Strawberry jam without boiling berries is the best recipe. Uncooked strawberry jam - that's where the summer flavor comes in! Uncooked strawberry jam recipes for a sweet life

Uncooked preserves are often called "raw". The main characteristic raw jam shows that there is no need to cook it. Long-term storage of berries without heat treatment is ensured by the content of a large amount of organic acids. Such jam will not only bring a delicious variety to your table, but also provide your body with vitamins, which is especially important in the winter period.

What are the best berries to choose?

The following berries are most suitable for "raw" jam:
- Strawberry
- raspberries;
- strawberries;
- sea buckthorn;
- Red currant;
- gooseberry;
- black currant;
- blueberries;
- honeysuckle;
- blueberries.

How to calculate the amount of sugar?
As a rule, there is a single and well-known rule: one and one and a half parts of sugar are taken for one part of the berries. However, it is always necessary to take into account a few more characteristics of berries: variety, ripeness, sweetness, natural properties. Also of great importance is the sweetness and quality of the sugar itself.
The most sugar-intensive berries for "raw" jam are strawberries and raspberries. These berries have a lot of water, but little sugar, and they also have poor gelling properties. Therefore, it is recommended to take sugar for strawberries and raspberries in the ratio of one part of berries to two parts of sugar.

How to prevent the jam from fermenting?

In order to raw jam after all, it has not fermented (as is often the case), it is necessary to adhere to only three rules.
Rule 1. For jam, you must take washed, dried, fresh and ripe berries.
Rule 2. Jars that will subsequently be used for "raw" jam must be sterile. Covers, by the way, too.
Rule 3. "Raw" jam must be kept in the cold. An ideal place for such purposes is a refrigerator or a cool cellar.

How to grind berries correctly?
If you are using soft berries (such as strawberries or raspberries) for cooking, it is best to use a pestle or crush it with a puree pusher.
If the berry is dense (for example, black currant, sea buckthorn, gooseberry, red currant), then it is better to take a blender. Also, you cannot do without kitchen equipment if there are a lot of berries. By the way, the blender can be replaced with a meat grinder or a powerful mixer.

Where to store ready-made jam?
should definitely be kept cold. In warm weather, it is best to choose a refrigerator for these purposes, if it is cold in the cellar, then the jam can be placed there too. In winter, the jam without cooking can be taken out to the balcony / loggia. You should not be afraid of frost in winter, because sugar will keep the jam from freezing.

Which recipe to choose?
The recipe for raw gooseberry jam.
For gooseberry jam without boiling, it is best to take slightly unripe berries (but the seeds in them should already be soft), which must be washed, dried and chopped using a meat grinder / blender / mixer. For 1 kg of gooseberry berries, you need to take 1.5 kg of regular granulated sugar. These two ingredients are mixed, then the "raw" jam is placed in sterile jars, closed with a lid and placed in.

Recipe for raw black / red currant jam.
Currant berries are freed from twigs, and just like any berries for jam without boiling, they are well washed and dried. Only then can the currants be chopped. The proportion of sugar to berries is one to one and a half to two, respectively.

Recipe raw jam from raspberries / blackberries.
The peculiarity of blackberry or raspberry jam without cooking is that you do not need to wash these berries. Before chopping, raspberries / blackberries should only be freed from the stalks. Mix berry puree with sugar in a ratio of one and a half to two parts to one, respectively.

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There are different options for making strawberry jam with whole berries, earlier we talked about how to cook strawberry jam with whole berries using heat treatment. This time we'll talk about the unusual in making strawberry jam without boiling berries with gelatin. It turns out to be excellent in consistency. After cooling, the syrup in it becomes like a delicate jelly. Fruits in jam, thanks to a gentle heat treatment, perfectly retain their shape and density, but become a little paler. The strawberry gives its color and aroma to the syrup, perfectly preserving the taste.

Taste Info Preserves and jam


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 800 g;
  • instant dry gelatin - 2 tbsp. l.

At the exit from the specified amount of products, 700-800 ml of jam should be obtained.

How to make strawberry jam without boiling berries with gelatin

When choosing strawberries for harvesting, it is better to give preference to medium-sized fruits with a good aroma. Berries for jam with gelatin must be strong, healthy and dry. They should be transferred to a colander and rinsed under a sifted stream of cool water. After that, the colander must be placed on a tray so that the glass is water.

Then the tails should be torn off the berries. This must be done carefully so as not to crush the fruit.

