans (metabolites in plant organs) that act like phytohormones and are useful in the fight against certain cancers associated with high estrogen levels.

The unusual powder will also provide passionate sex, as it is a male aphrodisiac, increases libido and increases sperm count. Recent research provides promising evidence that carob may be useful in treating chronic kidney disease, including kidney failure.

The drinks

But how to consume the fruit? They can be used in the form of a powder from which drinks are made, akin to tea, cocoa and coffee. Let's take a look at some recipes.

  1. Raw powder is used to make cocoa and tea from fruits. 1-2 tsp Boil for 5 minutes in 250 water or milk.
  2. The way you prepare coffee can be slightly different. Before use, the powder can be lightly toasted in a dry skillet (about 10 minutes). Then use the raw material like regular (insoluble!) Coffee.

All drinks help speed up the treatment of colds and relieve insomnia.


Grain oil is a natural remedy, appreciated by both official and traditional medicine, used to support the immune system, treat anemia, CNS disorders, sleep disorders, heart and vascular diseases.

Using pods

The pods of Constantinople horns themselves are not inferior to fruits in their benefits. You can make tea or tincture from them.


Grind the raw material a little, pour it into a jar, fill it with 40% alcohol or vodka until it is completely covered. Leave it on for 2 weeks. Strain. Take 30-40 drops 3 times a day. Tincture (extract) will help increase the body's defenses, relieve coughing, and accelerate the excretion of sputum.

Mediterranean tea

In the colder months, a drink filled with sun rays will warm you up. Its preparation is very simple. 2 tbsp Pour the chopped raw materials into a kettle, pour 1/2 liter of water and boil for 20 minutes. Strain and pour into cups.

For a summer drink, let it cool and add ice cubes.

There is no need to add honey or sugar - the pods themselves perfectly refresh the drink. However, if you are a sweet tooth, you can add some sweetener.

Do not throw away the raw materials after cooking - after softening you get a good natural dessert for tea.

Advice for women

Consume Constantinople Horns before your period, during your cycle and immediately after it. This will help relieve cramps in the lower abdomen, eliminate fatigue and tune the psyche to harmonic strings.

Carob syrup

The instructions for the use of a useful liquid recommend a remedy for improving digestion, eliminating stomach problems and diarrhea. The product effectively regulates blood sugar levels, which is especially appreciated by people with diabetes (a useful fact is that it does not use sugar in its preparation).

Carob is rich in fiber, high in calcium and therefore an excellent addition to the treatment of osteoporosis and the elimination of this substance deficiency. A natural medicine is recommended for effectively lowering cholesterol levels.

Natural medicine, extracted from 12-20 cm pods, has a pleasant sweet taste. It can be added to hot and cold drinks as a healthy sweetener, used as a component of tahini (paste made from crushed sesame seeds), added to various purees, yoghurts, topped with ice cream ...

The product can serve as an excellent substitute for sugar and honey.
A natural remedy suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women.

  • children 2-5 years old - 1 tsp / day;
  • children 5-12 years old - 1 tsp. 3 times a day;
  • children over 12 years old and adults - 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.

Children under 2 years of age are contraindications for use!

Healthy and tasty weight loss

Carob is gluten and lactose free, so it doesn't burden the digestion and is easier to digest.

Products made from them are not a tool for rapid weight loss, but provide the body with active substances that improve digestion and accelerate intestinal peristalsis.

How to take carob syrup for weight loss?
1 tbsp And add 1/2 lemon juice to 250 ml of water. Drink 2 times a day. After a 2-week course, the number of doses increases up to 3 times a day.

Outer beauty

The sweet extract of the carob is also used in cosmetology - it is added to body care products. Due to the content of antioxidants, the product protects the skin from free radicals, preserves its youth and elasticity.

Add natural remedy to body lotion (1 tsp 50 ml) or face cream (1/2 tsp 50 ml).

Who should avoid carob products?

Despite its extensive medicinal properties, carob has some contraindications (albeit relative).

Caution should be exercised in people suffering from anemia because Mediterranean black gold reduces iron absorption.

In case of fructose sensitivity, the product is also not recommended. Compliance with the dosage is especially important for diabetics - if the amount of intake is exceeded, there is a risk of changing the effect of insulin and increasing glycemia.

The video shows how this plant and its fruits grow.

The carob tree, also known as the pod of Constantinople, sweet horn, pod Ceratonia, is scientifically called Ceratonia siliqua.

Carob syrup is mainly produced in Cyprus and exported to various countries around the world.

This plant of the legume family has a great height - it is capable of reaching 10-15 meters at the peak of its life. Has a fairly wide crown, feather-like dense leaves. The carob tree bears fruit in large pods that look like a horn.

The pods are 10-25 centimeters long, 2-4 centimeters wide, and 5-10 millimeters thick. Ripe fruits can contain 5-17 grains. In addition to seeds, carob beans contain juicy pulp, which contains up to 50% sugar - mainly glucose, fructose and sucrose.

What is made from carob

Carob beans are used to produce flour, widely used in cooking. In addition, gum is prepared from them, which is used for the needs of the cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical industries.