Strawberries prepared in this way must be poured into a spacious enamel pan or basin. It is better to cook no more than 1 kg of berries at a time so that they do not crumple.

The syrup should be boiled separately in a non-oxidizing container. To do this, pour 100 ml of warm, boiled water into granulated sugar. The container must be put on medium heat. The contents should be stirred frequently until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. Then the syrup should be allowed to boil for 3-5 minutes. The resulting foam should be removed with each boil, otherwise the jam may turn sour. When the syrup becomes clear, pour it over the strawberries.

Strawberries are not boiled, they are just in hot syrup.
At first there will be little liquid, but gradually the berries will heat up and begin to give off juice. After 1-2 hours, they are completely immersed in the syrup.

When the syrup has completely cooled down, you need to catch strawberries from it with a shimovka and transfer to a separate container.

The remaining syrup must be brought to a boil again and cooked for 5 minutes.

Then the berries should be immersed again in hot syrup with the burner off.

This procedure must be repeated 2 more times at intervals of 2 hours. Gradually, the strawberries will give off juice, saturated with sugar syrup. Before the last boil, the fruits should be taken out of the syrup and spread immediately into sterile dry jars. It is better to take small containers with a volume of 250 ml. Berries should fill the jars 2/3.

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Separately in a small bowl, soak the instant gelatin in 50 ml of hot water. It should be heated until completely dissolved. Pour gelatin into syrup and put everything together on fire.

This time, you do not need to boil the syrup, otherwise the gelatin will lose its properties. It must be heated until the first bubbles appear and removed from the stove. Pour hot syrup into jars of strawberries.

The jam should be rolled up immediately and allowed to cool without wrapping it in a blanket. If you store such a blank in the refrigerator, then the syrup will thicken and become jelly-like. At room temperature, strawberry jam without boiling berries with gelatin is no different from usual and can be stored for 1 year.

You can also make a lighter version of jam without boiling, mix 1 kg of strawberries with 1.5 kg of sugar, chop or grind, leave in a bowl until the sugar dissolves and transfer to dry sterilized jars, add a few tablespoons of sugar on top to form a crust. You can close it with a regular lid. Of course, there is a lot of sugar in such a jam, but without a large amount of sugar, live jam will turn sour without any heat treatment. You can store the first three months in the pantry, and then, if you do not eat, move the jam without cooking to the lower shelf in the refrigerator. This advice applies not only to strawberry jam, but also to any other for which cooking or sterilization is not applied.

What could be more flavorful in winter than delicious strawberry jam? Probably only strawberry jam without boiling berries according to the best recipe! Thick, aromatic, with whole berries and an unsurpassed taste, this jam will become one of your favorites. Do you think it's difficult? Not at all, try it and see for yourself.

Uncooked strawberry jam - the best traditional recipe

The meaning of jam without boiling berries is to leave the maximum amount of vitamins. Jam in jars looks not only more flavorful, but also appetizing compared to conventional recipes.

So, what we need for this:

  • The first and of course the most important is the strawberry. For our recipe, medium-sized ripe berries are best. Small ones can blur, and large ones will not completely give up their juice. Strawberries need to take 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg. These are indicative values \u200b\u200bfor medium sweet jam. If you like sweeter, then you can add a little to your liking, or vice versa, reduce the amount of sugar.
  • Water - 0.5 cups. No more need to add as the strawberries will give you their juice. And by overdoing it with water, you can get compote.

Before starting cooking, strawberries must be freed from their tails and rinsed thoroughly. It is better to wash in a colander, so that then you can immediately put the berries to drain, we do not need extra water. After all the water is gone, pour the strawberries into a bowl and make the syrup.

To prepare the syrup, take a bowl or saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom) and pour sugar and water into it. Cook everything until thick, about 6-7 minutes. Then fill the strawberries with ready-made syrup and leave to cool completely.

Filter the cooled berries through a sieve or colander. Pour the berries into a bowl again, and pour the thinned syrup into a bowl and boil again for 6-7 minutes.

This is a selection of the best recipes for raw jams without cooking for the winter. The simplest recipes and step-by-step preparation of cold jam at home are collected here. Berries preserved in this way are an ideal harvest. Tasty and healthy, it will help preserve all vitamins for the winter. Not sure how to make bilberries, lingonberries, cherries and other berries and fruits in this way? Our recipes for jams without cooking step by step, but briefly and clearly tell you how to spin them in order to preserve the beneficial properties as much as possible. Observe the technology set out in them and you will be provided for the whole winter not only with jam, but with compotes quickly made from it, fillings for pies, desserts and other goodies!