In particular, this gum is included in the composition of milk curds, as well as cosmetics - anti-wrinkle creams, serums, gels. Syrup is also made from carob.

Benefits of carob syrup

Carob syrup is an immunomodulating and fortifying product, known since ancient times for its nutritional value and beneficial properties.

This product contains:
- all B vitamins;
- trace elements and minerals;
- tannins;
- organic acids;
- starch;
- pectin;
- protein;
- natural sugar.

In fact, carob syrup is a natural substitute for chocolate with its own specific odor and sweet taste. The syrup is obtained by evaporating finely chopped fruits with water.

Sugar is not added to it, therefore it is allowed to be consumed by diabetics, as well as used in dietary nutrition. Syrup contains three times more calcium than milk. This sweet substance has practically no contraindications.

The use of carob syrup in cooking

The application of this tool is quite diverse. First of all, carob syrup is used in cooking. In many countries, especially in the Mediterranean, it is practiced to add such a product to a variety of dishes.

It is poured over pancakes, pancakes, ice cream, and it is also used as a component for dough in baked goods. Also, the syrup can be simply added to water, coffee, tea and other drinks.

The healing properties of carob syrup

Also carob syrup is used in official and folk medicine. It can be used to remove toxins from organisms, for insomnia, nervous disorders, sleep disturbances, colds, poisoning, diarrhea and for weight loss. The presence of calcium and zinc in it makes it indispensable for teeth and bones. The syrup also helps with coughs, sore throats, colds.

Carob syrup is part of various medicines.

This remedy is very effective against shortness of breath, anemia, it also prevents palpitations, helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Due to the high content of trace elements and vitamins, carob syrup is especially useful for pregnant women and children.

Health Benefits of Carob Syrup

Carob syrup can be used as a dietary supplement for home treatment and wellness. For the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, to remove toxins and toxins from the body, you should take:
- adults 1 tbsp. syrup half an hour before meals 4-5 times a day;
- children 2-5 years old - 1 tsp. in a day;
- children 5 to 12 years old - 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

Carob syrup is not recommended for children under 2 years of age.

For colds, acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, cough, you need to take 1 tbsp. carob syrup, diluted in one glass of hot water (60 °) 5-6 times a day.

For neurological headaches, insomnia, nervous disorders, this remedy should be taken orally 5-6 times a day, 1 tbsp. before meals. The course of taking the syrup is 3 months, it must be repeated after 2 weeks.

As mentioned above, such a syrup is obtained by boiling its pods without adding sugar. Therefore, people who suffer from diabetes can use this remedy, but in small quantities - from 1/2 to 1 tsp. 1-2 times a day.

For weight loss 1 tbsp. carob syrup must be diluted in one glass of water at room temperature and add the juice of a lemon wedge. The components are mixed and the finished drink is ready to drink. It should be drunk 5-15 minutes before meals (lunch and dinner). After 2 weeks, you can add another meal - before breakfast.

The carob tree is a real fabulous tree on which sweets, muffins and drinks grow, recipes for preparing its fruits are common. The fruit of this tree is simply a substitute for cocoa beans. The fruits of this plant have beneficial and medicinal properties for human health. Take a carob (this is the carob tree) and cook delicious food, it is a source of healthy nutrition.

The plant is made into a powder that resembles cocoa and a syrup is made to replace sugar. Both products are called "carob". Where it grows, it is used in national cuisine and folk medicine, in the West - in vegan dishes. The largest supplier of carob is Spain. Carob can be used by people suffering from migraines and vascular dystonia. The composition of the product does not contribute to the absorption of calcium, therefore it is recommended for patients with kidney stone disease.

The benefits of carob

It is not a processed product, a natural substitute for sugar, there are no chemicals or dyes in it, it does not affect the nervous system. It is caffeine free and does not harm people who have heart problems like cocoa. It tastes twice as sweet as sugar.

The syrup of this tree is used to sweeten coconut confectionery, the powder is used in the manufacture of sweets.

Such a natural sweetener is not harmful to children with diathesis - all children love chocolate, but with such a diagnosis it is impossible, and carob will satisfy the child's taste sensations. The powder can be added to even the smallest fruit puree.

Product properties

The fruits of the tree contain:

  • 49 g of carbohydrates;
  • 1 g fat;
  • 4 grams of protein.

In 100 grams of the product, a person receives only 220 kcal, much less than with cocoa, which means less calories and food in which carob, and not cocoa powder. Carob is used by those who follow a diet for weight loss.

Vegans consume carob because it does not contain animal components. Ordinary chocolate sometimes contains butter, and vegans, and not vegetarians, do not even eat this kind of animal fat, since it is made from milk that a cow produces only after the birth of a calf, and this happens in conditions of artificial raising of livestock for slaughter for the delivery of meat. No animal fat is used in carob confectionery.



1 tbsp soy flour, 30 g ground carob beans, agar-agar (seaweed extract). Dissolve agar-agar in water in proportion according to the instructions on the factory packaging - it is a thickener for the dough. Separately, in a small amount of water, so that it is like liquid sour cream, mix soy flour with carob. Add agar-agar and beat with a mixer for 3-5 minutes. Pour the mass into molds and refrigerate for 4–5 hours. You do not need to bake - this dish is eaten natural, raw.

Carob oil

Everyone is familiar with chocolate butter. Carob makes it just as tasty as cocoa. If you manage to get a carob, you can cook with it, but you need coconut oil. It will turn out to be healthier and more interesting: 30 g of beans powder and 100 g of coconut oil. Dissolve the oil in a water bath. Add carob and stir thoroughly. Cool the mass. There is a little warmed up.


You will need 30 g of powder, several dried dates, 150 g of fresh blackberries and a glass of nut milk, or better -. Mix all products at high speed in a blender. Eat instead of snacks - sandwiches and curd snacks.

Carob candies

Take dried fruits - you can use the usual ones: dried apricots and prunes. You will need walnuts or hazelnuts. Pass through a meat grinder. Add carob powder to the mass and form candy of any shape from it. Even children will like this fruit and nut mass with a chocolate smell. This is a great candy option for those on a diet, and children will not spoil their teeth with caramels and will receive a lot of vitamins, vegetable fats and minerals.

Chocolate drink

Prepared according to the cocoa principle. Carob beans do not bind calcium contained in milk, it is not very useful for people after 30 years - it ceases to be absorbed and accumulates in the body in the form of slag deposits, and milk fats are harmful. But many people love its taste, together with carob, milk is safe, and there is a lot of taste sensations.

Curd casserole with carob

300 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of sour cream, 3 tablespoons of sugar. Add carob powder to the mixed mass. You can add fresh or dried fruit to this chocolate casserole.

Carob syrup

There are two types of it: squeezed and evaporated. In evaporated - add glucose. It can be added to tea and other drinks instead of sugar for people with diabetes. Many diabetic sweets are made from carob syrup, a natural sweetener that does not have the characteristic artificial flavor.

Carob syrup is sold in vegetarian stores and diabetic food stores.

Carob, like any other food product, also has health risks. Eat any food wisely: for example, carob syrup is high in carbohydrates. It should be added to food in moderation. It is not suitable for those on a carbohydrate-free diet.

Vegans consume carob for ethical reasons - this product is simply rarely used in foods prepared with animal fats, it does not match with them to taste. And by itself, as a herbal ingredient, carob does not have an independent benefit - it is just an enhancer of the taste of sweet dishes.

Indications and contraindications

Chocolate-loving nursing mothers can drink drinks with carob - with breast milk it will not harm the baby, like cocoa, it will not cause allergies or diathesis, it does not contain caffeine. The taste of the product itself does not require sugar - it is sweetish.

The product is easy to digest. Does not raise blood sugar levels. Recommended for those who seek to maintain a healthy lifestyle and love the chocolate flavor. And for those who would like to try something new, tasty and harmless. The carob tree is absolutely harmless to human health, but, like any plant, it is amazing and edible.

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In Europe and the USA, carob syrup is widely used in cooking, dietary nutrition, medical treatment, cosmetic, chemical and food additives. In cooking, such a syrup, which is not difficult to buy, is added to baked goods, sweets, drinks, and is also used as a sweet sauce for various desserts.

In addition, it is part of many different medicinal syrups for bronchitis, coughs and colds. So what are the health benefits of carob syrup? Let's find out this.

What is carob syrup?

The carob tree is also known to many as the Constantinople pod, ceratonia pod, sweet horn, in the scientific community it is called Ceratonia siliqua. Basically, this syrup is created in Cyprus and then exported to various countries around the world.

When deciding to buy a syrup, you should know that it is made from a plant of the legume family, which at the peak of its life can reach a height of 10-15 meters. It has a fairly wide crown, dense feather-like leaves. The carob tree bears fruit with large pods, which are similar in appearance to a horn.

The total length of the pods ranges from 10 to 25 centimeters, the thickness is 5–10 millimeters, and the width is 2–4 centimeters. Inside a ripe fruit there may be 5-17 grains. In addition to seeds, carob beans have a juicy pulp, inside which there is up to 50% sugar - mainly sucrose, fructose and glucose.

What is carob made of?

Carob beans have a variety of properties, so their use is used in almost any field. Carob beans are used to make flour, it is widely used in cooking, and gum is produced from them, which is used for the needs of the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries.

In particular, such a gum is a part of most dairy curds, as well as cosmetic products - anti-wrinkle creams, gels, serums. Also, syrup is made from carob fruit.

The benefits of syrup

Every person who wants to buy carob syrup should know its application and the properties it possesses. This product is fortifying and immunomodulatory. It has been known since ancient times for its nutritional value, as well as many beneficial properties. This product contains such useful components as:

  • minerals and trace elements;
  • all B vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • starch;
  • protein;
  • pectin;
  • natural sugar.

In fact, carob syrup is a natural substitute for chocolate, characterized by its sweet taste and its own specific smell. The syrup is obtained by evaporating finely chopped fruits together with water. Sugar is not added to it, so the use of syrup is allowed for diabetics, and it can also be used in dietary nutrition. The syrup contains three times more calcium than milk. This sweet substance has practically no contraindications.