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

Sea buckthorn mashed with hawthorn is prepared without boiling. The homemade harvest preserves the vitamins present in the two fresh berries unchanged. After all, it is known that in addition to vitamins, sea buckthorn is famous for treating inflammation of the oral cavity, burns, wounds, herpes, while hawthorn tones up the heart muscle and relieves its fatigue.

For every housewife, the word "jam" is associated with a long and tedious process. After all, some recipes involve up to twelve hours of cooking. Moreover, multiple, in several stages. After this long process, the product needs to be rolled up, which will also take a certain amount of time. How about making raspberry jam without cooking? Yes, it's real and insanely delicious. In our today's article, we will analyze in detail the process of its preparation, as well as talk about the beneficial properties of the wonderful berry.

Raspberries are sweet medicine

This wonderful berry contains a large set of useful trace elements and vitamins that help keep our body in good shape. Raspberry is one of the leading berries in terms of vitamin C composition. Despite the fact that it is a quarter of water, its beneficial properties are amazing. The salicylic acid found in raspberries helps the body fight off colds by acting as an antipyretic agent with antibacterial effects.

Also, raspberries have the ability to remove toxins from the body, preventing dehydration. But what if you want to stock up on this wonderful berry for the winter, and even so that it does not lose its useful properties? It's easy to do. You need to make raspberry jam without cooking. Minimum cost - maximum benefit. Why not just cook the raspberries in the usual way and roll them up in jars? As you know, during heat treatment, the valuable properties of berries disappear, and thanks to this recipe, you get a healthy raspberry jam for the winter.


Like most berries, raspberries contain substances that can cause an allergic reaction. It is also worth monitoring the amount of berries eaten for people with diabetes, stomach ulcers and kidney failure. Pregnant women should not lean on it, as it can provoke food allergies in the unborn child. And of course, it is worth remembering: if the raspberries you have harvested for the winter will be used as a preventive medicine for respiratory infections, then do not forget to control the amount of jam consumed. Someone likes to eat it with spoons from a jar, others prefer to spread it on sandwiches, and some just dilute with water. Everyone will receive the right portion of vitamins and nutrients. But if you like to dilute raspberry jam with water, then it is worth remembering that it should not be boiling water, otherwise all useful properties will be lost.

Choosing berries for jam

A lot depends on the choice of berries for jam, so you should take a responsible approach to this issue. Raspberries are very delicate and do not tolerate washing. It is ideal to use berries from your own garden, which do not need to be washed. But unfortunately, not everyone can boast of their vegetable garden, so you have to buy berries at the market or in the supermarket. So, back to the question of how to choose the right berries in order to make raspberry jam without cooking.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the berries - heavily crushed and crushed will not work. Also, they should not be overripe, as they can deteriorate during the cooking process. But slightly greenish will be just the way. Be sure to try raspberries before buying, as unfavorable conditions for berry growth can affect their taste. You don't want raspberry jam for the winter to turn out to be tasteless, do you? Raspberries, of course, are the main ingredient in the jam, so it should not be allowed to be sour or, on the contrary, tasteless. Now you know how to choose the right berry, so you can move on to the recipe itself, from which you will learn how to make raspberry jam without cooking.


The classic recipe requires sugar and raspberries. But modern chefs love to experiment, adding completely unexpected products. The proportions of raspberry jam without boiling may vary. It all depends on how long you are going to store it. If the jam is not prepared for the future, then it is necessary to take raspberries and sugar in equal quantities. It will be stored for no more than two months. And if you want the harvested raspberries to be stored longer for the winter, then you need to take one part of raspberries and two parts of sugar. This jam will easily last until winter and until the next season.


Raspberries must be sorted out, separated from the green twigs, if any. After that, rinse under a low pressure of water so as not to damage the berry. If a berry from the garden, collected by you personally, then you can not wash it. Next, you need to dry it by spreading it out on a table or board.

In order for the jam from fresh raspberries without cooking to get the desired consistency, you must use the right dishes. Enamel pots and pans are not suitable for this as there is a risk of oxidation. Stainless steel pots are great for this, but plastic and silicone are not the best options. Finally we come to the answer to the intriguing question: "How to make raspberry jam without boiling?"