The use of syrup in cooking

Syrup has a variety of properties, which is why it is also used in cooking. In most countries, especially in the Mediterranean, it is practiced to add this product to a variety of dishes. It is used for pouring pancakes, pancakes, ice cream, and is also used as a component for dough in baked goods. Also, syrup can be added simply to tea, coffee, water and other drinks.

The healing properties of syrup

Carob syrup has found its use in both folk and official medicine. It can be used to remove toxins from the body, for nervous disorders, insomnia, colds, sleep disorders, diarrhea, poisoning and for weight loss. The presence of zinc and calcium in syrup makes it simply irreplaceable for bones and teeth. The syrup can also be used for colds, sore throats and coughs. Carob syrup is found in many medicines.

Such a remedy is extremely effective during anemia, shortness of breath, it is also able to prevent heart palpitations, and can reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins and trace elements, carob syrup is especially useful for children and pregnant women.

The harm of syrup

The product is capable of causing individual intolerance, especially among those people who react sharply to the presence of fructose in dishes. Carob syrup should be used with care. Today, it has been shown to raise blood sugar levels after consumption and may have an effect on insulin secretion just as much as cheaper syrups based on fructose. The process is slower than with sucrose, but nevertheless, diabetics, as well as people sensitive to fluctuations in blood sugar levels, are advised to refrain from eating carob products.

Often, a reaction similar to lactose intolerance appears against the background of consumption of carob drinks. A person gets the strongest laxative effect from one cup of milk drink, but this does not mean that he is allergic. It's just that milk lactose and carob fructose are quite poorly absorbed together, causing flatulence, gas formation and even in some cases diarrhea. Carob syrup, used to lose weight, is by no means a panacea, it is high in calories, unlike chemical sweeteners.

Those who use carob recipes should calculate the calorie intake, and make sure that the amount of simple carbohydrates in each meal is not too large. In particular, it doesn't make much sense to consume syrup if you are on a diet containing about 1 kg of fruit per day. And, of course, switching from coffee and cocoa to carob can cause a temporary slowdown in the nervous system, associated with caffeine withdrawal syndrome, and not with the action of the carob tree.

Contraindications to use

Oddly enough, but such a product has its own contraindications. The syrup has rather delicate characteristics that are not capable of causing harm to the body. Of course, you should regulate the use and adhere to a certain dosage.

Also, it will not be superfluous to first consult a doctor in order to avoid allergic reactions that occur as a result of individual intolerance. The main positive property of the product is the almost complete absence of contraindications to use, this distinguishes it from most other medicines from fruits and plants.

Using syrup

Carob syrup can be used as a dietary supplement for wellness and home treatment. For the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, to remove toxins and toxins from the body, you must take:

  • adults 1 spoonful of a tablespoon of syrup 4-5 times a day half an hour before meals;
  • children 2–5 years old - 1 teaspoon a day;
  • children 5 to 12 years old - 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day.

For acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, colds, coughs, take 1 tablespoon of carob syrup diluted in one glass of hot water (+ 60 degrees) 5-6 times a day.

In case of insomnia, neurological headaches, nervous disorders, this remedy should be taken orally up to 5-6 times a day, 1 tablespoonful before meals. The course of taking the syrup is 3 months, it is recommended to repeat it after 2 weeks.

As mentioned earlier, this syrup is obtained by boiling its pods without using sugar. That is why people who suffer from diabetes mellitus can use this remedy, but in small quantities - from 1/2 to 1 teaspoonful 1-2 times a day.

To reduce weight, 1 tablespoon of carob syrup is diluted in one glass of water at room temperature, with the addition of the juice of a lemon wedge. The components are mixed, and the finished drink can be consumed. It is recommended to drink it 5-15 minutes before meals (lunch and dinner). After 2 weeks, you can add one more meal - before breakfast.

Carob syrup is a healthy product that is recommended to be consumed by any person. If you want to stay healthy for years to come, replace sugar with it and add it to baked goods instead of cocoa. While losing weight, it is not enough to take only carob syrup, although it helps to reduce weight. It is also necessary to normalize nutrition and add at least light physical activity to your daily schedule.

Carob syrup is a little-known product in our country, which is produced from the fruits of Ceratonia leguminous. It has not only a pleasant taste, but also an extensive healing effect. Having studied the beneficial properties and contraindications, as well as how to use carob syrup, you can buy a delicious treat that helps in the fight against colds, flu, fatigue, gastrointestinal dysfunction and other health problems.

Carob syrup: what is it

Carob syrup is made from the fruit of an evergreen tree growing in the Mediterranean - Ceratonia leguminous. At the end of the season, each tree is hung with dark brown fleshy pods up to 25 cm long. These beans are very soft and contain sweet pulp on the inside. True, in its raw form, the sweetness of the fruit is interrupted by tannins, which impart bitterness to the product. There are also several dozen tree seeds inside each pod. Outwardly, the pod resembles a Caucasian churkhchela - the same long "sausage" with sticky sweet pulp.

Carob syrup

For the preparation of syrup, the most ripe and juicy fruits are selected from the harvest. First, the edges are cut off from them, because many bitter components are concentrated in the tips, and the seeds are taken out from the inside. Next, the beans are cut into small bites and sent to a container with water for evaporation. As a result of such processing, a thick dark brown liquid is obtained, in which more than 3/4 are carbohydrates.

Where is the best carob syrup made: Turkey, Cyprus?

Almost the entire Mediterranean coast of Europe and Africa serves as a natural growing area for pod ceratonia. In one form or another, its fruits are used in all countries surrounding the sea, but the tradition of syrup production is characteristic of European shores. Now the most active production of this sweet liquid with an emphasis on imports is carried out in Turkey and Cyprus.

The climatic conditions in these countries are the same, so the fruits of the carob tree are no different from each other. There are good manufacturers on both shores of the Mediterranean, so when choosing, you should rely on people's reviews and recommendations.

Syrup brands from Turkish companies were the first to enter the Russian market, therefore it is often referred to as Turkish carob syrup. Products from this country can be offered under the name pecmez - this is how any condensed juice or vegetable syrup is denoted in Turkish.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The calorie content of 100 grams of carob syrup is 320 kilocalories, which is 16% of the average daily intake of an adult. This amount of the product contains the following proportions of basic nutrients:

  • 2.5 g protein;
  • 0.3 g fat;
  • 76.2 g of carbohydrates.

The bulk of carbohydrates are simple compounds that are absorbed very quickly. For this reason, consuming large amounts of pecmez can increase blood sugar levels.

Vitamin and mineral composition of the syrup:

The health benefits of carob syrup are largely due to the presence of these substances. Thus, a large amount of iron contributes to the health of the cardiovascular system, and potassium improves muscle tone and maintains a healthy water-salt balance. Iron, copper and vitamin E have a complex antioxidant effect, slowing down the aging process of tissues and preventing the development of cancer.

Useful properties of carob syrup

Carob syrup benefits and harms

In addition to the listed substances and compounds, carob syrup contains organic acids, pectin, phenolic substances. Their beneficial effect is manifested in the following:

  • the harmful microflora of fungal, viral and bacterial nature is destroyed;
  • removes inflammation from tissues;
  • the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood decreases;
  • the appearance of cancerous tumors is prevented, already affected cells are inhibited;
  • the efficiency of metabolism increases;
  • the astringent properties of pectin and phenols have a positive effect on intestinal motility.

In the folk medicine of countries in which the leguminous ceratonia grows freely, the syrup of its fruits has been used since ancient times. Its main purpose is to strengthen the body's defenses. The product is added to the diet when a person is struggling with a cold, virus, infection, or when he has already overcome the disease, but the weakened body needs support.

The varied composition stabilizes the state of the nervous system, therefore, pecmez is used for irritability, emotional exhaustion, severe disturbances in sleep and wakefulness, depression and anxiety. Here, the use of syrup has an effect similar to that of herbal balms and tinctures.

Regular use of syrup in moderate amounts helps to fight persistent health problems: an unstable heart rate, high blood pressure, high cholesterol in the blood vessels, shortness of breath, migraines and headaches. This therapy is allowed for both women and children. But in any case, before taking carob syrup for immunity and prevention, you should consult your doctor. During the first receptions, you need to be careful to immediately notice a possible negative reaction.

Reviews of people who regularly buy and use syrup speak of a mild diuretic effect. It is due to its high potassium content. The trace element facilitates the outflow of moisture from the body, removes edema.

Modern scientists are inclined to believe that a diet containing vitamin B2 (riboflavin) helps prevent hemeralopia, known as night blindness, and cataracts.

How to apply carob syrup: adult and child dosages

Carob syrup: beneficial properties for the body

If the product is used to maintain the general tone of the body, for the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, or to stimulate the elimination of toxins and toxins, the following restrictions should be adhered to:

  • children from two to five years old - 1 tsp. in a day;
  • children aged five to 12 years - three times a day, 1 tsp;
  • adults and children over 12 years old - 4-5 times a day, 1 tbsp.

It is better to drink the syrup 30-40 minutes before meals. It is better not to give this product to children under 24 months.

How to drink carob syrup medicinally

For coughs, flu or cold symptoms and respiratory viral infections, dilute 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day. syrup in a glass of boiled water with a temperature of 50-60ºC.

Because of the large amount of easily digestible sugars, people with diabetes should avoid consuming large amounts of syrup. It will be enough 1-2 receptions for 1 / 2-1 tsp. in a day.

How to take pecmez for those who are struggling with excess weight? To do this, take a quarter of an hour before lunch and dinner, take a glass of water at room temperature with the addition of 1 tbsp. syrup and lemon juice (from one wedge). After two weeks of this therapy, you can include a morning intake before breakfast. It should be understood that the syrup itself is a high-calorie food with an abundance of simple carbohydrates. This is not a dietary product. However, stimulating metabolism and dulling the feeling of hunger help the body to more efficiently assimilate incoming food, require less of it and better remove ballast.