Combining ingredients

Chop raspberries. This can be done in two ways: grind the berries in a meat grinder or manually grind them. Many at this stage may ask the question: "Why can't you use a blender?" It will turn the berries into a smooth porridge, and this is not at all the recipe. We place the resulting mass in a prepared pan, pour sugar on top. Then mix thoroughly until smooth. It is better to use a wooden or silicone spoon for this, this will reduce the risk of oxidation, which was mentioned above.

We leave for a while

Cover the resulting mass with a lid and leave in a dark place for three to four days. In order for raspberry jam without boiling to be candied, it must be mixed regularly. This should be done three times a day, always with a clean spoon. This procedure is done to ensure that the sugar is completely dissolved and does not grind on the teeth. The proposed option will take a lot of time, but the result will be the perfect jam.

If you do not have time to wait that long, do not worry, there is another option. Place the saucepan with the jam in a warm place for six hours, stir and taste after this time. The sugar should be completely dissolved. But in the latter option, you should be careful about the temperature, because the raspberry mass can ferment. Each of the suggested options is aimed at dissolving sugar in raspberries. If you know other ways, you can experiment.

How to store jam?

Well, it seems that the most difficult thing is behind when the question arises: "What to do next with the jam?" There is only one correct answer to this question: "Store in glass jars." The modern world provides a wide selection of these containers: from miniature 100-gram jars to ten-liter bottles. Where to stop your choice, it's up to you to decide, start from your needs. If you have a large family, then it will not be very advisable to roll the jam into 0.25 ml jars. But a liter or half-liter container will be just right. Metal cans and plastic bowls are not suitable for storage; they can spoil the taste of our delicacy.

We have chosen the necessary banks, and how are we going to close them? Regular seaming lids are not suitable for us, because we did not boil our jam. We need twist caps. Nylon are unsuitable, as the tightness will be broken. If these are covers with a vacuum pumping air, then they are suitable. This is a relatively new invention. But still, it is better to use proven screw caps.

Preparing cans

After the jars have been selected, we proceed to sterilize them. This is a necessary process for the destruction of microbes on the walls of the jar, which can then multiply in the jam. In addition to cans, lids must also be sterilized. We will now consider how to do this. The easiest way is to pour boiling water over the cans and lids, after which you can start rolling. You can treat them with steam. For this procedure, special sterilizers with an opening for cans are even sold. We collect water in a saucepan, put on fire, bring to a boil, then put the lids in boiling water, install a sterilizer and put a jar on it. We leave in this position for a few minutes, then carefully remove and begin to roll. Multicooker owners can sterilize jars and lids in their miracle device. By the way, some models have a special mode for this.

Seaming process

Sterilization of the can and lid must be done before the immediate seaming, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. Put our jam in a processed jar and tighten it with a sterile lid. It is worth remembering about safety measures, because the jars and lids are hot after processing.

After spinning, the jam is ready. Of course, you can roll up the cans in the usual way using a special key. But this method is quite long and problematic, the covers often explode or come across defective ones. And besides, these are disposable lids, but screw caps can be used repeatedly. Well, our raspberry jam is ready without cooking, the reviews about which from those who have tried it are extremely positive.

The shelf life of such jam

Jars of cooked jam should be kept in the refrigerator. This is what distinguishes boiled jam from what we cooked. It can be stored for about six months, subject to all of the above conditions. Remember when we first talked about the proportions of sugar and berries? So, if you used a one-to-one ratio, then the jam will be stored for no more than three months, even if these conditions are met.

You can stick a sticker with the seaming date and the name of the content on the jars of jam. The lid of the jar can be decorated with twine and a colored piece of fabric. The jam decorated in this way will delight the eye and will be an excellent gift for loved ones.

A few secrets

And now we will reveal a few secrets. The first is cooked raspberry jam without boiling with vodka. After the sugar has completely dissolved, you need to add vodka at the rate of three tablespoons per kilogram of berries. Alcohol will act as a preservative and will extend the shelf life of our jam by a couple of months, and even slightly change the taste. Do not be afraid, no one will get drunk from such a jam. Another secret is to sprinkle the jam with sugar before tightening the lid. The sugar will gradually dissolve, creating a sweet film that keeps bacteria and microorganisms out.

Now you know how to make delicious raspberry jam in a completely new way, which preserves all the beneficial properties of this berry. You can eat it with spoons with a fresh bun, you can add water and get a raspberry drink, or you can add it to baked goods. Fresh raspberry jam without cooking is a unique delicacy that will save you from diseases and give you a lot of pleasure.