Cosmetological properties

At the moment, there is no widespread practice of using carob syrup for cosmetic purposes. The reason for this lies both in the low availability of the product and in its cost. But the chemical composition suggests that in masks, creams, lotions and other forms, it can have an antioxidant (anti-aging + anticarcinogenic), tonic (stimulation of blood flow, improved elimination of toxins), nutritious (due to B vitamins) effect on the skin. But without the professional advice of a cosmetologist or dermatologist for such procedures, again, it is better not to undertake.

Carob syrup benefits and harms: use in cooking

Carob syrup in cooking

In home and industrial cooking, ceratonia fruit syrup can be used as well as analogues from any other vegetable raw material. On the European shores of the Mediterranean Sea, it has long been used as:

  • topping for cakes and desserts;
  • baking and confectionery ingredient;
  • sweet dressing for fruit slices and salads.

Like jam or honey, this product goes well with pancakes, pancakes, pastries or ice cream, making these dishes tastier and healthier. It is also suitable for use as a topping for coffee, tea, cocoa and cocktails.

With the use of syrup, delicious sweets are obtained from carob (flour from the grated pulp of carob), nuts, dried fruits and seeds. With a pronounced chocolate taste, they are several times more useful and less nutritious than sweets based on cocoa beans.


Studying the beneficial properties of carob products, how to take and from what to use the syrup, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. By the way, they are rather modest. This liquid very rarely provokes allergies. But those who come across the product for the first time should try a small amount, up to 1/3 tsp. In the absence of a negative reaction, you can gradually move to standard doses.

Despite its fame as a weight loss aid, the syrup itself is not a friend to overweight people and diabetics. You should be more careful and reduce the dosage, focusing on your own body.

How much and how to store

Manufacturers of carob piecmez recommend storing it in production packaging and consuming it within 24 months from the date of manufacture. To prevent external conditions from affecting the quality of the product and reducing the shelf life, the bottle of syrup should be kept in a cool, dry place without direct sunlight. Thickening of the bottom layer due to sedimentation and the formation of a small dark sediment are natural and safe.

Carob syrup - useful properties, application

Greetings, dear readers of the "Brownie Secrets" blog. Today I want to tell you about the beneficial properties of carob syrup. It is possible that you are not yet familiar with this unique dietary product that is a natural sweetener. You will learn how carob syrup is useful and how to use it in cooking, traditional medicine and cosmetology.

I first got acquainted with carob syrup while vacationing in Cyprus. There you can find it everywhere: in supermarkets, in small shops, in the market, because Cyprus is the birthplace of this mighty evergreen tree.

What is carob syrup

Carob syrup is a sweet, viscous worty liquid of chocolate color. It is made from beans-like pods with large grains and juicy flesh without added sugar. Sweetness comes from the sucrose, glucose and fructose contained in the flesh of the carob pods.

What is the healing power of carob syrup

Nature has created a unique product - a natural sugar substitute. Carob syrup contains vitamins such as: C, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, E, PP, as well as minerals: manganese, iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium (which is 3 times more, than in milk), copper, zinc, tannins, organic acids, pectin.

100 carob syrup covers 70.05% of the body's daily need for iron, 14.72% for manganese, 11.25% for magnesium, and 10% for calcium.

Thanks to this composition, carob syrup:

  • improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • restores blood composition;
  • regulates the activity of the digestive system;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • treats colds;
  • has a positive effect on eye health;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • increases libido;
  • has a mild diuretic effect;
  • is an excellent substitute for coffee and chocolate;
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol;
  • strengthens the nervous system, improves sleep.

The use of carob syrup is very diverse. It is used in cooking, medicine and even cosmetology.

In cooking, it is used as a sugar substitute: added to baked goods, tea, coffee. Porridge, cottage cheese, pancakes and even salad are poured over.

I would love to share a recipe for a vegetable salad with carob syrup. To prepare the salad you will need:

  • carrot, apple, orange (one at a time),
  • beets, celery root (100 grams each),
  • prunes (12 pieces),
  • olive or sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon
  • carob syrup - 3 tablespoons.

Grate vegetables (carrots, beets, celery root) for carrots in Korean, apples - on a regular grater, steamed prunes and cut into pieces, peel and cut the orange into slices.

Mix everything, season with oil and pour with carob syrup. The taste is very original.

The taste of carob syrup is special and takes some getting used to, but I especially like using this syrup in baked goods.

If you add syrup when baking a cake, then after heat treatment, you will feel a pleasant taste of chocolate and the cake will be chocolate-colored.

In addition, in Cyprus you can buy special sweets - nuts in carob syrup, usually almonds and walnuts are prepared this way. These sweets are very useful for children and diabetics, as they do not contain sugar.

You can make candies from dried fruits, nuts by adding carob syrup to them.

The use of carob syrup in traditional medicine

At home, carob syrup is good for treating sore throats, coughs, colds.

For the treatment of colds, one tablespoon of carob syrup is dissolved in one glass of hot water (temperature about 60 degrees). And during the day they drink 5-6 glasses of such a drink. It is well known that with a cold, you often need to drink plenty of fluids. This drink has a mild diuretic effect, which helps to remove toxins from the sick body. You can also caress a sore throat with a prepared drink.

If you have constipation or diarrhea, locust bean syrup can help. To defeat gastrointestinal disorders, you need to take the syrup in this way:

  • adults 1 spoonful of a tablespoon of syrup 4-5 times a day half an hour before meals;
  • children 2–5 years old - 1 teaspoon once a day;
  • children 5 to 12 years old - 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day.
  • carob syrup is not recommended for children under 2 years of age.

If you are worried about insomnia, nervous disorders, headaches, then you should take this syrup 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day before meals. Reception should be carried out in courses - 3 months, then a break for 2 weeks and can be repeated.

To reduce weight, you should prepare a special drink: take water at room temperature, and dilute a tablespoon of syrup in it, add a slice of lemon and mix everything thoroughly until the syrup is completely dissolved. Such a drink should be prepared 2 times a day and drunk 5-15 minutes before meals (at lunch and dinner). After 2 weeks, add one more meal before breakfast.

The use of carob syrup in cosmetology

Carob syrup is added to skin care products for the face and body. The presence of oxidants rejuvenates the skin, keeps it fresh and youthful, reduces fine wrinkles, and makes your skin glow.

Today you learned about carob syrup and its beneficial properties and uses. I hope this information was useful to you, my dear readers. Be healthy.

Best regards, Nadezhda Karacheva

The healing power of carob syrup

The carob tree, also known as the Constantinople pod, sweet horn, ceratonia pods, is scientifically called Ceratonia siliqua. Carob syrup is mainly produced in Cyprus and exported to various countries around the world.

This plant of the legume family has a great height - it is capable of reaching 10-15 meters at the peak of its life. Has a fairly wide crown, feather-like dense leaves. The carob tree bears fruit in large pods that look like a horn.

The pods are 10-25 centimeters long, 2-4 centimeters wide, and 5-10 millimeters thick. Ripe fruits can contain 5-17 grains. In addition to seeds, carob beans contain juicy pulp, which contains up to 50% sugar - mainly glucose, fructose and sucrose.

What is made from carob

Carob beans are used to produce flour, widely used in cooking. In addition, gum is prepared from them, which is used for the needs of the cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical industries.

In particular, this gum is included in the composition of milk curds, as well as cosmetics - anti-wrinkle creams, serums, gels. Syrup is also made from carob.

Benefits of carob syrup

Carob syrup is an immunomodulating and fortifying product, known since ancient times for its nutritional value and beneficial properties.

This product contains: - all B vitamins; - trace elements and minerals; - tannins; - organic acids; - starch; - pectin; - protein;

Natural sugar.

In fact, carob syrup is a natural substitute for chocolate with its own specific odor and sweet taste. The syrup is obtained by evaporating finely chopped fruits with water.

Sugar is not added to it, therefore it is allowed to be consumed by diabetics, as well as used in dietary nutrition. Syrup contains three times more calcium than milk. This sweet substance has practically no contraindications.

The use of carob syrup in cooking

The application of this tool is quite diverse. First of all, carob syrup is used in cooking. In many countries, especially in the Mediterranean, it is practiced to add such a product to a variety of dishes.

It is poured over pancakes, pancakes, ice cream, and it is also used as a component for dough in baked goods. Also, the syrup can be simply added to water, coffee, tea and other drinks.

The healing properties of carob syrup

Also carob syrup is used in official and folk medicine. It can be used to remove toxins from organisms, for insomnia, nervous disorders, sleep disorders, colds, poisoning, diarrhea and for weight loss. The presence of calcium and zinc in it makes it indispensable for teeth and bones. The syrup also helps with coughs, sore throats, colds. Carob syrup is part of various medicines.

This remedy is very effective against shortness of breath, anemia, it also prevents palpitations, helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Due to the high content of trace elements and vitamins, carob syrup is especially useful for pregnant women and children.

Health Benefits of Carob Syrup

Carob syrup can be used as a dietary supplement for home treatment and wellness. For the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, to remove toxins and toxins from the body, you should take: - Adults 1 tbsp. syrup half an hour before meals 4-5 times a day; - children 2-5 years old - 1 tsp. in a day;

Children 5 to 12 years old - 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

Carob syrup is not recommended for children under 2 years of age.

For colds, acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, cough, you need to take 1 tbsp. carob syrup, diluted in one glass of hot water (60 °) 5-6 times a day.

For neurological headaches, insomnia, nervous disorders, this remedy should be taken orally 5-6 times a day, 1 tbsp. before meals. The course of taking the syrup is 3 months, it must be repeated after 2 weeks.

As mentioned above, such a syrup is obtained by boiling its pods without adding sugar. Therefore, people who suffer from diabetes can use this remedy, but in small quantities - from 1/2 to 1 tsp. 1-2 times a day.

For weight loss 1 tbsp. carob syrup must be diluted in one glass of water at room temperature and add the juice of a lemon wedge. The components are mixed and the finished drink is ready to drink. It should be drunk 5-15 minutes before meals (lunch and dinner). After 2 weeks, you can add another meal - before breakfast.

Carob syrup, benefits and how to use

Assalamu aleikum As I promised in my article about carob, today I will continue this topic and introduce you to carob syrup. Ibn Sina said in his Canon: "... this tree is useful for sore throats, coughs, chest pains, strengthens the liver, kidneys and bladder ...".

Ibn Baytar said: "It helps with anemia, soothes the stomach and intestines, strengthens the muscles."

Carob syrup

Syrup is made in Turkey, Syria, Spain, Cyprus and exported to different parts of the world. Made only from carob, no additives or preservatives, 100% natural, no added color, no added flavors, no added sugar, no harmful fats and cholesterol, no caffeine and theobromine. I recommend buying only trusted and reliable sellers, for example, one of the universities in Ankara, which specializes in the manufacture of organic products.

In the world, it is widely used in special diets, cosmetics, cooking, and is used in medicine. For centuries this molasses has been used in cooking, and is added to various sweet dishes, pastries, drinks, teas, and it is also often used as a sweet sauce for meat or dessert dishes. In Turkey, for example, syrup is served on the table along with tahini paste, even on the shelves in markets, tahini paste and carob molasses are sold together. In addition, it is found in medicinal syrups for the treatment of colds, coughs, and even bronchitis.

Carob syrup is primarily recommended for those who have any kind of lung disease, for smokers, and those suffering from asthma. In such cases, you can use both the carob powder and the syrup itself. It is a cholesterol free food product. Thus, it can be easily consumed by almost everyone. Can meet the vitamin needs of any age. That is why, all over the world, qualified doctors recommend carob syrup.

What are the benefits of carob syrup?

  • A high amount of various vitamins and minerals that help with dental diseases.
  • Contains a large amount of minerals, natural sugars, zinc, useful vitamins such as D, B, B2, B3, all this gives the human body a source of strength and energy.
  • Carob syrup can easily replace part of a full breakfast, just a slice of bread, spread with butter and pour over with molasses, and your body will get everything it needs.
  • Contains 3 times more calcium than milk.
  • It is rich in vitamin A and calcium, therefore it helps with anemia and osteoporosis.
  • It has an expectorant function.
  • Helps people with shortness of breath
  • Recommended for gastritis
  • Removes worms and tapeworms from the intestines
  • Strengthens the stomach
  • Thanks to the high content of vitamins and minerals, it strengthens teeth and gums.
  • The syrup purifies the blood.
  • 90 percent of the cases had a preventive effect against lung cancer.
  • Helps with palpitations.
  • The chocolate flavor makes syrup a favorite with children
  • Before the production of white sugar began, it was used as a sweetener in sweet dishes.

Carob syrup is very important for natural nutrition, it does not contain harmful fats and sugars. Great for those with weight problems. Doctors recommend using it as a natural sweetener for people suffering from diabetes. In addition, the use of syrup gives the feeling of satiety for a longer time. It is known to help men with potency and lung cancer.

Carob syrup contains vitamin E, is rich in calcium, so it is recommended to use it for osteoporosis. Helps eliminate gastric and intestinal gases. Also contains high amounts of potassium and sodium, which help with lung, liver and blood pressure diseases, and at the same time provide protection for the body.

It was found that carob molasses clears the radiation that a person receives during the day, it is especially recommended for those who work all day at the computer. In addition, on a regular basis, it is very important to introduce it into the diet. Carob syrup is delicious and has a scent that stays in your mouth for a long time. But the more natural it is, the more it can give a feeling of bitterness. Therefore, if you really want to be treated and add it to your diet, then I recommend that you definitely buy only cold pressed, always without additives, without sugar, etc.

How to use carob syrup

This tree is undoubtedly one of the wonders of Allah. The fruit has been used to make syrup for centuries, as a healthy and wholesome food, and is also used as a cure for all diseases. Before there was sugar, people used it for its tremendous benefits.

In addition, syrup is practically the only natural therapy for people who suffer from allergic suffocation. As you know, many people with allergies were helped by carob syrup. Even on the basis of my personal one-year-old experience, and the experience of my clients, I can say that cold-pressed molasses has cured the most severe degrees of allergic suffocation, from children to older people. Alhamduli Lah.

With continued use, the syrup will easily satisfy about 20 percent of the human body's daily vitamin requirements. In addition, pyridoxine and thiamine, vitamin B6 are available in sufficient quantities for humans. These substances play a huge role in the formation of new skin cells, as well as for the nervous system.

For the development of the brain in children, it is recommended to consume 1 teaspoon of syrup, on an empty stomach - in the morning, and before going to bed - in the evening. It is known that syrup helps to normalize blood pressure, which is very important in our time, lowers cholesterol, increases sperm count and sexual stamina, strengthens bones, and is very useful for women during pregnancy.

Carob syrup is used to treat various diseases, as a natural organic food supplement and simply, heals the body. If you suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, from diarrhea, or want to cleanse your body from toxins, then you will need to use the following rate:

  • 2 - 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon - for adults
  • 1 or 2 teaspoons daily - children 2 to 5 years old
  • 1 teaspoon 3 times a day - children from 5 to 12 years old

In case of colds and acute respiratory viral infections, it is necessary to consume 1 tablespoon of syrup, but it must be diluted with warm water (40 °) 3-4 times a day.

Read the second part of recipes for various diseases

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